That's Crazy Talk!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

Many years ago, I set up a DVD recorder incorrectly and got this "infomercial" instead of the old movie I wanted. It was for a fast pressure-cooking system, and my recording started with one of the captive audience making the statement, "You can't make pea soup in 3 minutes, that's crazy talk!" This became a stock phrase 'round my house that continues to this day.

Inspired by this, I would like to start a thread dedicated to the crazier of NESARA-conspiracy-friendly posts, such as this one about cannibalism (yum yum).

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Human Hot Dogs – Agenda 21 – “Billions are Eating Millions”

United Nations Depopulation Control

Monday, October 26, 2015 2:07
(Bfore It's News)
Clear Food, a subsidiary of food analyzation startup Clear Labs,
found that
human DNA
is present in
2 percent of hot dog and sausage brands
according to a recent study.
The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council
disclosed that Americans consume about
20 billion hot dogs every year
spend on average
every year
$2.5 billion on hot dogs
$2.74 billion on dinner sausages
$500 million on breakfast sausage annually.

If you have consumed a hot dog, chances are
may have eaten a human being.
How did this happen?
Have you ever questioned where the dead bodies are from?
mental institutions
obortion clinics
on and on….
the real reason they don't want to label GMO’s …
could reveal the secrets
Soylent Green – The Movie – They gave us warning years ago
Posted by Popeye at 8:00 AM

Read enough? The idiot who wrote this was kind enough to give a link to the original, which of course stressed that the Human DNA was from contamination, such as by hair follicles or dead skin cells, and measured at minute trace levels (a single hair would be more than enough). Not from using human meat. So, the person who is claiming this supports a "Soylent Green" scenario is either really stupid or really stretching to find some mainstream news that confirms the "NWO is taking over" view.

In a personal note, during the real person who plays Deep Knight's late summer vacation in Austria, we spent a lot of time in Vienna, which is Wien in German so that the locals are called "Wieners." This became a running joke, as in "we rode the trolly and sat next to a real Wiener." As it happened, we came by a plaque to the inventor of the hot dog, who worked in Vienna but called his creation a "Frankfurter" because he used a meat mixture like that for small sausages from Frankfurt. Other people called them "Wienerwurst" or "Wieners" because of where they were originally made.

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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News has been particularly silly today. For example:
As the investigation of Hillary Clinton and her private email scandal is winding down, it’s just been discovered that Michelle Obama may have been involved in an email scandal of her own.

The American Medical Association (AMA) released an obesity study last year that revealed that rates have actually changed less than they did in the previous decade.

Rather than processing that information, Michelle’s reps decided to claim that obesity in children between ages 2 and 5 fell from 13.9% to 8.4%.
It seems that someone found an e-mail where a person at the CDC said they would be highlighting the good news with a quote from the First Lady, who included the 13.9% to 8.4% in a speech about children and healthy eating. And it's true that this was in the report on the study (you can read it online). It's also true that for adults and the population as a whole the rates were not equivalently reduced, and this was not in the speech or quoted. Proof of lies, scandal and cover up!
Major False Flag Alert Issued - Threat Level Alpha - World War 3 Now Inevitable According To US Media
Global False Flag Alert - This is not a test - Please take immediate action
I would say this is self-explanatory, but what's written (and it goes on and on) doesn't explain a darn thing.
Muslim Gangs Attack Churches and Schools - Rape Women and Children!

So - the Muslims want the freedom to rape the women and children, too, along with free housing, free utilities, free medical care, free automobiles, free education, free free free free while they rape, pillage and slaughter the innocents. Oh, and did I also include SHARIA LAW? Ameri-KA = do you comprehend what the rogue 'gov' of this nation has planned for you and me?
In 2014 a small gang of petty thieves, were caught near Cologne, Germany. They were immigrants from Islamic countries, and all quite young. After investigation, it was found they had stolen $21,000 by over 4 years by breaking and entering a variety of places, including a church and school, and mostly taking computers and cash. No allegations of rape of any sort associated with this gang (not gangs), but later in the article there was a quote from a letter about the lack of security at refugee camps and how there had been crimes, including rape. Not quite what the headlines suggested. Finally, my favorite.
Proof Of Obama In Homosexual Drag
Astounding Proof Of US President Acting Out As a Homosexual Pervert

Listen carefully to the video of Mia Marie Pope interviewed by Pastor James David Manning. Mia Marie Pope, who was a high school friend of Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) in Hawaii during the 1970s ... says that she actually saw Obama dress up as a transvestite. She remarked that it was during ... the Rocky Horror Picture Show, starring Tim Curry, that this took place.

How d'you do, I see you've met my faithful handyman
He's just a little brought down because when you knocked
He thought you were the candyman.
Don't get strung out by the way that I look,
Don't judge a book by its cover
I'm not much of a man by the light of day,
But by night I'm one hell of a lover

I'm just a Sweet Transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania.

So let me show you around, maybe play you a sound
You look like you're both pretty groovy
Or if you want something visual that's not too abysmal
We could take in an old Steve Reeves movie.

I'm glad we caught you at home, could we use your phone?
We're both in a bit of a hurry.
We'll just say where we are, then go back to the car
We don't want to be any worry.

So you got caught with a flat, well, how about that?
Well babies, don't you panic.
By the light of the night when it all seems alright
I'll get you a satanic mechanic.

I'm just a Sweet Transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

First NESARA News tells us that President Obama is starting a war with Russia to help our ally China...
Friday, October 30, 2015
!! ALERT !! US to Sacrifice 3,000 Troops in Syria to Start WW3 !!!!




The following shocking information has been leaked from the US Military to Gene Tatum (CIA).

The Department of Defense (DoD) has received tasking orders for 3,000 ground troops plus support personnel to be sent to Syria! US Commanders have been told our troops will be embedded with Syrian opposition forces who are being bombed by Russia now!

Since the US has been caught red handed aiding ISIS and will not cooperate in any way with Russia, our US commanders are very concerned they are being used as pawns to start World War 3 with Russia! They are worried they are being setup to be bombed by Russia to draw the US into a war while American bodies are shown on our Fake News and Russia is demonized.
Posted by Popeye at 8:00 AM
But in the previous post, they were going hyperbolic about President Obama starting a war with China!
Friday, October 30, 2015
‘Mentally Unstable’ Obama Looking To Start A War

‘Mentally Unstable’ Obama Looking To Start A War With China?

Michael Snyder
October 28th, 2015

This week Barack Obama sent a guided missile destroyer into disputed waters in the South China Sea to see if the Chinese would start shooting at it. Yes, this is what he actually did. Fortunately for us, the Chinese backed down and did not follow through on their threats to take military action. Instead, the Chinese have chosen to respond with very angry words.

The Chinese ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, says that what Obama did was “a very serious provocation, politically and militarily.” And as you will see below, a state-run newspaper stated that China “is not frightened to fight a war with the US in the region”.
Wasn’t Obama supposed to be the president that brought all of our troops home and ended all of the wars?

Instead, Obama's arrogance just seems to grow by the day, and he is threatening to plunge the entire planet into World War III.
And still no arrests of the traitorous Obama administration or the USA military leadership working so diligently with the cabal and UN / NWO / NATO alliances intent on following the Agenda 21 / 2030 program for depopulation / genocide and the destruction of the united States.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 8:00 AM
I'm so confused!
Jim: You're tearing me apart!
Carol: What?
Jim: You say one thing, he says another, and everybody changes back again!
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:First NESARA News tells us that President Obama is starting a war with Russia to help our ally China...
But in the previous post, they were going hyperbolic about President Obama starting a war with China!
No, no, no, you misunderstood Nesarapseak. We have always been at war with Eastasia and Eurasia has been our ally.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:First NESARA News tells us that President Obama is starting a war with Russia to help our ally China...
But in the previous post, they were going hyperbolic about President Obama starting a war with China!
No, no, no, you misunderstood Nesarapseak. We have always been at war with Eastasia and Eurasia has been our ally.
Can't you people keep it straight? We have always been at war with Eurasia and Eastasia has been our ally. How could we, as proponents of Ingsoc, associate with a Neo-Bolshevist state? Next you'll be saying that there is no Big Brother.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

You might notice that they have the same timestamp, 8:00 AM, and one is by Popeye and the other Olive Oyl. A break at the The Sailor Man household, indicative of a bigger underlying problem? Popeye hitting the spinach? Olive having an affair with Bluto again? Or maybe they're both aliases of the same schizophrenic psychopath who uses two computers at once...

BTW, we have never really been at war with either Eastasia and Eurasia, those were done for Big Brother using CGI and on Hollywood sets like the faked moon landings. Who we have really been at war with is Christmas, and once again this year the Illuminati expect you to do your part.

By the way, the wienie story got legs and made it to the pinnacle of the news cycle, late night comics.

"Researchers somewhere studied 75 brands of hot dogs and found some of them contained human DNA. I guess my baloney really does have a first name."
---Stephen Colbert
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, November 1, 2015

In 2008, during the American presidential election campaign, US Senator Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Someone sees Hillary Clinton at a function across town at, say, 1.30pm. And then, when they compare notes with a Democratic Party co-worker later that day, they learn that Hillary was also seen back at the hotel at 1.30pm, three miles away. And her clothes were different, or her hair was different, or her makeup was different, and the people with her were different. Or, after a speaking engagement, the car drives Hillary Clinton away to Location A, where she is seen to get out of the car at, say, 10.45pm. But a co-worker sees her at 11.00pm at Location B thirty or forty miles away, except that Hillary Clinton and the car have not left Location A. And they couldn't drive that fast anyway, and Hillary's clothing or appearance is different, and the people with her are different. And the next day, arriving for an early morning meeting somewhere, Hillary comes from Location B, not from Location A. Meanwhile, she is seen having a late breakfast at Location A with different people. And so on.How many different Hillary Clintons are there?

It is suggested that over half the US Presidential hopefuls in 2008 were human clones. There were several of each of them. Was Hillary Clinton one of these or several of them? And how are the voters to discriminate?
The use of human clones in American political management is only now becoming apparent. The last US President not to be cloned was John F. Kennedy. Usually, when a President or major American public figure ceases to be compliant to the demands of the controlling corporate elite, they are quietly killed, cremated and replaced with lookalike, mind-controlled clones. These days, at the Camp David human clone laboratories (Maryland) and elsewhere, it is possible to produce an adult human clone from originator DNA and a lab-double in less than 36 hours.

The history of this covert human cloning technology is now emerging. By the late 1970s, using monochromatic laser light technology, researchers within the Russian security community created a holographic apparatus which could record the entire memory of the living brain of a chosen human individual and store the data content of that brain on stable computer hardware. The Russians used inaudible high-frequency sound waves to create a complete three-dimensional picture of the brain. They discovered that their ultrasonic cerebral hologram process duplicated and stored the entire memory of the person in a coherently recoverable form. The Russians now had what they wanted to create working lab-clones for deployment. The same technique could be used to download someone else's memory into another (different) person, in this case a lab-double, and natural doubles could now be reprogrammed to take on the full memory database of the person being replaced.

Lab-doubles are generated using DNA infusion. Here the DNA of the person chosen to be duplicated is collected, amplified, processed and prepared for the infusion process into the new host body. The DNA infusion completely overrides the DNA of the living human host, physically transforming the host body into a visual replica of the chosen body. However, the residual host body DNA can still be detected, and identified, within the lab-double using sensitive DNA testing procedures. Where do the human host bodies come from? Covert kidnap, abduction and fake disappearance programmes. Many of the abducted human host bodies are those of children. And, of course, any of these abducted human hosts can be subjected to brain programming manipulation as well as to complete ultrasonic cerebral downloads.

In one curious incident, a Europe-controlled cell of US Rothschild minions within the US security community learned that the Russians were using duplicated clones for many of their leading Kremlin operatives. By this time the Americans had obtained similar brain programming and ultrasonic cerebral download abilities to the Russians. This technology had been fed to them from the Rothschild clone labs in Europe. The US military tried to use identical US-controlled clones to penetrate the Kremlin. Kremlin lookalikes were produced in America and were secreted into Moscow via the US embassy. However, the Russians were tipped off and became aware of the detail of the plan in advance. They let the US clones through into the Kremlin, downloaded their memories and programming and then reprogrammed them for Russian use. The Americans became perplexed as to what had happened because their infiltrated Kremlin clones were not carrying out their US programmed orders. It was an exotic case of double-agent meltdown. For sometime, nobody in the US knew which Russian clone was which. This engendered subtle difficulties for the Americans at international conferences.
Having no soul and no God-connection means that human clones have no spiritual processing power; they cannot function at the level of values, morals, ethics, compassion, honour or decency. Indeed, they have nothing within their intellection which energises or articulates such concepts in their consciousness. Human clones do, however, have a very powerful survival instinct. Under sustained pressure or threat they become amoral, manipulative fighting machines without spiritual stops or conscience. What you can get away with is what you do; lying is the core modus operandi; honesty about facts on the ground is self-injurious weakness; a spectrum of alternative views on an issue is a spectrum of aggressive enemy positions; unscrupulous elimination of opponents replaces dialogue. Human clones are perfect for politics, banking, the armed forces, religion, schooling and theft. Easily mind-controlled by the hidden negative elite, clones are the visible drivers of systemic evil.
But it is not just politicians, military people, finance professionals and religious leaders who have been cloned. Human clones are found in the show business world, too. And they feature prominently in the mainstream media's presentation of celebrity culture. Consider the much-discussed case of the two Paul McCartneys. Four other Paul McCartney photographic comparisons can be viewed here, here, here and here. Look at McCartney's left ear lobe here (in 1964) andhere (in 1964), compared with his left ear lobe here (in 1974) and here (in 1974). The murder and cloning of Beatle Paul McCartney by agents acting for the Tavistock Institute (London) in 1966 is a story which has been revisited again recently. It is sometimes referred to as The Two McCartneys Conundrum.

For many decades people have taken the view that the original pop star Paul McCartney of the Beatles, a Tavistock Institute band, is dead. He died in a car accident in 1966 which was reported by several media outlets before being hushed up. The car accident, like Princess Diana's thirty years later, was an arranged murder or cover for an arranged murder.

After 1966 it was widely noted that Paul McCartney had changed. He was considerably taller, and his physiognomy, voice and mannerisms were different. And evidence is emerging which suggests that the Beatles didn't even write some of the music accredited to them after that date.

On this view, the Beatles were planned by the shadow controllers of the sixties music industry. The purpose of the Beatles was social engineering. The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. It was a carefully crafted plot to introduce, by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large worldwide population group targeted for change against its will.

New words and new phrases prepared by the Tavistock Institute mind-moulders were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of illicit drugs. The subtext beneath this vocabulary arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went. It had only to be "discovered" by teenagers. The word "teenager" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

It was important at that time for the Shadow Government (controlling the USA from Europe) to affirm illicit drug use in the youth culture. This would enrich the drug barons worldwide who paid for the private armies and bribes necessary to maintain hidden power. And now, in 2009, the USA is in Afghanistan to protect the illicit drugs trade. And now, in 2009, most major US banks have only been able to stay afloat by bringing illicit drugs money on to their books by using counterfeit source of funds documentation.

One persistent idea is that in September 1966, Paul McCartney was replaced with a double called William Shepherd or William Campbell. McCartney was terminated and replaced because he refused to go along with the pro-drug agenda of the Beatles' Tavistock controllers.

After 1966, the new Paul McCartney started doing frank interviews about his LSD habit. McCartney's murder not only eliminated someone who wouldn't go with the program, it served as a warning to others in the circle not step out of the Tavistock line.

It is more likely, however, that Paul McCartney was cloned before being terminated, samples of his originator DNA having been obtained, cultured and amplified before his accident. Human clones, such as the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas, are not ensouled. They have no souls - no innate communication with positive influences among theHigher Evolution in the higher dimensions. They are intelligent, mind-controlled meat-machines, programmed by those whose negative agenda they implement. Might Paul McCartney be the same? Clones are not aware that they are clones. Such information is not permitted to occur to them or to enter their mind-programming.

Posted by Popeye at 8:30 AM
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Obama - a destructive rage beyond belief

Bob Unruh
Nov 1 2015

President Obama is revealing, through his Iran deal, a “destructive rage beyond belief” that should be alarming to the world because of its implication for the 'balance' of nuclear-weapons power, according to a forensic profiler whose work includes the double-murder case against O.J. Simpson and the Natalie Holloway disappearance.
Hodges, author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear. Secret Fury” and a new book, “As Done Unto You,” about the Amanda Knox case, previously was assistant clinical professor psychiatry at the University of Alabama School of Medicine. He has helped pioneer work on the brilliant unconscious mind, which he explained in his 1994 book, “The Deeper Intelligence.” He teaches that by accessing and interpreting messages from a person’s “unconscious super intelligence,” he can uncover confessions as well as motives for crimes.
Hodges explains Obama uses “three basic psycholinguistic maneuvers, all unconscious: denial, projection and use of key images which reflect his true intent.” “Secretly his words tell us about his true psyche deep down.”

He cites a 2014 speech by Obama in which “he secretly confessed to hidden attacks on America driven by a deep inner madness.” “Not a clinical madness but a ‘near madness’ – the disturbance of a secretly angry traumatized leader,” Hodges said.
Another comment furthered the message, Hodges wrote. “Remember, things said in jest are ideal for true super- intel confessions. Obama said, ‘With Secret Service, I always tease them. I’m like a caged bear and sometimes I break loose. And I’m feeling super loose today, so you don’t know what I might do.’” “He is increasingly out of control – ‘super loose’ indeed,” Hodges wrote.

“Madness in the Oval Office guiding the nation is eerily reminiscent of his ‘uncaged bear’ self-image. His flippant comment, ‘no telling what I might do,’ implies the same complete loss of judgment. His imagery depicts destructive rage beyond belief. What the world has always feared – a near-madman at the controls of a nuclear bomb appearing rational on the surface.”
... “Frighteningly he’s that far out of touch with himself. He constantly rationalizes his secret passive-aggressive attacks driven by deep unconscious fears of being attacked himself,” Hodges said. “In his conscious mind Obama sees the Iran deal as living up to his Nobel Peace Prize. His super intelligence declares this is the greatest misnomer in history. No single person has ever threatened the world in such a way,” he said.

Hodges is not new to the field, already having identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded Simpson’s “suicide note” to reveal Simpson’s links to a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note in Boulder, Colorado to identify the child’s killer. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He claims Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s comments about Monica Lewinsky.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 8:00 AM

Andrew Hodges had his 15 minutes of fame when he wrote a book accusing JonBenet Ramsey's mother of killing her. This was based on "ThoughtPrint Decoding," and of course turned out to be garbage, but that didn't stop him. Now he appears to be able to take a single sentence and in it "decode" a number of things on completely different subjects. Ain't modern science wonderful?
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:
Andrew Hodges had his 15 minutes of fame when he wrote a book accusing JonBenet Ramsey's mother of killing her. This was based on "ThoughtPrint Decoding," and of course turned out to be garbage, but that didn't stop him. Now he appears to be able to take a single sentence and in it "decode" a number of things on completely different subjects. Ain't modern science wonderful?
He had to find something to do once phrenology was debunked.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

The people at NESARA News had stopped posting Sorcha Faal stuff for a while, but they couldn't keep away from that koolaid...

Thursday, November 12, 2015
Obama Murders Flight 9268 Plotters

Nov 11 2015

In what can only be described in Orwellian terms, a new Foreign Intelligence Report (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regime has relegated to “unperson” status three American mercenaries believed to be plotters in the shooting down of Flight 9268 over Egypt that became the worst aviation disaster in Russian history.

Even worse, this report continues, the Federation has been “strongly notified” by the Obama regime that if it doesn’t “cooperate” with the “official” Western storyline that Flight 9268 was brought down by a bomb, Russian athletes will banned from participating in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
So thoroughly and completely has the Obama regime gone in turning these American mercenaries into “unpersons”, this report sadly notes, the families of two of them have had to resort to begging to bury them and feed their children—and as the GoFundMe pages for John Hamen and Damon Creach prove.
With the entire Obama regime Syria strategy being to overthrow the government to get a pipeline through to Europe from Saudi Arabia to compete with Russia and reduce its economy with regard to the natural gas it sells to Europe, and the United States and its allies cutting a deal with Islamic State terrorist “not to touch the civilian aircraft of the Western Coalition”, this report concludes, nothing shows the deceptive arrogance of this monstrous regime more than while at the same time forcing the families of its soldiers/mercenaries to beg for money to bury them, US Army combat helicopters were filmed this week providing air cover for a massive Islamic State convoy heading into Syria from Iraq.

Sorcha Faal

Posted by Olive Oyl at 4:00 PM

Here's what the first GoFundMe page sez:

On October 20th, 2015 John was detained in Yemen while working as a contractor. John was held for 2 weeks, 3 days and died while in detainment.

So, it seems this is also proof of time travel!
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by notorial dissent »

No sense of proportion, reality, or the ability to count, add and/or subtract. It's a wonder they can dress and feed themselves.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by The Observer »

Why would Obama care about a music band from Russia? What is the real story behind this?
On October 20th, 2015 John was detained in Yemen while working as a contractor. John was held for 2 weeks, 3 days and died while in detainment.
John who? John Lennon? John Fogarty? John Cougar Mellencamp? And what does the sinister Russian Olympic Band have to do with this?
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
On October 20th, 2015 John was detained in Yemen while working as a contractor. John was held for 2 weeks, 3 days and died while in detainment.
John who? John Lennon? John Fogarty? John Cougar Mellencamp? And what does the sinister Russian Olympic Band have to do with this?
Sorcha Faal wrote:... and as the GoFundMe pages for John Hamen and Damon Creach prove.
As for the Russian Olympic Band, I don't think it was Pussy Riot, but it should have been. A picture of them getting beaten at Sochi.


There music may not be my cup of tea, but I applaud their courage.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, November 13, 2015
WARNING!!!! Islamic Plot to Murder America’s Christian Children Revealed


Exactly what sources does this man have that revealed this terrible thing?

... I received a series of very disturbing prophetic warnings ... I heard the audible voice of the Holy Spirit say, “They are going to kill the children.” ... Early Wednesday morning, the 15th of October, I dreamed I was sitting in church and ... that all the pews were facing backwards. That was the end of the dream. ... the 16th October, I had another dream. In this dream I was in a church foyer and there were a lot of people there. All of a sudden a man’s face appeared in front of me. I saw his face clearly. He had short, black, wavy hair and was clean shaven. When I looked at him there was no life on his face and he had no expression. He looked like a Middle Eastern man and I knew he was a Muslim ...

* NESARA has warned before of these planned Islamic attacks on America's children. Parents, communities, churches and schools have formed Neighborhood Watch units - armed - patrolling schools, neighborhoods, churches, playgrounds, etc. If you are not yet involved, then please consider joining one or, if you are not aware of such committees, then FORM ONE. Contact neighbors, friends, family, schools, city and county meetings, police departments, fire departments. Organize and plan your communities strategies to divert the attacks. Use discernment on who you speak with and who you bring in to your groups. Be aware of any and all considered to be involved. Those who would create division and strife could well be your enemy.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 2:20 PM

If I were Olive and Popeye I would mostly watch out for a terrorist who looks like this:


1 comment:

Anonymous November 13, 2015 at 3:47 PM

OK Americans, so are you going so are you going to "ALLOW" this to happen to the children??? This IS a WARNING. Do not take it lightly. The Christians should hire some armed guards to stand outside the church and not allow infiltrators into the church. Also if you think there is an infiltrator in your midst, be sure and give them a DAK ham for their thanksgiving dinner and see how they enjoy it. There are things that you can do. Just don't be stupid and do nothing!
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

The LHC at CERN had been shut down for repairs and upgrades for two years, which engendered a lot of conspiracy theories on the web. Unfortunately, this guy wrote his story a bit too late.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Published on Nov 19, 2015

Ground breaking whistleblower from Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolan III. Features Unacknowledged Special Access Program - Deep Operations, USAF (subset) ZETA DIAGENES/CLEAREYES LEVE I-V:- ZETA DIOGENES / CLEAREYES ... A lot of alphabet soup lettered agencies. Daniel is doing this to quote " help others to escape this prison to begin new lives & a new journey for themselves, by becoming Free-Moral Agents in Service- To-Others.

Features the actual blow out of the Hadron Collider as it happened across the weekend of Nov 14th-15th. It is claimed this was done to stop the abuse of technology by rogue science, to allow a rupture in space time, a worm hole for 38 mins, to allow enemy ETs to further take over our planet. Draco ETs. This temporay shut down of the Collider lasted about 5 days. A Hadron free interview with Daniel is being prepared

"Hadron free?" You mean the interview was done in a way that didn't involve atoms what-so-ever? Cool!

Further data on TROJAN Technology is revealed, notably CMOS (Logic gate technology is fundamental to digital electronics) can be accessed by the mind, and more importantly, by specically bred Humbrid Generated Life Forms, (as opposed to Hydrid).

Daniel's function in the program is a "balancer" He is trained to kill in over 270 ways, and has done so. If elements of the program step out of line, no matter their rank, he would kill them. By making this Skype with Miles Johnston (me) he is now at risk of being killed. His answer to this question was, "I don't care".

Due to the nature of the Hadron Disaster, which has been totally suppressed, a more technical brief will follow. See other news with Karen MacDonald, and Pattie Bracket.

Any further information from scientific sources or eye witnesses on the destruction (up to 45%) of the Hadron ring, and systems, is required.

Published on Nov 20, 2015

... The basic narrative being that this massive device was being used for nefarious purposes to open a worm hole allowing 'Draco' ETs, who have been on earth for thousands of years (Aka Demons) to have massive reinforcements, in a great space war above our heads. Thus the term Draco. The issue here being that the Draco should not have space flight/or 'gate technology' or even be here. They are not the bad guys here. They are manipulated by an "A-I" Articfical intelliegence, found in the sentient fluid from another location or source in the universe. Found in crude oil, (Falklands War), it is extremnely dangerous substance that pulls down higher conscious beings and makes them into homicidal killers (Nazi Germany)
Basically no public word has emerged from CERN, as to what has been reported in these interviews.


Posted by Popeye at 4:14 PM 0 comments

Too bad you can spend less than a minute doing a search and finding out what really has been happening.

CERN Replicates First Moments Of Universe In Upgraded Large Hadron Collider

By Alyssa Navarro, Tech Times | November 27, 9:02 AM

Scientists at CERN were able to recreate the first few moments after the Big Bang by smashing together lead ions. ...
In the morning of Nov. 17, accelerator specialists had placed the beams into collision for the first time. Eight days later, scientists reported that the LHC achieved stable beams and machine successfully smashed together incredibly miniscule particles of lead at super high energies.

The article goes on to say that energies were more than twice that ever attempted before, and that this was a result of upgrades done during the shutdown.
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Deep Knight
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, December 10, 2015

gets us out from under Admiralty law
and back to Common law...


Posted on December 7, 2015 by Doreen Agostino
From Diane Hicks Dec 06.15

Well today I had the honor of speaking with Judge Bruce Doucette who commented that we need to fix the system and right now. Bruce is now retired. Told me he made a lot of money, yet something keeps pulling him back to help fix the broken system.

Bruce is heading to Montrose Colorado Dec 07.15 trying to
get Judge Steve Curry out of jail along with his wife Sandra. Steve was thrown in jail for filing the $279 Trillion dollar Lien. They also arrested his wife Sandra who is 71 years old.

Court case is tomorrow. Ought to be interesting - Judges going up
against Judges.

I don’t have all the information. Not sure if it was for just filing the lien or other charges as well. So far there are four Superior Court Judges on the $279 Trillion lien filed, along with many others.

Please don’t take this information lightly. These people are risking their lives for this word we call FREEDOM.

The other Judges I spoke with today put Anna von Reitz up on a pedestal where she belongs. This woman is truly amazing. Anna really wants to educate the public, so please take the time to help her by educating those around you.

These Judges were absolutely amazing to talk with today.
They, too, now realize they’ve been fooled by the system.

An Affidavit and Commercial Lien was filed in Mesa County Colorado against the cabal that will change everything.
It CAN NOT BE ANSWERED because it is 100% true.
It is a true bill or affidavit of facts.

This lien has an S.E.C. trace number of 2640220.

It MUST be answered by January 15th 2016, or the Lien Debtors must pay 279 Trillion dollars to the Lien Claimants, the American people. This document can NOT be reviewed by any “court” as it is a commercial affidavit operating in the land jurisdiction and under commercial law.

There is NO statute of limitations on fraud. Fraud vitiates and cancels all contracts that it touches.

This might be the very last chance we have to solve the problems of out of control “government” in America by peaceful means. The claimants of this affidavit are real peacemakers, giving their opponents a real chance to repent and make their restitution without the use of physical force if their lien debtors show good faith and answer their allegations in the affidavit/lien/indictment.

Here is Paul Stramer's post 11-09-2015

"The Fat is now in the Fire - The Cabal is on the run, and can't answer!"

Pray: unaware humans embrace good news, and VAST numbers of humans pull together to reclaim unalienable rights, willingly cooperate and renew this great Earth.

Please! Share this information to support these courageous Judges, their families, and others on the front line doing everything possible to defeat the cabal. Imagine, sense, ‘feel’, and give thanks for our victory with most ease and grace!

Doreen Ann Agostino
Non-negotiable autograph,

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:00 PM

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Americans Are the Creditors of the US Corp....YOU'VE GOT TO READ AND WATCH THIS AMERICA!!!!!


Judge Anna Von Reitz
Mon, Dec 7, 2015

Subject: Americans Are Creditors of US Corp
Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

As of October 15, 2015 the INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL OBLIGATION LIEN (INDICTMENT) has been filed against the AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (A.B.A.), the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION (I.B.A.), and the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (D.O.J.) and they have 90 days till January 13, 2016 to comply with the Affidavit and LIEN, as on the 91st day the Seizures will begin along with the Mandatory Arrests.

This is also an effect that the 'US citizen' does no longer exist as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC, no longer has control of its People as subjects and sub-corporations, but We the People have put in documentation that we are back the way we were prior to March 27, 1861 as FREE People and State citizens.

As of January 14, 2016 there can be an Arrest Warrant made on Bill Gates of Microsoft and his other Associate executives for failing to hand over their MICROSOFT, INC. stock to the People of America on this LIEN as it is presumed that the BAR Association had at least 10% of their Stock, and this goes for ALL Mega Corporations including JP Morgan, Bank of America, the IRS, INC., the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, INC., and even the UNITED NATIONS, INC. who owns the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.!

Thus, if you look at it the right way as of January 14, 2016, Barrack Obama, who is the CEO of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., can be Arrested along with ALL the other BAR Association members for failing to hand over its stock and property, back taxes, to the People and we don't need anything from the corporation of CONGRESS, INC. for Treason.

And you can go to the Extreme that if the Rothschilds FAIL to hand over the funds as in the LIEN, $279,000,000,000,000 (Trillion), as they own the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, INC., then we can have the Rothschilds arrested as well.

Haven't you heard of the domino theory, and these other People can not get out of it saying a corporation owns it as a living being must be at the end of that rope as paper cannot make decisions.

Now this can come down to your own employer as if they refuse to recognize you as an American citizen and step out from being a US citizen, they also disregarded this LIEN and they confessed to a crime as you are their Slave.

This is a suggestion to follow these steps as well as keep your eyes open for the upcoming verification documents and statements to the People of what is happening:
1.Give this 44 page LIEN to your employer to show them what is here and even sign it yourself as that could be helpful: 85. The actual document of the Affidavit of Obligation and Commercial Lien against the American Bar Association
2.Give this attached 2 page Bill of Exchange/LIEN and Steve Curry's page 43 Affirmation to your employer
3.End this year for your income taxes to claim Exempt on your W4 form to stop the Withholding, and inform your employer that it would be good for this last quarter to Refund ALL taxes every employee had withheld
4.Before this year ends it would be good to try and see what happens if you file for the 3 prior years to get refunds and do it the way explained in item 5
5.Come January when you file your taxes claim your Gross and then 100% as deductions and include the amount already paid to get a FULL Refund, include the Affidavit and LIEN with your tax return to the State and IRS, and show your tax preparer the Affidavit and LIEN as well, and if they refuse then notify the Sheriff, not your local police, of this refusal for their arrest warrant
6.Make a statement to your employer that you are not a US citizen and as of January 1, 2016 it should be advised for them to follow thru with you as an American citizen and no taxes of any kind withheld
7.Find out how to write a personal Promissory Note to write off your mortgage and give it to your bank, or else have them arrested for failing to comply with the House Joint Resolution 192 of JUNE 5, 1933 as We The People became the Creditors of the USA corporation and they use it for your Signature and they didn't tell you...
To get a better understanding, watch this video as Kurt Kallenbach gives a detailed explanation of how the Constitutional Government was and how it became a corporation: Season of Treason (Full)

IF YOU WANT TO GET EXCITED, CLICK ON THIS........ENJOY....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Popeye at 12:00 PM

Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Cabal is on the run, and can't answer!

by Paul Stramer
Monday, November 9, 2015

Are you wondering if the battle for freedom can be won, short of a second American Revolution or civil war? The cabal is on a timeline now they can't avoid!

An Affidavit and Commercial Lien has been filed in Mesa County Colorado against the cabal that will change everything. It CAN NOT BE ANSWERED because it is 100% true. It is a true bill or affidavit of facts.

This lien has an S.E.C. trace number of 2640220.

It MUST be answered by January 15th 2016, or the Lien Debtors must pay 279 Trillion dollars to the Lien Claimants, the American people. This document can NOT be reviewed by any "court" as it is a commercial affidavit operating in the land jurisdiction, and under commercial law.

Over 50 claimants have spoken on behalf of the entire people or living American nationals who live on the land of the united States of America, claiming what has been stolen under the color of law by pirates operating in the jurisdiction of the sea, or Admiralty/Maritime law, who have conspired to trick the American living people into their 'courts' and jails with Fraud, Deception, Threat, Duress, Coercion, Intimidation and outright lies, and lack of full disclosure. These are all fraudulent contracts. They are null and void for fraud.
There is NO statute of limitations on fraud. Fraud vitiates and cancels all contracts that it touches.

The stench that rises from this dung heap of lies screams to high heaven for vengeance, but the Lord says vengeance is His, not ours, so we will have to be satisfied by REMEDY AND RECOMPENSE, thereby keeping the peace, and offering forgiveness after the repentance demanded by God Himself before he forgives our sins. This forgiveness will be forthcoming for the cabal only after they confess their sins and pay the damages they have pirated from Americans.

This might be the very last chance we have to solve the problems of out of control "government" in America by peaceful means. The claimants of this affidavit are real peacemakers, giving their opponents a real chance to repent and make their restitution without the use of physical force if their lien debtors show good faith and answer their allegations in the affidavit/lien/indictment.

Here is the actual lien document that was filed on October 15th, 2015 in Colorado.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:00 PM

Mr. Curry has never been a judge, but he has had run-ins with the law, including a famous one concerning fake meteorites.

Expensive 'Meteorites' Are Bogus, A.G. Says


DENVER (CN) - A man in Montrose, Colo. offered phony meteorites for as much as $500,000 apiece, falsely claimed that most of the purchase price is tax deductible through his foundation, and threatened museum curators who told him his rocks are bogus, the Colorado attorney general says.
Colorado sued Steven Curry and his companies, The Osirius Foundation and Uncompahgre Meteorites, all of Montrose, in Denver County Court.
Attorney General John Suthers says in his complaint that he received a "packet of materials" from Blaine Reed, an experienced meteorite dealer, in November 2011, which described: "1) the sale of rocks falsely labeled as meteorites 2) eBay auctions conducted by respondents Curry and Uncompahgre Meteorites falsely advertising that purchases were partially tax deductible and 3) the composition of specimens falsely described as meteorites which respondent Curry donated to the Montrose Historical Society."
The complaint continues: "In eBay auctions held during September of 2011, respondent Curry and Uncompahgre Meteorites offered rocks described as meteorites for prices as high as $512,000. The advertisements claimed, '80 percent of the purchase price will be tax-deductible. Revenues from this sale will be re-distributed by The Osirius Foundation.' The Osirius Foundation is a registered Colorado Charitable Organization, but contributions to the organization are not tax deductible.
"[Non-party] Main Street Minerals in Grand Junction offered mineral samples described as meteorites for sale on a consignment basis for respondent Curry. Those samples were accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Mr. Reed purchased a sample described as a 'plessitic octahedrite,' a type of metallic meteorite. Chemical testing showed that the piece of metal was actually man-made carbon steel." (References to exhibits omitted.)
Based on these facts, the attorney general says, "the Grand Junction Police Department issued respondent Curry a summons for the crimes of theft, criminal simulation, and fraud."
The attorney general adds that Curry threatened at least two museum curators who informed him that his "meteorites" are phony.
In 2010, Curry asked Matthew Benjamin, Director of Fiske Planetarium Education Programs and Curator of Exhibits at the University of Colorado, to authenticate "two sets of samples he claimed to be meteorites," according to the complaint.
"Mr. Benjamin and associates with experience in the field of meteoritics examined both sets of samples, determined that they were not meteorites and informed respondent Curry of this fact. Upon receiving this assessment, respondent Curry threatened Mr. Matthew, telling him that, if he did not retract his analysis and reveal the names of his colleagues, he would have Mr. Benjamin investigated by the FBI and the Attorney General," the complaint states.
In July 2011, the complaint continues, Curry "brought a batch of specimens described as meteorites to Dr. Bruce Geller, the Curator of the Colorado School of Mines Museum." Geller told Curry, on visual inspection, that the specimens were not meteorites, then "conducted microscopic and chemical analysis of those three specimens and determined that they were not meteorites," the complaint states. It continues: "After being told that his specimens were not meteorites, respondent Curry became angry and told Dr. Geller, via email, that he would drive Dr. Geller out of his profession and would be coming after the Colorado School of Mines."
In response to the state's subpoenas, the attorney general says, Curry and his businesses "began submitting a mélange of newspaper articles, invectives, and digital images via email to the Attorney General, materials seemingly unrelated to the Attorney General's subpoena. However, he stopped those submissions after being criminally charged in Grand Junction.
"Respondent Curry then refused to further comply with the subpoena, citing his due process rights as grounds."
Curry also demanded "that: 1) the Attorney General must enter into a written contract with respondents guaranteeing respondents' due process before providing the items requested, and 2) the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution grants him the right to selectively submit materials requested by the Attorney General," the complaint states.
Tut tut, the attorney general says. He has to do nothing of the sort. He says the subpoenas are necessary to unearth and terminate respondents' alleged deceptive trade, false advertising, consumer law violations, and "gifting and donation of 'meteorites.'"
Curry donated five specimens to the Montrose County Historical Society, and valued them at $58,994,500, according to the complaint.
The state seeks an injunction stopping Curry and his companies from advertising or selling "meteorites," and forcing them to comply with the subpoenas.

He and his partner are also having their house foreclosed on, apparently having stopped making payments some time ago. No doubt he will catch up once he gets his $279 trillion...
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by notorial dissent »

Curry is currently in jail for jumping bail while waiting for his sentencing hearing on the meteorite charges, and now looks like he is looking to add either real state or federal time for the liens he has produced, I can't tell for sure who will get the honors. Although from looking at the lien the Feds will probably remove it to Federal Court since they are named and where they can really smack him down.

Brucey isn't anymore a judge than Anna or Curry, and is or was involved with the loonies in Maine and the NLA as near as I can tell.

All in all a real crackerjack bunch. If he tried to interfere in the court hearing today, he may be joining Curry in adjoining cells. I think they are pretty tired of him over there from the way the news articles have been reading. I don't know exactly why the Mrs is in jail at this point.
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Is this the same issue/party that is in the sovereign citizen category with a $279trillion lien?
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by The Observer »

"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: That's Crazy Talk!

Post by morrand »

That is to say, this thread.

I still don't know what they are trying to say when they talk about "igniting" the lien. Something like this, perhaps.
