They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Gregg »

There is a Denny's somewhere that could have their best day ever if they can host the combination trial/wrestling match between these two.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

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notorial dissent wrote:I do remember that Destry "Freewill" Payne got excommunicated from the Postal court system for some infraction or another. Still makes no sense to me.
Well, as far as the excommunication thing, makes perfect sense to me. I am sure if I were sitting on the bench of the Postal court system, I would excommunicate Freewill in a heartbeat.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by NYGman »

Google is your friend. I can't believe you didn't just look on line for the Official Federal Postal Court Website.

Seems totally legit to me :sarcasmon:

Can also look here: but what would the post office know...
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

Well, I clicked on that link and lost a few brain cells after looking at that page. I may have to sue you for endangering my mental well-being.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

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ABA Journal Online
Judge of bogus 'postal court' files judgments, claims only nouns have legal meaning
Posted Mar 22, 2016 08:22 am CDT

By Debra Cassens Weiss

A federal judge in Connecticut has found that a so-called federal postal court appears to be “a sham and no more than a product of fertile imagination,” and he will not accept its judgment against a mortgage servicing company.

On March 7, U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Meyer struck the registration of a purported $11.5 million judgment issued by the postal court against Ocwen Financial Corp., the Connecticut Law Tribune reports. Meyer said the stricken legal filing was among dozens of the postal court’s purported judgments filed for registration in Connecticut in recent weeks.

The postal court is led by David Wynn Miller, who invented his own legal language that appears to incorporate mathematical formulas and unusual syntax, according to the Connecticut Law Tribune. Miller claims that only nouns have legal meanings and writes many words in all capital letters.

He also writes his name as “Judge: David-Wynn: Miller,” for reasons he explained in November 2002 at a homeland security expo, according to a 2003 post by the Southern Poverty Law Center. “My name is David hyphen Wynn full colon Miller,” he told the audience, before launching into an explanation that included why his punctuated name is a noun and how punctuation “makes me a life, l-i-f-e.”

The Connecticut legal filing had an attachment of the postal court’s judgment that alerted the court: “This document is to serve as a translation summary of the Final Default Judgment by the Federal Postal Court. The original language of the Final Default Judgment was written in Correct Sentence Structure Communication Parse Syntax Grammar. The language has been translated to English pursuant to the Uniform Foreign-Money Claims Act.”

Meyer wrote that he had doubts about the validity of the postal court and scheduled a show-cause hearing. Participating in the hearing by telephone were individuals identified as Miller, who said he was a judge of the postal court, and Leighton Ward, who said he was the court clerk.

Miller said Benjamin Franklin opened the postal court in 1775, but it closed a year later with the onset of the Revolutionary War. On Dec. 21, 2012—the predicted end of the world according to the Mayan calendar—Miller reopened the court.

“Miller explained to me that the Federal Postal Court operates on the basis of a sophisticated mathematical understanding of language that proves that certain mortgage documents are fraudulent,” Meyer wrote. Miller said the court has no fixed location, but it has transitory jurisdiction wherever the federal postal eagle symbol may be.

Meyer investigated further with a Westlaw search for David Wynn Miller. Meyer said the search revealed “a lengthy history of frivolous filings that use the same impenetrable language that appears in the filings in this case.”

Meyer said Miller’s legal filings don’t meet federal statutory requirements. “There is no basis to conclude that the purported judgment of the ‘Federal Postal Court’ arises from any valid legal authority at all,” Meyer wrote. “So far as I can tell, the ‘Federal Postal Court’ is a sham and no more than a product of a fertile imagination.”

The United States Postal Service does have a court that hears civil mail-fraud and other cases, as reported by the Wall Street Journal in 2001. But it is a tribunal of administrative law judges and is called the Judicial Officer Department of the U.S. Postal Service. Miller is not listed as a member.
Miller is so a postal judge, you can tell by the postal-courtliness and legal-soundingness off his writings.






As for the bad blood between Judge Annie and the postal courts, it was all due to a misunderstanding. Seems she thought the court was actually an adult version of "Post Office," with robes, wigs, and gavels to spice up the action. When she found out it was some guys banging away at keyboards using weird syntax, she was understandably miffed. BTW, I have played an adult version of Post Office with a group of Supermodels-turned-postmistresses, and you're not missing anything. The uniforms aren't flattering, everything moves at a glacial pace, and the price of stamps went up twice in the course of a single evening's debauchery.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by NYGman »

The Observer wrote:Well, I clicked on that link and lost a few brain cells after looking at that page. I may have to sue you for endangering my mental well-being.

What, you don't know Correct Sentence Structure Communication Parse Syntax Grammar? I thought everyone knows how to read this... :sarcasmon:
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Anna "The Emasculater" von Reitz outs Bruce "The Douche" Doucette even more!

Friday, March 31, 2017
Bruce Doucette --- Outted

By Anna Von Reitz

Almost a year ago, I asked Bruce Doucette to do something vitally important. It was simple enough: contact the Michigan General Jural Assembly and work with them to develop a template program that all the other counties in America can follow to set up their local county assemblies.

This organizational phase naturally includes the paperwork to correct everyone's political status, welcome them as members of the county jural assembly, and get them signed up as militia men or supporting militia members. If you want to reclaim your birthright political status and restore the lawful government you are owed, this is what it takes.

Although I have been busy frying other fish, I checked back regularly with Doucette and asked how it was going---- oh, fine, fine.....

Imagine my consternation tonight to learn that Bruce never contacted the Michigan General Jural Assembly?

Let's see.....

1. He didn't follow my instructions regarding filling the vacated public offices and taking the correct oaths, and as a result a lot of people are ramming around claiming to be State Justices without having done any of the work required. They are exposing themselves to arrest and making a mockery of our lawful action.

2. He didn't contact the Michigan General Jural Assembly and coordinate the effort to organize lawful county jural assemblies throughout the land.

3. The one thing that he did get started that was working properly -- the Continental Marshals Service -- he has bent over backward trying to destroy.

What other conclusion is there? Bruce Doucette has intentionally and with malice aforethought sought to co-opt and undermine our efforts from Day One. Three times and out. Or should I say, "outted"?

It doesn't matter who he is working for. He isn't working for us, the American people who want to restore the lawful government they are owed using peaceful and constitutionally guaranteed means to do it.

I cannot stress this strongly enough. You have to do the right things to get the right results. Any other course lands you in jail or worse--- and though there are parties who would like to spill American blood and who would profit from doing so----we must stay the course, wise as serpents, gentle as doves.

Posted by Freewill at 7:42:00 PM
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Judge Anna is so cute when she's trying to sound all seriousy and stuffs and make sense and like she knows anything at all about what she is talking about that is patently nonsense.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

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Saturday, April 1, 2017
Posted on March 17, 2016 by David Robinson

Below you will find (to use his word) “bullshit” that Ralph Kermit Winterrowd and certain others have been spreading around the internet and my answer to this post below and other accusations that I have been involved in shootings and murders is posted immediately below. I have had about enough “bullshit” from ALL SOURCES thereof, have filed my teeth, and am ready when they are:

Ralph Kermit Winterrowd wrote:

Enough of this Patriot BS Nonsense that is floating on posts all over the Internet as is Anna Von Reitz [Judge] is TOTAL FRAUD folks; and she is NO JUDGE; and, she sure isn’t a Constitutional Judge arising under the constitution of any the several States of the Union in Alaska. Here are just some of the documents (facts) from the crooks in Alaska. I have researched this out in great depth. This is just the tip of the iceberg in this Post. The Alaska Judicial Counsel has been given these documents and more; and, they find no “ethical” errors or problems. Ask Lucifer if his demons are bad and what do you expect. I will be taking them on but there is just one of me. I have all of the research done that is required to take them to federal court for quo warranto or whatever. Alaska Courts are a TOTAL waste of you time.

There are NO constitutional JUDGES/JUSTICES in Alaska or any Court arising under the constitution of any of the several States in Alaska. There are no Civil Commissions issued to appoint judges or Justices to a “public Officer” signed by the Governor of Alaska. (A real Civil Commission attached that we found that they overlooked in purging the archives). This is mandated by the Constitution of the STATE OF Alaska (should be “Constitution of Alaska”) Article IV Section 5 [ I have all of the constitution of the several States up though 1878 – government book but requires Skype as the files are too large for e-mail] and AS 39.05.035. (Both included) There are no “Oaths of office as a public officer,” (Module attached on what it takes to be a “public officer”) as I have all of the oaths of the current folks called appointment letters ONLY and some are not even signed or even have letterheads. The Alaska Bar Association by a BAR RULE changed the name of the courts in 1974, changed the venue and changed the seals of the courts. They had the legislature repeal the Seal of the “Superior Court of Alaska” in the “Third District” of which the Anchorage Court still has it in the drawer of the HEAD Clerk’s Office.” (included)

Now the Court is called “In the Superior Court FOR the State of Alaska” using the “Trial Courts of Alaska” Seal with the “Third Judicial District” and the venue changed by the Ak Bar Assoc. from “Third District” in the statue to “Third Judicial District” and on and on. These Courts of Alaska are only private Courts presided over by a mere Alaska Bar Member with ye ole black robe. Enjoy, as I sure have. I have put Judge Wolf under citizens arrest in open court for DL issue of trying to help Chickaloon Natives. Pissed ye ole sob off and I was sentenced to 6 months jail (suspended 5 months), fined $5,000 (suspended $4,000) and 5 years probation. They don’t even do this for DUI folks but I really pissed him and his cohorts off. I will not bow to any of them – ever. I never STAND and they don’t even attempt to address that as I can shove it right up their tush in a about 2 minutes tops in open court.

Lesson Learned – never attempt to help those that will not fight for their own freedom and liberty. It was a federal sting and I bit, but Chickaloon got MORE Grants and the sobs even told me so.

In Dave Gladden’s case on this Fee Simple Absolute Title filed in the public record, Superior Court Judge White (sic) states in an ORDER signed by her that she is merely an “Unsigned Jurist.” She was being challenged to recuse herself as she was NOT a bona fide “public Officer” as there was No “Oath of Office as a Public Officer” on file of any judges or justices, no “Civil Commission” on file (Alaska states in a letter attached) as they don’t even use them any more in violation of AS 39.05.035 (included) and Article IV Section 5 (included) but they do have “Employee Affidavit” – a flunky. She signs documents at the bottom and has a law degree as a “undersigned jurist” ( Order included). Whoo-Aha!

The Appointment letter are “accepting” the appointment not the Appointment by a Governor Of Alaska by a valid Civil Commission (included) – found one that the didn’t Purge. The sign “employee affidavits’ and get the 41 words correct but the “Oaths” for “Public Officer” are all incorrect as they are RUSE. They usually state “Constitution of the United States of America” versus the “Constitution of the United States’ and other irregularities.

FORGET this Anna Von Reitz as she is fraud wasting valuable time that could used to learn the truth on issues.

Anna Responds:
Ralph, here below is my answer about you and the office I occupy and the situation in general:

I have known Ralph W. for many years, though I haven’t seen him in pushing 20 years. He has knocked around the patriot circles for years and had some success fighting various battles, but just could never get past his assumptions and “programming” after years of being told the same lies over and over and therefore coming to the wrong conclusions—- just as he has now. Again. Still.
Ralph —like most patriots— has never understood the jurisdictions of air, land, and sea, therefore is in no position to understand that the “courts” here in Alaska are not land-based courts and that this is the reason that the Law of the Land doesn’t apply in those courts.

All these years he has been wondering what that gold-fringed flag was in the courtrooms and could never figure it out. He knows it is a military flag well enough, for example— in fact, he is the one who pointed it out to me! I had never thought about it or noticed it before he brought it to my attention.

That’s why I started investigating the military role in all this— Lincoln and the Lieber Code— and ultimately found out about the “Special Admiralty” courts that were created by the military district commanders after the Civil War and which were used by the Carpetbaggers in the South to plunder the “rebels”— whether they were rebels or not after the war.

That’s what the gold-fringe is. Congress allowed the military to name civilians to run quasi-civilian military tribunals throughout the South. They call it “Special Admiralty” or “Executive Admiralty”—-another euphemism for martial common law. That’s what they have been inflicting on all of us all these years.

So let me finally settle that question for Ralph, before I launch into the “rest of the story”—- I am a Judge for the Alaska State Superior Court. Not the “State of Alaska Superior Court”.

Notice the difference? Alaska State Superior Court does not equal State of Alaska Superior Court. It’s another “deceptively similar names” gambit, where the rats named their sea-based admiralty court something so similar to the name of the land-based court we are owed that people “assumed” that the “State of Alaska Superior Court” must be the right court.

Well, stop assuming. Start looking. Closely.

The Alaska State Superior Court is the land jurisdiction court owed to the Alaska State on the Land, the one referenced in the Alaska Statehood Compact. It operates in the 3rd Postal District, not the Third United States District.
Ralph is absolutely right that I don’t work for the Third “Judicial” District –that is, the Third United States District court system. I wouldn’t spit on the best part of the “Alaska Court System” if I could find it. And he is also right that I am not a Bar Attorney— but then, I could not be a Bar Attorney and occupy a Public Office of any kind representing the Republic. That’s because of another fact that Ralph knows but never understood and that is that both the original prohibitions in the actual Constitution against titles of nobility and the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) forbid Bar Members from occupying any public office in the Republic.

There is another fact that Ralph knows but has never been able to explain. He knows his Constitution backwards, forwards, and upside down. He knows he is owed Common Law under Amendment VII. But why he can’t “get there from here” when he goes into one of their courts remains a mystery. That’s another mystery I can clear up for him. When you incorporate anything, like the rats incorporated our government–first at the federal level and then the state level and then the county level—you remove it from the jurisdiction of the land and send it straight out to sea and you place it under the international jurisdiction of the sea and the Law of the Sea. That’s why the “federal” judges tell people that they “have no Constitutional rights”— and that they will be held in contempt of court if they talk about the Constitution in their court.

Well, guess what, Ralph? Those judges are right. The Constitution is the Law of the Land. Not the Law of the Sea. It’s as simple as that. All these years people have been struggling with these corrupt, crazy, senseless courts and it is as simple as the FACT that these were never your courts to begin with. And those “judges” running those courts never held a public office.

Remember? They are Bar Attorneys. They COULD NOT hold a public office— so what are they? They are private corporate officers running private for-hire courts on our soil, and we have been stupid enough to let them drag us into their jurisdiction and apply their corporate “Public Policies” to us—- notice NOT “Public Laws”— and their “statutory laws” too, and fleece us for all that we are worth.

Ralph will be VERY interested to learn that for the first time in many years, a young man has acted as a Bounty Hunter under the 14th Amendment and won a $64,000,000.00 judgment in his favor, shut down four law firms, seized the bar cards of all those attorneys and now those attorneys are facing federal charges that we would all know and recognize like “fraud”—-but also charges so exotic my head spins. They are facing at least a hundred years in jail for what they tried to do to this young man and to our Republic.

That’s because I am right and Ralph is wrong. We both know that the attorneys are crooks—- but I know why and I know how they’ve pulled it off. If Ralph bothered to read our affidavit, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” he would be a lot farther along in understanding it, too. I know why that young man and every other man in this country can act as a Bounty Hunter and go after these vermin and clear them off our shores and put them in jail and confiscate their property. It’s the same reason that I am a Judge and that I am lawfully occupying a Public Office in Alaska.

Remember when the states and counties incorporated back in the 1950’s and 60’s? In order to receive “Federal Revenue Sharing”—-which is just another euphemism for kickbacks from successful “federal government” racketeering? One night you went to bed on the land jurisdiction of your native soil, and the next you woke up in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea.
All because those units of government incorporated.

At the same time, all the Public Offices were converted to Private Corporate Offices instead. The Sheriffs went from being peacekeeping officers tasked with enforcing the Organic and Public Law of the Land to being “law enforcement” officers tasked with enforcing corporate “Public Policies” and corporate “statutory law” and “codes” and “regulations”. Read the Clearfield Doctrine. The “United States Congress” which is NOT the same as “the United States in Congress Assembled” declared that all state offices were vacated as of 1976 and that all state laws were released to the United Nations in the same year. Don’t believe it? Read the Foreign Sovereigns Immunities Act and the related International Organizations Immunities Act.

These vermin have been running a “governmental services corporation” as if it was your lawful government. They have been occupying what APPEAR to be Public Offices, but which are in fact Private Corporate Offices instead. This has allowed them to abuse the power of Public Office without the accountability of Public Office and to use the power of Public Office for private gain.

THAT is what has been going on here. And that is why I DO occupy one of a FEW true Public Offices in the Alaska State. NOT the “State of Alaska” and not the “STATE OF ALASKA” and not “ALASKA” which are all just corporations having no more granted authority or public office than the administrators at Wendy’s or Walmart.

Which brings me to a point that I need to communicate to Ralph and the rest of the Party Hearties who have fought so long and so hard to restore this country and this rightful government—– there are Public Offices aplenty to be filled here in Alaska. I am past retirement age myself and so is my husband. We are just standing in office because we desperately need boots on the ground to fill all the vacated Public Offices that the Alaska State is owed—- which means, not to put too sharp a point on it— where to Hell are you, Ralph? And the Montana Freemen? And the many, many patriots who have known that there was something wrong for 30, 40, 50, 60 years?

We need organizers to spread the word in communities from Juneau to Bristol Bay to Barrow. We need men to stand in every county— yes, Ralph— counties, we are owed counties, and this entire state HAS counties at least on paper—that need to be set up, where elections need to be held, where Public Offices need to be filled. Go down to BLM or get in contact with me and I will give you a copy of the map showing all the counties in Alaska that need to be organized. We need more judges for the Common Law Courts, more sheriffs, more deputies to enforce the Organic Law. We need Land Recorders and County Clerks and Public Notaries and Court Clerks. We need Bailiffs. We need Grand Juries. We need Trial Jury pools. We need Assemblymen and Assemblywoman to operate our unincorporated counties on the land jurisdiction of this country.
We know how to hold elections for vacated public offices, don’t we?

Remember that in the Republic, the power flows from the people to the county to the state to the “federal” entity— and at each step, the amount of power delegated narrows and lessens. OUR government is exactly the opposite of THEIR government.

That’s why we have the power to get together and hold public elections and elect whomever we want to elect and do whatever we please so long as it is in accordance with our national Organic Law— The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation (1781), The Constitution for the united States of America, The Northwest Ordinance and Equal Footing Doctrine, and the Land Law Act of 1785.

We are the heirs of the Republic. It’s ours. We own it, just like inheriting a house or a farm or any other property. It is now ours to repair, remodel, rebuild, and improve as we see fit.

It is also time that we trained up and unleashed a whole new generation of Bounty Hunters. Unlike our forefathers most of these Bounty Hunters won’t need a six-gun strapped to their hips. They will need some very specific legal training and then just step back and let our boys go for it. There won’t be a dishonest law firm left in six months. And you are going to see a LOT of Bar Attorneys ripping up their Bar Cards and coming to work for us in the American Common Law Court System.

It’s time for Ralph to wake up. He’d make a fine Federal Marshal (land)— not a “US Marshal” (sea). Or maybe he’d like to be a Justice? Or an Assemblyman? Or Land Recorder? Lord knows, there’s plenty of vacant Public Offices to be filled and a world of justice to be brought home to our shores.

And as you say, Marje— far too much work to do for anyone to stand around carping and misunderstanding and causing division in the ranks.

The only “shooting” associated in any way with me was shooting done by the Wasilla Police of a friend of the family in my driveway in 2008. It was what some people call a “police assisted suicide”. Jay Rivera was a very troubled man plagued by formally and officially diagnosed Severe Character Fault— a mental illness like Borderline Syndrome or Manic-Depression—but not as constant. He also suffered from alcoholism which he fought every day of his life. In a kinder world, he should have been institutionalized.

By the time he got to us he was on his last legs. Although he was a fantastic gymnast and gymnastics instructor, his addiction and personality disorder problems caused him misery. He couldn’t keep a job, couldn’t keep a girlfriend, couldn’t keep a home. We took him in because he was– in spite of everything– a wonderful man in many ways and being a lot younger, he helped us out with work around the homestead. It was easier for us to put up with his binges and bad times, because we didn’t have to depend on him. So, after he broke up with his last girlfriend, he came back “home” to us and we tried to cheer him up and encourage him to go on.

Jay’s complete, abject hopelessness and resignation that day was understandable. He had fought his illnesses and fought and fought until there was no more to give. I tried to talk to him for an hour before the police arrived. He had a gun— that’s why they shot him— on the false pretext that he was a threat to others. His biological Father had called the police and told them that his son was depressed and had a gun— so they showed up, trespassed on private property and shot him. That was the Wasilla police’s idea of “help.”

It’s the same way all over this country. The “law enforcement agencies” get a nice kickback every time one of us is killed by them, but that’s another story. Jay Rivera gave me one of the greatest lessons and miracles of my life. He came to me the night before he died and wanted to talk. It was late and I was tired, but I said okay. He was stone cold sober. He put on some of his favorite music and talked about his life— how he had a fine wife whom he loved and lost, how he had a son that he missed and could never benefit because of his “condition”, how he had loved being a paratrooper, how he loved this country, how many times he had had good jobs lost them….how many good relationships he had blown, how he owed everything to his adopted Father and loved him and his little sisters so very much.

It was strange, like an exit interview, though of course I couldn’t know that’s what it was at the time. As he was talking I was listening but a part of me was thinking about all the craziness and inconvenience he had brought into our lives and yet, all the good times, too. As I was thinking all this and listening to him, I suddenly realized that I loved Jay in a very special way. I loved him with no conditions whatsoever. And I suddenly knew and felt and connected to the fact that that is the way God loves each and every one of us. No selfishness. No need. No strings. No matter what. No limits. No matter how we fail. No matter how much we cost. No matter how many times we screw up. And a great and abiding peace settled on my heart that has never left me to this day.

The next day, the Wasilla Police murdered a sweet, exhausted, mentally ill man in my front driveway. They came onto my land and they killed him and then they brought dogs and teams of men and they swarmed through my house like they were on a drug bust. No warrant. No reason. They just snoop because that is what they are paid to do. And of course, they didn’t find anything, though they swaggered around in a menacing fashion for hours afterward.

It’s the height of ignorance and stupidity for anyone including Ralph W. to think that I would ever shoot anyone, except in fear for my life. I was never in fear for my life with Jay and I most certainly did not shoot him. Anyone who wants the straight story can read all they want in the archives of the Anchorage Daily News online for March 28-April 4, 2008. There were numerous news reports and tributes because Jay was a popular and much-loved teacher and coach. He just couldn’t love himself. My son, who was one of his students, still talks about him. Still misses him. So do we all.

I am tired of people trying to make something up to discredit me. I am a Great-Grandma from Big Lake, Alaska. That is actually and factually who and what I am. I have no criminal record, not as much as a DUI. I have a good education and a good mind and I have put in hundreds of thousands of hours of work and research. I have shared that learning with the rest of you and told you where you can look to discover the facts in the public records for yourselves.

It is not about me. It never was. It never will be. If a Great-Grandma sitting in Big Lake, Alaska, can figure this out and document it, you have to figure that there are a LOT of people out there who are capable of doing the same if they make the effort, right? So stop the he-said-she-said “bullshit” to use Ralph’s word for the day—and start cracking open the books and citations in the law and the Congressional Records and thinking about the history you learn in the process.
Go XXXXX Listen to Rod Class. Listen to Bruce Doucette. Listen and learn for your own sakes, for your childrens’ sakes, and for your country’s sake. There are now literally hundreds of wonderful websites and news sources. And I have published two books with all the references needed, too:
Daylight in the swamps! You, too, Ralph!

You see what you see and you learn what you learn and at the end of the day, you may disagree with me about one or two minor things—- but the Truth is going to stare you in the face and you are going to know that what I have told you is true. And you will know that you have to stand up and get on the move.

Judge Anna von Reitz

Posted by Freewill at 10:39:00 PM

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, April 2, 2017
Are We Idiots?

By Anna Von Reitz


Rob Class proved it with his decision from Judge Ridgeway.

I proved it with no less than three cases--- one county, one state, and one State Supreme Court.

These courts have no jurisdiction related to you, the living man or woman. None.

They can only address either "United States Citizens" (Territorials) or "citizens of the United States" (Municipals). That's it.
They can't decide anything for you or against you or conduct any business related to you unless you consent to their jurisdiction, and when you do that, you give up all your constitutional rights and guarantees and are stuck relying upon the promises of crooks to provide you (at their discretion) with privileges known as "equal civil rights".

To make this all the more ridiculous, the judges and lawyers operating these courts are under obligation of their corporate employers to fleece you silly, so what it amounts to is that you are asking for mercy (in equity) from Bill Collectors whose real job is to collect money from you. That's why they constantly abuse their discretion.

Hello? Hello? Please, God, Hello?

Tell me why anyone is putting any faith, trust, or hope in the so-called "judicial system" that is presently squatting on our shores, running private Bill Collection agencies under the guise of being public courts, and otherwise acting under color of law with respect to us in every respect?

Nearly every day I get calls and reams of paperwork and emails sharing the latest foolproof court processes and pleas and evidence proofs and that is all very fine, but after all that I have told you, after all that has been exposed---- does it make sense to even deal with these courts at all?

They aren't your courts. They aren't interested in the law or the facts----in fact, they are not allowed to hear the law or the facts concerning your PERSONS. Your PERSONS are guilty by definition before you ever step foot in one of their court rooms, so why go there? It's considerably worse than foxes in hen houses.

Instead, folks, put your time, money, and energy into building your own jural assemblies and taking back the lawful courts you are owed. The issues have already been decided---see Milligan Ex Parte. When your American Common Law Courts are up and running, the martial law courts have to shut down.

So shut them down, don't pay them money and beg them for mercy.

Posted by Freewill at 12:27:00 AM

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Chaos »

Deep Knight wrote:Image

Saturday, April 1, 2017
Posted on March 17, 2016 by David Robinson

:snip: whole lot of holy crap
when you have to write that much gibberish to prove someone else wrong, they are probably right.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Now there's a name we haven't tripped over recently, my my, he does seem to have annoyed her, and here all this time I just thought old Kermie was just an annoying blowhard, he's actually good for something, if only one krazed Alaskan blowhard liar calling out another.

I had forgotten that Kermie was another of the magic word warriors.

He is a genuine repository of sovcit nutbaggery.

And then pretend judge Anna von Krock O'Hooey goes on and drags good ole Roddy into it all.

No wonder my head hurts after wading through all that.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Jeffrey »

Looks like Bruce Doucette who beefed with fake judge Anna was indicted recently: ... er-county/

Didn't find a thread on the topic.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

A longer story is in my local paper ... als-judges

See also ... from_embed

Thursday, April 6, 2017

By Anna Von Reitz

Everything has a logic. Rain falls down, not up. Fire can warm your house or burn it down.

In this country, we have two kinds of government. We have the de facto government --- Federal/Territorial/Municipal ---- that is hired to provide stipulated services. We have the de jure government which, if we have a brain in our heads, we serve and cherish as our means to direct and control the de facto. That’s the way it is and the only other option is insurrection.

Some time ago I separated myself and my Living Law team from Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton and “Judge Micky” and various others who started out with the goal of restoring the lawful de jure government, but then, went off track.

This is not my first rodeo and not the first time I have had to do this. Patriot leaders and the groups they establish regularly become convinced that rain falls up and fire doesn’t burn.

Now I hear that Bruce Doucette and several others have been arrested and are facing sixteen felony counts. There will probably be more arrests to come.

You can live under the Statutory Law or you can live under the Public Law. You can sail on the sea or stand on the land---- and that’s ultimately your choice. What you can’t do is willfully wobble around in between and just make things up as you go.

You are either a United States citizen or a non-citizen national--- and whichever it is, you have to obey the laws and take the lumps that go with that political status.

Fish or fowl.

Here’s an example: you can’t claim with one breath to be a Colorado State Judge and with the next breath claim that you have authority as a judge in Oregon, too. It doesn’t work that way. Land jurisdiction offices are tied to the land and have strict geographic boundaries.

I have explained that fact hundreds of times, but it just went in one ear and out the other with some people. They kept on claiming to have authorities here, there, and everywhere.

I had one woman tell me she was a “United States Justice of America”--- a totally made-up name for a non-existent office, yet she insisted that she had universal authority in all fifty states and she wanted a badge to prove it, too.

Yes, Virginia, there really are wing-nuts out there. And they are dangerous. They are dangerous in and of themselves, because they do crazy things and make crazy claims of power and authority based on thin air, but more importantly, they are dangerous because they mislead other people.

There are a lot of disgruntled, unhappy Americans out here in the trenches and many have righteous complaints; unfortunately, we’ve also been dumbed down and kept ignorant so that most people don’t know how their government is supposed to work and some won’t take the time and make the effort to learn, much less implement it.

They want to go out and do their own thing. Damn the torpedoes. Damn the law. Damn the limitations of old, outmoded public offices. We are the people, we can do whatever we want! …..And so on.

Inevitably, such people come to the attention of the FBI and other agencies and just as inevitably they get arrested--- because what they are doing and encouraging others to do, is wrong.

Left to the mercy of such leaders we could wind up with the Glory Rangers of America at our door, parading around and lording it over the rest of us with no rhyme or reason to anything.

Once you leave the tracks our Forefathers built, it’s too easy to devolve into a world of Simon Says or Bruce Says or Anna Says, a world in which there are no rules beyond raw power, and no law but public sentiment.

That’s why, even though I am saddened by this turn of events, I am relieved also. All an insurrection does is harm innocent people on both sides of the fence.

So, let me refocus everyone on the actual job at hand and the step-by-step process:

Getting your own political status cleaned up is Job One.

Getting your local county jural assembly together is Job Two.

Getting your local unincorporated county government up and fully functioning is Job Three.

After that, your counties will form your land jurisdiction states.

Your states will then be enabled to call a land jurisdiction Continental Congress together.

And whatever changes need to be made in our relationship with the hired government can be made via peaceful and agreed upon processes.

To assist you in getting your local county jural assembly up and on its feet, the Michigan General Jural Assembly is hosting a Thursday night call, nine o'clock p.m., EST, 1-712-770-4160, access code 226823#, and they also offer help through their website at xxxxx

Please bear in mind that every state and every county in this country is unique. That's part of the beauty and the strength of our country, but it also means that you have to do your own homework. There is a Handbook that shares the process that Michigan went through, but it isn't a template per se, because all 3100 counties are different and all 50 states are different.

If you want to be free, come prepared to do some real work.

Posted by Freewill at 4:54:00 PM

Monday, April 10, 2017
Yes, I Dropped the Ball -- Please Resend and Post This - Anna von Reitz
FBI Informers, the Bundys, and Watering Horses
Posted on April 7, 2017 by David Robinson
Judge Anna von Reitz

Ask yourself this question: if there are any “FBI Informants” operating in the take-down of the Colorado Grand Juries and State Justices— where are they?

Chances are they are in jail with the rest of the folks, so that they can continue to spy on and manipulate them from a position of trust.

They are certainly not standing here as I have been for yea, so many weeks, giving warning and instruction to people so that they might correct their ways and avoid arrest.

I hear that my name and that of Bella Haywood have been taken in vain and certain parties who are in fact to blame for this debacle have been accusing us of being traitors and informers and so on.

The plain fact is that if these people had followed our advice or even just paid attention to the Public Law they wouldn’t be arrested. There would be no big controversy.

I’ve also been getting a lot of mail about the Bundys. Save the Bundys! Save the Bundys!

The Bundys have had the benefit of my advice and the facts since Day One of their arrest. I explained it to them and I will explain it to all of you again.

United States Citizens and “citizens of the United States” have no constitutional rights. At most, they have “equal civil rights”– but those rights are at the discretion of the Congress and the courts. This is why that federal judge felt that she could afford to laugh in their faces and threaten them with contempt of court for mentioning The Constitution.

They are being tried under false presumptions in a court that is totally foreign to them. They are being tried as “US citizens” and with the possible exception of Ryan Bundy, they have done absolutely nothing to rebut that presumption.

They could get an authenticated copy of their Birth Certificate, accept it as “Drawee” on the front of the document and then endorse it over on the back to the United States of America, U.S. Treasury Without Recourse— and make Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible for AMMON BUNDY, for example.

That would very neatly separate them from the PERSON that is on trial.

They could also post a very hefty Private Registered Indemnity Bond with the Treasury and use that to insure (indemnify) themselves against any charges brought against AMMON BUNDY—- which is just a ledger ACCOUNT that the rats in Nevada are bent on pillaging.

They could ask to see the Bid and Performance Bond related to their case. If they did this in open court the clerk would poop green goo, but have no choice but to produce the incriminating evidence.

They could then accept those Bid and Performance Bonds for Value, charge them off against their Indemnity Bond, and return it to the same laughing Judge and make her laugh out of the other side of her ugly face.

And if no Bid and Performance Bonds were forthcoming, the Prosecutor would have to pay for the whole proceedings out of his pocket and the Judge would have to dismiss.

There have to be two dozen things that they could do to walk out of that court as free men, but no, they won’t listen.

Just like Bruce Doucette wouldn’t listen. And Michael R. Hamilton won’t listen. And Randy Drew wouldn’t listen. And Terry Trussell wouldn’t listen. And Tim Turner wouldn’t listen. And so many, many, many others.

They all insist on calling themselves some kind of United States citizens. They all insist on answering to names. They all insist that they have constitutional rights when United States citizens have never had constitutional rights in over two hundred years…. They all have to try to snow the court under with fancy common law documents that don’t apply and reams of case law that don’t apply.

They just can’t connect to the fact that they are being dragged through a commercial court in international jurisdiction.

And when I try to tell them this, they pause, stare blankly at me, and then go right on with whatever they were doing anyway. It’s like the information hits a “bumper” in their brain and they just reject it like a pinball being tossed aside.

So, please, everyone, this is what I have had to deal with. It isn’t that I haven’t tried or failed my duty to share information or anything else. I have talked and shared until I am blue in the face—- to no avail.

You can lead a horse to water, but….. if the “horse” wants to go to jail, then at a certain point, you just step aside and let him.

Posted by Freewill at 4:36:00 PM


Anonymous April 10, 2017 at 7:51 PM
Typical of what I have heard for the last 40 years from many people. They did not listen to me so they will or did lose. Or, they did not do it exactly as I said, so they lost. Fake judge anna has never provided one single instance where her "procedures" have worked. Why then would any body listen??

Anonymous April 10, 2017 at 8:31 PM
No body listens.
if your world say the world is round, and everyone you know believes that, will you listen if someone says the world is flat?
No! You will call the one who said it's flat, crazy or insane.
I know so much more than so many that sit here and bask in belittling people who don't think like them.
And guess the fuck what?
It's because we don't think like you that we do know, and when we tell you to do something and it sounds stupid to you, its because you never took the time to learn it, or it sounded so out there you refuse to learn it.
And the people NOT in jail will do that shit and stay out of jail.
That's why.
No body needs to put their self out there trying to teach people who don't want to listen how to be free.
The only reason I know what I know is because I was willing to hear both sides.
Not one that made me feel good, but both.
The Creator, where all of you are fighting evil and pretending you are good, well the Creator created both sides.
Sometimes you have to 'think like them' just to defeat them.
Are you evil? No, but you at least know what you see when you see it, and can deal with it when it comes your way.
And still be good in the process.
I'm not teaching mean people how to be free.
Mean people will be free mean people.
We don't need any of that.
Emotions aside is the best freedom people can have.
Not discriminating against anyone for any choice and leaving all the battles and wars to their God or Creator is the only way to be truly free.
People do not know how to let go and let God and many will be judged by their God for how they judged other people who were doing God's work and had to get into the trenches with evil people to learn how they think and what they do just so they can act like them and defeat them at the same time.
You on the outside called them names while you were arm chair quarterback.
Calling the moves and demeaning people who have given you the little freedom from the police state that you currently have,
while you roll over and beg for their meds, and their award shows, and their presidents and talk shit to the people who know stuff that could make your family free, keep you in your home, keep you with your job, and all other kinds of things.
And those people you are waiting on to go to jail will NEVER go to jail, cause jail is a contract.
The only thing that will take out the bad guys here is an invasion from the outside to remove them, but you don't even know who the enemy is.
You'd have them kill me over something posted on the internet before you let an invasion kill the people who really hold you back.
Flat earth.
How did that make you feel?
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Pretend judges Doucette and Byfield along with a large cast of pretend grand jurors and grand jury administrators were arrested for a literal laundry list of crimes, 34 charges, taking place over the entire state of Colorado, largely filing false instruments, lines, and harassing well nearly everyone who had ever crossed their paths, judicial and public officer threats and intimidation. the usual pretend grand jury stuff, a much expanded version of what Terry Trussell tried down in FL. Pretend judge Doucette also tried to insert himself in to the Malheur Occupation in WA, didn't get too much traction there.

A lot of this seems to have gotten started with the crowd of grand jury crazies over in Mesa County, of which pretend judge Curry, now a guest of the state, was one of the lead instigators.

I would say from the looks of things that the Colorado AG is going for blood on this one and to make examples of them.

The Camera and the Pueblo Chietan did a much better job of covering this than the Denver Post managed.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

Since this went down in Colorado, I can't help but wonder if David Van Pelt was playing along at home.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:Since this went down in Colorado, I can't help but wonder if David Van Pelt was playing along at home.
He's probably trying to figure out how to inject his beloved "remedy" into this witches' brew.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by rogfulton »

Anna Banana wrote:You can live under the Statutory Law or you can live under the Public Law. You can sail on the sea or stand on the land---- and that’s ultimately your choice. What you can’t do is willfully wobble around in between and just make things up as you go.
Just one quote of many I could have chosen.

I wonder if she had to replace her Irony Meter?
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Merrill doesn't share and play well with others, so in this instance I seriously doubt it. There was activity down in Pueblo County against a couple of judges, but I don't remember seeing anything relating to Colorado Springs.

This little fandango seems to have largely and initially started in Mesa County and generally the western slope as part of the pretend grand jury craze and then sort of oozed in to the rest of the state. Pretend judge Doucette was hand in glove with pretend judge Curry(Meteor fraud Man) on the western slope in organizing and planning their little group over there before he got sent to prison for fraud. I don't know if any of this group was originally directly connected to Johnny Two Names in NY, but there was at least one if not two groups in CO that were officially excommunicated by NLA for just talking about doing just what this crowd did and attract the attentions of the legal community, and when they did it they apparently went for it as they say, judges, sheriffs, clerks, commissioners, and general people who had somehow managed to annoy or disagree with them. There was at one time at least one pretend grand jury group in Denver proper, and one in the NE part of the sate, but I have since lost track of them, possibly as their attentions wandered to other things as this crowd is want to do, or they are in jail for something else, always a consideration with this crowd.

I seriously doubt that Anna Banana can even get close to an irony meter without serious consequences.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, May 2, 2017
The "Situation" in Colorado

By Anna Von Reitz

The "Situation" in Colorado

More information about the situation in Colorado is surfacing---slowly, I think, because those responsible for it are grappling with some hard issues of culpability of their own.

It's one of those odd situations where nobody is right.

The Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators followed the directives they received from the Grand Juries they serve, and under Common Law, that is what they were obligated to do.

Accordingly, its the members of the actual Grand Jury that should be arrested --- if anyone should be arrested at all.
This conclusion begs the question of whether or not the Judges and Grand Jury Administrators properly advised the juries of the jurisdictional issues involved---- but as my experience with them proves, they didn't know that part of it themselves.
Here's the Blow by Blow as I understand it to date:

The Colorado Grand Juries conducted an investigation and found that the judges in all the State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO courts lacked the credentials required by Colorado Session Law.

This is information that has been corroborated on a national level.

Out of literally thousands of judges whose credentials have been pulled in all fifty states, exactly one, a guy in Wisconsin, had all the proper credentials and bonds and public oath required to be a judge on file.


So how can you have people functioning as judges, who don't obey the published requirements to hold the office?

The answer is simple though disturbing.

These judges aren't functioning in any public office at all.

They only appear to be holding the public offices, which are in fact vacated.

The irony is that the Colorado State Grand Juries were simply holding the State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO Judges to the standard that Colorado Public Law requires.

The Colorado Grand Juries concluded that in the absence of meeting the requirements of public office, all these State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO "judges" were apparently engaged in constructive fraud.

And the argument can certainly be made that they were and are.

There has been no necessary disclosure to the general public that the State of Colorado and STATE OF COLORADO are operating foreign admiralty and administrative courts on our soil under the auspices of the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States, respectively.

There has been no disclosure that they are operating in-house corporate and military tribunals on our shores.

The people have been led to believe by circumstance if nothing else, that these foreign admiralty and private corporate courts are in fact their own public courts. They had the reasonable expectation that the judges holding court in their courthouses and ostensibly operating courts under the name of their state, Colorado, had the obligation to conform to the requirements of the public offices they appear to hold.

Now, it is true that I told them that the "State of Colorado" and the "STATE OF COLORADO" are not the same as the Colorado State. It is true that I warned the Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators that these foreign "federated state" courts were operating in a private capacity and in an entirely different jurisdiction and that the judges in these courts were not obligated to meet the requirements of Colorado State public office.

I told them and they didn't listen and they got arrested for crossing into "federated state" jurisdiction and indicting undeclared foreign agents operating under the 1947 Bar Association Treaty--- but the further fact is that these Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators are not subject to federal jurisdiction and have sovereign immunity of their own.

They are not operating as Territorial or Municipal citizens, and in fact, they had reasonable cause to suspect constructive fraud because neither the State of Colorado nor the STATE OF COLORADO have ever openly and honestly admitted that they are not public courts, their officers have failed to declare their status as Foreign Agents which is required under federal law---and as long as they are operating as employees of "federal franchise states" they are required to follow federal law.

So who stinketh the most?

The people of Colorado who have a right to expect that the courts operating in their state follow the public law, or the Bar Members operating private Territorial and Municipal courts "as if" they were public courts when in fact they are not?
It is also the fact that the courts that have charged and which are attempting to try the Colorado State Judges and Grand Jury Administrators can't possibly come up with a Grand Jury of their "peers" to charge them or a Trial Jury competent to try them.

It's a total faux pas on both sides. Stay tuned.

Posted by Freewill at 9:35:00 AM
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