They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

The Story So Far
A bunch of people have decided to call themselves Judges or Sheriffs and set up “shadow governments” to do things too crazy for any real government. Anna Reitz, a.k.a. Anna Von Reitz, Anna Maria Riezinger, Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia: Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck, Anna Struessel von Pop-Tart; is one of these “judges,” and was once willing to get into bed with any of the others. But John Daresh and his National Liberty Alliance (NLA) broke her heart because even though she sent him a ”wet-ink signed and thumb-printed and sealed copy of our affidavit of probable cause” his Common Law Grand Jury (CLGJ) didn’t arrest, convict or jail nobody. Now she’s upset, and like most jilted lovers, has no problem airing this dirty laundry online. Some excerpts (in multiple posts).

Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury:
P.O. Box 59; Valhalla, New York 10595

COPIED: County Sheriffs [3133]; US Marshals [94]; Federal Special Agents in Charge
[94]; State Militia; Joint Chiefs of Staff; All Federal and State Courts; Governors [all 50
States]; Assemblymen [all 50 States]; Senators [all 50 States]; U.S. Congressmen [435];
20 U.S. Senators [100]; News media [4396];

The purpose of this Information is to inform, define and clarify acts of subversion.

The Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury, hereinafter We the People, is bound by Law and Vow to the Governor of the Universe to act without any prejudice; and, to protect innocent People from being falsely accused.

This brings us to the main purpose of this Information: Government agent provocateurs have been fueling a quasi-shadow government movement that essentially advocates the overthrow of the government. People in this movement, led by de facto Judge Anna Von Reitz, de facto Judge Bruce Doucette and de facto god-graced Administrator Joaquin Folch, who have taken on these self-appointed titles, are duping people from the liberty movements looking for a solution to the subversion within our government who, being ignorant of the law, fall prey to the Pied Pipers. Many who are following these de facto judges, actually believe them to be properly elected or appointed.

Even we thought for a while that Anna Von Reitz was an Alaskan Supreme Court Judge. We spent many months attempting to verify whether she was even a real person. But, when she finally surfaced we saw that she was connected to this quasishadow government movement that we have been hearing about; but we had yet to identify the people who are part of this movement until now. We believe the leaders of this movement are fueled by government agent provocateurs.

(from January, no date on the "official-looking" document)
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Anna's "how dare you call me a judicial slut" response.

Monday, February 15, 2016
Me and the NLA by Anna Von Reitz

I TRIED to work with NLA early on. I also in good faith delivered a wet-ink signed and thumb-printed and sealed copy of our affidavit of probable cause to John Daresh, but nothing was done about our affidavit---which has been published as "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" available on

When I attempted to contact NLA regarding their silence and inaction with regard to the grave accusations of criminality our affidavit raised, they hung up on me. A couple weeks later, Mr. Gary Jolly, contacted me and said something inane like, "we know who you are and we don't trust you"--- as if this was an excuse for failure to address capital crime?

As a result of all this, I have grave concerns about NLA's leadership. Some months ago, I heard that John Daresh is actually a Bar Attorney from New York named John Vidurek. So I asked him, up front, in good faith--- just wanting to know the truth of the matter. He refused to answer me, but he did answer Rodger Dowdell in Florida, that yes, this is so. His given name was John Vidurek and yes, he is from New York and yes, he is a Bar Attorney.

A second indicator is that he has adopted a nom de guerre that has nothing whatsoever to do with his real name.

Third, why quote me out of context in a major Writ of Mandamus and not even bother to contact me, yet leave it seeming that I was involved? That doesn't add up, either.

Daresh is a Bar Attorney. He knows better than to send a Writ of Mandamus to an Admiralty Court. He was playing everyone for laughs. He was saying, "Oh, look at this, boys! These people are SO clueless, SO dumb, that they are going to put their time and energy into doing this! Hahahahahah! --- And for EXTRA fun, I am going to sign Anna's name to it and take her work out of context, so everyone can laugh at her, too! Hahahahahahah!"

NLA could be instrumental in restoring the entire American Common Law Court System, in reviving and restoring the land-based government we are owed---- but that isn't where the NLA leadership has gone and that doesn't appear to be where they are going.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

"Daresh" posted a response and "von Pop-Tart" gave a point-by-point verbose rebuttal. Rather than copy them both, some excerpts of the later which includes "Daresh's" trash talk. How disillusioned we become when a love affair dies...

Saving the Republic: Judge Anna von Reitz Confronts John Daresh of National Liberty Alliance, Regarding the Complete Ineffectiveness of His Organization
February 21, 2016

And the following is my response to “NLA” —or rather, to John Daresh, who finally, after months of silence, decided to say SOMETHING to me….. His comments are clearly indicated, followed by mine:

I spoke with Gary Jolly and he confirmed the only contact he had with Anna was by e-mail and in that email he requested to be removed from her mailing list.

If there is a judge or justice in a common law court, it’s not a common law court. It is true that the proper name for our elected or appointed Jurist is Justice, it is also true that all Justices when sitting in a common law court hold the status of Magistrate to keep the case orderly and on point.

This is splitting fine hairs to no real purpose. The actual proper title for a Common Law Judge is “Justice of the Peace”, just as the proper title of a Sheriff on the land is “Peacekeeping Officer”— but that is neither here nor there. In actual practice, Sheriffs do their duties as Sheriffs and Justices of the Peace function as Judges, whether Magistrates or Superior Court Justices aka “Judges”.

We accomplished that goal by first reconstituting the “Common Law Grand Jury” in all 3133 counties by filing press releases within the counties inviting the People to gather and be introduced to the Common Law Grand Jury and give their vote of approval and the response across the Nation was overwhelmingly positive, averaging a 98% approval rating.

While people may have responded in some manner positive to the initiative it is a pure and honest fact that only a handful of those 3133 counties actually followed through by taking any action whatsoever to do the work involved and of those that did, owing to lack of proper instruction, it appears that NOBODY involved in the NLA effort: (1) reclaimed their proper political status and (2) formed a Jural Society and (3) signed a Jural Oath, so that for all their good intentions and hard work, not a thing they could do could be considered a valid Common Law action.

Today we have National name recognition, 100’s of thousands of followers (established by google analytics) over 5,000 members, 1,393 County Organizers, 115 State Coordinators, 105 Federal District Leaders, 7 National Coordinators, 11 Committees, and membership is growing exponentially.

It doesn’t matter how many members, how much money and effort spent, or what kind of “name recognition” an organization has, if it is acting in error from the ground up, which NLA provably is. This could not be more plainly stated, demonstrated, or proven than by the lack of successful prosecutions. Our country is awash in criminal activity. If the Common Law Grand Juries were properly educated, organized, seated, and supported there should be thousands of cases in process and thousands of successful prosecutions. The total absence of prosecutions based on the Common Law Grand Juries and their efforts SHOULD be a clue to Mr. Daresh and everyone else.

Those who as Anna put it “waved good-bye” to NLA and joined her were former disgruntled members of NLA that were removed from our membership for being dishonorable and refused to repent.

Nobody “joined” me. I am not an organization. I am out here in Alaska doing the necessary groundwork to correct the political status of Americans who have been mischaracterized as Federal United States Citizens. That’s ground zero—- bringing back the Americans to their natural birthright status on American soil, forming Jural Societies and from Jural Societies forming the missing American Common Law Court System we are owed. This is just plain common sense once you grasp the situation and the history and the facts. It’s not an opinion. It’s not “my” way versus someone else’s way. And it is certainly NOT “dishonorable” or anything requiring “repentance”. All the repenting that needs to be done is on the part of banks, lawyers, and politicians who have acted as criminals on our shores.

NLA quoted Anna in a federal paper because she gave an accurate picture of the fiction and we thought she was a real judge. We could not find a Judge Anna Von Reitz in Alaska and about six month ago we discovered that she was a self-appointed, self-elected judge trying to pass off a shadow government as a de jure government.

The Republic owed the living people and the unincorporated States of America is anything BUT a “shadow” government. It is the government of the land jurisdiction of this country and your ignorance together with that of your followers does not render it invalid. I am indeed an actual judge, but I am not a member of the Bar and I am not a member of the foreign court system of the Federal United States. There is a profound difference between the “Alaska State Superior Court” which operates on the land jurisdiction of this country and the “State of Alaska Superior Court” which does not.


As I said in the beginning of this paper “truth is sometimes brutal”. Because we are fully informed we are obligated to warn The People who do not understand that they are in danger. The forces driving the quasi-shadow government movement are Pied Pipers who are either agent provocateurs or just useful idiots who speak of a new federation and writing another constitution and thereby are putting many good liberty minded People who are desperately seeking a solution to save America in jeopardy.

Truth is brutal, John, and the truth is that however well-intentioned you are, you are woefully misled and ignorant. You are in fact so far from being “fully informed” that you should just sit down in a corner and listen for several months to the people who ARE fully informed. There is no “quasi-shadow” government— at least none that I am aware of. There is only our government which has been mis-administered for a very long time and which was left vacated when the various units of the state and county governments incorporated themselves as franchises of the federal corporation dba UNITED STATES, INC. and began operating in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

A word used by older people to express their dislike or distrust in something without sounding too rude.
February 23, 2016
More Self-Revelatory Crappola from NLA and John Daresh.

Anyone who cares about this country—-America—- is invited to compare and contrast the information that I and Bruce Doucette and the Michigan General Jural Society have provided to the people and the VICIOUS LIES that have been perpetuated by the “National Liberty Alliance” and “John Daresh”.

NLA in our opinion is what is known as a “controlled opposition” group—- they pretend to have sympathies with those seeking to restore our lawful government, while in fact spying upon the membership and making sure that none of the efforts their members make toward their stated goals enjoy fruition and that time. money, and effort is frittered away in a lot of self-oriented verbiage that goes nowhere and does nothing but create doubt and divisions throughout the overall movement.

Those running the NLA are either honest and grotesquely ignorant, or are knowingly, willingly, participating in insurrection and False Witness, treason and insubordination against the lawful government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

NLA, quite simply, is part of the problem, not the solution. Mr. Daresh and Company stand accused of all that they have attempted to besmirch us with and more, and this, by their own hands, according to their own words, and according to their own acts and omissions. NLA could have been a shining light, instead of another cesspool of psyops and self-aggrandizement and ignorance. It’s too bad, but so it is.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

This made it to NESARA News, with the last post about it with a bottom comment by Freewill yesterday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Am I Worried About John Daresh, His Attacks and His False Charges? Judge Anna - with note from Freewill

NO. I am not worried by Daresh's desperate and wrong-headed accusations. Why am I not worried?

1. Since when is it a "crime" amounting to the creation of a "shadow government" to fill vacant Public Offices?

2. Show me where I have any kind of "organization" at all? What's it's name? Where are it's websites? Where are it's meeting places? Where is it's membership roster? John Daresh is the one claiming to have an organization of over 5,000 members, and a stated goal of having at least four spies in every county in America. Not me.

3. Show me where I am wrong about any of the history and public records I have presented which lead inexorably to the conclusion that I am right and Daresh is wrong?

4. Show me where the "federal government" dba The United States of America, Inc., has any lawful jurisdiction related to me, other than being under contract to provide me and my unincorporated state with essential governmental services? Two decades ago and on the public record I declared that I am an American born on the land of Wisconsin and not any sort of Federal United States Citizen at all. This Matter of Fact has been blatted all over the planet for two decades and formally recorded in the Vatican Chancery Court. It is a Matter of Fact in international law.

5. NLA is in fact unknowingly acting in insurrection against the government of the people, by the people, and for the people--- exactly what they have accused me of doing. Having not properly declared their political status, having not formed a jural society, having not formed any kind of unincorporated county government to operate the land jurisdiction, and having not taken any kind of jural oath, the NLA is operating in limbo as a rogue entity, neither fish nor fowl, neither federal nor state.

6. Last but not least, no federal corporate officer in his right mind at any level is going to address me. As they are all operating in private corporate offices, they are all subject to the Clearfield Doctrine and international Law of the Sea. They have no immunity and don't operate the sovereign unincorporated State of Alaska on the land--- a fact that they would be forced to admit under cross-examination. The Bar Members among them, which is most of them, are especially vulnerable and accountable, because they are provably and objectively foreigners on our soil and if they take any part in prosecuting me via mischaracterization of my declared political status they will be subject to very, very serious international war crimes charges before the World Court including press-ganging, fraud, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, breach of trust, enslavement and kidnapping.

I personally gave John Daresh the county settlement documents and other documents contained in the fromdefactotodejure.pdf document four years ago. John was heading up the New York Committeemen at the time. John was instructed exactly how to properly assemble a petite grand jury of at least 12+1 in each county. John chose to ignore the instruction and build his own personally designed grand jury scheme knowingly putting good people in danger. Several times John has been contacted by a few members of the Michigan Assembly with attempts to get him on the right path. John never made an attempt to correct his error. I now feel John intentionally wronged many people and needs to be held accountable for his actions.

Posted by Freewill at 10:10 PM

1 of 6 comments

Anonymous February 24, 2016 at 1:30 PM
Well now, you seem so hell bent on calling everyone a fool!
Where is your solutions?
Are you with the alphabet soup corps?
In that case, We The People need to take a vowel movement all over DC!
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

BTW, Snopes said this about Judge von Pop-Tart last December.

Fact Check Politics Conspiracies

No, an Alaskan judge hasn't called upon U.S. Marshals and the FBI to arrest Congress and the President.
Anna von Reitz, the letter's writer, was described by The Mind Unleashed (and on social media repostings of the missive) as a "judge," but she holds no such legal standing or authority. In a post (titled "Am I a 'Real' Judge?) on the web site American Law of the Land, a response attributed to von Reitz explained that she is in fact a judge because ... she says she's one:
To answer that question and give you the fair full depth of it, you have to learn a lot of history and learn it right now. I am sick and tired of having people say I am not a judge and asking me in what sense I am a judge and coming up with all these silly suppositions and accusations, so I am going to answer you and then I am going to post this letter and let everyone else read it to their heart’s delight.

The Continental United States is under the plenary (complete) control of the living People — the so-called "birthright" American State Citizens. We each have more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government.

The Federal United States is British-controlled and always has been.

All those "courts" that you think are your courts are not your courts, if you are an American born on the land of the Continental United States. They are a mish-mash of corporate administrative tribunals and martial law courts operated by the Federal United States and the Washington DC Municipality, all operating in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea.

For example, THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA is run by the ALASKA COURT SYSTEM, INC., which is a federal corporation doing business as the "THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT" — a privately owned and operated for-profit corporate franchise which is under contract to act “FOR” the STATE OF ALASKA which is another private, mostly foreign-owned corporate franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC., which is owned and operated by the IMF, which is an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, INC.

Got that?

Now, does the local Burger King franchise have any right to haul you over to the side of the road and demand that you produce a license? No? Not unless you are a Burger King employee. Does the local Sears franchise have authority to foreclose upon you and kick you out of your house? No? Not unless you have a valid fully disclosed contract with Sears allowing them to do that.
Of course, had any real judge court in the land genuinely issued an order calling for the arrest of the President of the United States and the entirety of Congress, it would have been widely reported outside a handful of fringe web sites (which it was not). Anna von Reitz is not a "judge" by any commonly accepted legal (or general) definition of that term, she carries no authority to issue such an order, and her political screed is not an official legal document of any kind.

Last updated: 11 December 2015
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge von Pop-Tart has a new posting on NESARA News, where she is a popular pin-up girl, today. She’s upset about abuse, which she is only bringing on herself, and they say self-abuse isn’t classy in a lady when she posts complaints about it. Deep Knight is broad minded, but still thinks she should put her clothes back on and behave herself.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Judge Anna: Notice in regard to Continuing Abuses

Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon via Certified Mail #7006 0810 0003 3541 5717
United Nations Secretariat
New York, New York 10017

John Forbes Kerry via Certified Mail # 7006 0810 0003 3541 5724
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Notice in Regard to Continuing Abuses
Dear Sirs:

This business concerns both of you, so both are being addressed.

Mr. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: It is our understanding that the UNITED STATES CONGRESS named the United Nations the Trustee of our states and the laws thereof beginning in 1976 and there has been no other appointment since. … It is our further understanding that the service contract of the IMF sponsored UNITED STATES (INC) was defaulted in March of 2015 when that entity --together with its numerous franchises--- was declared insolvent and entered receivership. This circumstance left the federal services contract portion of The Constitution for the united States of America vacated, too.

… we protest to you in your office as Secretary General of the United Nations and also wish you to make our objections known to the General Secretary of the United Nations that none of these arrangements supposedly made in our behalf are true or equitable. We have repudiated the so-called National Debt of the UNITED STATES (INC) as odious debt that is not owed by the people of the (Continental) United States, testified that the people of the (Continental) United States are not sureties for the debts of the UNITED STATES and that our public and private property interests have not been abandoned.

While this no doubt comes as a surprise to you, it is our wish and Will in this matter acting as the entitlement holders, beneficiaries, and sovereigns of the land jurisdiction of the United States. We object to the continuing criminality of the international banks and governmental services corporations involved in this ongoing attempted institutionalized theft of our identities, mischaracterization of our political status, and securities fraud upon the probate courts and the bankruptcy courts throughout America.

It is now approaching the end of February 2016 and despite copious correspondence and the plain Matter of Fact that we do not live in any Federal Enclave, do not reside in any municipal nexus, and are in fact Zip Code exempt ---the passport agents have failed to perform and deliver the red jacket and properly styled passports we are owed, have objected to our use of the actual physical location of our home on the land as established by GPS as the basis of our land domicile, and refuse to understand Title 39 U.S.C. Section 3003, 1341, 1342, which is punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and $1,000,000.00 fine. Use of ZIP CODE is voluntary. (Domestic Mail Services Regulation Section 122.32 Nondiscrimination for NON-USE of ) and ZIP CODE per Public Law 91-325, section 403.

The Seattle Passport Agency has been offering to obstruct our ability to travel freely for six months over these petty obstructions and refusals to provide services owed and failure to obey the Public Law. This is in itself a crime against humanity and an insufferable mis-administration of essential governmental services which are owed to us and to all American Nationals.

We wish to see a prompt correction leading to the immediate issuance of passports bearing the proper color, proper style of name, proper mailing address (Rural Route Number), proper seal, stamp, and date. To that end I am returning the incorrect version of both the Passport and the Passport Card that were issued to me directly to your attention, Mr. Kerry, and requesting expedited service and issuance of the proper passport documents for me, Anna Maria Riezinger, my husband James Clinton Belcher and our son Eric Jon Belcher who still haven’t received anything at all from the Seattle Passport Agency, all non-combatant American Nationals, all living peacefully in Big Lake, Alaska.

A policy of silence and failure to take action is not an acceptable response. …
Although these crimes do involve mischaracterization of our political status, the entire scam is nothing more or less than garden variety bunko practiced on a vast scale, a matter of national identity theft and credit fraud engineered by international banks, attorneys, and politicians who have served themselves at the expense of those they are bound by treaty, trust indenture, commercial contract, and all forms of moral conscience to serve.

Correction must be viewed as a criminal matter, not misrepresented as a political one.


Anna Maria Riezinger
For the Alaska Civil Judge Advocates Council
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
RR 99652
(907) 250-5087

cc: General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. via Certified Mail 7006 0810 0003 3541 5731
c/o Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:48 PM

1 of 2 comments:

Tricia Freemom February 24, 2016 at 2:29 PM
This dear Lady is an awesome master of incisive effective communication, for which i am most thankful; also a stellar example of BEing & DOing from courageous Heartmind 4 good of ALL people, leading the way in standing for Truth & Justice. Who will learn & follow,also leading within one's own sphere of influence?
Duplication multiplying peaceful lawfull actions empowered from principled righteous intent exponentially increases effectiveness 4 good of All :D
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Deep Knight
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Anna weighs in on NESARA.

About NESARA and Disclosure, Etc. – by Anna von Reitz
Posted on April 4, 2016 by David Robinson

If this recent announcement about the Good Guys coming over the horizon were true and if the actions taken by Pennsylvania and the other states back around 2010 were sufficient to secure a peaceful political solution, why is it that we (my husband and I and our friends standing for the American organic states and the American Native Nations upholding the federal obligations of the Constitution) were the only ones present and accounted for and objecting to United Nations action seeking to declare our lawful government “dead” last fall?

The rats tried to have our entire country declared “missing, presumed dead” the same way they have finagled to have all of us individually declared “missing, presumed dead”. Wells Fargo Bank claimed that we no longer exist, that we don’t have a national currency in circulation. We had to come back and prove that we are alive and have a currency.

So, if there actually was any big, organized, well-funded, competent group out there to play savior for us— where in the Hell was it last November?

Nope. Been there. Done that. There’s nobody here but us chickens and you had better start believing and acting upon that assumption instead of standing around waiting for any saviors to come out of nowhere and solve our problems for us——and stop believing in NESARA. You might as well believe in Santa Claus.

I love Dave Robinson and owe him a lot, but he has been a True Believer in all this NESARA rot for a long time and he won’t give it up. I would love for it to all be true. I would support an action like NESARA to the hilt. But the fact is that it is a pipe dream.
It remains on the books (and the table) as a remnant of the good intentions of a single Congressman expressed many years ago.

Anyone who thinks that they are just going to sign a piece of paper or two or three dozen and overcome the evil that is ensconced in Washington, DC, is delusional in my opinion. And putting out “news” announcements like this doesn’t help people deal with the reality coming down on our heads. It just gives them false hope and encourages them to stand around with their thumbs up their butts “waiting” for a few weeks longer for someone, somewhere else to come save them and give them direction and wipe their noses and tell them what to do.

I grew up in Wisconsin. My grandparents owned a dairy farm. When did anyone show up at four in the morning and milk the cows and muck the barn for us? I will tell you —- NEVER.

It’s the same way with NESARA or anything else you want to see happen. You have to get off your duff and make it happen. You can’t just sit around waiting for good things to happen and for good men to stand up. You have to stand up yourself and see who will stand up with you. You ARE the good men and women, and if you don’t stand up, who will?

This idea that so many people have that they can just sit and wait patiently for “things to straighten themselves out” and that “somebody else will do it” is sheer poison. It’s the single biggest reason that we are in this mess. It’s the reason that the crooked politicians and dishonest bankers and corrupt lawyers have gotten away with this crap for so long that they think this is the way the world is supposed to work.

In the final analysis all this is our own damned fault. We are the ones who have sat on our laurels in the face of this massive corruption until our butts are green. Millions of people have known somewhere in the back of their minds that this country is out of control and they have done nothing about it. They’ve had another beer and another corn chip, shrugged, and said— “that’s my Congressman’s problem” or “that’s the Mayor’s problem” or “that’s above my pay grade” or “I’m too scared to do anything” or “I’ll lose my job” or “what can I do?” or “NESARA will save us”.

I am here to tell you that that is all nothing but garbage and excuses and it gets you nowhere. It solves nothing. It just puts you in the role of a passive observer watching as your country and your future slips deeper into the toilet and some souless creature “representing” you prepares to flush.

For God’s sake, wake up! Take back your power! Stop letting crooks and goons “represent” you. Present yourself and stand up and get moving. This country hasn’t done more than talk since the Vietnam War. Stop dreaming and hoping and waiting for someone else to muck out the barn. However unpleasant, distasteful, exhausting, discouraging, and even dangerous it may be, actual action is the only choice that gets the job done.

Never forget that all those years while you were believing in Santa Claus your parents and older siblings and Aunts and Uncles were all out there busting their humps to make sure you had a Christmas. In the same way, if you want NESARA or any other corrective action to happen you have to step to the plate and shove.

Step to the plate and shove?
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Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

With all of these mythologies I'm reminded of what Hemingway wrote: "Never mistake motion for action."

It also brings to mind this one:
Which way did they go?
How many of them were there?
I must find them.
I'm their leader!
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Anna Talks Dirty

Sunday, April 17, 2016
Modus Operandi of Satanists – Recognizing the Hidden Hand, by: Anna von Reitz
Modus Operandi means literally the “Mode of Operation” — how do Satanists operate?
First, we have to accept the fact that they exist and that they are here among us and that they have infiltrated every major religion, so that it is impossible to trust anyone based on what religion they profess.
Instead, as Jesus, a Nazorean as well as a Nazarere, told us, we must look at their works and judge their fruits.
Pay no attention to what people say or how they dress. Give no credence to how many times a day they pray nor how many fiery speeches they make or how pious their appear in observation of every tiny bit of dogma. None of that matters.
Keep your eyes on what they do and the results of what they do.
What does the Bible and other ancient world scripture tell us about the situation we are in?
There is the Earth and its Lord, the Creator, Our Father, the Ancient of Days. And there is the World, and its Lord, Satan, Lucifer, the Father of All Lies, the Great Serpent.
The Creator is a spirit, invisible to us, but always present, organizing and sustaining the whole Earth.
Satan is an angelic being– an alien— who set himself up in his own business— the World of Fictions– kings, dynasties, governments, institutions, offices and corporations.
Thus, there is a difference between what is actual and what is imaginary, between what is, and what appears to be, and we, stuck in the middle, get confused and deluded by this.
There’s the Lord, our Creator, and the “Lord”, Satan.
Look up the story of the Temptation of Jesus. He readily admits that Satan is the Ruler of the World. Not the Earth. The World. And later on, he speaks of the “Synagogue of Satan”—- an organized religion of Satan. In Chapter 2 and 3 of Revelation you hear it again— warnings against those who appear to be Jews or Christians, but who are not.
The problem as also succinctly stated by Jesus is that “no man can serve two Masters”. Although we try to straddle the fence, it’s not possible in the end. Either you serve Our Father and the Cause of Life, or you serve Satan and the Cause of Death.
You exist either as a Man and choose to honor your Creator, or you exist as a Corporation– a dead, imaginary Thing, and honor Satan, instead.
Accordingly, your name is written in the Book of Life, or it is written in the Book of the Dead.
I must be “ana”, meaning “grace” and “Mother”, or I must be ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, a corporate franchise benefiting the UN Corporation.
It’s up to me to discern this and make a conscious choice.
You, too.
Now that you have the background firmly in mind you are prepared to look at how Satanists operate and perhaps more importantly, how they are enabled to operate, because they cannot function without your help and participation.
They are like your shadows or your own image in a mirror. They can’t move unless you do.
And now I am going to speak frankly about something very personal and ugly— and I would not speak of it or make such a public confession if not to save all of you who are reading this and to explain fully how I came by my hard-won knowledge.
When I was young I had a love affair with a High Mason. It was the most passionate, torrid, crazy love affair anyone could ever imagine and the sex was unspeakably good— but I began to notice something.
He was plugging into me like an electric outlet and my energy was being transferred through him to another destination. There was a Third Party in our bed and he was merely acting as a siphon— an empty straw, or conduit, for this Thing, which was feeding on my energy and giving him a little cut of it in the process.

Of course, I was alarmed. And despite being aware of the nature of the relationship, I was already addicted. Just like the old vampire stories. I struggled to save both of us, but the harder I pulled away, the tighter the knot became.
Of course, too, I prayed about this night and day—asking for answers and help. Finally, I realized that I had to let go of him even though I, for my part, truly loved him. I had to count him among the “dead”, because in fact, he was dead long before I knew him and it was beyond my ability to save him.
So I turned my face away and let go of the living corpse. And the moment I did, so did the Thing that was actually profiting from the relationship. The “straw” was left empty and had no choice but to go on seeking another victim, because he had been hollowed out and the only taste of life he could get was through his secret sharing in the energy of his sex partners.
Was I harmed by this? It took seven years of my life. My Third Chakra, which he used as a point of attachment, was nearly destroyed and repairing it required another journey of the spirit I was poorly prepared to make. Only miracles made my recovery possible, and a certain stubbornness set in the bedrock of my Nature, which was strong enough to survive and brave enough to overcome.
Did this man ever knowingly teach me anything or break his Masonic vows? Never. I learned everything by observation and experiment, as a scientist does. It was a terrible and terrifying process. I did this and he did that and the parasitic demon did something else and around and around we went, but in the end, I learned Very Important Lessons.
One of those lessons is that Satanists operate as siphons and via the use of siphons. Literally and figuratively.
Your given name, which is supposed to be a description and a blessing and gift to you from your parents, is seized upon by these “people”— and I use the word advisedly— and used it as a siphon to extract the value of your labor and the material assets of your estate. Even though your are the first and only Holder in Due Course of your name, the British Crown has copyrighted and claimed to own it.
You say I am mad?
But there are plenty of British Government documents that confirm it, and if you don’t believe that Satanists rule Great Britain, I advise you to flip on YouTube and review the “Dead Baby Effigy” and the eerie torch-light parade of hooded figures around it—all of which was on public display at the London Winter Olympics.
Who is the “dead baby”—-? You are. Look at what you think of as your “Birth Certificate” and you will see that instead what you are being offered is a “Death Certificate” signed by the Registrar, an Officer of the Probate Court, who seized your estate and declared you civilly dead a long time ago. Always remember that a name in all capital letters can only be one of two things— (1) a corporation or (2) a dead man’s estate.
Similar to my dilemma with my long-ago lover, you either have to reclaim your name or let it go, neither of which seems possible. How do you reclaim something when you don’t know that you’ve lost it?—which is the dilemma most people are in. And once you grasp the situation, how do you let go of your name–an identity which has been stolen by thieves—and still function in this world? Come to it, why should you give up your name, when it is your private property, a description and a blessing given to you by your parents?
The British Crown government is manifestly guilty of a tortuous fraud scheme against you and against your lawful government. On a very broad scale, we all need to bring the world’s largest Class Action against them for their crimes, which include genocide, press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, conspiracy against the lawful government of the United States, mischaracterization of non-combatants, racketeering, armed theft, constructive fraud, fraud by semantic deceit, human trafficking, kidnapping, constructive fraud, and other crimes too numerous to count and all the damage they’ve caused.
This is just one urgent and clear example of how Satanists operate by forming siphons— human or otherwise— all designed to feed upon you, and also a good clear example of how other people— lawyers, for example— get seduced by the bribe, the “cut” of the profits that the Satanists give them, and eventually become nothing but empty straws, slavering after the next drop of life.
Satanists also use “mirroring” to accomplish their ends. Quite simply, they pretend to be their enemies. Are the Muslims hunting them down? They will pretend to be Muslims. Are the Catholics on their trail? They will pretend to be Catholics. Like any successful parasite they camouflage themselves and have to do so in order to avoid detection.
This is where the problem of the “tares” and the “wheat” comes in— you can’t tell them apart from the rest of us, except by their actions and their fruits.
They will also pretend to be you, too, which is part of the whole name fraud debacle. Of course, they will also conversely claim that I am one of them. They not only pretend to BE their enemies themselves, they pretend that their enemies are them.
Since they claim to own your NAME, they just arbitrarily decided that HE is a criminal and a slave, guilty by definition of whatever crimes they wish to claim against HIM.
The issues to be contested are—who owns your given name? What is your correct political status? Where is their proof of any jurisdiction related to you? How was that contract obtained?
Otherwise, JOHN MARK DOE is guilty the moment he enters their courtroom, and all they have to decide is how much they are going to charge him and how long he is going to stay in jail and how much they are going to charge him and everyone else for this “service”.
Major league housecleaning and butt-kicking is in order on the temporal plane, but never forget that the real battle is a spiritual and energetic one– and cherish the lesson taught to us all at such expense by Jesus—- you cannot overcome these evils by creating more evil. A negative plus a negative ALWAYS results in a bigger negative.
The only way you can overcome these enemies and truly overcome them— not merely suppress them and force them back into hiding as has been done repeatedly throughout our history— is by the willful exercise of compassion and love, by choosing Life over Death, Justice over Injustice, Truth over Lies, Forgiveness over Vengeance.
If we truly understand the dialectic of energy and the mathematical truth, then once we expose these people for who they are and what they are doing, we have to help them reclaim their lives and their souls. Killing their bodies does nothing to diminish the evil parasites that feed upon us all. They just go jaunting off to find more victims, pool up in another bar room (court or otherwise), give themselves a make-over, and start again. Putting the victims together in a jail only allows the attached spiritual parasites to interbreed.
Many years have come and gone since I left my lover and his demon behind. I still hold the experience up to Our Father as a small child holds up any broken thing, trusting that Dad can fix it, as by His Grace, He fixed my shattered energy centers and has blessed me in the years afterward. It is not beyond the Creator’s ability to give life back to the dead, even if it is too deep a mystery for his children to solve on their own.
Always remember that none of us are condemned whatever our sins have been, so long as we let go of the chains that are bearing us down to destruction and start again with love and faith and charity toward others.

Posted by Freewill at 12:26 AM
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Gregg »

The Right Honorable Judge Batshit Crazy wrote:...My Third Chakra, which he used as a point of attachment, was nearly destroyed and repairing it required another journey of the spirit I was poorly prepared to make. ...
An OB/GYN could have given you a shot and cleared it up in a few days.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Gregg »

or is it Batshit von Crazy ?
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

If you've never sucked a girls energy from her body by acting as a third person's straw during sex, you don't know what you're missing. Part of the admission process for Skull 'n Bones. Afterwards women are your sex slaves forever. The only reason Judge Anna von Fledermaus-Scheiße-Fetzig was able to leave her High Mason lover after only 7 years, was his mistake in focusing on her third Chakra, the yellow one in the drawing below. Don't get me wrong, what you do behind closed doors is none of my business, but someone needs to take this Guy aside and explain some basic biology and plumbing to him. When a girl moans, "Put it in me now!" she's rarely talking about her solar plexus.

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

Well, that chart has problems of its own as well. For instance, the second chakra is labeled as the "Third Eye" chakra. I am pretty sure when you talk about your third eye, DK, you are discussing a portion of your body that is considerably farther away from where the chart indicates that it is. Unless it got separated from the body in one of those horrific accidents one reads about in the tabloids where the doctors save the appendage by grafting it in some weird place like on the abdomen, inside the stomach, the back of the elbow, or...on the forehead.

Maybe that explains the origin of the name of Richard Cabeza.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Well, that chart has problems of its own as well. For instance, the second chakra is labeled as the "Third Eye" chakra. I am pretty sure when you talk about your third eye, DK, you are discussing a portion of your body that is considerably farther away from where the chart indicates that it is. Unless it got separated from the body in one of those horrific accidents one reads about in the tabloids where the doctors save the appendage by grafting it in some weird place like on the abdomen, inside the stomach, the back of the elbow, or...on the forehead.

Maybe that explains the origin of the name of Richard Cabeza.
You count from the bottom up, the root "where the sun don't shine" chakra is first, so the 3rd eye is the 6th chakra. I've often wondered why the 3rd chakra isn't the 6th eye. As for transplants, I've just said "no." Besides, it being on the forehead would cause embarrassing situations where one could be mistaken for an unicorn.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by texino »

Ye Gods and little fishes ! I fear Von Zipper is setting a honey trap for DK! Beware the Eastern Star (Lady Masons)
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Ye Gods and little fishes ! I fear Von Zipper is setting a honey trap for DK! Beware the Eastern Star (Lady Masons)
That's Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck! Is is just me or is her name growing? As for a trap, if she's using the same bait as she did with this post from earlier this month, Deep Knight is not attracted to that sort of honeywagon. As for George F. Schniedelmeyer, shouldn't that be George Tirebiter?

Saturday, April 9, 2016
Debunking We Go + other top posts, from Anna von Reitz

Friday, April 8, 2016 - Debunking We Go — An Endless Game ...... of Whump the Weasels, by Anna von Reitz - Posted on April 7, 2016 by David Robinson

Now that the information is finally getting out, and being understood, that is to say, “critical mass” has been reached, demanding reform and redress, ..... the big danger is that we will be “fooled again”.

The crooks responsible for this, are parasites and like any parasites, they know when to leave a dying host, like the UNITED STATES, INC. They packed up in 2009, folks, and by 2012 had found business partners in China, willing to help them get a new start, in exchange for not only return of Chinese gold, that was legitimately owed to the Chinese, but the use (loan) of vast amounts of gold, that is in fact owed to us, instead.

Recently a lot of well-intentioned people, have been passing around notices and “news announcements” about the “New Republic” and about the “Global Reset” and how we have $800 trillion in European banks, and how NESARA was supposedly passed, at the point of a gun, back in the 1990’s, and “somehow” just never got here, either. Oh, and let’s not forget the “Chinese Elders” who came out of nowhere, and kindly offered us the loan of billions of dollars of gold, so that we could play, in their new casino. Grow up and wise up, people.

It’s true that practically everyone else on the planet, owes us, a lot of money, instead of us owing them. That much, is absolutely true.

It’s also true that the gold, the “Chinese Elders” are “loaning” to us, is gold that belongs to us, so that nothing has changed, in this latest “offer” from the pigs—albeit, using Chinese Elders to do it. If we go back to sleep, we will still be paying THEM, for the use of our own assets. See? They “loan” our gold to the Chinese, the Chinese then loan our gold, to us, we pay the Chinese interest on our own gold, and both the Chinese and the rats, benefit. It’s just another “Federal Reserve Note” scam, where they loaned us, our own credit, at interest.

And so is the “United States Note” ..... another scam and variation on the theme. There’s no reason for us to “promise” to pay anyone in the future, and that is what a “Note” is— an I.O.U.

A Federal Reserve Note, or a United States Note, or a George F. Schniedelmeyer Note...... — it is ALL the same. Why use credit, when by all rights under Heaven, you can afford to pay, right now?

The authors of this “NESARA” Pre-Announcement, say that these new “United States Notes” are different, in that we won’t be paying “interest”, on the value of these “Notes”. All that means, is that we will be using our own credit, and racking up bills against ourselves, according to the whims of these blackguards, who still propose to be the governing body of the federation of states, and still propose to operate, in international jurisdiction, under rules they make up for themselves.

Color all of us —and not just the Americans— everyone, worldwide—VERY STUPID, if we allow this System to continue,...... in any way, shape, manner or form. New names and new faces, papering over old fraud mechanisms, won’t change a thing, and that’s not what we came here for. Even the “announcement” that Washington, DC has been “dis-incorporated” ..... is not exactly honest.

Washington, DC, doing business as The District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, is being liquidated, not “dis-incorporated”. And you might all be interested to know that your ESTATES are supposedly up for grabs, as part of this liquidation, because the people responsible for this circumstance, kinda “forgot” to tell you, that you are the Priority Creditors of these ratfink slimeballs, and that your property and good name, have been put at violent risk, by these con artists.

This is what is going on, in the western states. This is why Ammon and Clive Bundy.... are in jail. Secondary creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. ..... have come to the table, and banged their dishes on the floor, so Mikey and Johnny and Hillary and Billie and Paul, and the whole gang on Capitol Hill, have said, .... '' oh, yes, that land is chattel owned by the UNITED STATES, INC..... and those people are chattel, too—-( not the actual Priority Creditors, not the beneficiaries of the United States Trust )…, we never saw them before, in our lives, even though we taxed them, and they voted us into office (obviously by some error or mental incompetence on their part). You guys can take their land and throw them in jail, for our debts, sure, and charge their ESTATES extra for the “service”. ''

So say, “Thank you, but no thank you, General Dunsford, the Queen and the Federal Reserve, and the IMF, all stole our identities, and our credit, on your predecessors’ watch, ...... and not only are we not paying the odious debt, we aren’t going back, for any seconds. Instead, we ARE suing for our names, our money, our land, and everything else that is ours including our credit,..... to be back in our control—-and that’s pronto, General. It’s your job to make sure that our National Trust is safe and secure, and if it’s not after spending trillions of dollars on “National Defense”, you know very well, whose cajones are, in the winepress of God.” It’s not “just” the Federal Reserve, that is so rotten corrupt and criminal, that it smells like rotten dog dung, and deserves to be torn down, brick by brick, ..... it’s the IMF, too. It’s the World Bank. It’s the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. It’s the whole filthy, rotten “banking infrastructure”. Outside of a handful of old “state” banks, there isn’t an honest bank left on this planet, and let me tell you, that if the Chinese bought Wells Fargo— just recently owned by the United States Attorney General’s Office— they are in for claims, that even they, won’t believe.

Please understand that I don’t want bloodshed over fraud, but I do want the fraud to be admitted, recognized, punished, and cleaned up. I want a fresh start on a firm foundation, not more shimmy-shuffle dances and omissions and half-truths and fake “debts”. I also insist that my property— all of it—be returned to me. That includes my given name, my trade name, my pen names, my copyrights, my titles and deeds and assets of all kinds. Now. Not next July. Not “maybe” or “someday”, or when Bill Clinton feels like it.

We are coming forward by the millions, and we are filing our paperwork. If you guys shut down the Land Recorder’s Offices, we will simply open our own, and continue the process, and steamroll right over any objections, in international venues. It’s time for an end of the lies and the fairytales. I really don’t know why these rodents always think, that we need “stories”, and are too stupid to figure out, who the bad guys are, ... but in any case— they are wrong. Nobody who is awake, is past the age of ten, and really thinking about any of this, ..... is buying the Chinese Elders Story, or the “We Are FINALLY Giving You NESARA!” Story, either.

With all due respect to Neil Keenan, who has fought hard, to pay back the Chinese people, a righteous debt, ..... it’s past time for the American people, to be paid back the land, credit, and other assets, that are owed..... and for the corporations responsible for these travesties, to be liquidated and replaced with a lawfully elected and accountable and Republican style of government— as promised and guaranteed.

As soon as we have made it crystal clear to everyone on this planet, who and what we are, and what we are owed, and placed it all on the Public Records, we are going to follow through, with the next steps required under the United States Statutes at Large.

If General Dunsford doesn’t do his job, we are going to act as the Beneficiaries of the United States Trust, and issue our directives, for all the world, to see. We are going to hold our elections for our land-based counties, and we are going to elect our Sheriffs on the Land, and we are going to start deputizing as many men as we need, to clear out this nest of vipers. We are going to open up the Bounty Hunter provisions, of the 14th Amendment, and we are going to have a Field Day, on any corporation, politician, organization or public official, who thinks they are getting away, with any more of this crappola. We are going to do it lawfully and peacefully, and with the full support of the entire planet, because..... everyone else.... is as sick of these vermin...... as we are.

Posted by Freewill at 6:51 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous April 10, 2016 at 12:35 AM
Well, Anna Von Reitz, you talk a good talk, & we will see if you walk the good walk. Armchair prognosticators are 5 cents a dozen. The evidence for your conclusions are not presented or able to be examined here, much like the dinar 'any day now' gurus claims. I noticed you made sure to knock down the RV & NESARA hopes that some cling to, some desperately. The Farmers claims { NESARA } are valid. Perhaps you could lead the charge for it's enforcement, after all, you claim to be a judge & should know how to go about it. I'm curious why you would sneer at NESARA being signed by Clinton at gunpoint, after all, isn't that how the US government routinely does business ? Isn't it, Judge ?. Since you are disdainful of an RV, perhaps you can explain how a country like Iraq can stay solvent with their currency being worth one hundredth of a penny per dollar while being the third largest oil producer on the planet -- without a giant change in the Iraq currency on the world market. Perhaps I ask too much, you are a Judge, not an economist, or haven't claimed that skill yet. I would prefer you present evidence of your career as a Judge, credentials, & refer to cases you have adjudicated that us plumber Joe's can verify for ourselves. Until then, I consider you another troll, albeit a much more sophisticated one. Got it? No proof, no more listen to. Bye - bye. br
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"We are coming forward by the millions, and we are filing our paperwork. If you guys shut down the Land Recorder’s Offices, we will simply open our own, and continue the process, and steamroll right over any objections, in international venues."

Wow -- in addition to setting up their own courts in the back rooms of local Denny's franchises and unused rooms in industrial park warehouses, they are going to set up their own Land Recorder's Offices/Registries of Deeds/Whatever. I should move down near them and open an office supply business, so that I can grow rich in my old age by preying -- excuse me, serving the needs of the people who will need papers, seals, stamps, computers and other such items....

"It’s time for an end of the lies and the fairytales."

Ohhhh, the irony... the irony.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by texino »

Says DK-------
As for George F. Schniedelmeyer, shouldn't that be George Tirebiter?

I Texino would ask; Who among us fits this shoe? "He's a spy and a girl delight-er"
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Says DK-------
As for George F. Schniedelmeyer, shouldn't that be George Tirebiter?

I Texino would ask; Who among us fits this shoe? "He's a spy and a girl delight-er"
In truth Deep Knight isn't so much a "spy" as an "agent provocateur," "saboteur" and "gigoloteur." Why would the Illuminati need to spy on anything when we control everything? As for delighting girls, I'm always willing to give it a go as long as it's NOT Judge Anna. I might also have to wait until the wife is out of town.

As for the "Schniedelmeyer" reference, the only person to use this has been Judge Anna. No doubt proving she has INCREDIBLE inside sources behind this. Or perhaps that the source is inside of her behind.

Anna von Reitz: John Daresh – Excuse me…who?
Posted on April 26, 2016

John Daresh has made his accusations with his so-called “Information” —all of which are unsubstantiated and untrue. Now, I will make mine.

Daresh doesn’t know anything about the American Common Law Court System that the Citizens Common Law Grand Juries are supposed to be part of. He doesn’t even know how the Common Law Grand Jury is supposed to interact with the Federal Courts. And here’s the killing point— he doesn’t want to learn.

We have the facts and history and research and court cases to prove that what we are doing is correct—- and we have offered to share that information with NLA.

In return, Daresh spreads gossip and spews arcane verbiage designed to impress the ignorant.

The result is that five years down the track the NLA is still out in left field, ineffective, and indeed, worse than useless— a problem and hindrance to actual progress and a literal danger to its own membership.

As is apparent in the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, there are two bodies of people on this continent—- and always have been: the “free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States” and the “inhabitants’–British subjects who remained here after the Revolution.

You have to know which is which— apple or orange? And you have to know and be able to prove who you are with respect to the two groups— free or subject?
As far as the records show, the members of NLA are all oranges pretending to be apples, and they have made no credible effort to declare or record their political status otherwise. To make matters worse, these “oranges” are operating or attempting to operate in an office belonging to our government, not theirs— which is, in fact, an act of insurrection against these United States.

Imagine a bunch of deluded Spaniards showing up and attempting to operate an Irish court?
So— either John Daresh knows these facts and is purposefully trying to set up such a Martial Common Law Court while pretending to represent the people of these United States—–and is misleading the NLA Membership and exposing them to the charge of treason and insurrection against these United States as he does so—- or he is a complete numbnutz, a British subject earnestly trying to operate one part of an American Common Law Court and just as earnestly wondering why he isn’t getting anywhere with that.

NLA Members, get yourself some decent, knowledgeable leadership. As it stands right now, you can’t operate an American Common Law Grand Jury, and unless you are totally misrepresenting yourselves to the public, you aren’t desiring to operate an international Martial Common Law Court—which is your only other option.

John Daresh has led you into a blind alley, wasted your time and effort, told a bunch of senseless lies and half-truths about the rest of us, and he continues to be both ineffective and stubbornly ignorant.

Worse than all that, he has exposed all of you to factually supportable charges of insurrection against the lawful government of these United States and done nothing to expedite your (most likely) intention to reclaim your lawful birthright status as an American and one of the people of this country.

NLA Members, you’ve gotten nowhere in five years but up the creek and around the block. Admit that. Look it square in the eye. If I am wrong— if I am blowing any sunshine up your skirts— where are all your successful prosecutions?

They don’t exist, do they?
Time to put up or shut up, NLA.

Apples or oranges.

You decide.
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