Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

Here's what Modwiz125 has just posted under his own latest video:

" I do not wish to make it about money by talking numbers. Let us say I do not see a need to correct any numbers mentioned here other than 300 million is way too low. I repeat, this is not about how much money there is but, how it is used."

That was a reaction to this post:
Friar Newborg:
"What ?? $300 Billion available to the Amba!
That's a huge, huge number, and could bring real change.
Can you confirm that figure, Modwiz?
It would draw the interest of the whole world to this project.
Maybe it is an error, and the real number is $300 Million.
Even THAT would be big to get some worthwhile projects started"
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »


The Red Dragon Ambassador has decided to stop the seminars and pitches in the very near future. Dave Schmidt has just made an "emergency announcement" cancelling his seminars after May 3rd. And he will go to China after that.

What's going on? Is the "Jig Up", as they say?

There are at least two rumors going around about what is really happening.

First rumor:
That Dave or the Ambassador have been getting warnings (through dreams?) that there would be a future assassination attempt on one of them at a future seminar.
(This seems unlikely to me. Certainly, there may be some unhappy people out there, who have paid money to DS or bought dinars on his recommendations. But the amounts have been small, and an assassination attempt over such piddling sums seems way out of balance with the loss.)

Second rumor:

That Interpol is catching up with the Ambassador for "his activities", and/or someone has warned the Amba. that he (or Schmidt) may be committing wire fraud by making wild claims and promises over the internet.
(This one seems more likely. Though only small sums have been paid, the numbers of participants are getting bigger, and so some enforcement personnel may have begun to look into the seminars and webinars. Perhaps the Ambassador has decided to get out, to "cut and run" before a full blown investigation gets underway.)
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by davids »

Sounds like a bad plot for a comic book :snicker:
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by LightinDarkness »

I suspect the Ambassador is fearful law enforcement were closing in, so he needs to lay low for a while. Hes enjoying his role playing to much - and probably making to much money - to stay out of the picture for long.

Give it a few months when he feels hes safe, and he'll come out of the woodwork promising a big cash out for everyone again.

Its so funny how the new age crowd moves between scammers. First OPPT, then SWISS-INDO, now The Ambassador. You never see them talk about the OPPT or SWISS-INDO scams anymore, do you? And The Ambassador will be long forgotten by the time the next charlatan rises to the top of the prosperity trash heap.
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

A video has gone viral, reviving the old Swissindo scam

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A93mLl ... ip&index=3

Herein, the old claims that:
+ Swissindo will pay off all the debts, and
+ They will give everyone $6 million
Are revived... almost as if Heather herself had come back from obscurity, from selling drugs in the desert (or whatever she is doing now.)

Ironically, even the Scam-bassador is warning it is a scam:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLeF62s ... ip&index=2
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

The scam that is the phony Dragon family Ambassador's "True Vision of Peace" (TVOP)
is becoming more and more obvious. Someone called FIU (Fraud Investigation Unit) made some revealing posts about it. But those were ignored or deleted by the group promoting the scam.

Along with the fake Ambassador, youtube mavens like: Dave Schmidt, Ron Van Dyke/ Paradoxman, and Modwiz125 have promoted the scam, which FIU calls an "advance fee" operation.

In TVOP's case, they say they will be making money available for charities, and claim that huge amounts (billions or trillions of dollars) will be handed out. But to get access to those funds, you must first produce an acceptable business plan. They offer courses for $100 to help people produce better plans, and they charge $100 to listen to the 15 minute pitch from their those who want money. Another $50 a month keeps you in the queue while you wait for the money to be handed out. But no money has yet been advanced. There are inexplicable delays.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by notorial dissent »

I've always said it was a scam, and that information qualifies it as a true advanced fee scam. Quel surprise!!!! And, of course, they have idiots lining up to give them money for something they'll never see anything back on. Hopium addicts are hopeless.
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

Yes, a clear scam.
The main good news, is that TVOP is causing people to Wake Up, as their money is taken, and they get nothing but empty promises in return.

Already, when the phony AMBASSADOR makes a claim, many people now leap up, to reject it, and label it as garbage.
I can give examples...
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

SWISS INDO has had a brief second life over the last few weeks.
(Maybe it is true that a good scam is never allowed to die. What's next: Heather-OPPT#2?)

This latest wave of interest was kicked off by a series of interviews that a guy called Tracy Davidson.
did with Swissindo's Mr Sino, who has revealed that he is the latest version of "M1":

Interview with M1, Part 1


A pretty obvious scam was given a shot-in-the arm, by Cindy K Currier from "beautiful Lake Norman".
Cindy ran with it for a few weeks, and for a while was an enthusiastic supporter, and was a new delegate
of the Swissindo revival effort.

Then today, Cindy made a sudden 180-degree turn, and quickly got off the bus.


In today's video, she called for the Arrest of Mr Sino:
THE SHIFT: "Sino", Alias M1 Arrest Warrant | SwissIndo Repossession


Maybe she will tell us tomorrow what caused her to wake up so suddenly.
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by Deep Knight »

An interesting arrest warrant, I wonder if there are any laws about making fake "legal" documents that call for arrests and "deputize" the Nation Guard and militia. This isn't the first document/video she has made, I also watched part of one about half million dollar "bounties" for Presidents Obama and Bush. I wish I had known, at the last black sabbath on the blood moon I could have netted 'em both for a cool million.

Then there's one titled, "Arresting Lord "Big Penis" Rothschild." However, a commenter feels she isn't going far enough.

I have to fully disagree with you on how to take care of these sub-human species who rule the world. Arrest without Trial of any kind because the world knows of their guilt. Just bring charges against Him/Them, list them and find them guilty because they are guilty. Then their punishment would be a Public Nude Caning before an audience while on a platform. Streaming video would be running and No Lame-Stream media would be allowed to attend.

You just can't make this stuff up.
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

More Dragon Families?
- Or has this reached the parody stage now?

Dave Schmidt reveals Green Dragon Family messenger

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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by wserra »

DailyPlanet wrote:has this reached the parody stage now?
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by LightinDarkness »

We're now reaching the >1 year point since the Ambassador has been promising $ and doing nothing but raking in the cash. This is usually the point when prosperity believers decide whoever has been offering them $ is a Dark Cabal member and move on to the next scam.
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

Hopegirl, the promoter of the QEG free energy scam...
Finally admits that Free Money movements were scams after all !
The Truth About Swissindo and Other Free Money Cults


This is only 3-4 years late. Back then, they were promoting these ideas
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by DailyPlanet »

(Free money is becoming a reality)


Canada to Give Residents Unconditional Free Money

I can see some big problems with this.
The main one is: People will become fully dependent on the government.
Many will become totally sheep-like and easy to manipulate.

If the governments could really afford it, and the money was reliably provided from a private source (like oil revenues),
I would like it better,

Instead, you may find the RVD;s of the world, voting for whatever political whore, will offer to send them the most money.

People will become detached from economic realities

(from Acore: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/ind ... 61&page=32 )
notorial dissent
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Re: Dragons, The Ambassador, and Free Money for all

Post by notorial dissent »

Fantasy time in Canadian cloud cuckoo land. The guy behind this is in court right now, looosing!!!! Badly.

Friesen farce
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