Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

For once, just once, be fair DK. It isn't like they're just a bunch of paranoid lunatics with way more guns per capita than IQ points. They have verified intel confirming that the ANTIFA apocalypse will hit the US today. A bail bondsman with a fake Sheriff's badge printed on his shirt told them so!

http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense ... _away.html

You effete skeptics can feel free to just sit around guzzling your claret mocking them until the pitiless ANTIFA wave comes smashing through your front door. But the true patriots know better and they're hunkered down right now waiting for those commie Hillary-lovers to make their move. You mock the real Americans when they alone understood that the Jade Helm 15 exercises were really camouflage for a UN takeover of America! And did the UN take over America? NO THEY DID NOT!!! No thanks to you and your kind but to the fact that Bufus and Bubba and Cletus figured it out and were waiting on guard for America. That alone stopped the Chinese troops from filling up all of the nation's Walmarts (emergency FEMA processing camps) with your kind.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Of course we're igniting a civil war on Nov. 4th, just like we do every year. Then, once millions have been beheaded, we cover it up and no one is the wiser. This isn't really news, just business as usual.


Rumors of Civil War: How Anti-Communist Conspiracies Imagine an Antifa Civil War on November 4
By Spencer Sunshine, on October 31, 2017

A conspiracy theory has spread like wildfire through the Far Right claiming that on November 4, “antifa” will start a civil war and attempt to overthrow Donald Trump. The date is supposed to precede the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, and the demonstrations are described as a prelude to establishing a Communist dictatorship. One website says, “they are planning to kill every single Trump voter, Conservative and gun owner.” The different permutations of the conspiracy show the fears of the Far Right. But, more dangerously, these false claims that antifa will initiate a wave of violence are a kind of projection­; in reality, the conspiracy is being used to encourage Far Right activists to harm non-violent Leftist protestors. And threats of violence are pouring in on social media.

Former PRA Senior Analyst Chip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons write in Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort that conspiracy theories often “start with a grain of truth.” That grain is that the left-wing group Refuse Fascism has called for national demonstrations on November 4. In August, the group issued a call for supporters to:

Take To The Streets And Public Squares in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night—not stopping—until our DEMAND is met: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

In a clarification, Refuse Fascism explicitly said the protests will be “non-violent.”

Refuse Fascism is closely associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party, a small Maoist party which formed in the 1970s—although Refuse Fascism itself contains activists from a variety of backgrounds. (It is not uncommon for specifically Marxist-Leninist groups to receive disproportionate attention by the Far Right, as opposed to anarchist or other radical left activists.) So far the November 4 demonstrations seem to have gained limited traction outside of Refuse Fascism.

Additionally, despite Far Right misrepresentations, Refuse Fascism is not an antifa group—although they are openly sympathetic to the movement, and have defended antifa on their website. No self-identified antifa groups seem to have endorsed the November 4 demonstrations, although some are warning their social media followers about the conspiracy theory.

Fake news about Jewish financier George Soros’s supposed funding antifa combine new versions of traditional antisemitic and anti-Communist conspiracy theories.

Antifa has also been the focus of Far Right conspiracies since a large black bloc careened through Washington, DC during Trump’s inauguration on January 20. (Black Blocs are a demonstration tactic where militant activists dress in all black and wear masks.) Fake flyers, attributed to antifa groups, were circulated which called for the murder of white children, and even fake demonstrations have been called. Conspiracies have included claims of Soros and Clinton funding; planned desecration of Confederate graves; and ties to ISIS. Alex Jones of Infowars even claimed that the hotel room of shooter Stephen Paddock, who murdered 58 people (not including himself) in Las Vegas on October 1, had “antifa crap everywhere.”

Unsurprisingly, there is no evidence for these claims—and usually, exactly the opposite is true. For example, there are antifa activists fighting in Syria—but they are fighting alongside the largely-Kurdish YPG against ISIS.
The Details of the Conspiracy

The Patriot movement has long fixated on the idea of a coming civil war and a Communist takeover. Earlier this year, Far Right media warned about a “Summer of Rage.” One conspiracy website headline claimed: “Summer of rage set to boil over as militant leftists plan to OVERTHROW Trump. Chaos planned in 50 largest cities!” In this case, the focus was on nation-wide, peaceful “Impeachment Marches” that were held on July 2. But the November 4 conspiracy has spread much wider than this previous one.

The November 4 conspiracy video went viral when a video was posted on the “Vets Before Illegals” Facebook page on September 20 which has received 3 million views. In it, a man dressed like U.S. Marshal claims that:

On their website they [antifa] are calling for an open civil war that they will start here in the United States in November. They are fundraising for weapons, training, ammunition, supplies. They’re not hiding this. They are openly fundraising so that they can get the stuff together to attack—and this is verbatim what they’re going to do—they will start off by attacking police officers, first responders, anybody that’s in uniform.

And after they have disrupted that enough in the nation, and us first responders are literally going everywhere, trying to resolve things—they will then go after the citizens, and the people, and the government, and all of that.

So if you’re white, you’re a Trump supporter—you’re a Nazi then to them—and it will be open game on you. I don’t know why we’re allowing this, but it is time that, honestly, if our leaders and our leadership isn’t going to step up and finish this, we have to—each and every one of us has to, and that is our right, and that is what we must do.

Not just are the “verbatim” quotes entirely fabricated, but the video ends with a call to vigilante action by the Far Right.

These claims were later picked up by media with larger reach, like Infowars­, who have promoted the conspiracy in multiple articles and broadcasts. But it is just one of dozens of Far Right websites and videos— including the John Birch Society’s New American and Richard Spencer’s AltRight.com—which promote and elaborate on the details of the story.

Some claim that a night of mayhem, based on the movie The Purge, will occur. For example, YouTube vlogger “Sage Wanderer,” stresses that home invasions will be a major component of November 4, because antifa will supposedly attempt to steal guns for the upcoming revolution. Another vlogger muses about the possibility that George Soros will hire “trained professional killers” to fight alongside antifa. On an Infowars broadcast, Doug Hagmann claims “evangelical churches” will be attacked, while Jones claims that “it’s usually tranny men saying they are going to kill everybody.”

One popular Facebook post has upped the ante on the conspiracy, saying:

looks like the new black panthers organization has confirmed they will be part of nov 4th riots and chaos, BLM has just received almost 25 million for weapons and other tools to supply groups that plan to attack “white people” on nov 4th. It is expected there will be over 5 million people in 6 states. The FBI has seen a 1200% up tick in registered democrats buying weapons and mass ammunition. The group called ANTIFA has now reached just over 800,000 members, mostly kids with ages from 16-28 throughout the country. FB will be used as the most cost effective way to transmit locations to attack. Ms-13 has pledged all of there members will join the BLM along with many other gangs.

Last, a number of commentators have encouraged their followers to prepare “bug-out bags,” HAM radios, and emergency supplies—or to leave the cities entirely and head to rural areas.

Threats to murder antifa activists on November 4 are common on Far Right social media sites.

Unsurprisingly, this level of wild rhetoric has produced a huge amount of online threats against antifa and other organizers. Far Right Facebook groups are flooded with threats to attack the demonstrations and murder antifa members. Refuse Fascism says that their supporters have received “outright death-threats and rape-threats.” The conspiracy has even spread to Canada, where Three Percenter paramilitaries are spreading it.

Anti-Communist Conspiracy Theories

These “anti-antifa” conspiracy theories are a recycling of anti-Communist conspiracy theories. Popularized in the United States by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s and later championed by the John Birch Society, they went beyond mere attempts to whip up political support for the Cold War and to destroy the Communist Party USA. Instead, they cast Communists in the “role of the villain in the classic conspiracy theory narrative common to both right-wing populism and fascism,” according to an email from Chip Berlet. Communists are portrayed as a secretive group dedicated to undermining the nation, intent on fomenting civil war and encouraging national discord by supporting equality for oppressed groups, especially racial minorities. Sometimes anti-Communist conspiracies veer into anti-Semitism, with claims of a “Judeo-Bolshevik” conspiracy. They can also support organized White Nationalism, for example claiming that the Civil Rights Movement was a Communist conspiracy.

Senator McCarthy’s anti-Communist crusade ended in a backlash against him after he started to focus on the U.S. Army. But his ideas were taken up and developed by the John Birch Society, whose founder Robert Welch claimed that Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a secret Communist. And books like Gary Allen’s 1971 None Dare Call It Conspiracy claim that the Communist conspiracy acted in concert with a series of liberal foundations, wealthy banking families, the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, and the various New Left radical movements.

The popularity of anti-Communist conspiracies has waxed and waned on the Far Right. During the Obama administration, they received a boost alongside the idea—derived from a loose reading of economist Friedrich von Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom—that even mild government social regulation was “Communism” or “socialism.” At the same time, a crypto-antisemitic conspiracy theory also started gaining traction: the notion of “Cultural Marxism” which is widely used by the right-wing today, even in mainstream circles. This conspiracy started by blaming a small group of mostly Jewish Marxist academics, the Frankfurt School, for undermining U.S. conservative values. While the specific claims vary widely, Cultural Marxism is often held responsible for the idea that oppressed groups should have equality in our society, or for the supposed left-wing influence in education or media.

These ideas are circulating again, with antifa often taking the place of the Communists—despite the fact that most US antifa activists tend to be anarchists, and politically hostile to Leninist ideas. Neonazis have long trafficked in anti-Communist and “anti-antifa” ideas and imagery—for example, using the term “Rock Against Communism” to refer to neonazi skinhead bands. “Anti-Communist” symbols and slogans that neo-Nazis developed are now being disseminated in Patriot/militia and Alt Right circles.

“Anti-Marxism” as a New Organizing Theme for the Independent Trumpists

Also of importance is the role that “Anti-Marxism” is taking for what I have labeled “Independent Trumpism.” This is the street alliance of Patriot movement activists, Alt Rightists, Trumpist Republicans, Islamophobes and others which have held a number of rallies since February 2017, sometimes attacking left-wing rallies and sometimes being attacked by left-wing protestors. So far their events have been concentrated on three themes: “free speech,” which is really a cover for ultra-nationalist rallies; defending Confederate memorials from removal, which was the ostensible reason for the August 12 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia; and Islamophobic rallies, such as the June 10 “March Against Sharia.”

However, “Anti-Marxist” and “Anti-Communist” ideas and rallies have become more popular as well among the same groups of Far Right activists. The violent group “Anti-Communist Action” started in early 2017 and has been acting as a security force for events where Alt Right fascist leader Richard Spencer appears. Their flags are frequently seen at Far Right rallies.

Three Percenters, a decentralized Patriot movement paramilitary, have been particularly vocal in making threats against antifa activists regarding the November 4 demonstrations.

A number of Independent Trumpist rallies have also specifically been called under these anti-Communist slogans. They include a Patriot Prayer “Stand Against Communism” rally in Seattle on May 1; the canceled August 27 “No To Marxism in America” rally in Berkeley, where fights broke out between antifa and Far Right activists who attended anyway; and an October 7 “Anti Marxist Rally” in New Orleans. On August 16, there was also a protest at an ironic Lenin statue in Seattle, Washington.

There are also two upcoming rallies: the November 18 “Rally for the Republic” in Boston which is sponsored by a new coalition called “Resist Marxism.” It lists affiliates which include the Massachusetts Oath Keepers, Massachusetts Three Percent, Patriot Prayer, Based Stickman, and the American Guard’s New Hampshire chapter. A December 28 “March Against Communism” was called for Charlotte, North Carolina and was originally to feature a torch lit rally with Richard Spencer. The march was canceled on September 28, however, and it is unclear if another event such as a private rally will take its place.

The organizing function of these “looming war” narratives serves to motivate the Far Right base, rather than function as actual predictions. There has already been a spate of provocations and attacks on left-wing and progressive demonstrations and spaces throughout the United States all year. Refuse Fascism reports that permits for their rallies in San Francisco and New York City have been denied, which will give them less ability to control what happens if and when counter-protestors show up. Because of the level of rhetoric on the Far Right, activists attending the November 4 demonstrations should take into account these threats.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

You gotta watch this video, "We gonna shoot em Nov 4th," if for no other reason than to see the guy's camera falling off the dash over and over again.


More? You want some more?

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Jeffrey »

8 pm east coast now, bit early but it’s safe to say there was no civil war, no nationwide blackout and thankfully no deaths (to my knowledge).

Very bizarre that this hysteria was constructed almost out of thin air for seemingly no reason I can figure out.
notorial dissent
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

If the world ended, I didn't notice it any more than I did when Niberu wiped out all life on Earth. YAWN..... Apocalypses are just no fun any more.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Freewill lays it out by the numbers.

Saturday, November 4, 2017
This is long and a good read. Probably true, we can hope


1) This started either before Trump announced his run for President, or soon thereafter. Someone who knew what happened told him.

2) SOMEONE in the IC, likely military intel, sat Trump down & laid out the entire #UraniumOne bribery scheme.

3) How all across the breadth of the Obama Administration people in high offices took massive bribes to facilitate sell of uranium to Russia

4) It involved so many people, it compromised so many agencies, the people who did it counted on it never being exposed or prosecuted.

5) The lengths to which they corrupted our government offices to enrich themselves by selling out our country virtually ENSURED they'd walk.

6) People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government.

7) So patriots in our gov't had their hands tied. There was nothing they could do to stop the sale.

8) Even after SOME of the dirty facts behind #UraniumOne became known in 2015, it was easily buried, ignored, passed by.

9) Somebody took a chance on Trump. They sat him down, walked him through what happened. Ponder the impossible task being revealed.

10) Even if he WINS the election, he'd be taking over a gov't that had been corrupted & compromised by the previous administration to a

11) degree that was almost unfathomable. HOW do you go about restoring the US gov't to what it should be, instead of what it's become?

12) And Trump and his advisors came up with a plan. A brilliant plan. An intelligence operation based on DECEPTION.

13) It started during the primaries when Trump began taking every opportunity he could to brag about what GOOD FRIENDS he'd be with Putin.

14) Trump literally could not seem to SHUT UP about how awesomely AWESOME his relationship with Putin was gonna be.

15) It became a running joke, a campaign feature, engendering much hand wringing & concern among Never Trumpers, including me at the time.

16) WHY does Trump keep going out of his way to incessantly BRAG about the sweet, sweet deals he & Putin are gonna do together?

17) But go back and look. During the primaries, during the general election campaign, what happened EVERY TIME Trump did this Putin act?

18) He *literally* trolled all the people who took dirty Russian $ to compromise our nat'l security into ATTACKING HIM FOR IT.

19) And all HE was doing was TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING HE HADN'T DONE YET and would NEVER really do.

20) Literally ever single time Trump talked about his good friend Vladimir, Hillary 'reminded' him Putin is...NOT our ally!

21) Obama condescendingly chided Trump for his friendly talk about Putin. Holder was aghast, Lynch was stunned! etc.

22) They fell right into his trap. He TALKED about doing deals with a guy ALL THESE TRAITORS TOOK BRIBES FROM TO SELL URANIUM TO.

23) He's talking about hypothetical deals with Russia & people who took massive Russian bribes on the U1 deal rushed to ATTACK HIM for it.

24) What possible EXCUSE are they going to have when the truth comes out? They're not going to have one. He made SURE of that.

25) Everything Trump does is calculated for effect. So now you know why he showed all that 'Putin-Love' during the campaign.

26) The traitors had no idea what he was really doing & rushed to attack him for merely TALKING about doing deals with Russia.

27) Then Trump won the election. He and Sessions went to work. Now here's something people overlook or don't understand. Pay attention

28) All this stuff about #UraniumOne we're now just finding out? Trump & Sessions knew about ALL OF THIS before they were sworn in.

29) Part of the intelligence operation Trump & Co. are running is you never show what you know, you keep your enemy in the dark.

30) Trump & Sessions knew about ALL the details of #UraniumOne BEFORE the election. Who got how much, from who, all of it.

31) How much uranium was being shipped to Moscow, who facilitated that shipping, they already KNOW all of this.

32) They just haven't TALKED about until now. They PRETEND they are just now becoming aware of some of this stuff.

33) There was NO WAY they were going to come into office in January & tip all these people off "Yeah hey we're going after #UraniumOne!"

34) Trump & Sessions know what happened with #UraniumOne. All the dark, dirty details. START with that premise, replay the last 9 months.

35) You need to start an investigation where somebody deep dives into #UraniumOne BUT you can't let anybody outside KNOW that.

36) So here's where the second part of the intelligence operation begins. You convince people it's TRUMP & HIS TEAM being investigated.

37) All the traitors who facilitated the #UraniumOne deal were on high alert after the transfer of power. Will they be sniffed out?

38) Well not to worry. Almost IMMEDIATELY the new President & his team end up being embroiled in a very public scandal.

39) Trump asks Comey to back off of Flynn, then fires Comey, who leaks memos to the NYT's & DEMANDS appointment of a Special Counsel.

40) With a President who bragged about doing deals with Russia, an advisor caught on the phone with the Russian ambassador.....

41) ...everybody AGREES: yeah, great idea! Let's appoint a special counsel to investigate RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in our election! So be it.

42) Jeff Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. [But remember: HE ALREADY KNOWS EVERYTHING ANYWAY]

43) Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein then appoints Bob Mueller & tasks him with investigation Russian interference in the 2016 election.

44) MUELLER AND ROSENSTEIN *both* already know that Trump & Sessions BOTH know all the details of #UraniumOne. Got that?

45) Everybody involved in this ALREADY KNOWS. Everybody was in on this from the start. Trump, Sessions, Mueller & Rosenstein.

47) A lot of scenarios go wrong because they start by assuming Trump was clueless, didn't know any of this, Sessions didn't either or

48) was part of the #UraniumOne coverup. Same with Mueller & Rosenstein, whom many assume to be dirty, trying to HIDE the evidence.

49) An intelligence operation based on deception calls for putting the enemy at EASE because they don't understand what you're REALLY doing.

50) So: what do the #UraniumOne traitors & DNC Media & Democrats THINK has been going on for the last 8 moths?

51) Trump has been STAGGERING on the ropes in desperate trouble trying to avoid a KNOCKOUT BLOW as Mueller relentlessly stalks him!

52) The reality? Mueller has been digging even deeper into #UraniumOne & into #FusionGPS & the Trump dossier.

53) He *has* found Russian interference in the 2016 election. Do you know what it was? Shall I tell you?

54) He found a MASSIVE Russian bribery scheme involving 1 of the Presidential candidates in which she compromised US nat'l security.

55) He *also* found this selfsame candidate illegally funding solicitation of info from Russian gov't sources to smear the OTHER candidate.

56) And to compound THAT offense, this candidate also tried to HIDE her funding of this dossier by using a law firm, which is illegal.

57) The investigation is mostly over. Most of the indictments from the grand jury/juries have been made, sealed.

58) You're all about to witness something that was deemed to be an impossibility.

59) A previous administration that was so corrupt across so many agencies with so many people involved, it made it invincible....

60) is about to be rolled up. Dozens of people are going to prison. And you know most of the names.

61) Not until the hammer actually falls & all the indictments are unsealed will most people figure out what Trump & his team did.

62) DNC Media never had a chance to compromise/thwart the investigation of #UraniumOne & #FusionGPS because they fell for the COVER STORY.

63) It's literally too late at this point to stop what's coming. That window closed weeks ago.

64) Examples will be made out of these people. When Trump & Sessions are done, NO ONE will ever try this kind of treason again.

Posted by Freewill at 9:02:00 PM


Freewill November 4, 2017 at 9:36 PM
Looks like they all got Trumped!

Noah Laden November 4, 2017 at 11:20 PM
If ever an article we wish were true. Please this be it!

marylee November 5, 2017 at 1:35 AM
how else would those who have had it rolling for so long in thier favor ever concieve it could ever be any different then like always, and the greed was so busy it had no time to see growth or change, or how little they did anymore with things to make it happen,,, they distroyed so much, that they had the world by the tail...not even realizing the drug works thru the ether, and atmosphere..where do u think we get our ideas...Faith...a better word then hopiem...we knew what comes around..goes around..nice map freewill!

Anonymous November 5, 2017 at 1:42 AM
Tell Trump he can't do this, he lied. Well he must have lied since no one really knew what he was doing. What's the big deal as Hillary had no intent to break the law.
I'm sure she wouldn't have done this if she knew it was wrong. She really is trying hard to be good and I can see that.

Andy Valisalo November 5, 2017 at 6:01 PM
LOLOLOL. Joker of the day.

Fostr November 5, 2017 at 2:14 PM
This article fails to mention the Bundys and the Hammonds and the hell they were put through to steal their land so a few more corrupt people could have more money for themselves.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

As a person who writes satire about conspiracy theorists, I found the following quite interesting. From Vice News.

Twitter Suspended Me for Trolling White Supremacists
I tweeted what was intended as satire of a festering right-wing panic over Antifa allegedly planning violence on November 4. It got weird from there.

Krang T. Nelson
Oct 31 2017, 1:23pm

What is it like to attend your own funeral? In my mind, it has to be something like waking up on a Monday morning, logging onto Twitter, and finding out that your account, 112,000 followers and all, has been suspended. You can see everything everyone is saying about you, but you cannot cry out "LOL." Nobody can hear you. Your 140 characters exist in a void.

To be clear, much of what transpires online is Extremely Dumb, and there are many more important things happening in the world right now than some white guy's lefty humor account getting 86'd. But my temporary—the account was restored late Monday—ouster from the outlet I use so often does speak to a persistent problem with one of the world's largest social media platforms. It's a place where suspensions often seem to be dished out in arbitrary fashion, and clamping down on, say, actual racism or misogyny is a work in progress at best. A few weeks ago, actress Rose McGowan endured a suspension after speaking out strongly about her allegation of rape against disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein. McGowan is verified, which should theoretically provide some protection from this stuff, but Twitter (temporarily) shut her down, later citing the fact that she allegedly posted a screenshot of a private phone number.

The ensuing uproar was loud enough that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey felt compelled to publicly promise to update the company's standards. But as anyone who uses Twitter knows, the company's process for addressing this sort of thing has long been f***ed all the way down to its roots, and the problem may be getting worse. Twitter's "safety" system appears to be mostly based on a combination of keywords and frequency of reports, so if a group of extremely alpha gamergate types decide they don't like someone, all they need to do is wait to see the right word and then coordinate a mass-reporting.

In my case, I decided to mock festering panic over an exceedingly fake Civil War plot for which thousands of FOX News grandparents may, at this very moment, be boarding up their windows in panicked preparation. Right wingers have a predilection for fearing Antifa, despite the fact that they only seem to show up at neo-Nazi rallies and to protest police brutality. Anyone with a single crease in their brain could see that my post was satire, but alas, the internet has no shortage of morons, and the tweet was apparently reported into oblivion. The ensuing suspension was so thorough that my work account was axed for using the same phone number. (I reached out to Twitter for comment in connection with this story, but had yet to hear back at the time of publication.)


If you doubt the utter gullibility of the people I'm referencing, look no further than this article from the Gateway Pundit, which breathlessly reported the obvious parody, after it was tweeted again by someone else, as factual news. (This is a "publication" that at least at one point had White House press credentials, by the way.) I should qualify here that while I have no love whatsoever for fascists, I am neither the president, the chairman, nor the CEO of Antifa. Either the author of the aforementioned piece was cynically using the joke to stoke the fears of elderly conservatives, or else he is just a f***ing idiot.


People have screamed for years about the weird shit Twitter inexplicably tolerates, chiefly the ability of coordinated hate mobs to drive people off of the site. But if you weren't familiar with my account before, all I can say is that it was significantly less toxic than that of the American Nazi Party. I may have poked fun at the Scaramucci Post's editorial strategy or Mike Huckabee's inconceivably bad attempts at jokes. But weren't those jabs less worthy of punishment than say, calling for America to return to an all-white ethno-state?

Maybe it's just me.

If I have some hope going forward, it would be that Twitter start from scratch on the whole security thing. It's been ten years, and the entire system is clearly broken at its core. But since that seems unlikely, I guess my slightly more reasonable expectation is that this joke continues to pick up steam in right-wing circles (as it appears to be doing). The last time a bunch of white supremacists were tricked into believing something like this, a mob of them showed up at a confederate graveyard to fight the nonexistent Antifa threat, and one guy ended up accidentally shooting himself in the leg. Just saying.

Despite being suspended (and at least temporarily reinstated) from twitter dot com, the fallout from the joke has been infinitely amusing and, again, it's just the Internet we're talking about. Would I be sad if my joke-post incited a civil war? Sure. But I am glad to, at least for now, have a means of skewering our pathetic politics relentlessly.

Follow Krang T. Nelson on Twitter.

I'm not a "Twit," but if I were, I would.
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notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, heaven help they multi-verse and let it be thankful for small favors.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Trump Conquers the New World Order


Everyone pays the same taxes.
All the other living presidents hate Trump because their fake “good names” in the corporate propaganda media are coming unraveled. Each day, news arises of the blatant corruption, greed and lawlessness of the former U. S. 'presidents' and their cronies.

Now that our bucket-list of wishes is almost empty, perhaps we should take our corrupt former 'presidents' and put them in the bucket and take them out with the trash – where they belong – and say good-bye to the their dream of the New World Order.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:22:00 AM

OK, I'll admit it, I only posted this because of the cool picture (The Donald as Santa Anna? Folks in Texas might have a bone to pick with the author about that...) and line item about everyone paying the same taxes, as I expounded on in the latest Deep Knight Adventure. The trouble with this game, reality keeps trumping satire.


Anonymous November 7, 2017 at 9:53 AM
Bravo, Bravo says I One of THE PEOPLE.

Slaveman November 7, 2017 at 11:56 AM
Sounds like a plan,... Go, Go, Go! Engage for the American people!

Anonymous November 7, 2017 at 12:01 PM
According to the CAFR reports all stolen tax monies from the people that are invested in Corporations total about 80% ownership of these so called corporations by the defrauded people.
Give ownership to the people of these corporations or return the monies.
Eliminate Corporation protectionism, eliminate the entire corporate structure.

UPDATE: The picture above may have originally come from a website from last year that has the following "mission."

A platform for the recoding of Donald J Trump's glorious victory as it unfolds in the 2016 Presidential election. We refuse to let the rich details of this incredible campaign to greatness perish at the hands of the Mainstream Media.

As for paintings of famous generals, I much prefer Bob Dylan.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News got a mission statement!

Nesaranews Mission Statement

Question -- What is the goal of this website? Why do we share different sources of information that sometimes conflicts or might even be considered disinformation?

Answer -- The primary goal of Nesaranews is to help all people become better truth-seekers in a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion. This is for the purpose of learning to think critically, discovering the truth from within—not just believing things blindly because it came from an "authority" or credible source. Instead of telling you what the truth is, we share information from many sources so that you can discern it for yourself. We focus on teaching you the tools to become your own authority on the truth, gaining self-mastery, sovereignty, and freedom in the process. We want each of you to become your own leaders and masters of personal discernment, and as such, all information should be vetted, analyzed and discerned at a personal level. We also encourage you to discuss your thoughts in the comments section of this site to engage in a group discernment process.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." – Aristotle
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

That is just so ..... so ......
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I would note that there is no mention in the mission statement about getting NESARA announced. In fact it's all just vague waffle. This is their primary goal?
The primary goal of Nesaranews is to help all people become better truth-seekers in a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by rogfulton »

And don't they boot people who don't blindly believe what they post?

Or do I have them confused with all the other forums based in the alternate reality?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

The AP's #1 fake news story of last week was this:

UPDATE: Two Clinton Employees Arrested For Destroying Evidence As Uranium Probe Begins
Arnold Hilter

Hillary Clinton is really worried about something. On Monday afternoon, FBI and local law enforcement surrounded a Clinton Foundation office in Ettleboro, North Dakota.

Recently, Hillary Clinton was ordered by Congress to preserve all records related to her sale of Uranium to Russia when she was Secretary of State, and law enforcement received a tip that some of her underlings were not obeying that order.

Authorities arrested Jon Crawford, 23, and Elizabeth Palmer, 27, for allegedly tampering with evidence. The FBI received a tip from within the Clinton Foundation office that some staffers were shredding documents and that two hard drives had been taken from the office in defiance of the order from the Congressional Committee.

The hard drives were found in Palmer’s home behind a nightstand.

Palmer and Crawford each face up to five years in prison for destroying evidence, though “the door is open” to more charges if more evidence that Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia surfaces.

Let this be a lesson to all Democrat co-conspirators: we will catch you and you will live your lives behind bars.

I don't know about you, but as a North Dakota boy I find it hilariously funny that anyone would believe the Clinton foundation has an office there, and that it would be in tiny Ettleboro (so small, I defy any of you to find it on any map, or for that matter in any state, not just ND!). This is from Freedom Junkshun, which has as its #2 headline:

BREAKING: President Trump’s Public Humiliation Of Liberals Is What We’ve All Been Waiting For
Henry Porter

Washington, DC: Liberals worst fears are about to come true thanks to President Trump. Of all the ways that Trump is making America great again, the area he has been most successful is making liberal snowflakes cry.

Now, to highlight his greatest accomplishments, the White House is planning on creating the Office for Federal Electronic Media Monitoring. This office will be responsible for constant monitoring of social media to find and repost all the negative and hateful comments the anti-American liberals make about our President.

The Office for Federal Electronic Media Monitoring, or F’EMM as the Trump team likes to refer to it, will make all the comments part of the official record so liberals can’t hide. They also will keep a running total of all the negative posts. There is still internal debate about what this count will be called, but the early favorite is the “Triggered Snowflake Count”.

Let’s all pray this becomes a reality So the liberals will know their comments are being recorded and they will have to start treating our President with respect.

As you know, in the past I haven't been his biggest fan, but if he starts showing some backbone and clamping down on lawlessness and lasciviousness like this, I may have to reconsider.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Christopher Blair Network (from The Fake News Codex)

A collection of “satirical” websites that post false and extremely inflammatory articles intended to gain social media shares by gullible conservatives. Most of the sites use a very similar design (built upon the MH Magazine WordPress theme) and disclaimer text.

These stories are often copied verbatim by Eastern European fake news websites, vastly expanding their reach.

Most of all the sites’ content is written by “Flagg Eagleton,” a pen name for veteran internet troll Christopher Blair. Blair also goes by the names:

Christopher Lyman
“Busta Troll”
Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer
Frank Wilekenmeyer

His Sites:

Last Line of Defense (or The Resistance: The Last Line of Defense)
Our Land of the Free
As American As Apple Pie
Freedum Junkshun

The last's disclaimer:


We believe that there is nothing more precious than the mind of an aging conservative. Here we gather a boatload of bullhonkey, works of pure satirical fiction, to give the fist-shakers of the world a reason to hate. Reality is often in the eye of the beholder. You won’t find any of it here.

Join the fun in the comments on our Facebook page where you too can watch David Hasselhoff running over someone’s poodle magically transformed into a crime against humanity by Barack Obama or yet another murder the Clintons got away with.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, November 13, 2017
Second Roy Moore Accuser Works For Michelle Obama Right NOW

Nov 12 2017

Liberals sure are afraid of Roy Moore. Not only did they push a woman in front of the cameras to cry and lie about some stuff that allegedly happened 35 years ago. she’s just now remembering to mention (we refuse to repeat the salacious allegations because they are 100% verifiable fake news) but when the fake 14-year-old didn’t work for them, the Democrat Party did something even worse: they doubled down on the story, introduced a new actress, and had her tell an even more horrible lie.

Fiona Dourif says she was 11 years old when Moore “groped her in the alley behind the” church they both attended in 1957. “It was the most horrifying moment of my life,” she told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Friday night. She then described the series of events that allegedly happened, including the obviously false allegation that he baited her into the alley with candy. “Roy Moore definitely did all of those things and more,” she said looking into the camera, dry-eyed.

Maddow then interviewed Dourif’s parents who said that they knew of the alleged abuse but didn’t say anything until he was running for Senator because they “feared for their lives.” Of course, if that was the case they would not have waited until he had more political power and wealth than he did when this allegedly happened.

One piece of information Dourif failed to mention is that she is currently employed as a housekeeper for Michelle Obama at the D.C. mansion “she” and her “husband” Barack share. This information was uncovered by Gateway Pundit’s Charles C. Johnson, who notes in his report that “Dourif is paid extremely well according to public documents, which report a $250,783.33 annual salary for Dourif.”

“Why would Barack and Michelle Obama’s housekeeper suddenly remember that she was molested by someone who is running for public office – someone of the opposing party,” Johnson writes. “This stinks more than Malia Obama’s dorm room after one of her reefer parties.”

What exactly is going on? Ever since her employer was revealed, Dourif has gone dark, removing all of her social media presences and refusing to respond to interview requests from any source.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:10:00 AM 0 comments

There is a real actress named Fiona Dourif, who was born in 1981, and doesn't keep house but acts in Chucky movies. Roy Moore was born in 1947, would have been 10 years old in 1957, and was rejected from acting in Chucky movies because he was "too creepy."

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

Fiona Dourif is also in the BBC series "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency", and I hereby fine you 42 Quatloos for missing fairly obvious Douglas Adams reference.

We take some stuff pretty seriously around here, and Douglas Adams is one of them. :snicker:
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Fiona Dourif is also in the BBC series "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency", and I hereby fine you 42 Quatloos for missing fairly obvious Douglas Adams reference.

We take some stuff pretty seriously around here, and Douglas Adams is one of them. :snicker:
1) This went way above my head, but looking it up, it looks interesting.
2) Regardless of who-what-where, that reference wouldn't have let me make the "too creepy for Chucky" line, so I refuse to pay the answer-to-everything-value fine. Especially if you want me to pay it via Bitcoin.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Damn! It was Friday night, I was relaxing with friends over a game of "Black Arts Bingo," when this got revealed. Gonna have to work all weekend "adjusting" this explosive story. And I hear there was gonna be football on TV.

Friday, November 17, 2017
Government Caught Spraying Synthetic DNA To Mutate Humans

November 17, 2017 Sean Adl-Tabatabai
US government caught spraying chemicals to change the DNA of humans and animals

Geoengineering researchers claim that synthetic DNA is being sprayed in our skies as part of a plot to mutate the DNA in humans and animals. Scientist have already detected dangerous chemicals such as aluminium and barium in chemtrails being sprayed across our skies. But now, scientists claim to have found evidence of dry red blood cells and GNA – a man-made synthetic version of DNA.

The truth revolution reports: This GNA is reportedly entering the bodies of Humans and Animals, using Nano Technology and changing the DNA of Humans and our Animals. Just like the old science fiction movie, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, the GNA is ‘Replicating and Replacing’ our regular Human Cells with, God knows what! This is happening with the compliance of World Leaders. Yes, we know it’s hard to believe. Look and listen and judge for yourself.

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology

*Reference to Barium in the HAARP patent report: “It has also been proposed to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere so that photo ionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interaction.”

What in the World Are They Spraying?

The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: who is doing this and why. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 — and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure.
Posted by Freewill at 7:00:00 PM

Our devilishly clever Photo-Ionized-Barium-GNA-Weather-Control-Stuff chemtrail cocktail will bring the world to its knees, and mutate humans to be of higher value. You see, despite what you've heard, human doesn't taste like chicken, it tastes like "long pork" which isn't all that good, it's not so much gamey as greasy with musky manure and pizza overtones. But, through genetic manipulation, we'll change the flavor of human to be more chicken-like, get the Reptilians to start buying our abducted children once again (when was the last time you saw one on a milk carton?), and breath some life into that rust-belt industry. Also, we might finally have a chance to start a pet project of mine, Soylent Green. Think of the marketing we could do, "Soylent Green, People Enjoying People!" And we could finally do that depopulation they keep accusing us of (the failures there have been too embarrassing to add to my "adventures," but to be honest, I honestly thought that Reality TV would kill off a good 50% of the population, especially Duck Dynasty).
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

Deep Knight wrote:Damn! It was Friday night, I was relaxing with friends over a game of "Black Arts Bingo," when this got revealed. Gonna have to work all weekend "adjusting" this explosive story. And I hear there was gonna be football on TV.

Friday, November 17, 2017
Government Caught Spraying Synthetic DNA To Mutate Humans

November 17, 2017 Sean Adl-Tabatabai
US government caught spraying chemicals to change the DNA of humans and animals


Our devilishly clever Photo-Ionized-Barium-GNA-Weather-Control-Stuff chemtrail cocktail will bring the world to its knees, and mutate humans to be of higher value. You see, despite what you've heard, human doesn't taste like chicken, it tastes like "long pork" which isn't all that good, it's not so much gamey as greasy with musky manure and pizza overtones. But, through genetic manipulation, we'll change the flavor of human to be more chicken-like, get the Reptilians to start buying our abducted children once again (when was the last time you saw one on a milk carton?), and breath some life into that rust-belt industry. Also, we might finally have a chance to start a pet project of mine, Soylent Green. Think of the marketing we could do, "Soylent Green, People Enjoying People!" And we could finally do that depopulation they keep accusing us of (the failures there have been too embarrassing to add to my "adventures," but to be honest, I honestly thought that Reality TV would kill off a good 50% of the population, especially Duck Dynasty).
So, does this explain the chemtrail penis over Washington state?
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