The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by DailyPlanet »

The Bullfeathers just keep spewing out


The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

More Future Details to The Changes for The New Society:

- The only tax will be 14% on new items purchased.

- Humanitarianism will reign.

- New technology will be released but electricity grids will be kept going through the conversion.

- Everyone will receive $100,000 from collateral accounts.

- Debts up to $100,000 will be forgiven. If over that amount, it will be analyzed. Real outstanding debt will be taken from that amount or if not enough, you will be advised to go into bankruptcy.

- All countries’ debts will be forgiven.

- Mortgages will be cancelled out.

- Retirement accounts will be preserved.

- Social security/retirement/health care will be changed; free health insurance will be provided for a new, advanced medical system.

- The average work week will be 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week.

- Production costs will decrease.

- All legal contracts will be respected.

- The police force will be restructured for protection, not money collectors.

- Common law will be respected – not distorted.

- Most credit card debt will be cancelled.

- Speculation will not be tolerated, and you can not rack up your credit cards now, expecting them to be cancelled out later without being on the hook. There is financial tracking.

- Most of Congress (U.S.) will be disbanded.

- Congress will close at reset. (Goes for all countries)

- There will be new elections for Congress (All governments worldwide) within 4 months of RESET.

- Monsanto, the corrupt part of Microsoft, will be bankrupt immediately. Same for other corrupt companies.

- Most prisoners will be released and receive psychological counseling and training because they were forced to do things due to life conditions. Many will be released because they are innocent.

- CIA operated drug trade will cease, and drastic restructuring will be needed.

- When we are all fully ‘healed,’ we will stop eating meat (animals will be appreciated for what they are).

- There will still be bankruptcies.

- We won’t be able to have factories in China any longer.

- Most Companies will keep operating.

- Companies will buy back shares and give investors back their money.

- The Resistance will help and advise.

- The electrical grid will be intact, however when The Cabal goes down, we may have darkness for short intervals.

See and for more details of Cobra and his New Society Information.

Financial life after the “EVENT” will be vastly improved now that the bonds of debt illegally imposed by The Cabal are removed. Every person on the planet will have funds available for improving their lives.

Victory to the Light
Danell Glade, Financial Group

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Re: The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by NBSP »

Sorry, let me see if I have this straight. A person representing Cobra, who is associated with a clandestine, armed "resistance" group, is promising to take over the world, depose or subordinate all current governmental authorities, and bring about a "new society" in which seized money and power is distributed to his followers?


Sounds legit.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I have a more likely scenario -

One of our cats will become enchanted with a formerly-ignored toy and will drag it about as if it were some kind of prize. Shortly thereafter, she will drop it, start licking her paws and rubbing her ears.

From that point on, mankind will be entitled to $100,000.00 in silver, per person.

Hey - why not?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by DailyPlanet »

This exchange shows how far from Reality, some New Agers have gone...

G-- L-- says:
July 8, 2014 at 4:09 PM
“Everyone will receive $100,000 from collateral accounts” – sorry, but that is crazy : for two reasons:
1/ There’s not enough wealth on the planet to give “everyone on Earth $100,000″ Check the facts for once. Per capita wealth is $26,200 : ... per_capita.
So where would it come from? There is Zero evidence that the massive collateral accounts claimed by some exist. Where’s the wealth held? If the US or someone else just prints those huge sums, there would be massive inflation, and $100,000 might wind up being worth less than $26,200.

2/ Giving the same sum to everyone, in rich countries and poor is beyond nutty. In Burkina Faso, everyone in the country would just stop working. Most of China too, maybe. Then: where would all those cheap manufactured goods come from?


S-- E--: The Big Picture says:
July 8, 2014 at 4:18 PM
Gene, EVERYTHING is going to be different. You cannot expect to do all these calculations from your current 3D perspective using logic and have it make sense. Beings superior to us as well as great humanitarian minds have been planning this for decades. The Illuminati stole gold and money from Humanity for thousands of years. There is more than enough abundance of all things for every soul on the planet. There will be advanced technologies and things we can’t even imagine in our new reality. The $100,000 is the amount Americans and probably Canadians will get. Other countries will be organizing their own packages. Just let it be and when we get there, you’ll see. People are too quick to ridicule things they don’t understand.

A bankrupt country like the US can handout $100,000. More solvent countries (like the Philippines) would hand out less. Yeah. That's going to work well... Don't worry because "superior minds" are working on it.
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Re: The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by LightinDarkness »

What is sad is that $100,000 per person is actually on the *low* end of the prosperity program mythology. The most popular prosperity myths involve each person on the planet getting tens of millions (see Dr. WC and East Coast thread) or up to $1 billion each (see Henderson thread). The people promoting those even more insane amounts aren't niche in the prosperity community either - they have thousands of listeners to their daily calls about how NESARA/prosperity is coming any day now.
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Re: The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by Burnaby49 »

Stop being negative Nellies. As long as Canada is included in the $100,000 I'm in! We get first cashout in the RV too so you Americans can just get to the back of the line.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by DailyPlanet »

LightinDarkness wrote:What is sad is that $100,000 per person is actually on the *low* end of the prosperity program mythology. The most popular prosperity myths involve each person on the planet getting tens of millions (see Dr. WC and East Coast thread) or up to $1 billion each (see Henderson thread). The people promoting those even more insane amounts aren't niche in the prosperity community either - they have thousands of listeners to their daily calls about how NESARA/prosperity is coming any day now.
It's a sort of "Bidding War", to try to gain cult members.

The ABSURD Prosperity Index
Size of Claim : Claimant---------- : Index (x $26,200)
$6 Billion ---- : Heather Tucci --- : 229,008 x
$1 Billion ---- : Henderson--------- : 38,168 x
$10 Million--- : Dr. WC, EastCoast : 382 x
$100,000 ---- : Cobra, The Event- : 3.82 x
$ 26,200 ----- : Average Wealth--- : 1.00 x
(per person)

Heather's not bothered by the lack of wealth on the Planet, since:
"We are the value", and
"Huge amounts have been stolen from us"

Size of Collateral Accounts ??
I'm still working on that ...
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: The Event: $100,000 Free Money for everyone

Post by Jeffrey »
