The Return of Erasmus of America

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The Return of Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The "Freewill get's kidnapped by the justice system" story seems to have an interesting (at least to my sick brain) sidebar - Erasmus of America getting booted from the NESARA News site. Freewill got busted and put in jail on Sept 24 and Gassy Rassy's last post was October 7, and it included this.
Pass this report on to others. John MacHaffie of Nesara News and I used to do a lot of private talking together as we thought on the same wavelengths! I said that he was training the future leaders of America by getting honest reports to them and intelligent in content. I asked him if he would be the editor for a national newspaper of the truth founded under the Omni Law and I liked his style of running the Nesara News blog. And after the Omni Law won, I was going to see that he got a lot of money to reward him for having been such a patriot for the best interests of America. He already knew that I was planning to do this. He maybe did not realize this, but by my always copying reports of mine posted with Nesara News with his format on top maybe gave Nesara News the equivalent of even one half million dollars in free advertising and promotion by how I promoted Nesara News and others did not. His circulation went up fast after I joined his team as a regular feature writer with him. He had a small circulation before I joined with him!

The critics always try to sound so loud and like they represent the people which normally they do not, but we got emails from all over America and a number of other countries where people said they liked my reports so much and wanted to see each report when I released a new one through Nesara News! I think some of his other regular writers also did a great job and I had a plan of how I could offer positions to some if they wanted it to help advance America after we won by passage of the Omni Law. Enough said for now!

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (Pen name for that scholar who refuses to be controlled by the "politically correct" and instead seeks the truth in national reports that I release. I have probably released even 600 to 800 national reports since starting with Nesara News. This also got Nesara News listed hundreds of times with search engines all over America! That was free publicity to help Nesara News with without cost to Nesara News! Of course Nesara News was a valuable asset for me also! We helped each other!)

Sounds like a "please keep posting my garbage" plea to me. Fast forward to Jan 13 when Freewill paid his bail and got let out of jail (or, if you like, got released due to the tireless work of his legal team and public outcry) and "Nesara News Network," a once-mirror site that Freewill now uses to selectively post stuff he likes. On January 25, Erasmus of America was back, with the same sort of nonsense we'd grown to love or something. He's had two other posts there since, but they weren't included in the main NESARA News site.

My theory? Popeye and Olive Oyl (if, indeed these are there real names and they're not the same person) either got tired of Gassy Rassy in their own right or fielding complaints from readers, so cut him loose once Freewill wasn't there to defend him anymore. After returning, Freewill decided to give his space on the mirror site. No doubt begging, and perhaps sexual favors, were involved. The venue may have changed, but the song remains the same - classic Rassy.
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Re: The Return of Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

That quote you gave is obviously a fake, it can't be from Erasmus. It isn't in all Caps and doesn't mention that his mother was the smartest person ever born. It doesn't even mention the Vatican approved bread.

Shame on you DK for falling for such a shoddy false flag. Erasmus is obviously on a secret mission somewhere to save us from the UN takeover of the United States currently being orchestrated by your Malaysian-born president and scheduled to occur before the November elections. In his absence the illuminati have started a disinformation campaign to try and discredit America's greatest hero.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Return of Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:That quote you gave is obviously a fake, it can't be from Erasmus. It isn't in all Caps and doesn't mention that his mother was the smartest person ever born. It doesn't even mention the Vatican approved bread.

Shame on you DK for falling for such a shoddy false flag. Erasmus is obviously on a secret mission somewhere to save us from the UN takeover of the United States currently being orchestrated by your Malaysian-born president and scheduled to occur before the November elections. In his absence the illuminati have started a disinformation campaign to try and discredit America's greatest hero.
Oh yeah? How 'bout this, it got his smart mother, but is light on the bread. Excerpts, with bible quotes and purely religious comments removed, from the first one Rassy posted after he "got back."

Posted on January 26, 2016 by Erasmus Of America
[quotes from Revelations about 1260 days in the wilderness]
On my mother’s side of the family, they claimed that they had the heredity gift of prophecy and amazing stories from that family background which apparently goes back a 1,000 years or more in family history about the prophecy angle. The family coats of arms seemed to imply that they thought they descended from one of the two grandsons of St. Jude who was a cousin of Jesus Christ and wrote the Epistle named after him in the New Testament. The coat of arms seems to play up the story of the Roman Emperor when visiting Jerusalem saw the two grandsons of St. Jude who both had the strongest arms that he had apparently ever seen in his life and so the family name became the Armstrongs in Scotland to honor that Roman story. He heard that they were descendants of the royal line of King David of Israel and he was going to kill them after meeting them since he considered them a threat to the security of the Roman Empire. But after hearing them talk about the future Kingdom of Jesus Christ coming in a future age to the world, he judged that they were fools and maybe a bit crazy to believe such nonsense as he judged it. He cancelled his persecution of the Christians in the Roman Empire thinking that they were fools and harmless to believe in a future Kingdom of Jesus Christ coming to earth in a distant future age. These two grandsons became super heroes to Christians across the Roman Empire for stopping the Roman persecution of the Christians at that time. They apparently eventually moved to England since a member of the family owned Roman tin mines there and gave them refuge to live in England. At least the family story seems to go along that line as explanation for the claimed hereditary family gift of prophecy at times.

I knew before ever checking it out that military records would indicate that Hitler warred against America for exactly 1,260 days as prophesied in Revelation above. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, I knew how to check out this 1,260 day reference for the Revelation prophecy reference above. Right after the Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack on America (the wilderness in this prophecy and was called the wilderness by first colonists coming to the wilderness of North America), President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a fireside chat over national radio to the American people and said that American military intelligence knew that Imperial Japan attacked America at Pearl Harbor as dictated as the price of military alliance with Nazi Germany. So the attack by the Japanese was also an attack by Nazi Germany using Japan as their front. From the time the Japanese Imperial Fleet left port (Wash., D.C. time) to when Nazi Germany later surrendered to the wilderness (prophetic name for America here) at Gen. Eisenhower’s Supreme Allied Command Headquarters in France was1,260 days later as I knew in advance it would be. I was surprised that I knew this answer in advance. Several times in my life I have been surprised knowing powerful answers in advance when there was no natural way I could have known these answers by ordinary means. And when the answers were checked out, they were right which amazed me! And my Confederate Army Captain forefather who broke “Reconstitution” in the South restoring control of the state governments to the local people predicted when a descendant of his would break federal tyranny from Wash., D.C. and restore true constitutional government back to America. I am the only descendant of his with the background that he described and of course an Armstrong himself with the family gift of prophecy. A forefather of mine made his living by telling people where water was on their land to drill wells for. He was always right and had a reputation for always being right which startled people back then. A lot more stories but won’t tell them here.

Reconstitution of the south?

If you go looking for 1260 days I suppose sooner or later you'll find it somewhere, here by using the date the Japanese fleet left for Pearl Harbor and when German surrender was signed, but in reality you only get 1258 days, even when you factor in the different time zones. Classic Rassy, 2 days late and 2 dollars short.

If you wanted a before-war-was-declared start (war declared - 1240 days) for "Hitler warring against America" I would suggest the attack on the USS Kearny on October 17, 1941 (11 killed, 1298 days) or the sinking of the USS Reuben James on October 31, 1941 (1284 days).

Have you heard of a ship called the good Reuben James
Manned by hard fighting men both of honor and fame?
She flew the Stars and Stripes of the land of the free
But tonight she's in her grave at the bottom of the sea.

Tell me what were their names, tell me what were their names,
Did you have a friend on the good Reuben James?
- Woody Guthrie

This is the basis of what is called the “Pauline Privilege” in early Apostolic Christianity and which the churches pretend is not part of true Apostolic Christianity today. Early Christianity including St. Jerome who translated the famous Vulgate version of the Old and New Testament for the Roman Empire in his day also wrote at length on the Pauline Privilege not taught by the churches of today. All Christians understood that Jesus Christ wanted all marriages of Christians to be good and permanent without ever need of divorce. But at Tertullian around 200 A.d. wrote and many others including St. Jerome around 400 A.D., Jesus also allowed divorce on certain grounds in Christianity. If one partner to a marriage was a pagan and made marriage like torture from hell to the Christian partner and would not change his or her way, a Christian could finally divorce and even remarry. As the Apostle Paul wrote above, a brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases. That means that the marriage bond could be legally ended and the victim partner to this “marriage from hell” could be encouraged to remain single or else could marry again “BUT ONLY IN THE LORD” meaning marriage only to a fellow Christian was allowed under this Pauline Privilege. ...

And since I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe years ago, at some point if population growth is wildly out of hand such as one African nation where the average woman had an average of 9 children per marriage if I recall the figures correctly, such runaway population explosion could build to where it led to national dictatorship, civil war, and eventual mass death in the nation. ...

I do not lie in life. However, one time I did lie. I tricked Soviet intelligence into thinking that a massive Slavic Royal Alliance revolt was set up for the Soviet Union as soon as Khrushchev carried out his military threat over the six month Berlin Ultimatum he gave to the Western governments. Much later the head of the Soviet spy ring in America admitted to an undercover F.B.I. operative that he thought was a fellow Communist that I had saved America from either a Communist takeover of America as a nation or else a nuclear world war III over the Berlin Crisis then. I saved the lives of all Americans by creating a hoax or ruse that was a massive lie but justified in order to save the lives of all Americans and save America from falling as a nation otherwise. I feel no condemnation from God for having saved potentially the lives of all Americans from either Communist takeover and Soviet occupation of America or else all Americans died if I did not come to their aid and rescue then. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies. Soviet intelligence was very smart and I had to hide from them that my mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then. I had to act the dumb idiot when meeting the head of the Soviet spy ring sent to interrogate me by the White House which did not know that he was the head of the Soviet spy ring in America and was working very secretly for the White House. Later on I received very secret congratulations from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon for what they indicated was the most brilliant military intelligence ruse in the military history of America and saved America from either a nuclear world war III with the then Soviet Union or else Soviet military occupation and America defeated as a nation in the process.
Show this report to all you can in America. And financial support which can be done through our website does speed up our drive to save America from the wicked in power and the scheming evil powers behind the power in Wash., D.C. Our Omni Law Loan Program shown on our website is the way we receive financial support for our national drive. Look under the link marked Product and you will find the paypal button for the Fast Speed Omni Law Loan Program and starts with $10 on up. Or if you can’t use the paypal button, then our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. Our website is ...
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Deep Knight
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Re: The Return of Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy's next post, "IS STATE SALES TAX ON MERCHANDISE SOLD AND SENT BY YOU TO ANOTHER STATE OR FROM ANOTHER STATE SOLD AND SENT TO YOU LEGAL UNDER THE U.S. CONSTITUTION? A CONSTITUTIONAL LAW LEGAL STUDY FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA – FEB. 4, 2016," is all-CAPS, but neither it or the next mentions Vatican-endorsed bread. The next one does have this interesting portion:

By the way, the Obama federal intelligence operative who under orders tried to apparently get the super metal formula American intelligence knows I had access to , he grabbed a small black zipper bag from the trunk of the car I was driving (a highly secured trunk to this modern car) and I do not leave super metal formulas around where others can find this! I appreciate that you returned two days later my black zipper bag back into my car trunk after you knew that the metal formula was not there. I appreciate this professional courtesy that you extended from one intelligence spy to another intelligence spy this last week. I had personal papers in that bag that were important to me but no one else!
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (Pen name for that economist who believes in the type reform represented by the Christian scholar Erasmus who wanted reform but not extremism and revolution in European society around the time of Martin Luther! The people can learn quality professional knowledge when one or more good quality professionals shares his or her knowledge with others. And even for so-called “ordinary people, when they are exposed to very smart and brilliant people in some field, they soon become very smart to brilliant in that field themselves. Your intelligence is raised by exposing yourself to intelligent ideas that you end up understanding. I have believed that God made us to be very smart to brilliant in life. Only the corrupt in society try to keep the people ignorant and controllable in key fields by censorship and lying propaganda supplied to the people to keep them from thinking for themselves.)

By "metal" he of course means "heavy metal music" and his "super" formula no doubt has some chord progressions and killer solos that would show the US Government how to write a hit hard rock song.

BTW, I understand "Boomer" and "make a boom" can be toddler code-speech for poop-related activities, which gives a whole different view on what Erasmus would like to do to the American economy...
"Follow the Money"