Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Jeffrey »

Probably a coincidence, but someone tried to post the identity of Freewill over at Nesara news and the posts have been deleted.
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Post by Deep Knight »

My error was looking between August 27-29 for Crawford Co. I suspected the dates given us by FreeDom were a little soft, but was overwhelmed by wider search windows.

Let me try to make this into a coherent story.

Destry James Rides Again!

Once upon a time, Destry James "DJ" Payne was a Michigan resident who believed some strange things. He got involved with a person named MacHaffie and posted conspiracy-minded articles to his website for a piece of the action. When this MacHaffie died he and one or two others took the website over.

DJ was "sovereign" and too broke/cheap to renew his drivers and automobile licenses and started driving with the existing plate obscured. In 2012 he got stopped in Bay County and ticked for not having these licenses or insurance. Destry James had quite a legal mind, even having an registered protected apostille and its number, so he filed a bunch of papers with even more attachments, which the court rejected. He didn't show up for trial, so they powers that be harassed him by sending him threatening documents, some of these over the Christmas holidays! More trials were scheduled, but being a man of principle, he didn't show for them either and using this strategy his legal problems went away.

Then, while minding his own business, DJ got stopped while driving again, and this time Crawford Co. didn't let him go but put him in jail. No doubt prejudiced because of how handily he had handled his previous tickets and that he was carrying substances of an illegal nature. Bail was $5000 and DJ's total wealth was far below this, due to his continuous harassment of, er, by the government.

Finally, DJ's brother Dan decided to use NESARA News to raise some money for DJ, and announced two and a half weeks after the fact that Freewill had been kidnapped by the evil government! This resulted in enough money being raised to get bail in Crawford Co., but Bay Co. was waiting their chance to put DJ away. With an evil laugh they slammed the door behind him and demanded money on Thursdays.
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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like like a pretty good and on track, and a true sovrun paytriot WIN..... Wonder how much the other county will want to let him out after him having skipped trial and all. Oh, and another comforting thought, in matters like this, the courts usually forfeit the bail to cover costs and such for when the yutz does finally get hauled in for trial, so there won't be any of that ever coming back to the fools who helped bail him out. Not that they ever would anyway.

Around here, you pull that stunt, and you get to sit in jail til trial, and then they hit you with the really big fines. They don't as a rule play games with this one around here. I don't know how MI does it, but it is usually at this point the DL goes away for a good long while, and you don't get one back without a paid bond. They also seize vehicles around here for no license and reg, and you don't get them back unless and until they are and all the fines have been paid.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Out here in the west, they had to pass special laws to keep people from simply ignoring "driving without a license" tickets. They nicknamed the 80's law in my state after a motorcycle rider who had almost 100 tickets, and the next time he got caught he got put in jail.

In college I drove to El Paso with my Girlfriend for a Spring Break trip to Mexico, and for some strange reason she decided to leave her drivers license at home and only take her passport. On the radio we heard about New Mexico changing it's law, and at midnight all people caught driving without a license being put in jail for a minimum of 24 hours. The idea was for us to take turns napping in the back seat, but I was paranoid enough about my lead-footed girlfriend getting popped for speeding that I never got any sleep. On the way back I drove the whole way.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Breaking News: Update on Military Movements! Coming Eviction of the Washington DC Corporation?

I just picked up this conversation between an individual named Destry Payne and Chris Kelsay, who are talking about the latest troop movements headed to Washington DC. This got me excited because Destry Payne is running for Common Law judge in Michigan for 2012. You can find more info about Destry Payne at this link here. Does this give any additional credibility to the following conversation and information being discussed in this posting? Is this what we all have been waiting for? Is October going to be the month of action against the criminal elite in Washington DC? The November election is creeping up, status quo or revolution? I shall dream of the day the republic is restored and may that dream be realized. ~ enerchi

Destry Payne- A retired colonel informed me of an assurance that they are headed for DC
Chris Kelsay- gov prepping for American population control?
Destry Payne -Gov is being taken down.
Chris Kelsay- militia?
Destry Payne -I have no word on Militia as of now.
Chris Kelsay- marital law?
Destry Payne -They have been pushing for martial law to be implemented this Saturday
Chris Kelsay- nation wide? is that in the situation that the gov is in fact dismantled?
Destry Payne -Yes
Chris Kelsay- who would then be running the show?
Destry Payne- We The People
Destry Payne- We have people in place right now.
Chris Kelsay- one of us?
Destry Payne- Yes, Lawful assemblies that represent all of us. I am one of them.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:59 PM

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
We The People ---- Open Letter To The Military

I Destry Payne from Michigan a Free and Independent Nation=State demand to see our military act under oath to We THE People to stand up and back your brothers, sisters, friends and family in doing what is right for our beloved country. The orders have been issued and are to be enforced immediately. You are not bound to serve a corporation, you are bound to serve the people and protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic. Our only enemy is domestic. End the tyranny now!


Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:58 PM
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Popeye October 24, 2015 at 1:08 PM

Freewill certainly has more balls than all the sissy boys writing from their cabal network of slave trade.... trying their piss-ant schemes to cause Freewill to give up his stand for us as to where we all should be standing.... As it turns out we ALL need to get on the right side of the line.... QUIT SUBMITTING TO THESE RAT TRAITORS WHO HAVE PUT US IN THEIR PRISON (MATRIX)...
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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

It would seem Payne, or should we just call him "Freewill" and be done with it, is delusional as well as really really stupid. I wonder if the voices he's hearing are just the ones in his head, or a certain seditious colonel that certain communities have been roundly laughing at for years. It does admittedly sound stupid enough to be something he was coming up with, but that doesn't negate the voices in own head option considering who we're talking about.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Some recent Freewill comments on one of the posts they move to the top of the pile every morning.

Anonymous October 28, 2015 at 8:35 PM

Freewill is scheduled for a jury trial November 24th.

Anonymous October 29, 2015 at 4:03 PM

If he has justice on his side, he will be out in a couple of weeks.

Juries are citizens, and the history of jury trials goes back a long way. If the jury he is guilty, all the wailing on this site will not do him any good at all.

Anonymous October 30, 2015 at 2:44 PM

Justice is not on his side. The scales tilt but neither side of the scale is labeled.
If everyone could learn the history, that the birth certificate started it, yes. Did it make you a slave? No.
It did create a corporation with a name that you are called. That's why lose the name would kind of work and NOT, and some of the other things like UCC (dropping from representing the corporation) kind of works and NOT.
UCC is copyrighted, and when they want to enforce the copyright, [ie. you don't have permission to use UCC cause you are NOT the corporation], they will.
People win in the smaller battles cause they let them. A sort of Sun Tzu strategy of not showing all you have, only show enough to win the battle.
Enough rambling.
If people want to break out of this, they have to retrain their brain that there is no government. Sorry, but to get out you have to see the corporation with a president.
To break out of this, the people have to learn, there is not City or State government. Again, you have to see it's a corporation. If you have to do a Dunn and Bradstreet search or contact the local Secretary of State to find out what they have on filed for the creation of the City of or State of to wake up about the real things they are, then do it.
The birth certificate created a corporation using a name. The name is NOT you, the paper is not you, your mother did not sign you into slavery, if anything she helped them create it by witnessing its creation and verifying how she would spell the name you are called.
Christians, go into your bible. Stop letting your pastor be your teacher. Stop letting anyone be your teacher. Let them be your guide, and you decide which way you want to go. Go look at the birth of anyone in the bible, anyone. Does it say they named them or called them. Some bibles may have written name, but the ones I view wrote called. A sound, like the word, like in the beginning is the word. We are called, church people have a calling, when I get on the phone I call you. Called. In court, "Is your name Blazey Bee?" "I am called Blazey Bee." [not legal advice, but schools take attendance to call the name], supposedly the christ was asked if he name was "*****" and he did not accept the name. He knew what he was called.

Now that you know there is no government, then who are the people who run the government? Answer: People.
That's it. That's all they are.
You say, but they are rich?! and I Answer: "So." I answer again: "They are rich People." That's it. That's all that they are.
But you say, "They have power!" I answer, "What power have you seen?" "Have you seen them fly through the air, or lift tall boulders, or walk through walls, or save a life with their bare hands?"
But you say, "They have the power to arrest you and put you in jail for things." I say, "You have to know who they are." "Arrest requires a warrant, [research], without a warrant it is kidnap [ignore the word kid - it's to keep adults from using it out of pride - it is what it is - adults get kidnapped too - your pride will defeat you if you don't use words because you believe a word controls you]
Who is 'they'? Go figure that out. and don't come back with the name of any corporation or the name of any purported city, or the name of any purported state, or the name of any building.

Anonymous October 30, 2015 at 2:54 PM

After you figure out who 'they' is, you'll see you help them put you in bondage, and you believe everything you are told because you do not want to learn, and the system is to punish anyone who doesn't want to learn to stand up and self govern. The system, is tired of the mass illusion. The system is being rewritten to get harsher and harsher and harsher, until you either wake up and see it, or you get consumed by it, and sit in FEMA or jail, or some other place you WILL be taken.
Guess what? YOU did not open your eyes to figure out who 'they' is. They is not a business. They is a man. They is a woman. Nothing more. Can a man make you a slave without a contract?
Can a woman make you a slave without a contract?
People don't tell you anything, they say, come here, sit there, walk over here, stop, go, jump, crawl, and you do it cause you see them as 'they', and you believe 'they have power'. You never see the contract that says what you do for them is real power. It is not.
You did it of your free will. If you don't want to see how the man or the woman got the power, then you are doing it of your free will.

Not doing something of your free will takes time.
You have been trained to attach to the outside. Attach to friends, or family, or your home, or your reputation.
Christians know they are supposed to have their house in order at all times for when they are called away, they are not needed.
But do they do it, that's why certain people can't stand to deal with them, they do not practice what they push heavily onto others.
You have to have all the time in the world to do the work of your God when called, or turn in your dancing shoes and sit down and shut up.

People have defeated the system but not in a week or a month, cause you have to not participate for a long time to make them let you go.
You do not give them the contracts they do not have. You do not help them create the paperwork of power over you by hiring them to re present you to other people as a name on paper instead of who you really are, someone who is ''called' and don't need a piece of paper to call you, just say 'the word'. You do not fund their system, and help them hurt you and others. You stop pretending they are more than they are.
You see them for who they are, and say 'NO'.
You research, because I don't give legal advice cause I do not mess with their world.
I live in mine, and mine is not legal, it is self governed with natural law and harmony.
Be well.
When the court stops moving, the last place Freewill is, will be the last place he will be moved.
they need our energy to move, "ie Motion for" "Motion to" "Charge"
A jury has a contract with someone else.
Where is their contract with 'you' to be your peer? They are strangers to you, are they not?
Where it the contract with whoever selects them to make them your peers?
They will sit Freewill before them, and ask him to choose from them. His gestures will create
contracts of gesture that they are his peers and not strangers, and that they can judge him.
Will Free will participate in those gestures too?
Every step, every move, every thought has to do with what is next.
Freewill so far is moving 'with' them. He has someone representing, and he has paid, and he has signed.
And he doesn't know 'who' has any of the money he paid, or who wanted that paper signed. But he did it anyway,
cause 'They' told him. He never figured out who is 'they' and why 'they' have power.
This is an awareness blog.
This is only opinion.

Finally, some good legal advice. All Freewill has to do is figure out who 'they' is, and he's home free.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Some recent comments on the "Send us money for Freewill" post at NESARA News:

Anonymous October 31, 2015 at 10:30 PM
Freewill's charges and the case history is available online if you search for it.

Anonymous November 4, 2015 at 4:09 PM
And what name/subject would you suggest should be specifically searched for?
Inquiring minds would appreciate being informed.

Anonymous November 4, 2015 at 7:33 PM
So ..... you can't leave well enough alone, allow the legal beagles to do their job and publish when they are ready? My my ..... you DO have an interesting nose for 'information'. Why not do some reading somewhere and keep yourself occupied rather than nosing in others business.

Anonymous November 4, 2015 at 11:09 PM
Just search for "Freewill kidnapped and held for ransom".

Doing the suggested search brings up this Quatloos thread as matched #1 and #2.
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Post by The Observer »

Well, that is disappointing. I was hoping to sell that information to the Nesara News Bloggies for a nice chunk of change ("Please, no dinars accepted") and now someone has given it away for free.

Edit: I might still be in luck - someone has deleted the response giving out the search terms to use.
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Post by Jeffrey »

It's still up there.

Delete any references to it in case the mods get wise and delete it. I crave to watch the shit storm should people who gave cash find out why Freewill is in the clinker.
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Post by Deep Knight »

A further comment about the details of this case...

Anonymous November 4, 2015 at 11:09 PM

Just search for "Freewill kidnapped and held for ransom".

Anonymous November 8, 2015 at 10:59 PM

Since when is a court a prosecuting attorney's office?
If Freewill's friends had shared info with us sooner, he'd be out by now.
Why is his attorney allowing him to be held in 'the sheriff's office'.

Anyone knowing the least about legal things would know the entire
situation is a sham and if they'd just trust the people who come
here with a bit of information, Freewill would be home by now.

This is ridiculous.
Thanks for telling me how to find him.
His attorney sold him out, and the first thing Freewill should have
done was dropped the 'officer of the court of the prosecutor's office'.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I agree, this is "stupid, stupid, stupid."
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Post by Jeffrey »

Seems Freewill's trial was post-poned to Monday due to the Judge being sick.
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Post by texino »

Hello to all whom I know and all other posters who round the table go. I have been in hospital for some time, and while there, it was determined I was running p 30% normal heart rate. This was repaired by the insertion of a pacemaker, something which has made me feel much better and able to contribute to the forum again.

It would seem that the major pumpers are ramp-ping up the info that many Dinar fortunes are being paid with strict ANTI-Disclosures in place and I wonder how long it will take the dinaridjits to realize no one has made farthing. I realize this post is not about holding freewilly, but Just had the need to say something
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Post by LightinDarkness »

texino wrote:Hello to all whom I know and all other posters who round the table go. I have been in hospital for some time, and while there, it was determined I was running p 30% normal heart rate. This was repaired by the insertion of a pacemaker, something which has made me feel much better and able to contribute to the forum again.

It would seem that the major pumpers are ramp-ping up the info that many Dinar fortunes are being paid with strict ANTI-Disclosures in place and I wonder how long it will take the dinaridjits to realize no one has made farthing. I realize this post is not about holding freewilly, but Just had the need to say something
Welcome back! Glad to hear you are recovering.

Entering into the holiday season, the pumpers are going to work the dinaridjits to a frenzy. We know how this works - every year, we always hear from TNT Tony et. al that:

- We are for sure RVing before Thanksgiving.
- We are for sure RVing before December 1.
- We are for sure RVing before Christmas Eve.
- We are for sure RVing before New Years Eve.
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Post by wserra »

Welcome back, Tomás. Glad you're feeling better, hope to see you more often.
texino wrote:It would seem that the major pumpers are ramp-ping up
Maybe they got pacemakers.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Good to hear from you, Tomás Texino, and I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Keep that ticker pumpin'!

I haven't been posting for a while, quite frankly I've been heartsick over the events in Paris, which at some level I consider my home (my father is French and lived in Paris for a while after the war). In the light of that event the NESARA foolishness seemed, well, foolish. However, I have noticed that the people at NESARA News have learned to pivot rapidly, now posting lies against Muslims that a few weeks before would have been about Jews (long-time NESARA News readers might have noticed that the lie, er, "controversy" about "Muslims celebrating" 9-11 in New Jersey was once a staple at this site, only they said it was Israelis). And, of course, there is still the usual nonsense.



But, as has been said, this is a thread about the arrest, er, kidnapping of Freewill, and his fight against those who so brazenly did their duty when he broke the law. Lets hope he has his rescheduled day in court soon so that he can prove his wackadoodle legal theories and see "true justice" reign once more.
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Post by LightinDarkness »

Hendo Henderson (sovereign citizen Moorish Jesus, literally thinks he is the Messiah) is also on the Putin hype train. He announced on his latest call that Putin considers himself as a black man and worships Henderson, not the Illuminati Christian God.
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Post by Jeffrey »

Gentlemen it is with heavy heart that I must report that Freewill has been unsuccessful in his latest courtroom antics.

Mr. Payne refused to take a plea deal today and refused to take an attorney so his attorney has been withdrawn. His jury trial has been pushed to January 26th and February 9th.

Payne also recorded that he has filed pending federal litigation (presumably his federal lawsuit mentioned over at NESARA news). Judge in charge of that case is Ludington.

Sadly Payne remains in jail until the trial. :violin:
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Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:Gentlemen it is with heavy heart that I must report that Freewill has been unsuccessful in his latest courtroom antics.

Mr. Payne refused to take a plea deal today and refused to take an attorney so his attorney has been withdrawn. His jury trial has been pushed to January 26th and February 9th.

Payne also recorded that he has filed pending federal litigation (presumably his federal lawsuit mentioned over at NESARA news). Judge in charge of that case is Ludington.

Sadly Payne remains in jail until the trial. :violin:
The only thing fitting at this point is to quote from John Prine's most poignant song;

It was Christmas in prison and the food was real good
We has turkey and pistols carved out of wood
I dream of her always even when I don't dream
Her name's on my tongue and her blood's in my stream

The search light in the big yard turns 'round with the gun
And spotlights the snowflakes like the dust in the sun
It's Christmas in prison there'll be music tonight
I'll probably get homesick, I love you, Good night
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
