Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

A holder site for strange-but-interesting fake news.

Looking for a way to fix an image link, I came across this site:


No, fer real! It can be proved by imagining there are differences between their height, eyebrows, teeth, and ears in different photos. Forget camera angles and the existence of shoes with different height heels, this will blow the lid off something with a really big lid on it! My favorite part,and the reason this nonsense is posted here:

There are a number of very likely reasons for the use of multiples in regards to celebrities, world leaders, etc.

One is so that the prominent figure or group can keep up with the demands of their grueling schedules. How else could one person do all the touring, performing, interviews, photo shoots, recording, filming, public speaking, writing, etc. that they do without taking any time off for sickness or fatigue?

A second is to maximize the prominent figure’s appeal to a world-wide audience. Different regions have different specific physical features that they prefer. Also, individuals have their own set of features that they favor.
In the possible case of a person being cloned, and the clones are only 95-99% similar, there will be varying features among that cast of multiples. Then the 'handlers' can send certain ones to certain areas where they will appeal to the general tastes there. They then can also rotate the differing Beatles in and out of the public spotlight so that each one will get enough exposure to appeal to each person’s individual preferences.

Another one of the reasons to use multiples is to cause 'cognitive dissonance'. They look enough alike to pass as one person, but different enough for us to notice subconsciously. We sense something is wrong, but rarely question it in our conscious minds. Contributing to a society of schizophrenics?

And we ask, if these are all doctored, why are they being doctored to all look different instead of the same? To make us look silly for thinking there is a multiples conspiracy? That doesn't make us look silly, it makes it look like there are multiples. Which is a very serious problem, either way. We contend that these photos and film reels and vintage album covers aren't doctored. And if it's lighting/camera angle/lens etc. that is making the Beatlemania Beatles look different, then why can't people extend those same courtesies to the post-66 Beatles?

It's a double standard and a lack of objectivity. which will hinder one's ability to see what's going on in this world. If you idolize any of the key players, you're going to miss a big piece of the puzzle and continue going in circles with unanswered questions.

When we started this research, we had no leaning in regards to what to believe, but wanted to know the truth whatever it turned out to be. Which is likely why we've been able to see the things we've seen. We don't like, we think it's horrifying, and we wish it wasn't true, but there it is and we cannot deny it.
Another possible reason for the use of multiples is to accelerate achieving the desired results of planetary takeover. So much more influence and control can be exerted over the masses by constant and continuous saturation, to the desired effect. There appears to be a certain nefarious group who now run our entire world. They have overtaken governments, religions, the education system, the field of medicine and nutrition, the media, and I now believe Hollywood and Broadway were created just to accommodate their agenda, and use 'them' as the main players. They have brainwashed and programmed us from the time we can begin to watch television or listen to the radio. Isn't it interesting that movies came about around the time of WWI, and television around the time of WWII? Those wars didn't end, they just changed their tactics. Now it's a war for our minds, our souls. That was the real prize all along.

All that is left for them to do now is make us into robotic creatures who cannot object or resist - then they will turn us into their slaves and servants. Is this what vaccines, chemtrails, GMO foods, Dow and Monsanto, fluoridated water, et al, is intended for? Human beings are devolving spiritually and consciously, and if we don't wake up and resist and expose this, we will let them win the war that has never been over since humans made the first appearance here, whenever that really was.

They also run and own the banks and major corporations now. We are surrounded at every turn. Have we decided resistance is futile, or to just hide our heads in the sand and not believe any of it?


These last 4 stills are from the same film clip, yet Paul's teeth are changing as he sings. I thought Reptilian shape shifters were smarter than that!

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Re: Fake News Festival!

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As some might remember, I have a soft spot for "Paul is dead" conspiracy theories. In late 1969 or 1970 I was in high school taking a creative writing course and just happened to be riding around in a schoolbus to write down overheard bits of conversation in the journal I was keeping for the class. It turned into a essay about the genesis of conspiracy theories and myths. I also had two friends who had been in England in 1968, and they had told me about "the Beatles contest" myth, on which the Paul is dead theories were based (or at least on the same "evidence"). In that case, if you "solved" the contest, you got a house on the Isle of Wight.

Recently I saw a terrible "documentary" Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison I hope this was done tongue in cheek. Has a bad George Harrison "imitation," confirming every single one of the "points" of this conspiracy theory. It's still available on my cable "on demand," and may be in your area too (unless the Illuminati are covering it up, which of course PROVES it's true).
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

The Last testament of George Harrison thing is available on either Netflix or Amazon Prime, I have both and have seen it on one or the other.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:The Last testament of George Harrison thing is available on either Netflix or Amazon Prime, I have both and have seen it on one or the other.
But, (a) would you recommend it to your worst enemy and (b) is this why DK has recently seen it?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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The Observer wrote:But, (a) would you recommend it to your worst enemy and (b) is this why DK has recently seen it?
Gregg would never do that, he's too high up in the Illuminati not to have heard the story that what happened to George was because he had recommended "Home Alone" to me and Velna. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned or induced to waste a couple of hours on a movie like that.

I actually found this looking for an "on demand" documentary to "flesh out" a DVD I recorded with another documentary on model trains ("Routine Pleasures," which I can only recommend to people into "out of the mainstream" film, but I enjoyed) I was giving a friend for Xmas. It can be amusing if your mind is in the right place, but in truth it's garbage. Not anything like George's voice, and the speaker can't even hold the accent for an entire sentence. I also like how he's making this earth-shattering revelation but starts with "first, let's have a lengthy review, as if this was a documentary."

For those who dare, it's here fer free
http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/pa ... e_harrison


BTW, one of my favorite parts has Paul dying in Nov 1966 but clues as to this being put on the album "Rubber Soul," which was released in Dec 1965. No doubt MI5 time traveling...

Timeline in "George blabs documentary"
July-Aug 1966 "Bigger than Jesus" controversy, notes it impacted "new album" sales (which would have been Revolver).
Nov 9, 1966 Paul dies
Dec 3, 1965 Album Rubber Soul has clues as to Paul being dead
June 20, 1966 US release Yesterday ... and Today has more clues
Aug 5, 1966 Revolver release, even more clues!
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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Annual Illuminati Christmas Party Report

Being as Christmas was on a Double Black Sabbath Sunday (last Sunday of the month and last Sunday before the dark of the moon), we had our Christmas party on Christmas, something that hadn't happened in generations. The "fake news" thread seemed a good place for a report, since for legal purposes none of this is real, wink-wink.

Satan was in a good mood, the Illuminati having met our yearly goals both money and mayhem. This news was well-received at the yearly stockholder's meeting, and with my wife at my side he didn't have to worry about any embarrassing incidents with me and his paramours and female relatives. In my defense, it was mostly their idea, besides I've always had a thing about women with spiked tails, and anyway it was supposed to be secret. How would I know the floor would give way and plunge the bed into the giant punch bowl? Or they would pick that minute to open the stage's curtains?

Many of the contributors to this forum were there, most hanging out around the beer keg next to the the Fan Tan Dancers stage. I will stay out of trouble and not use any names, but a certain frequent poster got so wasted he tried to dive into the pool at the Naked Nymph Review. He was lucky Satan was in a good mood, he's a big fan of synchronized swimming and normally would have zero tolerance for anyone disrupting the girls during their show.

All the major world political leaders were there, having left their clones "at home" to make their more mundane public appearances. When the big guy downstairs tells you to show up, wise guys listen, least they lose their ill-gotten gains. Corporate leaders and Hollywood stars were in abundance, as were televangelists and serial killers. Vladimir Putin got chummy with the Son of Sam, and they teamed up to win the pairs flaming flavored vodka shots contest. As for the Wet T-Shirt Contest, the girls from the assassination bureau won that again this year, although the boys from the white identity movement came in a close second.

Someone spiked the eggnog with something psychoactive, perhaps poisonous mushrooms, or that brown acid from Woodstock, or maybe even animal tranquilizer. Luckily I never touch that filthy stuff, eggnog I mean, and was unaffected, unlike most of Satan's family. They really go for those sweet drinks, especially when they're free (He Who Must Not Be Named is a notorious tightwad who keeps allowances low and his liquor cabinet locked). Mrs. Satan must have thought she was back in the 60's when she got up on the table to do a "free-form dance" nearly naked. With arms undulating to some music only she could hear, it was such a surreal performance that Satan thought it was a bad trip's hallucination (he had hit the 'nog pretty hard himself), and simply covered his eyes. I had the band, who had been playing Black Sabbath covers double time up until that point, switch over to a rumba. With minimal effort I got all the tripping party-goers to participate in a giant snaking line of dancers, each one's hands on the person in front of them's undulating behind. I guided the front of the line out an exit, and by the time they made it back most were starting to sober up and "come down."

The party broke up at dawn, which is when the Vampires had to go home anyway. Carrying home my prize (I forgot to tell you about Santa and the raffle drawings, my odds were good because most of the tripping people had eaten their tickets by that time), Velna and I split too.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

My favorite part was when The Big Guy cracked open that keg of Satan's Sex-Tupple IPA (brewed with habanero peppers). This year, the jet of flame that my supermodel drinking partner and I spewed out after our first mouthful beat our previous personal best by 30 feet....
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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Pottapaug1938 wrote:My favorite part was when The Big Guy cracked open that keg of Satan's Sex-Tupple IPA (brewed with habanero peppers). This year, the jet of flame that my supermodel drinking partner and I spewed out after our first mouthful beat our previous personal best by 30 feet....
Looking it up, there is a Beer and Brewing Magazine article about hot pepper beers, and of the 7 listed 4 used habanero peppers. I tried some sort of hot pepper local brew once, and it was OK, but not my favorite.

https://beerandbrewing.com/VJMx8ycAACgA ... ers-to-try

A friend did a master's thesis on historical European use of psychotropic substances, mostly "witches brews" and the like. He got very excited by the release of a German beer that used henbane instead of hops. He had a whole section on this in his thesis, and was convinced this practice would never return. A relative of "deadly nightshade" and second cousin of the tomato, it contains many of the same toxins, which in lower doses are also hallucinogenic.

Taken in beer, henbane isn’t necessarily lethal, but it’s close. Henbane contains the same tropane alkaloids as deadly nightshade and mandrake, in slightly lesser concentrations. It “disturbs the nervous system profoundly,” says William Boericke’s turn-of-the-century Materia Medica. Drunk on henbane beer, one of his subjects became “a perfect picture of mania. […] Unseemly and immodest in acts, gestures, and expressions. Very talkative and persists in stripping herself, or uncovering genitals.” (Still, brewing with henbane was common enough that Pilsen, one of Europe’s first beer capitals, took its name from the German word for the plant.)

At an early brewery site in Skara Brae, Scotland, archaeologists found residue of a beer made with henbane, hemlock, meadowsweet, and nightshade. Henbane could also produce a feeling of flight, and was a common component in witches’ flying potions. Nightshade, or Belladonna, causes delirious hallucinations. It was also used during the Inquisition to torture some of those same potion-wielding witches into confessing.
INow that's a brew that will put hair on your chest.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

When not engaging in Illuminati festival excesses, my favorite beers are what have been called New England Style IPAs -- like the West Coast IPAs, but brewed to minimize the bitterness and emphasize the aromas. My son works for Trillium Brewing Co., one of the best makers of this style (in many varieties).
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by texino »

This "fake news"fest" falls on top of poor Ms. Fisher's passing, and it seems as though CPR may have been performed for a long time. It is possible that the aircraft was equipped with an automatic defibrillator and those do work. Still there are many major cities twixt London and LA. I suppose they could have been flying a great circle over the Pole "bringing in a couple of Keys" as it were. Still a cardiac arrest will gain a lot of traction if an ET tube is placed and 10cc of Epinephrine 1:10000 is given IVP and backed up with a reasonable shot of 2% Lidocaine. I have brought back more than a few folks over 37 years, however I don't think I could last 30 seconds with one of DK's super models or fly a plane or read the law and so many other things that my friends at The Q accomplish. Thanks for letting me play and the best of New Years to you all.TT
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Number Six »

Of course it's fake. But much of the internet is chock full of fakeness and fraud.

If you do your own internet research, it all makes sense like how many crisis actors are running around like the toy soldiers of the malevolent money and power brokers behind the scenes: http://wellaware1.com/fairfield.shtml

Nice job, Mr. Goodman! Image

Just like he played Rex Tillerson recently on a comedy program. Image
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

[Video that costs $1.49 to "rent"]

Posted by Freewill at 12:22:00 AM

No need to give money to these idiots, this is a recycled story from 2013. They still haven't corrected the misspelling of the word "Attempted." It was the old "only the Provost Marshal can arrest Obama" thing linked to a shooting at the Navy Yard.

CONFIRMED ... ATTEMPED ARREST OF OBAMA .Washington DC Navy Yard shooting linked to attempted arrest of Obama for treason
September 21, 2013 at 8:53am

Washington DC Navy Yard shooting linked to attempted arrest of Obama for treason
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt. U.S. military police were targeted and killed by Obama in the Washington DC Navy Yard shooting. Why? Agents from the U.S. military’s criminal investigation units had uncovered a plot to detonate a nuclear device in the heart of the nation’s capitol as part of an Obama government false flag. Officials from NCIS (United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service) and the U.S. Office of the Provost (both with field offices inside the Washington DC Navy Yard) had threatened to arrest Obama for planning to attacked Syria without Congressional approval following a planned nuclear detonation false flag in Washington DC. The Office of theProvost is on the second floor of Building 34, One First Avenue, Charlestown Navy Yard and NCIS is located at 716 SICARD STREET SE, SUITE 2000, WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, DC.
The United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is the primary law enforcement agency of the United States Department of the Navy. It investigates activities concerning crimes against or by United States Navy and United States Marine Corps personnel, along with national security, counter-intelligence, andcounter-terrorism cases. A false flag is the crime of treason – levying war against the United States. If United States Navy or United States Marine Corps personnel are involved in planning for and preparing a false flag event in Washington DC or anywhere else in the United States, NCIS and its agents are duty bound to investigate and take action to counter those terrorist acts against the United States.
Prior to the Washington DC Navy Yard shooting the Joint Chief of Staff and Provost Marshals were planning and preparing to arrest Obama for treason. For levying war against the United States with a planned false flag in Washington DC on the anniversary of 9/11 – a nuclear detonation.
In the United States the Office of the Provost has the authority to arrest the President if he or she violates the terms of his/her employment, or commits an act that is detrimental to the United States. He/she can be held liable, arrested, imprisoned etc., depending on the depth of the violation, by the Provost Marshal.
If it has been determined that the president of the United States has committed treason in a manner unmistakable to all, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff convenes a covert meeting (in this case the Washington DC Navy Yard) to get a vote of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Provost Marshall General of the Army and/or Marines will usually be in attendance. Remember that a military officer takes an oath of office to do one thing and one thing only – “……. to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign OR DOMESTIC.” They must determine above a reasonable doubt that the enemy domestic is the treasonous president before they can attempt to arrest him or her.
Once the Joint Chiefs of Staff have determined beyond a reasonable doubt that the president has committed treason a convoy of 10 to 12 HIGH ranking officers (13 killed at the Navy Yard) depart the Pentagon, accompanied by a large contingency of Military Police (Provost Marshals, NCIS agents) and all necessary armament and provisions to enter the grounds of the White House, by FORCE if necessary, and proceed to the location of the president and put him under arrest. Then, The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would advise the Speaker of The House, The President of the Senate, The Attorney General and the Secretary of State of their actions. Obama’s response to the threat of arrest was a coordinated assault against NCIS agents who uncovered the false flag plot against the United States and Provost Marshals who threatened to arrest Obama at the Washington DC Navy Yard.
Have you wondered why not all of the names and the rank of those who were killed in the assault have been released? The White House (Obama) ordered their names and rank classified as it would raise alarm bells in Washington DC should the public know Joint Chiefs of Staff members, Provost Marshals and NCIS agents were targeted and killed for threatening to arrest Obama for treason. The White House is claiming that the names of those killed are being withheld pending next of kin notification.
On September 28, 2009 the History Channel released a movie titled “Day After Disaster“. The entire movie is about Washington DC being the target and victim of a nuclear detonation. The movie also features Obama talking about nuclear detonations in the U.S. Movie 0.50 time stamp – “One terrorist, one nuclear weapon could unleash massive destruction” ~ Obama says. Last year PRESS Core wrote an article titled “COG planning for and preparing Washington DC nuclear detonation false flag event.” after receiving information that September 30, 2012 was the day “Day after Disaster” was to executed in real-time. Obama’s planned false flag attack for September 30, 2012 was averted after the public was made aware of the false flag beginning August 18th, 2012.
Obama’s 9/11 anniversary false flag was thwarted when the Joint Chief of Staff and the Provost Marshals from the Washington DC Navy Yard confronted Obama and threatened to arrest him for treason for planning to detonate one or more nukes in the nation’s capitol – Washington DC.
The EU Times reported June 27, 2013 – “Obama Requests 15,000 Russian Troops For “Upcoming” Disaster“ In that story it claims Obama “has requested at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region III includes Delaware,Washington, D.C (formally the District of Columbia) , Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia areas.
According to this report, this unprecedented request was made directly to Minister Vladimir Puchkov by US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Director Janet Napolitano (now retired) who said these Russian troops would work “directly and jointly” with her Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), part of whose mission is to secure the continuity of the US government in the event of natural disasters or war.
Obama brings in Russian soldiers to police U.S. after false flag
This report has been verified. The origins of this report can be read on the website of Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters– or internationally as EMERCOM of Russia - “The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.”
“In addition, the parties approved of U.S. Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.“
U.S. Russian soldiers training together.
Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ABC News Aug 27, 2013: “A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way.“
The only way anyone could know that there is “a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way” is if you are the one planning and preparing it.
“You also will have to prepare for the increasing likelihood of more weather-related events of a more severe nature as a result of climate change, and continue to build the capacity to respond to potential disasters in far-flung regions of the country occurring at the same time.
“You will need a large bottle of Advil,” Napolitano joked.
Napolitano is hinting at what the United States government (Obama) is planning and preparing for using its weather modifying weapon of mass destruction called HAARP.
Don’t think the U.S. government is planning to detonate a nuke in Washington DC? They’ve already planned for it. DHS (illegal posse posse comitatus force) / FEMA Washington DC nuclear detonation scenario report
complete with nuclear detonation maps, charts and fatality estimates. NCR stands for National Capital Region.
Why else would Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano suddenly resign her post (announced her resignation July 12, 2013) and leave Washington DC for California? Because while she was Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano planned for and prepared for a major Washington DC event. She got out of dodge before the “attack on the U.S. homeland is coming“.
Janet Napolitano’s resignation as Department of Homeland Security Secretary was effective … September 7, 2013 – just 4 days before the planned 9/11 anniversary nuclear device detonation false flag. Just before leaving her post Dyess Air Force base reportedly moved nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that had no paper trail. The Dyess Air Force Commander allegedly authorized unknown parties to transfer nuclear warheads to an unknown location on the U.S. East Coast, where the warheads would then be picked up and potentially utilized. Conspiracy?
Legal definition for conspiracy – An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors.
A conspiracy is codified as a criminal offense. A conspiracy is not fiction, made up, make belief or theory. A conspiracy is an indictable offense wherein – two or more persons engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act. The evidence reveals that Obama, the DHS, FEMA and other agencies of the United States are actively conspiring to levy war against the United States through a false flag – an unlawful or criminal act.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

By now you have probably heard at least some details of the political rumor about a certain president elect and supposed videos of "extreme bed-wetting" at his request. Called out as fake news by the accused, it turns out it had been in the possession of news and internet agencies since October, but they didn't do anything about it ... because they considered it too silly to be real. An interesting side note is that this "scandal" (Yellow-Watergate?) has certain parallels to Pizzagate, as pointed out in the article below.

http://nymag.com/thecut/2017/01/the-she ... hower.html

The Sheer Perfection of XXXXX’s Golden Shower
By Maureen O'Connor

Wabi-sabi is the Japanese term for that which is perfect not in spite of its imperfections, but because of them. It’s a teacup whose cracks enhance its beauty, or an asymmetrical tableau that is nevertheless balanced. Things that are wabi-sabi are not perfect, but they feel perfect. Looking at them fills you with serenity — wabi-sabi is when everything is right, including things that are wrong, because they too are essential to the whole.

Last night I — and perhaps you too — encountered a wabi-sabi rumor. I didn’t think the rumor was true, but it was so deliciously satisfying that I could not look away. It was masterpiece of evocative specificity, a glorious symphony of sordid particulars. I couldn’t believe it, nor could I disbelieve it. More accurately: I didn’t care if I believed it. It was wabi-sabi, perfectly imperfect, wildly lopsided, and yet, somehow, balanced enough to stand. It was the tale of XXXXX’s Russian prostitute pee party.

Wabi-sabi rumors are stories that are so unbelievable, they become perversely believable again. They feel right, even when you know they aren’t, and so they take on the force of legend. Examples include Richard Gere’s gerbil, Catherine the Great’s horse, and Taylor Swift’s immortal life as a Satanic priestess. They’re rumors so compelling that even when you realize they’re false, you stay up all night reading about parallel universes — because if Mick Jagger didn’t eat a Mars Bar out of Marianne Faithfull’s crotch in our universe, then surely there is some alternate reality out there, where he did?


I have spent a lot of time this year trying to imagine the mind of a person who finds the Pizzagate conspiracy compelling. What would it feel like to hear a ludicrously tawdry tale about a celebrity you despise, and be so taken with its fairy-tale depiction of evil that you become obsessed? You can’t get it out of your mind; you feel compelled to investigate further, to discuss it with strangers, to build websites analyzing every version of the story that you’ve heard? Today, I get it. XXXXX’s pee party is, in a manner of speaking, my Pizzagate. Obviously I’m not going to storm the Moscow Ritz-Carlton to investigate furnishings in the bedroom of its presidential suite. That would be crazy. What I mean is that, when it comes to probable falsehoods you just can’t quit, no one — on the left or the right, Real American or New Yorker — is immune. The problem with wabi-sabi is that, whereas symmetry can be measured, and facts can be verified, wabi-sabi is in the eye of the beholder. Anything can look perfect — or balanced, or true — if you want it to.

IMHO it's worth reading the whole thing including the politically-charged redacted part at the link provided. For those of you my age who heard various rumors about a Mars Bar and the Rolling Stones bedroom and candy habits, there's another link http://www.snopes.com/music/artists/marsbar.asp I always found this rumor/conspiracy theory interesting, and in college knew a couple of couples who "investigated" this in Myth-Buster fashion by actual trial (admittedly less in the spirit of science than less-intellectual emotions). What can I say, I was young, and don't try this at home, but if you do use a bar with no nuts. British Mars Bars of the time were different than American, being similar to the nut-free Milky Way.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:What can I say, I was young, and don't try this at home, but if you do use a bar with no nuts. British Mars Bars of the time were different than American, being similar to the nut-free Milky Way.
Well, what I had heard about this situation while standing in the Illuminati commissary line (best place to get all the hottest and dirtiest rumors about co-workers) was that you used a Snicker bars , not realizing that "your test subject" had a peanut allergy, with the result of you ramming syringe after syringe of epinephrine into her chest to bring her out of shock. Supposedly this inspired the scene in "Pulp Fiction" with John Travolta and Uma Thurman.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:What can I say, I was young, and don't try this at home, but if you do use a bar with no nuts. British Mars Bars of the time were different than American, being similar to the nut-free Milky Way.
Well, what I had heard about this situation while standing in the Illuminati commissary line (best place to get all the hottest and dirtiest rumors about co-workers) was that you used a Snicker bars , not realizing that "your test subject" had a peanut allergy, with the result of you ramming syringe after syringe of epinephrine into her chest to bring her out of shock. Supposedly this inspired the scene in "Pulp Fiction" with John Travolta and Uma Thurman.

Totally untrue. I don't know how these rumors get started, but it was a simple allergy to either the olive oil or rubber sheets, and easily taken care of with some topical cream and a gauze wrap. And her looking kinda like The Mummy was actually "hot" and led to ... but I digress. No injections were involved, that was an entirely different situation many years before involving a sugar cube left in my refrigerator and probably wasn't the inspiration for Pulp Fiction but rather 1968's Jigsaw.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by The Observer »

Totally untrue.

Of course it's totally untrue. That is the purpose of this thread: to print all the fake news that isn't even fit to wrap a fish in. You need to get with the program.

And wow, Michael Pollard, talk about the strange and weird paths one's career takes:
Wikipedia wrote:Pollard has continued to work in film and television into the 21st century, including his appearance as "Stucky" in the 2003 Rob Zombie-directed cult classic House of 1000 Corpses.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by AndyK »

Just to throw more dung onto the fire: Morgan Freeman and Mel Gibson are both dead.

This just in from the reliable source Facebook
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

AndyK wrote:Just to throw more dung onto the fire: Morgan Freeman and Mel Gibson are both dead.

This just in from the reliable source Facebook

We Illuminati killed Mel years ago, the man just couldn't keep his mouth shut about the you-know-whos. Must be on his 4th or 5th clone by now. I didn't know about Morgan Freeman, but it makes sense. He's played the President so many times in the movies that some idiot in the Assassinations Bureau got things mixed up and put out a contract. Typical.

An interesting (and highly redacted) news item from NESARA News that is only there and at BeforeItsNews (perhaps "Before" isn't quite the right word...). Darn close to an exclusive! Of course, if it was true, wouldn't everyone have it by now? Naw!

Friday, January 13, 2017
FBI Chief Jim Comey’s Russia Hacking Brief Turns Into ‘Sh*t Show’
"If that bastard wins, we all hang by nooses!"

looks like the Dems are going all out to save their necks! ~Freewill

Perhaps the head of the FBI was expecting a sedate review of the intelligence that tied the Kremlin to the DNC hacks. But that’s not what he got.

Asawin Suebsaeng
Kimberly Dozier
01.13.17 6:45 PM ET

On Friday morning in the bowels of the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, DC, U.S. intelligence chiefs finally briefed members of the House of Representatives on Russia’s alleged hacking during the 2016 election. What started as a standard classified, closed-door briefing degenerated into a gigantic “sh*t show” of angry, bitter Democratic lawmakers screaming in FBI director James Comey’s face.

[Bulk of the cut 'n pasted rant that doesn't mention the "bastard and nooses" quote what-so-ever cut out for your reading pleasure.]

This article has been updated to include comment from Wasserman Schultz.

Posted by Freewill at 10:10:00 PM


790 January 14, 2017 at 2:48 AM
The bottom line is HRC is a traitor, mass murderer, pos, 33rd degree masonic c-nt, pedophile, evil life form. And most people with half a brain well, we dont want that after 8 years of a gay muslem trator! sorry cnn.

Anonymous January 14, 2017 at 8:24 AM
With regard to the canine rage exhibited by Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Socialist Communist Democrat Establishment, CIA and Jesuit Vatican crime syndicate this is for you:

[3-part "Vatican evil Illuminati" links removed]

(All those mentioned above were informed of many options time and time again and requested to vibrate at higher frequencies reflecting the universal fact that man is created in the image of his Creator; the more you continue on the path of debasement, assassinate bearers of Truth and Wisdom and resist the undertow of cosmic oceanic current the more you will be swept into it and "cease to exist" as prophesied by one of your own adepts namely Charles Manson)
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

I looked into the Morgan Freeman thing when I got into work, and found it wasn't him who had been killed 'n cloned, but Danny Glover. It had nothing to do with playing the president (I don't think he has) or Illuminati business, but along with Mel was a personal vendetta for Satan not getting invited to the premiers of any of the Lethal Weapon series of movies.

Sunday, January 15, 2017
This February won't come in our lifetime again!


Posted by Olive Oyl at 8:58:00 PM

Um.... Doesn't EVERY February that doesn't have the 29th added as a "Leap Day" have exactly 4 weeks and thus 4 of each of the days? Makes you wonder about whether that money will arrive after 4 days if you share it 5 times (this is #3 for me!).

Not so much "fake news" as "scam news" or maybe "stupid news," it still was posted on NESARA News and laugh-out-loud funny in a quiet way.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

OMG, the February thing that happens every 823 years happened 2 years ago too!!! What are the odds? From Dinar Recaps (which also had proof that the RV would be Feb 22 2015 on the same page).

2/21/2015 04:17:12 am

According to a Fengshui Master in HK:
This February won't come in our lifetime again. Because this February has 4Sundays, 4Mondays, 4Tuesdays, 4Wednesdays, 4Thursdays, 4Fridays & 4Saturdays. This only happens once every 823years. This is called money bags. So send to at least 5 people or 5 groups andmoney will arrive within 4days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. Send within 11 minutes of reading. Hav a lucky & blessed life! Kung Hei Fat Choy


IRAQ TV and Mosques telling people the restructuring is coming; to listen to the media for directions and in the Mosques saying when they go to the bank tomorrow [Saturday] they will see the new rate!

It will be an RI! Expect between $3.40 - $3.95.

Some even tried to claim this for 2016, a LEAP YEAR that did not have the requisite 4 of each flavor of days.

4 weekends this February… happens once every 823 years?
Message received on WhatsApp got us a little ticklish

Vicky Kapur

Published Monday, February 01, 2016

“This February cannot come in your lifetime again. Because this year February has 4 Sundays, 4 Mondays, 4 Tuesdays, 4 Wednesdays, 4 Thursdays, 4 Fridays and 4 Saturdays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags.”

This message that we received last week through a WhatsApp forward caught our attention – and got us a little ticklish.

First, let’s get the facts right: 2016 is a leap year, and February has 29 days, which means that one day will repeat 5 times. In this case, it’s Monday – there are 5 Mondays in February 2016 (and not four as claimed in the ‘viral’ message).

And even if this wasn’t a leap year (it is), February would still have 28 days in it, meaning exactly 4 weeks. Which means that, leap year or no leap year, there is no way any February won’t have 4 Sundays, 4 Mondays, 4 Tuesdays… you get the drift, right?

This assertion is also made about months with 5 weekends.


Money Bags
August 2015 includes five Saturdays, five Sundays, and five Mondays, a phenomenon that supposedly occurs only once every 800+ years.

[Collected via e-mail, May 2014]
This is the only time you see this phenomenon in your life.
August will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.
This happens only once every 823 years.
The Chinese call it 'Silver pockets full. "
So: send this message to your friends and in four days the money will surprise you.
Based on Chinese Feng Shui. Whoever does not transmit the message ... may find themselves clueless ... This is not fun at all

[Collected via e-mail, May 2014]
This year July has five Tuesdays, five Wednesdays, and five Thursdays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So: copy this to your status and money will arrive within 4 days... based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not copy will be without money.

[Collected via e-mail, September 2011]
Dang superstition here it is: This year October [2011] has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays, and 5 Mondays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So copy this to your status and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one... who does not copy, will be without.. money. I can not let that person be...me

[Collected via e-mail, October 2010]
This October [2010] has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 823 years.

[Collected via e-mail, August 2010]
INTERESTING FACT ABOUT AUGUST 2010... This August has 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, all in one month. It happens once in 823 years.

[Collected via e-mail, August 2010]
5 Sundays, 5 Mondays & 5 Tuesdays all in 1 month this August 2010, once in 800 years

Origins: In August 2010, an item began circulating via social media sites and e-mail forwards claiming that the month was something special: An August including five Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays happened only once every 800+ years, and 2010 was one of those rare years. Similar claims about months containing five instances of three different days of the week have subsequently been circulated about other months in every year since then.

Dang. If only there was some real way of making one of them Feng Chop Suey Money Bags.

"Follow the Money"