
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Burnaby49 »

It is very difficult for most Americans to fathom the indisputable facts
Can't argue with that. Although it's apparently right in front of my nose I just can't fathom the connection between pedophilia and funding foreign wars. Some sort of initiation rite? What if you can't afford to fund your own war? Are you banned from the clubhouse?

Dove had the same habit of turning her fantasies into fact by a simple statement. In her case it was the authoritative statement "we know". "Since we know that President Bush organized and carried out the 911 attacks we also know that he runs the global illuminati" kind of thing.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by AndyK »

It's almost a crime that she's not sharing whatever hallucinogen she's using.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

The other night I decided to take the wife out to dinner at one of those fancy places where you have to be wearing pants or they won't seat you. As the waiter brought Velna and I our menus, I noticed he had the unmistakable demonic look (you get that a lot with waiters) as he suggested the special, roast rack of lamb.

Roasted Rack of Lamb with Mustard & Shallot Sauce; served with braised carrots in a sweet balsamic reduction and new potatoes with butter and parsley; for starters a fresh arugula and aged goat cheese salad; and disco meringue for desert.

Smelling a rat (what the neighboring table was having) I got out my phone and using its secret decoder ring app, secretly decoded the "special" menu item.

"Looks like we're gonna have to skip dinner," I lamented, "the special is actually code speech for a summons to a pedophile human sacrifice. Darn that Satan, and on date night too."

"Couldn't we have dinner and then go?" asked my irate yet sensible wife. She has always been a bit miffed at the hours they expect me to put in at work, especially when it's a rush job of coupling with a few thousand supermodels.

"Nope," I dissented, "the message goes on to say there's gonna be cannibalism, so I wouldn't want us to get filled up."

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

AndyK wrote:It's almost a crime that she's not sharing whatever hallucinogen she's using.
If this is the result of such substance abuse, I would "just say no."

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

I wish I could say I didn't believe you, but this kind of crazy is not only very real, but very dangerous. This can be related to a type of schizophrenia, and the practitioners can be very dangerous. They really believe the nonsense they are spouting, and it is ALL real to them. This reminds me of the crazy lady in the UK Neelu, only this bunch is far more dangerous.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:...[A]nd disco meringue for desert.
Why would anyone want to do a out-of-vogue '70s dance in Arabia?
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

NYGman wrote:I don't know, Peadophiles, secret meeting rooms, internet rumors, citizen journalists/activists. Just substitute religion for politics, and isn't it Hampstead all over? I don't see Neelu, Sabine, and the rest of the UK crew, am I missing their mention?? Is there a connection??
notorial dissent wrote:... This reminds me of the crazy lady in the UK Neelu, only this bunch is far more dangerous.
I had to look this up, and of course read the interesting discussion here at another thread viewtopic.php?f=52&t=10482&hilit=UK+Neelu. Crazy stuff and people ("Neelu, Sabine, and the rest of the UK crew", not necessarily NYGman and norotial dissent).

This, in turn, reminds me of the Linda Wiegand case, and oldie but a goodie (mid 90's) where a divorce's child custody turned to accusations of Satanic cult child sexual abuse. Did I mention that the cult included her husband, his attorney, all his witness, the judge, and the entire judiciary of Connecticut? It got a lot of mainstream coverage when militia movement icon Bo Gritz (rhymes with "bites") got involved and arrested for kidnapping.

While watching, in amazement, some of the goings on in the series Game of Thrones, I hypothesized to my charming wife that her favorite show was so popular because it had sex, violence, and sick f@#$s who you just couldn't wait to see get theirs. Satanic child sex scandals have all the elements for this same formula.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:...[A]nd disco meringue for desert.
Why would anyone want to do a out-of-vogue '70s dance in Arabia?
I, of course, meant "dissert - To discourse or dispute; to discuss." Sorry for the confusion, some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed and do evil. BTW, if you look "dissert" up in "images," you get pictures of various desserts.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by TheNewSaint »

There's something very wrong with these people. There's something very wrong with anyone who has such a high level of interest in such a horrible topic. And to talk about it so casually. Child rape is one of the few things that can upset police officers, judges, counselors, and other professions that are hardened to the worst of humanity. These people talk about it like they're talking about their fantasy football team. It's almost like... they enjoy it. I'm not suggesting these people are perpetrators, or victims, but their interest in the topic borders on being a fetish. They're a bunch of little Nancy Graces, talking about the poor abused children while fighting back a shit-eating grin.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, December 8, 2016
White Hats Report #57

... the undercurrent flowing through the alternative media is the exposure of the satanic rituals, child trafficking and pedophilia in the John Podesta emails. The MOP (Ministry of Propaganda) has essentially ignored this story although some print media has tried to debunk the claims. No doubt the cabal lapdog “fact checking” site Snopes will weigh in if it hasn’t already.

The next paragraphs you are about to read have been very difficult to write as they delve into the deep, dark recesses of the cabal’s immorality and in essence, will explain how they have infiltrated every segment of society with a common, despicable theme that ties them all together in a nice web of blackmail through association. This includes politicians, corporate management of every discipline, the media and the puppet masters at the top of the pyramid. It is the thread that if it gets pulled, will unravel the entire cabal underworld and will reveal the sordid, sick and disgusting underbelly of control in the world. The one link, above all others, that keeps them in total lockstep and assures they keep quiet about dirty, dark secrets that infect the power structures of this planet.

We’ve gotten glimpses of this, peeks behind the curtain into this dark world with the McMartin preschool criminal case, the exposure of the Franklin case (“Conspiracy of Silence”), the Jerry Sandusky pedophilia case at Penn State, the Dennis Hastert scandal and most recently, the “Lolita Express” scandal that involves Jeffrey Epstein and alleged distinguished visitors to “Lolita Island” such as Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew, the Duke of York among others to engage in sex with underage boys and girls. The common theme with all of these is pedophilia committed by people of supposed high regard, including politicians, business leaders, a sports figure and royalty. With the exception of the McMartin case, all involved pedophilia with both boys and girls primarily in their teens.

The emerging “Pizzagate” scandal involves satanic rituals and pedophilia on a scale that will shock the world. Some of our group have direct experience with these rituals that on a grand scale, make the party scene in the movie, “Eyes Wide Shut” look like a kindergarten birthday party (absolutely no pun intended). These rituals include human sacrifice, cannibalism, every sexually deviant act you can imagine and they all include children. And not children in their teens but children as young as 4 or 5 years old and even younger. Keep in mind that Stanley Kubrick died while “Eyes Wide Shut” was in post production and it is rumored that up to 30 minutes of the original shoot was edited out of the final cut.

The idea that anyone would participate in such dark, despicable practices is beyond most people’s comprehension. Cognitive dissonance sets in because the mind cannot wrap itself around such depravity and evil, it will reject it due to the simple reason that to go there in the mind is to begin a slide down the slippery slope to thoughts that unsettle the soul to a point where all decency and civility are lost. To even consider such things will cause physical reactions that are not normal, not comfortable and not understood. Consider it the dark forces that envelop souls where white is black, evil is good and upside down is right side up. Once souls are indoctrinated into this cult, their souls turn dark and they serve the bloodlines and cabal that has control of this planet.

The FBI is aware of this as is the NYPD (Pizza Gate) and we can only hope that the Justice Department and Attorney General of New York and various Prosecutors will step forward and reveal this evil before our planet is lost. The indoctrination of immorality in the world continues, the objective is to convince us all that we should embrace the evil and embark on a dark journey into the abyss.

History is replete with pedophilia, satanic rituals and people in power having no restraint in their treatment of fellow human beings. To think this isn’t occurring on a grand scale in real time is to be in complete denial of reality and stuck in the matrix created by the dark rulers of this planet.

We mentioned the new attack on “fake news”. The cat is out of the bag with the Wikileaks emails and the citizen investigations of Pizzagate. You can expect the censorship and debunking of this scandal to heighten over the next few weeks and months in the name of fighting the fake news mantra. Keep in mind that every resource will be brought to bear to squelch, silence and deny this dark cancer that infects the power centers of earth. This battle will be a difficult one and if good prevails over dark, we can expect many long held belief systems will be shattered.

It’s time to open our minds to what is ahead and be thankful we are alive to see the transformation.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 4:13:00 PM
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You all knew that this had to be coming, sooner or later.... ... li=BBnbcA1
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Thule »

Burnaby49 wrote:
It began to unravel for these sick networks, starting in Norway, where it’s hinted that the network is global and involves people in high places. Understatement of the decade. Another major ring was busted in Canada around the same time.
Straight-up bullshit. We have too much political protection from corrupt judges and politicians to be "busted".
A large network was busted in Norway. I guess you can call it global, since a lot of this stuff takes place online. But people in high places? Nope.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:You all knew that this had to be coming, sooner or later.... ... li=BBnbcA1
In the link above the author wrote:Once a conspiracy theory gains traction, confronting true believers with facts is pointless, said Michael Barkun, a professor emeritus at Syracuse University's Maxwell School and the author of "A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America."

"When you get to conspiracy theories like this, they're closed systems of ideas," Barkun said. "They're constructed in such a way that there isn't any evidence you can present to someone who believes them that will lead a believer to change his or her mind."
Ain't it da truth. But of course the REAL truth is that anything and everything is a "false flag" to cover up the REAL conspiracy, Nazi flying saucers from the hollow earth. Don't say I didn't warn you. ... truth.html

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

Better they should be looking for the holes in their heads and their logic, like that is ever going to happen.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by TheNewSaint »

Thule wrote:A large network was busted in Norway. I guess you can call it global, since a lot of this stuff takes place online. But people in high places? Nope.
That's the other thing about these sickos: they're utterly disinterested in any real cases of child exploitation, except where they can tie it into their twisted fantasies about world leaders being involved.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

I think "twisted fantasies" and total disconnect with reality is a good start, they would also seem to have some kind of wannbe hero/martyr complex that is equally disturbing. My opinion, they themselves are seriously disturbed.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

I did a bit of "pizzagate" reading over the weekend, and the best summary I've found is from the Failing New York Times, ... agate.html

Other things I found were also interesting, such as the revelation that many of the posts on this were "written" by "bots," programs designed to amplify traffic on certain online topics and draw more people into reading them, getting more "hits" and thus income for these !@#$%! websites.

An oddly disproportionate share of the tweets about Pizzagate appear to have come from, of all places, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Vietnam, said Jonathan Albright, an assistant professor of media analytics at Elon University in North Carolina. In some cases, the most avid retweeters appeared to be bots, programs designed to amplify certain news and information. ... ping-pong/

NESARA News favorite Alex Jones is also knee deep in this. Not wanting to be left behind, he dumped gasoline on the shit storm and said, "“Hillary Clinton has personally murdered children," and "“When I think about all the children Hillary Clinton has personally murdered and chopped up and raped, I have zero fear standing up against her." ... -children/

Evidence? Of course there's evidence! Many of the posters have pointed out that "When Snopes, the New York Times, and The Washington Post say it's false, you know it must be true!" What more do you want, an egg in your beer?

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Burnaby49 »

Reminds me of something I read a long time back, a comment from a leading "expert" on aliens. He wrote that the proof that aliens actually exist and are here amongst us is that we can't prove that they exist. Apparently their intellect is so much higher than ours that they have successfully evaded detection. Using that logic I assume that if aliens suddenly showed up having a beer with Obama at the White House this would be proof that they don't exist.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

My response to that is always, that if they are so superior and have evaded detection, then how do you know they exist, because if the likes of you could find them, then so could anyone else?
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by texino »

It may be the time to holler,"Klaatu barada nikto" and leave your bags packed under the bed. Hopefully , the "Klaatu" message will save us, but there is a catch, for if we pass the grave site of the great patriot Daniel Webster Esq. If that happens and old Daniel is about, he may well boom this question; "How Stands The Union, friend?" The answer must given in the affirmative, but if you mess up the content it will be Hell and Hurricanes on the lot of you. Heck, I forget the damn speech all the time, but it is full of "The Union stands firm as the mighty oak or the hardwood maple" kind of talk and says nothing about women or minorities, and you can read the whole thing in "The Devil and Daniel Webster." When your country is in danger, you need to have a plan. That's how it goes.
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