Illucidity: The New Generation

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by rogfulton »

By the way, our favorite lizard-spotter David Icke gets mentioned on the Cracked list of 5 Pathetic Groups That People Think Rule The World.

He must be thinking "I'm number one!!!"
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

The person who really is Deep Knight has a soft spot for "Paul is dead" conspiracy theories. When he was in High School, he neglected his "diary" for Creative Writing class and decided to fill it by riding around in a school bus for some period of time writing down bits and pieces of the conversation. This, by coincidence, happened to be when the Paul McCartney thing broke in late 1969, and so I filled my diary with this and wrote my final paper about it. I also had a friend who had just returned from a year in the UK, who had told me about the "Beatles contest" rumor this was basically derived from (same "clues," don't cha know).

Anyway, posted on Nesara News:

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Former Beatle Ringo Starr Claims The “real” Paul Mccartney Died In 1966 And Was Replaced By Look-alike.......

The former drummer of the Beatles, Ringo Starr, surprised the world this morning during an interview in his luxurious Californian residence, when he admitted that the 45-year old rumors about the alleged death of Paul McCartney in 1966 were actually true.
In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the “real” Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles’ recording session. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of jovial personality as Paul.

“When Paul died, we all panicked!” claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. “We didn’t know what to do, and Brian Epstein, our manager, suggested that we hire Billy Shears as a temporary solution. It was supposed to last only a week or two, but time went by and nobody seemed to notice, so we kept playing along. Billy turned out to be a pretty good musician and he was able to perform almost better than Paul. The only problem was that he couldn’t get along with John, at all.”

Posted by Popeye at 6:39 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous March 2, 2015 at 2:02 AM


This is from World News Daily Report, which clearly states it's fiction.

WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.

Just in case you're still confused, their alleged source "Hollywood Inquirer" is also not an actual newspaper. Which is par for their course, but SO EASY to look up one wonders why they even bothered to post this, or for that matter what it has to do with the restoration of the republics, etc. But that's not the end of this. WNDR, doubling down on the stupid, published this today.

Paul McCartney Refutes Ringo Starr’s Allegations that He Died in 1966
March 2nd, 2015 | by Barbara Johnson

Paul McCartney finally reacted this morning to the controversial declarations made last Wednesday by his former bandmate, Ringo Starr, during an interview with the Hollywood Inquirer. Ringo alleged that the “real” Paul had died in 1966 and had been replaced by a look-alike named Williams Shears Campbbell, a claim which Paul dismisses as “the rambling of a senile old man”. Sir Paul decided to invite the media to his primary residence located on the outskirts of the small town of Peasmarsh, in Sussex, to refute the allegations and to put an end to the rumors which have been spreading and multiplying over the last few days.

“I know that Ringo is growing senile and losing his mind,” says Sir Paul, “but he doesn’t need to invent such idiotic stories to attract attention. He probably heard that Wings was about to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and he felt jealous. I’ve seen Ringo do and say many stupid things in my life, but this is one of the worst! If he’s so badly in need of media coverage, he could just invent crap about himself without implicating me in his delirium” he added with spite.

Sir Paul looked visibly tired and irritated during the press conference, appearing even aggressive at times.

This denial by Paul McCartney will certainly not bring an end to this story, however, as many investigations have already been initiated to determine is true identity, After the British MI5′s announce on Tuesday, the speaker for the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, Michael Grunwald, confirmed on Friday to reporters that the office is also investigating claims that Sir Paul McCartney could be an impostor. This investigation in Berlin comes after Ringo’s allegations have brought an unexpected twist to a 31-year old paternity case in Germany, concerning Mr. McCartney. Back in 1983, Sir Paul was ordered to give blood samples for a DNA paternity test after Bettina Hübers claimed to be his illegitimate daughter. 53-year old Bettina Hübers , who works as a caretaker at an old people’s home in Berlin, claims her mother, Erika Hübers, had an affair with the British musician between 1959 and 1962. At the time the Beatles were playing on Hamburg’s infamous Reeperbahn and hadn’t yet risen to fame. Ms. Hübers had a failed pop career under the name Tina McCartney, but Sir Paul has always denied he was her father, and the original paternity test backed up his claims. In 2007, however, she claimed that McCartney had faked the paternity test , as she alleged that a look-alike had taken Sir Paul’s place in the court case. After Ringos’ revelations, she now demands a DNA test to compare her own DNA with that of Paul’s brother, Peter Micheal McCartney, better known under his professional name of Mike McGear, to prove she is actually the daughter of the “real” Paul McCartney.

“I have many proofs that Sir Paul isn’t really Sir Paul,” she told the mass-circulation Bild Zeitung. “The signature on the old court documents is false! We have found the signature is from a right-handed person, but Paul is left-handed. The sample isn’t even from the right blood type! I am sure that the man pretending to be Paul McCartney is in fact Billy Shears, and I want DNA testing on Paul’s brother, to clarify this matter once and for all”

Ms. Hübers still demands to be recognized as the daughter of the “real” Paul McCartney, which could make her eligible to receive hundreds of millions of dollars of inheritance.

This strange controversy has been creating a lot of hype in the tabloids and the social media over the last week, after Ringo’s famous interview the Hollywood Inquirer. The former drummer of the Beatles had alleged that the “real” Paul McCartney had died in a car accident in November 1966 and had been replaced by the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest named William Shears Campbell.
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

Another Nesara News article has this shocking picture of Obama giving the ISIS one-finger salute.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Why did Barack Hussein Obama make the famous ‘One-Finger ISIS’ salute at the African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C.?

Thus when believers stick their index finger in the air, they demonstrate they are partisans of Muhammad’s God concept. And they also affirm their belief in Muhammad’s claim he was the interface between God and man. They also demonstrate they are part of the umma, the exclusive transtribal supertribe of believers that Muhammad started 1,400 years ago.
With his forefinger in the air, Obama affirmed his membership in this tribe.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 7:00 AM


Anonymous March 2, 2015 at 10:04 AM
IF...IF.. this be true... WHY don't our gov. do something? Perhaps they are also PART AND AGREEABLE TO the plans!!!!

Anonymous March 2, 2015 at 10:29 AM
Yes hang him for sedition. He is bringing these devils to America for a fight. Let's stop it now!

Anonymous March 2, 2015 at 3:01 PM
CLICK HERE... The Solution of Islamic Terrorism - Black Jack Pershing - FIND THIS ON THE LEFT SIDE .... OR GO TO THE LEFT SIDE AND WRITE THIS IN TO BRING IT UP....

Someone needs to investigate these people also:

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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by The Observer »

That wasn't the version that was posted in the cafeteria here in headquarters...

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Former Beatle Ringo Starr Claims He Is Really Illuminati Agent "Deep Knight".......

The former drummer of the Beatles, Ringo Starr, surprised the world this morning during an interview in his luxurious Californian residence, when he revealed that he was actually an Illuminati agent that goes by the cover name of "Deep Kight."

In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that he had taken on the role of a drummer in the Fabulous Four so as to infiltrate the British Invasion in the early '60's and to control its impact on the United States.

“When the Brits started making their move in the rock and roll word, the Illuminati panicked!", claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. “We didn’t know what to do or what to expect, and our team leader suggested that we eliminate Pet Best and I replace him as drummer. It was first planned as a temporary solution, since I couldn't sing worth a darn, not to mention being ugly on top of it. It was supposed to last only a week or two, but time went by and nobody seemed to notice, so I kept playing along. I turned out to be a pretty good musician and I was able to snag a couple of girls here or there, but Paul always got the best ones. The only problem was that he wouldn't share any of them with John, George or me.”
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, March 5, 2015
Alarming New Information- USA About To Shake and Bake- Experts Warning To Prepare!

Alarming New Information-
USA About To Shake and Bake-Experts Warning To Prepare!

Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are part of God’s end time judgments…
....and now it could happen at any time!
Even the worldly experts are warning people to prepare.
The watchmen are warning people to prepare.
If the watchmen and world are both warning people to prepare, why isn’t anyone listening?
This is HUGE news! Pay attention!
There is a ton of information you will want to know about!
Don’t miss a moment!

Posted by Freewill at 6:16 PM 0 comments

Shake & Bake!
Ricky Bobby: What's going on?
Jean Girard: Soon you will know what it is like to be beaten by the hands of somebody who is truly better than you. As William Blake wrote 'The cut worm forgives the plow".
Ricky Bobby: Well I got something for you from the late great Colonel Sanders who said "I'm to drunk to taste this chicken"
Jean Girard: What's that got to do with this?
Cal Naughton, Jr.: I got a message for all of 'em. Shake... and bake.
Ricky Bobby: What does that do? Does that blow your mind? That just happened!
Jean Girard: What is that a catch phrase or is that uh epilepsy?
Cal Naughton, Jr.: [whispers] Shake and bake.
Jean Girard: What?
Cal Naughton, Jr.: [whispers] Shake and bake.
Jean Girard: [puts finger in Ricky Bobby's face] Listen you better be careful because tomorrow you're going to get beaten. Beaten real bad cowboy!
Ricky Bobby: Really?
Jean Girard: Yes!
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, March 6, 2015
Police Chief's Open Mic on Scanner Radio, "The Policies", "Daughter Holds Them"


While riding a bus through a metro area of a major midwestern U.S. city this editor picked up an unusual transmission on the police scanner radio with earpiece (which helps drown out the jabber and engine noise) aboard a bus while rolling outbound from the city area on a major freeway highway. Just as the bus cleared town and headed to the suburbs a somewhat monotone voice could be heard talking about "the policies", and "daughter holds them", etc.. The voice must have definitely been that of a police chief there because a frantic dispatcher was telling her units to get the chief to close his mic! 'Mic' (pronounced mike) is short for microphone and the police chief had inadvertently left his radio microphone on or it had gotten stuck on send and his cell phone conversation was going out over the air!!!!!

That was a once in a lifetime listen and quite revealing. The dispatcher repeatedly called out to him to "close your mic, close your mic!", but to no avail since he was stuck on 'send' and could not receive. The horrified, distraught-sounding dispatcher finally summoned her units to go over and signal him and stop him and get the mic closed. The police chief was unwittingly discussing what may have been very 'sensitive' information which, to the horror of officials, was going out over the common police and fire bands on the scanner radio!

They finally got the chief stopped and fixed the problem, according to following transmissions, but this editor never forgot the mention of "the policies" which were apparently being held or managed by a daughter.

It really does appear that citizens and various officials really do have "owners", just as the late George Carlin warned of when he said, "you have owners....they own you". It does appear the people are 'kept' by bondholders and are unknowingly placed on "policies".

Since the new laws grant authorities, cops(Freemasons), prosecutors, etc., a look into your bank account(s) and financial information many persons and organizations have suffered grand theft. If they can breach your accounts then who the hell do you think took your money out of the bank!?

Your lives are taken from you through secrecy.


Posted by Freewill at 10:14 PM

Oh, oh, the cat's out of the bag now! In 2006 or 2007 some guy who sounded like a police chief had policies, and his daughter was holding them! What's worse, some guy who rode around on busses listening to a police scanner knows about it! I'm calling an emergency "Emergency Response Team" meeting at NWO Headquarters first thing on Monday, no wait Monday's are always bad and George is gone Tuesday, so make that Wednesday! Not a moment to lose, this "Infoeditor" will rue the day he lay with Ruth! Shake & Bake!
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, March 23, 2015
Joan Rivers....... Reemerging After faking Death, PROVES Michelle Obama is a Man

(Before It's News) If you’ve been researching into the conspiracy theory about Michelle Obama being a man, then last week was your dream come true.

Joan Rivers reemerges with good friend Clive Davis, which should suggest. Another good friend of his, Whitney Houston also faked her death.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see, the similarities between The Woman with Clive Davis and Joan Rivers are the same.


Joan Rivers decided to open her mouth. So you’re going to tell me, this Woman who looks like Joan Rivers, also sounds like Joan Rivers? Wow what are the odds of that?

This only solidifies the fact that Joan Rivers was put on FBI Witness protection, after her Michelle Obama is a man rant. I wrote about this in detail back in September 5, 2014

Posted by Popeye at 4:39 PM

I know this is hard to follow, but here's what I've been able to piece together. Joan Rivers made a joke about Obama being the first gay president because Michelle was so obviously a man. Not one of her better ones. But of course, conspiracy theorists took it and ran with it, especially after Joan died, which PROVES she must have stumbled upon the truth!
Who needs Fourth of July fireworks when you have Joan Rivers around?

The comedian known for her lack of self-censoring recently officiated a same-sex wedding and was asked by a photographer if she believed the United States would ever see the first gay or female president. Her response was typical Rivers.

"We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down," she said. "You know Michelle (Obama) is a trans."

When asked to further explain Rivers said, "A transgender. We all know it."

A representative for Rivers released the following statement to CNN from the comic about her remarks to the photographer:

"I think it's a compliment. She's so attractive, tall, with a beautiful body, great face, does great makeup. Take a look and go back to La Cage Au Follies (sic). The most gorgeous women are transgender. Stop it already ... and if you want to talk about 'politically correct,' I think this is a 'politically incorrect' attack on me because I'm old, Jewish, a woman and a 'hetty' -- a heteosexual ... and I plan to sue the reporter who, when he turned off his camera, tried to touch me inappropriately on the a** - luckily he hit my ankle. Read the book ... if you think that's silly, wait to (sic) you see what I say about FDR and Eleanor!"
Of course, this latest dust-up coincides with Rivers' book, "Diary of a Mad Diva," which was released on July 1. Rivers' representative told CNN, "These are all funny jokes. The book is hysterical. The prologue says if anyone takes anything in the book seriously (he or she) is an idiot. And (Rivers) says if anyone has a problem with that, they can feel free to call her lawyer Clarence Darrow."
Was Joan Rivers Put On FBI Witness Protection Due To Michelle Obama Rant?
Friday, September 5, 2014

51% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.
(Before It's News)

The latest recent media craze was that of Joan Rivers going into cardiac arrest, into a coma and ultimately “dying” a few days later.

Observing how this transpired, it sounds like a hoax on many levels.

A FBI hoax that is, FBI witness protection. Here’s how that works…

Joan Rivers calling Michelle Obama a man could of went both ways. It could have been rigged, or could have been real. Obviously people are pointing to this fact, Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny. The reason why I link back to infowars is, Alex Jones aka Bill Hicks was also put on FBI Protection. Alex Jones really is Bill Hicks

If Joan Rivers was feeling heat from The Establishment by letting out a secret, by calling Michelle Obama a man. She might have been recommended to be placed in FBI witness protection. Many celebrities have been put on this program. Celebrities that we can confirm, due to them working as cointelpro in the truth movement are. Brandon Lee now named Christopher Greene, River Phoenix now named Mark Dice, Bill Hicks now named Alex Jones, Chris Farley now named Anthony Antonello and Jonathan Brandis now named Adam Kokesh.

All getting their chance to work for Ted Turner, just as Larry King tried to recruit Bill Clinton to work for Ted. Infowars being a creation of Turner, INFOWARS MASTERMIND, TED TURNER – DOCUMENTARY

People are going to say, the lady was 81 years old. She was due to fall at any moment, but… She has had many plastic surgeries and never had a problem. She was upbeat and prior to her supposedly slipping into a coma. She had just done a comedy show prior to it. This does not sound like a frail old lady, but a lady who made a mistake and let out a big secret, felt heat, then was scared for her own life and was put into FBI Witness protection.

Now the other scenario would be, that Michelle Obama was in on it. And Joan Rivers used her as a platform to diss her. To later fake her death to escape money issues, reason why most celebrities fake their deaths. They are worth more to their families dead, than alive. Rapper Tim Dog Fakes His Own Death To Avoid Paying Money He Owed To have the conspiracy and news blogispheres give The Obama’s cred as some scary killers. Would of worked for The Obama’s advantage and Rivers Advantage. Joan Rivers had a good relationship with The Obama’s before she called Michelle a man.

Watch Hollywood Death Fakers to get a better idea on Death Fakers and how some actors are hired by Intelligence agencies as Cointelpro.
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by wserra »

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm not really sure there was much there to begin with, and they keep proving it. If this isn't proof of that I don't know what else would suffice.
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, April 2, 2015
To: The self appointed, pretending, inferior rulers of mankind; Enough of your lies you bastards!!!

The reason these pretending rulers lie to you is to destroy “standards”. To eliminate “up” and “down”, “right” or “wrong”. To brainwash you into “relativity”.
Without standards we wouldn't have buildings, bridges, cars, computers, telephones, etc. On a sphere Earth, there is no “up” and “down” so they can't go “down” to Hell where they belong to. So they think!
They mix their snare of lies with just a little truth as the bait. “It is better to frown a snare than struggle in it”!
Some of your former, present and wannabe rulers of you!!!
Do their names tell you who these lying bastards really are?

I see, the NWO lies and says the earth is round so we won't have an up and down so we can't go down to hell. Uh huh. Then it's proved through links to ... anagrams.

'williamclinton' anagrams to 'An ill clown: I'm it!'
'elizabethmountbattenwindsor' anagrams to 'The bluntest, braw demonization.'
'georgewalkerbush' anagrams to 'Blush, war geek ogre.'
'albertgorearnold' anagrams to 'Groaned, "Ballot err!"'
'hillaryrodhamclinton' anagrams to 'Lynch harlot in mid-oral.'
'sarahlouisepalin' anagrams to 'Lush paranoia lies.'

Your real ruler in the WH.

'Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama ' anagrams to 'On ghoulish, abnormal ambivalence.'
'Jorge Mario Bergoglio' anagrams to 'Boo! Groggier major lie.'

I noticed that many people have high hopes for Putin. For some reason they think he is fighting the corrupt Western system and a few even think he is the saviour of mankind. What a delusion people!!! When are you going to get it! These scums are nothing but the two sides of the same coin!

'Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin' anagrams to 'Void vivid, triumphal criminal.'
'Richard Milhous Nixon' anagrams to 'No! I shun horrid climax!'
'Adolph Hitler' anagrams to 'Hot, rapid hell.'

Posted by Freewill at 8:43 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous April 2, 2015 at 11:35 PM
This is terrible. You should really do something about this.

It's true, the one time Bill Clinton dressed up as a clown for the White House lawn picnic he got ill. Left the potato salad in the sun for too long. As for Dick Nixon shunning horrid climaxes, everyone should! Life is too short to put up with those kind of orgasms, and just look at what they did to Orly Taitz!

'Deep Knight' anagrams to 'The Peg Kind.' Ooooooooh!
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News has a new unimpeachable information source, people's dreams!

Friday, April 10, 2015
A sister has a dream and at the conclusion is instructed to "Warn the people! Warn the people!"


Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:41 PM

Friday, April 10, 2015
U.S. Government Planning Mass Murder of Americans

I saw the future destruction of America in a dream. In this dream I was at an outdoor dinner party at a resort hotel on the east coast. It was a formal corporate business event in an elegant setting. I was there because I was an employee of this corporation. All the men were wearing black tuxedos including me.

I was not shown the date, but I was able to see it was in the future, not in the next few weeks or months, but it seemed further into the future than that. I saw that America had already endured a series of severe problems that had caused great trouble for the people, but nothing as bad as what was about to happen. We had reached the point when the final phase of our government’s plan was about to unfold.
He said to me, “Let me give you some advice. The President is leaving the country. He has left behind a few of his top people to carry out the final stages of his plan. You need to get out of America while you still can."

I asked him, “Why, what is going on?"

He said, “I am going to be leaving for a very short time, just a few days. When I come back the killing begins. The plan is to kill everybody in the country. You and your family need to get out of the country right away. Anyone who does not leave is going to die."

I was very alarmed by what he said, especially given such a short amount of time left.

Then he said, “ I am not sure exactly how many days you have left, but my boss is here so let me ask her.” He invited his boss to come talk with us. I was able to see things about her just like I did with him. I saw that she was the government’s top person in charge of implementing this evil plan. I was not shown her title, but I knew she was in a very high level position, such as a member of the President’s cabinet.

She gave me the same warning saying, “Let me give you a word of advice. I am going to be leaving, but I am coming back. Let’s see… today is Wednesday? I am coming back either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. You need to get out of here by then because anyone who is still here is going to die. So unless you leave before we come back you and your family will die."
Posted by Olive Oyl at 1:22 PM


Seeker April 10, 2015 at 1:36 PM
Why are religious types always fear mongering? It makes me want nothing to do with religion. Fear attracts what it fears so there is an agenda which a just God would not condone.

Anonymous April 10, 2015 at 2:09 PM
'Fear mongering'? So if you don't agree with others First Amendment rights to express their dreams and visions and personal beliefs, then WHY do you live in America?! DON'T READ THE FRICK'N ARTICLE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!! AND DON'T CONDEMN OTHERS BECAUSE IT MAY NOT AGREE WITH YOUR BELIEFS! Last I heard, we still have the First Amendment right to free speech in America. This person has his/her right to express their experiences and thoughts, and you have your right to yours. So you don't agree? That's the way it goes bubba. Live with it. There are plenty of atheist countries yet that would welcome your heathen beliefs. Go there. We would be happy to help send you off, but the IRS continues to steal everything we have with nothing left to live on.

Anonymous April 10, 2015 at 2:17 PM
Agree 2:09 PM! Can people not post something without left minded non-thinking idiots calling it 'fear porn' or 'fear mongering'?? Can some people not comprehend that this is an account of a person's dream(s) which - by the way - seem to agree with those of others who believe they are receiving warnings from the Lord about what is going on in this nation behind the scenes? That they are providing information of the REAL intents and purposes of the rogue criminal 'government' of this nation, providing info for people to decide if they want to give this info some serious thought and make preparations, or decide to continue in their la la land of existence? What if this dreams ending does come to pass? What of the people who will want to know why they weren't warned? What of those who won't know what hit them? Gee whiz - is there not anyone left in this nation of X-boxes and golf games who can figure things out and allow others to do the same? 1:36 PM needs to get a life!!!!

Anonymous April 10, 2015 at 2:48 PM
I had a dream that a giant chicken rose up out of the sea and was destroying the town. But it wasn't, like, a live chicken but a roasted chicken. Like it was headless and brown and walked around on it's leg bones? Anyway, it was determined that the only way to destroy it was by defeating it in a sword fight so I fought it fencing style and it fought back using it's wing bones for swords.
So I guess I'm saying maybe lay off the chicken for a while. Maybe eat on some beef or something. Dig in on some trout, maybe? Nothing wrong with some trout.

Anonymous April 10, 2015 at 3:02 PM
You are funny! You ought to write books for idiots! You would fit right in! I hear they make allot of money off people like you!!!

Anonymous April 10, 2015 at 3:05 PM
Hey guy! You need some good antiacids! Perhaps lay off the booze or perhaps the drugs? You would be surprised how that will cut back on these troublesome thoughts and dreams you are having!

finale wiz April 10, 2015 at 3:09 PM
I thought this was actual news... but no, it's a DREAM. People, visions and dreams, if you read anything into them at all are highly FIGURATIVE.
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by The Observer »

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but the giant roasted chicken dream sounds pretty prophetic to me. I think it means that Tyson Chickens (located in the southeast) is probably going to make a move and try to take over the country.
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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Well, I don't know about anyone else, but the giant roasted chicken dream sounds pretty prophetic to me. I think it means that Tyson Chickens (located in the southeast) is probably going to make a move and try to take over the country.
The company or the chickens?

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Re: Illucidity: The New Generation

Post by Deep Knight »

More breaking fear porn.

Thursday, April 16, 2015
ISIS Camps 8 Miles From US Southern Border

In October 2014, Judicial Watch (JW) reported that four ISIS terrorists “have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) in McAllen and Pharr.” The information was provided by a source within Homeland Security, according to JW.

California Congressman Duncan Hunter claimed that no less than ten ISIS fighters had been caught crossing into Texas to date and that his information was provided to him directly from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

In August, JW reported that “that Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED).”

After Congressman Hunter made the claim on Fox News, the main stream media did some investigating of their own and found no evidence to corroborate Mr. Hunter’s assertion. They said that both Homeland Security and the Texas Department of Public Safety found no evidence of such activity.

In an email to Politifact Texas, DHS spokes lady Marsha Catron, wrote: "The suggestion that individuals who have ties to ISIL have been apprehended at the Southwest border is categorically false, and not supported by any credible intelligence or the facts on the ground. DHS continues to have no credible intelligence to suggest terrorist organizations are actively plotting to cross the southwest border."

DPS deputy director, Robert Bodisch, wrote: "An unsecure border is certainly a vulnerability that can be exploited by criminals of all kinds, and it would be naïve to rule out the possibility that any criminal organization would not look for opportunities to take advantage of security gaps along our international border. That said, DPS does not have any information to confirm the specific statements recently reported in the press."

I find it interesting and quite telling that a Texas DPS official sounds a lot like Obama. He seems, like Obama, to take great pains not to mention the words “terrorism” or “terrorist,” but rather “criminals of all kinds” and “criminal organization.”

And now there’s this. Remember the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez just mentioned? It seems that ISIS is not just using it as a jumping off point for entry into the United States. According to Judicial Watch, ISIS has set up a base camp just west of the city.

JW writes that “During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.”

Coincidently, the same Fort Bliss increased base security two days after the October JW report. I can tell you for a fact that no military base will ever increase security without a confirmed credible threat. It is never implemented on a whim, or as the DOD put it, over “the constant concern for the safety of military members, families, employees and civilians.”

Mexican law enforcement and intelligence officials confirmed that the terrorists are working in concert with ruthless drug and human traffickers, the Juárez Cartel, to “help move ISIS terrorists through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. To the east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing.”

Wow! This is right out of the 2012 film Act of Valor.

So who are we to believe? Do we trust that the Obama DHS, previously run by that hack Janet Napolitano and now headed by the hack Jeh Johnson, is being straight with us? Do we trust the DPS Deputy Director not to dance around the truth, as he appears to have done?

Or do we trust Judicial Watch, an organization that is right about 99% of the time and is no doubt well aware of the pit falls of publishing false or inflated claims.

For safety sake, I’d like nothing more than to find that Judicial Watch got this one wrong, but I’m afraid we’ll find out the hard way that they were right again.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 2:42 PM

More, she moaned, type me more!

Thursday, April 16, 2015
FBI Calls Closed "Special Meeting" In Juarez, MX To Figure Out How The Hell The ISIS Camp Info Got Leaked To Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch

Responding to Judicial Watch’s report earlier this week of ISIS activity along the Mexican border, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supervisors called a “special” meeting at the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juárez.

A high-level intelligence source, who must remain anonymous for safety reasons, confirmed that the meeting was convened specifically to address a press strategy to deny Judicial Watch’s accurate reporting and identify who is providing information to JW. FBI supervisory personnel met with Mexican Army officers and Mexican Federal Police officials, according to JW’s intelligence source. The FBI liaison officers regularly assigned to Mexico were not present at the meeting and conspicuously absent were representatives from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It’s not clear why DHS did not participate.

Posted by Freewill at 7:17 PM

Harder, type harder!

Thursday, April 16, 2015
FBI meeting to form a press strategy to DENY ACCURATE REPORTS regarding Jade Helm and ISIS

FBI Holds “Special” Meeting in Juárez to Address ISIS - DHS Not Invited

APRIL 16, 2015

[Same lead-off as the one above, no doubt because it was so hot]

Publicly, U.S. and Mexico have denied that Islamic terrorists are operating in the southern border region, but the rapid deployment of FBI brass in the aftermath of JW’s report seems to indicate otherwise.

A Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector were among the sources that confirmed to JW that ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas. The base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.

During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation. (WONDER HOW they obtained these UNLESS provided to them via the traitors in the USA military?)

“Coyotes” engaged in human smuggling – and working for the Juárez Cartel – help move ISIS terrorists through the desert and across the border between Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, New Mexico. To the east of El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, cartel-backed “coyotes” are also smuggling ISIS terrorists through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing. (Not only has the USA Wash DC cabal PURPOSELY cut back on funding and staffing of the borders, they have also REFUSED offers of militia coverage of the borders - PURPOSELY SETTING UP THE BORDERS FOR ILLEGAL CROSSINGS UNENCUMBERED.)

Last August JW reported that ISIS, operating from Ciudad Juárez, was planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level U.S. federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources confirmed then that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border had been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies were placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning the imminent terrorist threat. (Some how, though, they seem to conveniently overlook the traitorous actions within their own ranks, the USA military, and the criminals operating out of Wash DC)

Posted by Olive Oyl at 8:47 PM

What impressed me most.
Or do we trust Judicial Watch, an organization that is right about 99% of the time and is no doubt well aware of the pit falls of publishing false or inflated claims.
Christian Post
Has ISIS Established a Training Camp 8 Miles From the Porous Texas Border?
However, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, counterterrorism analyst at the Washington-based think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told The Christian Post on Thursday that he questions the validity of the Judicial Watch report, as some of their previous claims about ISIS near the border have been proven to not be true.

"It's entirely based on anonymous sources, so it is impossible to assess the credibility of their sources, but [Judicial Watch] has a pretty poor record with respect to claims of ISIS' infiltration into the United States previously," Gartenstein said. "Judicial Watch, for example, [previously] pushed the idea that you had a large number of ISIS fighters who were arrested at the border trying to enter the country. We know for a fact, at this point, that is not true."

Gartenstein-Ross added that he has not heard of any actual evidence that ISIS has established a presence near Ciudad Juarez and added that it wouldn't make sense for the cartel and "coyotes" to want to help ISIS infiltrate the U.S.

"This training camp in Juarez, I have seen no evidence of it," Gartenstein-Ross asserted. "In general, the incentives of the cartels and other organizations, like the coyotes, is in the opposite direction of trying to align with ISIS. These guys are profit centered. They are bad guys, but they are bad guys who are out to make a profit. There is nothing that can jeopardize their profits more than smuggling a bunch of ISIS fighters into the United States. That would be extraordinarily disruptive to their entire business model."
"Follow the Money"