They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Burnaby49 »

Observer, you were right. I made a big mistake.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby, I think the only monkey cage is the one that Fake Judge Anna and her cronies are sitting in, no real change there. I'm still trying to figure out what this Supreme Tribunal is supposed to be since I don't know of any such entity.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:Observer, you were right. I made a big mistake.

"As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Deep Knight is not the kind of fictitious character who doesn't rise to a challenge!
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Burnaby, I think the only monkey cage is the one that Fake Judge Anna and her cronies are sitting in, no real change there. I'm still trying to figure out what this Supreme Tribunal is supposed to be since I don't know of any such entity.
Since Judge Anna seems to be obsessed with the Catholic Church (claiming to have been the personal attorney for the last two or three popes, depending on her mood), I figure this is the "Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura." A judicial branch of the church, it doesn't do what I think she thinks it does, not having any jurisdiction in the secular world. Then again, they probably have a very large trash dumpster associated with their offices, which means that at least it will get the consideration it deserves.

I suggest she address her next letter to "Battle Pope." See

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Freewill has posted Anna's latest at NESARA News. Long, but made up of bite-sized bits separated by periods as mandated by the REAL constituion, here are a few of the tastiest ones:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
No Dog in the Fight

By Anna Von Reitz
See their Amendment to their phony corporate "Constitution" published in 1868 that changes the accountability of "US Senators" making them only accountable to their peers in Congress. Being a Senator is as close to being "king" as it gets. They can't be recalled by the people who elected them. And you have allowed all this crap, because frankly, you and your parents and grandparents have been asleep at the wheel.
You have believed that the "federal government" was your government, but in fact, it has always been a foreign service vendor operated by British Subjects here on our shores to provide "essential governmental services". Read Article IV of The Constitution.
Go back and read the actual founding documents --- the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 spells it out. There are two populations in this country and there always have been: "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" and the British Subject "inhabitants" loyal to the King, here on our shores to provide "essential government services".
The same treaty reveals that King George III remained the acknowledged "prince" and Arch-Treasurer of the United States after the Revolution.
They routinely criminalize normal activities of common right, like traveling from Point A to Point B or getting married, so that they can charge you for "licenses" and "regulate" your private business as "commerce". They consider all "United States Citizens" their slaves and all "citizens of the United States" are defined as criminals.
Imagine that you are a magazine publisher and you can order 390 million people to buy three subscriptions or six subscriptions or a dozen subscriptions each....and the limit of this abuse is only what the victims will tolerate?
That's what you have going on in Washington, DC, but it is actually much, much worse than that.
These people are all British Subjects and they are commandeered as such ---literally press-ganged and falsely identified as British Subjects--- the moment they take an oath of office or accept a federal job or are herded like sheep and coerced under false pretenses into accepting a "Social Security Number".
These British cons have hidden behind our skirts and used us as front men to carry out their dirty work, so that the Americans are being blamed for it all.
This is what comes from allowing foreign governments (both British and since WWII, French) to "share" your country's international jurisdiction and to dictate your trade policy and issue your money and wipe your butts for you.
Our interests are best served by flying our own peacetime Civil Flag (vertical stripes, blue stars) or a simple white truce flag, and minding our own business while the odious debts accrued against us and other nations are wiped away and the criminals are removed.
And, most importantly, we need to wake the @$@$@ up.
For months now, I have been telling people Coast to Coast to organize their local county governments and to operate as unincorporated associations, because the moment you incorporate anything you remove it from the land jurisdiction and place it (and its operations) under the Law of the Sea and in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
Can the land be represented by the sea?
I think not.
The Colorado State is not the State of Colorado.
The Colorado State is the lawful business agent of the Colorado Nation and its people. The State of Colorado is a franchise of a bankrupt foreign corporation.
Now that we have all that sorted out --- please understand that we don't have a dog in the fight that is coming to Washington, DC. Please also be aware that you and your property interests have been properly and faithfully protected.
The British and since WWII the French Governments have used the American people as bullies and commercial mercenaries and have done so in Breach of Trust. They have plundered our assets and mischaracterized us as British Subjects and hypothecated debt against our assets and made false claims against us. They have undermined our lawful government on the land and used legal chicanery as an excuse not to honor their obligations to us in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
Britain, like Cronos, the Father of the Titans, has attempted to eat all its colonial "children" and France has been seduced by the lure of easy money and power to follow suit. Their criminal mis-administration of their faithful, if gullible, Allies stands as a grim warning to the entire world regarding the dangers of letting any incorporated profit-motivated entity provide governmental services.
And now we come to the end of this saga.
[If only that were true, but in reality there's more!]
The United Nations and the Vatican Chancery and the Pope and the other governments involved in this fiasco and Jacob Rothschild and the Bank of International Settlements have all been given plenty of Due Process Notice regarding this whole circumstance.
They have Cause to Know that literally billions of innocent people--- not only Americans, but Brits and Canadians and Aussies and Japanese and French and Germans and Indians and......have been victimized by this criminality in Breach of Trust and contract.
So, as far as the Blue Hats are concerned----don't be overly alarmed. Some elements of the old governmental services corporations may have to be removed. There may be mass confusion.
Your own government resides within you and among you and in the organizations you create and operate on a local level --your own counties and states owed the land jurisdiction of this country.
Bottom line---- We, the People, have no dog in this fight and don't be stupid enough to make a fight where there is none.

Let Lord Rothschild earn his money and clean up the mess his Government created. And keep an eye on the crooks so that you don't ever get defrauded and mischaracterized again.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

Posted by Freewill at 11:07:00 PM

Freewill September 28, 2016 at 11:17 PM
So the Rothschild owned foreign French Republic corporation is offering governmental services to replace the current UNITED STATES corporation's services... I think it's time to say no.

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Anna Von Reitz - Most Beloved Francis

by Anna Von Reitz
Update September 26, 2016
The Universal Postal Union Treaty of 2010, issued under The Seal of Saint Peter
Ah. Now I understand why they're called the Letters of the Apostles.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Once again, Judge Anna von Krapp is fighting with someone, the "Son of Wind," who despite minutes spent looking I have been unable to find (no doubt someone who left a less-than-laudatory comment somewhere). But who cares what the other side is saying, we get half a knock-down drag-out battle anyway!

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Reply to Aptly Named "Son of Wind"

by Anna Von Reitz

What do we know about "Judge Anna's Courtroom" is that it is a courtroom serving an American Common Law Court and on occasion as an Article X Federal Court. It is very simple and has no trappings, no bench perched on high for the judge to be separated and held aloft over the people, no gallery, no bar, no pomp and circumstance or false symbolic religiosity whatsoever.
My courtroom has four tables, eight chairs, a speaker system and room for guests, but quite often we hold court wherever we happen to have an appointment to hold court. We have held court in the lobby of office buildings. We have held court on docks. We have held court in airport concourses. Such is the nature of the American Common Law and American Common Law Courts.
This is because our court system is a system that serves the needs of the people, not the needs of the court.
What you will find in Judge Anna's Court wherever it may be held is a plain and simple copy of the King James Bible and an American Civil Flag.
And why is that? Because in the American System of things, the court doesn't support any god-like superiority of any judge, but instead venerates the source of the Law of the Land ----- the Bible and especially the Ten Commandments that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have at least tried to obey and held as standards of behavior for roughly 4,000 years.
This is also why (for those old enough to remember this) the Judges in American Courts always came into the courtroom carrying a copy of the King James Bible. This is why the Clerk always said, "All rise!" when the Judge appeared in shows like "Perry Mason"-----not because the Judge came into the room, but because the Bible entered the room with the Judge, carried in his hand.
It would be ignorant to think that the Law of the Land or any other form of Law is separate from the religious beliefs, conscience, and ethics that give it birth, meaning and reality, and it would also be ignorant to suppose that the American Common Law can be practiced without a thorough understanding of the Bible and its precepts. That would be like drinking milk without the necessity of a cow.
Yes, I do keep harping on the necessity of returning to the land jurisdiction, because it is only as a man --- not as a corporation--- that we have life and can claim the traditions, treaties, property, rights and all else that we are heir to.
The Law of the Sea was never designed to serve the needs of people, but rather designed to make people serve the needs of kings. As a result, it reduces men to things----corporations, offices, job descriptions, and calls them "human resources". The King and his Proxies--- the judges known as "chancellors" are placed high above mere commoners, because of their office and their loyalty to the King, not because of their moral character or their religious tenets.
And all the "gibberish" I am afraid, comes only from the Son of Wind. The jurisdiction of the land does exist outside the courthouse and inside the courthouse, too, to the extent that that courthouse is not rented or owned by the foreign Admiralty court inhabiting it. When they rent a place it becomes "theirs" in the sense that any habitation is possessed for the use of a renter, and when they own the deed it is no different from any other private leasehold.
The Bar Association operates under a Treaty like any other agency of a foreign government. The most recent Treaty is The Bar Association Treaty of 1947, which they regularly dishonor. They are allowed to operate their foreign courts on our soil as a result. So it isn't that our land jurisdiction magically disappears, it's that it is waived under treaty--- to allow them to establish their foreign courts on our land, in the exact same way as a foreign embassy is established.
What Son of Wind (a very apt name) calls the "STATUS QUO" court and accuses of tricking people into contract is in fact a private service employed by corporations to settle disputes. When such a COURT sends out a "summons" it is making an "offer" which you can refuse by returning a "counter offer". You never have to step foot in their courtroom or enter their jurisdiction at all.
Yet, here is "Son of Wind" jumping up and down and screaming "Rape!" -----? This pre-supposes that in spite of all the information I and others have offered him, Son of Wind is not capable of saying, "I am not the DEFENDANT being addressed and I do not voluntarily represent this ACCOUNT, but if the COURT wishes my assistance to settle the referenced matter, I charge $5000 per hour or part of an hour for this service, payable when rendered, and require that the Clerk prepare and send me all the proper vouchers and Standard Forms including the reports required by the IRS before I visit the court. Please advise if my help is needed ."
And then Son of Wind is wondering who is in charge of his town, where he lives-----? He wants me to tell him?
Who, indeed, is in charge of his town, if he and the other people who live there are not running their own affairs? And whose fault is that? As I have said before, self-governance requires your participation. You can't hire someone to be you. It's like going to the bathroom. Or turning 70. There are some duties you literally cannot hand over to proxies.
When the organizations functioning as "county" and "state" governments decided to incorporate themselves they left the jurisdiction of the land behind and vacated all their public offices. This is because the moment you incorporate anything, it begins functioning in the international jurisdiction of the sea. The abdication of these organizations didn't destroy the jurisdiction of the land or invalidate the public offices---- it simply vacated those offices. So what needs to happen? Obviously, new organizations need to be formed to fill the vacated public offices and to enforce the public law again, and those organizations can't operate as incorporated franchises of any other level of government. They have to stand on their own gritty little unincorporated Body Politic feet.
This is no "mumbo-jumbo". This is fact. This is how jurisdiction works. This is the way it has always worked.
I would be the exact last person in the world to defend the criminality and corruption and godlessness and moral turpitude of the court systems operating in this country today, but I am also not here to defend ignorance, paranoia, laziness, or lack of initiative.
Son of Wind is another disillusioned armchair quarterback ranting about the "status quo" without the faintest idea of how we got into this mess and therefore, doesn't have the foggiest idea how to get out, but he wants to sit around and gripe and complain and express his suspicions about anyone and everything----- including me. And somehow, the rest of the people stand around and listen to him and then expect me to "answer" him when in reality, there is nothing of substance to answer.
He thinks that the court system we have is criminal. So do I. The difference is that I know exactly why and in what sense and in what ways it is malfunctioning. I don't have to stand in the rain and wave my arms. And since I know what is wrong, and know how it came to be wrong, I am in a position to take action to fix it and teach others how to fix it, while all "Son of Wind" can do is blow more hot air in every direction.
The first step toward correcting any problem is to clearly define what the problem is. Until you know what the problem is and what caused it, all you can do is what Son of Wind does----- rant about his stubbed toe, while continuing to stumble around in a dark room full of heavy furniture. There may be many people in his exact same position and they may feel emotional sympathy with him as a result, but at a certain point they have to realize that what I say is true.

I may be the messenger and some people may want to shoot me rather than waking up and addressing the very real problems bearing down on our nation, but that doesn't change a thing, I am not here to convince anyone of anything. I am not here to babysit, or answer Son of Wind's frequent rants. I have brought forward the history and the information. It's up to the rest of you to dig in and see what you see for yourselves.

Posted by Freewill at 11:35:00 PM

But it's still not enough!

Friday, September 30, 2016
Regarding Calls for My "Arrest" and My Turn to Ask Questions

by Anna Von Reitz

I am not even Catholic. And even if I were, I obviously wouldn't know a thing about any "Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children" or any other such hyped-up morbid nonsense. Despite years of these ugly rumors circulating first about Jews and then about Catholics and then about Muslims, too, there isn't a shred of any credible evidence of any such things taking place. It's all always just rumors and gossipy fear-mongering by people with nothing better to do than let their imaginations run wild.
If there ARE any Satanic Rituals going on, you may all rest assured that they are being carried out by Satanists and NOT by any people who are actually Jews, Catholics, or Muslims, either.
Every time I see anything from Cindy Kay, I turn the knob. Early on, I tried to teach her about law and it was like talking to a beagle. If she's your guiding light your darkness will remain very great indeed.
I myself left my Facebook page open for a solid day and asked any victims who had first hand knowledge of any such activities to come forward. You know what I got? Nothing. Not a single claim from anyone who had ever witnessed anything or been abused. Zip. Nada. So far as I have ever been able to determine, all this talk of "Satanic Ritual Abuse" is sensationalist garbage being churned out by mindless, irresponsible muckrakers who have no evidence, no first-hand knowledge, and no business spreading all this crap.
Everyone on this planet has to raise their minds and heart up to a point of being able to turn their "Shinola Sensor" on and know the difference between truth and fan fiction.
Why don't you arrest the people who are causing you the problems? David Rockefeller, for example, whose family has been undermining America since the 1890's? Or Hank Paulsen? Former head of the mis-named "Treasury Department" who allowed such egregious trading and "relaxation" of enforcement policy that the SEC has been run like a gambling casino for two decades? Or Bill Clinton, who sold off half your country to private investors under false pretenses?
Why don't you all wake to #$@$@# up?
Why don't you focus on the real problems?
People, except with rare exceptions, as noted--- are not the problem. The real problems are more enduring than the lives of single people. These problems have names that are well-known and yet nobody "arrests" them----- poverty, war, ignorance, sickness, hunger.
Americans would rather chase their own tails and worry about their neighbor's new hair color and nurture morbid bad dreams about "Satanic Rituals" than deal with reality and the results of their own bad choices and apathy? Is that the truth about the vaunted American People? If so, why am I defending your property rights and enforcing the international treaties you are owed? Are you worth the time and sacrifice? Or should I just sit on my porch and let the world burn?
All day long every day, I get asked questions, questions, questions. And I faithfully plug away and either try to answer directly or find the information for people myself or refer them to those who can help them. Today, I am going to turn the tables and ask you the burning question I have on my mind-----and I want everyone to give it some thought:
How do we make war unprofitable? Or, to phrase it a different way--- how do we make peace far more profitable than war?
Here is what appears to be from my long examination of history---that we have war because war is profitable and for no other real reason. As long as war is profitable, it will be in our midst---- so if we want to get rid of it, we have to make it unprofitable.
We have to do this at the same time that we find profitable ways to re-tool the industries that have been committed to war-making---- so that people don't lose their homes and jobs and economies.
So there you have one of the Big and Worth Questions to stew about----- feel free to send your ideas to me as emails flagged "War and Peace" or via snail mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
As for any confusion about my given name, it's "Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck". The bureaucrats shorten it to "Anna Maria Riezinger" because they don't have space for such a moniker on their forms. I confused things further by adopting the pen name "Anna von Reitz" back in the 1980's--- which as anyone can see, is a variation and shortening of names I inherited anyway. So, I will grant you all that my name is a mouthful and inconvenient, too, but it is what it is, and like all the rest of you I had no choice in the matter. For whatever reason, God looked down and decided that "Jane Smith" wouldn't do.

As for arresting me, anyone who wants to try can find me with no big problem, but I caution you all that false arrest is a crime and I will prosecute anyone who does it. Better have more in your hand than specious "questions" about things I know nothing about. Last time I looked, neither Catholics nor Lutherans condone baby killing for any reason, including any rituals related to false and evil gods.

Posted by Freewill at 1:00:00 AM

Is it just me, or has her name, like Pinocchio's nose, been growing?
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

And you even said that with a straight face, I'm impressed.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Gregg »

Heinz, the Baron Krauss von Espy?
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Anna von Banana has come back with a hard-hitting hard hit, and this time I found the source of her ire!

On September 30, 2016 By lovetheworld77
By: Bradley Loves

I read an article only this morning that shows me clearly one of the greatest and most common sicknesses of our “great awakening”!

For the first time…, (at least in print on my blog)…, I am going to differentiate between what I find as a serious FLAW in NEW AGE THINKING…, and the more common serious flaws in thinking of those who really have nothing to do with the New Age at all.

Anna Von Reitz has really NOTHING to do with what I would consider the New Age Religion… (Channeling.., et. al)…., but she is still a human being going through an awakening…, (and seems to be a good person)…. but…, she is exhibiting a very common sickness that many AWAKENING MINDS are going through…, and that sickness is DENIAL!!

Not only is she in denial…, she is in SERIOUS DENIAL!

Taken from one of her recent posts…, we find this:
Judge Anna von Reitz
I am not even Catholic. And even if I were, I obviously wouldn’t know a thing about any “Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children” or any other such hyped-up morbid nonsense. Despite years of these ugly rumors circulating first about Jews and then about Catholics and then about Muslims, too, there isn’t a shred of any credible evidence of any such things taking place. It’s all always just rumors and gossipy fear-mongering by people with nothing better to do than let their imaginations run wild.

I myself left my Facebook page open for a solid day and asked any victims who had first-hand knowledge of any such activities to come forward. You know what I got? Nothing. Not a single claim from anyone who had ever witnessed anything or been abused. Zip. Nada. So far as I have ever been able to determine, all this talk of “Satanic Ritual Abuse” is sensationalist garbage being churned out by mindless, irresponsible muckrakers who have no evidence, no first-hand knowledge, and no business spreading all this crap.
Everyone on this planet has to raise their minds and heart up to a point of being able to turn their “Shinola Sensor” on, and know the difference between truth and fan fiction.
Why don’t you arrest the people who are causing you the problems? David Rockefeller, for example, whose family has been undermining America since the 1890’s? Or Hank Paulsen? Former head of the mis-named “Treasury Department” who allowed such egregious trading and “relaxation” of enforcement policy that the SEC has been run like a gambling casino for two decades? Or Bill Clinton, who sold off half your country to private investors under false pretenses?
Why don’t you all wake to #$@$@# up?
Why don’t you focus on the real problems?
Now…, just who the heck is she KIDDING? I mean…, the proof, the articles and the witnesses are ALL OVER THE INTERNET!!

You’d have to have your head pretty deeply into the sand…, or…, really far up your rear end to have missed it.

Unless…., (are here it comes)


Not one to be able to leave this sleeping dog laying, she strikes back!

Sunday, October 2, 2016
Anna Von Reitz : Stern Warning About "Satanic Ritual Abuse"

New comment on A Stern Warning About "Satanic Ritual Abuse"

Sunday, October 2, 2016
Anna Von Reitz

I am not "unaware" of the problem. Nor am I unaware of the history of these vile practices and venal religions.

I doubt that it exists to the extent you believe it does, because out of all the many people who have come to me and ranted about this, none of them proved to be victims themselves or to have any first-hand knowledge--- and that indicates a whole lot of gossip and hysteria going on.

And this is why I have given everyone who is "pushing" this a stern warning. If you do have any actual, factual, first-hand knowledge of such practices and fail to come forward and properly report these crimes, you are an accomplice to them.

Even victims can be held accountable as accomplices if they don't report the crime, because their silence permits the continued abuse of others.

I have been told that many victims can't specifically identify their attackers because they were unknown adults or they used masks to hide their identities, however, with the breaking of several child-trafficking and sex slave kidnapping rings in Britain and in the United States and elsewhere it is becoming possible to compile Rogues Galleries of known perverts. Those visual files can be used to match these creeps to their deeds---but we cannot prosecute them without injured parties and complaints.

So I repeat--- telling me secondhand gossip all day long doesn't get the job done. Looking at photographs and connecting the dots and filing the sworn affidavits does.

I have been told that many victims are afraid of being murdered if they tell what happened to them. Aren't they being "murdered" every day by the fear? At what point do you say, "To Hell with this! I am either going to get them or they are going to get me!"

What do you all think I had to come to, to raise my hand and do the things I have done? I've flown in the face of the entire "federal government" like an avenging angel: CIA, FBI, IRS, BATF, DOJ--- the whole criminal lot of them.

And you are telling me that the survivors of these crimes don't have the anger and the strength now that they are adults to face down the lousy, stinking, vile cowards who did these things to them as children?

Fear gets you nowhere. Fear corrects nothing. Fear just begets more fear and helpless rage and feelings of powerlessness. Fear lets them get away with it.

Bah, humbug, on all of that. We all have a choice to live fearlessly or die by slow inches of misery---all marching on to an inevitable end that comes whether you fear it or not.

So why fear dying, if your fear denies you the joy of life and freedom and happiness and even destroys your self-respect?

I came to a day when all fear passed away, a day when I knew for certain that I didn't want to live another day in fear.

Getting the actual victims and eye-witnesses to the point where they realize that their lives aren't worth living until they address their fear and overcome it ---is necessary. It's the only way the perpetrators can be brought to justice. It's the only way for these practices to be suppressed.

I've been told that many victims have suffered memory suppression, hypnosis, and other advanced "mind-altering" techniques designed to "wipe their memories" and ensure their silence.

The true Satanists among us have used date rape drugs and drug induced lobotomies for centuries. It's part of their stock and trade. But modern science can easily identify the presence of these drugs and it's unlikely that those using them would go undetected for long.

There are two things you have to keep in mind about people who prey on children: they are cowards and they are mentally and emotionally warped. Many of them were abused children themselves, and they act out the aggression they feel toward their own attackers and demonstrate their "power" as adults by raping new generations.

These acts are all acts of violence and shaming. They have nothing to do with sex per se.

That said, nothing can be done until you have facts, victims, and witnesses who are able to come forward and press charges. All of you out "raising public awareness" via ignorant gossiping do nothing whatsoever to help anyone or resolve anything. You just create new problems.

By all means, keep your eyes open and watch your children like hawks. If you see anything at all abnormal or unusual going on, question it directly or report it.

When my son was young I used an innocent subterfuge to make sure he was always with me and always aware of his surroundings. I told him that I might get lost, so he needed to watch me and watch where we were at all times.

I never lost my car in the parking lot again
and I didn't have the problem of chasing toddlers under clothes racks, either. To this day, he remains very alert and aware and sensitive to his surroundings.

I also made sure that he was never left alone and that I knew exactly where he was. I took him to karate and mixed martial arts lessons from an early age. I made sure he knew weapons of all kinds and how to use them.

This is a beautiful world, but it can also be ugly and violent. If you have any sense, you have to take precautions and think about what you are doing, where you are, who you may encounter, and how you are going to react if you are attacked. Your defensive stance must become automatic and instinctual.

As a parent you have to defend your children and teach them to defend themselves. If you are a decent adult, you also owe a debt to the community to watch out for other people's children.

One day as I was walking home from work I observed a little girl, about seven, standing alone on a street corner. She was crying. Her Mother had left her alone at the Public Library--- just walked out the door and forgot her and the Librarian closed the library--- just booted the little girl out on the street at five o'clock. She didn't know the way home and was frantic, as any child would be.

At least a dozen other adults walked right past that child and never stopped to ask her what was wrong.

I found it shocking then and I still find it shocking now. How could the Librarian be so clueless and stupid as to leave an unaccompanied seven year-old on the street and make no effort to contact her family? How could all those other "busy" office workers walk right on by?

I can only tell you that they did and as a result, a little girl was put at terrible and unnecessary risk. Anyone could have driven up and stuffed her into a car. Anyone could have taken her hand, as I did, and led her down the street.

It was past closing time for all the public buildings in that part of the city, so I went to a nearby house and knocked on the door, explained the problem, and asked the householder to look up the Mother's telephone number. Before we could dial, the Mother drove up--- frantic as her daughter had been.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

God was looking out for her and her daughter. He put me in the way of anything truly bad happening, but this is all very instructive. We all have moments of attention lapse. We all do incredibly stupid things. It's then that we have to have a decent community and good people in it, who care about their neighbors, who make an effort, who protect children from harm.

Those of you who are all hyped-up and looking for Satanic Rituals behind every woodpile, why not organize yourselves to detect any signs of any such thing in all the churches and clubs and institutions? Why not make the pledge to keep silent vigil as you go about your business, to watch out for children, to guard them, to protect them. Why not support groups like "Amber Alert"? Or start your own local child welfare advocacy group? Why not publish safety leaflets in cooperation with the local police and schools? Not to scare children, but to reasonably inform them of safe practices--- like going places in groups with known friends and staying with your group? And to inform their parents?

There are hundreds of valuable, useful, practical ways that you can weigh in and make the world a safer and better place for children. Do them.

And puhleaze-----stop sitting on your butts uselessly gossiping about this topic? Stop spreading irresponsible rumors about other religious groups and foreigners whose only sin is being foreign?

Child abusers come from all religions, all levels of society, all races. This hideous phenomenon is part of what Jesus and the Jews of his time called, "The Great Abomination", the worship of Ashtoreth, the Mother of All Harlots, Idolatries, and Blasphemies.

Right now, in this day and age, a giant statue of Ashtoreth is standing in New York Harbor, masquerading as the "Statue of Liberty"----- or more properly, the Statue of Libertines.

Remember what Jesus said---- "When you see the Great Abomination standing where it should not stand...."? Well, ---you tell me what is a statue honoring an evil Babylonian fertility goddess doing standing in the middle of New York Harbor? A goddess famous for the sacrifice of babies by burning them alive? A goddess famous for raping little girls and selling them into lives as temple prostitutes?

Ashtoreth is standing where she should not stand and giving her a new name doesn't change a thing.

Whatever else we are, a mélange, a nation of mutts, a melting pot, a stew pot, gullible hicks, livestock---- or all the other names we have been called by European Elitists-----we are not a nation of devil worshipers and we don't deserve a giant idol of Ashtoreth standing in New York Harbor proclaiming that we are.

If you want to see the moral conscience of America awaken, form a Committee to get rid of the "Statue of Liberty".

See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website

Posted by Olive Oyl at 2:29:00 PM 0 comments

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

The conspiracy-friendly "press" is awash with rumors that the US and Russia will be going to nuclear war. All sorts of reasons, from a "blood sacrifice to Satan" to "fixing the election." How the later is supposed to work isn't specified. Anyway, Judge Anna von Poptart has written Vladimir Putin about this, begging him to wipe out the UK if this happens. Apparently it's the only way she can get "satisfaction." Kinky.

Friday, October 7, 2016
Dear Vladimir: It's Not Us

Thursday, October 6, 2016
By Anna Von Reitz

We are going to say some things that you, Mr. President, are already aware of. We say them because the American People are tragically unaware of these facts and they need to know:

American foreign trade and foreign policy have been controlled by Britain for 227 years.

This is one of the results of the original states contracting for "essential government services" from the United States, which is a British-controlled corporation headquartered in the foreign international enclave known as the District of Columbia.

Most Americans have never read the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, which shows that King George remained the "prince" and "Arch-Treasurer" of the "United States". Most Americans have never read the actual Constitution and grasped the fact that this agreement gave Britain control of American Trade and Foreign Policy.

We can now see why we have been kept at nearly constant war for most of our history: Britain has used us as its Bully Boy to cause trouble and engage in war for profit throughout the rest of the world, just as it is trying to do now in the Middle East.

As a spider at the center of its web, Britain pulls the strings and through its agencies---the United States and British Crown-- wrecks havoc calculated to fill its coffers with no risk and no exposure to itself.

While directing a US foreign policy that is plainly self-destructive and insane from the American standpoint, Queen Elizabeth pretends to have clean hands and so does the Lord Mayor of London--- but the historical documents and the facts are the facts.

All the trouble we are having in the Mideast is caused by Britain, not America.

And it always has been.

The Americans want free access to the Persian Gulf, unmolested by anyone, for the purposes of Free Trade. And that is the only legitimate interest America has in the Middle East.

We trust that the EU is competent to solve its own gas and oil supply problems with no assistance from us.

They could embrace and use free energy technology to solve a great many dependency problems. They could use LNG and ship in supplies and develop storage capacities like Japan and China. They could direct their re-investment capital to their already existing oil development projects in the North Sea.

Instead, British Intelligence is working to influence the outcome of US elections and trying to start WWIII. Their recent exposure of CIA false flag activities is especially ironic, since British Intelligence controls the CIA and mandates all its actions.

If you dig deep enough, it is always Britain at the bottom of the dog pile, causing war and destruction for the entire rest of the world.

They have never been willing to live on their own talents and resources and have chosen to be parasites instead. They have built their successive empires on fraud and human enslavement and legal chicanery. They have never given up feudalism. They have never given up colonialism.

Most recently, they have moved their financial operations to China, with the result that 800 loyal Chinese Generals have been purged, and Russia and the "United States" are being pitted against each other at every turn while China sits smug and brags about all the gold it suddenly has.

And nobody questions this?

Britain disrespects the Constitutional agreements it has with the Americans on one hand, and on the other, abuses American trust. They have used us as the front-men for British aggression and self-interest for generations,. They have deliberately confused their own puppet, the United States, with America and the American People, so as to blame us for their treachery and wrong-doing.

Let everyone always remember that the "United States" is not America.

Let us also plainly state before God and everyone, that Britain and its corporate shadow government doing business as the "United States" is a problem for the entire world, including the Americans.

This time, if anyone goes to war, let's make sure we get the real culprits and address the actual problem once and for all, instead of stupidly bashing each other for their benefit.

Rumors are circulating of a "tactical nuclear exchange" between the British-controlled United States and Russia. Let us observe that there is no such thing as a tactical nuclear exchange and that if such a thing happened, it would rapidly spread to global destruction--and that destruction would be the result of British meddling, guile, and greed.
Instead of targeting the hapless Americans whose worst sin is gullibility, please focus your fire power on Britain? And ask your Chinese allies about their new Best Friends?

If the Earth is to be destroyed in a firestorm of nuclear bombs unleashed because of the endless dishonesty and greed of British commercial interests, at least let's all have the satisfaction of taking the actual perpetrators down with us?

Posted by Popeye at 2:04:00 AM
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by NYGman »

Deep Knight wrote:The conspiracy-friendly "press" is awash with rumors that the US and Russia will be going to nuclear war. All sorts of reasons, from a "blood sacrifice to Satan" to "fixing the election." How the later is supposed to work isn't specified. Anyway, Judge Anna von Poptart has written Vladimir Putin about this, begging him to wipe out the UK if this happens. Apparently it's the only way she can get "satisfaction." Kinky.

Friday, October 7, 2016
Dear Vladimir: It's Not Us

Thursday, October 6, 2016
By Anna Von Reitz
[snip]Most Americans have never read the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, which shows that King George remained the "prince" and "Arch-Treasurer" of the "United States". Most Americans have never read the actual Constitution and grasped the fact that this agreement gave Britain control of American Trade and Foreign Policy.
So this one got me curious, it is not as if you can't look up the treaty of Paris and find out if it this is true or not... so here it is...
Treaty of paris wrote:In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.

It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch-treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America, to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse , between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; and having for this desirable end already laid the foundation of peace and reconciliation by the Provisional Articles signed at Paris on the 30th of November 1782, by the commissioners empowered on each part, which articles were agreed to be inserted in and constitute the Treaty of Peace proposed to be concluded between the Crown of Great Britain and the said United States, but which treaty was not to be concluded until terms of peace should be agreed upon between Great Britain and France and his Britannic Majesty should be ready to conclude such treaty accordingly; and the treaty between Great Britain and France having since been concluded, his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, in order to carry into full effect the Provisional Articles above mentioned, according to the tenor thereof, have constituted and appointed, that is to say his Britannic Majesty on his part, David Hartley, Esqr., member of the Parliament of Great Britain, and the said United States on their part, John Adams, Esqr., late a commissioner of the United States of America at the court of Versailles, late delegate in Congress from the state of Massachusetts, and chief justice of the said state, and minister plenipotentiary of the said United States to their high mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands; Benjamin Franklin, Esqr., late delegate in Congress from the state of Pennsylvania, president of the convention of the said state, and minister plenipotentiary from the United States of America at the court of Versailles; John Jay, Esqr., late president of Congress and chief justice of the state of New York, and minister plenipotentiary from the said United States at the court of Madrid; to be plenipotentiaries for the concluding and signing the present definitive treaty; who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full powers have agreed upon and confirmed the following articles.
I am sorry, it is clear that the sentence is mentioning the two parties the treaty is between. On one hand Prince George the Third, and the the the US. The long honorific ends at etc. After that, it is another name. Only a complete moron would think otherwise... Oh wait...
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

This woman makes stupid and ignorant look so easy.

Two documents I know she has never read, the Constitution and the Treaty of Paris.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by NYGman »

notorial dissent wrote:This woman makes stupid and ignorant look so easy.

Two documents I know she has never read, the Constitution and the Treaty of Paris.

Before people start to spout crap, they should at least have the common decency to read the documents, it is not like thy are hidden from view.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Also posted on another thread, it's so great one posting just isn't enough. Judge Anna complains about the complaints after ingesting some hash from someone at a microprocessor company that isn't settling well.

Thursday, December 8, 2016
Settling Some Intel Hash

By Anna Von Reitz

Re: What I Know About the "Reign of Heaven Society" and "The United States of America" Part 2

I am a Hapsburg and a von Mecklenburg and a von Strelitz and Grimaldi and von Liechtenstein and many other "bloodlines" run in my veins, but as with all things, we all have free will. If you bother to look you will learn that I am connected by blood to all the ruling families of Europe and that my particular bloodlines go back to very ancient times.
Think of it in terms of dog breeds--- Dachshunds are born to hunt badgers and retrievers are bred to fetch. The bloodline families were bred to rule-- but what we rule is, for most of us, a choice. I have chosen to rule myself and find that a profound enough challenge to consume a lifetime, so that I have no wish to control or rule anyone else, nor any need to be ruled myself by others--- which is perhaps also very much to the point.
Too many people refuse to rule themselves, and so wind up being ruled by others. They avoid the rigors of self-governance, and so fall under the domination of tyrants and con artists. And liars.
Hello? Earth to Richard? I am an American, born and bred in Wisconsin, to parents who were also born and bred in the Midwest. My Father served in the 8th Army Air Force in WWII. Got the picture?
These suppositions and rumors and gross assumptions that I am some kind of foreigner are nothing but ignorant slander and here I find more of this nonsense posted on Intel----- when you absolutely should know better and have no excuse for not asking.
The Supreme Allied Commander in WWII was named Eisenhower. Ike was German. Wake up and smell the roses.
Same thing with all this stupid old lady gossip about the Vatican, the Vatican, the Vatican. I am convinced that hardly anyone here has any idea what the "Vatican" is, and nobody is bothering to find out. Let's start with the fact that it came into existence in 1929. It's an international city state, a tiny little postage stamp country, where the Pope is king. The Vatican isn't the problem and never has been, so you can all stop
ranting about "the Vatican".
Blaming the Vatican for the actions and inactions of the Holy See is like blaming a dog for the sins of its master. It's just as off-base and nonsensical as trying to make something "evil" out of my name and heritage.
If an Eisenhower could lead this country through the darkest days of WWII, I am certainly good enough to lend it some pointers now.
And no, I am not a "lawyer for the Vatican".
My unpaid mission in behalf of Pope Benedict has been simple--- to demand correction of federal and federated state government operations to bring them back into compliance with The Constitution
for the united States of America.
If you ever took an oath to protect and defend "the constitution"---- please wake up and be aware that the actual and only constitution that you are supposed to be defending is "The Constitution for the united States of America" not "the Constitution of the United States of America" ---which is a look-alike, sound-alike fake.
The first pointer I want to give you and anyone who will listen is that the American military has been a big part of the problem, not the solution. The Reconstruction Acts are still in effect. And so is the Lieber Code.
The US Army has been directly responsible for guarding our money for 150 years and they have done a wretchedly poor job of it.
Want to be angry about the "Federal Reserve" and all its abuses?
Want to complain about the devaluation of your money and the corruption of the banking system?
Want to gripe about the corruption of the court system? Taxes? Brutality? Foreclosures? Child custody abuses?
Lincoln left the US Army in charge and they are still in charge and they are still getting it wrong, from Ulysses S. Grant to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.
Now you think--- and you tell others--- that General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. is stepping up and in to act as Vice-President and that Paul Ryan is supposedly slated to take over as President of Le Neu Republique----but even if this were to happen, it's not actually change.
It's just business as usual that you can see, as opposed to business as usual that you can't see.
The military officers have colluded with foreign bankers and politicians for six generations to defraud and ruin our country ever since the Civil War. I wish it wasn't true, but it is. Le Neu Republique isn't the government we are owed; it is just another private, mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporation masquerading as the lawful government that the actual Constitution requires and which these men are
supposed to uphold.
We wouldn't be in the situation we are in except that the US military has served and sought after other masters and has allowed the corruption and suppression of our lawful government. Exactly as Eisenhower warned--- the greatest danger to our peace and prosperity is the "military industrial complex"--- a nexus of self-interest and greed that enslaves the people it is supposed to serve.
There is only one Republic---- and its the Old Republic that is owed to the people of this nation.
The second pointer I will address, is that your crystal ball doesn't work.

Posted by Freewill at 10:27:00 AM
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by The Observer »

I am a Hapsburg and a von Mecklenburg and a von Strelitz and Grimaldi and von Liechtenstein and many other "bloodlines" run in my veins, but as with all things, we all have free will. If you bother to look you will learn that I am connected by blood to all the ruling families of Europe and that my particular bloodlines go back to very ancient times.
Heavens, we have stumbled upon Erasmus' sister!
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

Judge Anna von Poopschoot has been writing a 32 and counting series on the stated theme of "Stop Being Stupid," but I don't quite agree. Anyway, I kept out of those, but am willing to dive into that accursed pit of depravity that is Judge Anna's writing for this gem.

Thursday, February 16, 2017
Mother of all Deceptions: The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:

Many years ago I started wondering about the all capital letters names employed by the military. I noticed that all names in the military were written in all capitals: LIEUTENANT RODNEY KNOX, for example, as were all the stenciled words plastered on packing crates and vehicles belonging to the US ARMY. I even tasked my poor Father about it, and he mumbled, "When you are in the military, you are a slave, and all that you have as property does not belong to you."

This cryptic reply made no particular sense to me, nor did the idea that those putting their lives at risk to defend us would suffer the status of slaves? He was busy and the sun was hot and the road before us was dusty from the wheels of the endless military convoy passing by on the old US HIGHWAY 12. I noted the answer and let it slip into the category of "things you will understand when you are older"---where it remained until my twenties, when I began seeing my name written in all capital letters on Federal Student Loan paperwork.

I eventually tracked this odd style of name back to Ancient Rome and Roman Civil Law. I even wrote a studious Memorandum of Law about the use of peculiar naming conventions in the Roman Civil Law going back to 200 B.C. I discovered that noble Romans used names written in all small case letters: flavius gallus aurelius, while indentured servants used names in Upper and Lower Case: Flavius Gallus Aurelius----and just as my Father said, slaves used names in all capitals: FLAVIUS GALLUS AURELIUS.

This did not bode well for whatever poor creature might be named ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER nor did it adequately explain how or why or by whom my given name would be so abused on government paperwork. I never volunteered to join the Army.

I knew that names written in all capital letters were "slave names" and that it was not proper Latin, but as to what it was? Well, I combed dutifully through dictionaries and style guides and the Government Printing Office publications but the entire net of this effort was to define what the NAME was not----- not proper English, not used officially, not proper Latin, not, not, not.... but precious little came forward to enlighten me any further on the topic of what it was being used for, or who or what was mandating its use?

The answer--- that it was being used by private mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporations for the purpose of defrauding and mischaracterizing me for their own profit --- is not the kind of thing that these organizations nor their employees would trumpet from the rooftops, is it?

The Secret of Glossa--the use of Dog Latin embedded in English documents-- has finally come to full and glorious light thanks to the efforts of a team of Australian researchers who have delved into this vicious fraud and breach of trust that has been perpetuated against humanity for many generations.

Please read the information carefully and grasp the immensity and longevity of the enslavement and abuse that has been exercised against innocent people, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, by the Roman Pontiffs and their bill collectors, the members of the Bar Associations worldwide.

A name written in Dog Latin, for example, JOHN MARK DOE, is the equivalent of a siphon used by vampires to quietly, sneakily, with little risk to themselves----suck away your life's blood and energy for their own benefit.

In itself, the mischaracterized name is a tool, lifeless and inert--- like a siphon, a door handle, a rope, or a poppet--- harmless until and unless it is used for the purpose of committing personage against you and providing access to your assets, including the value of your labor, your land, your businesses, and your very bodies.

The use of these false foreign names, embedded in any document written in English, is prima facie evidence of a crime.

This fundamental crime of personage must finally come to a halt, must be recognized for what it is and brought to an ignominious end. The fruit of many years of research has now come into your hands, for you to use in your own defense and the defense of others--- all thanks to men who live half a world away, but whose dream and need for freedom is the same as that that lives in every human breast.

I understand that there will be a complete set of DVD's available in the near future detailing the full extent of the research and the experience and thoughts of the researchers. Both to support their work and to undergird your own knowledge, I heartily recommend that everyone secure a copy for their own families and communities and share the information as widely as possible.

JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION: (HIDDEN-FOREIGN-TEXT-KNOWN-AS-DOG-LATIN) The Mother of all Deceptions: The Concept of Modern Day Slavery: By Romley Stewart.

Posted by Freewill at 8:28:00 PM


New Flash. Judge Anna von Poptart says these inscriptions prove Roman Emperor Trajan was a slave! Wow! Once you have this "key," everything makes sense.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by notorial dissent »

Since, unless my mind is going altogether, I don't recall that the Romans, and Roman alphabet consisted of anything but capital letters. And stencils are much easier to cut for caps as well, and if they only have to use one stencil it cuts down on the amount of work they had to do when stenciling something.

So Ann von Poopschoot is, gasp, wrong again, twice, shocking, I know.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: They're So Cute When They Fight Amongst Themselves

Post by Deep Knight »

In Roman times there was no such thing as upper and lower case, but there were majuscule and minuscule cursive styles. The first was almost identical to our modern capital letters and literally carved into stone, while the second was what you wrote when using a pen on "paper." This letter style became lower case letters later in history and can be quite different in style, a good example is "A" vs "a." Bottom line, what Judge Anna is saying is nonsense, how someone's name was written back in the good ol' days depended on what it was written on, not their slave/free status.

Another error is her use to "dog Latin." This refers to terms, names, and phrases like "Bigus Dickus," and "Sextus Defectus," not on how someone's name is capitalized or what language she thought Fido was speaking when she was having one of her "rough patches."
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