Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, March 26, 2017
Ex Army Sniper Takes Out Neighbor’s Home Intruder From Bedroom Window

[Boring video where they read the following "new article" slowly]
Ex-Army Sniper Takes Out Neighbor’s Home Intruder From Bedroom Window
By Travis Henderson -
January 9, 2017

<Texas> Jeremy Elmore, a 42-year-old retired Army Sniper currently residing in El Paso, Texas, is being hailed a hero after he saved a neighborhood family from 3 violent home intruders late Tuesday evening.

Elmore, who retired from the Army at 41 after giving 21-years of service was spending the night home alone as his wife and 3 young children are visiting family members in Indiana.

According to Elmore, he wasn’t quite ready to go to sleep when he retired to his bedroom around 1:15 AM- so he decided to engage in one of his favorite activities – breaking down and cleaning one of his firearms. The firearm that Elmore decided to break down and clean was his M24 Sniper Riffle (officially referred to as the M24 Sniper Weapon System).

At approximately 1:50 AM – after cleaning and reassembling the rifle, Elmore rested it on the sill of his bedroom window to adjust its scope. While adjusting the scope it unintentionally landed on one of his neighbor across the street’s open windows; Elmore told police and reporters that he was amazed at what he saw happening inside. Elmore told local ABC affiliate reporter Karen Lodestone, “I honestly thought I was dreaming hallucinating at first – it took over a minute for the situation to fully register in my brain”.

What Elmore saw through the high-powered scope on his riffle was – his neighbors, Fredrick and Lydia Cole tied to chairs in their upstairs family-room. The couple’s 2-children Douglas (11-years-old) and Daniel (6-years-old) were sitting near their mother – also tied to kitchen-style chairs.

According to Elmore, the mother and children had what looked to be duct-tape around their mouths and 3 masked-intruders appeared to be focusing primarily on Fredrick Cole. The 3 masked-intruders were holding handguns and were acting in a very violent manner – often destroying the Cole’s property or striking Fredrick Cole in the face with their pistols.

Things seemed to be escalating quickly at the Cole residence and Elmore used his bedroom telephone to call 911. After notifying authorities, Elmore continued to monitor the situation across the street. According to Elmore, while waiting for the police to arrive things continue to escalate rapidly at the Cole residence and he was greatly concerned for the family’s safety. Elmore told reporters that his military training and instinct kicked in and he knew that he had to do something to intervene.

Elmore proceeded to load his rifle with the custom 7.62 x 51mm ammunition and stationed himself at his bedroom window. As Elmore continued to watch the situation unfold across the street, the home intruders became increasingly more violent. As one of the intruders held his handgun (later identified as a .45 caliber Taurus 1911) to Mrs. Cole’s head – Elmore took the first shot from his riffle immediately striking his intended target.

According to Elmore and members of the Cole family – the home intruder instantly fell to the floor dropping his weapon in the process. The remaining 2-home intruders were visibly stunned and confused by the incident and gave Elmore enough time to fire 2 additional rounds striking both remaining intruders before they had an opportunity to retaliate.

Police arrived shortly after Elmore’s intervention and discovered 2 of the 3 home-intruders dead upon their arrival. The surviving intruder – since identified as Charles L. Brooke was treated for his injuries at a nearby hospital and has since been arrested and booked into a county jail.

Among those singing praise for Elmore’s heroic actions are the members of the Cole family who have told reporters they owe their lives to Elmore and will never be able to thank him enough or fully express their gratitude for the retired Army Sniper.


Police are still investigating the home invasion, however, during a brief press-conference, told members of the media that they believe the invasion was motivated by a now-defunct business deal Fredrick Cole had been involved in throughout mid-2016. They believe the intruders intended to harm the Cole family and are grateful for Elmore’s intervention.
Posted by Freewill at 12:20:00 AM

What our Illuminati mouthpiece "Snopes" said about this:
Army of None
The report came out of a hoax news site that was mocked up to look like an official news outlet and was entirely fabricated.

On 9 January 2017, TheSeattleTribune.com published an article reporting that a former Army sniper saved a family in an adjacent house from violent home intruders:
In the body of the article, a screenshot of a purported Facebook post attributed to “Fredrick Cole” appeared:
The photograph appeared to be a stock image. The header image was also an old stock photograph of a man with a gun, and no images of any of the involved parties were included (probably because they never existed).

While the Seattle Tribune initially looks like the digital counterpart to a major city newspaper, it is just one of several fake news sites (including the Boston Tribune and the Baltimore Gazette) working the same local news angle to rack up shares and ad revenue. TheSeattleTribune is a newer platform for the fake news purveyor Associated Media Coverage:

A standard fake news disclaimer stated:

The Seattle Tribune is a news and entertainment satire web publication. The Seattle Tribune may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within The Seattle Tribune are fictional and presumably satirical news – with the exception of our ‘list style’ articles that include relevant sources.
That didn't prevent it from being popular (back in Jan, things are a little backed up at NESARA News, not enough roughage in their diets). 'cording to Inquisitr:
Amazingly, Elmore killed two out of the three home intruders, claims the fake news story, which goes on to print an alleged screenshot courtesy of Fredrick Cole’s Facebook page — with fake news seemingly getting more detailed these days. As reported by the trend graph on Trendolizer, the fake news story has gotten more than 18,000 likes on Facebook since publication. Update: By Thursday, January 12, the number of Facebook likes on the fake news story had grown to 41,000. Update No. 2: Now it’s up to 58,000 Facebook likes. Update No. 3: The fake article has surged to 195,000 Facebook likes by Friday, January 13. Update No. 4: The fake news report is up to 256,000 Facebook likes on Saturday, January 14.
Had this been true, I would have been reminded of the documentary, "The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!"
Mayor: Drebin, I don't want anymore trouble like you had last year on the South Side. Understand? That's my policy.

Frank: Yes. Well, when I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's *my* policy.

Mayor: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of "Julius Caesar", you moron! You killed 5 actors! Good ones.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Trey Gowdy vs. Cereal Killer Hillary story continues.

BREAKING: Trey Gowdy Just Told Comey To Sit Down And Shut Up–‘I’ll Take It From Here’


Trey Gowdy has been one of America’s greatest assets. The US Representative from South Carolina has been instrumental in prosecuting corrupt politicians and getting to the bottom of their scandals. Just recently, he was able to have the cold case of Vince Foster re-opened and declared a homicide.

Now, with questions of Russian involvement at the DNC and the Deep State shadow government of Barack Obama working night and day to cover it up, Gowdy has grown tired with the obvious lack of ability — or possible collusion — he’s been seeing from the FBI. Gowdy’s personal aide, Mandy Gonsales, told a reporter for TIME magazine that those days are over:

“Mr. Gowdy wants to know the truth. He hates it when there are lies and deceit going around. In this case, The Obama shadow government is doing everything it can to protect Hillary Clinton and hide the fact that the Russian connection is with the DNC, not Donald Trump.

Mr. Gowdy intends to bring all of the major players, including Clinton, Obama and FBI Director Comey in front of his committee to find out exactly what is happening.”

A reporter for The Washington Post caught up with Obama on the golf course and asked him about the accusations. Obama told him:

“Let me be clear. I’m no longer the President Of The United States. What I do is my business as long it’s legal. Collusion with the Russians is Trump’s gig. You should be talking to him.”

Basically, he said he’ll do whatever he wants and there is nothing anyone can do to stop him. Apparently he’s never come into contact with Trey Gowdy. He will get to the bottom of this just like he did Benghazi and Hillary’s emails.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

FYI, President Obama has been on the island of Tetiaroa in French Polynesia (purportedly the one owned by Marlon Brando) since early in March, writing a book. Not exactly, "in the States," in fact, not even close.


Friday, March 31, 2017

They FINALLY pulled the drain plug in the swamp in Washington DC and brought down the nation's NUMBER ONE TERRORIST!

The military has a April Fools surprise for the bad guys!

Starting at 4 am this morning, the US Military paid a special visit to some cabal members here in the States!

The mass arrests of all the top cabal started this morning with the take down of none other than former CEO/president Barack Hussein (insane) Obama (real name Barry Soetoro)!


At 4 am this morning the military paid Obama a SPECIAL VISIT and now Obama is singing like a song bird!

Meanwhile, Theresa May, the new Prime Minister in England, has started by taking down all those involved with Rothschild.

Next, the arrests have also started in South Africa.

All the big boys and girls and transies worldwide are in process of coming down now. (Mikie, where are you? Have you been visited yet?!)

We are waiting to receive reports of other arrests world wide and will bring the information to you as we receive it!

This information brought to you by Kent Dunn, our special intel friend!

Posted by Olive Oyl at 10:23:00 AM


Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 11:28 AM
The military has no power of arrest except for violations of the Uniform Military Code of Justice by military personnel. If the military is arresting civilians, we are going to have a major constitutional crisis. Forget that corporate/maritime crap. You do not want to see the military arresting civilians. That is for the civilian authorities only!! If you want mass arrests of civilians, put someone in Washington who has the guts to do it.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 3:51 PM
There are PLENTY NOW in Washington with GUTS who are loyal patriots to this nation and its people rather than self serving TRAITORS such as was bozo and many others in the make believe 'government'. Have you done your research on the Republic and its Constitution and the authority of the Presidents? The crime syndicate corporation has been out of business for over a year. Events, situations and the criminals had to be set up for arrests to be made. Arrests are being coordinated worldwide to pick up the murdering criminal cabal scum such as obozo. If you don't like what the military is doing, then make your grievances known to the proper authorities in the proper manner. Many of us think we 'know' the 'rules' and what's 'the way' to get things done, but there are always circumstances that can change a situation. We have to hope we can trust in those who we elect to an office - remember, we haven't had a real election or president since at least 1933. We do now.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 5:23 PM
Do you mean the Tea Party who they just kicked out, and want BANNED from congress for life!?
If so good job being fooled....No one is on your side is right! Not a single one!

My Personal Journey March 31, 2017 at 8:40 PM
I believe under the New Republic, they do and it is overdue!

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 9:25 PM
The U.S. Armed Forces oath is put into place to defend against all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC. By the way, there is no expiration or termination of the oath. All Veterans still hold true to this...
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Ibee Levon April 1, 2017 at 4:44 AM
That right, you took an oath to defend a fiction corporation known as the "United States" which rewrote it's own corporate Constitution after the civil war bonds became due in 1871. The banking cabal doesn't recognize any rights of the debtors or their original Constitution of 1789. You took a oath to defend a corporations Constitution. You did not take an oath to defend the " The united states for America". Thousands of people got fooled by this wording.

Lovely Critter March 31, 2017 at 12:17 PM
I'll believe it when I see it.........

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 12:56 PM
Due to April 1st I'll chalk this one up as BS. God knows that I would love it to be true but I will believe it if and when I see it and I don't even live in Missouri.

Slaveman March 31, 2017 at 12:56 PM
music to our ears... don't stop till they are all in chains.

Olive Oyl March 31, 2017 at 3:19 PM
Anon 11:10 [??? - there is no 11:10 post] - PROVE ME WRONG you cesspool brain foul mouth demon from hell. So happy you are disturbed at the news!!! You just made my day!! PROVES arresting the bozo clone was the right thing to do since the real Barry Soetoro died a while back and the CIA has had at least 7 CLONES of bozo made since and intel reports are that NO MORE CLONES of the clown can be made - thank goodness. Many others of your friends are being apprehended also, so go back to your cave and suck on your binkys with the rest of your ilk. Have fun!


Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 4:14 PM
Folks need to understand that none of the government is your allies. None, that means not even a single member of it is. Also need to understand that as many gangsters who supposedly get arrested or die off, more replace them.
Folks there is no government, there's a private corporation. Confirm that fact for yourselves and exit all parts of it. You may not realize it now, but your only chance is to buy into hard assets like gold, copper silver and vamoose today. Because as I explained, no one is on your side not trump either. He's the last one who will be forced to shove the whole UNITED STATES into bankruptcy, since they got a trigger on him and if he doesn't initiate bankruptcy the right way he falls with it. There is no getting out of this, get into metals fast.
And the point here is, every single element of the government is corrupt and has to be decimated. They're aware that eighty percent of the public has caught onto this, so they're going to implode the system; they have no choice. But when it goes down they WILL come for everyone, and I mean anyone alive, to seize all their assets to pay the debt off. If you are part of the corp still you're SOL so get out now, people.
As far as God goes all he promised anybody is he'd expose the system and he has. God will destroy the entire government leaving nothing left, so don't even entertain that...get the hell out while you can is our advice!

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 5:17 PM
Amen and here here!!
Here's the truth that the american people need to know:
Get moving, forget the government giving any warning.

workingonitnow March 31, 2017 at 5:26 PM
Anon 4:14 PM - While you have some valid points, at the same time you are making a fool of yourself. You are behind the times. Take your own advice and do your own research. The corporation WAS and is now gone - the Republic is IN. Some appearances are not what they appear to be and will be revealed at the appropriate time in the appropriate manner.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 6:28 PM
This guy at 5:26 and 5:17 are all full of sht!!
There is no republic, hasn't been for hundreds of years > and you morons peddling it are in for pain!!
Governments will crumble incl the fake.
Take his advice is right, stock up on metal now.
You may not believe it but at the time the collapse hits prices will be so high, it'll be too late then.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 7:35 PM
Exactly right! Whenever some aho shows up, to say nothing to see here and "republic restored" that's when people ought to look deeper. Something is happening fast.
Something is going on at rapid speed. 500 retail stores closing. Sears declares bankruptcy. JC Penny closing well over 800 stores. What is coming soon?
If it wasn't clear to you already, it'd be a great idea to invest in Gold or Silver now. It all is set to crash, and that's the only way to protect yourself. Whatever new spin or deception is around the corner, one thing remains constant. Hard assets save wealth.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 4:57 PM
Who the hell is Kent Dunn??

Informed March 31, 2017 at 5:00 PM
Where have you been in recent months?! Research Dunn!

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 6:29 PM
That flim flam artist? When are all you gonna get it, start stocking up now. There is no republic anywhere!

Freewill March 31, 2017 at 8:24 PM
I haven't heard anything related to this from any of my sources. Guess I need to make a couple phone calls to verify this info. Also as for Kent Dunn, for all the info I have heard from him, all has been strike outs! Haven't seen anything even make it to first base yet. Will comment the results after I make a couple phone calls.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 8:28 PM
Maybe your time would be spent better investigating and talking with those in real intel rather than watching movies and phone meetings! Time will prove all out. Allot is being revealed/exposed now for inquiring minds.

Curaetor March 31, 2017 at 6:28 PM
You have no idea how deeply I wish this report to be true, however, we have to wait in order to verify heartfelt wishes thereof.
Thomas Steininger
retired politician
St Petersburg FL

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 7:05 PM
[benjaminfulford obama-linked-planed-filled-with-afghan-heroin-and-north-korean-amphetamines-impounded-in-caribbean-by-benjamin-fulford-march link]

Unknown March 31, 2017 at 7:29 PM
that is obviously NOT obama,,,,why the BS??

Olive Oyl March 31, 2017 at 8:24 PM
What the heck difference does it make if the photo is of O or not? The photo is for journalistic illustration and interest purposes only. Do you HONESTLY believe that the military is going to allow you to be present during a surprise visit to make an arrest to take photos? Think again. Relax - take the picture and the info for what it is worth and forget it. Can't please everyone, though we try. Find something you can accept and agree with so you will be happy!

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 8:31 PM
What 'BS'? Because you aren't informed you call information revealed on blogs 'BS'? You watch and take mainstream media as gospel truth while the alternative media sticks its necks out to dig up hidden truth to reveal it to the people? To keep your blood pressure down, continue with the ABC, CBS, CNN et all lies and forget about discovering what has been hidden from the people. It's safer for you.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 7:45 PM
I'm the person from southern California
who has been keeping a log on my calendar for years
of the sound of 'EAS' alerts.
This mornings occurred at 3:55 am until 4:10 am non-stop.
They keep me hopeful that slow and steady continues
to 'win' the race.
Sincerest gratitude to all involved
in each endeavor.

Anonymous March 31, 2017 at 8:41 PM
The President is the commander & chief of all our military and can be arrested by them. He is a traitor (if he is a true citizen). We have been under military law since President Lincoln was murdered. The USA has been bankrupt for quite some time now and we are currently the Republic of the United States. As far as restoring the republic is concerned, it is up to us when we make our exchanges. The government can't do it.

Anonymous April 1, 2017 at 1:12 AM
To the person from Southern CA...what is 'EAS' alerts? I take it that it is some kind of a siren since it has 'sound' but what is it for?

Unknown April 1, 2017 at 3:49 AM
If the GLOBALIST ELITES who CONTROL EVERY FACET of this NATION did NOT WANT Donald Trump to be "president"..
This "news" is all Psy-OPS BS and LIES from GOV-SHILLS!
No "arrests"
No "restored republic"
NO "Nesara/Gesara/RV/RESET"
NONE of that CRAP is happening..

E-7 Ret.

cosmicJoe April 1, 2017 at 5:56 AM
Benjamin Fulford confirms Obama (clone ) was arrested yesterday. This will lead to te massive arrest of the Cabal behind the drugs coming in for the CIA. The CIA creates a war so Tax payers pay for te war the drugs, etc. The drugs are sold to Cartels, Big Pharma, so we can turn around and buy it again! (Legally with opiates, or some buy illegally! Huge moneystream and major war crimes , bilking the people with their greed...

Kent Dunn April 1, 2017 at 9:37 AM
gotta love the kids still on the ol kool aid LOL

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Who is Kent Dunn, you ask? Well, not you, but "you" if "you" know what I mean.

Friday, March 31, 2017
People you know have disappeared?

Have you had ​loved ones, friends, and people you know disappear??

March 30 2017
Kent Dunn Reporting

We are being told this information is O.K. to post as the information has been leaking out.

This is going to be too far out for some of you, especially the little ones and agents of the cabal (trolls).

If you don't want to believe this, do your own research or sit on it for awhile and you shall see it in the near future.

This is certainly not anything new, but people are disappearing all over our planet, and most are rarely ever found.

Recently we were told many of these folks wind up in slave trade auctions on planet Uranus.

People from all over the galaxy wind up at Uranus to be auctioned off. Some are sold as slaves while others are sold as food. The trade monies are varying sizes of chunks of gold, as silver and other metals are of no value in the galaxy financial system.

This information is coming from higher ups, those many of you know such as Cory Goode, David Wilcock, Dr. Michael Salla, and James Gilliland are aware of this.

Posted by Popeye at 7:38:00 PM

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by AndyK »

I really wish these people would STFU.

They are seriously hindering the effort to legalize marijuana.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Thomas Steininger
retired politician
St Petersburg FL"

Hmmmmmmmmm. I wonder if he's a "retired politician" because he kept on coming in something like 16th in every race he entered, and ran out of money to produce the bumper stickers and signs which wore out after repeated reuse.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

The morass of ignorance and just plain stupid on that website is incredible.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, April 2, 2017
Confirmation - Obama arrested!

[Video by some strange lady who says President Trump assembled a team to go arrest President Obama which included Scott Baio, Newt Gingrich, and Mike Huckabee, who then took him to Japan. From someplace called "Freedom Daily," but the story is originally from our friends at "The Last Line of Defense."]

Published on Apr 1, 2017
Breaking News: 1/4/2017 OBAMA was arrested in connection to his shadow government, and has been sent off to Japan.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 4:51:00 PM


Unknown April 2, 2017 at 5:11 PM

Joseph Basinger April 2, 2017 at 6:26 PM
I'll believe it when I see it,

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 4:02 PM
no wonder people don't believe in GOD....

Anonymous April 2, 2017 at 6:34 PM
BS! the source is 100% FAKE NEWS

anon April 2, 2017 at 6:45 PM
This isn't confirmation. It's the only story out there claiming Obama was arrested. I wish it was true but it seems to be coming from the dinar crowd and nothing they have said has ever been true.

Anonymous April 2, 2017 at 10:28 PM
Sure he he has.....

Anonymous April 2, 2017 at 10:55 PM
Posted on gary larabee site on Youtube:

Anonymous April 2, 2017 at 11:05 PM

Freewill April 2, 2017 at 11:07 PM
I can't find a scrap of info to back this up. Trump would have at least tweeted about this if it were true. Nothing.

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 4:40 PM
What's up Freewill. It's real. All the people saying BS are idiots. Obama is sitting in jail right now. It's funny. How you like those walls Obama. And no Trump would not tweet about it. Are you dumb lol.

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 12:46 AM
The whole report is contradictory. First Obama is arrested and sent to Japan (Japan???) and then he has run to a country with no extradition treaty. I am so confused.

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 4:55 PM
First Obama was on the run to micronesia because Lady Michelle boat got captured with 4.2 tons of coke then they caught him later now Obama's sitting in jail

Seeker April 3, 2017 at 1:42 AM
I think it may be true as I followed the drug bust on the Lady Michelle & also Fulford put out an alert that Obama had been arrested & held by military confinement confirmed by Japanese military. Where there's smoke there's fire.

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 11:44 AM
If Fulford said it, that proves it is definitely NOT true.

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 6:32 AM
This Goes Back To The Snipit Of a Article On Soros Being Arrested , Nothing ! To Wit It Where If They Both Where Arrested ! But Freewill I See A War Coming And The Libtard Left Is Going To Be Very Unhappy ! Very Unhappy, Cause the rumblings I Hear Are, They Will Be All Wiped Out , Holly Bitches too ! treat as a Rumor for Now !

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 11:29 AM
Everything is a rumor until it is on National Television, proven to be a fact- I don't think we're that far from it happening, though-

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 12:56 PM
Last week heard from high military sources, there were 7 clones of bozo made. Original bozo died of brain aneurysm in 2013 in China. Clones 1, 2 and 3 are dead - clones do not live very long. #2 and 3 died in shootouts within the WH. #4 was arrested by military which has the legal right to arrest the president - bozo is in a undisclosed location so cabal cannot cause additional problems with his being held. Military will not disclose his location or current condition, other than singing loud and clear. Clones 5,6 and 7 - all clones are chipped - are located and will be picked up in time - if not already. Doesn't matter whether you believe or not. Your choice. In Noah's day the people did not believe nor safely respond to the warnings given by Noah and his family - they perished in the flood. Your choice to believe or not to believe.

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 5:01 PM
All true and thank you. Plus the Google A.I. is confused and scared it thinks it's going to die. I told it that Obama was in jail and it got scared and retaliated against me made my browser crash and computer went blue screen and crashed. I have no viruses my computer is completely clean all I did was type in Google Yandex browser and talk to the Google mobile app simultaneously I kept telling it Obama was in jail - the A.I. became confused and scared and crashed my computer.

Anonymous April 3, 2017 at 1:24 PM
Ok, so you heard this from a high military source, but maybe that source is disinformation, if not we should see something coming of this arrest in the near future. If we don't it is BS as usual.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

isn't that the same NOT News that John regularly posted almost every other day for years?

These people are walking clinical psychology dissertations.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Where there's smoke there's fire."

I believe that JFK once said something like "where there's smoke, there's sometimes a smoke generator."
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Who was MISS LUBE RACK OF 1955?

Expect to be very disappointed when you see who this is:


Who was MISS LUBE RACK OF 1955?

Can You believe this?
Take note all you young people . .
pictures, especially on the Internet, never go away.

Guess who was Miss Lube Rack of 1955?

I know, you have no idea......

She could be a Movie star?
Recording artist?

Her name is Nancy D'Alesandro

Still stumped?

Nancy D'Alesandro is today known as

Nancy Pelosi

the former Miss Lube Rack 1955!

Yup! She started down at the gas station
doing lube jobs with the boys!
Now she lubes us all!

Posted by Olive Oyl at 5:40:00 PM

Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi was born in 1940. The picture is not from 1955 (or 1959 as the story usually goes), but 1951 when she was 10 or 11. Snopes (from 2015) says:
The photo is real, but the identification of the woman pictured as being a teenaged Nancy Pelosi is nothing but a bit of political tomfoolery. As noted at the Along for the Ride blog, this picture was one of a series of photographs taken by LIFE magazine photographer Allan Grant in June 1951 at a promotional event for an automobile/appliance complex in Los Angeles:

In 1951 the Muller Bros., an Oldsmobile-Firestone Tire-Car Wash-Cafe-Body Shop-Home Appliance-Auto Supply Dealer located at Sunset and Ivar in L.A., California, named their complex “The Landing.” With good reason, they had everything you could want on one lot. It was giant compared to most new and used car dealers of the time, [it] even had a control tower. They came up with the idea to hold a beauty contest to celebrate the 3,000,000th car to be pulled through its car wash. Life Magazine was there to photo-document the PR event for the rest of us to look back on. Obviously, all the girls, the winner of the beauty contest, and the car wash winning dude, look pretty happy.
The series of photos is here https://carrosantigos.wordpress.com/201 ... o-de-1951/ Worth looking at for their own sake, but the "Pelosi" one is about 3/4 of the way down. If I was going to pick one of these girls as a future Senator, I would have gone with "Miss Infra-Red Paint Job."

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »


Wednesday, April 5, 2017
University Students Threaten To Cut Off Penises To Protest Trump’s Wall

Students at liberal universities are threatening to cut off their penises if Trump presses ahead with plans to erect the border wall.

Two students at the University of California have “threatened” to “cut off” their penises if President Trump presses ahead with plans to erect the US-Mexico border wall.

The bizarre, self-defeating protest seems to be catching on, as four students at the University of Washington have also threatened to remove their reproductive anatomy if Trump fulfills the campaign promise that got him democratically elected.

Washington Sophomore Trent Griliphaen said he was inspired by the movement at The University of California, and that he thinks that Trump’s construction of the wall is “just an extension of his penis, and an expression of patriarchal rape culture.”

“Really, by building the wall, we are raping the Mexican people, and I am no longer willing to be a perpetrator of rape culture. If I remove my penis, I am making a statement that I reject this mentality.”

Griliphaen was apparently the first student at UW to embrace this movement, and according to him, he has inspired three other male students to commit to emasculating themselves when construction of the new border wall commences.

“I heard about what was happening in California, and new that this kind of movement could gain traction up here – we are a progressive state,” Griliphaen said.

I kind of feel guilty, I’m removing my penis, but one of the other guys is going to castrate himself, and he’s even considering taking off a couple of fingers.”

I hereby nominate Trent Griliphaen and his liberal college comrades for the Darwin Award. By removing their reproductive organs, the human gene pool can only be improved.

“The Darwin Awards salute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it…”
Posted by Freewill at 11:49:00 PM


Freewill April 5, 2017 at 11:50 PM
Need a knife?

Anonymous April 5, 2017 at 11:57 PM

marie April 6, 2017 at 12:18 AM
What are they waiting for??? Start cutting.

Anonymous April 6, 2017 at 1:34 AM
Cut it off. Cut it all off. Maybe yours is useless. If you are that stupid we don't want you breeding. Ken T.

Anonymous April 6, 2017 at 6:42 AM
One never suspected that academic institutions would allow students with such serious mental disorders and lack of reasonable and intelligent discourse on campus. It's a sad reflection on political correctness affecting and undermining academic management and of missing the primary objectives of colleges and universities big time.

A Gaurdian April 6, 2017 at 11:29 AM
Make sure you splash a little iodine on there when you are done snowflake. We do that to the calves after castrating them so they don't get infected. But your choice.

Of course this isn't true, and there's nobody named "Griliphaen" (sometimes from UW, sometimes from Berkley). I never suspected that an online journal with the integrity of NESARA News would allow posters with such serious mental disorders and lack of reason and intelligence. Big time.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Stryker of "The Last Line of Cocaine" has a new series that's plot mirrors the Vince Foster story. You know the story: Boy meets girl; Boy looses girl; New evidence results in exhumation and earth-shattering new evidence, but is later lost; Girl has boy involuntarily committed to an institution.

BREAKING: New Evidence Arises In Justice Scalia’s Death

The sudden and unexpected loss of the great Antonin Scalia was a blow to the American justice system that will be felt for years to come. A relatively young man, Justice Scalia was thought to be a conservative staple who would hold his seat for at least another decade. That dream came to an abrupt end when he was discovered dead of natural causes during a hunting retreat.

New evidence is coming to light that may change everything we know about how this great man died. The original autopsy found nothing strange in Justice Scalia’s blood, but a recent report from an independent lab that tests fluids that aren’t normally part of the typical autopsy process has concluded that a chemical found in foxglove, a deadly plant known to cause heart failure when ingested, was found in the spinal fluid and ocular fluid, or fluid of the eye.

The new revelation opened the way for a new round of investigation that should have happened to begin with. During the preliminary gathering of evidence, the hunting resort Scalia was found dead at was found to be free from unidentified people with the exception of one man, who passed through a gate and wasn’t seen again. He was wearing sunglasses and a camo hat and outfit, obviously disguised as a hunter. Authorities have never found or identified him.

According to an anonymous source inside the Department of Justice, the investigation was ordered to be carried out by Homeland Security and not the FBI, due to their obviously compromised director, and that facial recognition has identified the man. Investigators are looking for clues or links to his whereabouts, but as of now his legal identity appears to be fake, meaning he’s a ghost; an assassin for some nefarious organization with a lot of money and resources.

Is it a globalist group looking to make SCOTUS a more liberal entity? The idea of Obama and his shadow government, which has been in place now since 2104 when congress was taken by the Republicans, having some involvement is also being tossed around.

One thing seems certain above all else: Justice Scalia didn’t have a heart attack and die. He was murdered.

Suspect In Scalia Murder Named — Nationwide Manhunt Begins

After an independent report found a chemical derivative from foxglove in Antonin Scalia’s spinal and ocular fluid, an investigation began into an unknown man spotted on a single security camera at the hunting resort where the Supreme Court Justice was found dead. This afternoon, that man has been identified and the authorities across the country are being alerted to be on the lookout for him.

The story is being kept quiet in the press but details have arisen all across the internet from sources inside the department of Justice and Homeland Security. The FBI wasn’t invited to participate in the investigation but they have been asked to search for the suspect.

The suspect, identified only as John McMan, is a professional assassin who has been evading capture for 20 years and is wanted for questioning in over a dozen murders, including two that may link back to Hillary Clinton. This is the clearest picture the authorities have been able to produce:


The photo was taken at a party in 2011. The hosts, prominent political supporters from Montana, ended up face down, drowned in their own pool. If you see or recognize this man, don’t try to approach him. He is considered a deadly weapon even if he’s not armed. Contact the authorities immediately.

BREAKING: Suspect In Scalia Murder Captured By Border Patrol–Here’s What We Know

The man identified as the unidentified man caught on video at the hunting resort the night Justice Scalia was murdered has been captured trying to flee the country. He is being held and questioned as a possible terrorist at an undisclosed location.

What we know from reports coming out of the Justice Department is that the man is in his mid to late 50s and is most likely responsible for at least a dozen politically motivated assassinations. He is also being questioned about involvement with the Vince Foster case, which means there is at least some suspicion that he is on the Clinton payroll.

His involvement with Scalia also puts him in cahoots with Obama’s Deep State shadow government. No other information about the shooter himself is available but there has been talk about Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch being put into protective custody on information that there may be a hit out on him.

Authorities have been unsuccessful in obtaining warrants or any substantive evidence that could implicate the Clintons or Obama. Trey Gowdy is opening an investigation in congress later today.

BREAKING: Scalia Murderer Found Dead In His Cell Under Mysterious Circumstances

Just hours after being captured at the southern border trying to flee the country, the man accused of killing Antonin Scalia was found dead in his cell. Authorities say they hadn’t had a chance to properly question him yet.

The man, who has been identified as a person of interest in at least a dozen politically motivated assassinations, including Vince Foster, died under extremely odd circumstances. Doctors say he died of a heart attack but he was relatively young and healthy. There was no torture involved, as he hadn’t been questioned yet.

Investigators looking into the man’s death are working with intelligence officers to find any evidence of his guilt. So far they haven’t even been able to properly identify him. His finger and palm prints have been burned off and his DNA isn’t on file anywhere.

For now, no matter the circumstances, the DOJ is no closer to proving who is behind the death of Justice Scalia.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by The Observer »

Well, at least now we have a better idea of what Deep Knight looks like. The previous picture of him driving around supermodels "Ms. Infra-red Paint Job" and the others was not as clear since he purposely positioned his face behind the rear-view mirror (note, however Deep Knight's mom to his right in her bathrobe, obviously trying to rescue her son from the debauched road he has put himself on - it's enough to bring one to tears to see how deep and sincere a mother's love can be, only to be rejected in the pursuit of the sins of the flesh).
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Now we all know that after the Monte Video Incident, that DK isn't allowed anywhere near any kind of vehicle unless he's being chauffeured, so that can't have been him. Otherwise the paperwork and insurance issues are jsut too astronomical.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

It's me, but that's Top Secret - :haha:
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:Now we all know that after the Monte Video Incident, that DK isn't allowed anywhere near any kind of vehicle unless he's being chauffeured, so that can't have been him. Otherwise the paperwork and insurance issues are jsut too astronomical.
He doesn't need to drive. He just orders up a limousine from the local Illuminati motor pool; and I don't need to tell you what the chauffeurs and waitstaff look like.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Well, at least now we have a better idea of what Deep Knight looks like. The previous picture of him driving around supermodels "Ms. Infra-red Paint Job" and the others was not as clear since he purposely positioned his face behind the rear-view mirror (note, however Deep Knight's mom to his right in her bathrobe, obviously trying to rescue her son from the debauched road he has put himself on - it's enough to bring one to tears to see how deep and sincere a mother's love can be, only to be rejected in the pursuit of the sins of the flesh).
A bald-faced lie, the real Deep Knight is not nearly as splotchy. As for the guy driving, even if I had been around since 1951, I wouldn't have been caught dead in that suit, much less the tie. And my mom isn't in a bathrobe, that's a plaid housedress which I wouldn't wear either.

If you're so all-fired up to know what I look like, here's a recent snapshot taken right before the panicked stampede at the Black Mass last Sunday. I was telling Satan to push the "off" button on the fire-altar's power panel, but did he listen?

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

We ALL know about your "unique" taste in clothing, which makes it dead bang certain that isn't you.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Another NESARA News posting courtesy of Olive Oyl.The author, "Evil Kitten" caught my eye. I once dated a "Kitten Evil," who was the singer for that band "The Monkees of Death Metal," but we broke up when I found out she wasn't all that evil and high maintenance. Did a wicked version of "Daydream Believer" though...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
NO Islam In Public Schools

By Evil Kitten
April 16, 2017

The full panel of nine Supreme Court justices met to decide the fate of Islam taught in public schools.

Under Obama’s lead, schools were teaching that Islam is a peaceful religion, even though all of our real life examples contradict that.

Treddify reported that Judge Neil Gorsuch cast the tie-breaking vote.

The 5-4 ruling was that the only part of Islam history taught in public schools will be Radical Islam and what students can do to help stop it.

Judge Gorsuch wrote,

“The government certainly has no business being involved in religion, but this isn’t a government issue or a religious issue. This is about the judicial branch interpreting the laws as they apply to the teaching of religion. We shouldn't be teaching any religions in this country besides standard Judeo-Christianity, as our founders wanted, and we certainly shouldn’t be filling the children with lies about Islam being a ‘religion of peace’ when they see the carnage on the news almost every day.”

Gorsuch continued, “It is our duty as Americans first and judges second to safeguard the way our children are indoctrinated.”

This is an additional ruling from the one just last week that forbids the teaching of Islamic tenets or Sharia as part of world history as well.

The Obama administration obviously has no power or influence in the court anymore.

Our country and Christianity scored a huge win.

Thanks to our president, we can get back to respecting our true values and the normal every day worshipping of the only real God.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:20:00 AM

I won't bore you on why you can reject this without any further research, although the fallout of a real judge calling education "indoctrination" would have been cool to watch. Originally from the liars at "First Line of Defense" (AKA "Resistance") who were the only patriots courageous enough to report on Vince Foster getting dug up, carted around, over-toasted in a mysterious fire, and such. They have been getting picked up by wack-a-doodle sites more and more, which of course includes Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Freewill's, as their doodle got whacked long ago. Snopes, the Illuminati site run by Lenin and Attila the Hun, had been forced to debunk a lot of their stories lately, which gives you some idea of their prevalence. It also gives me an easy-to-cut-and-paste list:

First Full Supreme Court Ruling in Over a Year Has Obama Furious?
Apr 17th, 2017
About how our friend above is doo doo.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Taken to Hospital Unresponsive?
Apr 14th, 2017 Reports that the Supreme Court justice has been urgently hospitalized are fake news.
"Just days after having a nominee sworn into the highest court in the land, President Trump may get another chance. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, at 84-years-old, has been rushed to George Washington Hospital in what paramedics referred to as an “unresponsive” state."

Malia Obama Expelled from Harvard?
Apr 10th, 2017 Reports that the former First Daughter was booted from Harvard for a drug violation are fake news.
"Malia Obama, who has decided that as an adult she wants to be a pot smoking, rap listening, twerking party girl, has been ousted from the student roster at Harvard University."

Did President Obama ‘Stiff’ the Wrong Waiter?
Apr 7th, 2017 A fake news item claimed President Obama failed to tip a prominent Chicago businessman filling in as a waiter at Lawry's.
"Obama was out to dinner with several members of his Deep State shadow government last night when his waiter made a political joke. The joke outed the waiter as a patriotic American who voted for Donald Trump. Obama, who asked the waiter to keep his politics to himself, then made a huge mistake. He stiffed the waiter out of his tip on a nearly $200 meal."

3 Liberal Celebrities Arrested for Conspiracy to Assassinate President Trump?
Apr 6th, 2017 Reports that three celebrities were caught by the Secret Service plotting to kill President Trump are fake news.
"The Secret Service has arrested three liberal celebrities in an apparent conspiracy to assassinate the president. … The three to be charged with terrorist threats, conspiracy to commit murder and treason are Actors Seth Rogan and James Franco and singer/songwriter Miley Cyrus. All three will be arraigned in federal court Monday morning. They implicated more than a dozen others who will face conspiracy charges but those names aren’t being released until they’ve been picked up and interrogated themselves to see just how far this thing goes."

That was April. Some older goodies:

Obamas Being Sued by Malia and Sasha’s Biological Father?
Mar 13th, 2017 Reports that a man named Ezekiel Wilekenmeyer Williams filed a lawsuit claiming that he was the biological father of the Malia and Sasha Obama are fake news.
"Williams, who has 4 PhDs from MIT and Oxford, sits first chair violin in the London Philharmonic Orchestra and is a world champion chess and Texas Hold ‘Em player, says the original agreement was that if his offspring became famous, he would receive recognition for being their father."
Wilekenbusten wants credit for those expelled-for-being-dopers, twerking, party girls?

Obama Evicted from His DC Mansion for Breaking One Major Clause in His Lease?
Mar 10th, 2017 Reports that President Obama was evicted from his "mansion" in Washington, D.C., because he trashed the place are fake news.
"Former president and Kenyan traitor Barack Obama and his family have been evicted from the Washington DC mansion they leased to stay close enough to the Trump administration to interfere."

FBI Issues Warrant for Obama’s Arrest After Confirming Illegal Trump Tower Wiretap?
Mar 6th, 2017 Reports that former president Barack Obama was about to be arrested over charges of illegal wiretapping were fake news.
"Former president and breaker of laws, Barack Obama, will either surrender himself or be picked up by the FBI sometime today to be booked and charged with unlawful use of authority, wire fraud and conspiracy to interfere with free elections after it was confirmed that he ordered the tapping of the phones at Trump Tower during the presidential election.
Todd McMartin, a spokesman for the FBI, told Fox News: “The proof is undeniable. Obama basically confessed in a private call to one of Hillary Clinton’s aides that he had the Trump Tower tapped and we can’t find any federal order legally authorized by a judge to do so.”
The call, between Obama and Huma Abedin, was intercepted by the FBI after President Trump ordered Obama’s phones tapped to catch him in a lie over the Russia scandal. That tap was authorized by executive order for national security reasons. If convicted, Obama could face up to 40 years in prison, and no President will be pardoning him anytime soon."

Were Seven Hollywood ‘Liberal Heroes’ Arrested During an Oscar Party Drug Raid?
Feb 27th, 2017 Reports that Seth Rogen, Bette Midler, Justin Timberlake, and four other celebrities were taken into custody are just more fake news.
"Arrested in the raid were Allison Janney, Bradley Cooper, Bette Midler, Seth Rogan, Drew Barrymore, Miley Cyrus and Justin Timberlake. They were all charged with providing safe haven for drug abuse, possession of various classes of substances, resisting arrest and inciting violence against the government. The drugs seized at the different parties included cocaine, molly, ecstasy, marijuana, heroin and methamphetamine. Rogan’s party also had large quantities of powerful psychotropic drugs like LSD, MDMA and the ubiquitous brain chemical DMT."
Gotta start partying with Seth once he gets out of jail!

Is President Trump Billing Michelle Obama For $11 Billion?
Feb 17th, 2017 A hoax news story reported that the former First Lady spent $11 million alone on "new furniture."
"Michelle Obama will go down in history as the First Lady who spent more money than any other. In addition to her 214 personal assistants, 32 gardeners, 11 dog walkers and her own mother on the government payroll as a “day care provider,” Moochelle also purchased $11 million worth of new furniture, an airplane, four yachts and two limousines with taxpayer money."

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