
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

And just in time for your last-minute holiday shopping list - What to get that conspiracy-theory fan who already has everything:

"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News is working hard to be #1 in fake news! So it's a non-existent breakfast and not pizza, I'm sure their hard-working staff has had cold dried-out pizza in a grease-stained cardboard box for breakfast dozens of times!

Sunday, December 18, 2016
Restaurant Staff Walks Out on Obamas!!!

BREAKING: Restaurant Staff Walks Out When Obamas Walk In

December 18 2016
Approx 2 PM EST

The Obama family decided to go out for breakfast Sunday morning only to have their hopes shattered by the Patriots who worked at the restaurant they went to.

The owners of the Komonawannafeedya restaurant in Maui encouraged the employees to walk out when the Obamas made their typical Sunday morning stop while vacationing in Hawaii to show their support for incoming President Donald Trump.

The owners consider themselves patriots and say they used to enjoy the free publicity of the Obama visits when they were in town but could no longer keep up the facade that they were happy with their president.

The Obamas walked in and stood at the podium for a moment or two as the entire staff exited through the back door!

The restaurant staff watched with delight as their plan took effect and the president got increasingly agitated.

Nice job, Patriots!!!

Posted by Olive Oyl at 6:30:00 PM

Komonawannafeedya? Realy?


Anonymous December 18, 2016 at 9:45 PM

Anonymous December 18, 2016 at 11:36 PM
Where are all the other guests? Did they walk out too?

Freewill December 19, 2016 at 9:42 AM
I would say the other guests did as well. I am sure the wait staff forewarned all guests that day up to the time Obummers walked in. I wouldn't have a problem about it if I was a guest as well. I would actually like participating in a walkout. Kudos to the restaurant owners and staff!

Anonymous December 19, 2016 at 10:04 AM
Doesn't it make more sense that when a President is dinning at a public restaurant that they clear the building and all the buildings on the block for security reasons? Your missing the IMPORTANT part of the story. This @SShole is still wasting money and vacationing on OUR dime! I applaud the employees who walked out in protest, but the fact is that for 8yrs we have paid for lavish vacations and unnecessary expenses of eating at public restaurants for this scum. We need to take away his check book and his security guards!! He wants a gun free America, I say start with HIS SECURITY! Jan. 20th can not come soon enough!!!

Anonymous December 19, 2016 at 2:54 PM
In America we can display our disagreement with 'government' DOUBLE STANDARDS by exercising our First Amendment rights of speech and demonstrationa. I would say that both were exercised by this restaurant and staff. Good for them. The 'government' traitors FORCE Americans to bake cakes for those whose sexual practices they disagree with. Americans are FORCED to accept sharia 'law' and the political religion of muslims which are diametrically opposed to our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is time for all Americans to stand up for OUR rights and demonstrate that if the so called 'immigrants' come to America, they will live OUR WAY. We will NOT learn and practice THEIR way. We will NOT allow these scum to LIVE FOR FREE OFF THE BACKS OF THE HARD WORKING AMERICANS. NO FREEBIES ALLOWED. NO MORE 'SANCTUARY CITIES.' Gen Dunford was reported to have committed to have all illegals, immigrants and MUSLIMS REMOVED from our nation. WHEN WILL THAT BEGIN? In the meantime, Americans - you need to LEARN the Constitution and your rights and USE THEM instead of waiting for others to get the job done for you. The owner and staff of the Hawaiian restaurant know and used them. We ALL need to be heard and seen.

Ah, the giving spirit of Christmas!

The straight poop on this poop.

There was no truth to the above-quoted article. traffics in fake news, and although the site does not carry a readily available disclaimer, several other clues indicate that this article is not on the level.

The restaurant's name ("Komonawannafeedya") could be a humorous attempt to mimic the Hawaiian language (Come on, I want to feed you), but we found no record of a restaurant bearing that name in Hawaii. Additionally, the photograph included with the article, which supposedly showed the "breakfast Obama could have had if he were welcome at the restaurant," wasn't taken at the fictional Komonawannafeedya restaurant but rather was snapped by James Rubio in 2008 at Hawaiian Style Cafe in Waimea. And, of course, no other news outlet reported on this item, which would have been major story had it actually occurred. is simply a rebranded version of, a web site with a history of publishing baseless and inaccurate articles.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, when you don't have anything real to report, and probably wouldn't recognize it if it came up and slapped you in the face, all that is left is making it up, badly.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The White Hats Report Dec 19 2016

December 19, 2017 - White Hats Report #58 – Fake news, continued exposure, a look back at the election and wannabe thieves in the night.

Being so deep down the rabbit hole is sometimes a benefit and a curse. In determining the information to release in our reports, it’s difficult to unknow what we already know so that we can present information in a clear, cogent and understandable format. This report will attempt to offer additional information in the hopes that dots can be connected so that the readers can have an outline of what is happening and what to expect in the next few months but first, we’ll take a look back…

Fake News update
We could write books on the pathetic and treasonous tenure of **** but we’d have to interrupt our celebration of his retirement from the Senate to do so and the effort would be redundant. However, his retirement party brought out Hillary Clinton to speak and what did she talk about? Yes, fake news. While Democrats were nostalgic about Harry’s retirement and Republicans were celebrating, Hillary couldn’t resist her moment in the limelight to caution us about fake news and “malicious false propaganda.” Admittedly an odd subject to be discussing during a retirement party for a colleague but when you’re about to be exposed for the satanic rituals and pedophilia you engage in, you take every opportunity to debunk the truth and attempt to throw the dogs off your trail.

Megyn Kelly has emerged as the MOP’s newly appointed Queen of Disinformation as she ran an interview last week of Comet Ping Pong owner James Alfantis, utilizing her weak talents and unconvincing rhetoric to confer sympathy on Alfantis, this poor business owner who has fallen victim to fake news. As the cabal gets more and more desperate to derail the oncoming train called justice, more and more of their puppets will surface and reveal themselves. The times of exposure continue.

Lastly, the shooter at Comet Ping Pong, Edgar Maddison Welch, has been exposed as another crises actor in this latest false flag offered by the cabal to disguise their misdeeds. Mr. Welch has an IMdB page and his father has ties to charities involving children which give rise to many unanswered questions. Another question is, given the gun grabbing DC liberals, how can someone go into a public restaurant, shoot the place up and be arrested without being shot and killed?

Finally, we ask our readers to report information they have relating to satanic rituals or pedophilia in their areas involving government officials, politicians and/or media. We will follow up and report any developments.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 1:21:00 PM


Anonymous December 20, 2016 at 2:51 PM
In the meantime prepare for Isisgate.

Anonymous December 20, 2016 at 3:44 PM
m alfa m astral
DECEMBER 20, 2016 AT 7:57 PM
The “ultimate unstoppable key” game changer to the global matrix is available to swiftly bring order to the planet, through an infectious formula discovery by an anonymous naturally inclined inventor/innovator of new mathematical and utility compositions…IT ONLY NEEDS LIGHTLY FUNDED IMPLEMENTATION WITH ONLINE PRESENCE…

Lovely Critters December 20, 2016 at 6:14 PM
Interesting! Youtuber Titus Frost reports the gunman got off one shot..into a computer hard drive....what was on that drive??!

[You might remember Ms. Lovely Critters from her video, "Bestiality for Bonzo."]
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Chaos »

so The White Hats Report is the fake news they speak of?
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

FBI Insider: We Are Investigating Pizzagate

Posted on December 9, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in News, US
FBI insider claims agency have launched full blown investigation into Pizzagate

An FBI insider has revealed that the agency are currently conducting a low-key investigation into ‘Pizzagate’ and a potential Washington D.C. pedophile ring. According to the insider, FBI agents are biding their time and waiting until the Trump administration get into power, before making any actual arrests. reports: Exact quote:

FBI is facing the entire Federal government in this case.

Unreal. Here is also what he said.

“…pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that’s why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you.”

When asked why data isn’t just leaked immediately so the people at the highest levels can be indicted, he says:

“Total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out.”

Most of us want to do good but political turmoil at the top prevents us. Remember, this scandal is massive enough to send foreign governments into conflict with us. We cannot simply turn over everything and hope for the best. With intel as high as this, many people have turned away even if they have an inkling of what the details are.”

It wasn’t until I started examining the evidence we’ve gathered here that I finally understand the precarious position the FBI is in. Can you imagine if a video of a US politician brutally raping and killing a child actually made it out to the world? Can you imagine if the world found out that the US has been giving thousands of children to the Saudis to be raped, in exchange for political favors? You know that feeling you have about Comet Ping Pong? That’s how the world would feel about “Americans” — country that sells children into rape rings. (Can you blame them? Perhaps it is up to us to clean up our backyard.)

You know that block on Connecticut with Comet, etc? That appears to be what most of the US government became, as a whole. One big child trafficking front in exchange for favors, intel, and money. If this gets out to the world, and video footage is seen, we could see multiple wars and uprisings occur. Maybe we deserve judgment for allowing it to happen all these years. I don’t know. The victims have been telling us for decades, and usually they have been dismissed as “crazy.”

On a lighter note, FBI anon did say that in January, it will be easier for them to arrest certain individuals while ensuring overall stability. He said we must keep focusing on the Clinton Foundation, and imagine all of its doners are implicated. And he said we must keep firing out tweets, articles, memes, videos, word of mouth, etc.


bring it on… bringgg itttt onnnnnn. lol.. cant wait…

John Cook
When you think it through this is Really big. Unlike most “conspiracy theories” it is Very clear if you just look at the evidence – and it’s a very sensitive issue, even with the normies. Trump will have a choice, either become a hero by exposing it or lose virtually his whole base support by supressing it (or trying to). I think that he will make the obvious choice – even if he is “controlled opposition” – and when he does it will destroy the whole “establishment”, including the filthy msm. It will even take down entity’s that are now shilling for it’s cover up. Pizzagate is bigger, by far, than watergate, this is going to become the biggest “scandle” in history – it will change the world, and for the better. And Trump will not be able to resist being the hero – he Will do something about it. We just have to keep pushing.

Thanks for covering this in this climate.

The investigation will progress UNTIL the truth gets too close to power. Much like the Panama Papers, the threat of exposure to the close connections of the powerful will derail the entire investigation !!
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by TheNewSaint »

Chaos wrote:so The White Hats Report is the fake news they speak of?
I think there's a distinction to be made between fake news and imaginary news. "Pope endorses Donald Trump" is fake news. "Hillary Clinton molests children with other world leaders in Satanic rituals at well-known public location using secret pizza-based code words" is imaginary news.

The former is false, but plausible, as it's a common type of news story. The latter is absurd on its face, contrary to the known behavior of many public figures, and would be reported by a more credible outfit than if it were true. The story goes beyond fake to being so ridiculous that nobody sane would believe it. (Of course, people reading NESARA reports don't qualify as sane.)

Fake news must be somewhat believable to be effective. The crap that White Hats Report and the like churn out isn't.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

TheNewSaint wrote:I think there's a distinction to be made between fake news and imaginary news. "Pope endorses Donald Trump" is fake news. "Hillary Clinton molests children with other world leaders in Satanic rituals at well-known public location using secret pizza-based code words" is imaginary news.

The former is false, but plausible, as it's a common type of news story. The latter is absurd on its face, contrary to the known behavior of many public figures, and would be reported by a more credible outfit than if it were true. The story goes beyond fake to being so ridiculous that nobody sane would believe it. (Of course, people reading NESARA reports don't qualify as sane.)

Fake news must be somewhat believable to be effective. The crap that White Hats Report and the like churn out isn't.
If some significant number of people believe it could be true, then does it matter if it's "absurd on its face?" Granted, reasonable people wouldn't believe it, but there are a lot of people who are willing to believe anything about people they don't like. The Pizzagate thing is a good example.
The latest poll from The Economist/YouGov found almost half of ***** supporters believe the “Pizzagate” scandal that linked ***** to a pedophilia ring. Belief in the scandal crossed party lines. Overall, the poll also found that more than a third of American adults said the scandal is “probably” or “definitely” true. Only 29 percent of those polled said the conspiracy is “definitely” not true.

All told, 46 percent of ***** voters said they believe “Pizzagate” to be real, even though it didn’t begin from a reputable source and was instead birthed on message boards on sites like 4chan and Reddit before spreading on social media sites Twitter and Facebook, the New York Daily News reported. ... 08442.html

That's a big chunk of people who believe something something reasonable people could describe as "batshit crazy," yet there you are.

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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

As Charles P. Pierce says in his book, "Idiot America", there are three Great Premises of Idiot America:

1. Any theory is valid if it sells books, soaks up ratings, or otherwise moves units.
2. Anything can be true if someone says it loudly enough.
3. Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is determined by how fervently they believe it.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, December 30, 2016
PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal

The Cover Is Blown Off The Ongoing Worldwide C.I.A. Black Pedo-Operation

A Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate
Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate
PizzaGate Citizen’s Investigation Cyber-conference

Special Note:
... The following “Special Report” provides a big picture context that is necessary to correctly understand what Pizzagate is really all about. What has been uncovered thus far is certainly HUGE by any standard. However, compared to the global Pedogate crime syndicate, Pizzagate is just one of many similar pedophilia rings that dot the globe. The crucial point is that now that Pizzagate has been blown wide open as a CIA operation, it is time to direct precious time and attention to the many other pedophile scandals around the world. Yes, Pizzagate is the key, but they have cleaned up that particular crime scene so much that further clues will be more difficult to unearth. That was the very purpose of the false flag gunman who showed up at Comet Ping Pong–to provide cover for law enforcement to scour the premises of any evidence that might be found by an on-site investigator. Nevertheless, every journalist ought to be aware that it is Pizzagate that will ultimately take down World Shadow Government that unlawfully controls the US Government and every other Western power.
Pedogate is Global, Pizzagate is Local
Many have complained that Pizzagate should be called Pedogate.
In fact, Pizzagate is just one of many Pedogates occurring around the world at this very moment. As the title indicates, “Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate“.
This is the timing and environment in which Pizzagate was first disclosed. Since the very first disclosures, it has gathered momentum that just won’t quit. In fact with each day comes new information and startling realizations about just how BIG this thing really is. That Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and John Podesta are at the epicenter of this “Scandal of the Millennium” makes it all the more shocking and hard for many to believe.
It’s actually the real back story that is being kept carefully hidden; for were the true details of Pizzagate to leak out to the public, the world would change in a day and a night. The shocking back story of the much larger Pedogate looks like this. Take a very close look at the following excerpt. This short synopsis of the 1980s Franklin Scandal and Cover-up captures the sheer depth and breadth of the crimes being perpetrated against our children.
What the reader needs to understand is that Pizzagate represents only the tip of the iceberg—a global iceberg of profound criminality committed against the children of the world. Not only does it concern a much larger worldwide pedophilia ring known as Pedogate, it also involves an international crime syndicate that trades in the exploitation of children—EVERYWHERE —24/7.
Pizzagate has simply uncovered what everyone in Washington has always known. That virtually every politician of note is controlled by having been compromised with an illegal and/or outrageous sexual affair, often with underage children. In once Puritan America this has always been the easiest way to bring down a noncompliant elected official. Of course, if the unlawful and lurid conduct occurred in the context of child rape or satanic ritual sacrifice, their political career not only ended, so was their freedom of movement due to imprisonment.
What could possibly be more radioactive than pedophilia in high places?
Actually, the pedophilia rings are organized ostensibly as a cover for a much, MUCH more sinister business operation. Those criminal activities routinely carried out include the production of child pornography, both photographs and films, as well as the filming of snuff movies. Other criminal behavior falls within the realm of satanic ritual child sacrifice and blood drinking. The most odious crimes, however, involve child organ trafficking, tissues harvesting and blood extraction.
False Flag Just Staged At Comet Ping Pong Pizza Restaurant To Shut Down Alt Media
Not only did the Washington Post publish an unprecedented hit piece against all of the major Alt Media news platforms, which they then had to walk back, they also conspired to create the phony new platform PropOrNot. The MSM have been recklessly relentless in labeling any news that they do not originate as ‘fake news’. They ramped up this witch hunt right before the first stories were being floated in the Alt Media about Pizzagate which clearly indicated that they knew a sh*tstorm was coming their way. And they saw no other way to discredit the emerging narrative than to reprehensibly call everyone else producers of ‘fake news’. Now that was a D E S P E R A T E move, if ever there was one!
There is another dimension to this whole child exploitation business that has nothing to do with business per se. This aspect concerns the deliberate sacrifice of pure babies and unsullied young children for the purpose of propitiating the ‘gods’. First, it is very significant to apprehend the history of the word “Satan”. It actually comes from the same word as “Saturn”.
The ancients truly believed that each luminary (read planet and star) was a planetary manifestation of various deities in their respective pantheon of gods. Every ancient school of astrology understood that Saturn is the planet that returns one’s karma, especially very difficult karmas. The greater the trial and tribulations in life, the more it was said that the individual was being visited by Saturn himself. In fact every major system of astrology adheres to a similar understanding, so we — post-modern man — know there must be some truth to it.
Over the millennia, the word “Saturn” started being written and spoken as “Satan”, as they both make life miserable. Both Saturn the dispenser of karma and Satan the deceiver of men, it was understood, were always responsible for life’s great adversities and terrible sufferings. At some point, of course, Satan became identified as The Adversary of both God and mankind, and especially of Jesus the Christ. The other major religions have similar demonic personages which could easily be understood as their form of Satan, the devil and/or Lucifer.
When the Bavarian Illuminati was first established, their members were men who eventually rejected the right path back to the Godhead. Instead, they chose the left path which embraced all sorts of occult practices, demonic rituals and left-handed protocols in order to please their various idols. The most worshipped of these idols are known Moloch and Baphomet, both of which are crude representations of Saturn. That’s why the “Sabbatic Goat” image is often used as a satanic symbol. The mountain goat is also the zodiac symbol for Capricorn—the astrological sign ruled by Saturn.
There are various inside explanations for the systematic torturing and killing of children worldwide. Children are routinely made the objects of hunting for snuff films as well. In all of these cases the children are ultimately killed after a period of being in extreme fear. The sustained level of fear triggers the release of different hormones and other biochemicals which are highly valued by the aging elites. They actually drink the blood of the children immediately after they are executed on a butcher’s block or killed in the hunt.
This form of sadistic cannibalism has been practiced for eons by secret societies around the globe. The practitioners of these dark arts and pseudo-sciences firmly believe that they receive great powers from such hormone-rich blood. So much so that they will literally eat the beating heart of a child who is in the act of being brutally killed. Obviously these lost souls are possessed by demons who have compelled them to act like devils with blood lust.
The other purpose of these satanic rituals is the harvesting of organs, tissues and blood which are now being trafficked extensively worldwide. Some investigations have reported that human meat (and blood) is showing up in the food supply and particularly in fast food restaurants.[2] However, the main use for the young organs are for transplants for the rich and famous whose own organs have failed. A market for intestines, corneas and bone marrow have seen a recent upsurge in demand as well. These black market products are being purveyed to large metro hospitals and concierge physicians alike. So it has become a fast-growing business worldwide.
As for the tissues, illegal stem cell research has created a burgeoning demand for all sorts of tissues, both living and dead. Hence, methodical tissue harvesting has now become a large part of these pedo-operations as a way of making some really big money. Because of the relatively new revenue-producing aspects to child trafficking, there are now pressures to maintain income levels which heretofore never existed, or did so to a much smaller degree.
The unfortunate consequence is that children are now being kidnapped at an alarming rate by professional kidnappers who are paid good money for young and healthy human beings. Some children are even abducted by family or friends who are drawn into such schemes, sometimes unwittingly so convoluted are the plots. The true missing children statistics, along with in-your-face kidnappings, reflect this ominous trend. It has never been so dangerous being a child given that some corporate bottom lines are now being inflated by the trade in children.
Quite unfortunately, the world is literally run by pedophiles and pedophobes.
For many centuries, maybe even millennia, a clandestine cabal has practiced their dark arts and sadistic rituals in the secrecy of hidden groves and dark castles.
This large group of rich and powerful leaders, wealthy and influential private citizens, desperately want to come out of the closet. With the gross liberalization that took place under President Barak Obama, they saw an unparalleled opportunity to normalize pedophilia.
The legalization of gay marriage in one country after another is a stepping stone to the passage of legislation that they hope will legalize pedophilia.
These psychologically deranged ‘VIPs’ really do not care about the children one iota. They just want numerous children available for their own sexual gratification and for other very sick and twisted purposes.
Nevertheless, their movement grows rapidly by the day because there are now enough movers and shakers in high places to further advance this societal calamity.
The pedophile crowd really does want to come out of their closets. By passing new laws, it is their sincere hope that they can sexually abuse and rape children at will. That they can torture and kill children at will.
Editor’s Note
The preceding “Author’s Note” warrants further elucidation. From the very first moment that we heard of Pizzagate, we knew that this was the BIG one. That Pizzagate was the fuse that would help detonate the explosion of Pedogate. And so it has … in a way that has totally caught the ruling elites off guard. In point of fact, they have been so blind-sided by PizzaGate, and the ensuing global citizens investigation, that they are in a tizzy. Major MSM news platforms are now ‘forced’ to feature such pedophiles as James Alefantis justifying his every sexually explicit post and scurrilous picture, outrageous music performance and pedophilia-suggestive photo associated with Comet Ping Pong.
The critical point here is that it is Pizzagate that will ultimately take down the global power structure. It is the sordid disclosures surrounding each and every Pedogate occurring in nations large and small that will bring about the final downfall of the criminally insane cabal of psychopaths who rule the world. Yes, Pizzagate has all the necessary elements that will prove to be their undoing.
Pizzagate is really different from all the other scandals
Many are in awe watching Pizzagate mushroom into a global citizen’s investigation overnight. This massive research project is the product of the new form of Alt Media journalism. Pizzagate itself is also profoundly different from all the other Washington scandals. Because grave criminality is being committed against our children, it is occurring in everyone’s back yard. Just as there are now children literally swiped from their front yard in broad daylight so bold are the perps getting. In other words, there are no NIMBYs where it concerns Pizzagate. Everyone has a daughter or son, granddaughter or grandson, niece or nephew, brother or sister who is vulnerable to the dangers of such an out-of-control child exploitation enterprise. The very nature of this beast, then, has drawn everyone into figuring out how to kill it. Who would ever want such a beast roaming free — as it has for centuries — devouring children practically at will? Not In My Back Yard! Or in anyone else’s back yard either!
Posted by Freewill at 1:28:00 AM
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

PIzzagate is only the tip of the iceberg that is Pedogate (short for Pedometergate, I mean, if it was supposed to stand for "Pederasty" it would be "Pedegate"). Here are other tips of this same iceberg, named after similar code words found in hacked e-mails that went like "I gotta work through lunch, wanna zip out and grab some XXX?"

Burgergate - What? You don't get the meaning of "pickle," "special sauce," and "sesame seed bun?" Do I have to draw a picture?
Cheeseburgergate - Like "Cheese Pizza" was "Child Pornography," "Cheese Burger" is "Child Biography." Perverts who get off reading about the early lives of George Washington, Mozart and the like.
Chinesegate - When a perv gets the urge to MooShu, nothing but a Peking Duck will do. Many a missing child found themselves in deep oystersauce and packaged in paper cartons for takeout.
Iceberg Lettucegate, or Icebergate - Sex slave who does a striptease that's like "pealing the outer, limp leaves off a head of lettuce" before being tossed with olive oil, vinegar, garlic and herbs.
Kentuckyfriedgate - The Colonel knows how to serve them up crispy or original style. Finger lickin' good!
Mexicangate - Made up of Tacogate, Burritogate, and of course Guacamolegate, among others.
SubSandwichgate - Regionally called "Hoagiegate," "Grindergate," "Herogate," and "Po'Boygate."
Teabaggingate - Code for the enslavement of Teaparty member's grandchildren, turning them into ungrateful little !@#$&!s.
Zipgate - Code speech for both 5- and 9-digit USPS Zip Code.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

The Pizzagater wrote:Pizzagate has simply uncovered what everyone in Washington has always known. That virtually every politician of note is controlled by having been compromised with an illegal and/or outrageous sexual affair, often with underage children. In once Puritan America this has always been the easiest way to bring down a noncompliant elected official. Of course, if the unlawful and lurid conduct occurred in the context of child rape or satanic ritual sacrifice, their political career not only ended, so was their freedom of movement due to imprisonment.

So, the guy who wrote this as "PizzaGate Citizen’s Investigation Cyber-conference" thinks it goes without saying that when people get power they use it to have "illegal and/or outrageous sexual affair, often with underage children." Says a lot about his own sick fantasies, and his lack of inside knowledge about the Illuminati. We prefer beastiality over pederasty, with the exact animal a matter of regional taste. Out west they have a cowboy ethic and go for sheep, but over east it's goats hands down.

The Pizzagator wrote:Over the millennia, the word “Saturn” started being written and spoken as “Satan”
The kind of thing that puts The Big Guy in a bad mood, especially when he's hung over from the New Years Party. "Saturn" and "Satan" are not the same person and look nothing alike, starting with the horns. Besides, "Saturn" is less close to "Satan" than is "Satin" or "Santa," both of which also piss off he-who-must-not-be-named-but-if-you-do-it-do-it-right. BTW, the "Satin" similarity is the source of endless office humor, such as the suggestions for new black sabbath prayers: "O Mighty Lord Satin, soft and silky, I cast myself utterly into thine luxuriant fabric-clad arms and place myself unreservedly under thy all-powerful and cuddly protection."

Finally, this NESARA News today.

Monday, January 2, 2017
California Democrats Legalize Child Prostitution

Katherine Frisk note: There is a military term called “mission creep.” The Western world has been subject to a “mission creep”by pedophiles over the last 66 years. 1960-2016. Numerologists make of it what you will along with any hand signals that you think are appropriate.

It starts with the music industry and CIA drug running, most famous for flooding California with LSD. Drugs, sex and rock n roll which has successfully socially engineered the youth in all Western Nations for the last 66 years. By bending minds with narcotics, the unacceptable which was once considered insanity has now become acceptable.

Motown, think of such names as Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye,Lionel Richie Diana Ross, which during the 60s and the 70s was filled with remarkable talent. Since then the African-American music industry has been degenerated into rap, hip hop and gangsters.

Voices like Barbara Streisand, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan ( he dropped out and became a born again Christian,) Cat Stevens ( he dropped out and became a Muslim,) Rodriguez ( was successfully silenced except in South Africa,) the Beatles (they disbanded and Lenin was shot) and many others have slipped through the cracks and disappeared.

[Note: Lenin died January 21, 1924 as the result of 3 strokes and/or badmouthing Stalin, years before the Beatles disbanded. Not to be confused with the Russian revolutionary, Vladimir "John" Lennon.]

We are left with the dregs of the likes of Madonna, Lady Gaga, Jay Z, Beyoncé and Myley Cyrus and all their satanist, child sex innuendo and MKultra mind programming socially engineering the youth for a future of Sodom and Gomorrah. We all need to wake up and become Vigilante Citizens.

It is easy. Stop watching their crap. Stop buying it. Don’t go to their concerts. Stop handing over your hard earned money to a bunch of degenerates. Switch off the Grammys and instead have Thanks Giving in May with your whole family and make your own music. Bang your own drum, dance to your own tune.

In the last 66 years divorce rates have increased, single parenthood has become the norm, the family structure which is the foundation of any healthy society has been shattered, and abortion on demand instead of birth control and family planning has become the norm. Murdering your own perfectly healthy children is no longer a crime.

Being made to be responsible for your own body and taking precautions is never considered. And aborted babies even up until their 8th term are in demand by the organ harvesters worldwide. They need a constant supply of fresh meat to trade in for organ transplants in the bodies of dirty old men.

The age of consent has dropped from 18 to 16 and in some countries to as low as 14 and 13. Father’s are no longer around to protect their own daughters from predators and ensure that they are treated with respect and that the suitor is made to prove himself as a man before having any kind of relationship which would include a relationship with her whole family. If anything these days it is the father’s in or out of the house who now have first rights raping their own children and they get away with it. They consider this “normative.” Efforts are now being made to legalize pedophilia.

But along the way to the final objective in true mission creep style we have ever encroaching legislation that is totally undermining any kind of healthy and normative society. The latest being legalizing child prostitution. That would include on-line child prostitution which in turn will feed the pedophile industry. When a society turns on their own young and instead of protecting them and nurturing them, rapes, abuses, dishonours and in the case of abortions on demand, murders them, then it will sow the seeds of its own destruction.

Don McLean warned us in 1971.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 2:21:00 PM

The only warning I remember ol' Don giving us back in 1971 had to do with not drinking whisky and rye when driving Chevies to levies that were dry.
So bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry
Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey 'n' Rye
Singin' this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by noblepa »

Deep Knight wrote:Finally, this NESARA News today.[/color]

Monday, January 2, 2017
California Democrats Legalize Child Prostitution
You'd think that, if the writer knew that this was true, it would be an easy matter to tell us the bill number that passed the state legislature in Sacramento. Those things are public record, are they not?

And, did California Democrats NOT legalize ADULT prostitution at the same time?

The sad thing is that there are morons out there who will believe this crap.

Last spring, a co-worker who is an educated, skilled network engineer, insisted that California was allowing undocumented aliens to vote. It turned out that CA had passed a law making it easy to register when you got a driver's license (or something like that). Critics of the bill claimed that this created a loophole that made it POSSIBLE for illegals to register. Whether that loophole really exists or not, I don't know, but that is a far cry from ALLOWING illegals to register.

Critical thinking?! We don't need no stinkin' critical thinking!!!
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

...[T]he Beatles (they disbanded and Lenin was shot)...
Deep Knight wrote:[Note: Lenin died January 21, 1924 as the result of 3 strokes and/or badmouthing Stalin, years before the Beatles disbanded
Yet, they never claimed that Lenin died as a result of being shot. They just correctly reported that Lenin was shot, which was historically true. Fanny Kaplan shot him in 1918, but he survived. There was some medical conjecture that Lenin's poor health in later years was the result of the bullets remaining in his body, but there was never any direct proof that this was case, even after the bullets were removed.

As for Lenin dying before the Beatles disbanded, that is also correct, but you left out the most important part: Lenin refused to be in the Beatles, despite mass urging from music aficionados that he form the band. This was most discouraging to Paul, George and Ringo, when they found out years later. But in true Illuminati conspiratorial manner, they connived to find a similarly named person, one John Lennon, in the attempt to pull one over on the music industry. And the rest, as they say, is history.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by TheNewSaint »

God, this is like hardcore slash fiction written by a 14-year-old who has anger issues because his parents won't let him attend sex ed class.
some nutcase wrote:There is a military term called “mission creep.”
Yes, I remember seeing it in Dilbert 15 years ago. As literary openings go, this is only slightly better than "Webster's Dictionary defines 'mission creep' as..."
over the last 66 years. 1960-2016. Numerologists make of it what you will
I make of it that you're bad at math.
And aborted babies even up until their 8th term
I thought there were only 3 terms of pregnancy. Is he saying that 15-month old toddlers are being aborted? If so, I have to agree, that's pretty messed up.
are in demand by the organ harvesters worldwide.
Worldwide organ harvesting seems impractical. How do you explain to airport security why your carry-on is a styrofoam cooler full of fetus bladders?
They need a constant supply of fresh meat to trade in for organ transplants in the bodies of dirty old men.
Call me a hopeless romantic, but I refuse to believe that anyone would receive an organ transplant for sexual gratification. How would that even work? What part of the process would be arousing? How would you find someone to do the procedure? How do you implant an infant-sized organ into an adult-sized body? I don't even want to know how the writer thinks this works.

If anything, this sounds like some kind of witch doctor thing, where they believe the blood of certain people has magical qualities that can others can benefit from.
The age of consent has dropped from 18 to 16
and in some countries to as low as 14 and 13.
I think you'll find that they were always 14 and 13. A lot of places are pretty lax about that sort of thing.
Father’s are no longer around to protect their own daughters from predators

It's amazing how quickly the subject matters shifts from pedophilic snuff transplant fetish to ordinary family values speech. The writer needs to work on tone. Or maybe not, since his readers probably eat this shit up.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

TheNewSaint wrote:God, this is like hardcore slash fiction written by a 14-year-old who has anger issues because his parents won't let him attend sex ed class.
some nutcase wrote:There is a military term called “mission creep.”
Yes, I remember seeing it in Dilbert 15 years ago. As literary openings go, this is only slightly better than "Webster's Dictionary defines 'mission creep' as..."
over the last 66 years. 1960-2016. Numerologists make of it what you will
I make of it that you're bad at math.
They may be bad at math, BUT isn't more important they're good at recognizing coded "666" messages and warning you about them so you don't accidentally sell your soul to Satan when going on a mission with some creep? Sure the author has anger issues, anger at watching people so concerned about statements making sense that they miss the underlying delusional message!
TheNewSaint wrote:
And aborted babies even up until their 8th term
I thought there were only 3 terms of pregnancy. Is he saying that 15-month old toddlers are being aborted? If so, I have to agree, that's pretty messed up.
No, the message here is "Bad at BOTH Biology and Math!"
TheNewSaint wrote:
are in demand by the organ harvesters worldwide.
Worldwide organ harvesting seems impractical. How do you explain to airport security why your carry-on is a styrofoam cooler full of fetus bladders?
They need a constant supply of fresh meat to trade in for organ transplants in the bodies of dirty old men.
Call me a hopeless romantic, but I refuse to believe that anyone would receive an organ transplant for sexual gratification. How would that even work? What part of the process would be arousing? How would you find someone to do the procedure? How do you implant an infant-sized organ into an adult-sized body? I don't even want to know how the writer thinks this works.

If anything, this sounds like some kind of witch doctor thing, where they believe the blood of certain people has magical qualities that can others can benefit from.
Strangely enough, this is true. I once got an emergency transfusion from a bullfighter (after being shot in a Spanish bordello - don't ask), and for the next couple of weeks wanted to punch every bull I came across in the nose.
TheNewSaint wrote:
The age of consent has dropped from 18 to 16
and in some countries to as low as 14 and 13.
I think you'll find that they were always 14 and 13. A lot of places are pretty lax about that sort of thing.
I looked and couldn't find any, which stinks to high heaven of a cover-up! I did find this Wikipedia "false flag" that shows how desperate they are to discredit this patriotic writer.
Several Western countries have raised their ages of consent recently. These include Canada (in 2008 - from 14 to 16); and in Europe, Iceland (in 2007 - from 14 to 15), Lithuania (in 2010 - from 14 to 16), Croatia (in 2013 - from 14 to 15), and Spain (in 2015 - from 13 to 16).
TheNewSaint wrote:
Father’s are no longer around to protect their own daughters from predators

It's amazing how quickly the subject matters shifts from pedophilic snuff transplant fetish to ordinary family values speech. The writer needs to work on tone. Or maybe not, since his readers probably eat this shit up.
You forgot the last part of this sentence.
... and ensure that they are treated with respect and that the suitor is made to prove himself as a man before having any kind of relationship which would include a relationship with her whole family.
I think the author's intent is pretty clear here, a suitor needs to "prove himself as a man" with all the other members of the family before being allowed to date the daughter in question. I think we can all agree that such proof would include the ability to sire children. Perhaps he would even be "made to prove himself" with the family dog.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by TheNewSaint »

Deep Knight wrote:They may be bad at math, BUT isn't more important they're good at recognizing coded "666" messages
Which is something I found interesting about the Pizzagator post, but didn't mention because there were many more obvious stupidities in it.

Ignoring the subtraction error for a moment, the author wants us to believe that a 66-year statistical trend is a coded message of the Satanic number. But that only makes sense in the year 2016, and if you chose 1950 as your start point. Doesn't it increase just the same between any two chosen years? And what happens in 2017? Does pedophilia decrease? Or does it continue to increase, thus making the "66" message wrong? Manipulating the level of pedophilia for two-plus generations just to annoy numerologists seems like a lot of effort for very little payoff.

And what statistic is he even looking at? He just says "pedophilia." If it was a number we could verify, like the divorce rate (another theme of his post), we'd probably find that it goes up and down, as most statistics do over such a long time.

I know I'm thinking way too much, but it's fun to work these things through to see the many layers of stupid at work within them.
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, January 15, 2017
There are no more options for the NWO ruling cabal!
Hear ye! Hear ye!

[I don't know how they heard about my "Deep State" project, but it's probably no more than a name to 'em. They couldn't possibly know the details.]

Starting the hot phase of World War III,
Triggering a worldwide global Stock Market Collapse,
Engineering the Second Great Depression,
Staging an Alien Invasion via Operation Blue Beam,
Manufacturing a global Pandemic and Depopulation,
Inducing a series of catastrophic Earth Changes,
Steering an Asteroid into Russia, etc., etc., etc.,
NONE of these harebrained schemes will work anymore
for the Illuminati and their omnipresent Axis of Evil.

[Darned, we must have a leak! Heads will roll! Luckily they don't seem to know about the link to Pizzagate. If they did it would throw us into complete disarray!]

Just as Pizzagate is catching up with the
U.S. Establishment, Pedogate will catch
up with the World Shadow Government
The Millennium Report

It ought to be clear to every resident of Planet Earth that the New World Order ruling cabal has been thrown into complete disarray.

That the Illuminati plot to install an overt One World Government is in absolute chaos.
That their multi-century agenda to foist a state-sponsored One World Religion on humankind has been thwarted.

And that their many conspiratorial plots to depopulate the world have failed dismally.
The bottom line is that those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the planetary power pyramid are clueless about how to proceed given the following state of affairs:


Should they deign to be so stupid as to pull the plug on the GE&FS, forces will step in to short-circuit their nefarious plans and maintain order. More significantly, the convicting pretext will have been presented to frogmarch the perps out alpine hideaways and seaside villas and into the nearest prison cell.

It will also be the Internet that will empower the inhabitants of Earth to police the planet so that the banksters never set foot in a bank again. Just as a global citizens investigation has been underway regarding the Washington, D.C. Pizzagate and global Pedogate, people power is emerging in ways and places never seen before.

The Pizzagate revelations, which are coming out fast and furiously because of the power and pervasiveness of the Internet, is creating a very conducive environment for the powerless to take back their power. Pedogate has likewise created an international forum for victims everywhere to speak their truth to power like never before. Truly, Pizzagate / Pedogate will provide the lynchpin for the malevolent global power structure.

The Illuminati, the Neocons, the Zionists and Alien-Human Hybrid Controllers
The ultimate disposition of this criminally insane cabal of psychopaths is the only remaining challenge for the global village to meet straightaway.

Where will the world be safe with the likes of these entities still on the loose? Who would volunteer to house such a dangerous group of genocidal murderers, incorrigible kleptomaniacs, war-profiteering warmongers and serial producers of chaos and pandemonium?

This difficult question, then, is one that must be answered decisively and swiftly. Many commentators have spoken of a negotiated truce with these monsters, as though the planet is big enough for them and us to peacefully co-exist. No, not quite!

In any event, now that they have no place to go once they have been stripped of their ill-gotten gains and misappropriated wealth, their influence and power over the affairs of men will be greatly diminished. Nonetheless, the wheels of justice must be allowed to turn so that their billions of victims can rest safely and soundly.

Perhaps an off-planet penitentiary can be found that is within the legendary waterless region. Actually, they will probably find a way to wreck that realm as well.


“Ding Dong! The Witch is dead.”


Were the people of good conscience to coalesce around the same Earth rehab plan, the serial obstructionists wouldn’t have a chance to sow their seeds of discontent. Why is it that the bad guys are always working together more efficiently than the good guy? One would think that a righteous cause like saving Planet Earth would galvanize a movement like no other in modern history.
Let’s get busy!

The Millennium Report
January 12, 2017

Posted by Freewill at 12:31:00 PM

I told He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to either change his password to something less obvious or never put anything he didn't want posted all over in internet into his e-mails, but would he listen? I've put hundreds of hours into staging an Alien Invasion via Operation Blue Beam, and he ruins it by some thoughtless message that probably included a request to order delivery "pizza" too! No wonder evil is getting such a bad name.

BTW, the Year 2017 is EXACTLY 666 years after the Year 1351, which was the year EXACTLY 5 years after the start of the Black Death in Europe. Something to think about!
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by Deep Knight »

Have you been hungering for a cheesy hot bubbling update with no anchovies? Well, here it is!


Tuesday, February 7, 2017
PedoGate PizzaGate Update

PedoGate PizzaGate Update - 70 Politicians & Elites In D.C., NYC, VA, To Be Arrested Next Week!
Updated February 4, 2017

This information compiled by AscensionWithEarthiness

An updated list has been compiled with possible names of alledged Washinton D.C. Pedophile Politicians outed by the FBI insider who had previously predicted and helped the citizen investigations into PizzaGate and PedoGate.

The FBI Insider gave a quick Q&A to victurus libertas below is the relevant snippet of information of additional names.

Q. Good points. So, is PizzaGate connected to the West Coast.
A. There is serious connection. Not necessarily connecting to the arrests we hope to see next week, but you may want to look into CES, and also NP and see if that politician has any Pizzadust on their shoes.
Q. Nancy Pelosi?
A. No comment
Q. Can you provide some more initials of politicians being investigated?
A . Sure BF, MB, TK, DF, JM, LG There are also journalists, pundits, money men, lobbyists. Many are being tracked down and are about to be exposed, arrested, drained. Some may off themselves when they realize they risk prison, ruination, loss of power, etc.

Here is the new and expanded list to the alleged Washington D.C. politicians who are involved in the rape, murder, torture of innocent children. The initials of the alleged criminal politicians names were only given by the FBI Insider, so this is the best guess right now until we can see how the arrests unfold in the coming week.

CES = Charles Ellis Schumer
NP = Nancy Pelosi
BF = Barney Frank
MB = Michael Blumenthal
TK = Tim Kaine
DF = Dianne Feinstein
JM = John McCain
LG = Lindsay Graham

February 3, 2017

DOJ / FBI Insider - PizzaGate Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)23:48:48

Dropping a small piece of information, take it however you may. I will not provide any picture's for proof as I don't feel like clearing metadata. I likely will not reply back to any questions, unless they are questions I do not mind answering.

Information was finally submitted from the FBI to the DOJ today at 3pm. Mr. Sessions was briefed 3 weeks ago as to the investigation in its entirety. Once assumes his position, arrest warrants will be signed, and arrests will be made. This is also why the Democratic Party in DC has been fighting the Sessions vote. Panic.

Furthermore, starting Monday or Tuesday of next week, you will begin to start seeing arrests of individuals. Over 30 politicians (many are household names), and over 40 other individuals throughout DC, VA and also a handful in NYC. Some may off their selves before they are apprehended, so keep a eye out for that over the weekend, and you will know they are involved in some manner.

The child pedophilia ring / sex trafficking arrests California was not related, at least no evidence yet to suggest that it was. May be wrong has people begin to talk, or make deals on the matter.

Gary Larrabee

Politicians Named By Kent Dunn To Be Arrested For Pedophilia, Rape & Torture of Innocent Children

Chuck Schumer
Tim Kaine
Michael Blumenthal

Some of these politicians will probably kill themselves before arrests take place.

The Royals to be arrested next.
Angela Merkel to resign and run to Paraguay

Intel provided by Kent Dunn via Gary Larrabee

Posted by enerchi at 2/03/2017 11:21:00 PM

Labels: Arrests, Government Corruption, Intel Report, Paedophile Network

This information compiled by AscensionWithEarthiness

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:31:00 AM

1 comment:

Anonymous February 7, 2017 at 1:00 AM
Well there's been waves of arrests in Haiti this week, so there's that.

If you look it up, Gary Larrabee said that these arrests were taking place at the beginning of last December. And they're still not done? Next time some idiot tells you that paperwork and red tape doesn't delay the police in their duties, reference this!
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Re: Pizzagate

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:If you look it up, Gary Larrabee said that these arrests were taking place at the beginning of last December. And they're still not done?
This cannot be a surprise to you. After all, you, me and every other member of the Illuminati have been waiting over 5 years to be arrested and it still has not happened. At this point, I think we should just simply sue everyone over at Freewilly's site for breach of promise. I have been looking forward to having the ability to get 3 squares a day, free room and clothing without having to work for it in Club Fed.
What in the world is Pizzadust? And why would anyone want it?
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