They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Anna von Reitz: NLA – John Darash Exposed!
Calling Out John Daresh and NLA — Round Two

Today, I will address Daresh’s “Information”— which should rightly be titled, “Disinformation” issued a couple days ago. I quote:

Daresh: “This brings us to the main purpose of this Information: Government agent provocateurs have been fueling a quasi-shadow government movement that essentially advocates the overthrow of the government.”

Anna: What government? A corporation run by international banking cartels is not our government, is it? In fact, a corporation doesn’t actually have the capacity to act as a sovereign government at all and we are merely stretching euphemism beyond its limit to pretend that it does.

Daresh: People in this movement, led by de facto Judge Anna Von Reitz, de facto Judge Bruce Doucette and de facto god-graced Administrator Joaquin Folch, who have taken on these self-appointed titles, are duping people from the liberty movements looking for a solution to the subversion within our government who, being ignorant of the law, fall prey to the Pied Pipers .

Anna: There are no “self-appointed titles” involved including “Pied Piper” and nothing “de facto” about it. Everything we’ve done is firmly based on existing Law. We are filling vacated public offices that are owed to our own de jure government. When we offered to show Daresh the facts, he wouldn’t look. His response was rump in the air, head in the sand. So there he sits, ignorant as ever, making irresponsible accusations. NLA deserves far, far better leadership, thank you.

Read the Foreign Sovereigns Immunities Act (FSIA) and the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA) for yourselves and then read my explanation of how all this happened in “Common Law vs. Admiralty Law”

Daresh: Many who are following these de facto judges, actually believe them to be properly elected or appointed.

Anna: We are properly elected Common Law Judges but Daresh mistakenly thinks that we are “supposed to be” Admiralty Judges instead. He expected me to be a Bar Attorney—-that’s how far behind the curve he really is. “Oh, look, Dick, there’s a squirrel…, Jane, it’s a cat with a fluffy tail….”

Daresh: Even we thought for a while that Anna Von Reitz was an Alaskan Supreme Court Judge. We spent many months attempting to verify whether she was even a real person.

Anna: Hahahahahahah! I have been here in the same spot since 1992 as thousands of people who have contacted me directly and honestly can confirm. The key words here are “honestly and directly”.

I sent Daresh an original wet-ink copy of our American Affidavit of Probable Cause complete with all my contact information last July and I have the mailing receipts to prove it. Did he call me? No. Did he email me? No. Did he write me a letter? No. Ask me any questions? No.

Let’s just say all those “months” they tried so hard to “verify” my existence could have been settled with a phone call and weren’t. Daresh wasn’t looking for me. He was trying to avoid me and to avoid taking action on our affidavit.

Daresh: But, when she finally surfaced……

Anna: Yeah, right, as if I was hiding. That’s why I issue all my documents, books, articles, everything, with current contact information?

Daresh: …..We saw that she was connected to this quasi-shadow government movement that we have been hearing about; but we had yet to identify the people who are part of this movement until now. We believe the leaders of this movement are fueled by government agent provocateurs.

Anna: Daresh is so clueless that he appears not to know what the “shadow government” is or what the phrase means—- let me enlighten him (and everyone else who needs to know). The Shadow Government was put in place by FDR many long years ago. It refers to all the appointed offices and agencies that have been promulgating their own rules —like the FBI and FEMA and IRS and DHS— and then left to run rampant over the people who pay their wages.

This “government by political appointment” is the “Shadow Government” — as defined by those who first coined the term back in the 1930’s and 40’s. —-and not coincidentally, it was the “Shadow Government” that murdered LaVoy Finicum.

All those so senselessly and groundlessly accused—myself, Judge Doucette, and the others— not only support the Common Law Grand Jury Movement, we are committed to restoring the entire American Common Law Court System.

Anyone who supports the resurrection of the Common Law Grand Juries ought to, as a matter of logic and principle, also support the restoration of the American Common Law Court System that gave the CLGJ’s birth and meaning and enforcement in this country for over 350 years.

But not John Daresh.

He wants to pretend that the restoration of our own Common Law Court System including the Common Law Grand Jury portion of it —-is a plot, an attempt to “overthrow the government”. What a Logic Failure. Grade “F”.

There are a number of reasons why our effort to restore our entire court system cannot be construed as any act of “insurrection” or attempt to “overthrow” any government.

First, there’s the plain fact that we haven’t advocated any such thing.

Second, there’s the fact that no foreign corporation is competent to act as a sovereign government with respect to us and these United States, so the concept of “insurrection” doesn’t apply.

Third, there’s the fact that just as we are heir to the Common Law Grand Jury we are heir to the entire American Common Law Court System as well. If we are owed one part of it, we are owed the whole of it.

The many good people associated with NLA who are trying to restore the Common Law Grand Juries don’t deserve “leadership” that tells lies and causes trouble, nor do they need a truncated vision that leaves their Grand Juries spinning their wheels, going nowhere.

The simple fact is that the Grand Juries are meant to be part of the whole American Common Law Court System and without the whole Court functioning in support of their actions, the Grand Juries are about as useless as a windmill on a still day. They can hand down presentments and informations and writs until they are blue in the face and have nothing to show for their effort but a thank you from John Daresh.

This is what we are trying to tell NLA, and if you stop and think about it, you will realize that what we are telling you is true.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

One more sovrunidjit throwing poo at herself, in the mirror.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:As for delighting girls, I'm always willing to give it a go as long as it's NOT Judge Anna.

Orly's waiting for ya, DK.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

There's also her protege and sharer of the bowling ball down in FL, Inger if you're really feeling adventurous.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

wserra wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:As for delighting girls, I'm always willing to give it a go as long as it's NOT Judge Anna.

Orly's waiting for ya, DK.
No need to get mean.

notorial dissent wrote:There's also her protege and sharer of the bowling ball down in FL, Inger if you're really feeling adventurous.

The list of women Deep Knight would never delight includes anyone who's ever had anything to do with Dr. Taitz, much less one who used her bowling ball for some unusual sort of carnal stimulation whose nature defies even my perverted imagination. "Adventurous" is OK, but the size and weight seem to make this a poor choice for a sex toy.

Judge Anna's "Round 2" was posted yesterday at NESARA News by Freewill and garnered a flurry of comments. Some make interesting reading.


Anonymous April 30, 2016 at 9:14 PM
Sounds like two kiddies fighting over who gets the bag of cookies. Why not just ignore Daresh ? Addressing an idiot only empowers them, certainly 'Judge Anna' should know this. Let Daresh become another Drake Bailey, a failed, unimportant & ignored misinformation specialist. Haven't heard Drakes 'Red Light, Green Light' BS lately, have you? The government plant's & Cabal whores will always fade quickly into irrelevancy if you refuse to be taunted. These NSA/CIA/Mossad/GCHQ inserts need an audience to exist, they can't waste time waiting for one. How about Alex Jones? Exposed & fading. Let Daresh go the same way. So called 'Judge' Anna is way too defensive to be credible. This ' good cop - bad cop ' routine is asinine, especially for Anna, especially if she really is a Judge. This is an Abbot & Costello routine. So, WHO'S ON FIRST ?

Freewill April 30, 2016 at 10:25 PM
Well.. you have heard the saying "Never argue with stupid people because they will beat you with experience every time"!

Freewill April 30, 2016 at 10:39 PM
All those good people hornswaggled by Derash have good intentions and should jump on the Michigan Assembly sponsored National bi-weekly Call so they can do it right.
I was the guy that originally introduced John Derash to settling counties with petite grand juries 4 years ago. John ignored the information and procedures and pursued the path that he took. John was contacted several times and warned that he was endangering himself and the people involved because he had established no foundation and ignored the proper procedures. The proper procedures John Derash was given is in the DeFacto to DeJure handbook that was given to Judge Anna. This handbook is also published on I have come to the conclusion that John Derash intentionally defrauded the people who joined NLA. The up side of this is NLA did get people involved and educated that there is a solution to the tyranny that is strangling America.

Anonymous May 1, 2016 at 12:11 AM
I was involved with some, & watched many of these 'freedom' type movements/Guru's for 20 years. The idea is great, actually fabulous. We are presently hog tied, fighting a well entrenched system EXACTLY how they want us to fight them - on their terms. Their money & influence have us out gunned, out maneuvered & out spent. Ask Winston Shrout what he thinks now after his arrest and/or indictment. We are further handicapped by having to follow SOME KIND of law, when they have no such restriction. Even if what you do is working & 'legal,' they will raid your offices (Mid Atlantic Trustees & Administrators - MATA), put you in jail until you give up, steal your computers (how come none of these people think to back up data off site?), Lien accounts & property, or threaten you with "a deal you can't refuse." Les Jones in New Mexico had State Police come to his house to kill him. He only survived because he got several neighbors over quickly to interfere. Peacefully isn't working for us, PERIOD. The meek WILL NOT inherit the Earth. That makes sense only in a Yoga lesson. You can't fight a SWAT team with affidavits. You will be shot handing them out, & nobody will go to jail. I don't pay attention to any of them anymore. Yes, I'm jaded, & have the scars, no money, no job, no property, I'm homeless & burned out. I've spent well over $50,000 on various 'paperwork' & have nothing to show for it. The same human nature that drives the Cabal is well entrenched in or eventually finds it's way into most of these 'freedom' groups/gurus. My last hope is David Wynn Miller. He’s odd, but he wins. I have first hand proof. He uses Maritime/Admiralty law, their system, against them. His mathematically correct parse syntax grammar cannot be answered by them. They are stuck. I think this mathematical grammar MAY have been what was used before the Tower of Babel. Even Star Wars Yoda spoke in a partial form of this grammar. Miller claims to have over 5 billion people studying/using his grammar, especially in the far east. One of his requisites was that only block printing be used, & now that is being taught in our schools, no more cursive writing. He has re-written most holy books & even the NESARA act in correct grammar. We will see what happens.
Let’s test your awareness, Freewill. What single thing did ALL of the men on our FRN’s have in common ? That’s 1’s, 5’s, 10’s, 20’s, 50’s & 100 dollar bills? It’s not bloodline !

Freewill May 1, 2016 at 12:42 AM
To keep international respect, all remedies must be exhausted with the pen before the sword comes into play.. Running out of remedies... and the FRN men were all white land holding slave owners and featured on U.S. fiat currency.

Anonymous May 1, 2016 at 2:05 AM
Incorrect, Freewill. There were 4 presidents before George Washington, one was Black, but I get off topic. Best historical records say Lincoln did not have slaves, he was too poor. He also was not actually killed in Ford Theater. False Flag ! He performed his tasks, then was spirited away to a foreign country to live out his years, promised payment for his treason. Ever wonder why there have been so many Elvis sightings? What if Elvis Presley isn't really dead? That sure would account for the sightings. Notice how Hitler's body was never found? That's because he was still alive up to 2001, according to his personal body guard, Otto Skorzeny. Oh, yeah. The FRN thing. All the faces on the one through the hundred dollar bills were all postmaster generals. I'm not sure about the much rarer higher denominations. The post office, and it's central location in Berne, Switzerland via the Universal Postal Union (UPU) has a great deal more power in international commerce then you have been led to believe. Even countries we were at war with continued postal business. Years ago, you could have a savings account with the Post Office. Recently, through the USPS, they are talking about having them again. Expect to see that happen. Also, compare the dollar sign {$} on present day one dollar stamps to the discontinued 'Fox' stamps. One line through the S means fiat, 2 lines signify substance, that's why they took the 2 liners off the market about 2004. The only font that will print a two line dollar sign is Garamond.

Freewill May 1, 2016 at 2:45 AM
UPU has highest power over contracts

Freewill May 1, 2016 at 2:51 AM
Incorrect Anonymous.. there were many more presidents before Washington..

Peyton Randolph (September 5, 1774 – October 21, 1774) and
Henry Middleton (October 22, 1774 – October 26, 1774)

The following men served as the President of the Second Continental Congress:

Peyton Randolph (May 10, 1775 – May 23, 1775)
John Hancock (May 24, 1775 – October 31, 1777)
Henry Laurens (November 1, 1777 – December 9, 1778)
John Jay (December 10, 1778 – September 27, 1779)
Samuel Huntington (September 28, 1779 – March 1, 17811)

The following men served as President of the United States in Congress Assembled:

Samuel Huntington (March 1, 17812 – July 9, 1781)
Thomas McKean (July 10, 1781 – November 4, 1781)3
John Hanson (November 5, 1781 – November 3, 1782)
Elias Boudinot (November 4, 1782 – November 2, 1783)
Thomas Mifflin (November 3, 1783 – October 31, 1784)
Richard Henry Lee (November 30, 1784 – November 6, 1785)
John Hancock (November 23, 1785 – May 29, 1786)
Nathaniel Gorham (June 6, 1786 – November 5, 1786)
Arthur St. Clair (February 2, 1787 – November 4, 1787)
Cyrus Griffin (January 22, 1788 – November 2, 1788)

Anonymous May 1, 2016 at 9:22 AM
Ya got me on the president thing, Freewill. I was only SURE of 4, That's why I used that number. I bow to your knowledge on this one. ( Bow ).

Anonymous April 30, 2016 at 11:23 PM
Go home, Daresh. If you like the system as it is, sit back and enjoy it. Don't get in the way of those who do their best to educate the ignorant population and make changes for the better. You sound like a gov't plant/misinformation agent. Pack it in, John, you're wasting your time. Judge Anna is the real deal.

The only person on the FRN notes listed who was a Postmaster General was Ben Franklin, who held this post in the early Continental Congress 1775-1776.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, May 2, 2016

First, Dr. William Mount. I have heard numerous “reports” and watched several videos that people have sent me over the last two years, all issued by this man, and absolutely not one of his prognostications bore fruit.
When one considers “the fruits” one must consider whether there are any. ...
Second, Le Neu Republique, or is it La Neu Republique—-? “La”, I believe, upon reconsideration. The French have the habit of considering all things that are changeable and secretive, like governments, to be of the feminine gender. Who knows? Perhaps they are right.
Anyway, the Truth of the matter is that the French Government allowed itself to be used as an accomplice by the British Government back at the end of the Second World War. Both countries owed a lot of money to the Americans so they were both hot to find a way to defraud us. And they did.
So, thumbs down on the French Neu Republique. What we need is our old American Republic fully restored with no further questions or obligations.
Third, about NESARA…. I have covered this repeatedly, but people don’t want to hear it. My Mother was intimately involved in the Farm Union Cases that gave rise to the original NESARA legislation. It was offered as remedy by a lone Congressman and it was laughed out of the Beltway.
But back to NESARA….. the only way that NESARA will ever be passed is if the halls of Washington, DC, are scrubbed clean with bleach and a completely new Congress composed of lawfully elected and fully accountable fiduciary deputies votes for it.
There is no way that the currently composed Congress will or even can pass the NESARA legislation.
I hear you all scratching your heads and asking— “Wait a minute, Anna, you just said that the members of Congress are free to do whatever they like, including selling us down the drain? What do you mean now that they “can’t” pass NESARA?”
They can’t pass NESARA because that would cost the already insolvent UNITED STATES, Inc., even more than it owes already. The only way they can pay their secondary creditors is by pretending that their Priority Creditors (you and I) either don’t exist or voluntarily “abandoned” our claims against them, plus, the members of Congress took their Oath to the United States— not the united States of America.
Look up the “Oath of Office” the members of Congress have taken. They didn’t pledge their allegiance to you, their “presumed” constituents, nor to this country, either. They pledged it to the IMF doing business as the “UNITED STATES”.
That’s why they can’t do anything like pass NESARA, even if they wanted to.
Real remedy requires a lot more than “hope and spin and wishful thinking”. It requires insight and critical thought and meaningful action from all of you. Just letting the members of “Congress” and the “United Nations” and the “Joint Chiefs” and everyone on your email list know these facts might be the single best thing you could ever do.

Posted by Freewill at 8:42 PM


Anonymous May 2, 2016 at 10:09 PM
Now there is the pot calling the kettle black. Nothing fake judge anna has said has ever borne fruit either.

Jordan-Michael May 3, 2016 at 12:23 AM
Sounds like a Daresh comment to me. Seems you have no idea what a common law grand jury judge appointment is?
Do some useful research anonymous!
An acute analysis of Anna's words/posts indicate a high degree of logic, reason, transparency and established facts supporting evidence.
Kudos Judge Reitz, i should be very much honored to receive you as a guest on my radio show.
Lets schedule a show and put these things to rest before the entire world!
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I thought that Navy SEALs and Delta Force commandos rounded up a Congressional quorum and got NESARA passed, but the Supreme Court issued a gag order and prevented NESARA from being announced.

What point is there in having a delusion when you can't keep your delusions straight? :thinking:
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Here's what true believers believe about NESARA

HISTORY Behind the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA)
[only the U.S.A. is referred to here, but the effects will be WORLD-WIDE]

In early 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on charges by the Farmers' Union that banks in the U.S. were fraudulently foreclosing on farm mortgages and that the U.S. government was in collusion with these banks. The testimony and proof brought into court by a retired CIA agent led to further evidence and proof that the Farmers' Union claims were legitimate. It also led to evidence the income tax amendment was never properly ratified by the required number of states and therefore, income taxes were unlawful.

Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of the Farmers' Union. The Justices recognized that overwhelming evidence proved the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Banking system were perpetrating fraud in many ways upon Americans. The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required. When rulings are made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more Justices are assigned to monitor a process by which the rulings are carried out.

In this case, five Justices were assigned to a committee to develop steps to implement required government and banking reformations. As the Justices went about developing the required reformations they enlisted the help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, Constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. The Justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; these thousands of people working to bring us NESARA have been named "White Knights". The term "White Knights" was borrowed from the world of big business when a vulnerable company is "rescued from a hostile takeover" by a White Knight corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking fraud deserved to be called "White Knights".

Because of the enormously sweeping changes the rulings require, an extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone directly involved and the court case records are sealed until after the reformations are accomplished. To maintain secrecy, the case details for the docket number assigned to the Farmers' Union case were changed so doing a search for this case will fail to reflect the correct information until after the reformations are made public. At every step of the process, anyone directly involved has been required to sign an agreement to keep the U.S. Supreme Court's process of implementing the required reformations "secret", or face charges of Treason which are punishable by death.

To implement the required reformations, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur in agreements called "Accords" with the U.S. government, with the Federal Reserve Bank owners, with the International Monetary Fund, with the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone. The U.S. banking system reformations require the Federal Reserve Bank system be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks' fraudulent activities stopped as well as remedies to U.S. citizens for past harm due to fraud. The U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world and therefore the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved.

Because the process of using Accords to implement the reformations did not work, the Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a law named the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) which was passed secretly in March 2000. Again, secrecy was maintained by revising the official records; details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently. Members of Congress have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to "deny" the existence of NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by death; some members of Congress have been charged with "obstruction" and threatened with Treason charges. Therefore, all members of Congress pretend that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices' gag order.

NESARA provides major financial benefits to American citizens including: 1) end of income taxes; 2) forgiveness of credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank frauds; 3) U.S. Treasury Bank system which absorbs the Federal Reserve and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency; 4) restoration of Constitutional Law, and much more. Many bank presidents and senior stockbrokers have privately confirmed to close personal friends that they have been briefed about the U.S. Treasury bank system.

In June 2000, news of the secret NESARA law passage came from U.S. naval intelligence contacts, some of the White Knights who have assisted the Justices in activities involving NESARA. Many powerful groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation of the NESARA law which provides major financial improvements for Americans. After 18 months of clearing interference, the Justices had the current Congress pass resolutions "approving" NESARA on September 9, 2001. NESARA was to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001. Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced. Since then we have had months of unseen battles as the Justices and other White Knights deal with problems on many fronts almost constantly.

The conception of NESARA began in the U.S. Supreme Court's rulings in 1993. The U.S. Supreme Court Justices NEED to hear from thousands of Americans that WE SUPPORT the true NESARA law. If the White Knights KNEW how much support they have from Americans, they might be less conservative in their decisions about what needs to be "exactly right" to get the true NESARA law announced and this could speed up the process. People from other countries can also write to express their support of NESARA because eventually, NESARA's improvements will roll out to every nation worldwide.

I'm suggesting that we talk to people we meet about the true NESARA law when we are out in public because people will probably ask us questions about NESARA. I suggest that everyone reading this Dove Report sit down and add up how much money in the LAST 12 months you have paid for the following:
1) income tax;
2) credit card payments;
3) mortgage payments.

ALL the money you paid for these things in the last 12 months would NOT have been necessary if we had had the true NESARA law announced. In addition, we in the prosperity programs would have had our funds for a year and could have saved lives of people needing medical care, could have done TREMENDOUS improvements worldwide and the new prosperity programs would be paying every US citizen/natural person by now. THESE are the benefits of NESARA that WE SHOULD HAVE already had! We need to demand our NESARA benefits before we live another 12 months of our lives; before we live another 12 hours of our lives!

This summary is missing the Navy Seals portion of the mythology, with these brave but fictional forces first going to Europe to get "our gold" back, and then forcing the President to sign the secret law, as specified by both constitutional and common colors of law.

In agreement with the Supreme Court ruling on June 3, 1993, Janet Reno ordered the Delta Force and Navy Seals to Switzerland, England, and Israel to recapture trillions of dollars of gold stolen by the Federal Reserve System from the strategic gold reserves. These nations cooperated with the raid because they were promised their debts owed to the United States would be canceled and because the people who stole the money from the United States also stole money from their nations as well.

This bullion is to be used for the new currency backed by precious metals. It’s now safely stockpiled at the Norad Complex at Colorado Springs, Colorado and four other repositories. Janet Reno’s action so enraged the powers-that-be, that it resulted in her death. She was then replaced with a clone and it was this creature that was responsible for covering-up the various Clinton scandals.


Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. President Clinton signed the Act into LAW.

These 15 members of congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office. President Clinton relinquished his bar registry.

October 10, 2000 – Because President Clinton’s clone had no interest in signing NESARA into law on October 10, 2000; under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order.

At first, The Dove of Oneness would emphasize the "forced at gunpoint" part of this story, but after many pointed out that that wasn't exactly democratic, she softened it by having them simply acting as security.

[doveofo] Why Navy SEALs & Delta Force Carried NESARA Quorum Call; Reports March 24, 2006 12:08 p.m. PST

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

I’ve had a few questions about why Navy SEALs and Delta Force were the ones who hand-delivered the quorum call to bring US Senators and Representatives to the Capitol Building to vote on and pass NESARA in Spring 2000.


To understand why, you must understand specific facts about American politics when the US military and farmers were working hard to get Constitutional Law restored. The year 2000 was something of a watershed year. Around the world, many people expected something dramatic to happen; it did. It was simply kept secret.

There were and are two opposing forces operating in America. One force has been pushing to bring about the “one world government” in which a few elite impose a totalitarian dictatorship over the world’s people. The other force has been fighting to restore Constitutional Law and freedom in America and to help other countries’ people gain freedom.

The US military Generals, retired and active, who had pushed all through the 1990s to restore Constitutional Law, knew the Illuminati were going to try to implement their one world government in year 2000. In Summer 1999, the Generals made another dramatic push for freedom and Constitutional Law. They had successfully pressured the US Supreme Court Judges to put the restoration of Constitutional Law, banking reform, and government reform, into the NESARA Act; the NESARA Act was submitted to Congress in Summer 1999.

NESARA had supporters in the US Senate and the US House of Representatives who signed on as Sponsors and Co-Sponsors. These members of Congress had also worked behind the scenes for many years in efforts to restore Constitutional Law and make important reforms.
For several months, members of Congress tried through normal processes to bring NESARA to the floor for vote. At every step of the process, they were sabotaged and stopped.

After their third effort to bring NESARA to vote, all Sponsors and Co-Sponsors received death threats! In year 2000, the threats turned into action. Key Sponsors and Co-Sponsors were subjected to assassination attempts. At this point, these members of Congress called upon the Generals for help. Together, the Sponsors of NESARA and the Generals worked out the plan to bring NESARA to vote.

Their plan was to have a hand-delivered, written quorum call go out to the Sponsors and Co-Sponsors of NESARA and bring them into the Capitol Building to vote for NESARA. The quorum call was “written” because the Clinton government secretly supported the “one world government” and strongly opposed NESARA; if a telephone call, email, or fax were used, all these methods of quorum call were vulnerable to government spy technologies. To reduce the possibility of assassination, a written quorum call was used.

Because there had been assassination attempts, it was decided that two military special ops personnel would hand-deliver the written quorum call the Sponsors and Co-Sponsors of NESARA and would act as bodyguards by accompanying them to the Capitol Building to vote on NESARA. This is why late one night in Spring 2000, Navy SEALs and Delta Force personnel delivered the written quorum calls and, as bodyguards, accompanied the Senators and Representatives to the Capitol Building where they voted for and passed NESARA.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

The story so far: "Judge" Anna dumped on the National Liberty Alliance last February and got called a "fake judge" in return. At that time the NLA scrubbed their site of her stuff and have not said anything since. But Judge Anna von Poopschutz has not only given her response to their response, not being able to let go she followed it up with #2! [Insert Bathroom Joke Here] But now, 3 months later, she's going for the hat trick!

Sunday, May 8, 2016
Calling Out John Daresh, and NLA — Third Round, by Anna von Reitz
Do you all have sense enough to know that a Common Law Grand Jury is just one part of a Common Law Court?
Go through it in your own head. What makes up a court?
You have the office of the judge (or justice or magistrate), you have the court clerk, you have the bailiff, you have the grand jury, you have the trial jury, and you have a sheriff and his deputies to enforce the jury’s decision.
Observe that the Grand Jury is just a one part of the whole. Without the rest, it spins its wheels. It goes nowhere. It does nothing. Just like NLA’s Common Law Grand Juries have done for the past three years.
John Daresh and Kyle Rearden and the other ignorant prognosticators want you all to believe that a Common Law Grand Jury can function on its own and I am telling you that it can’t.
Now let’s look at the facts. How many cases has NLA prosecuted in the last three years?
Zero that I know of.
Of those, how many were brought to a just conclusion?
Also zero.
You can’t run a car on just an engine. You need a drive train. You need a fuel pump. You need brakes. And the truth of the matter is that simple.
So here we are, taking up the rest of the work to be done to actually form the American Common Law Courts that are so desperately needed and what does NLA do?
Tries to undermine the effort. Tries to STOP us from building real public courts. Says that we are “fake judges” when we do.
Well, if we are “fake” then it stands to reason that they are “fake” — but the truth is that if we are owed a Common Law Grand Jury, we are owed an entire Common Law Court System and if NLA or John Daresh ever had any intention of actually doing anything meaningful, they’d be doing it by now.
Not just spending their time and energy gossiping and telling lies about us. [As far as I can determine, they haven't said anything about her since February.]

Posted by Freewill at 3:56:00 PM

Not everyone agrees.


Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 6:05 PM
You are a fake judge and you know it. There was never a "Common Law Court System" like you describe. That is all fake too. State courts were created under the authority of state constitutions, and were given common law, or at law jurisdictions. However, common law was overruled by state statute. When there was no statute covering a particular issue, common law ruled. However, there was no authority in courts with common law jurisdiction to make a crime out of thin air. A state criminal statute had to be broken for a grand jury and subsequent prosecution to occur. Fake judge anna's idea of a common law court is a wild fantasy that has never been, and probably never will be, based in reality.

Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 6:52 PM
Anon 6:05 PM WHEN are you going to GROW UP and put a stop to your continual bantering. No one is interested. No one gives a da*n about your constant critical comments. If you can't contribute in a mature manner, one that educates and builds up instead of criticizing and tearing down, don't bother to comment at all. Enough of your banty rooster BS The goal here is to LEARN, to EDUCATE, to INFORM and to APPRECIATE the contributions of those like Judge Anna who take their time to teach and to help us. If you know so much, write your own columns as she does and submit for consideration of posting. I'm sure all of us would appreciate that type of response. But STOP with the constant insults and tear downs. ENOUGH!

Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 7:11 PM
Here, here, anon 6:52PM, I'm with you. If anon 6:05 PM's brains were gasoline he/she wouldn't have enough to drive a piss ant's motorcycle around the inside of a Cheerio.

Freewill May 8, 2016 at 11:14 PM
Anon 6:05~
If you say Anna is fake.. Give me the documented basis for your claim! By what did you judge the validity by? Or maybe you can't as that might make you a fake judge for that act! Put my finger on it dude!

Freewill May 8, 2016 at 11:24 PM [Only 10 minutes later and in the middle of the night]
Well Anon 6:05~
Still waiting for your answer....
Time to back up your lip service dude!
Still waiting....

Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 9:03 PM
Anon 6:05PM looks like an NLA flunkie. These clowns show up in other chat boxes to smear and vote down Judge Anna. Could also be paid disinfo trash.

Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 10:45 PM
And yet nobody can show Anon at 6:05. The ignorance shown by those who are functionally illiterate and unable to read for themselves are the ones who believe in this fake judge. Don't believe anyone. Read for yourself and you will see how far out in lala land she is. If you are not educated by Anon 6:05 post, you are the one full of insults trying to hide the truth. Fake judge anna is obviously a cabal shill, or she would not spread this nonsense. She is NOT spreading truth.

Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 11:09 PM
There Are No “Fake Judges” and No “Sovereign Citizens” Either, by Anna von Reitz - For those who say Judge Anna is not real!
I have written several articles that explain the simple FACT that we are supposed to have TWO functioning court systems operating in the behalf of the people — one an admiralty court operating on the jurisdiction of the sea, one a common law court operating on the jurisdiction of the land. Duh, folks, how hard is this to grasp?
It is an ugly but common fault of human nature to want to control others and to profit from them. This despotism and oppression is something you can prevent if you act now and act decisively and intelligently in support of your own Common Law Courts.

Anonymous May 8, 2016 at 11:45 PM
It seems to me NLA is trying to bring the sheriffs on board, they have sent many papers with information to all sheriffs to inform them of their duty to the people. I like Anna's truths, she has so graciously shared. Anna is spot on about being self governed and it has to come from well informed people. The people have to get control of their townships and counties. This needs to be done to get control of the state. When the people get control of their counties, they will have control of their states. When the people control their states, they will force the federal government back to the roll it was set up to be.
The obstacle is that not enough people are informed or are too busy to get informed. Our biggest obstacles are the uninformed people. It will most likely take, to wake up the sleeping majority, for the government to take away more freedoms before they will want to fight for their rights and freedoms which have been slowly eroded way and most of the people did not noticed it.
It is my wish, that all the groups, tea-party, 3%ers, NLAs, county assemblies, ect... to put aside the bs and get on with the task at hand, to fix the mess so we can get on with living life as it was meant to be.
Think about this: today there are more people/souls on planet earth than there has been in a very long time. We are living in exciting times. I believe the reason so many souls alive here on earth at this time, is to witness the great paradigm shift in power. Indeed it will be exciting to witness such an event and all hidden truths and technologies are revealed. I, like Anna, am doing what I can to educate as many as I can, not all will grasp the whole, but bits and pieces none the less. It takes a lot to undue the damage and some will fight to keep the lie as it is all they know and believe. With this in mind, be gentle on those till the time comes when they are ripe and ready to move forward.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, May 9, 2016
Shinola Talks and America Walks, by Anna von Reitz

As one of the supposedly “fake” judges referenced in the recent NLA hit pieces, I have to observe [state] that I am going about my lawful business unmolested by the Federales and if Ammon Bundy or any of these other fine patriots had listened to me instead of leaning on their own ignorance, they wouldn’t be in federal prison.

As Mark Twain observed— it isn’t what we know that gets us in trouble. It’s what we THINK we know that just ain’t so.

My sympathies and heart are 100% with these men, but the truth is that you can lead a horse to water, but….. as with Thomas Deegan in West Virginia, too. The further truth is that these men are all natural “State Citizens” under Article IV, Section 2 of the Federal Constitution, but they are being mischaracterized and prosecuted as “citizens of the United States” under Amendment XIV of the Corporate Constitution instead.

In their ignorance, they are clinging to this foreign political status— literally clinging to their chains—-and they are being prosecuted accordingly. Truly, I say to all of you that they will continue to be railroaded and “made examples of” and they will lose their good names and their property and spend many long years in jail and be held responsible for crimes they did not commit because they have forgotten who they are.

Which is the same problem that causes them to mistake who I am, too. Time to wake up and ask yourselves—- am I a Puerto Rican?

Posted by Freewill at 7:13:00 AM

"Recent NLA hit pieces?" One thing 4 months ago and nothing since? That's what I call reaching a new intensity!


Anonymous May 9, 2016 at 9:26 AM
Watch out! Judge Anna must be right over the target because the smear campaign against her has reached a new intensity.

Anonymous May 9, 2016 at 9:33 AM
Fake judge anna you have made this claim before about never being bothered by the feds. That's because you have never done anything to upset the system. All your actions have been totally useless, your law is based on a total lack of reading comprehension, and you are the ignorant one. The Lufkin case is a perfect example of how your nonsense will work.
The Bundys, et al, interfered with the cabal's plans, and there is nothing that would have stopped their arrests. Your useless arguments would have changed nothing because it is a matter of power, where there is no law except what the powerful say is law. Why do you think nothing ever changes with your silly liens, and all the other paperwork you generate? The PTB are sitting back laughing hoping everyone follows your lead because they can just ignore you and go about their business as usual. Once you actually accomplish something that upsets their plans, you will get harassed or arrested.

Anonymous May 9, 2016 at 11:29 AM
Go crawl back under your rock, 9:33AM.

Anonymous May 9, 2016 at 2:26 PM
Why? Are you scared of the truth?
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"My sympathies and heart are 100% with these men, but the truth is that you can lead a horse to water, but….. as with Thomas Deegan in West Virginia, too. The further truth is that these men are all natural “State Citizens” under Article IV, Section 2 of the Federal Constitution, but they are being mischaracterized and prosecuted as “citizens of the United States” under Amendment XIV of the Corporate Constitution instead."


On the one hand, I am tempted to chime in -- for as long as I last -- and point out that Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 means only that a state can't discriminate against citizens of another state, and that the Supremacy Clause and the 14th Amendment redefine federal and state citizenship, mean that her hypothesis, if it ever was valid, is no longer; but on the other hand, I can already hear the "Statist Shill, etc." screeching as the ban-hammer is swung, so I won't bother. :twisted:
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Some wonder at Judge Anna von Rootz's credentials, both judicial and legal. Along with the Judge herself, I say, "let them be known by their fruits." Here's today's fruity posting, and I invite you all to use it to assess her legal knowledge.

Judge Anna's Where Babies Come From

Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Claim Your Babies Now — Stop the Crime at the source — by Anna von Reitz

I got an urgent call today, a young man whose wife is in labor. Thanks to the wonders of ultrasound they have known for some time that she is carrying a son.

My advice in this day and age there is no excuse for being caught napping on this issue. Pick out a name for your baby BEFORE they are born and record their Trade Name by publication in the local papers or by recording it with the local Land Recorder’s Office prior to them being born. It can be a very simple little Notice:

The living Coloradan joe leroy doe known by the Trade Name Joe Leroy Doe and his wife Melissa Ann Doe a native of Massachusetts both currently living in Red Rocks, Colorado, announce that they have created a new life whose Trade Name shall be Brandon Craig Doe and they claim their new creation as their true-born son, heir, and dependent. They jointly agree to emancipate him automatically when he reaches the age of eighteen and declare before all men and nations that he is otherwise subject only to God.

When the rats come to you in the hospital and try to force you to sign paperwork signing your babies over to them and making them your “presumed trustees” in charge of managing the “property” tell them that they are attempting to kidnap your son and that you won’t tolerate it. If they protest that it is “the law” observe that it may be THEIR law, but it certainly isn’t yours. Look them right in the eye and calmly say, “I am a living beneficiary of the colorado trust and I am not consenting.” Have a voice recorder ready and tape them if they threaten you. If they keep on, say, “It is a capital level offense– a hanging crime– to mischaracterize an unarmed non-combatant, so unless you are claiming that i or my son have offered to harm anyone, you need to stand down. Now.” Be polite, uncompromising, and most of all—-prepared. And if they make any threats, don’t hesitate to call in friends, family, newspaper reporters, clergymen, members of the Grand Jury and other members of the community. If they threaten violence put down any false name you like on the paperwork and cross out any terms such as “Informant” or “applicant” you don’t like.

Since they are trying to name an non-existent “person” after your baby, give them a non-existent name to go with it.

Smile prettily and write down something like “Alphonse Alberghettini Doe” and let them twist in the wind until they get sick of their own criminality. Then when they send mail to “him” you can truthfully answer that there is no such “person” living at your address.

Run that little paragraph (above) three times in the local papers and save the clippings for posterity so that if the rats try to bring any of their false claims against the baby you will already have public prior claim established. Get your family, friends and neighbors to come to a birthday party when the baby is actually born and have them sign and seal (with thumbprints) documents attesting to the fact that he is your natural born son and his name is and his nativity occured on such and such a day to their certain knowledge and that they all agree and attest to these facts before God and Man.

For children who are already born and who have already been “claimed” by this System, just adapt the same process of publication, recording, and witnessing, using real birthdates as part of your documentation. Do NOT just sit around and let their claims stand unrebutted and unchallenged and do NOT just appear to “agree” to any of their nonsense. Resist, rebut, object, and counter-claim; your children belong to you, not some funky “governmental services corporation” run by goons like Jacob Rothschild. Realize the outrageous criminal things that these banks operating “governmental service corporations” have done and gotten away with and never, ever let them place any surreptitious “ownership claim” against your children.

Same thing with “applying for” a Social Security Number for your children. Refuse to do it. If they don’t like it, fine. At least they won’t be able to steal from your children under false pretenses and with any luck at all, by the time it really matters, enough Americans will have stepped to the plate and put an end to this vicious economic tyranny and fraud.

Posted by Freewill at 6:40:00 PM

In summary: Head 'em off at the pass by trademarking your kid. 3 notices in the paper before birth will do 'er. Then give 'em another name when they come knockin' and laugh all the way to the bank you don't go to because it's probably owned by the Rothschilds and you should use a coffee can in your backyard. Keep track of all the priority dates so you can apply the legal principle of Qui olfecit, fecit (He who smelt it, dealt it), when you go to court.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Otherwise known as there's a whole lotta stupid goin' on out there. And Anna von Loopnitz is certainly sticking her oar in any place she can.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Gregg »

In the past, there have been some of these children of the stupid who, upon getting old enough to do things requiring documentation, have had serious problems getting on in sane society.

So, what do you do if you don't subscribe to your parents brand of woo and you're turning 16? You don't have any birth certificate (parents went full retard and you were birthed by a common law midwife on some free soil compound) and getting one at 16 is no easy thing. You can'y get a job, a bank account, any number of licenses and permits... Even if you want to get out, you were home schooled so no documentation there, you see? You're kind of screwed and to some extent you're held in something very much like captivity by your dumb as a hammer parents. It's actually quite sad and somewhere in another thread we discussed just such a case.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by JamesVincent »

Have you heard anything from that boy?
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

My niece's husband is the son of hippies who had him on a ranch/commune in Montana and never told the state. His parents split, his mother took him, got a law degree and moved to Hawaii. He got a drivers license their without too much fuss on an affidavit from mom, but a passport in the early 20s took non-family witnesses. What surprised him (and me) was how common this was, the local lawyer his mom hired did this sort of thing for kids of hippies all the time.

As for Judge Anna von Banana, someone must have begged for more abuse, because she's gone to Round 4.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Calling Out John Daresh and the NLA — Round 4 — by Anna von Reitz

I am an American State National (Article IV, Section 2). I am also an Alaskan owed the contractual provisions of The Alaska Statehood Compact, which guarantees the Equal Footing Doctrine. As such, I am lawfully exercising the Alaska State Session Laws (not the private corporate Session Laws of the State of Alaska) and the Alaska State Common Law Court System established therein.

As you are aware (if you have been keeping up with the information we’ve made available) there are indeed two populaces established from the beginning of this country— and there still are. Likewise there are established two court systems owed to the people— one an admiralty court system operating in the jurisdiction of the sea, the other an American Common Law court system operating on the jurisdiction of the land. There was additionally established an administrative court system under Article I to oversee the functioning and internal squabbling within the federal corporation itself.

For people unaware of these facts (see Kyle Rearden, John Daresh, and their associates above) the common and ignorant assumption is that we should all be Bar Members and should be listed as judges or justices working for the “STATE OF ALASKA” or “STATE OF COLORADO” court systems, when in fact by Amendment of the people’s Constitution, we cannot be Bar Members and have nothing to do with the admiralty court system at all. The only lynch pin that is supposed to be connecting both the Common Law Court System owed to the people and the Admiralty Court System owed to the corporations is the Citizens Common Law Grand Jury which is enabled to hand down indictments to the Admiralty Courts and presentments to the American Common Law Courts. Mr. Daresh and his pals have been attempting to operate Common Law Grand Juries as US Citizens, which can only result in the creation of Martial Common Law Grand Juries operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea—- which is not, I think, the intention of the majority of NLA members or CLGJ organizers who wish instead to rebuild the American Common Law Court System we are owed and which is clearly stipulated as Amendment VII.

And yes, you are correct that Jury Nullification, the absolute authority of 12 Americans to “try the law” is the absolute means by which the people rule.

In the Common Law Court System, 12 Americans get to decide whether a law is just, whether it is appropriate, whether it should be enforced, and whether it should be thrown out. This is how our Common Law Court System provides us with the means to overturn any legislation we find impractical, offensive, unfair, or evil.

It also provides us with the means to avoid conscription, confiscation, involuntary servitude, improper taxation, charges related to regulatory infractions, and a host of other evils.

For these reasons it is absolutely imperative for Americans to get busy and form their Jural Assemblies and operate their own Common Law Courts. When we fail to do so, Federal Military Tribunals are authorized for the sake of public safety and peacekeeping to come into our states and railroad us under foreign Admiralty Law. That is what Milligan Ex Parte is about.

As long as we run our own courts and adopt our own lawful identity as American State Nationals, these Admiralty Courts and Federal “State” Military Tribunals have no authority over us. It is only when we fail our duty to ourselves and our children to operate our own court system that these evils abound.

Mr. Daresh and his buddies including Mr. Rearden will have to wake up and face the facts sooner or later, but the rest of us are not going to stand around twiddling our thumbs waiting for the Intelligence Fairy to appear and knock them over the heads.

Posted by Freewill at 7:21:00 AM

1 comment:

Tricia Louise May 11, 2016 at 11:59 AM
Touche' Anna, again! Kudos also :D
Thanks Freewill 4 all U bring here & other contributors also. Blessings 2 ALL peaceful lawful freedom-lovers standing one's ground BEing & DOing in Truth & justice, KNOWing who (& Whose!) one is (American State National)& is NOT (US Citizens)!

Jural assemblies? As for what Milligan Ex Parte is all about, Ex parte Milligan was the case where the Supreme Court said President Lincoln can't suspend Habius Corpus even during wartime. No wait, that was Ex parte Merryman, the one against Robin Hood, the Milligan case had to do with military tribunals being used on civilians and how you can't. Much like how the Ex parte Mulligan decision allowed for relaxed golf rules.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Von Struedel is just mad because Johnny Two Names blew her off and dissed her and the other fake judges who were cutting in to his grift, he apparently doesn't share and play nicely. It also doesn't hurt that she has been alone up in the Alaska wilderness for to long and gone flat out loopy.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

Well, I am just glad no one brought up Ex Parte Gilligan's Island.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by wserra »

One of the best known cases on the "levying war against the United States" branch of the Treason Clause is (really) Case of Fries, 9 Fed. Cas. 826 (DPA, 1799).

Less well known is its companion case, Tub of Burgers.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Well, I am just glad no one brought up Ex Parte Gilligan's Island.
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
a tale of a fateful precedent
that started from this tropic port
and ended with the castaways suing for the accident

wserra wrote:One of the best known cases on the "levying war against the United States" branch of the Treason Clause is (really) Case of Fries, 9 Fed. Cas. 826 (DPA, 1799).

Less well known is its companion case, Tub of Burgers.
All true Americans know it's a "case of beer" and "side of fries." Anyone who doesn't is obviously an enemy levying war against the US and should suffer the ultimate penalty for treason!
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