They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

My final point for today--- the success of evil people in telling lies depends on large part on our gullibility and willingness to believe lies.
Anna's own MO exactly.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Sovereign spat
June 12, 2018
Brendan Joel Kelley

The titular head of a fictitious government has issued an “international arrest warrant” for a self-proclaimed judge who’s an influential guru in the anti-government extremist sovereign citizen movement.

The practice of sovereign citizens founding their own pretend governments is fairly common. Sovereign citizens believe that the U.S. government has been illegitimate since the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment and the end of the gold standard. They believe both events turned the United States into a corporation and its citizens into corporate slaves.

John Harold Fulks signed the aforementioned arrest order as “Governor for the Government of The United States of America”; the sovereign judge named in the document is Alaska-based Anna Maria Riezinger, aka Anna von Reitz. Riezinger’s husband (and “Hereditary Head of State for The United States of America”), James Clinton Belcher, and a conspiracy website proprietor named Destry Payne are also named in the bogus arrest warrant that offers a glimpse into the convoluted logic of the movement itself.

The warrant was in response to claims von Reitz made online in April 2017. She told her followers that the General Post Office, which is an “agency” of Fulks “Government of The United States of America” was gathering an “army” and planning to invade the Continental united States of America (sic), which is the psuedo nation that von Reitz belongs to. She warned people against supporting the General Post Office and called the “Government of The United States of America” illegitimate saying “you can call yourself God, Mother and apple pie for all I care and the answer is still all the same. You have no right to be here causing trouble on our soil.”

The charges in the document against Riezinger, Belcher and Payne include “publishing international propaganda on behalf of a foreign Monarch, making false claims against the Government of The United States of America, inciting violence and revolution, thereby inciting international terrorism on behalf of a foreign communist government, as well as violations of numerous Articles within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

The order also states “that any and all are hereby authorized to detain, incarcerate, and in the case of violent resistance, use deadly force against” the trio of sovereigns.

“These people are whackjobs that think because they made a claim on abandonment on the name ‘The United States of America’ that they own it,” Riezinger wrote in an email to Hatewatch regarding her sovereign foes.

As for the phony arrest warrant, Riezinger wrote, “that has become a fashionable thing to issue arrest warrants with no authority and no court and no enforcement to back them up as a publicity stunt.”

Sovereign citizens — who generally disdain the term, calling it an oxymoron — have a variety of beliefs, often espoused by internet gurus like Riezinger, but their core tenets are typically the same.

Some sovereign citizens engage in fraudulent pseudo-judicial activity to further their agendas, and others have resorted to violence, especially against law enforcement, when they felt their freedoms were infringed upon.

Prominent sovereigns are often involved in spats with one another, as with the fake arrest warrant issued by a “governor” to a competing “judge.” Riezinger is no stranger to these spats. In 2017 she beefed on the internet with another sovereign “judge,” Bruce Doucette of Colorado, and publicly disassociated herself from him less than a month before Doucette was indicted on a slew of charges related to his activities as a sovereign citizen. They included participating in a racketeering enterprise, retaliating against a judge and attempting to influence a public servant.

Doucette was sentenced last month to 38 years in prison as a result of the case, and Riezinger swiftly issued a “told you so” email, writing, “I did nothing wrong and I am not in trouble. I obeyed and honored the Public Law and the jurisdictions set forth under the Constitutions. I advised them to do the same. They chose otherwise. I am still here and they are in jail. It isn't my fault that they are, and it gives me no joy that I was right.”

Riezinger and the group which wrote the spurious arrest warrant, the Government of The United States of America, have been feuding online sporadically for years, and seem unlikely to stop anytime soon. Riezinger concluded her email to Hatewatch by writing, “Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant people out there.”
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

I give up!! I've now officially lost count of how many pretend national gov'ts we have now.

Considering how many "actual" members they all have combined they still couldn't fill the back room at Denny's.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Gregg »

Judge Anna Von Pop Fart wrote:“These people are whackjobs that think because they made a claim on abandonment on the name ‘The United States of America’ that they own it,” Riezinger wrote in an email to Hatewatch regarding her sovereign foes.
Millions of Irony Meters all over the world exploded simultaneously as soon as she hit 'send' on that e-mail.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Millions of Irony Meters all over the world exploded simultaneously as soon as she hit 'send' on that e-mail.
Stuff and nonsense. Unshunted irony meters became impractical with the advent of the internet. Nowadays, the wise user has at least a 10 kilo-poot shunt in parallel with the blather input to absorb and disipate any severe overloads that might damage what remains a sensitive instrument.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:09 am Stuff and nonsense. Unshunted irony meters became impractical with the advent of the internet. Nowadays, the wise user has at least a 10 kilo-poot shunt in parallel with the blather input to absorb and disipate any severe overloads that might damage what remains a sensitive instrument.


I had a friend who was a physics major in college, and he pointed out the definition of a phony metric unit on a posted list in their seminar room. Called the "Horn," it was a measure of sexual attraction, where 1 Horn would cause two people of 1 kilogram combined body mass separated by 1 meter to copulate in 1 second. So, if there was an attraction of 1 horn, two people with a combined body mass of 100 kg 1 meter apart would start to get it on in 100 seconds.

In the same whimsical spirit, I posted a counter-thesis, which questioned if combining the subjects mass and their attraction was proper (this was an analog of how gravity works), and asserted measuring each individually was correct. I used the example of extreme differences in body weights and only one individual doing the moving, which results in a clear bias against those who are quick on their feet and like their paramours with curves.

Then I bemoaned the problems with doing the experiments necessary to get to the truth of the matter. I suggested that in a sterile laboratory environment, surrounded by monitors and white-lab-coated guys with clipboards, those thing alone would influence the experiment more than the variations I was suggesting, making research fun but futile. The scientific method is a cruel mistress.

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I would have suggested similar methodology to the Cavendish experiment to quantify gravitational attraction and thus the gravitational constant.

In essense, a specially built isolated shed observed by telescopes.

'poot' is widely used on the Fogbow as a general term for wierdos of interest.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Poot has other more common connotations that are not mutually exclusive, and would be appropriate to the Fogbow term.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:50 pm I would have suggested similar methodology to the Cavendish experiment to quantify gravitational attraction and thus the gravitational constant.

In essense, a specially built isolated shed observed by telescopes.
Strangely enough, I came across the Cavendish experiment recently while looking up the guy with the steam powered rocket funded by the Flat Earth Society. They seem to feel that if the Cavendish experiment can be shown to be flawed or faked, this disproves the earth being a sphere. I read their argument, and it could be condensed to, "just because."
Cavendish Experiment

The Cavendish experiment is the ‘achilles heel’ of the modern religion of scientism and, in particular, the entire field (doctrine) of modern astrophysics. Any honest, objective, intelligent individual who takes the time to study the official story of the Cevendish experiment will be left with a question almost exitential in its importance: how on earth could anybody possibly believe this is legitimate science? all goes back to a rudimentary experiment performed in a shed, without the aid of electricity, in the late 1700s? What if you were to learn that this ‘Cavendish experiment’, named after the man who purportedly performed it, determined the mass of the entire earth? What if you were to learn that, aided with the magic of ‘orbital mechanics’, any schmo with an elementary understanding of mathematics can use the alleged mass of the earth to then deduce the mass of any planet they so wish?

If you still possess a functioning brain, your first thought might be to wonder why the author of this page would attempt to misrepresent science in such flagrant fashion. Of course the scientists have much more convincing and reliable methods for determining their scientific facts! As if anybody would ever claim they could weigh the entire earth in a shed 200+ years ago, let alone use this figure to then determine the mass of other planets such as Mars. How preposterous!

Well then hang on to your hat, squire. What you are about to learn will change forever the way you think about the people we call ‘scientists’, and cause you to question the entire cosmology you have accepted on faith since childhood. Indeed, it may even lead you to an existential crisis the likes of which you could never have seen coming. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
But scientists don’t really believe this, do they?

Oh yes, they do. They have to. This story is central to the history of modern science and, like any other religious belief system, once cannot reject a key a key plank of the doctrine without calling into question their faith in the entire belief system. If science could lie about knowing how much earth weighs and get away with it, then science could lie about anything and get away with it. The implications of renouncing belief in the Cavendish experiment are profound.

This is without taking into account the fact that Cavendish’s alleged findings are also used, along with Newton’s ‘law of universal gravitation‘ and Kepler’s ‘laws of planetary motion‘, to produce all of the scientific ‘facts’ related to the ‘physical’ properties of the objects of the Solar System: official figures for the ‘mass’, ‘density’, ‘surface gravity’ (and more) are all determined by calculations which are based on the original figure for ‘Big G’ given by Cavendish experiment.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The Cavendish experiment is the ‘achilles heel’ of the modern religion of scientism
It always puzzles me when people call science a religion. When I was at school, we did not have a particle accelerator to play with but we did have enough kit to replicate most scientific experiments up to the begining of the 20th C. We were taught that if you do this, this is what will happen and this is why we expect the result we get. No body ever said 'believe this', they said try it yourself and see what you think.

I first encountered religion at the age of five when starting primary school. The idea seemed improbale given my very small life experience up till then, and no questions produced a more satisfatory answer tha 'because we say so' or because the bible says so'. I was an odd and awkward child. Pragmatic experiments such as not closing my eyes and praying when told to do so produced no adverse effects.
I kinda evolved the scientific method for myself at an early age and had a tendency to say 'show me' or how does that work' which often got me at least partially comprehensible explanations of telephones and water pumps but fell well short on heaven and miracles.
Nowadays the wierdness of much stuff on the internet including flat earthism provides much amusement, like the quote above. It is a form of mental weighlifting to check for symptoms of senility.

It's one reason why I find fake news and pseudo-law so amusing. After 70 years of sensible, the out and out daft is quite refreshing.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

The wife and I were in Costa Rica before Christmas, when there was a crescent moon. At 10 deg N latitude vs. 40 deg N latitude (at home) the moon's "tilt" is noticeably different, which is due to the earth being a sphere not flat. Which is why I was stupid and when taking a romantic sunset walk on the beach and didn't pitch woo but expounded on a "flat earthers must not get around much" thing instead. Ah, the foolishness of non-youth!

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I was recently in Faial in the Azores, looking at the top of Pico at sunset. On my hotel balcony on the south coast of Faial I had just watched the sun set into the Atlantic. A few miles to the southeast, the 7,700 ft. high Pico island was mostly still sunlit and it took about 20 minutes to half an hour pefore the sunlight ceased illuminating the tip of the mountain, as the sun sank further below my horizon.
As I watched it my thoughts turned to how the flat earth bunch would explain what was so clearly visible to the senses they say to trust.

I agree that they simply do not seem to get out much.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I lived in Puerto Rico, from July of 1973 until February of 1974. I remember the moon being angled differently than it is, in Massachusetts; and I remember the sun actually creeping into the northern half of the sky, in the first weeks that I was down there.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, June 28, 2018
Too many complaints about the arrests not happening and why they are not

The arrests of the cabal are not going to happen until the cabal owned courts including the state courts are returned to constitutional law. Q has posted this. Anna Von Reitz has preached this. Jeff Sessions ordered the courts to start obeying the laws at the beginning of this year. We are reseating the original jurisdiction assemblies so we can nullify the cabal state courts by reseating the original article 3 courts. Until we complete the state's assemblies we will not have the arrests. Like it or not, This must happen before we can hold trials on the cabal. Our version of the Nuremberg trials.

You want to know what the hold up is? Look in a mirror and you will see what the hold up is. The sooner the people get involved and make it happen, the sooner the arrests will happen. Fact is fact.
Like Donald Trump said... he was elected to return the power back to the American people. We must be assembled to take it back.

This is the real deal. This is our last chance to rip America from the clutches of the British Crown and the Vatican. If we fail, America will be nothing more than a slave colony to the Vatican. Nobody else is going to do it for you so get off your butt and get involved. Many states are now holding their assembly conference meetings and getting organized. They need you now.

Posted by Freewill at 1:41:00 AM


Anonymous June 28, 2018 at 7:50 AM
I was reading that the cabal were to be handeld by a military tribunal or the military

Freewill June 28, 2018 at 9:57 AM
Thinking about numbers. A population of 300 million people in the states. Lets say 1% are cabal and have committed crimes against the people. That makes 3 million criminals that need to go to trial. How many Military bases do we have? How many military courts on those bases? We have 3,200 counties. That makes 937.5 trials per county. If the military has maybe 30 courts, that would make 100,000 trials per court. Each trial can go for several days with testimony and deliberations. It is virtually impossible for the military to hold trials. The only way we can do this is with every county court being an article 3 court of the people. Hope this makes sense to you.

Anonymous June 28, 2018 at 9:53 AM
What is the plan to return the courts to constitutional law?

Anonymous June 28, 2018 at 9:53 AM
How will a few dozen people in a phone-in show change anything?

Anonymous June 28, 2018 at 11:31 AM
Here is what has been stated via military sources and Trump - announcements to be made over July 4th; attorneys to be 'trained' in common law; arrests of some have been made quietly - putting in GITMO and FEMA facilities; the nation is already a Republic, and more. Allot is in process of being done right now!!! Got to know who to be in touch with and keeping in touch. The entire nation in a wide sweep will be officially restored, including all the courts. Elections of officials are to take place across the nation. Just gave you a peep at what is coming.

Anonymous June 28, 2018 at 4:10 PM
To Anon at 11:31: Those arrests will not happen. What will you write when your information is proven to be false?
Attorneys are already trained in common law. Unlike you, they know what the term means.

Anonymous June 28, 2018 at 5:38 PM
As with this article, words are cheap. Actions speak louder.

slaveman June 28, 2018 at 7:57 PM
anon 4:10,... the arrests WILL happen, and are happening every day. Bar attorneys trained in common law is bullsh*t. These 'attorneys' as you call them, are nothing more than water boys for the deep state,AKA cabal,AKA new worlders, etc. These "attorneys" will no longer be allowed to 'practice' law without constitutional authority, as in the past,... put that in yer pipe and smoke it.

Anonymous June 28, 2018 at 7:39 PM
That fourth of July promise has been going on since Drake became a public announcer after David Wilcock (the real David) supposedly vetted him and later got his life threatened.
Now we have Drake in the background and his words or similar statements popping up every 4th of July.
The more people 'supposedly wake up', the more they hear things for the first time and think it's the first time it's been said, written, or stated.
Then those of us that are awake, and have been for a long time and we see the 'tricks' over and over again, we are the ones who get insulted by the new awake and the just plain mean folk, that I know they are sick in body because no one can be that mean and just don't flow like that...
because we are awake we know how attitude and treatment of people ripples back to ourselves.
Needless to say, but I'll say it.
Q is not trump as some thought he was
Q stating what trump later put in a twitter feed has already been explained by the people who exposed it as a LARP....there was a server that queued up twitter feeds before they appeared on twitter.
The people that knew about it, could get see a tweet before everyone else could.
It was exploited by the Q people because those types of sites had people that knew how to do and access things the rest of us don't.
That was shut down, now Q can't do that again.
People will 'follow' anyone.
You can pay people to do things that others will think is an original act.
like riot
like sit in
like occupy
like gather in a crowd for an event - crisis actors
like wear shirts with the letter Q on it at a public event
And people like to follow.
I don't care what you do.........but if you waiting on what someone else tells you is true, and you don't know it first hand...who's to blame.
There's a lot of hold on for dear life silver investors and gold investors and crypto currency if they haven't been hacked investors that were told some truth and acted on it.
RV has been happening and tiers have been paid out year after year.
Come Christmas and New Year you will hear the same promises.
Just saying...Q, R, S, whatever letter suits you....go ahead and put them in your circle and use your God to pray for their safety and all, like the rest of the world don't matter.
If I were an all powerful, omnipotent, Creator....I know I love all my creations.
My creations are going to bend knees and beg me to show favoritism; they may think they got to me and can make me do it; but I'm not going to do it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

In many fewer words, "yada yada yada", and it makes every bit as much sense. Oh, and send money.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.