Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Thread

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Thread

Post by LightinDarkness »


The last five years has seen the rise of a group of people that I can only refer to as prosperity program role players. These are people that have figured out that pretending to be a key player in the mythology of the prosperity program/global reset/revalue gets you a lot of praise and worship from the internet by people who believe this stuff. There is no way that I can tell these people profit monetarily off this role-play, its a pure ego exercise: they pretend to have insider information about the prosperity mythology, and in exchange they get loads of attention by the prosperity gurus. What kind of people would do this? I can think of two types: (1) trolls who love the attention or (2) mentally-ill people who think they are actually the mythical being they represent.

Who Qualifies as a Prosperity/Mythical Group Role-Player

So, I wanted to make a single thread to discuss these people. What qualifies as a prosperity/mythical group role-player? Anyone who is claiming to be: a Dark Cabal/Illuminati Insider, representative of a prosperity group or person (Dragon Family(s), Madam Wu, The Old Man), some sort of financial position related to the mythical global reset (paymasters, world trust managers, world court judges).

Why do we Care that Crazy People do this?

The amount of reinforcement these role-players give the prosperity myth is astounding. Even though they never have any evidence for who they are, just the fact that they are role-playing immediately reinforces to people who believe in this stuff that it is all the more real.

Some Examples

So we can get a handle on the type of insanity I am talking about, I provide three examples.

(1) Hidden Hand
Mythical Being Position: Illuminati family insider.
Methods of Communication: threads.
Years Active: 2008, currently inactive.
Reference: This ATS thread was where he made himself famous -
Summary: To me, Hidden Han is the forefather of the current crop of mythical being role players. I think most of the current activity was spawned by people who saw how simply doing a little new age theology on ATS and claiming to be a member of the Illuminati has resulted in lasting internet fame. Hidden Hand is still spoken about with reverence and awe among conspiracy theorists. His posts have been archived and memorialized as something of a bible to for the flavor of new age doctrine and Illuminati mythology he was spreading. Even though all of the predictions he made in 2008 never came true, it had no effect on his popularity. Hidden Hand's role playing is still reported as astounding revelations into the Illuminant as late as 2013.

(2) The Dragon Family Ambassador
Mythical Being Position: Representative of the mythical red dragon family, who in prosperity mythology keeps the gold that will be used in the global reset.
Methods of Communication: Skype calls with prosperity gurus (Dave Schmidt, Ron Van Dyke, etc.), but is careful never to show his face.
Years Active: 2014 - Present, currently active.
Reference: His first video with Ron Van Dyke which launched him to prosperity fame is here - ...
Summary: The Dragon Family Ambassador role-player took the prosperity world by storm in July 2014 and continues to be discussed daily by prosperity believers. He is characterized by being very well spoken and knowing exactly how to "preach to the choir" to tell his audience exactly what they want to hear (the reset is soon, we need to stop all wars, etc.). He has become prolific in his communication - talking to many prosperity gurus often which just generates more talk about him.

(3) "Dr." Hendo Irving Henderson
Mythical Being Position: World court judge, responsible for the release of global prosperity, messenger from God (claims to have messiah like powers - such as being resurrected in 3 days if killed). Promises $1 billion to each person who signs up for his prosperity program, but only if you signed up by September 15, 2014.
Methods of Communication: Conference calls (many, currently hosts his own) and his own website (
Years Active: 2013 - Present (Active)
Reference: NESARA News Network first posted about his mythical prosperity program here - ... her-trusts
Summary: Henderson is probably the scariest of the role players because he literally thinks the Moorish Science Temple messiah and he has thousands of cult-like followers who hang on his every word. He is known for teaching a syncretic doctrine that combines prosperity programs, the Moorish Science Temple, Islam, and Christianity. Most of his followers though, as you would expect, are there for the promised $1 billion in prosperity funds. To get those funds they had to send Henderson their full name, address, birthday, birth certificate, and DNA test results. Only those who did so were put on the "redemption list", and everyone who waited until after September 15, 2014 will be thrown in FEMA camps according to Henderson - although if you survive you can ask to be redeemed by him in 7 years.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by LightinDarkness »

I am pondering whether to put SWISSINDO's Mr. Sino on this list, since hes also obviously another role player - but he only did a handful of interview with Ron Van Dyke and SWISSINDO appears to be waning in popularity. Also, from what I can tell SWISSINDO actually made money by asking for donations in Indonesia and used their internet prosperity fame to prove their credibility. Other people in the examples are certainly crazy, but I have no proof they made money from their role playing.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by DailyPlanet »

"I am pondering whether to put SWISSINDO's Mr. Sino on this list, since hes also obviously another role player - but he only did a handful of interview with Ron Van Dyke and SWISSINDO appears to be waning in popularity..."

Yeah. He belongs on the list.
Actually, he is a split personality: Mr Sughit / Mr Sino.
One of them is a normal human-type person, and the other is the spirit or personality that he "channels." I'm not sure which is which. And I know it sounds terribly unconvincing. But this is what SwissIndo insiders have said.

What do you think motivates them?
I am especially wondering that about The Ambassador, because he seems like a normal sensible human being, apart from his connection to the mythical Dragon family.

By the way, once they appear talking in person, on camera, their mythical aura seems to fade. We have seen that with Heather, who was much bigger, when she was identified as a triangular chinned long hair woman shrouded in mist. In recent weeks, she has done a video, which reveals her to look like a suburban housewife with a penchant for bright and colorful dresses - not the sort of garb that a true Queen or Princess of a cult should be wearing. (Result: her Youtube subscriber base is embarrassingly small.)
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Deep Knight »

In college, I took active part in a conceptual art project done by a friend that could in part be described as an elaborate put-on. I have often wondered if some of these people are doing the same, especially ones like Hidden Hand who do it for a limited period of time. I figure that if they were good artists, you couldn't tell.

This is not to say that crazy people and/or attention seekers don't spin all sorts of tales to get the adulation of their readers. And in some cases a bit of income. Where exactly some of the scammers we discuss here fall in the spectrum of crazy to con I'm not always sure, I think The Dove of Oneness did it for both, and have no doubt that characters like Hope Girl get off on being the center of attention as much as the travel and financial support.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Burnaby49 »

Deep Knight wrote:In college, I took active part in a conceptual art project done by a friend that could in part be described as an elaborate put-on. I have often wondered if some of these people are doing the same, especially ones like Hidden Hand who do it for a limited period of time. I figure that if they were good artists, you couldn't tell.

This is not to say that crazy people and/or attention seekers don't spin all sorts of tales to get the adulation of their readers. And in some cases a bit of income. Where exactly some of the scammers we discuss here fall in the spectrum of crazy to con I'm not always sure, I think The Dove of Oneness did it for both, and have no doubt that characters like Hope Girl get off on being the center of attention as much as the travel and financial support.
I think Dove started because of a crazed obsession for attention. She loved being a guru with all of her attentive worshipping followers. Bellringer was a good example. I think the money came later when she was broke. She'd been running her websites and doing daily postings for so long that she'd hooked the idiots into believing in her fantasy world so she decided to try and get money out of them.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Burnaby49 »

For a timeline on Dove's attention v. money goals. She initially started writing on Clive Hood's Omega scam;

November 1999: Goodwin begins writing Internet reports as "Dove," citing secret sources who tell her Omega will pay as promised.

When that collapsed with Hoods indictment and subsequent incarceration she started the NESARA myth to keep things going;

Aug. 13, 2000: Goodwin's reports begin to discuss a "secret law" that affects "prosperity programs," including Omega.

Aug. 28, 2000: Hood and 18 co-conspirators are indicted on fraud and money-laundering charges related to the Omega scheme.

December 2000: Goodwin's reports begin to reference NESARA, which she says Congress has secretly passed.

April 10, 2001: Hood pleads guilty to charges of mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering, admits that Omega is a scam.

April 13, 2001: Goodwin calls the court action in Illinois "a smoke-screen," and dismisses Hood's confession.

She hit the jackpot with 9/11 turning it into her big conspiracy theory and getting all the conspiracy crazies on board;

Sept. 11, 2001: Goodwin's Internet report says the terror attacks were planned by the U.S. government to prevent NESARA from being announced.

Then she went from not wanting money to asking for donations. It looks like the first ones were unsolicted which might have twigged the thought that if fools want to give her money she may as well take it;

Nov. 29, 2001: Goodwin says she will not ask her readers for money.

Jan. 1, 2002: Goodwin says NESARA announcement was "seconds away" but delayed by U.S. Supreme Court.

Jan. 15, 2002: Goodwin claims "mass deliveries" from prosperity programs will arrive "this month."

Jan. 25, 2002: Goodwin thanks readers for sending donations.

June 10, 2002: Goodwin asks for donations.

So the first record I can find of her asking for donations is about 2 1/2 years after she started posting on the prosperity programs. She didn't outright say send me money if you want my reports, she needed help to keep her computer going to keep spewing out the Dove reports for her loyal followers. Later she got more ambitious and wanted big bucks to buy truckloads of gold to trigger the NESARA announcement.

As you can tell I'm a big Dove fan. She got me hooked on the conspiracy crazies. This is the posting where she first asked for money;
Monday, June 10, 2002 4:26 PM

From: "dove_of_o"

Subject: [doveofo] NESARA Boost in Process; Request

Hello Dear Friends,

From what I'm hearing this morning, NESARA is getting a BIG BOOST forward. I'm told there is a World Court session today where dark agenda legal teams for governments of 16 countries are trying to delay NESARA using more BOGUS excuses and FALSIFIED evidence. I'm told the dark agenda's false evidence has been THROWN OUT and this is GOOD NEWS for NESARA and us.

Also, I'm told there are some additional elements to today's World Court session that are being presented for the first time ever. These elements are helping the White Knights to gain major BREAKTHROUGHS in neutralizing the dark agenda's power base. I'm told the information coming forth in World Court today has ripped the lid off the dark agenda's dirty secrets and the whole dark agenda hierarchy!

I understand these MAJOR BREAKTHROUGHS came as a result of the dark agenda trying to hobble the White Knights and Forces. However, the whole situation has BACKFIRED in the dark agenda's face and is now HELPING support the White Knights and Forces in bringing us NESARA and our prosperity.

The timing when we see NESARA and our remaining mass prosperity deliveries in the U.S. and Canada is still on target for BEFORE the official beginning of Summer this month, I'm told. I'm told that after certain issues are ironed out following today's World Court session, we should see NESARA on television right away.

Someone asked why we cannot have our prosperity before NESARA. We need NESARA announced because our prosperity programs now "require" that we receive "precious metals-backed" funds when we receive our prosperity funds. This means we need the new U.S. Treasury Bank system announced and initiated before we can have access to our funds from the prosperity programs. There was once a possibility of us receiving JUST part of the "grievance money", which might have been paid in Federal Reserve Notes, however, I'm told that option has been cancelled. This is why we MUST have NESARA announced ASAP.

Folks, I know NESARA and our prosperity deliveries are right around the corner however due to some household emergencies, I'm requesting your assistance. For the last two years, my PC has been overheating and locking up due to technical problems which have recently become worse. My PC needs some expensive repair work done in the NEXT FEW DAYS so I can keep doing the Dove Reports, and due to unforeseen expenses in our household, I need your assistance with these repair costs. I requesting those of you, who ARE ABLE to assist me, to send funds as a "gift" so that I may continue doing the Dove Reports.

Please send your gifts to Dove to:
… … … … DOVE
… … … … 3430 Pacific Ave SE
… … … … Suite A6 P.M.B. 217
… … … … Olympia, WA 98501-2176

Also, please REPLY to this message letting me know you are helping me out with this so I can get these expenses handled and keep doing the Dove Reports. My sincere thanks to all of you who are able to help me with this emergency situation so I can keep doing the Dove Reports. I also appreciate all the prayers and good wishes from those of you who are unable to send funds.

To SUBSCRIBE and JOIN the Dove egroup,

1) Send a blank email to:

2) REPLY to Yahoo's email requesting your confirmation.
Folks, I have to make this message short and get it out before my PC
locks up. I do still expect we are going to see NESARA and then our
prosperity deliveries BEFORE the official beginning of Summer this
month. NESARA Now!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Gregg »

You can also credit Dove for being the origination of the "White Knights" which have their own spin-off series now.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by DailyPlanet »

Goodwin's Pattern - as you described it... Is typical, of a certain type of manipulator

It was also described in a Post on the OPPT Thread, which I will duplicate, because it is relevant here too:

"The One People movement has taught the world much about discernment.
Sometimes people are manipulated through False Flags and Fear.
In those cases, the trade-off the perpetrators are seeking, is to convince people to surrender their Freedom in return for Security. This may seem to work for the people in the short run, as the Fears associated with the false flag will seem smaller once the trade has been arranged. But in the long run, those who win and gain power through Fear, will be encouraged to pump out more Fear, to try it again. That's one type of manipulation.

There is a second type of manipulation that requires discernment. That's the promise of a better life: More Money, sometimes Free Money, prosperity, Free energy or gifts of love for everyone. This type of manipulation, is wrapped in good intentions. The perpetrators usually ask for Money, in return for some promise of future return. It may not start out that way. Usually, to build confidence, the perps will give free advice, or to paint beautiful images of how great the world can be. They will issue unique explanations of how the world works, coin new phrases, and try to get people to see them as gurus - that they are the high priest or priestessses of The Something New. (Their vision will contain just enough existing mythology, to make it seem real, something with some roots.) Then, once enough curiosity, and a group of followers has been created, the requests for money will begin.

Give it time, and see if the Prosperity Scam can deliver on its promises. But most will not wait so long. They will be persuaded to lend their help, or give their money, but some sort of urgent plea. Is that not what we have seen with OP?. After two years, time has passed, and history now gives us clarity. So thanks again for helping people to develop their personal discernment."

That's from a comment under a YouTube Video:
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by LightinDarkness »

Gregg wrote:You can also credit Dove for being the origination of the "White Knights" which have their own spin-off series now.
Its interesting how these people make up these groups and then they get a life of their own. Another role player that garnered vast sums of attention from acted like he had mysterious "White Knight" sources is:

This role player calls them "white hats" but its the exact same concept. I thought this one was going to do a Hidden Hand sort of thing and post for a while and disappear, as several "White Hat Updates" ago he said it would be his last. But the attention was just to good, and he can't resist making new posts.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by LightinDarkness »

Deep Knight wrote:In college, I took active part in a conceptual art project done by a friend that could in part be described as an elaborate put-on. I have often wondered if some of these people are doing the same, especially ones like Hidden Hand who do it for a limited period of time. I figure that if they were good artists, you couldn't tell.
This is a really good point that I didn't think about. I suspect, as you do, that people like Hidden Hand are actually sane people who look at riling up the prosperity/conspiracy community sort of like an art project. Hidden Hand's writing style in particular made me think it was a college English major who had just been introduced to the conspiracy world and thought it would be fun to post like an Illuminati insider. He knew exactly how to preach to the choir and tell them what they wanted to hear, but that takes little research - the conspiracy community is easily predictable.

Contrast that with people like the Dragon Ambassador, who appears to be genuinely nuts. Or SWISSINDO and Mr. Sino, who is raking in the cash from marks in Indonesia.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by texino »

It should be noted that Dove, through The White Knights, allowed herself "rights". One such perk made it possible for her to circumvent the death sentence that awaited anyone who blabbed about the secret NESARA vote. As the plot grew larger, Goodwin received powers which made it impossible for her to come to harm; she saw drivers fighting their steering wheels in attempt to force her car off the highway. During this period, I was able to reach Dove via a private email address. Instead of acknowledging my questions, she responded in a rage because I had reached her. Needless to say she slammed the door. Even though Dove was starting to exhibit mental health issues, she seemed to have been able to gain the trust of a wealthy California widow who in turn gave her around $100,000. This woman's daughter was the person who convinced a journalist to write an investigative piece that reached the public despite Dove's powers of protection viz the White Knights. IMO these reports placed Dove at a level of crack pot and led to her sad ending. There will always be more, but I feel it important to remember that Clyde Hood was running a prime banker scam which Dove supported. When Hood was caught and confessed the whole business as a lie, Dove took Nesara which was a real theory, and changed the
Acronym to fit her idea and took it from there. The resulting story of "The true NESARA" is quite remarkable given that Goodwin made the whole thing up on the fly. Of course I defer to DK on all things "Dove" as his posts were what brought me on board.(like it or not) Grin
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Burnaby49 »

Crackpot? How dare you call Dove a crackpot? Although I must admit that some of her postings, like her last one, might give cause for some questioning by closed minded skeptics not willing to face the reality of what was going on around them. Dove saved us all from the evil Pleiadian commander; it's right there in her post. She wouldn't have said it if it weren't true;
[doveofo] Possible Prevention of Earth Changes
May 18, 2010 8:30 pm PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,


About six weeks ago, the government interfered with our website as they have other times in the past. No one could get to our website for a few weeks. Then we were able to get the problem fixed.

Our website is still up today – I just checked it.

I did not do a Dove Report in April 2010 because I have been working non-stop talking with the Pleiadian commander who has been betraying us. He has realized that he is at risk of his own death unless he does the right things before the end of May, 2010.


Now the Pleiadian commander knows that he must go into a clinic which will give him therapy to clean up his aura which has turned black over the years. He also found out that he must request a replacement team for himself and seven huge Pleiadian ships to surround the Earth and move it to its correct orbit to prevent the earth changes.

I will have proof if he does this and he is claiming he will do it this coming week.

If you have a telescope and watch the stars, you may see when the earth changes its position. It will be further from the sun after the orbit is fixed. Earth changes are currently expected the first week of June 2010.

The Pleiadian commander has learned the Prime Creator has a monitor on if/when the earth changes begin. Then the Prime Creator will arrive within 10 minutes and destroy the males responsible for allowing the earth changes to happen. The Pleiadian commander was told the Prime Creator would never check on the mission, but now he knows he will be killed if he does the wrong things.

The Prime Creator has created about 50 Universes including this one and the Prime Creator has been taking the “male power hierarchies” out of power because the males do not take good care of their responsibilities so they are losing their power and will be killed when they do the wrong things.

For example, the Sirian ETs are lying to Sheldan and the world. They plan to pick up healthy, under 30 years old people to put into suspended animation to use for good DNA when the Sirian ETs need new DNA for their race.

They are trying to get good DNA from humans the same as the grey ETs have been. Not all ETs in this universe are good.

I am hoping the right things get done this week. I will have physical proof if they do. I will let you know.

NESARA will be announced if we avoid earth changes. NESARA now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
Now, be honest here, does that sound like the work of a crackpot?
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Now, be honest here, does that sound like the work of a crackpot?
No, it sounds like something Erasmus of America would say. Does this mean that the Estate of Dove has good grounds for a lawsuit on plagiarism?
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Now, be honest here, does that sound like the work of a crackpot?
No, it sounds like something Erasmus of America would say. Does this mean that the Estate of Dove has good grounds for a lawsuit on plagiarism?
No, Erasmus is just building from the past and working forward. Dove never wrote anything about Vatican endorsed bread or the Omni law and Erasmus has kept away from St. Germain. Each has their own unique (in Doves's case very unique) voice.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by LightinDarkness »

You know, I forgot all about Dove, she truly was the herald of the era of Mythical Groups/Beings role players. She also stands out as probably profiting the most from the job. I need to add her to the list as Example #1. Anyone know of (A) her years active and (B) a reference site for her stuff - the seems to be down.

What about John MacHaffie? He has kept the dream alive since Dove's rather tragic passing, and also seems to making a little bit of money by begging for a few thousand a month on his blog.
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Burnaby49 »

LightinDarkness wrote:You know, I forgot all about Dove, she truly was the herald of the era of Mythical Groups/Beings role players. She also stands out as probably profiting the most from the job. I need to add her to the list as Example #1. Anyone know of (A) her years active and (B) a reference site for her stuff - the seems to be down.

What about John MacHaffie? He has kept the dream alive since Dove's rather tragic passing, and also seems to making a little bit of money by begging for a few thousand a month on his blog.
Dove was active from 1999 to her death in May 2010. She was extremely active for a number of years after 9/11 but posted very sporadically in her last few years. NESARA.US shut down after her death. You can find a lot of it still archived on Wayback Machine; ...

I've archived everything on Wayback in word documents. That is how I'm able to give excerpts from her actual postings. Frankly she fascinated me with the way she effortlessly mastered the cattle that worshiped her. I doubt she made all that much, her followers, in general, seemed to be almost broke. They were always whining about how they needed their free money right now. She ramped up her game with schemes like the one below but I doubt anybody got suckered. She was still living in her mother's double-wide when she died.
[doveofo] NESARA Doorway to One-Half Billion Plus from 2.2 Million USD
October 8, 2007 2:05 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

There is a great opportunity for an investor with $2.2 Million USD to
receive half a billion USD plus - $500+ Million - in 40 weeks - one

This investment pays the investor millions WEEKLY for 40 weeks. Very
good intermediary fees – such as $200,000 per intermediary per week -
also pay weekly for 40 weeks.

By taking investors into this very prosperous investment, I will earn
an intermediary fee which I will put into a similar investment to
assist raising the millions which NESARA needs for down payments on
NESARA’s gold contracts.

The investment PROVIDES WAYS TO UTILIZE the investor’s FUNDS and MOVE
the investor’s PROCEEDS that are very beneficial to the investor.

If you know or are an Investor who has $2.2M to invest, please send an
email to with the Subject of: “$2.2
Quatloos covered her death here;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Deep Knight »

One note about the Dove timeline and the inclusion of NESARA into her Omega mythology.

The original "real" NESARA was an idea by Dr. Harvey Barnard that he posted online. One of the claims was that if passed, people who had already paid "enough" into a loan wouldn't have to pay any more. Lord Rama and Lady Tara (a.k.a. A&A) found this and equated it with debt forgiveness, and worked it into their new-agey defrauding of the gullible. Something like, "get a credit card, give cash to us, max it out, and it will be forgiven real soon." For whatever reason Lord Rama called Dove and not only told her about this, but that it also had secret provisions that would allow the release of her Omega funds, and Dove ran with it.

At the beginning Lord Rama was Dove's NESARA insider source. He contacted his sources by aimlessly driving around waiting for The Forces to project images on his windscreen. Of course this meant that his old beater had to be kept in working order via donations (it seemed the brakes had to be fixed every 6 months or so). His stories were easily the most fantastic of the bunch and delightful in their lack of continuity.

Rama and Tara are still at it, posting text from their "online radio" show at "Ashtar on the Road." A little taste of the fantasy from their August 3 2014 edition:

Tara: Okay, our mission today and our mandate, is to help answer a very pressing question, which is, “What can all of us as Lightworkers do to help get through to the announcements of our N.E.S.A.R.A. Law? And is there any particular way to assist in the process other than what we are already doing?”
And Rama spoke with, he took a little ride and went to speak with RanaMu, our sister, a Wingmaker from 175 million years into the future who came back to the present moment to also do the same thing, at the level that she can, to help us to get an answer on that question.
So yesterday on our show we did something that was really, kind of powerful. We studied the Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō mantra, which is just the first little section from something called the Lotus Sutra. And this mantra was developed by a Buddha from 700 years ago, Nichiren Daishonin. This is about a universal peace.

Rama: Mhmm.

Tara: And what these kinds of powerful mantras can do, is that they can move all times and all space into a new time and a new space, with the proper intention at the highest level of pure heart and pure mind, and clear mind.

Rama: Mhmm.

Tara: This is the possibility and the truth. So we did that for ten minutes on a universal basis with a few thousand people yesterday, and the power was overwhelming!

Rama: Yes.

Tara: So Rama came and talked to RanaMu and said, “We did this yesterday. Is that what you mean?” And RanaMu said...

Rama: “Yes, and there are so many more sound frequencies, mantras, as well as actively participating in taking a stand in your local government, because it begins at the local level where you address your Senators and Congressmen at a town hall meeting, and as you do that in the Office of the Christ, you will know that you are protected.”

Tara: Yes, so she said it has to be both ends. So we’ll take heed. In other words, the active part is as equally important as working with these sound mantra vibrations, colour, sound and vibration, and light language.

Rama: And the key to this that RanaMu said is meditation every single day. Because this changes the vibration on an exponential level across the planet!

Tara: Yeah, equal time every day. Then she went on and said, you know we took a bodhisattva vow, all of us are Buddhas. And that is the teaching of the Lotus Sutra too, and that we take care of the least amongst us in so doing that at the 3D level.
Then she said, “I don’t interfere in your planet’s destiny because I am from your future, and I already know the outcome. And it’s against the cosmic law to intervene at that level.”

Rama: Yeah, because it changes the timeline.

Tara: Yeah, and that’s not okay. If anybody watched Star Trek you know that’s true. So then she said, she went on and said, “I pulled some strings and I called up Barney Frank, retired Congressmen Barney Frank, Senator Chuck Schumer , and Senator Al Franken and got them all together.”
And then she said, “I said to them, I have got a favor to ask of you folks. As you wish, you two who are still in Congress, and you Barney who are of a great influence as a retired member of that body Congress. As you all wish to really have freedom, which you and everyone else on this planet does not presently have at all in real time.” She said, “I am asking of you a very big favour. I need each of you to get in touch with Dr. Stephen Bassett, and Dr. Steven Greer, and retired senator Mike Gravel. All three were present at the Citizens Hearing [On Disclosure] last year at the end of April and early May. I want you, all of you to come together and start disseminating how you’re going to disclose, that means announce, our presence in your affairs, and in your Earth’s present needs for our intervention in your civilization’s development. Are you going to talk about us in a place of hope, or in a voice of fear? As it stands now, we are considered a threat. I am going to leave you now to your own thoughts. You know all the answers, and we know you know all the answers. Go in the Office of the Christ, and know that how you address this situation I am leaving you with in your very capable hands to resolve. And how you present it to the American people, and to the people of the world. How you choose in a courageous manner to do this mission can and shall have a major effect upon the destiny your beautiful planet, Tita Lakoria, The Diamond One.”
RanaMu said, after she bid them farewell and then got off the phone with Barney and Al and Chuck, she said that a lot of curious Lightworkers out in the world who are going to listen to our message here today, a lot of them do not necessarily have a full faith and ability to believe in these reports. And they may be calling Barney and Al and Chuck up, and they might try to get their opinions on what has been just said here in this report, and shared here now. And what RanaMu said is that they will be completely denied, everything that was said here. And they will say, I don’t know what in heaven you are talking about, and please get off of my phone, and they will say, have a nice day, and hang up on all you Lightworkers who pursue this at that level. RanaMu said, “This response is absolutely necessary in order for them to stay alive.” And then she just said, “Speak this, these words, when you come to this call.”
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by Burnaby49 »

Stop being so skeptical of Lord Rama. If Star Trek backs up their comments that's good enough for me, they're based on real science!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity/Mythical Groups Role-Players Discussion Threa

Post by LightinDarkness »

As expected, the time has come for the Red Dragon Ambassador roleplayer to start acting like world events are really being orchestrated by the mythical Dragon Family. This guy has been doing a prosperity tour circuit for a few months and has gained the attention he wanted by preaching to the choir with standard new age/prosperity dogma. But now the true believers are a bit restless, they want example of what the roleplayer can do.

So now he is claiming to be behind BRICS, which isn't surprising because BRICS is anti-US and generally conspiracy theorists LOVE that. He has said all the things mentioned on are examples of the Dragon Family doing stuff.

This guy is good, the true believers are eating right out of his hands.