Changes in NESARA News

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, March 24, 2015



The actual post is of little interest, it's an attempt to sound knowledgeable, tough, and psychotic, while whining about no RV. A very short taste.

Disclaimer: This posting is the opinion of ANONYMOUS2 and does NOT reflect the opinions of nesaranews and/or any opinions of the publishers and/or staff of nesaranews

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:50 PM

But what's interesting are the many comments.


Anonymous March 23, 2015 at 9:44 PM
Thanks so much for NOT filling the top of your web site up with this ignorant, 3-d, deaf-dumb-blind dummbed down dummy's ranting. Obviously, he isn't interested in doing his own home work so that he could actually SEE all that is going on in the world - and therefore wouldn't be able to put the BLAME on others he chooses to "listen" to.
You can clearly see from this how he spends his time...
When your Dad was running this site, there was a much better quality of posts provided.

Freewill March 23, 2015 at 9:52 PM
Just wanted you to know, I am not John Glenn. I have never even met John or any of his family. I am just someone he became acquainted with a year ago. There are two reasons I ended up with John's blog. One, I own a web hosting company and I am very good with servers and websites, so John had me assisting him with these sites as owner/Administrator. And the other is what I am involved with... behind the scenes. John wanted me to continue nesaranews if anything happened to him.. so, here we are.

Popeye March 23, 2015 at 10:22 PM
That is interesting as I knew John very well spoke to him on a daily basis and did a ton of post for him.... most of the others that post seen to still be involved...Have you ever got involved and posted anything? Perhaps you will see things from your fellow man that will amaze you....

Firstme Lasi amt March 23, 2015 at 10:45 PM
Thanks for stating the truth,,,I am the point of boycotting this site ,,,mostly all shrills ,,,fear mongering ,,trash
Thanks again Anon 9.44

Freewill March 23, 2015 at 11:33 PM
One fact of life is this... When you have an audience that is comprised of two dozen countries around the world and have around 40K viewers a day, you definitely can't keep everyone happy and will have critics no matter what you do.. so I just live and let live...
Whether you boycott this site or not will not effect this site in any way that would even be noticed.. 1 out of 40,000 is what percentage? So whether you like the content here or not is strictly your flavor. There are many sites I don't care for and I bet they never cried a single tear because I haven't returned to them...

Popeye March 23, 2015 at 11:52 PM

Olive Oyl March 24, 2015 at 12:43 PM
Interesting comment: "When your Dad was running this site, there was a much better quality of posts provided." We are the ones that posted then - and we are continuing to select articles and do the posting now - both times at John's request!!!! The behind the scenes 'staff' are exactly the same. The only difference is that our beloved John is here in spirit and not in flesh. The 'changes"??? The 'changes' we are aware of were made due to receiving requests to discontinue postings of 'guru' reports that are already published on multiple RV websites, and messages from space bugs and dead relatives that can be accessed on those respective sites. We are continuing to concentrate on posts to inform our readers of current events that the mainstreet media either does not publish or puts out in a twisted and dishonest way known as brain washing - in other words pure propaganda. So, this being said, I don't know what the heck you are referring to! It appears you may be new to accessing alternative media! You are welcome to continue to access OUR website as you wish. Perhaps you will learn some info and read reader's comments that you may not be able to access elsewhere. BTW - some other websites share our info as we also may share theirs. We work TOGETHER - not condemning each other's blogs - because the IMPORTANT GOAL IS TO INFORM AND EDUCATE OUR FELLOW AMERICANS. Perhaps you will join us in this comraderie? And, a POSITIVE NON-SELFISH ATTITUDE makes a world of difference in how our day turns out!!! Blessings!

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 1:44 PM
Are you referring to those silly posts by Sheldon Nidle, and those about the galactic Federation and other aliens, and the lies about the rv, etc.? I think the posts recently have been more reality based than the previous fantasy posts that showed up here.

Lovemylife March 24, 2015 at 2:43 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, I pray that the people that do read this site, (as well as many, many other sites), receive insight into the corruption that surrounds all of us, no matter what country you are in. The FANTASTIC people that contribute to this site, have done so for many years. Me personally for the last four years. Although I never got to meet John, he knew my background, and asked me to be a part of it. He knew that I traveled internationally a lot, and that I could only post periodically. I for one am very very thankful for Freewill, Popeye, and Olive Oil, that take time out of their day, (each and every day), not for glory, or fame, but to inform you. To give you the chance to decide for yourselves whether or not you believe in the article or not. I do not see that kind of commitment from you. These people, from different backgrounds, and from different areas of the planet, all gather information, to make you AWARE of what is going on, Hence the header: This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our world. Watch and become AWARE! We all know that you will continue to come back to the NESARA site, If anything just to read the responses to your comment, and think that you are getting 15 minutes of fame. I for one, will be happy if you don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Please don't read any of my posts, and just stay the course with the sheeple. God Bless you Freewill, Popeye, and Olive Oil. I Love Your Work, and Dedication for the world to decern. Thank You

Popeye March 24, 2015 at 9:11 PM

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 12:03 AM
Hey firstme lasi amt at 10:45 PM - what would it take to get you over that 'point of boycotting'? Some of us can't wait to check out this site many times each day, and if you would go ahead and make the decision to move on and out of the way, we could get to the articles on the website easier!!! Just a hint. Hasta la vista!!! Watch that door!!! BTW - if you don't like shrills - fear mongering - trash - what DO you like??!!!! Have you found ANY websites without those cursed problems?

Freewill March 24, 2015 at 12:26 AM
Good question! I haven't seen any sites that aren't plagued by those problems either!

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 4:45 PM
To those of us who have been AWAKE for an entire lifetime, and are not newbies or brainwashed "New Agers" - much of what has been posted (LATELY, without some of John's obvious ability to DISCERN and FILTER) has been NEGATIVE, FEAR-MONGERING DISINFO like that put out by Sorcha Faal, for instance.
What some of you clueless folks consider "the truth" is anything but.
And, personally...I DO protect MY Sacred Space from allowing GARBAGE in.
Something, that you newer folks obviously have NO CLUE about.

Olive Oyl March 24, 2015 at 9:38 PM
You people that call posters and information on the blog 'clueless', 'negative', 'fear mongering,' and 'fear porn'!!!! You have no idea how easy it is for us to discern who and what you are and what you are doing, and the good laughs we get out of your posts!!!!!! You are doing us a GREAT SERVICE! Your type of posts let us know IMMEDIATELY that we have hit the nails SQUARE on the head with the information that we are posting for our readers! THANKS FOR THE CONFIRMATIONS!!!!! Most readers WOULD discern that you are attacking the blog because of THE INTEL AND INFORMATION IT IS PROVIDING TO AMERICA AND THE ENTIRE WORLD, or at least be mature enough to allow others to discern for themselves Why would you care if it was NOT on target when you can go to any other websites you choose, unless you are the enemy and/or very uninformed and misled and not yet mature enough or ready for this information?!!!! This is an 'awareness' blog. This blog is not for everyone. There ARE other resources to more pleasantly entertain you! You come across strongly like a paid disinfo agent. BTW - our group did most all the selections and some of the postings for John. Most of us are the same crew as when he was working the blog himself, requesting our posts and then posting most of our contributions. Nothing has changed except that he is 'working elsewhere' now. Now that serious drills and activity in America are being exposed - all of a sudden this blog is under attack with accusations and 'arguing'. Hmmmm!WONDER WHY THAT IS???!!!! MORE CONFIRMATION!!!!! The more negative posters attack us personally and this blog, the more confirmation is being given that we are right on track and the more dedicated we become to keep the intel coming for our readers. From now on, I will NOT post any attacks - it is not positive feedback nor constructive criticism, and we DO reserve the right to read and approve or disapprove the comments. We truly appreciate our readers, and we appreciate their comments and information that is helpful for all the readers so that we can all learn and be informed.

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 12:19 AM
Thanks for your response, Freewill - I really wish I could help sort out some of the posts which should not be given the time of day or wallspace on this wonderfully established site.
I also saw your request for the new sister site, and that is a life-long personal interest - long before I knew about Agenda21 or Operation Paperclip...and what they're really up to.
Maybe we should "talk"?

Freewill March 24, 2015 at 12:28 AM
Any time.. my email is

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 1:24 AM
Re: 9/44
You an idiot!
Re: 10 : 45
What is a shrills??

marie March 24, 2015 at 2:49 AM
Please keep posting the truth and Anonymous 2, please keep it up. I want the truth no matter how bad. We all just want the truth. We all want to hear about the happenings behind the scenes. I want to go to sleep at night knowing that our GOOD MILITARY are on our side. If we did not want to know then we would be listening to CNN and the rest of the lying media. If anyone does not support this blog and the people who post and anonymous with today's post then you are either brainwashed or a shill. I want to thank each and every one of you who strive to bring us the truth and take the time out of your busy day. I know that it is a huge job that does not pay. I do it on my Facebook and twitter and it is exhausting to wake people up and try go educate them. Thank you to all that you do as I for one appreciate you more than you know and this includes: Freewill, Popeye and all who post; groups like anonymous 2; the good people in the military who have fought in their own hearts to defend this country and the ones who are waiting in the wings to take down the Nazis Nest; and to any government agent on the right side of the fight who could never reveal themselves due to personal security I want to thank every one of you for doing this tireless never ending job. God bless all of you. Anonymous 2, many of us will be waiting for more information.

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 10:32 AM
Marie, loved your comment and thank you for not being negative or attacking others. You spoke from your heart and I agree with you 100%. Most of us want the truth no matter how bad it could be we are all starving for the truth. Truth is so refreshing when you live in a world of lies, propaganda and corruption. Gold bless our beloved nation and if we all stick together to defend our freedom and liberties we can move mountains.

Tracey Cooke March 24, 2015 at 9:43 AM are doing a great job...everyone knew this site was a 50/50 site but anyone that has been paying attention to everything...knows what is bull and what isnt more or less...also can everyone stop thinking everyone that comments here as Anonymous is Anonymous...some of them would be misrepresenting the groups if that was the case...

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 8:46 PM
Hey night worker! Did you ever answer the question from 12:22 about what "50/50" is? There are other sites that might score better for you! What is it that you do at night anyway?!

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 12:22 PM
WHAT is a '50/50' site may I ask? WHO determines that? From stats I have reviewed, one can determine that the readership is continually increasing and, from comments I have read, there are lots of positive comments. It is obvious that the people working the website for you and me to read are doing one hell of a good job and spending allot of time researching for pertinent info. It also appears that the junk has been eliminated, referring to tummy rubbing channeled messages from demonic spirits and the ET / spaceship garbage and the self-proclaimed fame seeking 'guru' false reports. True junk that can be found on their own websites and doesn't need to be posted here. It seems to me that these posters are working on getting important info to the readers and no on comic book garbage. Because YOU say a site is '50/50', does that make YOUR opinion correct? Tracey, I have seen your posts for a long while now as I visit this website. Happy to have you join the rest of us in reading this website, but please don't make insinuations that others may well not hold to!!!!! SOME discern BS from truth, but not many. This is an alternative news site - one that provides information that will NEVER be public on the commie / Soros mainstreet media. You KNOW that, so don't '50/50' condemn the site because of your own personal opinions and interests. You can always go to the websites that will make up that other '50' to suit your interests, so go there but don't condemn those who work hard to make this site worthwhile! Let others make their own determination. BTW, that pic of you doesn't present you in a wholesome manner! You look '50/50'. Would advise a more wholesome pic so you are not being judged as being something that - hopefully - you are not??? Because that pic makes you look like you have a nighttime 'job!' Do you?! You might be taken more seriously if the pic gets changed!

Tracey Cooke March 24, 2015 at 2:15 PM
Yes I have a night time job...hunting human garbage...will I find you on the list??? why don't you grow ones and show your face???? and if you think every story that is posted on here is true...go find another hobby....your not that bright...

Tracey CookeMarch 24, 2015 at 2:53 PM
Also your arguing with me and agreeing with me at the same time?? (It also appears that the junk has been eliminated, referring to tummy rubbing channeled messages from demonic spirits and the ET / spaceship garbage and the self-proclaimed fame seeking 'guru' false reports. ) what you just couldnt resist insulting me??? people take me very seriously..I wouldnt worry about my picture...if I were you....

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 8:50 PM
Mam - no one is 'arguing' with you!!!! Looks to us like you are the one pursuing the arguments. Why don't we all put aside this childlike behavior and move on. Very unbecoming of those who present themselves as knowledgeable mature adults. Enough problems in our nation to deal with to be spending time on and reading such junk.

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 2:42 PM
As a reader I think we need site like this to challenge the B.S. we are fed on a daily friends and I find WAY more truth here than news papers and most blogs....Why??? We know one of the Nesara investigators that turns information in and he / she vetts the information pretty well. I think what the 12:22 anonymous was referring to, was your leather wear, and the persona you are showing VS. something a little more modest....

Freewill March 24, 2015 at 5:45 PM
One thing for certain... There is an army of government paid provocateurs that their job is to post comments on alternative news sites like this site that intend to decinimate and push fear porn accusations. I have seen plenty myself right here.They are paid to start problems and anger visitors. Just keep this in mind folks. I dealt with these things years ago with Dave and Charlie hacking sites for FTA receivers. I have owned sites with over 10K members. now owns them.
Point is, The cabals don't want us working together and they want to keep us all confused and upset.

Tracey Cooke March 24, 2015 at 7:08 PM
Yes there is and here is an article about it.. ... nd-shills/

Tracey Cooke March 24, 2015 at 8:07 PM
You have some of them invading this site....I know Johnnie was threatened and bullied...some of them write blogs and some of them are commenting...we find them on a lot of youtube videos (almost all)...there are many ways to spot them...with some its just a matter of watching how much denying of the obvious they are doing...when there is no denying it..yet they think they can fool some people into thinking that this is still all bull....I like sending people here because they get one hell of a wake up call...when they read this blog site...the straightening out (of the truth) we can deal with...but as long as everyone knows that things are not right in kansas and they are all being poisoned and by whom.....we are doing our jobs...and hopefully google will put all the most honest truthers on top of the google list...I think thats a great idea....and thank you Freewill for taking on such a tasks...

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 5:53 PM
This is lengthy mumbo jumbo. The same content as was regarded as inconclusive. I would be happy to assist but I can tell you the sheeple will not respond. The police will shoot you. The Pentagon does not disseminate information. I am a corporate slave and have no free time or energy after work. We are running out of options.
Also it is Pat Tillman. Great film if you haven't seen it.

Tracey Cooke March 24, 2015 at 8:46 PM
Your not caught up on things are you??

Anonymous March 24, 2015 at 8:27 PM
Freewill, are you this site administrator? If so, why are your newsfeed dates always wrong? I just subscribed moments ago and the date on your Outlook RSS feed is 12/31/2014 and not today's date 03/24/2015. Can you fix it?

Freewill March 24, 2015 at 9:13 PM
Yes I am the Admin. Thanks for the heads up. See what I can do to fix that...

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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

Funny, but even though these guys say the NESARA News site hasn't changed, it obviously has.

RV - Way down. While the elder MacHaffie used to threaten to break up with his Dinar lover, he always came back after a few days without it. The new management has gone cold turkey, except for an occasional casual mention when talking about another subject, for weeks and weeks.

Republics - Down and what's there is very angry, as if they had been lied to for years and finally realized it.

Sorcha Faal - Down, well except for the pro-Putin articles that "quote" her a paragraph at a time.

Putin - Up! The kids just can't get enough of that Putin, he's their "fave!"

Anti-Semitism - Up! This had been flirted with more and more in recent years, but it's climbed even more rapidly and gotten nastier since the change.

Alex Jones - Lots of his stuff in the past few weeks, which is red meat fear porn for the new wave of followers. Just listen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hi All,

I am posting a comment from the Jade Helm post as I really think our so called good guy leaders and us as Americans need to get a move on .... We did it at the Bundy Ranch and we need to do the same on a much larger scale. Before reading this comment ask yourself how you like your so called pretend government....




Posted by Popeye at 8:00 PM

Simple to arrest clones? I assume the poster has a foolproof clone identification method. I wish he would share it with me, I've been embarrassed more than once when some supermodel I've slept with turns out to be a clone and I meet the real one later without knowing!
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by LightinDarkness »

This may not be good for blog traffic. The idiots that were dumb enough to check this site multiple times a day were in love with the RV and new age stuff. The obsession with Putin (hes such a great guy!) and Alex Jones is much more...for lack of a better word... "mainstream" conspiracy theory. Its odd to put those two words together, but I'm sure you get what I mean.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:I wish he would share it with me, I've been embarrassed more than once when some supermodel I've slept with turns out to be a clone and I meet the real one later without knowing!
I am not seeing the problem here. But then again, since I have never experienced the problem of sleeping with clones and their originals, I may be missing something here. From my viewpoint, this would appear to be a win-win situation rather than a moment to be deflated by embarassment. But maybe you just need some good clone music to get you back in the mood:

• "The Clone" - The Hollies
• "I Am A Clown" - David Cassidy"
• “See the Funny Little Clone" - Bobby Goldsboro
• "Cathy's Clone" - The Everly Brothers
• "Ha! Ha! Said The Clone" - The Yardbirds
• "Send In The Clones" - Stephen Sondheim
• "The Tears Of A Clone" - Smokey Robinson
• "Virgo The Clone" - Van Morrison
• "Everybody Loves A Clone" - Gary Lewis & The Playboys
• "Death of a Clone" - The Kinks
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by AndyK »

And all of the clown opera.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

They don't sensor the news.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015
To all the readers of nesaranews
In regards to all postings on nesaranews~

To those readers who criticize what is posted
I congradulate you for having and showing intelligence! The majority ofthe population will believe anything put in front of them. I feel good that a few are questioning what they read. I would feel better if most or all readers questioned everything put in front of them. That shows America is not as full of dumbed down ignorant people as I thought it was.

We here at nesaranews do not sensor the news, that is entirely up to the reader to discern the postings. I suggest making good opinions and not bashing the publishers for the content. I always felt better seeing both sides of the coin. We don't create the news, we only centralize it.

Posted by Freewill at 12:32 PM


Holy Cross March 31, 2015 at 1:01 PM
Excellent point. I have been with Nesara almost from inception and continue coming for the vastly superior content. As a man who has traversed many a belief and path and continue to do so - I enjoy the banter and excellent commentary. Kudos to you Freewill for responding!
There is always someone smarter, brighter and wiser than oneself!

Anonymous March 31, 2015 at 1:09 PM
Thank you Freewill for your post! I agree totally. All the negative bashing and accusations are not contributing anything helpful or positive to readers. Just because we may not like the information in a post or because we disagree with the author's viewpoints doesn't give any of us the moral right to bash the blog and/or the poster or author. As presumed 'adults', wouldn't it be nice if we could all act like one? The solution is simple: if you don't like the subject of the article, just don't read it or comment but move on. Problem solved. Times are difficult enough at best for most of us these days without all the childish 'fear porn' and other comments. If we are going to try to save our nation, then we need to act like the responsible adults that we are supposed to be. Anything else tears down and divides, not builds up or supports.

Awake and MAD March 31, 2015 at 1:35 PM
Thank you for all your great efforts. Of course YOU SHOULD NOT CENSOR INFORMATION! Yes there is quite a lot of professional disinformation put out by the powers that were. By now most of your readers can smell the feeces....

Anonymous March 31, 2015 at 2:39 PM
I have read this blog since the view count was in the low 5 figures. It has always been bewildering to note that commenters do not understand the difference between awareness and news. John M. clearly labeled this as an awareness blog, consequently one would come here to see things that are unvetted and demand personally applied discernment. I, for one, appreciate seeing the raw flow of information and know full well that virtually all information available at the the bottom of the truth pile will be junk. But among the rubble, gems can be found. I like to find these before anyone else has decided their value for me.
I am pleased that you have been able to carry on this blog after we all lost John and sincerely hope that you can continue doing so.
All readers should by now be aware that the information posted does not originate here, and that it is up to us as to what value to ascribe to it.
After this many years of looking at raw data, I'm getting half way good at smelling the rotten parts and grabbing the good.
I wish all of us could recognize that we are in a very sophisticated information war and that very powerful forces are doing their best to manipulate those who care enough to at least seek truth. And any who seriously seek it know just how elusive it is.

slaveman March 31, 2015 at 3:13 PM
Whoa... just a minute! I love this site also and have come here for years, BUT please use discernment. The signage posted was obviously BS. so why post? Surely not to incite division and anger? Righteous anger, you say? There was nothing righteous about the post.

Anonymous March 31, 2015 at 5:00 PM
There is without doubt a lot of misinformation on this site. This is because this site is so successful at exposing the truth. The cabal cannot have undiluted truth so add a lot of s''t to muddy the waters.

I see, the fact that what they post is BS isn't their fault, it's the fault of the Powers That Be/Were!
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
US Currently Considering Who (IN THE US) To Kill Next - SO WHAT'S NEW?!


Dr. William Mount
Mon Mar 30, 2015 16:37

As you read this, under your feet in South Central Nebraska there is a committee meeting trying to decide who to kill next - what terrorist attack they should conduct.

Picture this - a bunch of Fat Old Men sitting around sipping Scotch and smoking cigars discussing what terrorist attack they should fund next. Well - that is exactly what is happening as someone from the CIA and White House listen in.

The Nuclear War is set to go off 6 April with 12 Nukes going off 3 April and several Presidential Double being killed a few days earlier - like Obama (Arrow or Gun) and Putin and Li.
The attack sill be done by either a "Muslim Extremist" or a "US Veteran Bible Packing Gun Owning Constitutionalist who believes in the truth."

Proposals being considered as you read this:

1) Cut the cable on a Cable Car in San Francisco during Rush Hour Traffic in the afternoon
2) Dirty Bomb in Calcutta to force India into the Anti-Terrorist Crap.
3) Yes - a Scotch Plant Explodes - how sac-religious.
4) Commercial Airliner crashed into wither the White House or the Kremlin - yes - the church.
5) A Japanese Destroyed Torpedoes by a Russian Submarine - or, that sounds Juicy.
6) The US Destroyer to be torpedoed by the Chinese Submarine is still a go off of the Indian Coast.
7) A bomb in a Portland Mall by a White Vet Extremist.
8) Taking down the US Grid with a Mock Sun-Spot created by a huge Air burst Nuke (60MGT) and then throwing a Virus into the Electrical Grid to destroy it.
9) Blowing Hoover Dam with charges already placed at the base of the dam.
10) Earthquake NYC - no, to many underground caves and rail lines.
11) School Shooting in either Missouri or Michigan because the Governor's are completely paid off. This would, of course, be fake like most of their school shootings.
12) Caribbean Cruz Terrorist Attack sinking the Cruz Ship - off the coast of Grenada.

Shall I go on?

Their minds are an open book to me -- this is Pure Evil YOU fund with your Tax Paying Dollars.
This is really going on as you read this.

They cooked up 9/11 and Fukushima 3/11 and the coming terrorist attack on Japan on 5/11.

Unbelievable but true.

This is our United States Corporation. These people at the top are sick and evil beyond belief -they kill for fun and joke about it and they have million on their pay role they can use to do this with.

Un-Frikn-Belivable but true.

Their minds are so black, so Evil, and YOUR tax dollars pay for this.

Please pray for that is all we have left - GOD.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Posted by Olive Oyl at 1:49 PM

1 comment:

anami April 1, 2015 at 2:22 PM
What a crock of fear this guy is purveyors! But his inability to edit his "think piece" (Snicker!) tells me he's not that bright, anyway. I hope he figures out that trying to "warn everyone" is what the man behind the curtain would want him to do. SLAVE!

"Their minds are an open book to me?" Is this how Dr. Mount does his research, opening others' minds and reading them?
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Burnaby49 »

Picture this - a bunch of Fat Old Men sitting around sipping Scotch and smoking cigars discussing what terrorist attack they should fund next. Well - that is exactly what is happening as someone from the CIA and White House listen in.
How do I get in on that? Sounds like a sweet deal.

I've already got a few targets to suggest while I get hammered on expensive scotch. Like my neighbour with the barking dog.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:How do I get in on that? Sounds like a sweet deal.

I've already got a few targets to suggest while I get hammered on expensive scotch. Like my neighbour with the barking dog.
This is exactly the reason why you don't get in on deals like this: you are thinking too small. The Inner Circle focuses on much bigger schemes than just satisfying a petty revenge. Sure, everyone has to start at the bottom, but you gotta show that you can soar with the eagles, so to speak. Instead of eliminating your neighbor, you need to come up with a plan that wipes out the half of the continent that he resides on.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

This message is to those who make comments criticizing nesaranews and the various differences in the outlook of the content posted here and others opinions.

Take a second look at the site description just under the title banner. This is the first sentence= "This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world."

Do not think the content here is supposed to be one sided or fact.

Your job as a reader is to use your free will consciousness to discern for yourself of what you want to believe as fact or fiction.

Stop trying to coax other readers and commenters into a system of control by pushing your opinion as a fact to others.

And do not do it to those who publish on nesaranews.

We have made changes here on nesaranews to accommodate various readers with their taste in types of articles because so many readers had negative comments about certain types of articles posted.

Now it's your choice of blogs to visit for your reading pleasure.

I tested this by posting a poofness article on the main awareness blog on the 10th and commenters went ballistic over it being posted here... point proven.

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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

Nesara News now has a "ChatWing" feature (left side of the page) which allows members and perhaps guests to chat and comment. One left two links to an article in the Online EU Times, which at first I thought was someone trying to out-do Sorcha Faal. But, with a little searching, it turned out to be David Booth, er, Sorcha his/her self. Someone simply forgot to add attribution.

Funny, but even the new crazies there won't touch this stuff. Wonder why?

April 21, 2015
US Expands Massive Animal Kill To Include All Domestic Cats
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Another grim Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that the Obama regime has vastly expanded its massive “animal kill” plans to include all domestic cats residing in the United States and Canada in yet another of its “steps” toward its preparations for total global war.

As we had previously reported, the SVR and the Ministry of Healthcare (MoH) this past week warned that the United States was on the verge of a catastrophic “canine apocalypse” due to a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) avian influenza bio-attack plot designed to plunge America into a “calculated and deliberate” state of continuous terror in order for their elite oligarchs to establish “final control” over these once free peoples.

Where in that previous report, however, the SVR-MoH detailed how this monstrous CIA-ISIS plot, conceived and implemented from their laboratories and bases in Mexico, was currently only affecting domestic turkeys and dogs in the middle western parts of the US, SVR intelligence analysts in their new report are stating that this deliberate avian flu virus bio attack has now begun to kill millions of chickens too.

Now joining the millions of domestic turkeys killed in the US due to this avian flu bio attack, this new SVR report continues, are over 5 million chickens in Iowa now reported to have been infected with this deadly disease and who are scheduled for mass extermination.

Important to note is that the SVR-MoH had previously reported that this CIA-ISIS avian flu virus bio attack was started in the American mid-western States of Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Iowa and Wisconsin since 4 March. A Minnesota farm is now the most eastern farm in the US to be reporting this deadly disease, and a turkey farm near Woodstock, Ontario, over 400 miles east of the Wisconsin farm, is suggesting this virus is already migrating through Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio too.

To the MoH having previously designated this avian flu a bio attack was due to the fact that it is an “unnatural” manmade variant of the Avian A/H5N1 subtypes Canine Influenza and Fujian Influenza viruses having only two distinct “targets”…dogs and turkeys…but which in this new SVR report now includes the even more dangerous “highly pathogenic” H5N8 strain of this virus that is now attacking chickens in the US.

This SVR report further notes that the last reported outbreak of this deadly H5N8 avian flu strain was this past November (2014) in the Netherlands at a poultry farm in the village of Hekendorp which employed ISIS operatives awaiting transfer to the United States by the Obama regimes designated Islamic migrant organization World Relief.

The “critical connection” between these ISIS operatives flooded into the US at a rate of over 100,000 a year, and in 190 cities, by its contractor World Relief and this current avian flu bio attack, the SVR states, is due to the Obama regimes “master plan” to remake the entire character of America from one of “assimilation” to “integration”.

Looking at the US cities with these new ISIS refugee communities, the SVR states, it appears that World Relief contractors often keep sending these refugees to the same place until there is a community within a community.

Unassimilated communities have created massive problems in the European Union and the word “assimilation” is no longer used by these resettlement agencies and their friends in the Obama regime. Rather, the new buzzword is “integration” whose goal is to have a multitude of diverse cultures living side by side in “coexistence” but never assimilating…and with the deaths of all dogs and cats in America will be made easier to happen as Islam considers these beloved pets to be “impure”.

As to how the Obama regime will explain to the American people the need to kill all of their nations domestic cats, this SVR report says, is due to their being one of the few species that can get avian influenza, and who will need to be destroyed in order to protect the United States food supply during a “time of war” from the further spreading this deadly disease.

Unbeknownst to the American people about this monstrous Obama regime plot to kill of their nations dogs and cats, this report concludes, is that the template for it was created at the beginning of World War II when a British government “psychological/propaganda” pamphlet led to a massive slaughter of that nations dogs and cats. As many as 750,000 British pets were killed in just one week…barely any were left by the wars end.

At the EU Times, some commenters thought this might finally produce a "tipping point" where people would finally rise up against Obama etc. and do whatever. My favorite.

22/04/2015 at 2:38 am

Achoo!……….”wipes snot off friend”……….sorry i killed you!
So if we kill all the Illuminati……we can keep our pets alive!
I will kill them all for my pussy!….dont even have to think about that one twice!
Good news is my German Shepherd will kill them with me! He’s a good helper!

Lord knows I sometimes go WAY overboard in my Deep Knight adventures, but even I can't make stuff like this up.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

Sorcha Faal wrote:Unbeknownst to the American people about this monstrous Obama regime plot to kill of their nations dogs and cats, this report concludes, is that the template for it was created at the beginning of World War II when a British government “psychological/propaganda” pamphlet led to a massive slaughter of that nations dogs and cats. As many as 750,000 British pets were killed in just one week…barely any were left by the wars end.
This intrigued me, so I looked it up. In 20013 a bood was written called "Bonzo's War" about pets in Britain during WWII, and an article written about it gave the "750,000 in one week" number. But a further reading of that now-multiply coppied article show that this was, at best, a mistake, because the different incident parts (declaration of war, first bombing, Dunkirk) happened months appart, not in a single week. Another 2010 article (before the book was written) estimates the total number of pets killed for all reasons during WWII as 750,000, so I assume this is WAY over the top for Britain alone over the entire course of the war, much less in one week.

But it's a story that tugs at the heartstrings, no doubt why it had legs. Even David Booth found it (it got coppied in 2014 to some of the conspiracy-friendly forums).

Bonzo was a dog cartoon character in the UK, not associated with the chimp in the Ronnie Reagan film. It leant the name to the "Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band," which was Neil Innes' group (he was later loosely associated with Monty Python), which I loved to play on my radio show, circa 1975. They had this thing called "Intro and Outro" which introduced the members of the band...

According to Stanshall's monologue the Bonzos play the following instruments on the recording, although several of the band were multi-instrumentalists and may play other instruments as well.

Hi there. Nice to be with you. Happy you could stick around
Like to introduce "Legs" Larry Smith, drums
And Sam Spoons, rhythm pole
And Vernon Dudley Bohay-Nowell, bass guitar
And Neil Innes, piano
Come in, Rodney Slater, on the saxophone
With Roger Ruskin Spear, on tenor sax
Hi, Vivian Stanshall, trumpet
Big hello to big John Wayne, xylophone
And Robert Morley, guitar
Billy Butlin, spoons
And looking very relaxed, Adolf Hitler, on vibes. Nice!
Princess Anne on sousaphone
Introducing Liberace, clarinet
With Garner "Ted" Armstrong on vocals
Lord Snooty and his pals, tap dancing
In the groove with Harold Wilson, violin
And Frankln MacCormack, on harmonica
Over there, Eric Clapton, ukulele. Hi Eric!
On my left, Sir Kenneth Clark, bass sax. A great honour, sir
And specially flown in for us, a session gorilla on vox humana
Nice to see Incredible Shrinking Man on euphonium
Drop out with Peter Scott on duck call
Hearing from you later, Casanova, on horn. Yeah!
Digging General de Gaulle on accordion. Really wild, General! Thank you, sir
Roy Rogers on Trigger
Tune in Wild Man of Borneo, on bongos
Count Basie Orchestra on triangle.... Thank you.
Great to hear the Rawlinsons on trombone,
Back from his recent operation, Dan Druff, harp.
And representing the flower people, Quasimodo on bells.
Wonderful to hear Brainiac on banjo,
We welcome Val Doonican as himself (Hullo there)
Very appealing, Max Jaffa.... Mmm, that's nice, Max!
What a team, Zebra Kid and Horace Batchelor on percussion,
And a great favourite, and a wonderful performer, of all of us here, J. Arthur Rank on gong....

I understand some of the references, but many go right over my head. BTW, Eric Clapton really DID play ukulele on this.

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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Lord knows I sometimes go WAY overboard in my Deep Knight adventures, but even I can't make stuff like this up.
Yeah, but we here in Conspiracy Central can make up this kind of stuff all the time - and we get paid for it too. The current plan is that once all of the turkeys, chickens, cats, dogs and whatever else dies as a result as collateral damage will be gathered up and dumped in Erasmus' front yard.

You might ask, "How does this assist the Illuminati in its plans to dominate the earth?" To be perfectly honest, it doesn't. Just being to able to do stupid stuff like this from time to time is awesome by itself.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:This intrigued me, so I looked it up. In 20013 a bood was written called "Bonzo's War" about pets in Britain during WWII, and an article written about it gave the "750,000 in one week" number. But a further reading of that now-multiply coppied article show that this was, at best, a mistake, because the different incident parts (declaration of war, first bombing, Dunkirk) happened months appart, not in a single week. Another 2010 article (before the book was written) estimates the total number of pets killed for all reasons during WWII as 750,000, so I assume this is WAY over the top for Britain alone over the entire course of the war, much less in one week.
A few points. The British were short of food for most of the war. Rationing didn't end completely until 1953 or 1955. I'm sure lots of pets were put down or let loose to take their chances. Ditto exotic pets and private zoo animals. I don't know if they are still there but there was a group of Wallabies living in the north Derbyshire countryside, allegedly from a private collection that was freed during the war. I know people who have seen them. But the other element which may have inflated the figure of 750,000 would be rabbits. What was a pet pre-war suddenly became a useful piece of livestock and plenty of people supplemented their meat ration this way.
Wallabies link:
Last edited by ArthurWankspittle on Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:A few points. The British were short of food for most of the war. Rationing didn't end completely until 1953 or 1955. I'm sure lots of pets were put down or let loose to take their chances. Ditto exotic pets and private zoo animals. I don't know if they are still there but there was a group of Wallabies living in the north Derbyshire countryside, allegedly from a private collection that was freed during the war. I know people who have seen them. But the other element which may have inflated the figure of 750,000 would be rabbits. What was a pet pre-war suddenly became a useful piece of livestock and plenty of people supplemented their meat ration this way.
My mother was part of a woman's club that sent food to a sister club in the UK after the war. At least some of the time that was canned ham from Denmark for Christmas and Easter, and this lasted until about '53. Her stories about this always came with a remark on how much those poor people had sacrificed during the war, only to have depravations for years afterwards even after winning. Why I like war so much, it spreads happiness and cheer.

One big change that I've noticed at NESARA News is the addition of gun articles, such as a puff piece on a plastic Walther pistol (Glock meets James Bond?). There are also articles that almost shiver in anticipation of a delightful little armed conflict.

Saturday, April 18, 2015
Forget ‘What Melee Weapon for SHTF?’ and ask ‘What Armor?’

If you’ve spent any time around the more survival-oriented parts of the Internet, you’ve seen the question of what type of melee weapon is best for SHTF, which comes up something on the order of 1 billion times. It’s a perennially popular forum topic, but never once have I seen anyone give the right answer to this critical question.

So what is the right answer to the question of what melee weapon is best for SHTF? There are two right answers, actually. The first right answer is, “Whatever melee weapon you’ve trained most extensively with.” But maybe you’d like to pick up some weapons training, and you’re not sure which weapon to train on. In that case, you need to back way up and answer a different question entirely. That question is: what types of armor will people be wearing post-SHTF?

We Illuminati have focus groups looking into this right now. Also what colors of body armor will be popular then (I would think brown, based on the color of what was hitting the fan). The article goes on and on while saying nothing, until it finally addresses the question posed with an "I dunno, but ..."

I don’t personally know what type of armor people will be wearing in a SHTF scenario, but my guess is that bike and motorcycle helmets will be extremely popular, just because they’re so ubiquitous right now. I’d also imagine that any kind of protection that you can find in a sporting goods store will also be popular. Commonly available hard materials that can be cut with a hacksaw and even shaped a bit, materials like PVC pipes, fiberglass, tin, and other metals will also be worked into rubber- and cloth-padded outfits in any number of ways. So a few trips to Home Depot and your local sporting goods store will give you plenty of material to start with.
If you’re really serious about this whole prepping thing, you’ll spend some time now working on designs for your own post-SHTF suit of armor. This effort will not only go a long way towards keeping you safe in a without-rule-of-law (WROL) situation, but it’ll also give you the insight you need in order to answer the “what melee weapon” question.

Posted by Popeye at 1:58 PM
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

Below are two comments (actually a comment and response) to Gassy Rassy's most recent "HOW TO SURVIVE THE CRASH OF AMERICA. FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA AND STAY GROOVY" post.

Anonymous June 26, 2015 at 11:55 AM

Dear Freewill, dear Erasmus of America:

This is just sooooooo pity that you always post this kind of negative posts about tha coming collapse of America. You know very well that there are enough GOLD in the GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY TRUST which would abolish the debts of all countries and would back the new currency of the US Dollar as well all currencies of the world. AMERICA will not CRASH so badly as always have been portrayed. All finance ministers of the world knows about this GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY because they were all contacted by KAREN HUDES and they are presently working on this matter.

Why don't you put the information of KAREN HUDES who is working on it that the WORLDs GOLD be given and released to the all countries and humanity in our planet?

KAREN HUDES is working since May this year (2015) and now administrating to release the GOLD to all countries. Watch this You Tube video

When John McHaffie was still administrating this website, I did not read sooo much of this kind of articles or news. This is just so disgusting. That's why I was not visiting this website daily anymore like before when JOHN was still administrating this website. When John died, this website is full of this kind of dfsgusting articles.

This kind of articles wakes and instigates anger and frustrations to the reader who are not aware of the Mother Gaia's ascension and the WORKS of our GALACTIC FAMILY as well as the WHITE HATS, EARTH ALLIES, ASCENDED MASTERS and the positive SECRET SOCIETY who are giving their life to serve and help humanity be free from this slavery system. Why not place more positive articles which can enlighten peoples life?

A lightworker should not spread so much fear mongering articles.

This must be said.

A very concerned lightworker

Olive Oyl June 26, 2015 at 1:48 PM

To 'concerned lightworker'. IF you are TRULY a 'concerned lightworker' - one who works with others to shed 'light' and truth upon - to EXPOSE - the works of darkness - you would be SUPPORTING the posting of information revealing the inner workings of our enemy within this nation. WHY DO YOU COME TO THIS WEBSITE IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT IS POSTED HERE? If, in your opinion, this website is posting 'disgusting' articles, why don't you stop coming here and move on to those websites and posters who consult the same demonic spirits that you do? This website is NOT going to change postings because you or any other reader doesn't like what is posted here. Most every other well known alternative website is posting information like what is posted on Nesara. Sometimes we post each others articles in order to insure the information is getting out to the people. And talking about John McHaffie - you must not have followed John very well. We KNEW John well, worked with John closely, authored many of the intel reports and talked with him several times daily. Apparently you came to NESARA to read all the channeled 'messages' from the space bugs. If you will read the info at the top of the home page for NESARA, you will find that all those channeled 'messages' are being posted under a separate blog called: Nesara Galactics. As fragile as you appear to be, we encourage you to click on that heading as we no longer post all the various posts on the one website, but have divided up the posts according to their subject matter. Perhaps you will find the feel good stuff you are looking for under the Nesara Galactics header. Strong self confident readers have no problem reading what some term to be 'fear mongering' and 'fear porn' or 'disgusting' articles. No one really wants to read or know about 'bad news', but facts are facts and reality is reality. Trying to ignore TRUTH and put bad labels on the TRUTH does NOT make it go away. Those who simply cannot accept 'news' about anything but apple pie and ice cream are the ones who affix their labels of what they deem to be 'bad news,' 'fear porn', 'disgusting' and 'fear mongering.' Considering your expressed comments here, we encourage you to stay away from our main page since you find it all so 'disgusting' and go to the Nesaranews Galactics page. Some readers are just too fragile to investigate truth and current events.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by notorial dissent »

I guess silly me, I didn't realize that "administrating" was a verb???? certainly never seen it used the way it is by the enlightened here, but then what does reality have to do with anything on that site.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

This is not a post about guns or sex, but about logic.

Great news!!! This is a MUST READ!!! gun control--interesting perspective
This is great. If SCOTUS legalized Sodomy then the same goes for concealed carry. This is a MUST READ!!!

That's right, if you really love your gun you can marry it. But if you're gonna consummate that marriage, I would suggest you unload it first.
You can't discriminate against people based on their personal beliefs, you see. So if gay couples' right to be married must be universally recognized across all states, then gun owners' right to carry firearms must also be universally recognized across all states. That's the way freedom works: once a principle is affirmed and set into the history of interpretation of law, it must be applied universally.

I can already see the comedic bumper stickers from all this: IF YOU GET TO MARRY, WE GET TO CARRY!

In essence, the U.S. Supreme Court just handed the NRA the very argument it might now use to nullify gun restriction laws everywhere. The NRA merely needs to file suit in a lower court, cite the Obergefall decision, and kick the lawsuit all the way back up the chain to SCOTUS. There, the Court must decide in a manner consistent with the same-sex marriage "rights," or else it will cease to carry any real authority at all.

The realization of all this, of course, will drive many of the same-sex marriage lobbyists absolutely insane. They did not see this unintended consequence of "equal protection" being applied to other topics. But that's how equality actually works, isn't it? Equality means the principle is equally applied to other contexts.
Posted by Freewill at 6:10 PM 0 comments
... will drive many of the same-sex marriage lobbyists absolutely insane.
One wonders if this is the real purpose of this particular post.

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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:If SCOTUS legalized Sodomy then the same goes for concealed carry.
You probably don't want to analyze that statement too thoroughly.
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Re: Changes in NESARA News

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, June 29, 2015
WTF is going on with the Confederate Flag by One Pissed Off American

Everyone is wondering about all the hoopla about the Confederate flag and coming up with some interesting thoughts as to why. One thought is to keep the division going and cause stifle. Another is that it is a distraction, etc…

How the Fed and the Cabal work, it is both of those plus I believe another important item that the public is missing because of the revisionist history and this nations “wonderful” public school system (and yes I am being sarcastic) – that the Confederate flag is the valid flag of an occupied nation that has never signed a peace treaty with the Union to end the Civil War.

[No doubt "One Pissed Off" got this from Erasmus of America]

If the symbol of this occupied country is destroyed and removed from public view, then the Fed, Cabal and Military will not have to sign a peace treaty to officially, legally and lawfully end the Civil War; the South’s occupation; and thus ending the Liber codes (General Order 100) which has enslave the public of both the Union and the South for 150+ years.

What does this mean to you and I? No need to have a war declared or continued every 2 years to justify maintaining a standing army, which takes a huge chunk of change out of the federal budget. States have their own rule back according to the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Greatly reduced need for attorneys, since under Liber Code they are needed to deal with the general population on legal matters. The real organic Constitution is awaken out of suspended animation and the final nail can be put in the coffin of the defacto Corporate den of thieves that have been representing themselves as our government, when in fact they are the occupiers and jailers of this country.

Noodle this around and do your own investigating and research. Obliviously the Fed and their cronies have after reading my stuff and others and by their actions, what they discovered scared the shit out of them. The Fed and the Cabal don’t want to lose their money and power, so remember always ask, who ultimately benefits by gaining or maintaining money and power, and you can usually figure out why the they are doing a certain action.

Posted by Freewill at 6:02 PM


jay w. June 29, 2015 at 6:35 PM
Bravo Freewill Bravo I say , fantastic , short and right to the point.............this little post of yours is the additional crack in the crumbling wall of pure deciet that is the current fake US govt.

Anonymous June 29, 2015 at 10:14 PM
Great work on unraveling the hidden mystery behind the venomous attacks behind the war on the Republic flag......They did this because they don't want the sheep to awaken and rejoin the republic, because then they would have no legal ammo when it is discovered the states never signed that treaty..Which they cannot allow ever since the matrix would be in trouble!
If they don't have any legal leg to stand on since the states even Texas did not sign it, then when they lose the battle they'll have to agree never to cross into that territory again. Also that means you can if you are smart, dissolve all ties to the u.s. corporation in your state as quickly as possible so that when the global corporation manifests, you are not sucked inside...

Howard Appel June 30, 2015 at 5:08 PM
The confederate flag represents the treasonous actions of a group of traitors. They took up arms against the USA in defense of slavery. Read the f***ing statements by the confederate leaders at the time: they were firmly in support of continued enslavement of blacks. They were traitors, should have been hung as traitors and identified as such in history books.

Anonymous June 30, 2015 at 10:43 PM
IDIOT ! The Civil war WAS NOT about slavery ! It was about oppression against the South by the North and the Federal government ! There were more wealthy slave owners in the North than there were in the South ! Get some education !

Anonymous June 30, 2015 at 11:30 PM
Tax oppression against the south - over taxing the cotton crops - the south rebelled against that taxation just like we did at the Boston Tea Party. And yes - the north had as many if not more 'slaves'. In fact, it was NOT the whites that were buying and selling the Negroes. The blacks were the primary importers and sellers of their own people!!!!! And don't let's forget - there were and still are many white slaves worldwide. In America, the Irish especially were considered to be lower than low and were subjected to as bad - if not worse - conditions than the blacks. History was not one sided - it is only to those who have been brain washed by the communists with their agenda to divide, conquer and destroy a nation - as is going on today within America. Pit the races against each other - especially the blacks who are given free bennies off the backs of others who are working to try to support their families.

Anonymous June 30, 2015 at 11:47 PM
Howard, you are sadly misled. Search for a history book that reports the truth and where the history of our nation has not been rewritten to meet the agenda of the traitors within our nation that are working to destroy us from within. The confederate flag represents the agreement of those states who stood together and took a stand against the tax tyranny that was imposed upon them by the northern confederacy rogue 'government.' (the same rogue 'government' corporation system as today). That flag has nothing to do with the slave trade which, by the way, was primarily run and beneficial to the northern states and was for the most part organized by and profiting mostly the black slave traders. It's time that the TRUTH come out and all history books are burned and new ones containing the TRUTH are printed and distributed to ALL adults and children so they can know the TRUTH. Our nation is so dumbed down. Most in the US cannot read, write or do arithmetic - adults and children. And the materials for reading are for the most part lies. Those who are so lazy as to not research the truth will succumb to the lies. Why be one of them??? Research, learn the TRUTH and teach others.
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