OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

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OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by DailyPlanet »

OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

My own view is in alignment with one of the posters:
"If you cannot summarize the information in a few sentences then either: you do not understand it, or it is just meaningless"


Why is it that the dimwits who fall for these scams think they can win an argument by BURYING others in links to "documentation", rather than understanding the Question they are asked, or even Summarizing their own evidence?

I am sick of the Bury-people-in-Docs response, and want to expose it for the Sham that it is. The defenders of these bizarre schemes do not agree on the need for clarity (probably because they are incapable of clear thinking.)

The Following exchange, is from comments relating to OPPT, which were posted under a Video:
Swiss-Indo : Where is Mr Sino's Money?
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emHsHtqjTek

lol...you know nothing of the plot that is really at play here....you are following the data that has been reported, Swiss-Indo is the New World Order attempting to keep the money that has been foreclosed upon by OPPT...you need to do your own research and realize the slave system has had the stolen value redistributed to every real-man with arms and legs on earth at solid rate of 4.9 billion and damages of 5 billion per person :
http://www.mediafire.com/download/yj37v ... 76_UCC.rar
this is a link to download the proof...so know before you talk out your other end and learn what you do not know....feel free to try to crack this as it has been accomplished...the people of the planet have no idea about the value already on there accounts...so I challenge you to distribute these tools to the world. Time to act grows near to a close if the funds are distributed from the private to the governments it will be transferred to the UN "New World Order" and then 13 out of every 14 people will be killed...Georgia guide stones, agenda 21 US map...for a start...look beyond your own comprehension for the hidden knowledge to know the TRUTH!

"Foreclosed by the OPPT"? What a silly thing to say. I suggest you look up foreclosure to see what it means. If it were happening then the banks would be losing control of their assets - Not reporting near record profits, with their share prices near all time highs. This OPPT fantasy seems to have been concocted for the dim-witted to harvest and waste their energy, which might otherwise threaten the existing system of control.

The link to the information is in the comment, download it and read the information before you speak out your other end please, you look like a propaganda spreader when you speak uninformed, the banks own enforcement, they will not turn on themselves, the people must take action to activate the bonds that are rewarded in the settlement, the tools are there use them, learn the truth of what has transpired. The information exist...there is no way you could have read and comprehended this information it the short amount of time it took for you to comment. FYI the banks have indeed been foreclosed upon, it is in fact the correct word for the occasion, you make yourself sound very foolish and uneducated, the militia and others will be called upon very soon to enforce the happenings before it is too late, the guillotines will be worn out by folks like yourself if we the aware, informed & educated people fail in the true work of God! Also GF while I was falsely imprisoned I noticed the pedophiles would flock in a congregation to watch Star Trek on a daily basis, just an observation & I haven't been able to personally stomach viewing it since. 

You may be a perfect Dupe, it seems to me. I am not going to open that file, since it may have malware in it. If you cannot summarize the information in a few sentences then either: you do not understand it, or it is meaningless. If you are dumb enough to think banks have been foreclosed upon, when ALL THE EVIDENCE points to the contrary, I think you will fall for anything. If you want people to buy into this material, then why not summarise it in a few clear sentences??
You can do it here : http://tinyurl.com/UCCrebuttal
: since that page has many links from Google, and you can post there without signing in.

This file has no Malicious content, however it contains 79 files which are mostly legalize and can not really be summed up in a short manner however I will try:

The NWO has many devices of deceit and many evil plans to further there agenda. to sum this up The world slave system has been brought down to it's knees, the people of this world have been given there value and natural law birthright back to them, only no one is aware of this change, as the power holders own everything and everyone is on the payroll. The NWO owners are using Swiss indo to release private wealth accumulation to the several governments under the guise of release to the people of the world, as this plan of theirs will flat-line debt, pay bills and release a small one time voucher of 3 to 5 thousand per person in the household, meanwhile the bulk of the wealth will be transferred to the UN sealing our fate to the ushering in of the New World Order, and all that will follow with that plan. As it stands right now the people have an account set under there social insurance identification number which has 9 billion 900 million units of value from 2 bonds one is a redistribution of the wealth captured from N.M. Rothschild, London and the other is a bond from damages. These funds are there however there is a media blackout surrounding the issues and the evil doers of the slave system happen to own everything and refuse to acknowledge the transaction. So the people, to receive this fund will have to be educated of these facts and will have to unite together, as this happens those who are in the enforcement wings will step forward to bring about the change from the private money for public use to the new paradigm of public money for private use banking system. The planners of the NWO are hard at work to see this never happens.

The link is the information which proves what has happened and well worth the time it takes to study for comprehension of what has taken place. There will be a video posted soon that will explain this on a comprehension level of 5th grade education. It is the in making as we speak and will contain the solution much needed and anticipated for way too long, Use the link to see for your self so you can teach others as you are fully capable of comprehension and must be on the side of good, the very first document is a PDF with the amount of redistribution on the very first page of the document. You will see Swiss indo is a desperate measure the Planners are taking to sway the people to participate in compliance with a move from the wealth to private to public government then to the UN ushering in the NWO. The UN agenda is to Rule the world with the only military force on earth and the plan is to control all the resources on Earth, there goal is to reduce the world population to 500 million persons. I will try my best to answer questions on these issues, however the video is in production and will be posted soon, the link contains the evidence for the knowledge needed and contains nothing malicious, it is a .rar file and the software to unzip it is on the same page to the right called win zip the information is for windows and mac, the information consist of 79 files several pages each, it is well worth the time it takes to study as the people of the world are in real dire need. This is very complicated to sum up in such a short manner as this and many issues are not mentioned here.
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Re: OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by Deep Knight »

Heather is busy, let Ol' Deep take a shot at it.

1. Rich people are wealthy because they have access to a goose that lays golden eggs.
2. Heather and OPPT/IUV have bred a variety of magic beanstalk so large you can climb up them and get access to that goose.
3. Give me that cow you're talking to market and I'll give you some of those magic beans.

Of course, if it was 4 clear sentences, I would add "and watch out for a giant, especially if you smell like the blood of an Englishman," but you gotta work within the limits of the common law.
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Re: OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by JennyD »

It's once again it's the Cult of the OPPT rearing it's nonsensical head.

I would love to challenge Heather to answer the following question:

If she foreclosed upon the all of everything, why does she still need to file her paperwork? Why isn't she just Being herself and DOing all of the people she needs to get things from?

(there's a double entendre in there yes there is)
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Re: OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by DailyPlanet »

THIS part (of the OPPT insiders' beliefs is Problematic):

"Swiss-Indo is the New World Order attempting to keep the money that has been foreclosed upon by OPPT...you need to do your own research and realize the slave system has had the stolen value redistributed to every real-man with arms and legs on earth at solid rate of 4.9 billion and damages of 5 billion per person."

What a sense of ENTITLEMENT this conveys !

Many of these idiots think they really have had something huge "stolen" from them. Like silver spoon kids they are awaiting their inheritance. Meantime, they are living off hand-outs: donations, food stamps, welfare, disability payments and so forth.

If the institutions were really foreclosed upon, those sources of cash flow would dry up, and they would be truly impoverished.

I cannot say I want to see this happen. But if the US economy does implode, these folks would soon discover what a really "slave system" looks like.
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Re: OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by JamesVincent »

JennyD wrote: ......Why isn't she just Being herself and DOing all of the people she needs to get things from?

(there's a double entendre in there yes there is)
Isn't that exactly what she's doing?
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Re: OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by JennyD »

JamesVincent wrote:
JennyD wrote: ......Why isn't she just Being herself and DOing all of the people she needs to get things from?

(there's a double entendre in there yes there is)
Isn't that exactly what she's doing?

Not exactly. She puts the DO-ing on Lisa and D and HopeGirl, although if I were a guy I wouldn't DO either or any of them even if the Human Species depended upon it.

This is the danger of a woman (or man) giving themselves God status in a community of impressionable people. Heather has some younger men and women that adore her and follow her every whim, and I fully expect in about 9 or so months you'll see a birth explosion in Morocco in their little commune.

Now, the saddest part of all of this, WHEN (not if) the Moroccan Government finally catches on to the QEG nonsense, and some villager complains, and they arrest Heather for it all, not only will all of those children that will eventually be born be parentless, but Heather will most likely be executed by Morocco for scamming them all, that is a harsh reality that is coming down the pike for these people, execution in a country like that is commonplace, where they probably think that it doesn't happen there, and only in the EVIL USofA...

I really hate the thought of someone as mentally ill as Heather being put to death, but.... as happens so often in cases like this, she's burned too many bridges of people that could actually help (the US Government who are also after her for her BS here) that she will have to face the music when this whole QEG thing blows up in her face. (If you don't think Heather has her grubby little paws all over HopeGirl think again)
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Re: OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

JennyD wrote:Now, the saddest part of all of this, WHEN (not if) the Moroccan Government finally catches on to the QEG nonsense, and some villager complains, and they arrest Heather for it all, not only will all of those children that will eventually be born be parentless, but Heather will most likely be executed by Morocco for scamming them all, that is a harsh reality that is coming down the pike for these people, execution in a country like that is commonplace, where they probably think that it doesn't happen there, and only in the EVIL USofA...
I had to check but I think you are thinking of somewhere other than Morocco. Morocco hasn't executed anyone for years, the King tends to commute everyone's sentences. I do agree, as I stated previously, that as soon as one of these idiot foreigners does something out of line, complains about the price of the marijuana, insults Islam, baulks at paying a bill or just runs out of money, then the locals will complain, the local LE will be round and be cracking heads with batons first and asking questions later. The whole gang will be run out of town or in jail, and forced to sell up anything and everything to pay their fines.
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Re: OPPT: 79 "Legalese" Docs trump 3 clear sentences

Post by JennyD »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
JennyD wrote:Now, the saddest part of all of this, WHEN (not if) the Moroccan Government finally catches on to the QEG nonsense, and some villager complains, and they arrest Heather for it all, not only will all of those children that will eventually be born be parentless, but Heather will most likely be executed by Morocco for scamming them all, that is a harsh reality that is coming down the pike for these people, execution in a country like that is commonplace, where they probably think that it doesn't happen there, and only in the EVIL USofA...
I had to check but I think you are thinking of somewhere other than Morocco. Morocco hasn't executed anyone for years, the King tends to commute everyone's sentences. I do agree, as I stated previously, that as soon as one of these idiot foreigners does something out of line, complains about the price of the marijuana, insults Islam, baulks at paying a bill or just runs out of money, then the locals will complain, the local LE will be round and be cracking heads with batons first and asking questions later. The whole gang will be run out of town or in jail, and forced to sell up anything and everything to pay their fines.

I wasn't referring to the "official government legal system" But the same thing you are referring to, local LE cracking heads and "executing" Heather, which would probably happen, and then be brushed under...

I can't see Heather surviving this ordeal when the QEG fails...

If nothing else, it would make a great news story when the villagers form a lynch mob..