Message from MacHaffie

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Message from MacHaffie

Post by Deep Knight »

Even though there is a WTF? thread for MacHaffie, this sets a new standard and deserves a thread of its own.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

As the representative of the entire Human Race and especially as the representative of all of our children, I have had more than enough of your bullshit for the last 6 years. The Angels of Earth, my little sisters and little brothers, have been sacrificed far too long for your "Grand Experiment" which you have admitted has gone horribly wrong.

You are nothing but arrogant assholes that can't accept the fact that you are losers. That's why this "Grand Experiment" is taking place in the first place. My Grandfather, my Mother and my Father as well as all my Aunts and Uncles forgot that they are nothing more than mere shepherds.

As the representative of the entire Human Race and in fact the representative of all the Angels throughout all of Creation, I demand that you handle this mess and handle it now. Take the evil little bastards before they can do any more damage.


Prepare to be on your knees.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:26 PM

My reaction was "Huh?"

1 comment:

archangel July 3, 2014 at 11:48 AM

We have been suffering from the planetary VAMPIRE VIRUS FLU. Killer T-Cells have figured it out and spontaneous remission is activated. Thank you for your support and patience during this disease alert. To see what the virus looks like, Google David Rockefeller and George Soros as examples. Also some Rothschilds and Archon Aliens. Chilling.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by notorial dissent »

Even for McHalfwit that makes less sense than usual, and I use the term sense advisedly around him. Gah, if he's a representative of the human race I'd be really concerned, if I were a member of same, I'd want an immediate change of venue/species/dimension/something.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

What a stark reminder of the difference between reading here crazies on the internet (funny) and having them in your family (unending suffering).
Last edited by Fmotlgroupie on Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by The Observer »

I gave it the old college try in interpreting what MacHaffie was ranting about. But I failed. I don't know if he is blaming his relatives, aliens, the Illuminati, or DK's supermodels for his lack of RV. But I know this much: this is indicative of MAcHaffie's frustration and desperation after losing his wife, his income and his connection with the rest of humanity. The only word that come to my mind at this point is "pitiful."
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

My reading of it is that he has suffered some kind of outrage (getting kicked out of a basement?) at the hands of his grandfather, father, and mother, is angry that they don't accept his obvious superiority, and plans to make them pay (hopefully by being a total ass rather than guns and explosives).

It seems like his relatives and TPTB have gotten a little mixed up in his mind, but when you can't differentiate between humanity as a whole and yourself, that's understandable.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by notorial dissent »

I really am not quite sure what to make of his latest rant, I can see several possible variants of reality relating to various fixations of his, although regardless of the source of his currentest moral outrage. I think it boils down to his finally losing what little tenuous grasp on reality he had to begin with, his world real and imagined has been slowly, or perhaps not so slowly, crumbling around his ears the last year or so, and the latest not RV has been perhaps the final straw, as he seemed to be really stoked and counting on it happening this weekend, and of course it isn't. At a guess, we know his wife has had enough and tossed him, and now perhaps his own family have finally had enough and said "no more"???
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by DailyPlanet »

RVD also goes through these periodic "nights of the soul", when the dreams he has been pushing fall to pieces.

Ron's reasonable honest about what he is going through, but he never "throws a scammer under the bus", as he really needs to - in order to make peace with his past. Instead, he assumes that something from the cabal thwarted the "good intentions" of a Tim Turner, a Heather, or a Mr Sino.

Then, he looks for something new and positive that might work better.

MadHattie still hasn't learned the trick of moving on. He's hopelessly committed to the worst and most obvious of the scams, The RV. I don't even think that "good old Ron" fell for that one. I suspect Mad-MacHaff was getting paid for promoting the foolishness.

Time to turn your sites on Dave Schmidt, who is a skilled and convincing liar - after all, he used to be a politician:
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by Deep Knight »

I have no idea what this means, or if it's linked to the July 3 message. Perhaps even MacHaffie doesn't know.

Monday, July 14, 2014
The Jubilee of all 197 nations is resting on your acting on this Resolution.
July 14, 2014

You have millions of soldiers from other nations surrounding the United States as we speak, ready to wage war against you because you have yet to act on H. J. Resolution 85 – making continuing appropriations for the Federal Emergency Management Agency for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes according to the Sequester of March 1, 2013.

The Jubilee of all 197 nations is resting on your acting on this Resolution.

They are no longer waiting for you to act, but will bring the Battle of Armageddon to your front door. Do you really want yourself and family to have to deal with this Battle?
We (the people of the United States and 197 nations) are not ASKING you for anything, but are demanding you act, and act now. Let us help you on how to act: RESIGN YOUR POSITION FROM THE 1871 CORPORATION AND GET OUT OF THE WAY. GO INTO YOUR CHAMBER AND ACT AND THEN LET THE WORLD KNOW YOU HAVE ACTED ON H. J. RESOLUTION 85.
Then, and only then may you possibly avoid the Battle of Armageddon.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:20 PM
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by The Observer »

Ok. MacHaffie has managed to do what I thought was impossible - top himself. He really believes that 197 nations are mad at the US for not approving legislation for a FEMA appropriation? I wonder what MacHaffie would say if he was told the FEMA appropriation was to continue financing black helicopters, FEMA death camps, and the concentration camp in the UN building's basement?
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote:.... and the concentration camp in the UN building's basement?
WTH Obs, weren't we just told not to talk about that without at least a Mercury level or higher encryption?
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by notorial dissent »

Other than I think that McHalfwit's tenuous tether to reality has finally snapped, I'm not sure what he's going on about here, other than I think the first part has to do with the mythical currency reset, which he and the rest of the like minded nutjobs are blaming for not happening on the US, since anything having to do with Jubilee has to do with debt forgiveness in fantasyland nutjob speak, it goes with the great currency reset, and why he is getting all exorcised about continuing FEMA funding when it is the bugabear of the whackadoo world.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by LightinDarkness »

MacHaffie's recent message has a distinct thumbprint - he didn't write that, its the work of Hendo Henderson...the wacko behind the Bathsheba and Esther Trust scam (quatloos reference: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10007). I can tell because I've listened to several of his calls now and he always uses the language of "196 nations are going to be at your door" for anyone who opposes him (or doesn't sign up for his redemption list). Why does Henderson think 196 nations are with him? From what I can tell, hes had 1 person from each of those countries crazy enough to send information to sign up to be on his redemption list - and this magically makes the countries government owe allegiance to him.

Henderson also claims to be the author being House Joint Resolution 85, which he has made because once he releases his prosperity program (he is the only one who can do it, according to him) everyone who isn't on the redemption list is getting thrown in a FEMA camp. He also claims the sequester was his doing in order to punish the US government for not going along with his demands.

It doesn't make any sense, but Henderson really believes he is the messiah - as in, literally the second coming (thus you must be "redeemed" on his list). So we're dealing with crazy. The Jubilee thing is because, in Henderson's mythology, when he releases the funds from his prosperity fund everyone gets $1 billion (yes, really) and all debts are cleared as long as they are on the redemption list. Not on his list? Then into the FEMA camps you go for 7 years, at which time you get another chance to be redeemed. Refuse again and you are thrown into the lake of fire (yes, really, I can't make this stuff up).

MacHaffie is legitimately nuts, but this is the writing of Henderson or one of his acolytes (the guy has gained a huge cult following in the prosperity conference world). I still say Henderson is the current prize winner for most insane prosperity promoter, which is quite a feat, but no one seems that interested in him on quatloos - much to my surprise. He is by far the most popular prosperity guru out there (except TNT Tony, if you count him as a prosperity guru).
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by LightinDarkness »

Yep, I knew it, MacHaffie is copying off Henderon's gibberish: (click on HJ Res 85 link)

And the call link in particular: ... 3Mm/aIQoph

By the way, I rarely *actually* laugh out loud, but the first couple of minutes is of the call host (a woman who calls herself Midwest and is a devoted Henderson acolyte, something of the chief prophet for him) and others on the call saying YAH YAH YAH YAH YAH YAH YAH over and over again. I actually did laugh out loud. They think this is some sort of special invocation based off Henderon's cult teachings (and it is a cult at this point). Mix some Moorish Science Temple, add a sprinkle of Islam, a few drops of evangelical Christianity, and shake it all together while proclaiming Henderson as the messiah...and that is essentially what you get with this group.

The real craziness doesn't start until about 10 minutes in, until then they are just chanting like the good little cultists they are. The entire thing makes me cringe, not only are Henderon's cult followers crazy but they have no idea what they are reading. HJ Res 85 was passed by the house to provide continual funding for FEMA during the 2013 sequester. It wasn't passed by the senate because partial funding was restored by other bills, although the overall agency did take a hit due to the sequester. To make this even more insane, the fiscal year it applied to (FY14) is almost over, so of course it won't be passed.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie posted the following today

Monday, July 21, 2014

Date: July 21, 2014 at 7:14 AM

Secret service agent/ says Obama hates Christians--calls Americans idiots-- and is definitely gay and a MUSLIM/ see his book below

A book by a former Secret Service agent claims Barack Obama is a gay Muslim
A former Secret Service agent whose new book is quickly climbing Amazon’s best-seller charts, said he is concerned about the state of the country and says it is time the public knows the real truth about our Commander in Chief, Barack Obama.
Former agent, Paul Horner, in his new tell-all book “The Black House,” reveals what goes on inside the White House when the news cameras are turned off.
In an interview with CNN, Horner told Victor Berman that he is one-hundred-percent positive that President Obama is not only gay, but a radical Muslim as well.
“Everyone on the inside knows that Obama is gay and a Muslim, it is common knowledge,” Horner said. “I saw many men coming and going from Obama’s room, at all hours. I would say a good portion of the men, over fifty-percent, were Muslim.”
Berman: “Your book spends a whole chapter devoted to the various “tortures” that Obama and the First Lady would subject you to. Can you explain?”
Horner: “Because I was white, Obama would force me to listen to Diana Ross full volume, every day, at all hours of the night. It was horrible, I never got any sleep. This is one of the main reasons I finally had to quit.”

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:32 PM

This seemed familiar, could it be a post by MacHaffie a few months ago? But that agent was named Bongino and he said Obama was anti-guns not a devote gay Muslim. Or perhaps it was Orly Taitz, last May

I did not find this book on Amazon

Posted on | May 12, 2014 | 20 Comments

I received information on this book. I went on, but I only found a book by Paul Theraux called The Black House, not by Paul Horner. Does anyone have this book? If you have this book and contact information of this agent, please forward to me.

But, but, but - it's on the Amazon best seller list! How could even Orly not find it? So, I went looking and couldn't find it either, nowhere. But I did find 3 other Obama-unfriendly hoaxes that used the name "Paul Horner." Then I found the original source of them all, National Report, a well-known satirical website that has been mined by both Orly and MacHaffie many times before. For some obscure reason they LOVE the name Paul Horner and use it all the time, for example

Biggest Penis In The World Title Goes To Paul Horner
Posted about 11 months ago | 23 comments

Paul Horner seen here has the biggest penis in the world for the fifth year in a row.

Phoenix, AZ — The results from Switzerland were announced today and once again, for the fifth year in a row, 34-year-old Paul Horner from Phoenix, Arizona has the world’s biggest penis.

“It was a no-brainer who would win,” Judge Laura Friedmann told reporters. “I’ve been fortunate enough to sleep with Mr. Horner multiple times in the past. I’m still sore and have a hard time walking.”

34.125 inches was the length of Horner’s gigantic penis at this year’s Penis Festival in Switzerland. Horner told CNN before the competition that he knew he would win because there is no male on this planet even close to his enormous size. “It’s not hard to understand why I won. I have the biggest penis in the world,” Horner said. “To all the haters out there I have three words for you; don’t be jelly.”

Horner is expected to win again at next year’s penis competition being held in Paris Hilton. ... ul-horner/
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by notorial dissent »

I guess when you're McHalfwit and live in a fantasy world to begin with it becomes increasingly difficult to tell well fiction from fiction. Particularly when you haven't got a clue to begin with.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by Deep Knight »

As you know MacHaffie has been begging more overtly since his wife left and filed for divorce. Hard to make ends meet when you're only getting one check a month from the evil NWO government.
Donations Request

$500 now needed for second half of September. Your Donation Support For John’s Family Survival Is NOW REQUIRED! YOUR SUPPORT CAME IN ON TIME TO KEEP US LIVE AND PAY THE ELECT BILL - THANK YOU. MO can be mailed to John MacHaffie, 141 Poopoo Circle, Winter Falls, FL 32708
To strengthen his argument, he posted this article.

Saturday, September 27, 2014
Three Reasons To Give Financial Gifts

3 Good Reasons to Give Financial Gifts By Miranda Marquit

Do you enjoying giving financial gifts?

When we think of savvy finances, we rarely think that giving money away is the smartest thing to do. After all, shouldn’t you be using that money for something else – like building wealth?

The reality, though, is that well-rounded finances include an aspect of giving. And, believe it or not, giving your money away can be good for your pocketbook.
1. Giving Forces You to Get Your Finances in Order

One of the consequences of prioritizing your charitable efforts is that it forces you to get your own finances in order. If you want to be able to help your loved ones, pay your tithing, or give to a cause you believe in, you need to be financial stable.

If you make giving a priority, chances are that you will need to look at your income and expenses, and acknowledge your cash flow situation.

Just as you need to plan in order to meet goals like funding a retirement, buying a house, paying down debt, and saving for your child’s college, you need to plan if you want to become involved in charitable giving. If giving really is important to you, you’ll create a spending plan that allows you to meet your charity goals.

2. Giving Makes You Happy

It’s hard to make the right spending choices when your judgment is affected by negative emotions. Few of us are truly happy with the way we use our money. That can change, however, if you decide to give. Studies indicate that spending money on others can make us happier than spending money on ourselves.

So, if you want to improve how you feel about your finances, you can try getting them in order and giving to others. When you take some of your money and spend it on others, you’ll feel more satisfied with the way you are using your financial resources. Your life will be happier, and you are likely to make decisions based on positive emotions.

3. Giving Has a Way of Coming Back to You

One of the great things about giving is that it has a way of coming back to you. For the religious, giving has the potential to open up blessings. Many major world religions include the concept of giving.

If you are a believer, then chances are you have blessings coming your way when you give. You might not always receive great worldly riches, but many religious believers feel as though their needs are met when they take the effort to give generously.

You don’t have to be religious to feel the benefits of giving, however. Many of those who don’t ascribe to religious beliefs feel amply repaid when they give.

The positive mindset that results in giving often leads to other benefits. When you are in a giving mindset, there is a good chance that you are in a place where you recognize opportunities and are prepared to grasp them.

The organization required in having the resources to give often means that you are on your toes, looking for the right networking and career chances that can lead to improved finances.

Bottom Line

While you don’t want to give away money that you can’t afford to part with, there is no reason to hoard your cash. You can improve the world through the application of your financial resources, and you can also improve your own life.
Giving money away can help you boost your finances, improve your quality of life, and open your eyes to opportunities.

What do you think? Have you seen benefits from giving money away?

[Link to Dinar Recaps]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:36 PM
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by Burnaby49 »

So as I read it MacHaffie is actually doing us a favour by being willing to sacrifice himself by accepting our money so we'll feel better about ourselves. Well, a problem from my perspective;

1 - My finances are already in order
2 - I'm too misanthropic to attain any happiness by giving money to a loser like MacHaffie.
3 - I don't want whatever might come back at me by giving money to him. Sounds ominious.

Poopoo Circle? Is that your doing DK?
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Poopoo Circle? Is that your doing DK?
It wasn't me that pooped in MacHaffie's circle, it was those damned fraternity boys playing an initiation prank on one of their pledges. I'm pretty sure they're not one of ours like Skull 'n Bones, especially since initiation didn't involve human sacrifice. And it's not completely their fault, if MacHaffie had looked where he was walking it would have never become an issue.

As for his banner, this week he's bullish on the RV.






Easy way to keep up with the Forex Exchange Rates. Notice these are out of CDT with time posted.

IQD - Dinar at:
VND - Dong at:

I did google "Wells Fargo Currencies" and got a page on foreign exchange with this at the end of the introductory paragraph:

Iraqi Dinar
Wells Fargo does not sell Iraqi dinar in any location - by phone or in our stores
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Iraqi Dinar
Wells Fargo does not sell Iraqi dinar in any location - by phone or in our stores
However you can phone the Quatloos Illuminati helpline 1-900-IAM-DUMB and hold for the latest information.
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Re: Message from MacHaffie

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote: Iraqi Dinar
Wells Fargo does not sell Iraqi dinar in any location - by phone or in our stores
Which is what my buddy had told me when I asked him before. They are not allowed to do anything at the branch level. If anyone has a beef they are encouraged to call the 800 number... after they leave the branch.
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