They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Burnaby49 »

Sextus Defectus? Surely you were referring to Bigus Dickus's wife Incontinentia Buttocks.

This moronic issue of capitalization is actually a huge issue in some of the court cases I report. Michael Millar, a convicted tax evader and fraud counselor, pretty much made it the main basis of his defense. He claims that it invalidates entire courts and that capitalization is a secret language used by legislatures to set up secret alternate court systems. It gets very complicated when Michael explains it.


He spent, literally, days on this issue and has lost on it in at least three decisions I'm aware of. This is what the latest court decision said about his gibberish;
[4] Mr. Millar argued that there was some significance to whether legal documents spelled his name or words like "Canada" using all capital letters or partly capital letters and partly lower case letters. He referred to Black's Law Dictionary and argued that using all capitals reflected capitis maxima, and using partly lower case letters reflected capitis diminutio, and related to whether a person had status as a natural person or as an artificial person.

[5] The eighth edition of Black's Law Dictionary defines capitis diminutio as “Latin (reduction of status) Roman law, a diminution or alteration of a person's legal status”. Black's goes on to provide a quotation from a book describing Roman private law in the years 178 to 179.

[6] There are numerous flaws with Mr. Millar's argument. First, our legal system does not apply Roman law. The Roman law of almost 2,000 years ago is of historical interest only. Roman law is not even the historic basis of our law.

[7] Second, there is nothing in the definition in Black's which refers to the use of capital letters or lower case letters. The Latin word "capitis" means “reduction of status” or “condemned” or “sentenced”, and does not refer to capitalization of names in court forms.

[8] In this case, while the proceedings were still in the Provincial Court, Judge Rodgers directed that any argument based on whether letters were in capital or lower case would not be entertained. This ruling was not drawn to my attention until after the completion of the evidence portion of the trial.

[9] In any event, whether capital or lower case letters are used in the court forms in the spelling of any names is of no significance.
R. v. Millar
2016 BCSC 2039
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Can't help it if von Poopschutz and Miller keep getting hung up and hung on the fact that they are both functionally illiterate as well as ignorant in that they can't seem to translate Latin any better than they do plain English.

Incidentally, I feel for you in the Miller case, if ever there was a case for the Judge's cattle prod, that was one.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:Can't help it if von Poopschutz and Miller keep getting hung up and hung on the fact that they are both functionally illiterate as well as ignorant in that they can't seem to translate Latin any better than they do plain English.

Incidentally, I feel for you in the Miller case, if ever there was a case for the Judge's cattle prod, that was one.
You're going to suffer along with me although it's going to cost me. I have two final postings to make. One was an all day session I attended a few weeks back where Millar ranted an entire day about capitalization and his martydom at the hands of a court that refused to accept that he was right. I have eight pages of notes in a lined 8X11 notebook and I could have had double that if I hadn't skipped writing a lot of the repitition. Millar asked me for a copy and I told him he could get one on Quatloos but I haven't had the heart to sit down and transcribe it yet. His sentencing hearing is coming up and that one will be the last until his appeal. It, at least, will be short. I predict 3 to 4 years custodial sentence.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

I definitely feel for you. I can just imagine how mind numbing that has to have been. If he appeals pro se, I can just imagine the reception he'll get from the Appeals Court.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by texino »

When I was a simple slave to the US Army all manner of nonsense would circulate the ranks just to let the troopers know that Uncle Sam owned your hide. For instance, if you shot your foot of, it was the crime of destruction of Govt. property. Another good one was if you happened to be guarding some men who were doing a punishment detail and one took off, it was OK to shoot the evil one dead. For this deed, you supposedly got 30 days leave and three cartons of smokes; also a transfer to some other post, so the dead guy's buddies wouldn't get you. Looking from that point, it's easy to see how Judge Anna Beanbag might mistake the workings of the UCMJ. I guess you could say that like Roman Law, one simply washed his (her) hands to close out the deal.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Anne von Poopschutz got "poked" by a "con man pretending to be a Justice." Oh, the irony!

Saturday, March 25, 2017
So, I Am a Vatican Spy?

By Anna Von Reitz

I just got another poke in the ribs from Michael R. Hamilton, a con man pretending to be a Justice in Louisiana. He says that thanks to his propaganda, everyone now thinks I am a Vatican spy. He was gloating over how easy it was to mislead you.

Nobody who has read my voluminous correspondence with the Cardinals and Popes for the past thirty years would assume any such thing.

They wouldn't be ignorant enough to think that "the Vatican" is equivalent to the Holy See, either.

Be that as it may, as I told Mr. Hamilton who is tracking and secretly stealing data from everyone who visits his website-----
"The owner of afreecountry. com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website....."

--- an eternal truth.
This is not now, has never been, and will never be about me. It is about the veracity of the information I present, which is fully corroborated by other researchers and which is in front of your faces standing on the public record.
And beyond that, it is about what you do with the information.

Do you start rampaging around as gangs of armed thugs? Abandon your lawful state militias? And start calling your militiamen "Continental Marshals"--- ?

Let's give everyone a clue here: if you call your militiamen "Continental Marshals" you are subjecting them to arrest, when they would otherwise be guaranteed the right to assemble and regulate themselves.

And who benefits from making your militias subject to arrest?

Apparently, Michael R. Hamilton and Bruce Doucette benefit somehow. That's what they are advocating.
Or are you going to assemble your county jural assemblies and restore your own lawful government? Assemble your state militias to serve the land jurisdiction states of this country? And do so with the guarantees of The Constitution at your backs?

That's my answer and it's the only answer that is going to work for the good of this country and its people. All the other answers lead to war and bloodshed and the benefit of arms manufacturers and bankers---and insurance companies. Turns out that Mr. Hamilton is an insurance agent. If you go back in history and study the use of insurance annuities to fund government you will quickly grasp Mr. Hamilton's stake in the game.

Mr. Hamilton and Bruce Doucette have a job --to spread conflict and disinformation and to gum up the works to ensure that no true and lawful American government is re-established. My job, unpaid and such as it is, is to make sure that it is.
Bruce Doucette tried to commandeer my conference in Anchorage and harmed two of my lead researchers and left me to pay the bill--- $10,000 that could have and should have gone to other things.

Bruce Doucette has misled people to take improper oaths and then claim that they are occupying vacated public offices. The net effect of this is to leave them subject to arrest and to invalidate anything and everything they do while attempting to operate these offices.

Bruce Doucette has promoted a practice of calling state militiamen "Continental Marshals" which has the affect noted above.

Bruce Doucette once told me he had a "million men" signed up to act as "Continental Marshals" and that there were "hundreds" of complaints against Chief Marshal Bella Haywood.

Thank God, I quickly realized that neither statement was true.

And as for Michael R. Hamilton his reputation precedes him. Wanted for con schemes in three states, named as a defendant in multiple sworn complaints of taking money from people and then not performing (not coincidentally, exactly what he accused Marshal Haywood of doing and which he failed to prove; this is an old British Crown ploy known as "the pot calling the kettle black") and I guess his support for making our militiamen subject to federal arrest speaks for itself.

You are all grown ups and responsible for what you think and do. You owe it to yourselves and your safety to thoroughly investigate the facts for yourselves and use your own horse sense.

I have used mine and I have advised you to separate from what Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton are doing. Don't go to Hamilton's blog/website, because as Firefox has confirmed, he is collecting and stealing data linking you to him and his crackpot activities. For what purpose, do you surmise?

Don't attend their so-called "Justices and Marshals Calls" anymore. Nothing correct is going on there, and all uncorrected error does is compound the errors already made.

To quote the immortal Howard Freeman from his article, "The Two United States and the Law" ---- "They (the Founders) wanted the principle of English common law, that an act done by any official person or law-making body beyond his or its legal competence was simply void."

You may be sure the Founders set it up that way, and you may be sure that the action of anyone who hasn't corrected their political status, hasn't taken the correct oath of office, and hasn't posted a bond with the U.S. Treasury, is indeed void. No matter what they claim, no matter how loudly they shout, "But, but, but.... I am one of the people!"

I have advised you all to focus on correcting your own political status, organizing your own county and statewide jural assemblies, electing your own land jurisdiction county sheriffs and organizing your own "well-regulated state militias".
You will not suffer any adverse circumstance from doing so and will quickly regain both your freedom and your empowerment under the actual Constitution.

If you want factual, practical, real-world help doing what needs to be done, start attending the National Assembly calls hosted by the Michigan General Jural Assembly every Thursday night at 9 p.m. EST. These folks have had their assembly up and going for decades. Listen to them. Learn from them.

My facts are solid and my advice is sound, and as long as that is true, it doesn't matter who I am or where I am coming from. It is to your advantage to listen.
See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

Posted by Freewill at 7:40:00 AM

Of course Judge Anne isn't a paid "spy" at the Vatican, she was a paid "party girl."

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by morrand »

Deep Knight wrote:Judge Anne von Poopschutz got "poked" by a "con man pretending to be a Justice." Oh, the irony!

Saturday, March 25, 2017
So, I Am a Vatican Spy?

By Anna Von Reitz

I just got another poke in the ribs from Michael R. Hamilton, a con man pretending to be a Justice in Louisiana. He says that thanks to his propaganda, everyone now thinks I am a Vatican spy. He was gloating over how easy it was to mislead you.
Said "con man" has now replied to Anna Banana on his site (having fixed whatever certificate problems he was having):
As to the comment about being "a con man pretending to be a Justice in Louisiana", I am not only not pretending, I was one of three judges who was voted by the people on an national assembly meeting on Thursday, March 23rd, 2017 to serve the people in the capacity of Chief Justice for the Superior Court of the united States of America. Anna on the other hand, has taken some other oath for her state making her a subject of the state.
I dunno, I think these two were made for each other, no?
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, March 25, 2017
Reply to Bruce Doucette in Regard to the Continental Marshals Service

By Anna Von Reitz

Just because you say so, doesn't make it so. Unless, of course, we really do believe in the movie, "Bruce Almighty".
Let's get this straight. The Continental Marshals Service was created over 200 years ago by George Washington. It doesn't belong to you or to any single state or small group of states. It belongs to the united States of America.

You and your pals started the move to fill the vacated offices of the Continental Marshals, but you did not create those offices and you have no delegated power to change them, abrogate them, assign them to a new jurisdiction, place them under different administrative management or meddle with them at all. Period.

Just as you have stepped forward and offered to serve your state as a State Justice, these men and women have stepped forward to serve the states (plural) to enforce the undelegated powers owed to the states and people in international jurisdiction.

Everyone concerned is filling a vacated public office which belongs to all of us, either at the county, the state, or the federal level. Nobody has any ability or right to mess with or amend any part of the lawful government apart from the processes that have been established to do so.

To date, Bruce, you haven't corrected your own political status, haven't posted a bond with the U.S. Treasury, haven't bothered to look up the correct oath of office for State Justices of Colorado, and are basically off your trolley about all of this.

Please get on board the Mothership. We are leaving this part of the galaxy and returning to Terra Firma--- the actual world, where actual people use actual money and participate in actual elections and elect actual public officials.

If you are willing to fill a vacated public office and do what has to be done to make yourself both worthy and competent to serve that office and help lead the effort to restore our lawful government, then by all means, do so and godspeed.

If not, get out of the way.

You either work for the restoration of the lawful, de jure government or by ignorance and default, you work against the restoration of the lawful, de jure government.

It is one way or the other and at this point, you are on the wrong side of the issue.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

Posted by Freewill at 8:18:00 PM

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor von Poopschutz got smacked in the face with a hard truth, when you're a pretend judge, other pretend judges get to take potshots at you.

Mikey is just as much a pretend judge as Anna, he just happens to be a pretend judge from LA., and now it appears he is also a pretend chief justice of the superior court, so now he pretend out ranks Anna.

Whether or not he is a conman, his occupation aside, is open to debate, just like with all the rest of the pretend judges.

This is really getting good. Image Image
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

I can't wait until they both try to drag each other into their own courts.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, aside from the comedy of dueling klown judges, there is always the real world issue of how are they going to pay for extradition, since from what I have been able to determine, most of this lot can barely afford busfare on a good day. The idiots who went to NM to get themselves a felony charge have been asking pretend ex-chief marshal Tresa for reimbursement for their little trip in to felony. Like that is going to happen, she isn't going to share any of the grift she got off the badges with anyone. And besides, she has already fired one of NM bunch anyway.

What will be entertaining is when one of them eventually gets around to actually "arresting" someone and gets themselves arrested for kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment or whatever they call it now, even when when they most likely will have a gun while doing it. These people really are that stupid and that dangerous.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

No doubt they will try each other in absentia, award billions or trillions of dollars damages, and then "file" common-law-court liens to recover these moneys.

Judge Anne is on a tear (she gets "cabin fever" after a long winter) and this had just been reposted at NESARA News.

Monday, March 27, 2017
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

By Anna Von Reitz

There is no "Chief Justice Michael R. Hamilton"--- there's just a con man wanted in three states, living in Louisiana now, and doing what he does best: misleading people.

In order to have a "Chief Justice" there must be such an office, it must be available, one must eligible for it, one must earn it, and one must be properly elected to fill it.

Michael R. Hamilton's claim to be "Chief Justice" fails on all counts. Michael R. Hamilton and those supporting him, including Bruce Doucette, haven't taken the steps to take back their birthright political status as American state nationals, so they can't function as American State Citizens.

They are still United States Citizens and/or "citizens of the United States" pretending to be something they are not, and as their actions suggest, they are wolves in sheep's clothing in other ways, too.

There is one Chief Justice of the Maritime Admiralty court system established by the original Constitution and that post belongs to the delegated authority of the United States. It has nothing to do with the United States of America and the Common Law court system the people of this country are owed.

So there is no such office as "Chief Justice" on our side of the fence.

And if there were, Michael R. Hamilton couldn't fill it, because he would have to be claiming his birthright political status.

He would have to be functioning under 100% commercial liability, too, which means posting a bond with the U.S. Treasury.

He hasn't done that, either.

He would also have to be a State Justice first. He claims that he is serving in the capacity of a State Justice for Louisiana--- but no, I'm sorry, not possible. Irish nationals can't serve as officers of Spanish courts, and US citizens can't serve as officers of any American court in Louisiana, in Texas, in Colorado, or any other state.

None of the actual states allow Dual Citizenship. They never have. They still don't. If you don't give up your U.S.citizenship, you can't fill a position as a Justice or Judge of any state of the Union.

If you don't get to first base, you aren't allowed to go to second.

If you aren't really a State Justice, you can't be a Chief Justice---even if there was such an office on the American side--- and there isn't.

Then there is the matter of how and by whom he was supposedly elected to fill this non-existent office. Three other people who are also pretending to be State Justices without meeting the requirements of the office. one of them being Bruce Doucette, elected him while on a (unsuccessful) mission to secure the release of prisoners in New Mexico.

I wasn't there and would have objected to the entire proposition as nonsense, but apparently, they thought that choosing one of them to act as lead on the case and calling him "Chief Justice" would lend more weight to their position, so they just out of the thin air created such an office and the three of them elected Michael R. Hamilton to fill it.

It's so completely loony, so contrary to what is proper, I don't even know what to say about that. If you think that three people have the right to wave their hands and create a new public office and put it on the payroll, you don't need a new government, you need a psychiatrist.

What disturbs me beyond the dishonor and discredit that these actors have brought to those people who are actually doing the work and filling vacated state offices honorably, is the power-mongering and egotism involved.

Being a Public Servant means just that. In the American system of things, you set aside your sovereign status for the good of your country and you fill a public office and expose yourself to the slings and arrows and requirements of it. It's not a "plum" or a mark of social status and whatever powers that office possesses, are exercised with a constant knowledge of their limits.

Here were have an example of people trying to lord it over others and pretending to have special ranks and powers never granted to them, even creating fancy sounding new offices for themselves out of thin air.
And what does that sound like, but more of the same crappola we have been struggling with all these years?

Again, I say to all of you--- come away. Don't participate in what they are doing and don't be associated anymore with Bruce Doucette or Michael R. Hamilton or any of those supporting them and condoning this behavior.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website

Posted by Freewill at 1:45:00 PM

It's so completely loony, so contrary to what is proper, I don't even know what to say about that. If you think that three people have the right to wave their hands and create a new public office and put it on the payroll, you don't need a new government, you need a psychiatrist.
Give me a second before I put the next quote up, I'm numb from the tidal wave of irony.
If you don't get to first base, you aren't allowed to go to second.
The sacred four bases of 1950's dating:

First base is French kissing, not just kissing but using lots of tongue.
Second base is touching her boobies.
Third base is touching the place where babies come from.
Home run is real sex, if you can call what's possible in the cramped backseat of a jalopy parked in a lovers lane that gets patrolled by the police every half hour "real."

So, Miss "Don't touch me I'm a judge" thinks you can't get to second base before rounding first? I can see she's never been in a situation where she had to process Supermodel lovers at unbelievable rates to meet some ridiculous quota set by a boss who can't even get it up without boner pills. When you don't even have time for proper introductions, I'm afraid you need to scratch French kissing right off the menu.

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Freewill shares his expertise.

Monday, March 27, 2017
Anyone who claim to be a Continental Marshal better read this before you end up imprisoned or dead!

A Marshal is the highest ranking officer of military police! If you did not become a MP in the military service and have rank promoted to Marshal, then you are in violation of Lieber code and punishable in a military court.

All American DeFacto courts are military courts. This is why any military rank above Sargent (if I remember right) can arrest a judge.

Abraham Lincoln declared General Order 100 in 1863 that put America under Lieber Code Military Jurisdiction and Marshal Law and Lincoln was Assassinated before he could end General order 100 revoking Lieber Code laws applying to the 50 nation=states. The title "Marshal" is a military office! Stop using "Continental Marshals" title immediately before you are arrested for impersonating a military law enforcement officer!

You people trying to claim particular duties that belong to the state's militias by declaring yourselves as Continental Marshals are putting yourselves in serious danger!

You may look up the definitions for "marshal" and you will find what I found and read. You will find some entries under civilian areas and also those areas are under Lieber Code. It is still military.

Early in the 19th century, Chief Justice Marshall noted that sovereign nations had the right to confiscate property of an enemy during armed conflict, but the Lieber Code of 1863, formally known as General Order No. 100, reversed that notion by incorporating the principle that monuments, places of worship and works of art must be spared from destruction in times of war. The code, commissioned by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, was published as a pamphlet that could be carried by Union soldiers. Written by Professor Francis Lieber of Columbia College (now Columbia University), it provided that “classical works of art, libraries, scientific collections, or precious instruments . . . must be secured against all avoidable injury” (Article 35).

The Lieber Code also identified military necessity for the first time as a general legal principle whose purpose was to limit violence. Article 14 of the Lieber Code states, “Military necessity, as understood by modern civilized nations, consists in the necessity of those measures which are indispensable for securing the ends of the war, and which are lawful according to the modern law and usages of war,” i.e., military necessity permits only that degree of force necessary to defeat the enemy. Although some have pointed to military necessity as justification for the destruction of an enemy’s property, e.g. defendants in the Nuremberg trials following WWII, it does not justify the willful or wanton destruction, not justified by imperative military necessity.

The Brussels Declaration of 1874, as well as the Hague Regulations on the Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1899 and 1907 (Link to the 1899 and 1907 page), are partially based on the Lieber Code and retain the principle that cultural property should be protected in times of armed conflict.

See in particular, Article II Sections 34-36 where the protection of cultural property is mandated.

Posted by Freewill at 8:33:00 PM

Marshal Dillon! Marshal Dillon!
What is it Chester?
Thar's some feller named "Lieber" down at the Longbranch Saloon 's a-sayin' he's here t' arrest yew! Somethin' 'bout yer not protectin' cultural prop'rty in times o' armed conflict.

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notorial dissent
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Lord love a duck, but Destry's dumbern' a rock and twice as ignorant. Even for that crowd, he's dumb.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Lord love a duck, but Destry's dumbern' a rock and twice as ignorant. Even for that crowd, he's dumb.

He's also confused as to which Lieber Code applies. The one from the Civil War (War of Northern Indiscretion) or the one from the 50's also know as the Leiber & Stoller Code, even though Jerry Leiber wrote the words. Let me quote the main section.

Take out the papers and the trash
Or you don't get no spendin' cash
If you don't scrub that kitchen floor
You ain't gonna rock and roll no more
Yakety yak (don't talk back)

Just finish cleanin' up your room
Let's see that dust fly with that broom
Get all that garbage out of sight
Or you don't go out Friday night
Yakety yak (Don't talk back)

You just put on your coat and hat
And walk yourself to the laundromat
And when you finish doin' that
Bring in the dog and put out the cat
Yakety yak (Don't talk back)

Don't you give me no dirty looks
Your father's hip, he knows what cooks
Just tell your hoodlum friend outside
You ain't got time to take a ride
Yakety yak (Don't talk back)

Strict, but fair.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
To Kevin --- RE: Mission Priorities, Militias, and Continental Marshals

By Anna Von Reitz

Kevin-- you and your friends are correct that you SHOULD be working first on getting your counties organized. That is precisely the mission I asked Bruce Doucette to undertake almost a year ago. And I gave him contact with the oldest functioning Post-Civil War Jural Assembly to help develop a solid program for all the other counties to follow.

That is what I focused on as the most urgent need. Instead of getting in contact with the already up and functioning and correctly organized Jural Assembly in Michigan, he and Roger Dowdell and others spent months blithering around trying to re-create the wheel.

When Bruce discussed the Continental Marshals program with me, I assumed that he knew what he was talking about and that he was NOT talking about the state militias which are a separate force and work in a separate jurisdiction.

I agree with you that the priority SHOULD be to organize the state militias and to do that in tandem with organizing the Jural Assemblies. For your information every American above the age of 21 is expected to either join their state militia and carry a gun or work in a support position.

It therefore makes sense that you build the militia at the same time you build the jural assemblies -- but since they didn't do what I asked them to do with the jural assemblies, diddly squat got done organizing the militias, too.

By all means, run don't walk -- get your local county jural assembly and your local militia set up and functioning FIRST.

The reason that I thought we were organizing Continental Marshals TOO was that most of the crimes that are causing so much suffering-- identity theft, foreclosures, bank fraud, unlawful conversion of assets, kidnapping and inland piracy are all crimes that occur in international jurisdiction.

It is for lack of "Federal" aka "Continental Marshals" that the vermin are having a field day, so that is why I thought the push was on the form the Marshals Service.

You guys must be thicker than bricks when it comes to doing your own research. If you are looking for "Federal Postal District Courts" why don't you bother to put those words into your search box and visit a few browsers?

These courts not only exist, I have served on them in the past.

Thanks to Russell Gould we have never completely lost our Federal Postal District Courts. And thanks to my husband and me the rats have not been able to successfully claim that our land jurisdiction states no longer exist.

I have been working very hard in international jurisdiction for months to reclaim our assets from the IMF and the UNITED STATES bankruptcy. I have been working equally hard to secure funding for all 50 states and 3100 counties and everything we need to be fully operational again.

I can't do it all.

So here is what I suggest-- you guys who joined the Marshals program thinking it was the state militias--- just leave and turn your attention to building your county jural assemblies and your local militias and after that, work on building your state assemblies and state militias.

You should all have plenty to do and thanks to me and the 50 States Claim you should shortly have what you need to do the work in paid positions with offices and support.

What I further suggest is that you leave the Marshals program alone and stop blaming Marshal Haywood. I have investigated and she did absolutely nothing wrong.

The people who are now blaming her are the very same ones who failed in the mission I gave them-- organizing the counties and militias. That suggests to me that (1) they are unable or unwilling to follow simple instructions and do the grunt work or (2) it was their intent to mislead and undermine the effort from the start.

Either way, Bella Haywood has done her actual job and done it well and the Continental Marshals program will continue under her guidance and under the authority of the Federal Postal District Courts. Those who want to work in international jurisdiction and think they have the experience to qualify are welcome to apply and those who have been successfully vetted into the program are welcome to stay or go as they please.

We will not gild any lilies or bow to what amounts to a witch hunt and ill-informed public opinion.

Any idea that you have that I am ill-informed or "just making things up" needs to be tempered with the certain knowledge that I have been in these trenches since you were a child and if I was wrong about any it, talking through my hat about ANY of it, I would have been arrested like so many others have been and would be cooling my jets in a federal jail like Thomas Deegan and so many others.

The proof is in the pudding.

And available on the internet if you bother to read the Rogue Sabre Special Ops Report and bother to plug the words "Federal Postal District Court" into your browser

Posted by Freewill at 7:50:00 AM
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notorial dissent
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

I love it, "oldest functioning Post-Civil War Jural Assembly" since when, a couple of years ago, like there was ever such a thing before the Civil War???? Anna fantasy time again. She can't even keep her own lies straight any more.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

I am more intrigued by the "Federal Postal District Courts." I have never heard of these puppies either, yet Anna Von Reitz has actually served on them. They seem to be even more secret than that stupid King's Bench Court that Burnaby has been looking for over the years up in Canada. And what kind of case does a Federal Postal Judge hear? Overdue postage charges? Failure to seal an envelope? Omitting the zip code from an address line? Although there has been some kooky theories that the Illuminati dreamed up zip codes to somehow subvert our freedoms in this country (the real truth is zip codes were dreamed up by us to increase ink usage in this country since the Illuminati had cornered the market on ink).
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Burnaby49 »

I wish that you wouldn't be so flippant about the King's Bench. It's so powerful that it can keep it's presence unknown to we Canadians while it renders secret decisions in favour of fraudulent real estate scammers. Beat that SCUS!
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

If you, or someone, figures out where the "Federal Postal District Courts" came from i want to know to. I remember it being one of Merrill's manias but I have yet to hear where it really came from. I know that there is some fantasy that the Post Master and the International Postal Union is some sort of super court, but don't know where that came from. I do remember that Destry "Freewill" Payne got excommunicated from the Postal court system for some infraction or another. Still makes no sense to me.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.