Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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notorial dissent
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

I always found it amusing that while she always claimed gold was the only real currency, she kept asking for those not real nasty federal reserve notes to buy her gold. Just one of those things.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »


NESARA Deathmatch!!! Dove of Oneness vs. Deep Knight

Who's the biggest liar?

In this corner, the Dove of Oneness, claiming 2700% interest when typical savings accounts are only yielding 1% today! That's 2700 to 1!! Can Deep Knight top that?

In the other corner, Deep Knight, claiming millions of supermodels in his twisted career, processing them at rates like, "1000 in a short evening" (about 14 seconds per supermodel if you assume hurried humping from 7:00 to 11:00 PM, or starting at 6:45 with a 5 minute break every hour). The number of lovers a typical viral American male could have in that same period? One. That's only 1000 to 1! The Dove of Oneness WINS by more than a factor of two, or as Dove might put it, "a factor of one with 45 zeros after it."

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The NESARA NOW trucks, paid for by ripping off a senile old woman of her retirement savings. Memories, memories . . .

This discussion sent me back to re-reading the foundational text, the Dove Reports. I have all of the Dove Reports from 2002 to 2008 on my computer as Word files. I'm going down memory lane starting with 2002. Just reading this classic;
Saturday, June 01, 2002

To dark agenda CIA and Computer Hacker Stooges

[This is a message to the dark agenda CIA and their ignorant stooges:]

To the dark agenda CIA and their Ignorant Stooges:

You three dark agenda CIA personnel, who ordered more PUNY efforts to interfere with my Dove of O database and my PC, are complete idiots. I'm told by ordering these interferences with Dove of O, you have bought yourselves a ONE-WAY TICKET OFF the planet; you will never see your families or friends again.

The Forces have repeatedly posted WARNINGS in all intelligence agencies' computers worldwide stating that if any people try to cause problems with the Dove of O Reports or Yahoo!Groups Dove of O database, these people will be hunted down and REMOVED from Earth to do environmental service without parole. You always think this cannot happen to "you". You are wrong.

Furthermore, I'm told the Forces are physically destroying the PCs in the offices of the dark agenda CIA personnel who ORDERED these interferences. This is a physical WARNING to the rest of you who may hear about this and understand WHY these three people are now MISSING.

In addition, I'm told the Forces are posting a SEVERE WARNING to all the dark agenda's computer hackers around the world. These dark agenda stooges are seeing this notice in their computer screens WARNING them to avoid causing any problems for Dove of O. I'm told these computer hackers had better heed this warning or suffer several unpleasant consequences; ALL of them are being constantly monitored to make sure they comply with the instructions in the Forces' warning.

I'm told all your PUNY dark agenda computer hacker games are being TOTALLY NEUTRALIZED by the Forces whose technology is MILLIONS of years ahead of anything on Earth. Get a clue, you dark agenda dumb-dumbs, or you'll be spending the rest of your lives a LONG WAY from home.

Dove of Oneness
This quote shows one of her two main evidentiary devices. When she wanted to present preposterous fantasy as fact she'd preface it with either "We know" or "I'm told". Facts proven! It was certainly good enough for Dove's followers.

I'd say my favorite part of the entire Dove Report saga was when they'd all start squabbling with each other because they disagreed how Dove was running her demented fantasy. Bellringer, for one, was as invested as Dove although all he had in the way of information was the Dove Reports. Same as me! On October 6, 2002 Dove wrote this (and DK, no silly ribald comments about Hot Action, this is serious stuff);
October 6, 2002

NESARA Hot Action In Progress

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

I’m told the 1,200+ White Knight Commanders and Leaders had a meeting late last night to decide how to get the true NESARA law announced as quickly as possible. I’m told the White Knights do not want Dove to be going public beforehand because the White Knights want to announce the true NESARA law in their own way.

I’m told that after about 90 minutes of discussion last night, the White Knight Commanders and Leaders agreed to get the true NESARA in a very short timeframe. I’m told that early this morning some new capabilities are being utilized to strengthen the high level security resources so that when the moment comes, the true NESARA law announcement process will be popping onto our television screens instantly.

I’ve been asked to hold off giving interviews during this current, VERY SHORT, timeframe the White Knights have set to get the true NESARA law announced so that the White Knights can carry out the introduction of the true NESARA to Americans and the world in the ways they have planned. Yesterday I received a message that a certain city newspaper has requested to be put into contact with Dove for an interview. The White Knights know about this and they would prefer to bring out the news of the true NESARA in their own ways, rather than how I might do it. I’ve agreed to wait to give any interviews until after this VERY SHORT timeframe the White Knights set last night to get the true NESARA law announced. I support the White Knights one million percent in getting the true NESARA law announced in this very short timeframe.

I am, however, continuing a parallel course of getting the word out to Americans about the true NESARA law and I have numerous activities I am pursuing. And when I tell the truth of the true NESARA law, watch out! There are many facts I have withheld and it’s time the full TRUTH came out.
Resulting in this bitterly disappointed furious response from a betrayed Bellringer;
NESARA: Public Announcement To The World

Sunday, October 6, 2002, 9:00 p.m. MDT

by Patrick H. Bellringer

[First a page of galactic bullshit about Creator God, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, "our old friend" Saint Germain, Esu Immanuel (Jesus), Admiral Sananda, and the other imaginary beings sent to forward an imaginary law. Then on to recent cough, cough, developments.]

The people of our world have waited long enough for action by the NESARA “White Knights.” Many have petitioned Creator God for divine intervention, and that is now happening. According to the “Dove Report” of October 5, 2002, those “White Knights”, who are still “calling for delays”, are now being instantly removed from our planet. Hooray! It’s time that human ego be removed from God’s Plan 2000. This same “Dove Report” is condemning the “White Knights” who are creating the delay, and is calling for the public to take the NESARA message to the world by “organizing nation-wide demonstrations, seminars, and press conferences on the true NESARA law.” This would create great pressure on the “White Knights” to act!

Tonight, I read the “Dove Report” for October 6, 2002, and my righteous anger is renewed. The “Dove” is retracting what she proclaimed yesterday. She has capitulated to the “White Knight’s” demands to not go public with NESARA, because they want to do it their way and they are not yet ready. Such nonsense! The “Dove” has power to move NESARA forward but now, due to coercion and freewill choices, has decided not to do so. Supposedly, it would take only 17 minutes of T.V. time to change the world, but the risk—the task is too great! How foolish is man!

Sananda is angry tonight, angry with the whole lot of the “White Knights,” some of whom appear to be more gray than white. St. Germain is angry tonight. He is as angry as he was when our Declaration of Independence was teetering on the brink of destruction, and he ordered the wimpy men to “sign it!” And I am angry tonight! I am as angry as Patrick Henry was when his freedoms were in grave danger and he declared, “Give me liberty or give me death!” Are you not just a little disturbed by the sabotage being done to God’s Plan 2000 by “our” people? We have the Plan, we have all the help that heaven allows, but we let others manipulate us with their ego by delaying the Plan. Are you not angry, too? Are we going to let George Bush, Jr. spew out his Iraqi venom again to the world on national T.V. on Monday night, October 7, 2002? Are the citizens of the world under a gag order to not speak of NESARA? No! Is the “Dove” under a gag order?” No! Am I under a gag order?” Absolutely not, and if I were I would probably most certainly and quite promptly disobey it.

We are only as free as we want to be. Let us exercise our right to free speech and tell the world about NESARA. I ask that you stand up and take your rightful place in the “Forces of Light.” Let us now without delay, take the power of the pen and write “letters to the editor”, hold press conferences and seminars, and organize demonstrations that proclaim to the world the Truth of NESARA.

Shame on those “White Knights”, who refuse to move NESARA forward. Shame on those who have the power to act and make a vast difference, but who are not doing so. May they reap instant karma.
I personally petition the Lighted Realms tonight for divine intervention and give them permission to over-ride all ego and free-will that is holding the NESARA announcement back from being instantly accomplished. Many of our good people have spent years and given their very lives to bring God’s Plan 2000—NESARA, to this point in time. They have pushed the NESARA ball up the mountainside to the very peak. There it stands tonight, teetering, waiting for some brave ones to push it from its perch and send it crashing down the mountain into the land of hunger, and disease, and pain, and hopelessness. It is time for the “White Knights” to stop putting out spot-fires, to stop their ego tripping—and do it! It is time for the “Dove” to stop vacillating—and do it! It is time for we the people to push—and do it! We can, and we will—do it! With the help of the “Hosts of Heaven”—we will do it! Aho!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:On October 6, 2002 Dove wrote this (and DK, no silly ribald comments about Hot Action, this is serious stuff);

Despite what you might have heard, I never had any intimate relations with Dove. Not one single time. And if I did it was only because I had to to maintain my cover, without which my life wouldn't have been worth the paper it's printed on. And then it was only once, or at most 4 or 5 times. What I'm getting at is that The Dove of Oneness was as far from "Hot Action" as a so-called woman can get. A complete dud in the sack, perhaps the worst since Elizabeth Clare Prophet, but of course you suspected that. After all, how can anyone maintain the mood during the supreme expression of love when your date is chanting, "O violet flame, come violet flame, now blaze and blaze and blaze. O beloved St. Germain, bless me with your violet seventh ray and cleanse Earth-Shan of all Dark Agenda energies so that NESARA can be..." A real buzz kill.

https://www.summitlighthouse.org/video/ ... e-mantras/
EC Prophet does what is properly called "decrees," this is from the cult that used to be centered where I went to college, which later inspired Dove and was the source of the St. Germain stuff. Dove used to talk about using "decrees," but as far as I know never demonstrated this.

http://www.csj.org/pub_csj/csjbookrevie ... 2lambs.htm
A bit of the history from a person who left this cult.

What they have on their site about St. Germain.

Saint Germain
Master of the Violet Flame, Chohan of the Seventh Ray

Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray, sponsor of the United States of America, and master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age. He is the great sponsor of freedom's flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice. The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply “Holy Brother.”

As chohan, or lord, of the seventh ray, Saint Germain initiates our souls in the science and ritual of transmutation through the violet flame. Saint Germain and Portia deliver to the people of God the dispensation for the seventh age and the seventh ray—the violet ray of freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy and sacred ritual—a new lifewave, a new civilization, a new energy.

The Strauss waltzes carry the vibration of the violet flame and will help to put you in tune with Saint Germain. The Rakoczy March, by Franz Liszt, carries the flame of his heart and the formula of the violet flame. His electronic pattern is the Maltese cross; his fragrance, that of violets.

Master Saint Germain, Seventh Ray, and the Violet Flame

Violet Flame Mantra by Saint Germain for transmuting personal and planetary past errors in thought, feeling and action.

I AM a being of violet fire,
I AM the purity God desires.

Diplomats, priests of the sacred fire, actors, writers and defenders of freedom serve with Saint Germain on the seventh ray.

Initiation of the Seat-of-the Soul Chakra
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: gift of Prophecy and the Working of Miracles
Etheric Retreats: The Cave of Symbols, Table Mountain, Wyoming, USA; Transylvania, Romania
Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal
Gemstone: Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine
Quality: Freedom, Alchemy, Justice, Diplomacy, Transmutation
Day: Saturday

Saint Germain's Previous Lifetimes

As high priest of the Violet Flame Temple on the mainland of Atlantis thirteen thousand years ago, Saint Germain sustained by his invocations and his causal body a pillar of fire, a veritable fountain of violet singing flame, which magnetized people from near and far who came to be set free from every binding condition of body, mind and soul. This they achieved by self-effort through the offering of invocations and the practice of seventh-ray rituals to the sacred fire.

Saint Germain was embodied as the prophet Samuel; Saint Joseph; Saint Alban, the first martyr of Britain; Merlin—alchemist, prophet and counselor to King Arthur. More recently, Saint Germain was Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus and, in his final lifetime, Sir Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon, who has been called the greatest mind the West ever produced, is known as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. His soul entered the ritual of the ascension from the Rakoczy Mansion, retreat of the Great Divine Director, on May 1, 1684.

Ascended Master Saint Germain Sponsors Spiritual Organizations

In the twentieth century, Saint Germain stepped forth once again to sponsor an outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood. In the early 1930s, he contacted Guy Ballard whom he trained as a messenger and who, under the pen name of Godfré Ray King, released the foundation of Saint Germain's instruction for the New Age in the books Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and The “I AM” Discourses.

In 1961 Saint Germain contacted Mark L. Prophet, and founded the Keepers of the Flame® Fraternity to quicken all who had originally come to earth with Sanat Kumara—to serve as world teachers and ministering servants in their families, communities and nations at this critical hour of the turning of cycles.

Meditation upon Saint Germain

“On the sabbath of the seventh ray, you greet the Master of the Aquarian age: Saint Germain, friend of old, I am honored at thy presence here! So may I know the cosmic honor flame that is entwined with strands of gold and violet as elementals weave a garland of praise to the Knight Commander of my heart. And you tarry before the alchemist of the Spirit who has come to teach you the science of the amethyst ray and the ritual of grace that will be the law for the next two thousand years.”—Djwal Kul, from the meditation, The Hidden Chamber of the Heart.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Chemtrails & How To Survive

Insider Reveals Their Plans with Chemtrails & How To Survive

How They Affect You and What You Can Do

Have you noticed more planes flying overhead in your community that leave trails behind them in the sky? These patterns are the result of "weather modification" programs — also referred to as "solar radiation management" or "chemtrails". The international program involves spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and other toxic chemicals from airplanes at high altitudes that then fall to the ground, ending up in our bodies, our water, our soil and the air we breathe.

Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks

This video contains text, which was forwarded to me. The source is highly credible, and has given permission to post his youtube account here: If you have questions, you can contact him directly. This message originally came from a USAF pilot, who flies Aerosol Tankers, as part of the secret Indigo Skyfold (geoengineered aerosol "chemtrail") program.
Please save this text, and forward the video! (The text was too long for Youtube to put in the description, so I will put the entire message in the comments section.)

I've known the source for over a year, and I have POST confirmation of most of the things he's told me, IN ADVANCE.
Also, IF THIS WAS DISINFO, the last message from the pilot would be "after Jan 20, 2015, they are shutting down the program".

INSTEAD, he says the opposite: "a very new "extremely toxic" chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible."

That is not how disinfo works. The last communication was the opportunity to calm the herd, instead, it is a call to action.
If you have a geiger counter, with an alpha/beta probe, please test the aerosol fallout. The best way to test the aerosols, is to wipe your car hood, and windshield, with a clean paper towel, after a dry period of heavy spraying. Then, test the towel for alpha and beta radiation. This is especially important in California, which has no natural radon sources upwind.

BTW, the building at 7:30 is the International Criminal Court, at The Hague, Netherlands. This is where the criminals behind these programs need to be taken, to be put on trial, while the world watches.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 4:02:00 PM


Slaveman December 13, 2017 at 5:44 PM
I have a better idea,... how 'bout our Marine pilots blow these bastards out of the air. Couldn't ask the Air Force to do this , since they are the ones spraying.(say what?- our own Air Force?- you gotta be 'shittin' me.- it seems to be true.(?)) Off they go into the wild blue yonder, spraying toxins as they go. Air Force,... what a bunch of #ussys!

Anonymous December 13, 2017 at 5:49 PM
They have been bombarding south east Texas this past week and again today 12/13/2017. I am so sick of their poisoning the human race, killing animals, killing trees and all these chemicals destroying minerals and good nutrients out of our soil so we cant grow healthy foods. Every time I go outside and they are playing God with their chem trails, I come back in sneezing, wheezing, hurting in chest etc. their chem trailing doesn't protect crap, plus it is hotter and stuffy after they spray. They know they are harming the population! This is their soft genocide. I thought President Trump has signed executive order to stop these chem trails???? If he hasn't he needs to. and if he has, it needs to be enforced. NOW!!!
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Chem trails are far too slow. Giving one woman in Texas a sore throat is not good use of this multibillion dollar budget.

I have a cunning plan to speed things up.

Work at Johns Hopkins University in the 1950s led to the development of the direct injection antipersonnel chemical biological agent (DIACBA), where flechettes were grooved, hollow pointed, or otherwise milled to retain a quantity of chemical biological warfare agent to be delivered through a ballistic wound. The initial work was with the nerve agent VX, which had to be thickened to deliver a reliable dose. Eventually this was replaced by a particulate carbamate. The US Biological Program also had a microflechette to deliver either botulinum toxin A or saxitoxin, the M1 biodart, which resembled a 7.62 mm rifle cartridge.


What is not to like about dropping something really sharp and heavy from aircraft. Best used in densely populated areas, many times the carnage for the same price!

The big advantage over thinly dispersed chemicals, which are then further dispersed by the day or two it takes for them to reach the ground, or those special germs which are mostly destroyed by the U-V radiation at high altitude, is that not only will the little arrows have a higher effectiveness ratio, but they will be a favourite with kids who will happily scour the streets and fields to add to their flechette collections. Those who are old enough to remember WWII and the air raids in Britain will recall that most surviving children had their own shrapnel collection scavenged from the remnants of anti aircraft shells and bomb fragments. Swapping shrapnel and spent bullets was good fun and pretty well made up for having to sleep in a Morrison shelter every night.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Chem trails are far too slow.
Right you are, feeding someone to the dogs (the highlight of one episode of Game of Thrones) is much faster, even if it didn't happen. I feel much better after reading this, killing your uncle because you were afraid he might try to alter the royal succession with a firing squad is one thing, but if you did it with dogs you might seem cruel and paranoid.

Lurid story about Jang Song-thaek's death apparently first appeared in satirical post on Chinese social media network
Jang Song-thaek was probably executed by firing squad - and not fed to a pack of starving dogs.

Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing

Monday 6 January 2014 08.57 EST
The Guardian

It sounded just believable enough to catch on: Kim Jong-Un executed his uncle Jang Song-thaek by having him stripped naked and fed to a pack of starving dogs.

Yet the story, which was first reported by a Hong Kong tabloid and then picked up in the western press, apparently originated with a satirical post on a Chinese social media network, turning a thinly-sourced horror story into an astonishing example of the media echo chamber gone awry.

Kim did, in fact, purge his uncle and former second-in-command last month in remarkably high-profile fashion – the country's official news agency called Jang "an anti-party, counter-revolutionary factional element" and "despicable human scum" when it announced his execution on 13 December.

Analysts said that he was probably killed by a firing squad.

The starving dogs version first appeared on 12 December in Wen Wei Po, a Beijing-friendly Hong Kong tabloid with a reputation for sensationalism.

About two weeks later it was re-reported in English by the Singaporean news daily Straits Times, which took the piece as a barometer of souring Sino-North Korean ties. Late last week scores of western publications jumped on board, including NBC News, the Daily Mail, the New York Daily News, and the London Evening Standard.

Yet as the US blogger Trevor Powell pointed out on Monday, the original report lifted the story nearly word-for-word from an 11 December social media post by Pyongyang Choi Seongho, a China-based satirist with millions of followers. The background of the personality's page on Tencent Weibo, China's second most popular microblog, shows a cartoon Kim Jong-un standing on a balcony flanked by military aides, his arms raised and his middle fingers extended. Choi's post includes all of the grisly details that made their way into the American press: Jang and five of his aides were stripped naked, thrown into a giant cage, and "entirely devoured" by 120 Manchurian hunting dogs that had been starved for three days. Kim conducted the hour-long spectacle himself before an audience of 300 North Korean officials, it added.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News has a wonderful fake news smorgasbord - and it's got picked herring!

Their view is that this is all breaking open, but it's really from complete-garbage news sites that can be checked easily, for example "The made-up story later uses a quote it claims was posted on the conservative news site Breitbart, but the quote didn’t actually appear on that site. And the link provided goes to a picture of donkey poop." But instead of checking, they just pile on the poop..

All video links have been removed, and my comments inserted.

Looks like Alabama has just crashed and burned!
Due to Alabama Election fraud
A ***** got in!
Say a prayer for the people on Alabama.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

***** RATS STOLE THE ELECTION from Roy Moore

Voter Fraud Press Conference (Full Video)
[YouTube title of "voter fraud," but actually a bunch of complaints from Dec 7 before the election, mostly about ads using "debunked theories" (conspiracy?) about Roy Moore and young women. He said it didn't happen, and the ads should stop saying it. Also, Doug Jones had sample ballots showing his named checked!!!]

Roy Moore Recount is ON - what you need to know
[Video claims things like "nearly an entire precinct in a black neighborhood in Birmingham was tossed out this morning by the Alabama Secretary of State" this is an extrapolation on a story from a site with the disclaimer "Everything on this website is fiction.” It reporting thousands of people in this black neighborhood voted with fake IDs, and that the FEC, which does not oversee elections in Alabama, was recommending they be invalidated. This never happened, but it didn't keep this person from claiming the votes had been withdrawn, and the Roy Moore was now ahead by 300 votes. As for a recount being "on," the answer is "no." This is from Alex Jones, and it got him a "pants on fire." Easily checked.]

[Same story, same source, but focuses on "numbers don't add up" claim instead of "FEC sez"]

BREAKING NEWS About STOLEN Alabama Senate Race – This Is BAD
[Same story, same source, different pictures, adds "ex-felons being registered," which is true and legal.]

Voter Fraud in Alabama Confirmed Part 2
[Doesn' match Jeff Sessions 2008 results, so it must be wrong!!!]

I have more info on voter fraud in AL election...WOW!
[A person showing other people's videos on this subject, most the same story from the same source as the first one.]

BREAKING: Democrat Voter Fraud Uncovered in Alabama Senate Race Causing Roy Moore Defeat
[Same stories, same source. She was up all night!]

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:56:00 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous December 14, 2017 at 3:28 PM
Everyone should have seen this coming

Snopes sez this is another effort of the guy who does "Last Line of Defense," which has been featured here many times.

The web site ReaganWasRight is associated with a network of sites run by Christopher Blair, who writes under various pseudonyms, including “Flagg Eagleton.” Although the stories on his sites (which include The Last Line of Defense, Freedum Junkshun, and As American As Apple Pie) are labeled “satire,” they contain content many readers mistake as real, particularly when they are picked up and run by bottom-feeder aggregator sites that display no such labels or caveats.


Update: This same Christopher Blair website has a new story:

Ladies of Liberty reports that the small town of Bordalama, Alabama was beset by fraudsters who apparently posed as dead people, bringing the vote totals to 953 for Roy Moore and 5,327 for Democrat Jones. There are only 1,867 registered voters in Bordalama. In addition, Jones was caught red-handed campaigning at a polling location and authorities apprehended a “van full of illegals” that was traveling from polling place to polling place voting for Jones. Now more dead folks have been found voting for Jones, this time in Birmingham.

There is no such town as Bordalama in Alabama - or anywhere!!!
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

It is, however, a nice touch to bring in a 'van full of illegals' to rake in people who might be quite happy with the rest of it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:It is, however, a nice touch to bring in a 'van full of illegals' to rake in people who might be quite happy with the rest of it.
Sure. Bring in "a van full of illegals" to vote in the election. No one -- not even in a small town -- is going to question the sudden appearance, at polling places, of hordes of "people who don't look like us".

"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:It is, however, a nice touch to bring in a 'van full of illegals' to rake in people who might be quite happy with the rest of it.
Reminds me of a comment from someone about 911. Contending that explosives had been placed inside of concrete and steel columns in the WTC buildings secretly at night when no one was ever there leaving no trace, some idiot actually said something like, "knowing that two plane crashes and the resulting skyscraper fires wouldn't be enough to raise the ire of the American people, they used bombs to bring the buildings crashing down."

NESARA News is all over this attempt by the Deep State to defile the US Government (even though it's not legit but The Republics are), with many "we'll take a long time to read a short post" videos and IMPORTANT NEWS IN ALL CAPS WITH MULTIPLE EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

You heard it here first, the evil government is using Stoner Technology!


Monday, December 25, 2017
CIA to take down Bundys, famlies and witnesses with ENERGY WEAPON SECRETS



CIA Agent Spills Beans on Everything! Looks like Deep-State taking down Bundy family and Bundy ranch witnesses with energy weapon. When you are dead you can't testify as to what the Feds did.

Cody Snodgres was a CIA contractor who got fed up with what he was asked to do. He's spilling the beans about everything now. In this show he talks about special weapons they have used to kill people and make it look like natural causes.

CIA contractor, Cody Snodgres goes over everything he knows about the CIA's energy weapons. These microwave weapons are being used to kill witnesses, activists and anybody else the deep state wants to get rid of. They have a handheld version and one that is inside a truck. They also have a version of this weapon that operates from space called Stone-R technology.

This is the weapon used on Stew Webb, Tom Heneghan and super agent Otis Johnson. They killed Otis Johnson and gave Stew and Tom massive health problems.


Glenn Canady
December 25, 2017

Posted by Olive Oyl at 8:27:00 PM
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

A long common-law grand jury bit of nonsense, cut down to only include the best parts.

Friday, December 29, 2017
Criminal action filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Nevada

NOTE: The below information was sent to us anonymously, as is often the case with matters serious as this, with a request to publish for the information of the American people. The request stated that many of the people of this nation have suffered tremendous emotional and physical scars from the loss of life of friends and loved ones due to the treasonous actions of the below named traitors. Many who committed the treasonous actions were entrusted to represent the American people in 'government' offices while others are considered as the privileged 'elites.' The note ended with the statement that the American people need closure and healing of the horrendous wounds, and thus deserve to know who was involved, their roles and the punishment to be carried out on each one for their acts of treason against this nation and its people.

Robert Blair, Thomas Deegan, Jeremy Lowe, Peter Ostrowski, Don Bailey, Stephen Duane Curry (in private capacity by special appearance only)
: 99-9920
(Cheney, Brennan et. all with prejudice)

Hon. Jim Hardesty,
December 22, 2017

The alarming allegations in relation to the purported black-op attacks of SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 (9/11) are enough to warrant yet another superseding indictment concerning only those events. In the wider context of this issue, each of the accused parties including RICHARD CHENEY and BRENT SNOWCROFT will face the death penalty. ... The wider context this had with regard to URANIUM ONE is also explored.

Your honor, with treason only a “use of force” need be proven. As duly noticed on record ... “common-law concept of “force” encompasses even its indirect application, making it impossible to cause bodily injury without applying force in the common-law sense.

Your honors are to note again, when it comes to a crime of treason we need only prove there is sufficient probable cause to warrant the suspicion. The overwhelming amount of photos, military testimony and video will easily surpass that threshold without further delay as we submit to court. ... As such, they will each be given a swift military trial and sentenced under Article 50 for acts of treason during war time.


America has by now heard of the September 11th Black-Op attacks on the united states that took place in 2001. Yet what they didn’t know is the level of culpability of the conspirators involved, and the exact names of the perpetrators of these attacks. These attacks were a heinous war crime carried out on American shores by rogue intel agencies tied to ISRAEL but also nations like SAUDI ARABIA. And to date, they are an absolute dark stain on American history. In order for the nation to move forward, it is now mandatory that this dark chapter be re-opened. All of those responsible as you note your honors; must be brought to justice. After of which it is time disclose the profoundly hideous role SAUDI ARABIA played in these attacks as well as the role of ISRAELI intelligence in assisting the SAUDI agents of influence to pull them off. In so doing, it will put a close to an undoubtedly dark period of America’s past misdeeds.

We can of course prove that ... all knew about this crime of treason as did ... They didn’t just know about it your honors, they were active agents in their execution. In light of this, we are officially ordering only the harshest military penalties against all involved. As submitted on record, we agree this was an act of treason. ... The offense carries an instant death penalty by firing squad.
Next we officially charge GEORGE SOROS, for his part being the mastermind behind the attacks. Count 1] We officially charge GEORGE SOROS of being the grand mastermind behind one of America’s worst atrocities. Your honors must note that he planned, staged and executed every part of the cover-up as it pertains to URANIUM ONE and the nine eleven incident. We charge he violated 18 U.S.C § 2381 fifteen times. It was SOROS who setup new trading platforms for GEORGE BUSH SR., EDGAR BRONFMAN SR. and the Saudis to work with PETER MUNK who was financing the core axis of these attacks. SOROS publicly and proudly committed capital treason on record, an offense that carries the highest afforded death penalty sanctions. His passport is now seized. We order that GEORGE SOROS be executed twice by firing squad before a live television audience. [Military can decide the best methods so it is never forgotten.]
Next we charge ROBERT MUELLER for his role played in the nine eleven attacks.
Count 1] We now have little choice but to charge ROBERT MUELLER for breaking 18 U.S.C § 2381 in his role of covering up nine eleven. He was threatened with death if he ever revealed anything. Thus, we now seize his passport. The penalty is six years in a super-max prison and fifteen years probation to ensure MUELLER never repeats an offense. [Military by decree will explore options.]
Next we charge KEVIN SPACEY for his supervisory role in orchestrating the nine eleven attacks.
Count 1] We see no issue with charging KEVIN SPACEY yet again, this time for breaking 18 U.S.C § 2381 as chief supervisor over much logistics of nine eleven. SPACEY traded a massive amount of stock with PETER MUNK, and trading platforms owned by SOROS. Looking at his film The Usual Suspects, it is likewise very clear he felt it would make a perfect jab to make it appear that ISRAEL was the sole instigator of nine eleven. Of course we now know otherwise, as the HOUSE OF SAUD is exposed for its crimes worldwide. His passport is now seized. The penalty for such serious treason is up to thirty years in Guantanamo Bay, or official public execution by a full firing squad. [As in Godfather 3.] (The Military will explore which option works best.)

Next we charge ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI for his part in orchestrating nine eleven..
Count 1] Even though BRZEZINSKI is deceased, he violated ... BRZEZINSKI knows what he did was the commission of capital treason. Thus we order the military to execute BRZEZINSKI by public firing squad using a suitable stand-in for this treasonous mastermind. [Military are free to shoot up a test-dummy.]
Next we charge BARACK OBAMA with high treason for his role in enabling the nine eleven attacks.
Count 1] We charge BARACK OBAMA openly broke 18 U.S.C § 2381 nine separate times. This was in respect to his and his fellow liberal conspirators who covered up any investigations from proceeding against the perpetrators, both before, during and after the initial attacks. In his role as senator, OBAMA actually blacked out files and concealed relevant records about PETER MUNK which may have brought the perpetrators to justice. He also had a hand in the attacks by enabling

the criminal actions of EDGAR BRONFMAN SR. We therefore charge OBAMA as an accessory to capital murder, and place him into Guantanamo Bay. Penalty for such actions is ten years in Guantanamo. [Military explores options.]
Finally we officially charge HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON for her role in orchestrating the nine eleven conspiracy under the orders of chief financier GEORGE SOROS.
Count 1] We charge HILLARY CLINTON with breaking 18 U.S.C § 2381 on more than ten occasions, when it concerns the nine eleven attacks. CLINTON sat in on multiple meetings between BRONFMAN and BUSH, where it concerns setting up the incident of mass-murder. She also had personal knowledge of what GEORGE SOROS was planning to do and took large kickbacks from BANDAR BIN SULTAN. As she is already named in other criminal referrals, the penalty here will be reduced to a ten year sentence. Military is ordered to add the charges on once officially in custody.
[Military will explore options that include life in Guantanamo Bay with supervised release.]

It cannot ever be understated the amount of severe national consequences; ... As such we again state for the record, the seriousness of these grave crimes will require massive deliberations. And one more conspirator in question is to be denounced in all court rooms of record until the very last trial is held. He is known by the initials S.C.D., who forever shall go down in infamy as one of if not the most rotten sod to ever live. His public works are only as brazen as those cigars he smokes under the byzantine sun. As agreed upon, his name or any privileged private details will remain undisclosed. These are the small prices that are always paid in the interest of ensuring proper justice in due course, against any of the sadist’s minions who illegally mined URANIUM. To avoid further civil wars, we will keep any other first-hand
knowledge regarding their operations a voluntary secret. Yet let it be known that on this day America arose and struck back. A nation will suffer by its fools, but will not ever survive treason from within. Indeed the people know the truth is out there.
**Those who are deceased will have subpoenas served retroactively post mortem against all their properties.

AND NOW, on this day of December 22, 2017 during the fall season, it is hereby ordered that the defendants be charged with treason against the united states for the national black-op attacks on America occurring date of September 11, 2001. All penalties are measured by severity and resolve of listed offenses.
Posted by Olive Oyl at 1:25:00 AM

thomas deegan December 29, 2017 at 2:01 AM
i am the thomas named therein and did not authorize nor issue this. this is a fraud. robert is a good friend and he also did not authorize nor issue this.

Freewill December 29, 2017 at 2:07 AM
Another one? Where are these coming from? Why are these in the public domain? Thomas do you have a leak somewhere? This is becoming an issue and the source needs to stop publishing these documents of yours into the public domain.

thomas deegan December 29, 2017 at 2:47 AM
i did not author it nor authorize it. i do believe these are coming from tom heneghan. that is the farthest i have been able to track it backwards. as for heneghan, he refuses to respond only saying he is receiving these from his highest sources for distribution. i do my own thing now as the people do not wish to do anything other than type on the web. robert blair is also not authoring or authorizing these.

Freewill December 29, 2017 at 3:03 AM
Ah.. I see. I stopped posting Heneghan material over a year ago. I think he sleeps with Al Gore.

Anonymous December 29, 2017 at 11:17 AM
the people need too see this in full view

Anonymous December 29, 2017 at 11:19 AM
every public servent needs it more
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Lying liars lying to each other and getting caught out.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:Criminal action filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Nevada
There is no such thing as the "Northern District of Nevada". The state is a single district.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Alas true, but not it would seem in whackadoosterland. They can make up pretend grand juries and pretend orders, why should they be able to make up a pretend court district. Fantasy after all is fantasy.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

wserra wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Criminal action filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Nevada
There is no such thing as the "Northern District of Nevada". The state is a single district.
The state is only a single color of law district, but Northern Nevada is a separate common law district, because otherwise those idiots down in Vegas would demand court be set up there 'cause lawyers are half price and hog all the fun.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

wserra wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Criminal action filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Nevada
There is no such thing as the "Northern District of Nevada". The state is a single district.
And Jim Hardesty, the judge this is addressed to, is a justice on the Nevada Supreme Court. He's not a fed.

One wonders if this is an intentional attempt to fool people into thinking this is legit or if they are just too deluded to know what they're doing. With this particular document, I lean towards the latter given the overall insanity level of the document. With some of the others, like some of the filings from the Colorado pretend judge/pretend grand jury/pretend marshal cosplayers (Bruce Doucette and crew), I think they know their court is bogus but still somehow manage to believe anyway.

One of the best parts of this document was the fact that they're demanding the execution of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who died of natural causes in May 2017. Are they going to order him exhumed before they shoot him? Or are they just copypasta-ing some really old screed that has been kicking around for years?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

If they can order George Soros executed twice why not dig up Brzezinski for another go around? Perhaps they are just uncertain if Brezinski's faking it or not, maybe just chillin', biding his time waiting for a new administration to call on his services.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

notorial dissent
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering the brain trust involved in this the make up of the document really isn't much of a surprise. I'm surprised they actually got the name of a real judge even if from the wrong court system, instead of just making one up like they usually do.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.