Illuminati Exposed!

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Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Deep Knight »

Taking advantage of the Illuminati holiday (as you know, Black Friday commemorates that huge victory of the forces of evil that we later covered up so completely no one remembers) Jim Carrey revealed our secret hand-and-tongue sign to the world. Of course he died horribly within the hour, or will once we spin this as being "a joke."

Sunday, November 30, 2014
“I’m Sick And Tired Of The Secrets And The Lies” Jim Carrey Calls Out Illuminati Secrets On National Television

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 30-Nov-2014 02:31:58


In a grand entrance, Carrey comes forward on Kimmel’s stage making an obvious and in-your-face hand gesture, as seen in the image above. The crowd screamed and applauded with jubilance, and it was unclear whether they were screaming because they aware of the hand symbol he was making, or whether they were simply excited to see the actor after a short stint away from Hollywood in recent years.
In the video (seen below), Carrey spends an extended period of time making the triangle hand symbol while protruding his tongue from the center, while a curious but humored Kimmel watches from behind at his desk.
The audience finally calms down after Carrey takes a seat at Kimmel’s desk, after which Kimmel asks, “What Is that exactly? Is that a gang sign?”
Carrey shoots Kimmel a look of surprise, “Oh like you don’t know what it is,” he jokes. Kimmel answers “No I don’t.”
“So you don’t know what it is, Jimmy Fallon doesn’t know, David Letterman doesn’t know what it is, all the comics in show business don’t know what this is?” he states while making the triangle hand gesture once again.
For those who aren’t sure what Carrey is referencing, the triangle with a symbol in the middle (typically an eye) represents the Illuminati, a hidden governing force which has ties in all of today’s biggest industries, including financial, entertainment, military, and religious. Illuminati references have become ubiquitous throughout Hollywood, as seen in a number of films, television shows, music videos, and even live performances.
After Kimmel continues to deny knowing what Carrey is doing, Carrey finally reveals,
“Come on Jimmy, I’m here to blow the whistle off of this whole thing. I’m sick and tired of the secrets and the lies, it’s the secret symbol of the Illumi-nutty, and you’re a part of it. It’s the all mocking tongue.” Carrey boasts to a laughing audience.
Carrey goes on to explain (with a not-so-serious undertone) how many people in the entertainment industry have been hired by the government to distract the masses by making us happy and docile, so that we don’t know what’s really going on. Carrey also adds that they decide these things “out in the woods in a circle, naked.”
Next he reveals that the Illuminati is trying to turn the masses into “consumer drones,” after which he receives a fake phone call which he answers. We watch as his face immediately turns serious, and a curious Kimmel asks who it was.
Carrey is now zombie-like, and turns to Jimmy explaining, “I’m sor-ry, Jimmy, I-was tempor-arily inter-rupted by my iPhone 6+, with HD display,” the audience erupts in laughter and cheers. ... G9i7d8yfKQ

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:51 AM
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

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What more do you need to see as evidence? Even Einstein and Miley Cyrus are part of our secret society.

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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by notorial dissent »

And here I thought it was just Deep caught without his pants again!!!
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by JennyD »

I woke up one morning about a year ago to have the all seeing eye and the words "Illuminati B***H" scrawled in red paint all over my car... (I work for the government so you know)

This reminds me of the guy that did that to my vehicle... just sayin..
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by DailyPlanet »

Games inside games.

Listen to those who do serious research, folks like Dr Joseph Farrell:


He (the dead banker) was "third in trading ... within the semi-conductor sector"
An expert in algorhythmic trading... Is there something there?

He's not sure, offers "high octane speculation" on various topics


"Repatriate ALL Gold on foreign soil, back to France"
He talks about leading French politician, Ms. Le Pen, claiming sovereignty above the
"independent" central banks. She's tough enough to stick it to Illuminati Central bankers.

Yeah! Expose the secret agreements.
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by wserra »

JennyD wrote:This reminds me of the guy that did that to my vehicle... just sayin..
"The guy"? Heh, heh.

Think about your car next time before you post . . . stuff.
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, February 1, 2015
God Called me out of my Illuminati Family - Amazing Testimony!

Mark Cleminson - Testimony of an ex Illuminist
This is my testimony of my life. We are in a daily battle, but we are already winners in this battle. In 2001, the Lord called me out! I was born into an Illuminist family. It is a family that has, for generations, been involved in Luciferian worship and doctrine. It comes from the beginning of time, all the way from the Garden. This is not something that I chose. As my mother said to me, “This is what we are. This is what we have always been and this is what we will continue to be. We don’t know anything else.”

So this is what happened to little Markie. Too bad he stuck his head up out of his hole, now Satan will have no choice but to you-know-what despite what countless generations of his family have done for evil. Oh well, all in a day's work.

... Lucifer, also called satan, is illuminated along with his fallen angels. The third of heaven, which were cast out, were called the ' Brilliant Ones'. They have deceived many throughout generations. These are also known as 'the fallen ones'.

The word “Illuminati” is derived from the name ILU, the ancient god of the Chaldeans. They knew him. He was 'Belzebub'. He was the 'Light Bearer'. This is where the whole UFO phenomenon comes from. Sister White explains that evil angels will appear to many. Wondrous miracles will happen, and even the Bible tells us that satan himself will call fire down upon the earth from heaven. These are all things that you and I are going to see because we are in the last days.

Secret chambers are part of the works of the Illuminists.

Yes, and secret chamber pots.

... Aprons are another symbol of their works and of their secret chambers. Sister White writes, “A power from beneath is working to bring about the last great scenes in the drama—satan coming as Christ, and working with all deceivableness in unrighteousness in those who are binding themselves together in secret societies” ... those children of disobedience in their works, in their secret chambers, wearing their aprons of wisdom. Who are these people and what is their god? The Illuminists call them 'YahBalOn'. Revelation points them out as 'Apollyon' or 'Abaddon'. This is the god of the Freemasons which is interwoven with the Illuminati.

I don’t know how many generations of my family have been involved. I know the roots of my family go to Pope Clement, who was a pagan. I know, from what my parents have told me, this is what we have been for many years. Sister White writes that, in the end times, those who were the closest to satan will become some of the greatest of the Lord's army, and I praise the Lord for pulling me out, for plucking me out of that fire, and bringing me to a point where I can serve Him instead.

Pope Clement! Does that mean he's related to Erasmus of America?
The Illuminati practice Druid witchcraft, which is probably one of the most heinous forms of witchcraft on the planet. It culminates with human sacrifice as an offering for those who sign their name in the Book of the Dead. Lucifer has his counterfeit in everything. When you sign your name in the Book of the Dead, you have actually signed a warrant on your life if you ever decide to leave the Illuminists. It is not something that you can just do. But many times I have witnessed to my old friends and family. ... When I left the secret society and the practices I had done for so long, my father didn’t understand. He didn’t like my sharp tongue because I shone the light on that part of my life and I spoke quite adamantly about their works, their secret chambers, and their other involvements. My father said, “Be careful because you are going to end up with a bullet in your head if you don’t shut up.” That was harsh hearing that from my dad, somebody that I looked up to, somebody that helped to build part of my character, somebody that told me “don’t lie, don’t cheat, and don’t steal.”

So that's why Markie left, his dad taught him those un-Illuminati things. Looks like a double warrant on their lives (already self signed) and that thing-we-can't-talk-about-here-but-it-doesn't-lead-to-long-life.

... It is not only to call the people out of Babylon, but to tell them what Babylon is; to open it wide up so that people understand the powers that be.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 7:00 AM

Someone should tell Popeye to keep Olive at home if he doesn't want a terrible accident to happen to his boat, if you know what I mean.
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh dear, poor old Mark appears to be really enjoying running around proclaiming himself ex-Illuminutti. From what I can tell he was in a family that did some hippy/new age stuff (meditation), and he may have applied to join freemasonry at some point. Its unclear whether he ever actually was let in on that later point. I would hope the interviewing committee would be smart enough to sniff out the batsh*t crazy in this one, but it wouldn't be the first time a lodge failed in that regard.

I almost think people like Mark set themselves up for this stuff so they can go on the conspiracy theorist lecture circuit and collect the grift. Its not clear to me that he really believes any of this, but he does enjoy stroking his ego by talking about it and acting like it is real.
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

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BTW, I hope all of you can make it to Bavaria Feb 19 for our traditional Chinesischesneuesjahrfest celebration. Nothing like Germans in lederhosen inside of those long dragon costumes marching down the street to umpah music. This year it's being held at Bad Aibling, where the old NSA listening post used to be (I don't know if you like German food, but good Aibling is hard enough to swallow...). Satan is a sucker for "old world charm."

Many outsiders wonder what the difference between Bavarian Illuminati and regular ones are. It's exactly the difference between regular pastry cream and Bavarian cream, it's thickened with gelatin or isinglass instead of flour or cornstarch.

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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Gregg »

I think you should be fined 5 Quatloo for the last post, excessive bad puns outside of Vogon Poetry or Famspeer limerick.

Pay one of the interns on your way out.
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

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I sometimes listen to this stuff on the radio, and caught a bit of the Alex Jones Show the day before yesterday. The caller was all over this place in Bavaria and how it was an Illuminati base. I looked it up, it's a former NSA listening post that made the news in the 90s because of allegations the US government also used it for industrial espionage, so they gave it to the German Army. Of course, in certain people's minds anything with high security is part of some conspiracy. So all you have to do is read between the lines ... and since it's in Bavaria and there are Bavarian Illuminati ...

Anyway, that and the whole "the White and Black Dragon Families are waiting for Chinese New Year" got me going and apparently led me over the edge of the cliff. I would say I'm sorry, but being the embodiment of evil that would ring hollow.

By the way, "Bad" is German for hot or mineral springs, from the same root as "bath." A not-uncommon start of many town names, it almost invites punning. I remember this being done with the spa Bad Homburg, perhaps in the Elvis movie GI Blues, in reference to the style of hat.

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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Deep Knight »

Our deepest, darkest secrets have been revealed! Darn!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Here is a preview of some of the things that I will reveal:

Barack Obama is not a member of the Illuminati. He is something much, much worse.
The new “space flights,” which are planes that can briefly enter orbit, are not as fun as they seem. They are an Illuminati tool.
Denver, Colorado is an evil place.
Aliens are a little different than what mainstream teaches us.
The information I have is essential!

The first topic to discuss will be these underground bunkers that I have mentioned. Currently, there are 57 underground bases and bunkers around the United States that are in use for various purposes. There are 439 bunkers in the entire world. ALL of these bunkers and bases are controlled and maintained by the Illuminati. ... I myself stayed in one of these bunkers while in China in the nineties. They are very nice, very luxurious. It is practically like you are staying in a 5 star hotel.

Some people that have stayed in these bunkers:

Leon Trotsky: After Stalin defeated Trotsky and secured power in the Soviet Union following Lenin’s death, Trotsky was moved to an underground bunker just inside Switzerland. Stalin originally did not know about this because if he did not follow the orders of the Illuminati, then Trotsky was going to be reinstated as the leader of the Soviet Union. It was important to have Trotsky placed in this bunker because Stalin was going to kill him otherwise. Stalin eventually fell in line with the Illuminati’s plans, and Trotsky was executed because he was no longer needed.

Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln was NOT murdered by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was placed in the office of presidency as a pawn. The Illuminati knew that, if he was elected, then the South would secede. The Civil War made the North very, very rich. That was the only reason the Civil War was allowed to happen. If the Illuminati had not seen the opportunity to become rich off of the war, then slavery would still be an American institution. Lincoln was placed in office just to start the war. He made a deal that once the war was over, that he would be removed from office. This was taken care of through a fake assassination, and he spent the rest of his days in a bunker in Mexico.

Saddam Hussein: Hussein was in power in Iraq merely to raise justification for invasion by the United States and other nations. Many of you are already familiar with what I have said about the plans to entirely take over the Middle East and to secure the oil that is currently untapped. The Hussein that was “hung” was a dummy, and the cell phone video that was released was meant to be released as “proof.” Saddam is currently in a bunker somewhere in Argentina. I do not know of any future plans with him.

Another thing that is housed in these bunkers are drugs. There are massive amounts of cocaine, marijuana, heroine and all kinds of other drugs being stored. The drug trade and war on drugs are essential to the Illuminati. As more and more drugs are traded and cartels become more powerful, the Illuminati becomes richer and more powerful.
The Illuminati is constantly searching for ways to implant themselves in the minds of the general public and, naturally, control of the drug trade was the perfect way to do so. Buffett secured control of the drug trade when he approached multiple drug cartels and presented them with contracts. He has been in control ever since, and Ben Bernanke is assisting him with the day to day operations.

Multiple bunkers are also equipped to serve as crematories. Much in the same way that the Nazis burned their victims, the Illuminati plans to burn victims that are killed off. Many have speculated that FEMA has constructed stockpiles of coffins to be used for mass burials, but this is not true. Mass burials would take a massive amount of time and effort. Therefore, when the time comes to begin mass killings and executions, the bodies will be shipped to “burn yard” where they will be dropped in these bunkers and reduced to ashes. FEMA, which is an Illuminati run organization, decided that this would be the most effective way to dispose of a mass amount of bodies.
The moon landing in 1969 was real, but there was a moon landing seven years earlier that was the first real landing. In truth, the Russians were the first ones to land on the moon; however, they did not publicize the mission nor the results. It was decided that America was going to win the space race in order to secure a feeling of capitalism over communism. Russia launched their own rocket ship toward the moon as a test run to ensure that the American trial would be successful seven years later. Everything went perfect with the Russian moon landing, and the same technology was then applied to the American moon mission.

While on the moon, the American astronauts began the first construction of nuclear missile sites on the moon. These nuclear missile sites have been added onto over the years by way of subsequent moon missions and work by remote control robots. The purpose of these missile sites is the ability to launch nuclear missiles without the risk of tracing the missiles back to a particular country. The scenario in which these missiles would be used is to attack a nation that is not cooperating with the Illuminati. The Illuminati would order missiles launched at the nation but, without the afflicted nation being able to track where exactly the missiles came from, they would not be able to show evidence that they should declare war on a specific country. In my opinion, these missiles will never be used because there are many other ways that the Illuminati can bring down an entire government other than nuking them. However, to my knowledge, the moon currently has 2 fully equipped nuclear missile sites that can be operated from Earth.

Sticking with space…

Scientists working for the Illuminati have found a way that they can “shut” off the sun. A weapon has been created that shoots a beam of high density radiation right into the heart of a planet or star. This beam of radiation penetrates through the planet creating a very large cylinder in the exact middle of it. The radiation that is left behind begins to eat at the star or planet and the effects spread like wildfire. This technology has been tested on various stars in our immediate solar system and is very effective. The first thing that occurs to the star is that the radiation eats a perfect cylinder through the middle of the star. The radiation left behind begins working its way outward degenerating anything in its path. The radiation continues to build and spread. Some stars hung on until they were totally deteriorated from the radiation; however, some stars became so unstable that they combusted at a certain point.
Since my departure, I am completely unsure who the top head leaders of the Illuminati are at this point, but I will give my best guess. The Illuminati is structured so that there are one to three major leaders in each major region of the world; however, some regions are left out because of a lack of a suitable leader; therefore, a leader is installed there.

In North America:

Warren Buffett is most likely the head of all Illuminati operations followed by Ben Bernanke, followed by Lloyd Blankfein, who is CEO of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is a key player in the North American Illuminati sector. Recently, Goldman Sachs invested almost $500 million dollars in Facebook. Usually this means that Facebook will fall under Illuminati control soon, just as Myspace and Twitter have.

Other key players in North America are Alex Jones, Bill Clinton, Rahm Emmanuel, of course Obama, and Timothy Geithner.

South America is void of any real Illuminati leaders. Hugo Chavez has been difficult to work with in the past. He seems to be in line with the Illuminati agenda; however, he does not like being told what to do. Most of the North American leaders control South America as well.

In Europe:

Nicolas Sarkozy is the main guy. He controls the majority of the operations in Europe and Africa. Gordon Brown was very influential in the Illuminati until he decided to begin playing his way. This is why he was removed from office. My opinion is that he is still a key player, just not as key as he once was.

There are several African arms dealers that have recently gained some power. However, I am unaware of their identities.

The Middle East is controlled largely by Benjamin Netanyahu, which should not come as much of a surprise. Netanyahu does not have as much control as you would think, however. As I have stated before, Israel is the grand puppet state of the Illuminati. They will do absolutely anything that the Illuminati wants them to do, and they will do it to the best of their ability without even thinking twice. Israel has been given the permission to fire upon Iran whenever it wishes to do so. Control of the Middle East is hard because there are so many rebel groups. Palestine should not even be worried about. Although they are not controlled by the Illuminati, they are not able to do anything. Iran is borderline at times, and completely in opposition at others. This is why Israel will destroy Iran to start WWIII.

Asia is controlled entirely by Vladimir Putin and his cronies. Putin is a very powerful, very smart man. He will regain popular control of Russia very soon, but you can be assured that everything that is happening in Russia right now is going through him.

China has chosen to give up a little power to the Illuminati. They cooperate, just do not care to become too involved. In my opinion it is because they feel that they will be able to defeat the Illuminati in the end. They are sadly mistaken. Eventually they will come to terms and will join in the great skit that will be called World War 3.

The Spanish flu of 1918, SARS and the H1N1 scare all have one thing in common: they all were engineered by the Illuminati. While nothing has been instituted on a global scale, the Illuminati has been testing these viruses for years and they are finally unlocking the keys to creating a virus that will spread across the globe very, very fast killing select people. My advice: do not receive the vaccines. You will become a part of a test group that the Illuminati is using to experiment.
I hope this data dump has been informational for you and has contributed to my credibility in some way. I have much, much more information. It just takes me time to sit down and father my thoughts long enough to format them in an easily readable and comprehensive manner. This is definitely not my last post, as I have more information that needs to be told. It has been a long, tiring past couple of days, and I hope this is enough information to give me a good rest for awhile.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 7:00 AM
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln was NOT murdered by John Wilkes Booth.
"He just went home."
- Agent K
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Gregg »



I didn't think you could find this much stupid without going to Saving to Suiters and even there not all in one post.

In order to keep my own brain from frying I'm not gonna reply to all of it, and what I do reply to is gonna take more than one post. But lets start with the Science...
Scientists working for the Illuminati have found a way that they can “shut” off the sun. A weapon has been created that shoots a beam of high density radiation right into the heart of a planet or star. This beam of radiation penetrates through the planet creating a very large cylinder in the exact middle of it. The radiation that is left behind begins to eat at the star or planet and the effects spread like wildfire.
Because anyone knows that radiation would instantly kill a star.

This technology has been tested on various stars in our immediate solar system and is very effective.
This is why there is one one star left in our immediate solar system

The first thing that occurs to the star is that the radiation eats a perfect cylinder through the middle of the star. The radiation left behind begins working its way outward degenerating anything in its path. The radiation continues to build and spread. Some stars hung on until they were totally deteriorated from the radiation; however, some stars became so unstable that they combusted at a certain point.
You cannot imagine how badass it is when a star catches on fire, its like, as bright as the sun!

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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Gregg »

Now, for a few comments on the org chart

Warren Buffett is most likely the head of all Illuminati operations followed by Ben Bernanke, followed by Lloyd Blankfein, who is CEO of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is a key player in the North American Illuminati sector. Recently, Goldman Sachs invested almost $500 million dollars in Facebook. Usually this means that Facebook will fall under Illuminati control soon, just as Myspace and Twitter have.
Oh, come on, even I admit Facebook is controlled by the Illuminati. BUt he has the wrong guy, its not Warren Buffet, its Jimmy Buffet, the new Chief of Staff is gonna be called the Parrothead

Other key players in North America are Alex Jones, Bill Clinton, Rahm Emmanuel, of course Obama, and Timothy Geithner.
You're gonna have to excuse me a minute while I let that sink in

South America is void of any real Illuminati leaders. Hugo Chavez has been difficult to work with in the past. He seems to be in line with the Illuminati agenda; however, he does not like being told what to do. Most of the North American leaders control South America as well.
Hugo is even more difficult to work with since he died several years ago, its like he doesn't even listen to our commands anymore

In Europe:

Nicolas Sarkozy is the main guy. He controls the majority of the operations in Europe and Africa. Gordon Brown was very influential in the Illuminati until he decided to begin playing his way. This is why he was removed from office. My opinion is that he is still a key player, just not as key as he once was.
The last French person in charge of anything important was Napoleon and seeing as how that turned out, we're not keen on letting another one control anything bigger than the color of the bridesmaids dresses at royal weddings in Somalia.

There are several African arms dealers that have recently gained some power. However, I am unaware of their identities.
I can vouch for most of those.

The Middle East is controlled largely by Benjamin Netanyahu, which should not come as much of a surprise. Netanyahu does not have as much control as you would think, however. As I have stated before, Israel is the grand puppet state of the Illuminati. They will do absolutely anything that the Illuminati wants them to do, and they will do it to the best of their ability without even thinking twice. Israel has been given the permission to fire upon Iran whenever it wishes to do so. Control of the Middle East is hard because there are so many rebel groups. Palestine should not even be worried about. Although they are not controlled by the Illuminati, they are not able to do anything. Iran is borderline at times, and completely in opposition at others. This is why Israel will destroy Iran to start WWIII.

Asia is controlled entirely by Vladimir Putin and his cronies. Putin is a very powerful, very smart man. He will regain popular control of Russia very soon, but you can be assured that everything that is happening in Russia right now is going through him.
Putin is borderline insane and honestly, there might be people working on him getting a fatal Kalishna-cough in the near future

China has chosen to give up a little power to the Illuminati. They cooperate, just do not care to become too involved. In my opinion it is because they feel that they will be able to defeat the Illuminati in the end. They are sadly mistaken. Eventually they will come to terms and will join in the great skit that will be called World War 3.
A long time ago, in an Infantry School far, far away, I remember an instructor, a full colonel, telling us that Red China could equip an Army with sticks and stones, march on foot to Moscow and take it, and in the end have 50 million soldiers left. When you talk about China and India, its like talking about government spending, the numbers are just beyond most casual observers.
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Gregg »

And finally

The Spanish flu of 1918, SARS and the H1N1 scare all have one thing in common: they all were engineered by the Illuminati.
Well, tow of them may be the same virus, I recall some story a few years back where they were looking for samples of 1918 Spanish Flu to test it

While nothing has been instituted on a global scale, the Illuminati has been testing these viruses for years and they are finally unlocking the keys to creating a virus that will spread across the globe very, very fast killing select people. My advice: do not receive the vaccines. You will become a part of a test group that the Illuminati is using to experiment.
Any virus introduced into a big airport will spread around the globe very very fast, lucky for us most of them are pretty harmless in the grand scheme of things. As for killing select people, well, a fatal virus will, within the limits of its own mortal effect, kill anyone it infects unless you do have the vaccine. So, if you believe any of this conspiracy crap, me and Darwin also don't want you to receive the vaccine, its just better for the gene pool to leave you out. Nothing personal, just business.

I hope this data dump has been informational for you and has contributed to my credibility in some way.
I could take it a package as credible and give you a mulligan on the science stuff, but sorry, after the Alex Jones thing, I just can't trust your sources.

I have much, much more information. It just takes me time to sit down and father my thoughts long enough to format them in an easily readable and comprehensive manner. This is definitely not my last post, as I have more information that needs to be told. It has been a long, tiring past couple of days, and I hope this is enough information to give me a good rest for awhile.
Let me get you some Ricin to help you sleep.
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by notorial dissent »

To sum it all up, "The stupid, it burns!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Deep Knight »

[color=#FF0000]Gregg[/color] wrote:I hope this data dump has been informational for you and has contributed to my credibility in some way.

I could take it a package as credible and give you a mulligan on the science stuff, but sorry, after the Alex Jones thing, I just can't trust your sources.
I understand that Satan laughed so hard when he heard this that tears were coming out of the hot, glowing coals where his eyes should be. Imagine us letting Alex in! For one there's not being part of a bloodline, and then his bedroom behaviors and that incident with the sheep. It's only the Big Guy's good sense of humor that's kept us from assassinating him, but I think it's dangerous. I mean, if he goes on day after day mouthing off about us and we don't kill him, people will start not to take the Illuminati seriously!
Gregg wrote:Oh, come on, even I admit Facebook is controlled by the Illuminati. But he has the wrong guy, its not Warren Buffet, its Jimmy Buffet, the new Chief of Staff is gonna be called the Parrothead
Lucky for us nobody has thought to play Jimmy's songs backwards, otherwise they would hear the embedded demonic messages. For example, "Pencil Thin Moustache" backwards has, "Oh here’s to my sweet Satan," in the chorus and Margaretaville, "Paul is dead, turn me on, dead m-m-man."
Gregg wrote:There are several African arms dealers that have recently gained some power. However, I am unaware of their identities.
I can vouch for most of those.
Good, because Caspar van der Smoots promised he'd pay me back when I covered his tab at that bar in Stanleyville, and I haven't heard from him since. I've tried phone messages, texts and e-mails, but he's ignoring me. Tell him that I don't care what his cash flow is like, it's not my fault he made a mistake on that bid for those AK47s, all I care about is my money.
Gregg wrote:This technology has been tested on various stars in our immediate solar system and is very effective.
This is why there is one one star left in our immediate solar system
That's right, and anyone who said that part of the solar system was being "cloaked" using a "cloaking device" so that we could do such experiments on alternate suns and planets would have to be crazy - right? You gotta hand it to Satan, no one else would have thought of doing that, but just look how well it succeeded.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, March 28, 2015

[Supposed links between recent air crashes, with links]

Posted by Freewill at 1:31 PM

Don't get me started. It's not smarts that get you ahead in the Illuminati, it's who you know and how much you're willing to suck-up to the big guy downstairs. And what happens when you're successful? Your boss takes credit for it and then had you killed so you won't reveal his deceit. Really inhibits initiative 'round the office.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Illuminati Exposed!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Reptilians And The Council Of 13

The leader of the Earth's Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families and is always male. The title "Pindar" is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco," also known as the "Penis of the Dragon". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.
Interestingly, there is a winery on the east end of Long Island, not far from Montauk Point, called Pindar Vineyards. This wine is growing in popularity, gaining international accolades. This fits nicely into the plan, as this area will be a part of the capital district of the Earth/United Nations in the Empire State! Red wine is symbolic of the blood ingested by the Reptilians. The wine can become sanctified as it did in the Roman Catholic Church, a patsy for the Reptilians. In the Catholic Church, wine replaced the blood in ceremony.
The United States of America is not named after Amerigo Vespucci, as you learned in school. The Illuminati would never name a continent, actually two continents, after an Italian mapmaker. The name is actually a combination of words. "Am" is the Hebrew word for "people" "Ame" is also the command form of the Spanish/Latin verb "to love" "Eri" or "ari" is a Hebrew term for "lion" "Rica" is the feminine form of the Spanish word for "rich" "Ka" is the ancient Egyptian word for soul, or spirit force within a body There are two layers of meanings. The Ancient Hebrew/Egyptian translates to say, "the people of the lion with spirit force"
World War II brought three primary goals of the Illuminati to fruition. The first was that hidden Illuminati symbolisms were brought to public attention from the underground strongholds in Tibet and Egypt, such as the Swastika and the ankh. The second was the creation of the State of Israel as a foundation for the New World Religion. The last was the creation of nuclear weapons as part of the Illuminati global ceremony. During World War II, the Germans helped to perfect "sex-slaves" as a means of transmitting information amongst the elite. Sex-slaves can be either male or female, who are sexually programmed using Wilhelm Reich procedures, which are illegal in the United States, but used by the Illuminati and government.

These sex-slaves deliver messages and keep programmed sleepers in line. The sex-slave is downloaded with a message or function through various sexual acts and drugs, which can only be released by repeating the same sexual act with the target, or person, to be activated. They are trained to know their target's trigger words and trigger events to activate, delete or change programming.

In recent years, several women have come forward claiming to be the sex-slaves of globally recognized political figures. Many were used as information couriers between high-level male Illuminati. Usually, look- a-likes of the political figures are used in the incipient programming as a focal point for the sex-slave. The slave is put through a desensitizing process, so there is no pleasure in the sexual act; it is merely a duty to be performed. Many times the slave becomes sexually promiscuous, repeatedly having sex with people who look like the intended target. It is a sad life.
About the author: A gifted medical intuitive, Stewart Swerdlow is a clairvoyant who has the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns. His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was "recruited" for specific government mind-control experiments which enhanced his natural abilities.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 1:23 PM

And you thought Deep Knight was pulling facts out his butt when he wrote about having sex with thousands of supermodels a night. I was simply sending messages and keeping our sleepers in lne, the increased throughput necessary because you-know-what is about to happen. Sure it means an extra effort on my part, but you know how The Pinder is about meeting quarterly goals.

BTW - Yakov Sverdlov, who was real and died in 1919, was the first president of the Soviet Union, which was founded in 1922?
"Follow the Money"