Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:
TruthandFreedom February 23, 2018 at 12:33 AM
Please use spell check if you lack knowledge of the English language. "PATIENTS" is like those waiting to be seen for a medical service, while "PATIENCE" is the action of waiting over a period of time in hope for a certain action to happen!
That comment is even stupider than the idiot confusing patients with patience. Spellcheck just checks spelling, not appropriate useage. Since "patients" is the correct spelling of an actual word (just used incorrectly) spellcheck would have no issues with it.
When I write things in MSWord I have a "spelling and grammar" checker with 3 flavors of errors: Red broken underline - misspelled; Blue - improper word usage; and Green - watch them grammar. This would be a "blue," and I put the ol' MSWord (version 14, part of Office 2010) to the test.

Preliminary tests - Kicking the tires and sugaring the gas tank!!

1. Nurse, how many patience are there in the waiting room?

2. I am running out of patients.

3. I have the patients not to get angry.

4. Patients is a virtue.

5. Patients are a virtue.

It caught the first (I used regular underline for what was a broken blue one), but not the second or third, no doubt because in unusual situations they could be correct. The 4th was caught for grammar (green underline), as it's a plural subject with a singular verb, which it thinks was corrected in the 5th.

The Maine Event!!!

You just have some patients because Donald will put a stop to this and mark my words!
Nope, nothin'. I'm afraid that even the mighty MSWord spell check isn't up to frying Freewill's bigger fish or that Donald, isn't the one to be marking those words. Not that Freewill's fish is big, in fact, in papers filed with his first divorce his ex-wife called him "Mister Minnow."

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Arthur Rubin
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Deep Knight wrote:Does it surprise anyone here that NESARA News has been almost completely dedicated to articles about how the shootings at Parkland aren't real and/or that gun control is a Satanic plot?
You mean, gun control isn't a Satanic plot?
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Does it surprise anyone here that NESARA News has been almost completely dedicated to articles about how the shootings at Parkland aren't real and/or that gun control is a Satanic plot?
You mean, gun control isn't a Satanic plot?
Well, yes, technically I guess it is. The only problem is that we Illuminati made it one of our tenets long ago, and, um, we seem to have forgotten why. On the face of it, it doesn't make sense, after all we're huge cheerleaders for murder and mayhem, and what goes better with those than the promiscuous firing of automatic weapons? Kinda like donuts, coffee, and cops. But you know how stubborn Satan is, so even if it's a mistake I guess we're sticking with it.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
A Man Has SURVIVED A Hillary Assassination Attempt And Is Ready To Take Her Down...
Posted by Daniel R on March 6, 2018 at 3:52pm

After Just Surviving an Assassination Attempt, This Man Is Now Ready to Destroy Hillary Clinton

November 21, 2017 John Locke Corruption 9
FBI informant,William Campbell, with dirt on the Clinton’s has gone into hiding after an attempt was made on his life.

William Campbell has been an FBI informant for the past five years, tasked with the assignment of gathering any and all intel relating to the Russian governments attempts to gain atomic energy from the US. When news first broke that the Clinton Foundation was involved in Russian bribery during the sale of American uranium to a Russian company known as Uranium One, it was done so under anonymity from the source which lead to the liberal defense that an anonymous source has no value. Well that source is no longer anonymous as Willam Campbell has confessed to being the FBI informant who originally declared anonymity and his testimony was due to be delivered in front of Congress today but in true Clinton fashion another witness to their criminal activity has been forced into hiding after being ambushed by an armed assailant while hiking in the wooded area near his residence.

It was reported by Reuters.com that a Russian insider named William Campbell was due to testify in front of a Senate committee on Monday that Hillary Clinton took bribes during the uranium scandal. Campbell has now gone into hiding after telling close friends that he had already survived one attempt on his life. It has been warned by legal analysts that Campbell’s testimony on the Clintons could potentially put Hillary Clinton in jail for “twelve plus years.” Campbell has grown more and more concerned that he will not make it to the hearing at all.

The Russian insider warned that he “already survived one attempt” on his life “since it was made public by the Sessions DOJ that I intend to testify.” Campbell has claimed that if he hadn’t been carrying his own firearm, he would have been killed during a hike in the hills behind his home. He stated that he was approached by an armed man in the woods. He went on to explain that he drew his own weapon and held it where the man could see it until he disappeared out of sight.

Campbell explained, “I was prepared for any eventuality.” He stated “the stakes are very high, I understand that. Was this man connected to anybody I plan to testify against on Monday? I have no proof. But I can’t take risks, which is why I have gone into hiding until Monday.”

Posted by Freewill at 6:40:00 PM

That wasn't a man, that was Hillary herself in one of her ugly pantsuits. And Mr. Campbell there didn't scare her away, she was out of ammo after taking care of some of his innocent neighbors, their even-more-innocent children, and their cute little pets. But the question anyone of her hit list should be asking themselves is: Why not resign yourself to your demise, accept death, and let Hillary kill you? It's not like you've got a chance of escape, after all, she's had more than 1,000 kills, and that's only since she started counting! It's the same outlets that copied this (last November, by the way) that promoted the "Clinton circle of death," the "Arkansas Mafia," and the "Little Rock Liquidators?" They're smart people, shouldn't they realize resistance is futile, give up and let death come swiftly and painlessly? You know, a bullet to the brain, decapitation by broadsword, or having your toilet seat replaced by one made of C4 explosive? Piss her off and she'll have her pound of flesh, then another, and yet another until you're all fleshed out. It's your choice, or you can go hide someplace REALLY obscure she rarely visits, like Antarctica.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/doubts-surfa ... 14558.html

BTW, wasn't William Campbell the same guy who took over for Paul after he died? You know, Billy Shears?

The Billy Shears story goes that in 1965 William Campbell Shears entered and won a Beatle ‘Look-a-Like’ competition organised by Brian Epstein who was looking for Beatle doubles just in case one of his boys got killed. No winners were ever announced for this competition. After Paul was ‘killed’ in 1966 Brian Epstein is said to have bribed police and journalists to keep the accident under wraps. He then persuaded the remaining Beatles to stay together and accept William Campbell Shears as a replacement. Of course William Campbell Shears was as equally talented, charming and witty as the original Paul… and although he was an American he quickly assumed Paul’s distinctive Liverpool accent!. With a little plastic surgery he also assumed Paul’s baby faced good looks. According to the ‘Paul is Dead’ theorists Paul’s death explains why the band stopped touring in 1966, and started growing beards!
Could Paul be Obama's real mother?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

CERN Suffers MASSIVE Explosion

Last Tuesday, an experiment gone awry killed three scientists and caused catastrophic damage to the planet’s largest super-collider, known as project CERN, a nefarious coalition of politically controlled scientists eager to subvert scientific achievements in the name of furthering ominous ventures that threaten humanity.

Dr. Ravi Mutnaj, a New Delhi based physicist formerly attached to CERN, said the incident occurred when scientists tried to enhance the collider’s magnetic coils by adding an additional eighteen hundred super magnets to the existing ninety-six hundred. The combined pull of the magnets, in conjunction with nine thousand filaments of magnetized cable, generate a force over 100,000 times more powerful than the gravitational pull of Earth. Dr. Mutnaj said the accident occurred as the scientists attempted to create an interdiminsial gateway—or portal—to a parallel universe. As protons fired across a seventeen-mile circular track six hundred feet beneath the ground, he said, temperatures rose to unprecedented levels, which caused a cascading system failure and a detonation that instantly obliterated a five mile stretch of the track and incinerated the trio of scientists working on the project.

“There was massive damage to the hadron collider,” Dr. Mutnaj said. “For now, CERN is effectively shut down. From what I hear, it will take at least seven months to repair the damaged section. These people are devious and despite the loss of life, humanity is better off with CERN offline. To create their portal, they wanted to accelerate and collide three beams of ions.”

The portal, he added, opened shortly before temperatures approaching 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit vaporized the scientists and part of the facility. The masterminds behind CERN believe portals are necessary in case Earth becomes uninhabitable; the gateways would provide a means of egress—and escape route—to a parallel world free of disease, famine, and suffering. But previous attempts to open portals, Dr. Mutnaj said, had the opposite effect—manifesting entry points to worlds filled with nightmash creatures or producing artificial singularities that could potentially annihilate life on Earth.

“It’s all about power. They felt by increasing the collider’s power they’d have a better chance of attenuating the opening to a desirable location. It backfired. They claim they’re doing this to save humanity but they are interested only in saving themselves and the elite. Even if they achieved their goal, average everyday people would not be welcome in whatever inhabitable world they discover. This setback gives us more time to find a way to counter their devious plans. I’m happy the explosion happened.”

Asked why the mammoth explosion did not generate an earthquake detectable on the Richter scale, Dr. Mutnaj said collider is encased in an underground bunker with fifteen-foot thick concrete walls on all sides. This safety measure ensures radiation remains contained in the enclosure and that mishaps cannot be detected by the outside world.

In closing, Dr. Mutnaj encourages citizens to petition French and Swiss governments to terminate the European Organization for Nuclear Research’s lease. Besides creating Portals, CERN has also engaged in other fiendish programs, such as tapping into dark matter and creating the God particle, any one of which could snuff out life in the blink of an eye.

Posted by Freewill at 5:45:00 PM

Complete BS of course, but one of a series of "they're playing with fire and we can write fake news about it" series on CERN. BTW, this "Dr. Ravi Mutnaj" doesn't seem to exist anywhere but in this article. To reach such a pinnacle of one's profession and remain completely anonymous takes some real skill, I'm impressed.

1 comment:

just some dude with dsl March 8, 2018 at 2:01 AM
AWESOME IF TRUE! Check out the Netlix movie, The Cloverfield Paradox! Dead collider scientists merry christmas! Burn bitches!

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA gets ink via the QAnon-Storm thing!!! Some RV too!!! NESARA NOW WON!!!!!!!


The QAnon conspiracy isn’t new; it’s the oldest scam out there
Mike Rothschild—
Mar 19 at 12:30AM

Don’t be fooled.

In October 2017, President Trump posed with a group of high-ranking military officers and cryptically declared that it was “the calm before the storm.” Most journalists puzzled over the remark for a moment and moved on to whatever chaos came next. But that seemingly random comment was the spark for a what’s now become the new right-wing conspiracy theory du jour: “The Storm”

A few weeks after Trump’s statement, an anonymous poster who claimed to have top secret “Q Clearance” (in reality, a classification only used by the Department of Energy) began posting cryptic “breadcrumbs” of “intel” related to what they claimed was the imminent revelation of a massive conspiracy at the highest levels of government. And Q called it “The Storm.”

In short, rhetorical fragments, “Q” (also called “QAnon”) revealed that President Trump was not actually under investigation as the mainstream media was reporting, but had really brought in Special Counsel Robert Mueller to crush the gigantic Obama/Clinton child sex trafficking ring first revealed by “Pizzagate.”

When Trump and Mueller have finished their work, ten thousand sealed indictments (some Q followers claim it’s actually as high as eighteen thousand) will be unleashed, with the Democratic evildoers rounded up, tried by military tribunals, and shipped off to a massively expanded Guantanamo Bay prison, with peace and prosperity to follow.

And it’s going to happen any day.

Over the last six months, “Q” has offered an endless buffet of tantalizing clues to “what’s really happening.” Many take the form of cryptic nuggets such as “future proves past” or “learn to read the map” or “Godfather III.” Others are in some kind of code, with abbreviations like “DNC -> (SR 187) (MS-13) -> DWS”, which accuses former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz of hiring notorious gang MS-13 to murder DNC staffer Seth Rich.

Since then, Q followers have used prolific YouTube channels, internet memes, and Twitter to expand the mythology. Another anon posited that everyone from George H.W. Bush to Elon Musk had already been extradited to Gitmo, despite Musk having a rather public success with his latest rocket launch.

Rumors spread of secret prisons in Antarctica, or that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida was a military special operation to distract from “The Storm.” There was even a theory that internet personality Chrissy Teigen and her husband were secret child sex fiends attempting to escape “The Storm,” only for their flight to Tokyo to be turned back, exposed by a “citizen journalist.” Promises abound of a secret sex video about to destroy Hillary Clinton, or of Barack Obama being executed by a military tribunal, or of “Q” actually being President Trump himself.

The Storm is a Conspiracy Theory of Everything. It encompasses whatever believers want it to be about. Misplaced walking boots hiding ankle bracelets, train crashes, Big Pharma, the FBI text message controversy. It’s all connected.

In fact, “The Storm” is such a hodgepodge that it borrows liberally from previous conspiracy theories, also full of endless seemingly random “intel” and earth-shaking changes supposedly just about to happen.

One predecessor to “The Storm” was a scam from the early days of widespread internet use, called NESARA—which has roots in an even earlier intel-driven scam called Omega.

NESARA was a set of monetary reforms proposed in a late 90’s book called “Draining the Swamp,” written by engineer Harvey Francis Barnard. He wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve, ban interest on loans, forgive all consumer debt, go back to the gold standard, and establish a national sales tax. It’s a libertarian fever dream.

After years of trying to get Congress to pass NESARA, Barnard published the text online in 2000, where it caught the eye of a Seattle-area New Age enthusiast named Shaini Goodwin.

Goodwin was an online shill for an “investment” called the Omega Trust, which purported to sell “Omega Units” of “prime European bank notes” for as little as $100, which would then “roll over” and return millions of dollars in profit. Scam founder Clyde Hood and a group of associates began selling the non-existent “Omega Units” to locals in their small town, Mattoon, Illinois, looking to make some quick bucks.

Omega took advantage of the naivete of early internet adopters, and in particular, the growing ubiquity of Yahoo groups. By the mid-1990’s, it was a world-wide scam, with millions of dollars flooding into small-town Mattoon.

Goodwin played a major role in spreading the fiction of Omega, and under the screen name “Dove of Oneness,” she used message board posts, emails, and recorded messages to spin an elaborate fiction as to why the Omega Unit rollover wasn’t happening. To Dove, there was nothing less than a war between dark powers in the government trying to stop the Omega roll over and heroic “White Knights” trying to move it forward.

The longer it went on, the weirder it got. There were alternate realities, UFOs, renegade banks, claims that the U.S. government didn’t actually exist, and interventions from angels.

All the while, Goodwin insisted the Omega Unit rollover, with its countless millions, was on the verge of happening, in a few days, or “early next week.”

But Omega was a Ponzi scheme, and in August 2000, Hood and a dozen others were taken into custody by the FBI, accused of bilking over 10,000 people out of $12.5 million.

By then, Goodwin had already thrown Hood under the bus, saying he’d gone “off track” and had to be abandoned by the “Wealthy Visionaries” really in charge of Omega. By coincidence, Omega was collapsing at the same time as NESARA was picking up steam. And into the money shaped hole flew the Dove of Oneness.

Dove posited that Omega was shut down because it was just one element of a bigger economic miracle that would abolish all debt and deliver trillions in “prosperity packets.” Naturally, the dark forces would stop at nothing to derail NESARA—even staging the 9/11 attacks to stop the prosperity packets from being delivered.

It was the burgeoning paranoia of post-9/11 internet conspiracies that fed NESARA mania. After all, if the government could supposedly pull of a “controlled demolition” of the Twin Towers, why couldn’t they stop the divine prosperity of NESARA, as well?

Like she did with Omega, Goodwin kept the NESARA “intel” flowing with endless message board posts, recorded messages, and emails, all of which doled out secret information that only she had access to.

A typical Dove NESARA update, this one from March 2002, references the International Court of Justice, legendary New Age guru St. Germain, the Vatican, the Rockefellers, and the gold standard. It might as well be the misplaced walking boots, fleeing supermodels, and secret ice prisons of “The Storm.”

Dove subsisted on donations, and while the media wrote her off as a “cybercult queen” who merely combined old scams with new technology, she gained tens of thousands of followers and internet fame.

As the excuses wore on, Dove’s updates eventually became less hyperbolic, and in 2007, she was investigated by the IRS for defrauding an elderly woman to buy pro-NESARA mobile billboards. Goodwin died in 2010, destitute and with tens of thousands in IRS liens. Clyde Hood died in prison two years later.

But no opportunity goes un-grifted, and so as NESARA faded, another scam took its place. One that combined the Ponzi scheme of Omega with the intel drops of NESARA.

It’s called the Iraqi dinar revalue, based on the mistaken premise that the currency of Iraq, now virtually worthless, would return to its pre-Gulf War value. Back then, it traded for as much as three dollars per dinar, pumped up by the dictatorial policies of Saddam Hussein. Since the U.S. invasion, it crashed in value to the point where over a thousand dinars were worth one dollar.

In May 2007, the International Monetary Fund released a report touting the Iraqi government’s efforts to fight inflation and rebuild the dinar’s value. Sure enough, the dinar spiked over 8 percent in value, a massive jump for a mostly worthless currency.

So scammers got the idea they could convince Americans that once Iraq was stable, Western string-pulling would spike the dinar’s value and make its buyers instant millionaires.

Of course, money isn’t magically “revalued” to some much higher number. What does happen often with low-value currency is redenomination, the process of lopping zeroes off a hyper-inflated money, then exchanging the old currency for the new version. Brazil, Venezuela, Turkey, and Bulgaria have all redenominated their currency in the past few decades. Zimbabwe is infamous for redenominating its hugely inflated dollar numerous times before finally dropping it.

But the massive revalue that dinar gurus promise has never happened in world history. To do so would cause financial calamity. Beyond that, Iraq was mired in sectarian violence and didn’t even have the rudiments of a modern banking system.

Even so, the dinar scam was born shortly after the IMF report, and it only got stronger after the Great Recession hit, when people were yearning for a way to stick it to the “wealthy elites” who had looted the world’s banking system. So tens of thousands of Americans sunk millions into Iraqi dinars, hoping for ludicrous returns.

Their hopes were buoyed by intel-spewing dinar “gurus” who used a variety of tools, including rapidly growing social media outlets like Twitter, to tout Iraq’s economic recovery and claim that Bush or Obama or the IMF was going to “RV” the currency back to its previous glory.

They spun a mythology of secret 1-800 numbers, nondisclosure agreements, undiscovered mineral riches, and government tax shelters set up for dinar windfalls There were even books written about how to manage the “wonderful wealth” that the dinar RV would bring.

While the “bankers” used a legal loophole to “exchange” dollars for dinars (while charging huge markups), the gurus spun outlandish claims that the U.S. government holds trillions of dinars, and that wealthy elites like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett had massive dinar fortunes. There were even whispers of a “contract rate” of as much as $32 per dinar driving additional buying.

The dinar scam was a particular hit on Twitter, where thousands of “dinarians” used hashtags like #wearethepeople and #ReleasetheRV to lobby Congress and buck each other up when the dinar eventually didn’t revalue.

The scam went mainstream in the first part of the aughts, drawing attention from the BBC and Forbes. But that attention brought scrutiny from the authorities, and soon the FBI swooped in. Many of the dinar brokers were indicted, and local police warned people that the whole thing was a scam, and that worthless money doesn’t just “revalue” because someone decided it should.

And yet, even after years of chaos in Iraq, and the dinar continuing to plummet in value, the scam is still going. On March 13, 2018, a website called “dinar chronicles” claimed the “RV” was happening between March 12 and March 15, with dinars exchanged for dollars at secret bank offices right before the Stock Market’s cabal-engineered collapse. It didn’t.

Oh, and there were also 18,000 sealed indictments being opened, nationwide martial law was imminent, and mass arrests were already taking place. Just like The Storm.

Omega begat NESARA, which begat the Iraqi dinar, which begat The Storm. Huge chunks of insanely detailed, totally bogus “intel” in the service of a long-promised, yet never arriving event.

The only real difference, so far, is that The Storm is not an outright scam, and while numerous fringe media figures have monetized the intel drops, Q isn’t asking for donations. Maybe whoever is dropping the “intel” has realized that when you start asking for money, eventually, the law knocks on your door.

But if QAnon followed in the footsteps of Dove of Oneness and set up a Patreon page because “dark forces” were trying to shut down their internet, the money would start pouring in, with the intel piling up, and the big reward always just one more post away.

The scam remains the same.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Also about good ol' Q, from last week. These people have figured out that when we Illuminati go into panic mode we stop the forces of good by putting segments on comedy shows mocking them.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
New Q Posts this morning with a linked video!




The video they are talkin' 'bout. Only 6 min. long.

Posted by Freewill at 2:26:00 AM
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

QAnon is getting angry.


Rule of thumb, if you want to be taken seriously, avoid using skull images and death threats as part of your on-line argument.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Qweek »

People always pay more attention to those who are threatening.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The time for speculation has passed, The Storm has been reliably confirmed as having started and is ongoing. The source of the confirmation is unimpeachable, Roseanne Barr! She just tweeted this;
Roseanne Barr


President Trump has freed so many children held in bondage to pimps all over this world. Hundreds each month. He has broken up trafficking rings in high places everywhere. notice that. I disagree on some things, but give him benefit of doubt-4 now.
6:17 PM - Mar 30, 2018
https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/31/politics ... index.html

Argue with that DK. As CNN says;
The theory, known as "The Storm," is believed to have started after Trump cryptically remarked during a photo op with military leaders and their spouses before a White House dinner last October that reporters were seeing the "calm before the storm." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to elaborate the next day on what the President meant.

"The Storm," as Newsweek, Mediaite and others have explained, alleges that high-profile Democrats and other famous people are involved in child sex-trafficking rings, and that Trump is breaking them up and arresting those involved in their operation. The theory has been traced to the online message board 4Chan, where an anonymous user known as "QAnon," or simply "Q," has propagated the theory.
QAnon wouldn't stand for Quatloos Anonymous would it DK?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Of course we are involved in sex trafficking, what is more shocking is the NWO being neck-deep in traffic sexing! What do you think is causing all those "rush hour jams" on our highways? People having sex in the middle of traffic, that's what! Sure it's fun for those getting banged on top of a hot radiator, but for the rest of us it's a damned nuisance. If you're gonna do it in the road, at least wait until the rest of us have gotten to or from work.

As for Roseanne, something has to be done. I suggest we make her voice sound so annoying that nobody will want to listen to her. You know, shrill, loud and with a timbre that reminds one of squeaky chalk. That'll teach her to reveal Illuminati secrets on TV!

From the Larry King Show, 8/16/2001

KING: All right, some see what you have or had as a serious psychological disorder.

ROSEANNE: I like how you just keep going.

KING: Others as psychological fad. Also…


KING: Whether it’s deliberately induced or naturally occurring.

ROSEANNE: Well, I have this head shrinker and he says it’s deliberately induced because the CIA is where they started inducing it when after they brought all the Nazis over from Germany to run American Psychiatric Association.

KING: What are you about?

ROSEANNE: I’m telling you the truth. It is all mind control and all kinds of things to invent people with multiple personalities.

KING: So you have been captured by Nazis?

ROSEANNE: The government. Well in a way, I believe the government has implanted some kind of a chip into my head where…

KING: Roseanne.

ROSEANNE: You know, is monitored by Barbara Walters and these other women. And they take all my ideas and I’m, you know.

KING: Yes, is Oprah one of the people monitoring?

ROSEANNE: Of course.

KING: She’s definitely in touch?

ROSEANNE: Definitely. I think she sits with her finger on the switch to the chip.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Apr 01, 2018 4:19 am QAnon wouldn't stand for Quatloos Anonymous would it DK?

You know, I never thought of that, but it would make a GREAT rumor to post on the "QAnon is a psyop" boards. Quatloos used to get a lot of free publicity from the conspiracy boards, you know that we would be "Quat-losers" (or sometimes "Quat-loosers") because we wouldn't get our share of the prosperity deliveries or Dinar RV funds due to our having bad-mouthed them, but some new shiny object came into their lives and they've forgotten us now. Time to relive those thrilling days of yesteryear!

The violent origin of "Quatloos." Have these people no shame?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

And we paid the price for bad-mouthing them didn't we? I know that I didn't get my share of the prosperity packages or the RV and I assume my fellow Quatloosians didn't either. While all the faithful followers must be enormously wealthy by now we got squat thanks to you and your constant mockery.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:40 pm And we paid the price for bad-mouthing them didn't we? I know that I didn't get my share of the prosperity packages or the RV and I assume my fellow Quatloosians didn't either. While all the faithful followers must be enormously wealthy by now we got squat thanks to you and your constant mockery.
Yeah, losing the money from the RV hurts, but my Soros bucks and the monthly checks from big pharma more than provide gas money for the Lamborghini. And the Soros bucks keep rolling in month after month, while the RV check would have been just a one-time thing.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

JohnPCapitalist wrote: Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:59 pmYeah, losing the money from the RV hurts, but my Soros bucks and the monthly checks from big pharma more than provide gas money for the Lamborghini.
I never got any Soros bucks, either. Just have to depend on big pharma.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:40 pm And we paid the price for bad-mouthing them didn't we? I know that I didn't get my share of the prosperity packages or the RV and I assume my fellow Quatloosians didn't either. While all the faithful followers must be enormously wealthy by now we got squat thanks to you and your constant mockery.
Nope, all of 'em got thwarted. Of course, certain "elites" were able to cash their Dinars in during certain windows that were mere microseconds long, and if one of those people contacted with this secret information wasn't you (it wasn't), blame your maple-syrup-tainted nationality, not my mockery!

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

"Q level clearance," not Quatloos. Ooooh, sounds super-secret!

The Conspiracy Theory That Says Trump Is a Genius
By Michelle Goldberg
Opinion Columnist New York Times
April 6, 2018
As Paris Martineau explained in New York Magazine, QAnon was born last October, when someone claiming to have “Q” level security clearance started a cryptic thread on 4chan, the online message board and troll playground. It was titled, “The Calm Before the Storm,” a phrase Trump had recently used. Q posted hints, some in the form of questions, ostensibly meant to help clued-in Trump supporters understand what was really going on in Washington beneath the facade of chaos and incompetence. (“What is military intelligence? Why go around the 3 letter agencies?”)

From these clues, a sprawling community on message boards, YouTube videos and Twitter accounts has elaborated an enormous, ever-mutating fantasy narrative about the Trump presidency. In the QAnon reality, Trump only pretended to collude with Russia in order to create a pretext for the hiring of Robert Mueller, the special counsel, who is actually working with Trump to take down an inconceivably evil and powerful network of coup-plotters and child sex traffickers that includes Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros.

“QAnon points out that this is the beginning of the end for the Clintons,” said Jerome Corsi — a prominent proponent of the lie that Obama was born in Kenya — on a YouTube broadcast in January. He warned that the world would be forced to contend with “films of innocent children pleading for their lives while people are butchering them.” Once that happens, presumably, Trump will be revealed as a master of 12-dimensional chess who successfully distracted smirking elites with his buffoonery while he was quietly saving the world.

Posts on other websites, as well as YouTube videos, Twitter accounts and even a book, have taken the theory in countless directions, encompassing characters from the model Chrissy Teigen to disgraced politician Anthony Weiner. The creativity poured into QAnon is striking; it’s like something between a sprawling work of crowdsourced postmodern fiction and an immersive role-playing game.
One twist, however, makes QAnon unusual. Conspiracy theories are usually about evil cabals manipulating world events. QAnon, by contrast, is a conspiracy theory in which the good guys — in this case, Trump and his allies — are in charge. It’s a dream of power rather than a bitter alibi for victimhood.
Wikipedia wrote:A Q Clearance (or Q-type clearance) is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI). It is the most permissive clearance granted by the United States Government, acting as the sole means of access to the vast compartmentalizations Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data, and DOE "security" areas.
So, do these folks think QAnon is hired by the Dept of Energy? Or, is it something they picked up from popular culture?
Wikipedia wrote: "Q" Clearance was a 1986 novel by Peter Benchley (Random House, ISBN 0-394-55360-8), satirizing Cold War secrecy and politics.

In the show Archer Season 6 Episode 7 "Nellis", Sterling Archer uses Q Clearance to gain access to Area 51 after landing illegally on the air strip.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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Saturday, April 7, 2018
Takedown Imminent - It's Over!


David Seaman FaceBook Live:
Sealed Indictments NOW Unsealed
Takedown Imminent - It's Over

In this video David Seaman discusses the imminent take down of everything and everyone he's been talking about for the past year-and-a-half. This includes the royal family, celebrities, politician, etc. You're talking over 20,000 sealed indictments. Apparently David has seen the indictments and the unsealing of those indictments has already begun.

This is an exciting time to be alive if all of this comes to fruition which David says in the video is happening immediately as of right now!

The #Rothschilds, the #Rockefellers, the #clintons, the #podesta's, the #Obamas, #GeorgeSoros, etc all must be sh*tting their pants now. It is pay back time in a stupendous way.

This time in our lives is something that we will all remember forever. This is going to be a life-changing and more importantly a world changing event.

Please download this video and repost it everywhere. They can't stop 1000s of us. Silly pedophiles cannot stop the will of the people!!

Like David says "dummies in a cult", and that's exactly what they are - pathetic fools who worship satan... What sad losers they truly are. #QAnon #Clinton #JohnPodesta #GeorgeSoros

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:25:00 PM 0 comments

The video consists of an hour of this guy's head while he's talking about arrests of famous people happening now that you won't necessarily hear about ("they're gonna be in Gitmo not on TV giving interviews"). Strange, all the other times massive numbers of famous people have been rounded up and arrested the news somehow got out.

The only good part of this boring waste-of-time is the nicknames he's given his adversaries, e.g. "Rothies" for the Rothschilds and "Globos" for "globalists." No doubt this level of informality is OK 'cause they're friends of his.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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When conspiracy theories become weaponized
How a rage-fueled fever dream named QAnon took over the internet.

Paris Martineau
Apr—06—2018 01:30PM EST

For a brief, unsettling moment this past weekend, one of the internet’s nastiest conspiracies bubbled to the surface. Like most terrible things, it began with a tweet: "President Trump has freed so many children held in bondage to pimps all over this world,” wrote actress Roseanne Barr late Friday evening. “Hundreds each month. He has broken up trafficking rings in high places everywhere. notice that. I disagree on some things, but give him benefit of doubt-4 now"

The cryptic (not to mention completely inaccurate) tweet was followed by a series of retweets and replies that all referenced Trump’s (non-existent, mind you) fight against pedophilia and child trafficking. Despite the fact that nearly all of the most glaringly unhinged tweets were purged from Barr’s account by Monday, they still sent the media into a bonafide frenzy.

Many at first attributed Barr’s crackpot theories to the Pizzagate crowd, but Barr is a long-term believer in an even more absurd conspiracy known as The Storm (also known as the QAnon conspiracy), which has been garnering hundreds of thousands of devoted adherents since late October.

The Storm is complex and convoluted, difficult to describe without a bottle of Aspirin in hand. At its most basic level, it revolves around this mysterious figure, Q, an anonymous 4chan user (hence the hashtags “QAnon”) who claims to be a high-level government official in the Trump administration tasked with informing his fellow patriots about about what’s “really” going on in the world. According to Q, Mueller’s investigation is really all about Clinton and Obama, who — in addition to being BFFs with Russia, Saudi Arabia, and, of course, ISIS — are also the leaders of a global child-sex-trafficking and torture ring, while still somehow finding the time to both lead the insanity known as “Operation Mockingbird” (with CIA operative Anderson Cooper) and feast on human adrenal glands, because why not?

Despite the fact that this all came from someone on 4chan no less, people can’t seem to get enough. The movement’s followers extol Q’s wisdom on basically every social media platform in existence. Some platforms have tried to tamp down on the disinformation machine (e.g. YouTube took down some of the most popular QAnon-related channels, Reddit banned the dedicated sub, etc.) but QAnon’s follower ranks only continue to grow.

Unfortunately, making a conspiracy theory this ridiculous and convoluted spread is not that difficult, with a basic understanding of what makes people love conspiracy theories: perceived marginalization. People who feel powerless offline can turn to conspiracies for a sense of control. Some of the most potent conspiracies — like QAnon — revolve around the existence of a “true evil,” which, of course, can only be stopped by the believers themselves.

The spread of QAnon is planned, with an assist from the polarization-prone algorithms of every major social media app. QAnon followers spend hours upon hours online debating the best way to “redpill the normies,” and created countless guides and cheat sheets in order to bring new members into the fold as quickly as possible. Of late, it seems to be working.

Take, for example, this excerpt from an extremely popular post on /cbts/, an 8chan board dedicated to the QAnon conspiracy:

One of /cbts/'s primary missions is memes (per Q) to redpill the normies. We want to coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics will differ, depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics…

Avoid: 1) Aliens, 2) "Energy" fields, 3) Hollow earth, 4) Metaphysics, 5) Religions pantheons, 6) Moloch / Satan / Saturn, 7) Chemtrails, 8) Crop circles, 9) Detoxing / Cleansing Pineal Gland, 10) Chakras, 11) Reptiloids because normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.

Instead focus on:

1) Elites are corrupt, and force newly elevated elites to do perverse things in order to show their loyalty. If they have dirt on their new cronies, they can use that dirt to keep them loyal. The dirt can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity.
2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they think that harvesting blood and other things from children can help extend their lifespans, or improve their health.
3) Elites have everything, and where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?
4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking – yes, even of children!

When we talk about the actions of the alt-right — and in particular, the actions of the troll-y, conspiracy-obsessed sect of the alt-right — there’s this tendency to simply attribute their motivations to the frenetic energy of a mob mentality. Yet, posts like these offer a look into the inner workings of these seemingly shapeless masses of online outrage, and reveal that the forces driving them are anything but random. The believers of this absolutely insane theory are not only manipulative and obsessed with hawking their snake oil to anyone and everyone, but also completely aware of how crazy it all sounds. Within this post alone there are a number of hyperlinks to more detailed guides, meme depositories, and other resources for potential redpillers, all of which include countless hyperlinks to still more propaganda.

Every message “sent” by “Q” conveys the direst of straits: there are 25,000 indictments of the Clinton Cabal just waiting to be released; our Lord and Savior Donald J Trump will be declaring a state of temporary military control any minute now; and the end times are just around the corner — just wait! It’s like a spy novel come to life, with the believers as the main character.

These tactics aren’t new — they’ve been the staples of disinformation mongers for years now — and are primarily derived from core psychological truths. Confirmation bias, proportionality bias, projection, we, as a species, are practically designed to fall for these sort of crackpot theories. All we need is a little push.

"Redpill the normies," eh? Not on Deep Knight's watch! But the craziness doesn't stop here, looking into the comment about "feasting on human adrenal glands" led me to comments about how this would all come out in a movie named "Misirlou," which apparently has been re-named "Adrenochrome."


Adrenochrome (2017)
Misirlou (original title)
1h 25min | Action, Fantasy, Horror | 1 February 2018 (USA)

A young American Veteran gets involved with a gang of Venice Beach psychos who are killing people to extract a psychedelic compound from their victim's adrenal glands.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

This is kind of long and sort of personal, but I'll try to keep it brief. I went to college on a chemistry scholarship, and was challenged by the fund's founder and its head administrator to get a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry instead of Science (which no one had done in over 20 years). This meant I had to take a certain number of non-science classes, with at least another number "senior level" ones. I succeeded at this, choosing art and art history to take the upper-level classes in. This meant I had to keep an art portfolio and contribute to it regularly.

I took two classes from an art professor who was an acknowledged expert in Dada, both of which touched upon this art movement. With his urging I started a Dada art circle, which we defined as, "A way to get doing silly things into our art portfolios." For example, running for the local student government presidency so we could get my pictures in the paper wearing a mask, with a "campaign statement" that was intentionally unintelligible (strangely enough, people thought this must be some sort of protest against the student government and it spawned a movement that took it over the following year!). Or where another member had a class where they had to present their papers orally, putting out a mimeographed outline of the paper for the members of the class to pick up before the day's presentations, with take-away questions you should be able to answer at the bottom. We typed up a couple of bogus ones of these for him, people throwing out lines which I would type if they either got a big enough laugh or blank look and comments of "Huh?" He successfully got them distributed in class without anyone knowing the source, and they literally became the stuff of legend, with a picture of one of the questions, "Why is (the then college president) considered the father of the American massage parlor?" getting into the yearbook.

This not only got me my BA, it gave me a rather strange view of unusual happening, I always wonder if they're some sort of conceptual art project. It was only after the QAnon thing had gone on for a while that I concluded it was some idiot who craved attention, not an artist with a passion to create really weird stuff.

Others have picked up the similarity:

aoeuidhtnszvwm 8 days ago
So basically, this is somewhere between collaborative creative writing and an alternative reality game. 4chan pretends that the person writing is a top secret agent with Q clearance (hence the name) working with Trump in a secret war against the deep state. Q's "job" is to relay secret information to the faithful on 4chan, usually consisting of updates about Trump's masterful shadow operations to free the American people from tyranny. It's weird as f#ck but it can actually be really entertaining.

It compares closest to SCP, another collaborative fiction project coming from 4chan. While SCP came from /x/, however, this one comes from /pol/ and has a very /pol/ feel to it. In this universe Trump takes on this ridiculous superhero-esque persona, while agents of the deep state (Clinton, Obama, et al) are portrayed almost like comic book villains. This is taken to the extreme - at times you almost feel like the writer is about to describe how Trump used his mastermind skills to foil the evil Soros's plot to crash the moon into the White House with his diamond-powered tractor beam. It can feel like very dry satire, like the writer is taking the rhetoric of extreme Trump supporters and marching it out to its logical conclusion just to showcase the absurdity of it all, but can't break character and acknowledge it.

Seriously check it out if you have some time to kill. It's brutally funny in its casual weirdness.

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