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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, October 26, 2017
Trump Orders Feared NGA To “Neutralize” CIA

Trump Orders Feared NGA To “Neutralize” CIA As Massive Child-Sex Scandal Ignites Death Fears
October 25 2017

Another troubling Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Donald Trump has just ordered his highly secretive and greatly feared National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) to begin “immediate neutralizing actions” against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after this American spy agency broke into the encrypted communications of US Special Forces troops operating in Niger in order to lead them into an ISIS ambush for the purpose of creating a “Trump Benghazi”—and that comes at the same time noted Hollywood child actor Corey Feldman is threatening to reveal a vast pedophile network in the US that stretches into the very heart of leftist elitist America—but with Feldman gravely warning that his life is now in danger, too.

According to this report, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (called “The CIA’s Big Brother”) is the most powerful and secretive intelligence organization in America and is also the most well-equipped to quell the violence of protesters and track all of those who belong to groups attempting to destabilize the US government—and whom President Trump tapped to lead the massive 15-16 November GridEx IV “war game” the White House has ordered to include banks, Wall Street, and all telecommunication companies—with the NGA’s fears being that the US is ready to come under attack from leftist radical forces who plan to begin a “sustained assault” upon all of America’s largest cities starting on 4 November.

To one attempting to comprehend these current events occurring in America today it must first be understood as to why former President George H.W. Bush issued a quick apology to Hollywood actress Heather Lind for his having sadistically sexually abused her during a photo-shoot—and as Lind recounted:

When I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo.

He didn’t shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke.

And then, all the while being photographed touched me again. Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say “not again." His security guard told me I shouldn’t have stood next to him for the photo.

Former President George H.W. Bush (in wheelchair) sadistically sexually abuses young
Hollywood actress Heather Lind (center) in full view of everyone

To former President Bush’s wife, Barbara, and his security guard both knowing of this vile mans perverted sexual actions, this report notes, comes as no surprise at all as Bush is a known evil pedophile—who ran a US Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone” and “Operation Brownstar”, and later to become known as “The Finders” or “The Franklin Coverup”—and that on 29 June 1989, was exposed by The Washington Times in bombshell front page story—but that the CIA was able to quickly keep the majority of American people from knowing about—and the US mainstream propaganda media of today still fails to tell the truth about.

As to how the CIA was able to cover-up the vile sex crimes of former President H W Bush was shockingly revealed this past May (2017) when forces loyal to President Trump released a once top secret memo detailing how this American spy agency “has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation”—and whose effectiveness of hiding the truth cannot be underestimated—and as evidenced by the US mainstream propaganda media covering-up the August (2017) murder of a young male black prostitute discovered in the Hollywood home of top Hillary Clinton donor, and radical homosexual, Ed Buck.

With the leftist elites in America knowing that Ed Buck’s murder of a young black male prostitute would not be covered-up by President Trump, the US mainstream propaganda media has gone into “overdrive” since August in their exposing Hollywood’s vast network of sexual monsters—and whose list includes top Hillary Clinton donors Harvey Weinstein, famed movie director James Toback, numerous movie executives at Amazon, and legendary publisher Leon Wieseltier.

As to why these leftist elites are exposing their most admired Hollywood sexual deviant “gods” has led some American experts to question if Hillary Clinton is, in fact, the main target of this mass sacrifice in order to make persecution of Trump not seem political—with Clinton now seeing her own Democratic Party distancing itself from her, too—and all due to Clinton’s lawyers having outright lied to The New York Times in saying that they had nothing at all to do with the fake “Russian Dossier” Hillary Clinton was just discovered having paid for—and that led Wikileaks leader Julian Assange to savagely tweet-troll “future president” Hillary Clinton with a 2016 repost she had made proclaiming herself to be the next US leader.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:38:00 AM

Fools! It as neither "Operation Brownstone" or "Operation Brownstar," but "Operation Brownnose," an effort to ingratiate the NWO with the PTB through flattery, ego stroking, and yes-man mannerisms. And don't even ask about "Operation Browneye."

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, November 11, 2017
The Real Comet Pizza Pedo Ring’


Flagg Eagleton
August 16, 2017

Trey Gowdy personally went to see Judge Melvin Tubernickel of the 15th Circuit Federal Court to obtain a warrant to search a small marina in Port Weatherly, North Dakota that he says he has concrete proof is the real location of the pedophile ring made famous by being wrongfully reported as being inside a pizza shop.

The marina, owned by a shell corporation of George Soros, is frequented by powerful men from all over the world who come to “savor the beauty of Lake Huron.” What they actually savor are children sold into slavery from across the globe. One member is documented as saying, “variety is the spice of life.”

Gowdy told 4A314 Correspondent Cynthia Luwhoe: “The raid went off as planned and yielded records we’ll be using over the coming weeks to prosecute a lot of bad men…and women. Ultimately, we’re hoping to tie this to Bill and Hillary Clinton because we know the Clinton Foundation is the catalyst that brings these power players and politicians together.”

The FBI says they won’t have an update on the raid until the scene is processed, which could take hours or even days.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 2:45:00 PM

You might remember Port Weatherly, North Dakota, from the tragic accident that claimed both Hillary and Chelsea's lives last July. IMHO they should close that marina, the rogue arm of Lake Huron that reaches across the Red River and into the state is simply too dangerous for boating.

BREAKING: Chelsea Clinton Dies In The OR-Hillary Still Critical After Boating Accident
Posted By oka on July 29, 2017

Chelsea Clinton was about to embark on a reign of terror similar to the one her mother has been on for 40 years when her life ended on the operating table at Chicago’s St. Hope Hospital. Chelsea and her mother were involved in a boating accident this morning off the coast of North Dakota on Lake Huron.

Investigators say they don’t know what caused the crash that has now claimed the lives of four people and injured 13 more. Hillary Clinton and two other victims are listed as critical and the rest will most likely be treated and released from the local hospital in Piedmont.

The captain of the charter said everything was fine until the boat suddenly increased speed and banked starboard into a barrier island and capsized. Nobody has any idea why that may have happened, so the Secret Service says they haven’t ruled out an assassination attempt. They certainly have enough enemies to look at.

Bill Clinton is still en route from the family compound in Chappaqua, New York and still refuses to comment. Clinton spokesman Christopher Blair told reporters:

“Mr. Clinton is in no way interested in engaging in whatever conspiracy theories you imbeciles will concoct over this. He’s headed to see his wife and just learned that his daughter is dead. Have some respect.”

We’ll continue to follow and update this developing story.

Hillary didn't make it, and why in the world did they build a Great Lake marina around a barrier island? You want an investigation? Investigate that!

Captain John Harkness was in command of the 32-foot yacht Hillary and Chelsea Clinton were enjoying themselves on when it suddenly jumped to full throttle and veered directly into a small marina. The accident, just offshore from Port Weatherly, North Dakota, was the first fatal crash on the state’s coast in over a decade.

At first, investigators were considering the possibility that the captain fell asleep at the wheel when they found an electronic device attached to the boat’s avionics and sonar array. The device had the ability to “remotely control the operation of the craft from any mobile device.”

It didn’t matter that the craft was at such a tiny Lake Huron port or that the closest major city is Piedmont. The device was military grade sophisticated and worth more than $200K on the black market. Special Agent Lucas Enlaura of the FBI told LLOD’s Skip Tetheluda:

“This was as professional a hit as you can possibly get. Now comes the fun part. Going down the list of people who would want to cause Hillary Harm. I know where we can get a list of about 62 million of them.”

She’s right. Hillary Clinton is the most unpopular person to have ever run for office. She was bullied onto the Senate in a district where your neighbor’s dog has a better chance of being counted than you do if you’re a conservative.

The investigation will start with the obvious, Bill Clinton, and then should focus on Benghazi so we can finally get some answers.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Trey Gowdy personally went to see Judge Melvin Tubernickel of the 15th Circuit Federal Court...
When did they add 3 more districts to the Circuit? Last I looked (on Google 30 seconds ago) there were only 12.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

A better question is who is Judge Melvin Tubernickel, since I can find NO record of him.

I'm also curious to how the Clintons could die in a boating accident in Lake Huron having left a Marina at Port Weatherly, North Dakota which is not only land locked, but not anywhere near the Great Lakes.

As to how Gowdy could get a judge to pay attention to him let alone issue any kind of warrant, except possibly mental health hold for him, is truly beyond me.

These people are not only idiots, they are legal and geographic idiots on top of being terrifyingly clueless and gullible.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Is it sort of super satirical to quibble about details of a satire as if it was anything but a joke?
If so, am I being super-duper satirical questioning this questioning.

Although the account was amusing in itself, I was somewhat disappointed with the lack of detail about the great pedophile ring discovery, as I am currently working on a book entitled 'Pedophile Rings of the Rich and Famous' and so far have not been able to aquire any real, or convincingly made up details for a magnum opus that at present consists of no more than a few possible chapter headings.
Luckily I have no idea whatsover of the sexual and other proclivities of the US elite, so I will have no difficulty inventing the full details once I have a list of names to work with.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Is it sort of super satirical to quibble about details of a satire as if it was anything but a joke?
No, its more like demi-god satirical; after all, given that we only eat ambrosia and drink nectar here on Quatlympus, we are obligated to find something meaningful to do in between bites and sips. And there is the added bonus of seeing if we can bait Deep Knight into answering our satirical questions with even more satire.
If so, am I being super-duper satirical questioning this questioning.
No, you are merely being obviously satirical. We will let you know when you get to within being remotely super-satirical.
Luckily I have no idea whatsover of the sexual and other proclivities of the US elite, so I will have no difficulty inventing the full details once I have a list of names to work with.
Sorry, the US mass media is working full overtime on this, you are being left far behind.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Is it sort of super satirical to quibble about details of a satire as if it was anything but a joke?
If so, am I being super-duper satirical questioning this questioning.

Quibble? I think we were just showing off a knowledge of No Dak/Great Lakes/Judicial geography because it attracts the ladies. Seriously, some people took this seriously, and not just NESARA News. I can't say they were any more sophisticated than Popeye and Olive, but there were a dozen of 'em.
Siegfried Shrink wrote:Although the account was amusing in itself, I was somewhat disappointed with the lack of detail about the great pedophile ring discovery, as I am currently working on a book entitled 'Pedophile Rings of the Rich and Famous' and so far have not been able to acquire any real, or convincingly made up details for a magnum opus that at present consists of no more than a few possible chapter headings.
Luckily I have no idea what-so-ever of the sexual and other proclivities of the US elite, so I will have no difficulty inventing the full details once I have a list of names to work with.
I can't blab about who they are or their proclivities (gag order as serious as something very serious), except to say there's a reason you can't keep exotic animals as pets in some states. But as a writer myself I can help you with some possible chapter headings.

Podesta's Trained Burro from Tijuana
Apocalypse in His Pants
No Pain, No Gain, No Service
The Underground Railway Runs Both Ways
The Gathering Storm
Lowdown on the Law of the Jungle
Pizza Toppings and their Meanings

Finally, an alt.alt.right view:

Deep State Out to Destroy Pizzagate Truth Movement
Posted on March 30, 2017 by State of the Nation

MSM Determined to Sabotage Alt Media Pizzagate Reporting

Why do some Alt Right websites go for the bait?


“Until the pedo-crime spree in Washington, D.C. is exposed and stopped,
US government corruption will continue unabated…even under Trump”

— D.C. Political Insider

There are an unknown number of alternative news platforms that have been erroneously circulating a story about Pizzagate coverage that looks like this:

That the whole Pizzagate narrative was an extremely elaborate hoax fabricated by the agents of Deep State to smear Alt Media with the “fake news” label. That they executed this blackop to take down alternative news media that helped Trump get elected.

In other words, the countless Deep State co-conspirators of this deliberate plot conceived and intentionally disseminated a fictitious story about James Alefantis’ Comet Ping Pong Pizza parlor in an effort to suck in the entire Alt Right.

That because there was no basement found at Comet Ping Pong, the whole Pizzagate story has been proven untrue and has therefore discredited every alternative news site that ran with it. Because they purportedly published the ‘fake news’, which they did not. Btw, it’s the Alefantis-owned Buck’s Fishing & Camping which has the basement.

This series of foolish explanations is about as ridiculous as it gets.

As if the Democratic side of the counterfeit coin would willingly participate in a scheme that would ultimately destroy — FOREVER — the reputations of Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, John and Tony Podesta, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and many other political heavyweights on the Left who are closely associated with the Pizzagate pedophilia crime spree.

Not only that, but the many indisputable revelations which have been made by numerous Pizzagate investigations have also implicated the Bush Political Dynasty by virtue of the proven facts that both President Bushes were directly involved with Pedogate. Even the MSM has reported on the Franklin cover-up scandal and Jeff Gannon affair.

Bush Senior: The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child Sex Ring That Reached Bush/Reagan White House

W. Bush: Why did a gay male prostitute really visit the W. Bush White House over 200 times?

Just so we have this straight, some commentators are saying that Pizzagate was stealthily floated to bring down the Alt Media even though it actually took down 3 of the most powerful political dynasties in America–the Bush, the Clinton and the Obama crime families. So, the World Shadow Government would purposefully destroy the three most powerful political brands in America to take down the Alt Right?!

We don’t think so.

As if the MSM-created “fake news” meme wasn’t fabricated in the first place as a means of controlling the whole Pizzagate narrative, so highly radioactive and downright dangerous had it become. The following is as telling as it gets.

Google Analytics Graphic Proves How The MSM ‘Fake News’ Strategy Was Implemented To Short-Circuit Pizzagate Scandal

Not only does it reveal how TPTB saw Pizzagate coming, it illustrates how they desperately tried to head it off at the pass. Remember the MSM “fake news” debacle that saw the fraudulently launched PropOrNot initiative?

Washington Post, PropOrNot Demolished For “McCarthyite Hogwash”

Whoever started (C.I.A. obviously), and especially perpetuated, this absurd Alt Media-driven chain letter is totally clueless (except the C.I.A.) to the many grim realities concerning the very real and ongoing Pizzagate crime spree. An exceedingly organized child sex crime spree, incidentally, which continues to this very day. In the meantime, Pedogate, which is way bigger by an order of who really knows how much, goes on unimpeded around the globe—24/7.

The critical point here is that Pizzagate is so serious and so HUGE that anyone who denies its reality is immediately suspect. If they function in the alternative media, they are either a paid shill, CIA operative, FBI COINTELPRO, a very bad reporter, an incompetent investigator, a really incompetent researcher, or a secret collaborator with the MSM echo chamber or worse…as in much worse like a Pizzagate and/or Pedogate perp!

MSM-Coordinated Campaign to Destroy the Pizzagate Truth Movement

All anyone has to do is look at the many initiatives that every single major MSM news outlet has taken over the past couple of weeks. They have literally gone ballistic with so much transparently “fake news” regarding Pizzagate.

Starting with the fake news story about the Comet Ping Pong shooter (who was really just a crisis actor), the MSM went into overdrive to again spread far and wide that utterly bizarre and fallacious narrative. The guy –Edgar Welch — was a total joke whose entire family is so deep into the Pizzagate conspiracy that it defies reason that they even chose him to conduct the false flag psyop.

MSM Publishes More Fake News Re: Comet Pizza Shooter

Then the same MSM organs of propaganda piled on the David Seaman hit piece–a story which was particularly extraordinary for its mean-spirited vitriol and groundless gossip. No one has ever seen such an over-the-top piece designed to ‘kill’ a Pizzagate messenger as the article that follows:

Major Hit Piece by The Daily Beast on Pizzagate Investigative Journalist — MSM Stifles Pedogate Truth With a Vengeance

Lastly, there was last week’s big Pizzagate story of the month — WHICH EVERY MAJOR MSM NEWS SITE CARRIED — about Infowars Alex Jones’ epic apology. By all objective accounts, Jones’ apology was about as fake as the “fake news” produced daily by the MSM.


Not only was threatened legally (probably Podesta’s lawyers) and financially (Google Adsense & other advertising revenues) to offer such a badly rehearsed apology script for public consumption, his mea culpa was then quite strategically used to intimidate all the other large Alt Media news platforms, particularly those which needed to be threatened about their Pizzagate coverage.

If Pizzagate is so fictitious and was only a CIA psyop from the get-go, then why is the MSM so obsessed with it. To shut down Alt Media? It has turned ‘millions’ of America’s millennials into a massive network of investigative journalists, dark web researchers and private investigators who will never, EVER, let go of Pizzagate or Pedogate.

So exactly why would TPTB do that? Why would the MSM even go near Pizzagate truth… unless they absolutely had to.

Answer: Because they had to control the story before it got out of hand.
Which brings us to the truth of the matter.

Why has Pizzagate really galvanized Alt Media?

#1 — Because the growing mother lode of circumstantial evidence regarding Pizzagate is as enormous as it is mind-blowing. And the hard evidence is so incriminating that it cannot be ignored by people of conscience.

#2 — Because the irrefutable Pizzagate proof directly relating to powerful people such as James Alefantis and David Brock, John and Tony Podesta, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama is as staggering as it is damning.

#3 — Because the things that went on in places like Comet Ping Pong Pizza and Buck’s Fishing & Camping cannot be explained away or justified in any way to a reasonable person. In fact, many Pizzagate analysts wondered if the Edgar Welch shooting drama was staged so that the crime scene could be scrubbed clean.

For these and other reasons, the USA (and the world-at-large) have seen a whole cottage industry of Pizzagate (and Pedogate) investigative journalism pop up practically overnight…out of nowhere. It’s clear that the heightened intuition of everyday folks has kicked in like never before. Everyone knows that the children of America nowadays can find themselves in grave danger at any time. And, that the most vulnerable kids can be kidnapped anytime and never heard from again.

If the Pizzagate narrative was really false, it wouldn’t have produced such a visceral reaction among so many people around the world. Falsehood simply doesn’t do that; truth does. Only the immediate abundance of substantive discovered facts could have had the effect of creating so many determined Pizzagate journalists, researchers and investigators so quickly. The plethora of circumstantial evidence, alone, is extremely compelling.

This is just one reason why the CIA-circulated story about Pizzagate being a deliberately planted fake news story is so stupid—VERY STUPID!

Alefantis is CIA. Podesta is CIA. The Clintons are CIA. Obama is a card-carrying CIA creation as is his wife. The whole Comet Ping Pong pedophile ring is a CIA black pedo-operation. The entire psyop run out of this fake pizza parlor is just one rat’s nest of pedo-crime carried out to compromise D.C. politicos. Whether the targeted politicians are bona fide pedophiles or not, they can be easily tainted with child sex crimes by simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, like Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
Really, no victims?

The number one retort by the Internet trolls and paid shills who comment on the transparent Pizzagate criminal conspiracy is that “there are no victims”.

Of course, there are no victims who have stepped forward; they’re all dead or held in captivity. How can dead children or imprisoned teenagers finger their murderers or jailers, respectively? How can they call out their abusers and torturers while being restrained and/or assaulted in a basement dungeon?

Another obvious question for the naysayers is this: Why would a Pizzagate co-conspirator ever become the first whistleblower to call out a global pedo-crime syndicate…except to do so on pain of death?!

Just because the victimized children have not ID’ed the Pizzagate perps does not mean the Washington, D.C. political class is not full of them. The pedophilia culture inside the Beltway has always leaned in that direction (Left), as power inevitably corrupts. The longer those corrupt politicians sit in their seats of power, the greater the likelihood that they are forever compromised and/or directly involved in a very real Pizzagate scenario.

Because the C.I.A. uses pedophilia to control so many politicians, Mr. Alefantis was quite unbelievably identified as the “49th most powerful man in Washington, D.C.” He is also on record for visiting the White House at least 5 times. He has photos of himself with Tony Podesta, half of the super-lobbyist duo with brother John Podesta. And he has a thank you letter signed by Hillary Clinton for the use of his restaurant for a Democratic event that raised some serious money.
(Source: PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal)

Proof of Pizzagate

What follows are just a few examples of very serious Pizzagate evidence that ought to send chills up the spine of any truth seeker or person of conscience.

“Still in torture chamber” — Why did John Podesta send an email starting with this statement?

Now here’s a screenshot documentary of James Alefantis’ Internet behavior, that of his associates and other Pizzagate circumstantial evidence.

#Pizzagate: Comet Pizza Owner James Alefantis’ Posted Hundreds of Suspicious Instagram Pictures Like These

Then there’s the confirmed location of the infamous kill room in Washington, D.C.

Pizzagate KILL ROOM LOCATED at the Pegasus Museum in D.C.

Let’s not forget host and bandleader Amanda Kleinman who is also known as “Majestic Ape” to her audiences at Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

Pizzagate Evidence: Amanda Kleinman aka ‘Majestic Ape’ and her video “The Neutered Noel”

Lastly, there is this little gem which portrays just how ‘wholesome’ and ‘family oriented’ Comet Ping Pong is for the entire family, children and all.

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Podestas, Pizza and Pedos

Special Note:
There is another exceedingly significant reason why Pizzagate was blown wide open which may seem to be at odds with the foregoing discussion; however, they are by no means mutually exclusive. Once TPTB realized that Donald Trump would be elected POTUS (their choice, of course), they activated their plan B—the Purple Revolution.[1] This Soros-funded color revolution has always been a major option for the NWO globalist cabal. TPTB know that the USA must fall hard if the last stages of New World Order agenda are to be implemented. Hence, Pizzagate was outed in a quite stealthy manner as a means of prodding the Left to show up for the Purple Revolution (PR). What better way is there to coerce the many purple revolutionaries, and especially their leaders like the Obamas, the Clintons, and the Podestas, to show up in the nation’s capital at the appointed time. Even Joe Biden and Tim Kaine, Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder have their important roles to play as recently seen. And it’s Pizzagate that will make sure that no one tries to leave the stage prematurely. The ruling cabal knows the natural inclination of most revolutionaries will be to squirm out of this very precarious PR predicament. Most Americans are quite averse to revolutions in their own back yard and prefer to watch them from the comfort of their living room. Nonetheless, the Purple Revolution must go on so that the hot phase of World War III can be started as a justification for the eventual formation of a totalitarian One World Government. Which is also the reason for the unrelenting vilification of Russia and demonization of President Putin. What’s really behind all the fake anti-Russia hysteria?

Agents of Deep State have been employed to kill the global investigation of Pedogate and especially the reporting of Pizzagate in the United States. The C.I.A. cannot permit its primary control mechanism for the ubiquitous Global Control Matrix to be exposed to the extent where it becomes ineffective.

Toward that end, the MSM has been enlisted to conduct a highly coordinated media campaign to undermine the Alt Media at every turn of Pizzagate events. This global campaign has been ramped up exponentially over the past 2 weeks. It will only intensify until all of the largest PropOrNot websites[2] that covered Pizzagate from a truthful perspective are intimidated into complete silence.

The bottom line here has already been expressed by the D.C. political insider quoted above:

“Until the pedo-crime spree in Washington, D.C. is exposed and stopped,
US government corruption will continue unabated…even under Trump”

And the following exposé proves that this will be the case. Especially since Labor nominee Alex Acosta was just approved today by the Senate committee. PEDOGATE: Alex Acosta’s Nomination for Labor Secretary Must Be Rejected

Lastly, at the risk of sounding redundant, Pizzagate must be thoroughly investigated by law enforcement authorities asap. The guilty leaders, in particular, must be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Likewise, Pedogate must be fully exposed so that the USA can lead the international charge against the pedo-perpetrators. Anything short of this will guarantee that the world community of nations will sink further into chaos and war.

State of the Nation
March 30, 2017

Author’s Note

This month of March saw an alarming MSM story which desperately attempted to link the fictitious “Russian election hack” narrative with Pizzagate in order to falsely “indict” the Alt Right new websites which propelled Trump to victory. As follows: Now this is quite scary! Democrats on a witch hunt due to own shortcomings. Should the Congress take the country down this preposterous rabbit hole, there will be one alternative for We the People to take back our country.

Editor’s Note

There is a perpetual tendency on the part of the alternative news media to believe and disseminate any cynical statement put out there which makes them look so smart. Many sites simply grab onto a totally false story so as not to look stupid because it appears to sound so cool and hip to understand. In other words they fraudulently adopt an intellectually skeptical and cynical posture so as to look prescient to their audience. In this way, many sites have unwittingly become echo-chambers for the C.I.A., and even the MSM. And they don’t even know they’ve been used. The other very important and relatively unknown reality here is that most of the Alt Media websites that start these fake media campaigns were set up by the C.I.A.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I have just read all of that and what it boils down to is that large numbers of people are full of shit. And like a hippo defecating, their little tails are spreading it all over.

It does seem a shame that almost nobody has any actual knowledge of pedophilia and typical pedophiles and victims. The typical perpetrator will keep it in the family, or within a very small intimately connected family type group. The last thing anyone would do is share their proclivities with others who would then be in a position to blackmail or expose them. This is what renders all such stories of vast and influential pedophile rings so unrealistic and why the Hampstead hoax was so immediately apparent as such to anyone with any experience of child protection practice.

The nearest thing anyone will actually find to a 'ring' are random assortments of people swapping pedophile material as anonymously as possible, for obvious reasons. It is a fair bet to assume next to none of these people have any public persona whatsoever. Electronic snooping will not bother Joe Blow in Podunk, household names in Washington are aware that they are under scrutiny of all sorts, and try to keep their crimes more acceptable or excusable, like graft and influence peddling.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

This is what renders all such stories of vast and influential pedophile rings so unrealistic and why the Hampstead hoax was so immediately apparent as such to anyone with any experience of child protection practice.
It should be apparent, but all it seems to take is an accusation that a child was harmed and people tend to believe any story that is in favor of the child's defense - regardless of how ludicrous it may be. The McMartin Preschool trial was a prime example where it was obvious that there were problems with the accusations that the McMartin staff was participating in a mass molestation of children, including satanic ritual abuse. It suckered in not only child care advocates, psychologists, social workers, but detectives and the district attorney's office. After 7 years of investigations, media coverage, and trials, the result was either acquittals or hung juries - with a majority of the jurors voting "not guilty."

How did all this start and result in the most expensive trial that Los Angeles County has ever spent? It happened because a mother with serious psychological issues came to believe that her child had been abused at the daycare. No one ever focused on that issue as a probable reason to have doubts about her claims; instead they went full force and worked very hard to develop a lurid story about what had happened at the school, regardless of how idiotic it seemed. Given the fact that nearly all of the silly stories about hidden tunnels, ritual abuse, orgies between staff members performed in front of the children and with them, and the like had come from the children (the result of "experts" who handled the initial interviews with leading questions), no one ever stopped to say, "Uh, this all sounds a bit too fantastic." Even after the whole thing fell thing through due to contradictions in evidence, witness statements, and the like, people were still looking for the hidden tunnels on the lot where the daycare building had been demolished; an archeologist was hired to explore and find evidence of the tunnels. He came back with some very weak and unsupported conclusions, which were contested by other construction specialists who said nothing of the sort existed.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

To say some people took this seriously is an understatement. On a lark i did a search, and came up with pages of it being repeated on all nutwing sites, I gave up after the second page.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

There may be a bit, or more than a bit, of similar situations with Senator McCarthy and with the New England witch hunters. Saying so-and-so is not a communist or so-and-so is not a witch, let alone speaking out against the entire ancient or relatively modern hunts for witches usually leads to accusations of communism or whichcraft addressed at the sceptic, accusations that can be avoided by simply keeping quiet.

In the case in point, who is going to be the first to stand up and say, this is all fantasy?

"Hide, hide Witch,
The good folk come to burn thee,
Their keen enjoyment hid beneath
the stern mask of duty."
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:I have just read all of that and what it boils down to is that large numbers of people are full of shit. And like a hippo defecating, their little tails are spreading it all over.
I am shocked at your analogy. Not that there's anything wrong, per se, but the rate at which it can be flung by "little tails" is not how I would describe the manure-spreading action. More like this New Holland Large Capacity model.


Not that we Illuminati are "farm boys" or familiar in any way, shape, or form with rural American life. The New World Order has its standards.

The Observer wrote:The McMartin Preschool trial
A shameful blot on the judicial system. I'm all for protecting children and erring on the side of caution, but how this was supposed to be pulled off would seem to be beyond the credulity of any reasonable person. Tunnels and airplane rides and ritual sacrifice are kind of hard to cover up, especially with the open layout, windows, and people coming and going. The madness of crowds.
Siegfried Shrink wrote:There may be a bit, or more than a bit, of similar situations with Senator McCarthy and with the New England witch hunters. Saying so-and-so is not a communist or so-and-so is not a witch, let alone speaking out against the entire ancient or relatively modern hunts for witches usually leads to accusations of communism or whichcraft addressed at the sceptic, accusations that can be avoided by simply keeping quiet.
As the good book says, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch or a communist to live," and what do you want to be, a pajama boy or an alpha male? BTW, the album "Blows Against the Empire" had a near-religious significance at one time. I highly suggest listening to the "Starship" side in a bean-bag chair, through headphones, in the dark, with your favorite black-light posters and hookah. Mostly written by Paul Kantner, may he rest in piece.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

What more proof do you need? Burn them! Burn the witches! Lock her up! Burn them! :Axe:

Monday, November 13, 2017
Surveillance and Spying


Posted by Olive Oyl at 10:25:00 PM
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Burnaby49 »

Mostly written by Paul Kantner, may he rest in piece.
Which piece of him are you proposing takes a rest?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Who is this Olive Oyl person so often quoted, and whose posts I assume to be entirely ironic and intended to satirise the whole world of whacky woo?
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Gregg »

whose posts I assume to be entirely ironic and intended to satirise the whole world of whacky woo?
Wrong assumption, she runs one of the mental patient filled forums and as far as we've seen in the past, she is both sincere and completely insane. That, or in it for the money and the fame.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Which forum is that?

Google gives me old Popeye and real olive oil.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Which forum is that?

Google gives me old Popeye and real olive oil.

History Update:

The whole NESARA-as-an-urban-myth thing started with Dove/A&A/Bellringer and had a bit of a "run," mostly due to their outrageous claims, esp. about the destruction of the World Trade Center. About 6 years ago, a guy named John MacHaffie (his real name), who claimed a few different "notable" middle names, none of which were accurate (I don't remember his real middle initial, from court documents), started NESARA News. I believe this was primarily an income source for him, which I understand is backed up by divorce documents (from his last "mail order" marriage). Anyway, he had heart trouble for years, a a heart attack, and later when he went in for surgery, died (which the conspiracy types still call "suspicious circumstances"). His son, also John (but not with the middle name "Glenn" as he so often claimed) "took over," but this was brief. Instead, Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Freewill "run" the place, although a flurry of supporters supposedly post articles to boost the count. The claimed to have been doing this, even in the John Sr. days. Freewill was wanted on outstanding warrants, got picked up for a traffic/cannabis thing, spent a while in jail, was let out but was a no-show at trial, and is a fugitive again. He could be easily found, but I figure he's more trouble than he's worth, and they're waiting for him to shoot himself in the foot again.

One more thing. I, and I'm certainly not the only one, take great pleasure in associating unusual Popeye cartoon stills or parodies with comments on Popeye/Olive posts.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Thank you. Good to see the nuts and bolts and moving parts.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pedophile Ring Linked To Adrenochrome Drug Trafficking





With this drug on the streets -- even more babies and children will be kidnapped, bought and sold, and ultimately murdered.


Posted by Olive Oyl at 5:20:00 PM
Please help.

Someone close to me may be connected to the disappearance and murder of countless children; most of them refugees or otherwise disadvantaged - all untraceable. All forgettable. And now, all dead.

He told me about a drug called adrenochrome that could produce a high beyond any other. And unlike those other drugs, there are no ill effects. Quite the contrary; there are substantial benefits from consuming it: greater health, increased vivacity, and a host of other, smaller effects. Combine those with an intense sense of euphoria and you have a substantial demand.

The issue is this: it is a derivative of the chemicals produced by the human body when it is under intense, immeasurable fear.

My former friend, who confessed his involvement during a fleeting crisis of conscience, insisted this was true and cited a number of dubious-looking studies and fake news sites. But then there were the photos.

He didn’t allow me to make copies for fear of implicating himself personally, but he’d been to a “farm,” he called it, in one of the Baltic states. There were photos of countless people, all seemingly under the age of 15. They were naked and chained to tables and walls and floors in a windowless room the size of a football stadium. I couldn’t estimate how many there were.

As he scrolled through the photographs and I debated killing him, I saw masked men hovering over the victims and torturing them. As they were being tortured, their blood was being drained into containers.

Other photos showed the production facilities - enormous rooms that looked like chemistry labs where the blood was filtered and the compounds were extracted.

The worst, though, were the mass graves.

Men stood around them and laughed as they unloaded truckloads of carcasses into pits. They used pitchforks to gather up anyone who had been left behind.

I asked him why he was allowed to take these pictures. He said no one would believe it was happening. And he’s been right.

Rumors about facilities like this have been around for decades. Journalists have tried to report on it, only to be laughed out of their editors’ offices. One journalist, a Swede, came the closest to bringing it into the mainstream. He died, along with his family, in a hideous house fire.

Listen to me: the pictures I saw were not faked. They were not staged. They were, without any doubt, real.

And there’s one more thing. One more picture. Believe it if you want, I don’t care. I need to get this off my chest.

There was an image of adrenochrome users.

I don’t know what I expected. Well, I guess I do: strung out, gaunt, miserable-looking addicts with despair and desperation in their eyes. It’s what we’ve all associated with drug users thanks to heroin and crack and whatnot.

This was different.

The image was of a lavish conference room in a skyscraper. Where, I could not determine. Syringes of the drug were sitting on gilded plates on a thick table of polished wood.

I recognized the faces sitting around that table.

World leaders. Entertainers. Religious icons. All grinning. All happy. All ready for their injection.

Seeing those familiar faces was the initial shock. It wasn’t the final one.

On the far side of the table, almost too small to be seen but still unmistakable, was an iconic head of state. A recent one. He was laughing as he reached for his syringe, but there was something unusual about his hand. It wasn’t its normal, small, pink self. It was green.

It was webbed.

It was clawed.

It was reptilian.
I would tell you this is nonsense, but I don't have to, do I?
"Follow the Money"