Daily Planet's personal thread

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by The Observer »

The obvious argument to all of this is the fact that if there was a way that machines that could produce free energy, then they would already be in place in every manufacturing facility in the world. They are not, thus there is no such thing as a "free energy" machine.

But if someone wants to insist that they have such a device, the ultimate challenge is to install these machines in an airplane with just enough fuel to get them to cruising altitude and then require the inventor to stay in the plane while it cruises for 24 hours.
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by morrand »

DailyPlanet wrote: These reasons are why the new trend towards Open Sourcing technologies may prove so important. Because it may allow a working technology to get out into the public before the machine is disrupted.
I quite agree. In fact, may I recommend, to any free energy advocates out there, working with this open-sourced publication in particular? I admit, it's still fairly new (only about a century old), but I think it shows a lot of promise.

Look, I like being open-minded too, but, to quote Judge Harold T. Stone, "not so open-minded that my brain falls out." You've got to realize that a machine giving free energy defies the laws of nature as we know them, laws which have proven quite reliable for many, many years. The laws of thermodynamics are not just a widely-held opinion about the nature of things, which is equal to any other opinion. They form the basis of a very large amount of modern engineering practice. Their invalidity is not compatible with the continued operation (as designed) of electric power, gasoline engines, refrigerators, furnaces, and probably several hundred other things you find in daily life, and the efforts of the dark cabal (or whatever) have no bearing on that.

That's not the same thing at all as saying such a machine can't exist; it's saying that, if it does exist, it's got a lot of explaining to do for how it can exist in a world that works in the way that we know it does. So if you are going to promote it, then you have got to come that distance to meet the doubters; they do not have to build that bridge themselves, and ignore what they know of the world in order to come to you. It is certainly not their job to disprove every claim that comes up: if your whole premise is that the known laws of the universe are invalid, as it must be for free energy to exist, then from what basis are they meant to argue?
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by DailyPlanet »

The Observer wrote:The obvious argument to all of this is the fact that if there was a way that machines that could produce free energy, then they would already be in place in every manufacturing facility in the world. They are not, thus there is no such thing as a "free energy" machine.

But if someone wants to insist that they have such a device, the ultimate challenge is to install these machines in an airplane with just enough fuel to get them to cruising altitude and then require the inventor to stay in the plane while it cruises for 24 hours.
Why would you think that?
You idea is not evidence for anything.
Are you naive and unaware of the REAL power structure on this planet?
(Do you still think President Obama is something more than a puppet, whose strings are pulled by powerful people who donated to his campaign, and now "own" him?)

The real powers on the planet profit mightily from the energy and energy distribution businesses they control. It is going to take a very powerful countervailing power to get them to give up the profits they make from the fossil fuel business.
Last edited by DailyPlanet on Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by DailyPlanet »

morrand wrote:...
Look, I like being open-minded too, but, to quote Judge Harold T. Stone, "not so open-minded that my brain falls out." You've got to realize that a machine giving free energy defies the laws of nature as we know them, laws which have proven quite reliable for many, many years...
FREE YOUR MIND, and Save Your Brain

Before your "brain falls out" (as you have cheerfully described it), I have some reading/viewing suggestions for you.

First of all, switch off your TV set, cancel your mainstream media subscriptions, stay away from SpyBook, and stop listening to anything politicians say. After a few weeks or months, you brain may begin to recover from the decades of brainwashing it has endured.

Meantime, read every day: http://VeteransToday.com
- which has now become the number one news source in the world.

Watch Abby Martin on YouTube.
And look for recent interviews with Paul Craig Roberts,
and then maybe turn down your volume control, and listen
to Dr Jim Willie, who has some interesting things to say, though they may not all be accurate.

Then, after a few weeks, you may be ready for this interview/discussion:

UFO's for 21st Century Minds with Richard Dolan and Catherine Austin Fitts

If you can take the chaos, you might also try this interview by Mike Harris of
Gordon Duff, senior editor of VT:

The Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2014 06 30
(this isn't the best one on free energy- so I may replace it later - but there is some talk about ET contacts.)

At some point, you will realize that the 20th century physics you were taught, has been superceded.
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by wserra »

DailyPlanet wrote:At some point, you will realize that the 20th century physics you were taught, has been superceded.
And, when you reach that point, it's time to go back on the meds. Because you will be denying the proven work of the giants in the field in favor of the fever dreams of the ants.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by The Observer »

DailyPlanet wrote:Why would you think that?
You idea is not evidence for anything.
Are you naive and unaware of the REAL power structure on this planet?
And this is the fallback position, used by every person who believes in the impossible, when you are confronted by reality: immediately bring up the conspiracy angle on why free-energy devices are not being produced and used. In that way, you are no different than Ron Van Dyke or any other proponent chasing the impossible dream.
Sancho: Master! Didn't I tell you? Didn't I say, "Your Grace, it's a windmill"?

Don Quixote: The work of mine enemy!

Sancho: The Enchanter?

Don Quixote: He transformed the giant into a windmill...to prevent me the honor of victory.
So at this point, you want to maintain the position that the secret cabal is preventing free-energy devices from flourishing, yet can't prevent them from being invented, created or talked about by a single person. This same cabal can't even stop you from discussing them on this site. So please excuse me if I have doubts about the power of this cabal, let alone about it being in existence.

And I suppose you will maintain that the inventor or proponent of these machines will be prevented from this cabal from hooking them up to an aircraft and submitting them to a test to show that they can produce free-energy. Or are you subconciously realizing that none of these inventors will put their lives on the line regarding their free-energy devices? And that is why you knee-jerked into the "vast conspiracy" reaction?
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by davids »

DailyPlanet wrote:
FREE YOUR MIND, and Save Your Brain

Before your "brain falls out" (as you have cheerfully described it), I have some reading/viewing suggestions for you.

First of all, switch off your TV set, cancel your mainstream media subscriptions, stay away from SpyBook, and stop listening to anything politicians say. After a few weeks or months, you brain may begin to recover from the decades of brainwashing it has endured.

Meantime, read every day: http://VeteransToday.com
- which has now become the number one news source in the world.

Watch Abby Martin on YouTube.
And look for recent interviews with Paul Craig Roberts,
and then maybe turn down your volume control, and listen
to Dr Jim Willie, who has some interesting things to say, though they may not all be accurate.

Then, after a few weeks, you may be ready for this interview/discussion:

UFO's for 21st Century Minds with Richard Dolan and Catherine Austin Fitts

If you can take the chaos, you might also try this interview by Mike Harris of
Gordon Duff, senior editor of VT:

The Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2014 06 30
(this isn't the best one on free energy- so I may replace it later - but there is some talk about ET contacts.)

At some point, you will realize that the 20th century physics you were taught, has been superceded.
1. Don't watch much tv (except Breaking Bad)
2. Veterans Today is fanatical crazy conspiracy crap that if you follow for more than 5 minutes will reveal itself to be false;
3. Abby Martin works for RT, funded in part by the Russian govt. Some of what RT reports is interesting stuff, but generally, they'll report anything which is critical of the US, regardless of its credibility.
4. Jim Willie - who you agree says a lot of inaccurate things.
5. A youtube video on free energy and little green men.

No thanks, I don't need that "education" unless I'm going to hang out at Starbucks talking to self-proclaimed geniuses who live in their parents' basements.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by DailyPlanet »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:
DailyPlanet wrote:
FREE YOUR MIND, and Save Your Brain

Before your "brain falls out" (as you have cheerfully described it), I have some reading/viewing suggestions for you.

First of all, switch off your TV set, cancel your mainstream media subscriptions, stay away from SpyBook, and stop listening to anything politicians say. After a few weeks or months, you brain may begin to recover from the decades of brainwashing it has endured.

Meantime, read every day: http://VeteransToday.com
- which has now become the number one news source in the world.

Watch Abby Martin on YouTube.
And look for recent interviews with Paul Craig Roberts,
and then maybe turn down your volume control, and listen
to Dr Jim Willie, who has some interesting things to say, though they may not all be accurate.

Then, after a few weeks, you may be ready for this interview/discussion:

UFO's for 21st Century Minds with Richard Dolan and Catherine Austin Fitts

If you can take the chaos, you might also try this interview by Mike Harris of
Gordon Duff, senior editor of VT:

The Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2014 06 30
(this isn't the best one on free energy- so I may replace it later - but there is some talk about ET contacts.)

At some point, you will realize that the 20th century physics you were taught, has been superceded.
1. Don't watch much tv (except Breaking Bad)
2. Veterans Today is fanatical crazy conspiracy crap that if you follow for more than 5 minutes will reveal itself to be false;
3. Abby Martin works for RT, funded in part by the Russian govt. Some of what RT reports is interesting stuff, but generally, they'll report anything which is critical of the US, regardless of its credibility.
4. Jim Willie - who you agree says a lot of inaccurate things.
5. A youtube video on free energy and little green men.

No thanks, I don't need that "education" unless I'm going to hang out at Starbucks talking to self-proclaimed geniuses who live in their parents' basements.
Thanks for revealing yourself.
With THOSE opinions perhaps your brain has already fallen out of your head,
or you have become some mind-controlled by US zio-controlled media that
you have lost your ability to think:

+ Do you think Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper are informing you, rather than trying to spoon-feed you spin?

+ Do you think the Wall Street journal and the NY Times are still reporting news, rather than trying to start Wars?

I'll take Abby Martin, Jeff Rense, and VT over that collection of Mainstream shills any day

In Hong Kong where I live now, and the UK where I used to live, I get a more rounded view of the world news than any American gets by sucking up the corporate-controlled spin.

You probably still believe the official stories on the JFK assassination, and 9/11 - which would classify you as being beyond hope, living like a zombie. Who needs a brain, if they don't use it - so yours may have fallen out (haha) and you never noticed.
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by DailyPlanet »

wserra wrote:
DailyPlanet wrote:At some point, you will realize that the 20th century physics you were taught, has been superceded.
And, when you reach that point, it's time to go back on the meds. Because you will be denying the proven work of the giants in the field in favor of the fever dreams of the ants.
Good. Great. A wonderful comment.

I know where to go from there.
Let's start talking about 21st Century physics

Here's a little quick start for you:

The "Carl Sagan" of our time, talking about changing Physics
Michio Kaku "How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st century and Beyond"

And here's a guy who worked inside Navy Intelligence on their X-files like projects
and now talks sense about the developments he saw, and sees coming our way:
Dr RAM: Changing The Movie : Away from Endless War
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Re: Daily Planet's personal thread

Post by wserra »

OK, enough of this.

DailyPlanet, as you must have noticed, this site is dedicated to discussion and exposure of financial frauds, usually of the TP/Sov ilk. If you have something to contribute to that, welcome. But take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.

First and last warning.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume