Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

This "only happens every 895 years" thing with the calendar has been one of my pet peeves since junior high school, because it is the first thing I can remember when I asked myself "are there really people out there this stupid?"

Being the absolute geek I have always been I remember the new phone book coming when I was a kid and spending the better part of a day reading all the stuff in a phone book that wasn't phone numbers. (Yes, I was that absorbed with minutia even as a child). One of the things they always had was a universal calendar, which you looked for whatever year you wanted to know what day of the week your birthday fell on when you turned 21....and a table directed you to one of 14 possible calendars to pick from for a given year.

Because that's all there are, 14. There is a calendar for every day of the week, and again for leap years, every day of the week. 14. So, any given non-leap year one has to come up, give or take, every 10 years and every leap year one comes up at least every 28 years. That's all there is, kids. The only thing that only happens every 832 years is some folk urban legend gets posted to facebook and no one falls for it.

And somewhere in about 1973 or so I figured out that I might not be smarter than most people (I figured that out about 9th grade) but I at least wasn't as thick as some.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:And somewhere in about 1973 or so I figured out that I might not be smarter than most people (I figured that out about 9th grade) but I at least wasn't as thick as some.
Well, maybe that is the thing that only happens every 895 years for sovruns: someone actually figuring out that they might be able to learn something.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by TheNewSaint »

Gregg wrote:This "only happens every 895 years" thing with the calendar has been one of my pet peeves since junior high school, because it is the first thing I can remember when I asked myself "are there really people out there this stupid?"

Because that's all there are, 14. There is a calendar for every day of the week, and again for leap years, every day of the week. 14. So, any given non-leap year one has to come up, give or take, every 10 years and every leap year one comes up at least every 28 years.
Seconded. Of all the stupid crap people send me on Facebook, this one offends me more than most, because anyone should be able to figure out that it's bunk.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

When I first saw it as a child, long before the internet, it was in the form of a little printed pamphlet, printed and distributed by religious groups, with some "your only chance in this lifetime to..." message. I'm sure you seen the little comic-book like books larger than a matchbook things I'm talking about. And without getting any closer to talking about religion, I'd point out that I once looked into the company that prints and sells those little books and I was astonished to see how much bank they were making doing it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by TheNewSaint »

[The Observer: Removed post due to references to religious beliefs and positions. We do not allow discussions about religion and politics.]
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

I have a new favorite boring and poorly made video, UFO ANTI GRAVITY FROM HOUSEHOLD ITEMS


It's 8:26 long, with the first part about construction of a "device" that has a cell phone in a glass covered in aluminum foil with AAA batteries taped around the bottom. Do your brain a favor and go forward to 6:30 to watch it "fly" when you call the cell phone and it rings. Just as if it was suspended by a thread! Amazing!

This made the rounds on the conspiracy sites a couple of years ago, with some comments for your amusement.

This is something special I think. The glass is fairly heavy and the power is low.
I've so always wanted a real flying car.
So who wants to build one?
Why do people upload fake shit to try and confuse people and make them stupid?
Why do it that way when you can simply use two wooden Popsicle sticks and then travel time, at least? Photobucket is currently down for maintenance so please check back to view the sketch about how this works. It does work, and it's the beginning of knowledge, the right stuff! I'm far ahead of your time, and what I tell you today will come to pass. It works, and this is how it has come to you from the future, and using just two wooden Popsicle sticks to create a matrix that interprets all mysteries of the universe. I'm serious, and I am he whom has been promised to deliver.

In the Apocrypha of XXXXX, he wrote a story about he has turned two wooden twigs into the finest gold in all of the land; this is a metaphor for what I have put in a simple matrix for you beginners (I mean the most intelligent people on this planet, I challenge) to begin your journey where no man has gone before. Have you a trace of intelligence remain?

"He whom has been promised to deliver?" BTW, at first blush the "sketch" above may appear to have something to do with religion, wot with all the crosses and bible-like quotes, but if you look deeper you'll find out nothing included seems to have anything to do with anything, or for that matter make any sort of sense.
... an interesting little video that, from what I can tell, appears to be authentic. If it is a valid example of an anti-gravity effect, then it would demonstrate that if someone can do this with simple everyday materials then surely, covert research that has access to large budgets can produce the same, given enough time.

This proof of concept would lend credence to the notion that various ultra-secret government projects called Unacknowledged Special Access Programs have likely already developed such technology long ago.
I watched a similar video, same materials used, got excited and showed a friend, only or him to point out that there was a bit of fishing line doing the magic. If you watch this things' movement you will discern it is being held by a line coming from the top tower thing.
Inversely to the elephant analogy; just because the other video was a fake doesn't mean this one was. But it is. If you watch it through the understanding that there may be a filimental line holding it up, it becomes clear by it's movements that that is what is happening. these types of things are put out there so credible, integrous people like yourself look like fools for sharing them.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, January 21, 2017
EXPOSED: CIA – The Swamp Monsters


Three Factions of the CIA that Control the World

By the Anonymous Patriots
The Millennium Report Exclusive

Every American is a target in the CIA’s domestic espionage war whether they know it or not. The bullets are digital and only a key stroke away from being fired at you.
The gold backed or GB-CIA was supposed to operate outside of the U.S. to protect American interests but national markets of currency, bonds, and stocks all have an “international” impact, which was the domain of the GB-CIA. Accordingly, the GB-CIA infiltrated the U.S. Treasury and the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) which creates U.S. economic policy. The ESF has the ability to manipulate currency, bonds, and stock markets in America. The ESF is the organization that tells the Federal Reserve System what to do. The ESF can order the Treasury to print trillions of dollars (which they recently did) and tell the Federal Reserve what to do with the money. The ESF is one of the GB-CIA’s best tools for controlling U.S. national markets that subsequently effect international markets. The GB-CIA essentially controls U.S. economy under the auspices of “international security.”
The GB-CIA is greedy and is never satisfied with what they have so they foment wars throughout the world to help establish central banking systems in all countries and to always be ready to strip assets and steal whatever they can. Imagine thousands of ruthless operations run by people who do not mind killing anyone who stands in their way. Think of all of the top bankers, brokers, and insiders around the Bush and Clinton families who have been shot, suicided, or had mysterious heart attacks or other unexplained deaths. There have been hundreds of these deaths that demonstrate the seriousness of GB-CIA operations. Once a person is made aware (complicit) of the evil criminal activities of the Company, participants are co-opted for life and must comply or meet their fate. Of course they are provided with everything they desire from the almost limitless resources of the GB-CIA. Even the most horrible and sick desires of these operatives are provided to appease the fact that operatives do not ever get to leave the Company and deep files of blackmail materials are maintained that can be used to assure silence and cooperation.
The GB-CIA set up the worst forms of sexual depravities, pedophilia, and sacrificial rituals to provide opportunities to gain compromising video footage of operatives and the politicians they pulled into these sick and twisted activities. The GB-CIA created group after group that aimed to co-opt any person in power so that they could control all aspects of government and business to protect their interests and hidden strategies. The GB-CIA created many of the largest global pedophile rings online, which was recently admitted in the news by the CIA. It also created the largest human sex trafficking market using U.S. charities that place refugees in America as one of their many sources. The drug trafficking of the GB-CIA is very well known from the Iran-Contra scandal to the protected fields of poppies in Afghanistan. Drugs, sex, money, power, control and evil are the currencies of the GB-CIA that “buy” their operatives for life.
Posted by Freewill at 5:12:00 PM

Huge amounts of text removed, leaving just the picture and a few paragraphs to give you the "flavor" of this rant. I think it's "over the top" but others think it doesn't go far enough.


Anonymous January 21, 2017 at 7:43 PM
This article has a distorted view of history that is partially incorrect.
The XXXXX Group should never be underestimated.
Problem with this article is it fails to mention the extensive amount of blackmail XXXX has on Thomas Pickering, George Bush Snr., John Brennan, Bill Clinton and the rest of the Rothschilds on top of that.
XXXXX owns a huge executive stake in Barrick Gold and other Gold holdings like Kaneko, Santander and the State Owned Gold Mine of Turkey called Eldorado Gold. He holds all the black-site files including Mena, Arkansas and the Kennedy Files to keep everyone doing his bidding.
The other four especially XXXXX, have no choice but to go down but the minute they pass on XXXXX is out there. XXXXX and the XXXXX group is pure evil filth and by the look of the face on this nazi you know it's the truth.
This madman worked for the definition of evil and he can't be stopped easily. Anywhere the CIA has done something illegal, you find XXXXX name highly involved.
He should only be left out there to dangle so people can see just how despicable the New World Order is, then the XXXXX group must be found and hung. He will try to destroy XXXXX the entire duration.

Anonymous January 21, 2017 at 8:56 PM
Hopefully this vampire walks into a sudden "accident" soon since either way this will be the final year of the XXXXX mafia.
He's probably going to force America's hand anyway. Alefantis and all the rest of the rioting masses in the nation are paid by XXXXX.
Might as well prepare the plank to make an example of one of the worst XXXXX pharisees before he strikes.

Anonymous January 22, 2017 at 12:23 AM
That's the next big fight now is the breakup of CIA. The problem with CIA is not just breaking it in half and getting rid of XXXXX., but afterward re-instituting the fairness doctrine so T.V. news cannot hire CIA operatives.
First thing people need to realize is around forty percent of the public has been brainwashed in regards to the true point of the CIA. This goes far beyond politics, since these people actively think the more government you have the more accountability you get.
So this is easily a public brain-washing operation which put these sycophants into power originally. Alexander Hamilton was the original globalist; and in his view a large robust intelligence agency was necessary to SECURE all the people.
What that bit of history failed to mention is that the CIA was just a creation of the Federal Reserve, and that it was part and parcel to its fleecing of the public...not to keeping the masses safe. The masses are it's "assets" they are not in fact its friends or its people. For instance, if you asked about half the population what they thought of the Clinton Foundation they'd say well I hear they do good work. But then if you were to show them how the mass media across the world has been paid millions of dollars by this foundation in its previous incarnations, with the News Anchors also being members of the foundation then they'd probably say something doesn't add up.
So these people are the definition of brainwashed liberal David Brock fanatics just about, as they also want open homosexuality and unions for public abortions. Unions to control the wages to in fact stop free competition from forming in society.
To their world view, open competition is bad. Control is good, subsidies and socialism is great since the system will take care of all bobbleheads. Most of them have been brainwashed with false ideas about government meaning transparency, and literally are thirsty for the truth.
These people need to sit in front of a revamped TV channel and learn the truth, big government is in the business of crimes. The bigger it is the more crimes it allows, and the smaller and more non-existent it is the better for all. The central bank will be audited and that will start a sea change, its time to realize cults are bad.
The bigger the government, the less freedom you receive. When you have the least government as possible, you can manage your lives better. The mass media will air a documentary to reveal the true colors of the Federal Reserve.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

So much paranoia and delusion all in one insignificant little slime spot. I keep wondering how they get out of their mother's basements without help and constant supervision.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by TheNewSaint »

Of course they are provided with everything they desire from the almost limitless resources of the gold backed-CIA.
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Gold is just about the most limited thing there is. The amount of gold mined in human history is very small, and mining more is a very difficult process. A gold-backed anything would, by definition, have very limited resources.

Which is also why gold-backed currency would be a disaster, but let's not complicate things for the sub-normals that read and write this stuff.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by The Observer »

TheNewSaint wrote:
Of course they are provided with everything they desire from the almost limitless resources of the gold backed-CIA.
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Gold is just about the most limited thing there is. The amount of gold mined in human history is very small, and mining more is a very difficult process. A gold-backed anything would, by definition, have very limited resources.

Which is also why gold-backed currency would be a disaster, but let's not complicate things for the sub-normals that read and write this stuff.
Well, then you obviously missed earlier reports about how a planet of solid gold is being moved into position in time for the NESARA implementation. Yeah,yeah, I know - it is still finite resource, after all, and after everyone gets their share, we will all still have the same relative economic status in life since other resources are limited as well - we will just have to deal with hyperinflation.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by TheNewSaint »

The Observer wrote:Well, then you obviously missed earlier reports about how a planet of solid gold is being moved into position in time for the NESARA implementation. Yeah,yeah, I know - it is still finite resource, after all, and after everyone gets their share, we will all still have the same relative economic status in life since other resources are limited as well - we will just have to deal with hyperinflation.
Good point; I'm sure they can easily explain away such illogic with even more illogic.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'm looking forward to the day when gold is so plentiful that people can use it for things like sinkers for those who like to fish, pipes and faucets (after all, it will be cheaper than copper and more corrosion-resistant), and even bullets and shotgun pellets (it doesn't pose the environmental threat which lead does).

Money? Oh, surely you jest. If everyone has a ton or two of gold, how much gold would it take to buy anything?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

TheNewSaint wrote:
Of course they are provided with everything they desire from the almost limitless resources of the gold backed-CIA.
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Gold is just about the most limited thing there is. The amount of gold mined in human history is very small, and mining more is a very difficult process. A gold-backed anything would, by definition, have very limited resources.

Which is also why gold-backed currency would be a disaster, but let's not complicate things for the sub-normals that read and write this stuff.
You forget the Quattuordecillion dollars, "$1 with 40 zeros after it," worth of gold in the St. Germain Trust (or is that 45 zeros?). This is a pile of gold much bigger than the earth, so while not "limited" it is very, very hard to deplete. The Dove of Oneness proved this gold existed literally hundreds of times, so there can't be any doubt about its existence, only questions as to where the NWO is hiding it (hint, the wife and I have much of it at home, stuffed in our mattress).
The St Germain World Trust … brought the gold of Atlantis forward for the Lightworkers of this time. One of the keys to the success of this culminated in the St Germain ‘Advisories’ which became NESARA. 

Ascended Master St Germain has watched over those funds and in addition has coordinated much gold coming here from Venus and other off-planet locations which cumulatively now equal $1+40 zeros which is sufficient to provide $10Million to each man, woman and child after NESARA’s Announcement. These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period.

Some logarithms from St Germain, have been mathematically modeled through matrices to develop self-replenishing ways to keep generating income and participation for as long as needed. I’ve seen those matrix examples and they can do what is needed to fund governments and people and projects indefinitely.
Around the turn of the century, the children of robber barons, and "banksters" began to see the error in their parent's evilness and their use of wealth. These 100 children are known as "wealthy visionaries". Together they invested some of their families money into secret money roll programs, to be used for humanitarian purposes.

The bank roll programs, allow wealthy investors to make insane profits by ripping off the assets and resources from third world nations. The profits from these programs are utterly astronomical as monthly returns can be in excess of 1:100,000 and 1:500,000. The name "roll programs" comes from a method of rolling money over and over in short periods of time. At the end of each cycle investors then reinvest or "roll" the principle and interest earned over into the next cycle. In the late 1990's the bank roll programs finally ceased.

Money earned from these bank roll programs became known as the "Prosperity Programs" Over time the programs where secretly opened up to small investors so that one could invest as little as one hundred dollars at a time. These small amounts where handled by trustees, who collected the money and kept records, and combined the small investments into the large amount, let's say, one million dollars, that was required in order to enter a "roll".

The news of these programs spread by word of mouth and especially via multi-level marketers. Thousands of people invested and great wealth was generated, but little, if anything was ever paid back to the investors. Trustees such as Clyde Hood and Mike Kadoski where sent to jail under false charges. Then corruption, greed, and fraud became wide spread among the bankers, government, and even some trustees who wanted to steal the money for themselves. Even the Bush family had their hands in the pot, using Promis Software they could transfer stolen funds without being traced. Many have died because of this wealth, but God has another plan for humanity.

The time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from Saint Germain's, World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. 250 years of compound interest has mushroomed the World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000, 000,000. That's 1 with 40 zeros behind it. This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it!
The Observer wrote:Well, then you obviously missed earlier reports about how a planet of solid gold is being moved into position in time for the NESARA implementation.
It's already here, hidden from the bankers in secret very-large banks. I know hiding this large of volume may seem to be a problem, but there are several clever ways of packing it so it takes up less space.
Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'm looking forward to the day when gold is so plentiful that people can use it for things like sinkers for those who like to fish, pipes and faucets (after all, it will be cheaper than copper and more corrosion-resistant), and even bullets and shotgun pellets (it doesn't pose the environmental threat which lead does).

Money? Oh, surely you jest. If everyone has a ton or two of gold, how much gold would it take to buy anything?
When you go to the store to shop, you simply take a few hundred pounds along with you. Stores will have small smelters at registers to melt your ingots down to make change. As for useful items that can be made from solid gold...

For the sex edition of Goop, Academy Award-winner Gwyneth Paltrow’s online lifestyle magazine, the actress is no longer just peddling thousand-dollar t-shirts and placemats, but has now added luxe sex toys to the mix.

“Sex toys have long since graduated from the floppy rubber things you hide in your bedside table to beautiful works of interactive art,” reads the site.

Perhaps the most impressive item featured in the Goop catalogue is the CAD $17,900 dildo, with the sheen and sturdiness of an Oscar. Specifically, the LELO INEZ 24-karat gold dildo, which offers discreet shipping and a 10-year guarantee.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by TheNewSaint »

Deep Knight wrote:You forget the Quattuordecillion dollars, "$1 with 40 zeros after it," worth of gold in the St. Germain Trust (or is that 45 zeros?). The Dove of Oneness proved this gold existed literally hundreds of times, so there can't be any doubt about its existence
The St Germain World Trust … brought the gold of Atlantis forward for the Lightworkers of this time. One of the keys to the success of this culminated in the St Germain ‘Advisories’ which became NESARA. 

Ascended Master St Germain has watched over those funds and in addition has coordinated much gold coming here from Venus and other off-planet locations which cumulatively now equal $1+40 zeros which is sufficient to provide $10Million to each man, woman and child after NESARA’s Announcement. These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period.
Good point; I'm sure they can already have easily explained away such illogic with even more illogic.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

I don't know about you, but this is even more outrageous than golden dildos!

Saturday, February 4, 2017
America’s Top Climate Change 'Expert' Sentenced to Jail for Fraud
The highest paid climate change "expert" in the country says he did it out of "greed" and also "got a rush" out of lying

The United States’ highest paid climate change expert has been sentenced to 32 months in federal prison on fraud charges.

John C. Beale’s crimes were “inexplicable” and “unbelievably egregious,” said Judge Ellen Huvelle in imposing the sentence in a Washington. D.C. federal court.

Beale drew a $200,000 plus salary per year and regularly traveled around the world staying high end hotels – all at the taxpayer’s expense – while claiming to be saving the world from global warming as well as working for the CIA on covert assignments.

“Why did I do this? Greed – simple greed – and I’m ashamed of that greed,” Beale told the court. He also said it was possible that he got a “rush” and a “sense of excitement” by telling people he worked for the CIA. “It was something like an addiction,” he said.

Beale pled guilty in September to bilking the government out of nearly $1 million in salary and other benefits over a decade.

Prosecutor Jim Smith said Beale’s crimes made him a “poster child for what is wrong with government.”

Posted by Freewill at 11:32:00 PM

Turns out this was in September ... of 2013, and the guy was an administrator with the "Office of Air and Radiation, the division responsible for the development of national programs, policies and regulations designed to control air pollution and radiation exposure." He didn't work for the CIA, but drew salary fraudulently during time off by fraudulently claiming he did and was on CIA assignments. Not, as Freewill implies, because he fraudulently supported climate change.
EPA's fake spy gets prison sentence

By Erica Martinson

12/18/13 02:55 PM EST
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John C. Beale, the former EPA official who convinced his bosses, friends and even his wife that he was a CIA spy, was sentenced to 32 months in prison Wednesday for defrauding the agency out of nearly $900,000 in unearned pay and bonuses.

Beale, 65, admitted to missing more than 2½ years of work at the EPA over the last decade, during which he claimed to work for the CIA on missions that kept him away from his job as a senior adviser in EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. His lies were uncovered because he continued to receive money for 18 months after his retirement, triggering an investigation by the agency’s inspector general’s office.

“I own this. This is on me,” he told Judge Ellen S. Huvelle during the hearing Wednesday morning where he expressed regret and shame for the damage he did to those close to him, and to the reputation of public servants.

During his time away from the office when he claimed to be working for the CIA, he continued to be paid a full salary, plus bonuses to which he was not entitled that added another 25 percent to his salary. He also admitted to charging non-work travel back to the agency and spent exorbitant sums on first-class flights and lavish hotels.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Further proof that actually reading and comprehending are not two of Freewill's fortes. Or thinking, or well much of anything else come to it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

A week or so ago I saw a short Cable News thing about fake news on Facebook and the internet. It started with "Pizzagate," and went to "bigger than Pizzagate and everyone does it" of course, but briefly touched on 4 other things they say made up the top 5. One of these they noted in a bit more detail because it was the only one accusing Republicans - that certain ones had taken money from Hillary to say nasty things during the recent election. This was also the ONLY one I hadn't seen at NESARA News. Well, no more.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017
ALERT: 6 Top Republicans Were FUNDED by Soros

February 7, 2017

Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 all received funding from Soros.

This might not come as a shock to you, due to the character of these candidates. These jacka**es should never be called Republicans ever again. Let them wonder over to the other side.


Posted by Olive Oyl at 1:23:00 AM

1 comment:

Anonymous February 8, 2017 at 4:06 AM
Listen, liberal jewish types are fascists. The second a bunch of those Hollywood elites get arrested (which they were) Robert DeNiro and the other maniacs like Arnold Schwartzanagger attack the president in a violent rage. This happens all the time ... [Link to infowars/prison planet] If you aren't supporting the elites program, you're automatically a scumbag. All of the ziocons are the same as these crooks.

Zicon? Isn't that a type of fake diamond or one of those pharmaceuticals they advertise on TV? OK, so "Soros" was substituted for "Hillary," the sentiment is the same. I have maintained that sooner or later the NESARA News boys and girls would turn against anybody in power, just 'cause that's their thing. Just wait until they get steamed about the continued chemtrails in the sky...
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Beaking: Trump justed ended Obozos vacation scam...

BREAKING: Trump Just Ended Obama’s Vacation Scam And Sent Him A Bill You Have To See To Believe

Stryker Exercise Equipment, Radical Islam, Steak Sandwich, This is not a drill 0

Before Obama left office he arranged with the State Department for a series of “official visits” to foreign countries spanning the next 20 years. Using discretionary funds from the Office of Presidential Visits and Vacations, Obama was able to weasel what would have been another $2.1 billion in free vacations for him and up to 24 members of his family plus staff and a dog sitter until the year 2036.

He would have, that is, had he not lost his office to Donald Trump. Trump, who is always looking for ways to save money, was having the office used for vacations repainted with 24 karat gold leaf trim and having the shelves lined with leather when he was presented with a ledger that contained all of the travel plans and expenses. The ledger was found by one of the 31 workers Trump hired from outside the typical White House staff to make alterations requiring specialized craftsmen.
Our President immediately canceled the plans and recalled all Secret Service agents scheduled to protect the Obamas anywhere outside of the United States. The Obamas, who are still waiting in Kenya for their documents so they can re-enter the country, are also facing another new challenge at the hands of Trump: They’re going to have to repay the government for all of those vacations that weren’t official state business.

The bill, after some small allowances for days that were possibly work related, is for $214 million. Of the 692 days the Obamas spent on vacation, almost none included any work at all. They ate, slept and golfed and Michelle was given shopping allowances from the Office of Discretionary Gifting Funds, which is supposed to be used to buy presents for visiting dignitaries.

It’s just one scandal after another with these people.

Posted by Popeye at 11:55:00 PM

Holy news so obviously fake no sane person would believe it, Batman! "Trump, who is always looking for ways to save money, was having the office used for vacations repainted with 24 karat gold leaf trim and having the shelves lined with leather?" "(S)till waiting in Kenya for their documents so they can re-enter the country?" Come on, man! The disclaimer from the site-that-first-posted-this-which-will-not-be-named:
DISCLAIMER: The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real.
It's just one scandal after another with "these people." We just got over that "public indecency" incident.

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Deep Knight
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, February 17, 2017
Be ENCOURAGED fellow patriots and Christians​...justice will be served!!!

Ignore the trolls that say this site does not have reputable, factual news--they just don't want you to hear the TRUTH.

There is no way these kind of details could be known unless they had the inside scoop and shortly, time will tell.
there are other interesting, revealing stories on this site as well.

emailed by a reader


Posted by Freewill at 12:20:00 AM

1 comment:

Anonymous February 17, 2017 at 2:15 PM
AMEN! There have been all manner of reports of trolls and shills being assigned to attack and to attempt to destroy the alternative news blogs - well, we are all wise to them and their plans won't work. These are those who will accept financial bribes to turn in to traitors against their own nation and fellow Americans. They are less than scumbags. IGNORE them. Better yet - don't even publish their ignorant bought and paid for comments. If you don't publish them - what reason for them to continue their paid for trashing of your website? Let them write their crap - but don't publish it - soon their paymasters will get the picture that we are not as stupid as they think we are. This is WAR and there are at least two sides to it - choose to stand on the side of the winners who have wisdom and who exercise their right to choose what they publish.

Yeah, they gotta have the inside scoop, otherwise how could they know "that kind" of detail? One of these days something they predict is gonna come true, and then won't you Trolls and Shills have egg on your faces!
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm

Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

It's really easy to have the inside scoop or is it poop when you have to do is pull it all out of your hindermost as poopeye seems to do.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.