Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:So, does this explain the chemtrail penis over Washington state?
Simple. As you know, we need to release clouds of of barium in the magnetosphere so that photo ionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interaction. But, since this would require strange patterns in the sky instead of that straight-line "classic chemtrail" look, we had to do it at night, which kind of messed with the "photo" part of the photo ionization. So, we cleverly decided to make the chemtrails look like simple erotic drawings to throw patriotic Americans off the scent. You may have seen some of their practice sketches on the sides of buildings and under bridges.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »


This photo-shopped picture is being used for "click bate" on the internet. I find it hilariously funny, because: 1) That's one darn big snake, larger than any on record, don't cha thing? 2) If such a snake actually existed, how exactly would it work it's way around a standing elephant? But, having just said that, I don't feel I had to explain, or that the explanation made it any funnier. I also don't think the modifications below helped, being overkill, but after seeing the original, that very overkill does have a certain comic charm.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Important Update in a nutshell - BE AWARE!

America is at War within with the CIA DEEP STATE
XXXXX is 'still president' of the DARK STATE

"Alabama's Votes are Public"
YYYYY vs Traitor ZZZZZ
Bush/Obama Deep State

Published on Dec 4, 2017

XXXXX’s storm is HERE…. Seeing the outer bands of it now…
Info has come out by Col. Roy Potter… linking to his videos… there is so much news that came out TODAY … it would take several hours of video to discuss it.
Part of the TAKE DOWN of the “deep state” which is run by the CIA … they traced a lot of the money with the Uranium One that was sold to Russia and went through Canada … some of the money sent to Iran may not have gotten to Iran… it may have gone to North Korea.

++++++INSERT: Olympus Has Fallen: Lt. Col. Roy Potter on the Langley Marines ... Since leaks are insanely useful in this mind-war, I think that there is both accurate and dis-info being spread all the way, as google sends in it's censor-ship and supplies the fake news that they claim is being spread. I do think there is a coup attempt in opposition to the President and ...+++++

Here is what has happened:

1. The US Military is on a 72 hour ALERT.
2. The CIA covertly took over North Korea years ago
3. The Bushes, Clintoh's, and Podesta's had their pictures taken with the father of Kim Jung Un before he died.
4. When the son took over N Korea, there was a purge of political figures

That is what is causing us to go into war with North Korea…
ZZZZZ is very aware of how deep the tentacles of the beast goes.
When ZZZZZ starts the take down in N Korea, it will be against the CIA.
The deep state was putting in a base in North Korea.
XXXXX still is claiming that he is the President…of the dark state.

It is going to take a military intervention to take them out. They will be removed from North Korea and the United States, along with their other “useful idiots” like ANTIFA.

Big names are now starting to roll. This is part of the storm that we saw coming.
Names like we see in NBC and Comcast… these are CIA run media propaganda networks…
Bombing the fields in Afghanistan cuts off the money supply to it…
Mueler has been outed as an “enemy of the State”… combatant… will go to Guantanamo…
He must either cooperate or get locked up… he turned immediately…
The Flynn thing is a smoke screen…
Sessions will not say anything…

BPEarthwatch: I have one concern about the Q situation…. There are many former military personnel on youtube telling everyone to prepare for two weeks in case there is Martial Law. You do not want to be on the streets for two weeks. I understand that. Do not get in the way. Just stay out of the way and let this battle between the “deep state/CIA” and basically the Marines and Navy come in and stop this.

BPEarthwatch: There may be personnel from all military branches, but the Marines are run by the President. You have Kelly in there and an Admiral… and now Trump has the Dept of Justice, the NSA, and with what they did to Mueler, he has the FBI…. he will still have deep state agents lingering from the Obama administration… we must hope this is not a “reverse coup”… kept in place.

More than likely we will go into Martial Law… you may need defense in large sanctuary cities. Like Col Potter said, we are seeing the outer edges of the storm… ...be aware…

Get more than two weeks of supplies to be certain.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 9:26:00 AM

I would brag about "the Q situation" being we-know-who, but mum's the word.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The below was received from a faithful reader with request to publish, and especially with a urgent request to get this information to President Trump and the 'good' Generals with the hope that these orders will be changed so that the innocent will be spared from certain death. ...
Please send to President Trump and the good military Generals if you have the connections

Death In Federal Prison By Way of Martial Law

If martial law is declared, the federal prisons have standing orders to kill by gassing all prisoners in custody in the prisons. That is the biggest fear when in a federal prison.

The guards have orders to lock down the prison then turn on the gas. When all prisoners are dead, they body bag them and pack them out. (Remember the NAZI gassings during WW2? Sadly, it appears that same hellish methodology is in place today in the U.S.A.)

Many - if not most - of these people are not hardened criminals and were not sentenced to death by the judge but would die by way of BOP policy. If you haven't already, please address this problem.

[I am the first to admit that I may have judged these guys too harshly, after all, if they're pleading for the lives of federal prisoners and for the rule of law...]

Many people in prison are criminals but, at the same time, most are not. A review of each should be conducted to determine who IS and who is NOT to be so executed - resulting in outright MURDER of innocents (i.e. political prisoners due to differences held concerning taxes, sovereign land rights, etc.)

Regardless, even criminals would not fight for another country against their own if let out.

Respectfully submitted to our President
......... XX

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:24:00 AM

Never mind.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
"Private Spy Network" To Counter "Deep State Enemies"


Tyler Durden & Zero Hedge
Dec 5, 2017

It will come as a surprise to precisely no one that Trump has a 'slightly frayed' relationship with the intelligence community. ...
The Trump administration is considering a set of proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a retired CIA officer — with assistance from Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal — to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would circumvent official U.S. intelligence agencies, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials and others familiar with the proposals. The sources say the plans have been pitched to the White House as a means of countering “deep state” enemies in the intelligence community seeking to undermine Trump’s presidency.
According to two former senior intelligence officials, Pompeo has embraced the plan and has lobbied the White House to approve the contract. Asked for comment, a CIA spokesperson said, “You have been provided wildly inaccurate information by people peddling an agenda.”
Prince has strong ties to the Trump administration: His sister Betsy DeVos is secretary of education...

Of course, while a privately-funded spy network might help offset the problem of a politically compromised intelligence community, in the end these efforts will certainly prove to just substitute the political ambitions of corrupt public servants for those of corrupt private citizens who will undoubtedly expect a "return" on their invested capital.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:47:00 PM 0 comments

Imagine, if you will, some report coming out about one of the previous administrations putting together a "global, private spy network that would circumvent official U.S. intelligence agencies" and how NESARA News would have responded. Even if it was supposed to be run by "The Blackwater Founder Currently Known As Prince." But I'm the first to admit that my imagination can be a little lame, so here's the real thing.

Monday, September 19, 2011
US-led BlackOps syndicate which organised 9/11 attacks used $2.3 trillion "lost" from Pentagon accounts to fund Blackwater/Xe private army.

Alcuin Bramerton

US-led BlackOps syndicate which organised 9/11 attacks used $2.3 trillion "lost" from Pentagon accounts to fund Blackwater/Xe private army. Now the syndicate is isolated and running out of money to pay its goons.
On Monday 10th September 2001, the US Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, a Western Cabal protégé of Frank Carlucci, went on US mainstream television to announce that £2.3 trillion was unaccounted for in Pentagon military transactions.

It has emerged that these monies were used, covertly, for seed-corn funding of the Blackwater/Xe private army of "defense contractors". This was intended to be an unaccountable, extra-governmental, élite SS-style corps which could bully the regular US military.

Events around, and following, the Monaco Colloquium of late August 2011 indicate that the 9/11 syndicate has now been isolated, and is running out of funds to pay for its private army personnel and bases worldwide.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:54:00 AM

My god, things were so bad in 2001 that the Pentagon was using British Pounds (£) instead of US Dollars ($)!
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Disclaimer: The political figures in this "story" were put there by the authors for no good reason, but it still suffers without them. For example, the ethnic slurs don't make sense without some names. So, with the clear understanding that the wack-a-doodle who wrote this doesn't represent any sane person's politics so they don't have to defend him, I'll post an only-somewhat-redacted version.

Thursday, December 7, 2017
Elizabeth Warren Stole $5 BILLION From US Taxpayers

Elizabeth Warren Scalped the White Men!!
Trump Just Uncovered Elizabeth Warren Stole $5 BILLION From US Taxpayers
What She Did With It Will Make You Sick!!
Dec 6 2017

[OK, make me sick! The post continues with a video, which after the long title goes on to say, in part]

Breaking News: ... The signature achievement of Elizabeth Warren while in the Senate has been the creation of the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau, or CFPB. ... Instead of protecting consumers, the CFPB “has complied record of abuse rivaling that of Washington’s most entrenched bureaucracies and may be operating outside of the parameters of the Constitution ... It’s arguably an unconstitutional agency ... The Post also discovered that the CFPB’s activity is raising more than a few privacy concerns. “CFPB has secretly assembled giant consumer databases that raise individual privacy as well as corporate liability concerns. One sweeps up personal credit card information and another compiles data on as many as 230 million mortgage applicants focusing on “race” and “ethnicity.” ... On his first day on the job, Mulvaney instituted a 30-day freeze on all new hiring and creating of new regulations at the CFPB. The banking industry breathed a sigh of relief when he did so, as they (and industry analysts) have long observed that some harsh and unjust regulations created and enforced by the agency had driven thousands of banks out of business. The agency should’ve been eliminated long ago. It’s a relief that the captain of that ship appears to be heading deliberately into an iceberg.

Wait a minute, where is the $5 BILLION she stole from US taxpayers? Not only did they forget to mention how she did this, while I may be a little queasy from the droning narration, it didn't actually make me sick. And I was looking forward to this! What a letdown.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, December 8, 2017
Obama Russian KGB Agent for past 25 years!!

Obama chosen by the Russians 25 years ago
This is so typical of the Russian KGB. ...

Putin’s ploy right now is to conceal his alliance with the globalists and to feign lamentation over America’s fall to immorality because he knows this is what Donald Trump wants to hear. He wants to gain Trump’s confidence and ring his ears because his design is to deceive and weaken him, and to eventually elicit secrets out of him — a typical KGB tactic.

David Martin
January 6, 2017

Tom Fife, an American physicist and businessman was at a gathering in Moscow in February 1992, when an ethnic comment made about Russians angered a female KGB agent in attendance and caused her to unveil threatening secrets about an upcoming U.S. president. ...they were invited to a going-away dinner hosted by the scientist and his wife who was an agent for the Russian Communist Party. In the course of the conversation, one of the Americans expressed his surprise over the influx of Mongol peoples in Russia, evident in their Mongol features, to which the hostess took offense (seeing her pure breed superiority slighted) and retorted that it is we Americans who have all the ethnic diversity and division, citing our riots, our racial history, etc.

She went on to say that the U.S. would soon receive a “black president” who was already chosen, stating that he had been “well groomed” by the Soviets to be “irresistible” to the American people.

One of the guests exclaimed, “It sounds like you know something we don’t know.”

“Yes, it is true,” she replied. “This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. Have no doubt: He is one of us.”

She described him as “a communist” whose father was a black African and whose mother was white. “It’s all been thought out. His father is not an American black, so he won’t have that social slave stigma. He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a communist. He’s gone to the finest schools. He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America.”

She rattled off a complete litany on their protege, stating that he was from Hawaii [Ed., an apparent lie perpetrated by the communists as Obama is on video stating he was born in Kenya] and that he had been schooled in New York and California, with residency in Chicago. She called him the “chocolate baby” because of his mixed ethnicity and said that his name was Barack.

Fife responded by saying that he believed the word “barack” in Arabic meant blessing, to which she emphatically agreed, stating that this black man would be a blessing for world communism. She explained that the only remaining obstacle for the advance of communism was the United States and said he would be instrumental in converting America over to communist ways (change) so that the cause of communism could finally flourish worldwide without further hindrance from capitalism.

Fife was somewhat taken by her discourse, which he found convincing and indisputable. What especially impressed him was not so much what she said, as it was the assuredness in which she spoke, and described her as an “authority” who spoke with command. Though some of the Russians in attendance cleared their throats and made little signs for her to hush, they dared not interrupt her discourse, as if she had an air of “power” about her.

Thankfully, her vanity got the better of her so that her enemy America could know the truth. It behooves Americans to capitalize on the truth and spread it abroad. The enemy banks on our apathy and fear to achieve their new order of global enslavement, so why give them their way?

Putin and his Kremlin cronies roar with laughter that Americans have fallen prey to their pacifist fairy-tale about communism dying in the early ’90s. It was a ruse to throw us off in the advent of a coming Red assault on the West. As they finalize their plan to incite worldwide revolution and terror, they don’t want the world to suspect what they’re about to do, so the Bear is simply playing dead in keeping with Lenin’s strategy: “When you’re strong, feign weakness.”
Putin’s ploy right now is to conceal his alliance with the globalists and to feign lamentation over America’s fall to immorality because he knows this is what Donald Trump wants to hear. He wants to gain Trump’s confidence and ring his ears because his design is to deceive and weaken him, and to eventually elicit secrets out of him — a typical KGB tactic.
If Russia were less powerful, they wouldn’t be able to manipulate our mindset so easily. If people actually believe that communism collapsed and that Russia is now a “peace-loving” nation that “embraces religious liberty,” it only shows the great power that Russia presently exerts over the Western mind. [Ed., Gorbacev is on record telling Russians that dissolution of the Soviet Union was a ruse, that someday they will smash America with their fists. So much for being "peace loving."]

Hence, a good New Year’s resolution is for America to wake up and not fall prey any longer to Russia’s media hypnosis. People may or may not buy Tom Fife’s testimony, but they cannot deny that what he disclosed in 1992 foreshadowed virtually everything Obama has done for the past eight years to implement his socialist, anti-American agenda at home. The allegations that he is a “cradled Marxist” are certainly backed by his work.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 4:08:00 PM

It's true, the Inner Mongolian region of Russia is infested with Mongols, which dragged them down and caused the Soviet Union to fall. A typical KGB tactic. This is only one reason we should exterminate all inferior races, nationalities, or language speakers, which of course, are those who aren't exactly like me.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

It must be something to do with the wide open spaces and the loco-weed, but the US do seem to be able to do crazy fake news on a scale undreamed of by the rest of the world.
Unless the new nonsense out-crazies the previous nonsense, it gets ignored.
It must eventually end up with someone proclaiming ' Population of earth all dead, planet destroyed' and possibly going on to say 'Rothschilds move to Mars, take all NESARA funds with them.'
notorial dissent
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:It must be something to do with the wide open spaces and the loco-weed, but the US do seem to be able to do crazy fake news on a scale undreamed of by the rest of the world.
Unless the new nonsense out-crazies the previous nonsense, it gets ignored.
It must eventually end up with someone proclaiming ' Population of earth all dead, planet destroyed' and possibly going on to say 'Rothschilds move to Mars, take all NESARA funds with them.'
Give it time, it'll show up on NESARA News eventually. Originality and critical thinking not their long suits. Besides the Rothschilds already own Mars and have done for ages, got it in some super secret Lateran Treaty of other sponsored by the City and signed off on by the Queen and the gold was already transported there in their secret intergalactic shuttles.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:It must be something to do with the wide open spaces and the loco-weed, but the US do seem to be able to do crazy fake news on a scale undreamed of by the rest of the world.
Unless the new nonsense out-crazies the previous nonsense, it gets ignored.
It must eventually end up with someone proclaiming ' Population of earth all dead, planet destroyed' and possibly going on to say 'Rothschilds move to Mars, take all NESARA funds with them.'
You're too late. During the Dove of Oneness era, she like to go on about how forces were in orbit around earth in cloaked starships. They were moments away from intervening to announce NESARA, so Bush and Cheney tried to escape by space shuttle to Mars, taking a good portion of the NESARA gold with them. But, The Forces had put up a "grid" and they forced them back to Earth-Shan with the stolen gold, where they would soon pay for their crimes, before 2004 fer sure.
"Follow the Money"
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I suppose there must come a point where people say "This is just too silly", I mean to say, what are you going to do with tons of gold on Mars? Breath it or eat it?

But they just get replaced by other people.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:I suppose there must come a point where people say "This is just too silly", I mean to say, what are you going to do with tons of gold on Mars? Breath it or eat it?

But they just get replaced by other people.
Nobody can replace Dove, she was unique.

RIP Shaini Goodwin AKA "The Dove of Oneness" May 4, 1947 - May 30, 2010

Both DK and I were fanboys. I read her Dove reports daily. She sent out her last message just before she died;
[doveofo] Possible Prevention of Earth Changes
May 18, 2010 8:30 pm PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,


About six weeks ago, the government interfered with our Nesara.us website as they have other times in the past. No one could get to our website for a few weeks. Then we were able to get the problem fixed.

Our website is still up today – I just checked it.

I did not do a Dove Report in April 2010 because I have been working non-stop talking with the Pleiadian commander who has been betraying us. He has realized that he is at risk of his own death unless he does the right things before the end of May, 2010.


Now the Pleiadian commander knows that he must go into a clinic which will give him therapy to clean up his aura which has turned black over the years. He also found out that he must request a replacement team for himself and seven huge Pleiadian ships to surround the Earth and move it to its correct orbit to prevent the earth changes.

I will have proof if he does this and he is claiming he will do it this coming week.

If you have a telescope and watch the stars, you may see when the earth changes its position. It will be further from the sun after the orbit is fixed. Earth changes are currently expected the first week of June 2010.

The Pleiadian commander has learned the Prime Creator has a monitor on if/when the earth changes begin. Then the Prime Creator will arrive within 10 minutes and destroy the males responsible for allowing the earth changes to happen. The Pleiadian commander was told the Prime Creator would never check on the mission, but now he knows he will be killed if he does the wrong things.

The Prime Creator has created about 50 Universes including this one and the Prime Creator has been taking the “male power hierarchies” out of power because the males do not take good care of their responsibilities so they are losing their power and will be killed when they do the wrong things.

For example, the Sirian ETs are lying to Sheldan and the world. They plan to pick up healthy, under 30 years old people to put into suspended animation to use for good DNA when the Sirian ETs need new DNA for their race.

They are trying to get good DNA from humans the same as the grey ETs have been. Not all ETs in this universe are good.

I am hoping the right things get done this week. I will have physical proof if they do. I will let you know.

NESARA will be announced if we avoid earth changes. NESARA now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
Her eulogy from NESARA.com;
Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life to Save the Good Inhabitants of Planet Earth
June 10, 2010 8:00 am CDT

To Dove of Oneness readers and White Knights

Dove of Oneness passed away on May 30th 2010

This will be the last email that comes from this email address. This email is being written by the webmaster of nesara.us. And as such are my thoughts and opinions. I recommend to the reader to use your discernment in all information that I’m sure you will hear about Dove - this email included. Tami of the NTAT has set up a yahoo group that will continue with the objectives of NESARA. Those who wish to be apprised of the ongoing activities should become a member of this group, you can click here to be sent to the group.

On May 30th 2010 at 6:10 PM, the Dove of Oneness passed from this earthly plane to return home once more to a sainted welcome. It was with great sorrow that her family and friends, who stood with and protected her in her greatest hour, bade farewell to our sister, our friend, our mentor, our leader, and our inspiration, the Dove of Oneness. Let there be no mistake, nor any misconstruing of her story that when told, this one woman will one day be considered no less than the Jeanne d’ Arc of our time. She enlightened us on so many levels and had the Truth on her shoulder, when so many were still struggling to understand our changing world.

Those of us who were present in the final hours, during which a spiritual battle raged for ten days in a small hospital room, we saw, felt and witnessed the ultimate sacrifice the Dove of Oneness made in order to complete her unrelenting mission, a mission driven by her love for humanity, animals and all good beings of this planet. Hers was a mission that cost her life on this plane but most certainly an ending she was willing to endure and a price she was prepared to pay, knowing it would signal the Prime Creator to finish the mission as written should the hierarchy fail and she were to die. Upon Dove’s death, the Prime Creator would appear, stop the earth changes from occurring and remove all male hierarchy from this universe vigorously and immediately. These actions did take place and we all stand ALIVE today because they did.

Although the Dove of Oneness, Shaini Goodwin as she was known by family and friends, had every intention of continuing on to help bring NESARA to fruition, she also knew we could never have fulfilled the mission if the earth changes were to have taken place—Thus, being the girl with the plan, her one sure fire way to insure the Prime Creator’s arrival on the scene, was to flip that monitor on – and so she did. For this one selfless act, the world owes the Dove of Oneness the highest of respect and honor, with a noble tribute to a true hero. Indeed, we are all in her debt.

The Dove of Oneness left a very large footprint and a road map for us to follow. Her vast work and her immense contribution to humanity will not have been done in vain because we, her ‘A Team’, as she so endearingly coined the term, will continue on in her stead and remain ever more committed to NESARA and to the uplifting of humanity. Knowing what we know, seeing what we’ve seen and working side by side with Dove, I know she truly was the girl with the plan and she fulfilled her Destiny to be the torch bearer for the Truth and the Consciousness that is NESARA.

Dove lived and breathed life into the spirit of NESARA every day. As a friend and dedicated member of her organization, I enjoyed many, many golden opportunities to sit and work with Dove, handling particular tasks or doing whatever else was necessary to keep pressing on towards the goal. She created a system, built a team and has now left us, the true inhabitants of earth a lighted pathway that she blazed for us to not only follow, but to now take the lead.

So it is with great honor that those of us who continue to fight the good fight in raising humanity by bringing forth NESARA, pick up the gauntlet that the Dove of Oneness long-carried so courageously to Victory and bring it to a final, successful conclusion-- the NESARA announcement.

This is truly now our legacy to fulfill.

ALL investors can still go to goldfornesara@verizon.net for a chance to invest in the very special trades that Shaini Goodwin set up, delivering more than favorable returns. All contacts are still viable.

This website will stay up and running until June 30th. Those who are called to help carry the gauntlet or would like to be informed on services for Shaini - can start by going here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worldpeaceimprovements


With great respect for the All, I sign off

Tami Terusa
NTAT Region 1 Director
US & Canada

The below is from the webmaster:

When I first was introduced to Dove – I knew very little other that what her daily email messages gave. I learned of NESARA and what needed to be done to right the USA so that the US of A could then be that shining example to the rest of the world. I learned of the Urantia Book and also the Phoenix Journals giving me knowledge of the Creators actions. I am grateful for Patrick Bellringer and his wife Ann for publishing the early Dove reports had it not been for their unselfish acts of service we all would be left for want. Dove’s early reports talked about NESARA and the spirituality of this act. This NESARA act was originally thought to have been passed but not implemented via a gag order. Later Dove reports indicated that it had not been passed. All of this information can be found at the official website for NESARA at http://www.nesara.us . Dove found through her emails that most of her readers could not get a grasp of the spirituality of NESARA. So she changed her email direction and did not discuss the spirituality of NESARA instead talked about the physical steps that needed to be done to get the law passed and implemented. I share this reader’s digest version of NESARA and Dove history so that the reader understands what I have felt when talking with her directly as her webmaster. She was more concerned for her fellow humans than herself. She lived modestly and was extremely sensitive to the donations that were given to help the NESARA cause.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the financial help that the NESARA website received from Candace Frieze – CEO of AbundantHope.net. The AbundantHope website picked up the spiritual side of NESARA which later went global as GESARA. More information regarding the current spiritual love of our Divine Creator and what actions are coming and happening now) can be found on the website of AbundantHope as well as White Knights 911.

NESARA was and never is about just you or me it is about leveling the playing field. Allowing man to exist and improve as he ascends. I recommend to the reader for further light and knowledge to learn of the Divine Creator through his contacts both past and present. Dove has moved on in her progression. She has accomplished a greatwork and is continuing in her path of ascension. It is time for action for each of us – no more fence sitters – the work of eternal progression continues. The time for action is now.

I am that I am ~ Namaste
from the God within me, to the God within you

Vibrant health, happiness and an appreciation for the present moment, while making progress toward our ideal future.
You could have the best tools in the world, but if you never pick them up and use them, your life will never change.
On the other hand, just a little bit of attention each day can and will bring miracles in your life.
Quatloos discussed her death here;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Let us all hope and pray that anyone who believes the garbage they spew out at NESARA News actually does mail in their concerns to the President, and in the raving manner offered below.

Saturday, December 9, 2017
Letter to the President


Dec 9 2017
To White House




"Is this a test run for a future false flag [or secret attack] involving biological /chemical weapons?

Under the banner of Project HODOR [Hazards Of Dynamic Outdoor Release], the United States Department Of Homeland Security will be holding drills simulating a chemical & biological weapons attack near the Oklahoma / Kansas border in January - February & June - July 2018.

Their first exercises in January 2018 will involve the airborne release of Titanium Dioxide [TiO2] and "Btk" [the Kurstaki sub-species of the Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria] combined in the form of bar-coded spores of the biological insecticide DiPel.

They plan to use non-bar-coded airborne spores in their secondary exercises, which will require much more time and labor to execute.

So, not only doctors, but the makers of the DiPel insecticide themselves EXPLICITLY WARN people that it is HARMFUL IF INHALED, ....... yet the DHS and the United States federal government think that it is a good idea to release these toxins into our air supply?

Can you say: Test Run For POPULATION CONTROL?" MURDER?

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:03:00 AM

Yes, I can say "test run for population control," can you say "Hodor?"

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Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Dove was a "unique" woman, who could be endlessly amusing and scary all at the same time. I had "cut my teeth" on crazy while going to college in Colorado Springs and living just down from an "outlet" for Summit Lighthouse / Church Universal and Triumphant, the Saint Germain cult who had later had the compound north of Yellowstone where the world ended in 1989. A lot of Dove's stuff originated from there (not, as most say, via the Ramtha cult, but being recycled by another obscure Seattle area one whose name escapes me at the moment).

My favorite game with Dove was guessing if she believed herself or not. It was easy to catch Dove in lies, ones that feathered her own nest, so "con artist" became an easy choice. But there was something about her fanaticism that kept drawing you back to the suspicion that she believed her own hype. A psychologist friend told me that this isn't that uncommon, say something enough times, and you can start to believe it yourself. For example, it was from pretending to be Deep Knight and not premature ejaculation that ... but I'm getting drawn off on a tangent. Instead, two classic Dove lies stories for your holiday pleasure.

Dove occasionally hinted that her followers should take advantage of some from-home business opportunities, thus having extra money, some of which could be sent to her, er, the glorious cause. One of these she mentioned specifically was putting together "brochures" for companies - copying, punching, collating, binding, shipping - and then getting paid by the piece. A few months later, she started a fund raising campaign based on the "fact" that she had gotten together NESARA packages and was FedExing them to every reporter, newspaper, TV, and Radio station in the nation! This would get the word out on NESARA for sure, but it was expensive. A couple hundred pages of copies, some expensive color, the 3-ring binder themselves, the covers, the boxes, and the overnight shipping (that way they'll sit up and pay attention to it). All these added up and she needed $$$s right now. To emphasize this, she posted a photo of a stack of these binders on a coffee table in her trailer.

I could see that there was something on the cover of a top binder, so I downloaded the photo, got rid of .jpg artifacts, blew it up, cut out the cover section and "stretched" its corners as if I was "tipping it up." There was the fuzzy-but-distinct photo of a show dog, a spaniel I think, in a classic dog-show pose. Dove had undoubtedly taken one of those "from home" opportunities, for some local dog show, and decided to double its economic impact.

The second story is shorter and more to the point. Towards the end, Dove started to get surly and complain that her devotees weren't sending her a steady income. She asked that they send her monthly or by-paycheck donation, subscribing to some amount like $20 or $50 every time they got paid, and sending it in like clockwork. Well, Dove's devotees didn't do clockwork, so this fizzled out fast. Then, ever-resourceful Dove came out with a wonderful announcement, she had discovered how to finally get NESARA announced, and it was easy. All you needed was to have a lawyer ready to pounce on a "window" in some obscure location (done that way by the NWO so it would prevent it from actually happening). All she needed was a lawyer on retainer, who would camp out in a motel in this small town, and when the next window came around, zapp! Oh, by the way, the lawyer cost $200 an hour, and the motel was $300 a day, so she needed an infusion of money, FAST. And, until the final victory was our! The suggested "subscription" sum went up to $200 or $300 per paycheck.

At that point in time I made the sarcastic comment that the town would turn out to be this place on Lake Ontario which made the news the day before by having a record 18 feet of snow. Dove, while not giving out the town's name, hinted at this the next day, that the window had come and gone because the NWO had arranged to have it during this 18-foot snow storm...


Dove in front of her mother's trailer (later hers) - she complained that they "photoshopped" photos of her to make her look crazy.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Nesara Game

My friend the psychologist-referred-to-above and I used to have long discussions about NESARA. He became interested in "prosperity cults" through this, especially Christian ones. Anyway, I contended that people would get tired of Dove crying "wolf" and drift away quickly. He contended that this might not happen as fast or universally as I might think, that even though the promise might not ever come true, there was a certain pleasure or "positive enforcement" from just believing and checking all the time.

He suggested an experiment. Over a long weekend, I would pretend that I believed that NESARA was about to be announced and it would be on the TV new or internet shortly. Thus, every few hours I would turn on CNN and watch for 10 minutes, and then pull up Google news and scan all the stories. The other ground rule was that this had to be done with THE HIGHEST PRIORITY, getting up, coming home, finishing a task, it would be the first thing that I did and I would intentionally ignore other priorities and RUSH to get it done. Gotta pee? Wait until you've seen the news first. That sort of thing.

Well, you can imagine how silly I thought this was. I was a rational being, and realized that NESARA was impossible poo poo. No problem, said my friend, you don't have to believe, you just have to BE and DO. I took him up on this. No foolin'. I watched the news every morning before starting the coffee machine, intentionally rushing out of bed and into my robe as per my instructions, kind of hamming it up if you want to know the truth. I was busy that weekend, but kept checking like I had agreed. Believe it or not, I started to become excited about doing this checking. It was like waiting to hear the raffle prize called out at a holiday party, even though you didn't think it was your ticket, you stared at it as they announced the number anyway. I took notes and sent them to my friend (I told you both of us were crazy, I knew we shouldn't have taken the brown acid), and had to admit that I started to look forward to my periodic NESARA break, even though I knew it was garbage and I was only artificially ginning up "excitement." On Monday morning, I was kind of disappointed I didn't have anything to rush to do. Honest.

I've heard some strange NESARA stories here, but I defy anyone to tell one stranger than this.
"Follow the Money"
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

There was nobody, then or now, as "Fake News" as Dove. The Beltway Sniper was a government plot to stop NESARA! As was 9-11. Under Dove's NESARA mythology NESARA had to be publicly announced by the president before it actually became law. This allowed her to set up any number of scenarios where the NESARA announcement was hearbreakingly close but stopped at the last moment by evil government plots. Her story was that NESARA was to be announced at 9AM on September 11, 2001 from a secret studio in the World Trade Towers. But the evil cabal devised the most complex plan in history to foil it. The plane that went down in Pennsylvania wasn't the result of a crash when the passengers fought back. The field it crashed into was a secret underground NESARA headquarters! Of course she said this after 9-11, no mention of a NESARA announcement on that date beforehand.

She was vastly inventive. She put out Dove Reports almost weekly and they never got old. Here is a sample, all of 2007.

http://web.archive.org/web/200901221026 ... te2007.htm

Note October 8th where she tried to scam $2,000,000.

http://web.archive.org/web/200712170421 ... 8_2007.htm
Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

There is a great opportunity for an investor with $2.2 Million USD to
receive half a billion USD plus - $500+ Million - in 40 weeks - one

This investment pays the investor millions WEEKLY for 40 weeks. Very
good intermediary fees – such as $200,000 per intermediary per week -
also pay weekly for 40 weeks.

By taking investors into this very prosperous investment, I will earn
an intermediary fee which I will put into a similar investment to
assist raising the millions which NESARA needs for down payments on
NESARA’s gold contracts.

The investment PROVIDES WAYS TO UTILIZE the investor’s FUNDS and MOVE
the investor’s PROCEEDS that are very beneficial to the investor.

If you know or are an Investor who has $2.2M to invest, please send an
email to GolfForNESARA@verizon.net with the Subject of: “$2.2
This was part of a storyline where she had to buy all of the gold in the world for reasons I've forgotten before NESARA could be announced.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Found it! The post where Dove explains why she need all that gold and the fantastic investment opportunity it makes for anyone with $200,000,000 they have sitting around. Did I just say 200,000,000? Wasn't it $2,000,000? Well that was in 2008. The $200 mil was proposed as the necessary funding three years earlier in 2005.

http://web.archive.org/web/200712200326 ... 7_2005.htm

Perhaps smarter heads can figure out the complex financial requirements that Dove related, she was obviously on top of every detail. First, you want NESARA announced, you have to go through Dove. No other path is available;
First, let me explain the ONLY actions being taken to improve NESARA
and bring NESARA to announcement are the actions being taken by the
NESARA Law Task Force which I have organized. During my 18 month
investigations into the true status of the NESARA Law, I discovered
certain actions must be taken to improve NESARA and to announce
NESARA. I formed the NESARA Law Task Force to accomplish these
This is how she explains the gold requirement;
Over 14 months ago, I discovered that NESARA does NOT have the gold or
precious metals to back the new US Treasury currency. However, I have
FOUND very large quantities of gold which can be purchased to back the
new US Treasury currency and will give America a lawful monetary
system as required by Constitutional Law. To restore Constitutional
Law, we MUST obtain the gold to back the new Treasury currency;
otherwise we are not truly restoring Constitutional Law.

It is absolutely necessary that the gold be obtained to back the new
US Treasury currency because the gold is what will enable NESARA to
have a 100% exchange rate. The exchange rate means that for every
dollar of Federal Reserve money you hold in a bank account or in cash,
you will receive a dollar of US Treasury currency; this is a 100%
exchange rate and means that NO ONE will LOSE money when NESARA is

Over 14 months ago, I discovered that the NESARA Law passed in the
year 2000 was passed with ONLY a 10% exchange rate! This means that
if NESARA was announced tonight and you had $1,000 One Thousand -
dollars in your bank account, tomorrow you would have only $100 One
Hundred dollars in your bank account! The exchange rate in the
NESARA Law must be fixed and the only way to fix it is to obtain the
gold NESARA needs.

The 10% exchange rate is one of the big problems the US Supreme Court
Judges had built into the NESARA Law because the Judges controlled the
drafting of the NESARA Law and they presented it to the US Congress as
an all or nothing proposition. The Judges did not allow Congress to
amend the NESARA Law because the Judges do NOT support NESARA and
purposely put problems into NESARA so that if it were announced, there
would be huge economic problems.

The US Supreme Court Judges who put Bush into the oval office are the
same ones who have been controlling NESARA and who purposely put the
10% exchange rate into the NESARA Law. If NESARA was announced
without the exchange rate being fixed, it would cause a WORLDWIDE
ECONOMIC MELTDOWN of enormous proportions!

The issue of the NESARA Law EXCHANGE RATE is a GLOBAL concern and will
effect people around the entire world, not just Americans. No country
or person can survive having a 10% exchange rate in the NESARA Law �
no one can afford to lose 90% of the wealth they have in Federal
Reserve notes, Treasury bonds, cash, etc.

Therefore, the NESARA Law EXCHANGE RATE must be corrected to 100%.
She has to forstall an a WORLDWIDE ECONOMIC MELTDOWN! But, but, . . . . . she'd given the same 10% scenario a few years earlier but at that time she'd told everybody not to worry because while everybody would only have 10% of whatever financial assets they had before NESARA all prices would also be 10% of what they were before NESARA. And everybody would have their NESARA prosperity distributions to make them rich so who cares about a bit of financial adjustment in-between? But times change and now a NESARA announcement would be a Disaster. But Dove, NESARA's leader for good reason, had a solution;
The way to correct the exchange rate in alignment with Constitutional
Law and to free Americans from the BOGUS national debt imposed by the
Federal Reserve Bank, is to purchase hundreds of thousands of metric
tons of gold which just became available for purchase THIS YEAR, after
over 50 years of legal entanglements.

Some lying shills of the Illuminati say that there are less than 200,000 tons of gold in the entire world;


Making Dove's claim seem like blathering nonsense. She'd need all the gold in the world, all the wedding bands, bank reserves, gold leaf in icons, my gold tooth, in order to come close to her hundreds of thousands of tons and even then she wouldn't make it. But who are we to question Dove? We didn't have all of her super-secret sources and a direct line to the Blessed St. Germain!

And Dove could get that gold with a little financial assistance;
On November 10, 2005 a few weeks ago, the NESARA Law Task Force was
close to initiating a $100M investment process for buying NESARA's
gold. Unfortunately, a key person became ill from a long-term health
problem which caused a major deadline to be missed. However, if this
process had been completed, we would have been able to announce NESARA
before the end of this year!

Some of you reading the Dove Reports have the capability to help
behind-the-scenes and confidentially in the process of obtaining the
gold for NESARA. Please read the following information carefully:

1. The NESARA Law Task Force has gained the trust of people able to
arrange extremely lucrative, elite investment processes which provide
extraordinary returns on investment. These investments are not
allowed to be advertised and can only be accessed through invitation
by those allowed to issue the invitation. These investments are
totally lawful.

It is not easy for a wealthy person to make the contacts necessary to
access these elite investment opportunities. However, because of my
years of supporting NESARA, these contacts have offered their special
efforts in our actions to fix and announce NESARA.

2. If you are or know an investor or investors capable of investing
$100 Million, $300 Million, $500 Million USD or up, you can help
ensure NESARA is fixed and announced as soon as possible. The
investor(s) will receive extraordinary returns PER WEEK in these elite
investment opportunities. Anyone bringing investors is eligible for
very lucrative facilitator fees.

High security factors for the investor include:
a. All details are contained in the investment contract the investor
receives including guaranteed percentage of return.
b. The investor(s)'s funds stay in the investor(s)'s bank account and
are never moved.
c. The investor has sole signature rights on the bank account and
therefore total control.

3. To obtain the funds to purchase NESARA's gold, the investor will
sign a joint-venture agreement that NESARA will receive 50% of the
profits of the investment and the investor will receive 50% of the
profits. Most investors have not had the opportunity to access the
high levels of return in these investments; their rewards will be
extremely high profits AND making their own lives and their loved
ones� lives much better by helping NESARA.

4. Within a few weeks of the investment process being initiated, the
NESARA Law Task Force will enter negotiations for NESARA's gold and
soon after the gold contract is signed, the NESARA Law will be

5. Due to the unique circumstances surrounding the gold to be
purchased, it is NOT necessary to have the full amount of funds for
purchasing the gold immediately as certain security measures must be
put in place prior to the gold being purchased. However, the
investment process generating NESARA�s funds to purchase the gold must
be initiated before negotiations for the gold contract can begin.

6. If you are or you know someone who is capable of investing $100M
USD, $300M USD or more, send an email to GoldForNESARA@myway,com with
the Subject of NESARA Gold and include your first name, telephone
number, your time zone, and the best times to reach you. If you are
the principle who has the investment funds, you may choose to have
your representative send the email to begin communication. I will
personally make the phone call to establish contact soon after
receiving your email.
The woman had given so much, what was a paltry $200 million to get her over that final hurdle? Sadly she didn't get it and three years later she'd lowered the entry fee to an insignificant $2,000,000 but failed at even that. A year and a half later she died, no doubt of a broken heart at how close they'd come just to be thwarted by a minor financial problem.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Just reading that stuff makes my brain ache.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Just reading that stuff makes my brain ache.
Ah, yes, memories, memories.

Dove was obsessed with gold as the only true money, and over the years talked about more than one secret source of it that could fund NESARA etc. The Saint Germain World Trust, the Gold of Egypt taken by the Israelites, General Yamashita's gold, money put aside long ago by wealthy Illuminati children to atone for their ancestor's sins, and of course the hidden Omega funds. As you mentioned, sometimes these would disappear for various reasons, and gold purchase would be necessary. Or, they would be "$HUGE earmarked for prosperity deliveries by unbreakable galactic treaty..." but some other $BIG gold funds would be necessary for whatever before the rest could be released.

Of these hoards the Saint Germain trust was my favorite, he had it hidden away, growing exponentially due to compound interest. When asked how it could be hidden and still lent out in order to get such returns, Dove contended that this wasn't necessary. When you got a large amount of gold together, it would start to glow violet with those St. Germain energies, and new gold would be produced. As you can imagine, Deep Knight had a field day with "gold breeding porn."

Dove also claimed that after NESARA banks would give depositors HUGE interest rates, while lending money interest free. She had some idea that this could be done by "Medician banking methods," where accounting would somehow take care of the shortfall. Then, for a very brief time, she got into "logarithmic accounting," which she never explained, but would make your money grow like crazy. "A&A" touted it like this: if you have $10 in the bank and add $10 you end up with $100. The math became obvious to me - with logarithms you "add to multiply" (long story, and if you don't understand them already, you never will), and this sounded good to "A" and even to doubting-Thomas "A." These two con artists were an interesting addition to Dove's world view, as they could claim anything, no matter how ridiculous, at any time to try and make money.

BTW, I always thought the reason Dove advertised $2,000,000 or $500,000,000 investments was to make her readers think that a bunch of really rich people read her stuff and hung on her every word. Because if they're smart enough to make that kind of money, then ...

"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:There was nobody, then or now, as "Fake News" as Dove. The Beltway Sniper was a government plot to stop NESARA! As was 9-11.

EVERY big story was really about NESARA but covered up, and this showed Dove's devotees that it was real and very, very near. If it was a package, the mailman would be walking up your walk to your front door with $5 billion in gold right now! BTW, that's 137 tons of gold at today's prices, so you better have that "mushy" spot on your front porch fixed so it doesn't collapse, and do it REAL SOON.

And how 'bout them interest rates. Your example gives:

There is a great opportunity for an investor with $2.2 Million USD to receive half a billion USD plus - $500+ Million - in 40 weeks - one year.

If this is $2.2 million to $500 million (minimum return) in 52 weeks (maximum time), compounded daily, this would require a yearly interest rate of 535% Wooooooo!!!! NESARA NOW WON!!! But then try this one from Mar 6, 2007


The following is an investment about which I have written before and to which I am able to provide access:

Investment Amount: $5 Million USD ($5,000,000)
Investment Duration: 5 Weeks plus 2 to 3 weeks of start-up [let's use 8 weeks, shall we?]
Investment Proceeds: $3 Billion USD ($3,000,000,000) or more
Intermediary Fee: 10% of expected $3 Billion = $300M or more - Half of 10% goes to person bringing $5M
Investor = $150M or more

If you are an investor with $5M or you know someone who is an investor with this level of funds...
My team of accountants tell me this is a much better investment at, ding ding ding, almost exactly 2700% yearly interest compounded daily. Wooooooooooooooooo!!!! Did Dove know her investments or what? No wonder the rich are so rich with opportunities-only-available-to-rich-elites like this.

"Follow the Money"