Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

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Monday, September 18, 2017

Texas carpet bombs its own hurricane traumatized victims with neurological poisons sprayed from military planes


Monday, September 18, 2017
Mike Adams The Health Ranger Natural News

The war on humanity continues unabated in Texas, where over one million acres of land are being carpet-bombed with the aerial spraying of neurotoxic chemicals in an effort to kill mosquitoes. Texas authorities are openly lying to citizens, claiming these poisons are magically not poisons at all when they come into contact with humans. Even more alarmingly, Texas authorities are urging their citizens to use other toxic chemicals on their skin — chemicals that are part of a binary weapon system that causes Alzheimer’s and dementia by incurring permanent brain damage (see the science, below).

What is this dangerous insecticide?

DEET damages brain cells
The DEET chemical is actually N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide. From a molecular science point of view, it looks like this

Note the molecular formula of C12H17NO. This means it has a total of 12 carbon atoms, 17 hydrogen atoms, one nitrogen and one oxygen. (We often use molecular formulas as shorthand in chemistry. This tells you the elemental composition and ratios, but not the bonding configuration or polarity.)

All by itself, the DEET chemical is known to cause damage to nerve cells. Let’s explore that, because DEET is just one part of a binary chemical weapon system that is right now being deployed against the American people… a weapon system engineered to cause mass fear and confusion while even achieving a “behavior modifying” effect as you’ll soon see.

Wait just a minute, Babba Louie, DEET is an insect repellent, not an insect killer. Nor is it an organophospate (OP in the text below).

Chemically very similar to nerve agents such as VX Nerve Gas

It almost sounds like a nerve gas chemical weapon, doesn’t it? Not coincidentally, that notion is exactly right. These OP and carbamate pesticides ARE chemical weapons and if they were deployed as weapons, they would be illegal under United Nations treaties that prohibit weapons of mass destruction from being deployed against human populations.
This is the biggest political science story in American history, yet there isn’t a single news organization reporting it. Ever wonder why? DEET, fluoride, SSRIs, lead in the water and mercury vaccines… what do they all have in common? Now I ask you: What do all these things have in common? Consider the common biochemical actions of DEET, fluoride, SSRI drugs, lead in the water and mercury in the flu shots (yes, vaccines still contain huge concentrations of mercury… over 50,000 ppb in my lab tests, which is over 25,000 times the maximum EPA limit of mercury in drinking water).

The answer is: THEY ALL DAMAGE BRAINS and inhibit cognitive function.

What you are observing here, if you still have the cognitive capacity to understand it, is a deliberate, coordinated, multi-vector chemical assault on your ability to think clearly.

This is a whole new kind of warfare against the commoners (the sheeple). The deliberate dumbing down you’re being subjected to isn’t just an info-propaganda campaign launched by CNN and the NY Times. There is a very real, very deliberate chemical warfare component to all this.

Yes, the U.S. government is currently waging covert chemical warfare on the American people. They are doing it using binary chemical weapons, in violation of international treaties against the use of weapons of mass destruction. And they are doing it to deliberately cause mass fear, confusion, memory loss and cognitive impairment.

Every media story you see that urges you to slather on the DEET is unknowingly participating in this binary weapons deployment. Don’t blame your local news person for this; they are too stupid, incompetent and scientifically illiterate to know anything that’s really happening in the world around them (that’s why they have to read teleprompter scripts written by someone else… they can’t even think for themselves anymore).

Now you know the real story on Zika and DEET and why they’re being pushed so aggressively by the same subversive media that’s desperately trying to overthrow democracy and install a totalitarian criminal in the White House. This is all connected. The timing of the Zika release is not a coincidence.

THIS IS ALL OUT WAR AGAINST AMERICA. And it’s not just a propaganda war. It’s a chemical war, and you have already been targeted for intoxication to make sure you never achieve the presence of mind to vote for anti-establishment candidates like Donald Trump who threaten to overthrow the corrupt, criminal government.

The poor gentleman obviously has had a "chemical assault on (his) ability to think clearly," but I believe that chemical is Ethanol.


Posted by Olive Oyl at 7:51:00 PM


Anonymous September 18, 2017 at 9:56 PM
I was told that the governator of each state had the power and authority to stop any and all air traffic across their state. Anyone ever heard of such an act of power or authority?

Anonymous September 19, 2017 at 2:19 PM

Anonymous September 19, 2017 at 8:57 AM
Hurricanes, Flood water, Chemical spills, Flesh eating bacteria, Brain eating bacteria, NOW THEY ARE SPRAYING RAID RIGHT IN THEIR FACES!!!!! How much more can those poor people endure? If "they" want to reduce the population of America WHY DON'T THEY JUST DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS??? Apparently there are 11 million who want Nancy Pelosi to grant them amnesty. Then we could hang anyone who has "served" in government for more than 2 years! It's time to take back our country and get rid of these A-holes! The military men who are spraying our sky's should be ashamed of themselves. They deserve no respect, no pension, no memorials. They took an oath to protect us, NOT THE GOVERNMENT! May Yahweh have mercy on us all!

Debbie Kimsey September 19, 2017 at 1:06 PM
President Trump, you have to be aware of this stuff going on to destroy our citizens. I highly advise to hire an army of specialized scientists and officers to crack down on these autrocities right now. Chemtrails, chemicals, radiation, poison, medical genocide, and so many more tactics are being used against us right now. If you cannot stop this, then why are you our President? YOU HAVE to ACT on OUR BEHALF RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW! OUR LIVES DEPEND ON YOU TO DO THIS, DON'T YOU SEE IT? The Nazi are getting away with their genocide, murder of our Country.

Debbie Kimsey September 19, 2017 at 1:07 PM
We have to HURRY UP AND STOP THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!

Debbie Kimsey September 19, 2017 at 1:09 PM
Forget what is going on on the planet right now. President Trump, you promised to protect the citizens here in our own country.

Anonymous September 19, 2017 at 1:37 PM
If you don't want mosguito larva growing in the standing water around your area just pour a small amount of mineral oil over it. Safe and eco friendly. It's amazing how hard the criminally insane are trying to kill us all.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, September 21, 2017
Metallic Fibers Falling from Sky

Pacific Northwest Resident Documents Metallic Fibers Falling from Sky

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times
September 19, 2017

As the term geoengineering creeps evermore into public consciousness, people are being persuaded that weather modification schemes will play an important role in public safety as a response to climate change. Most people are behind the curve on this issue, though, as independent journalists and private individuals have for years been documenting what is is happening in our skies.

For the last several years, a Washington state resident has been documenting geoengineerinng activity in the skies over the Olympic Peninsula, reporting on unnatural cloud formations, atmospheric spraying, and electromagnetic warfare testing by the Navy.

In addition to the obvious manipulations of the sky at large, she has documented an abundance of mysterious white fibrous materials falling from the sky.


Public knowledge of phenomenon like this is kept under wraps by larger media organizations who report on this subject as if it were a meritless conspiracy theory, even when photographic evidence is presented. Even when no credible government or scientific organization can or will explain what is happening, though, and therefore the citizen’s movement to uncover the truth about chemtrails and government interference with the atmosphere continues to grow.

If people are breathing these materials, and their origin and makeup is unknown, then the question becomes ‘is this phenomenon contributing to public health issues?’

Without fair and earnest reporting into the matter, we may never fully understand what is happening in our atmosphere today and how it is affecting our health.

About the Author -Buck Rogers is the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. He is a surfer of ideals and meditates often on the promise of happiness in a world battered by the angry seas of human thoughtlessness. ...

Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:08:00 AM


Anonymous September 21, 2017 at 3:36 PM
As long as there are chemtrails, this just validates that the genocidal world criminals are still in total power PERIOD!! How much would a list cost of all the treasonous criminal pilots who fly these death machine for all humanity if one does exist and where they sleep at night. How about the same for all the mechanics and engineers who work on these act of war machines as well. And most of all, who are those funding this madness? It has already been established that Evergreen Aviation is one of the main contractors world wide on the chemtrail campaign yet they still continue business as usual. With all the proof and evidence that has been put on the table in just the past few years and yet it still continues. We much be living, or rather existing in the Twilight Zone on Steroids.

Anonymous September 22, 2017 at 12:46 PM
Typical shadow government tactic. Create a problem to get the solution you want. (ie: 9/11 bombings = Iraq & Afghan wars = tripled opium production.) Chemtrails proably to boost BigPharma industries and to curb populations.
These FEMA pods on ship have been seen off Texas coast. FLOATING FEMA PRISONS - NEW TSA DETENTION PODS - 11/25/2013 - SPY DRONES & MARTIAL LAW IN 2014

Buck is right, what could possibly be falling from the sky in the Pacific Northwest if it's not chemtrails?

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Re: Fake News Festival!

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This is just the Seattle windshield pitting epidemic recycled from the 50's! What is it about the Pacific Northwest and mass delusions?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

Too much rain, too little sunlight, too many stupid people.... Maybe it's the constant unconscious reminder that they are living on/near/too close too any number of not really extinct volcanoes that could go boom at any time? It's a Image. I also suspect it is also the collective unconscious that seems to allow them to be totally and blissfully unaware that much of the Pacific NW and Canada has been on fire for these last many weeks, and when that happens you get ash, lots of ash, falling out of the air depending on how the wind is blowing at any given time. Maybe it's beeeeeecause they only get their news from places like NESARA NEWS and Wingnut Daily that don't believe in naturally occurring events. Or maybe it's because they are just really really stupid, and there is some sort of stupid sump located in the Pacific NW that just naturally draws them there. (My favorite new agey explanation.) It's a true Image.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Deep Knight wrote:Monday, September 18, 2017

Texas carpet bombs its own hurricane traumatized victims with neurological poisons sprayed from military planes

The war on humanity continues unabated in Texas, where over one million acres of land are being carpet-bombed with the aerial spraying of neurotoxic chemicals in an effort to kill mosquitoes.

Native Houstonian here. I can confirm the aerial spraying part; the other night an Air Force C-130 Hercules was making low passes over my neighborhood, leaving a trail of spray that quickly dissipated. It was actually pretty cool for a warplane enthusiast (not quite as exciting as an AC-130 Spectre gunship, but oh well). I swear it flew right past my window, and by then it was after dark, so all I could see was a bunch of lights flying in formation. I can't confirm the claimed neurological damage, but there haven't been as many mosquitoes around.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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If it was Air Force C-130 Hercules doing the spraying, then it wasn't us. The Imperial Illuminati Air Force use specially-modified commercial airplanes that can be disguised to look like ordinary commercial airliners for chemtrail spraying. As you know, the only airliners that look remotely like a C-130 fly for Aeroflot, where the vibrations and discomfort are part of the "brand." Such planes would only allow us to spray over Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe, and quite frankly, why bother?

Of course we need transports for the commando wienerdogs, the 666th Flying Dachshunds, but C-130s would be way too big and NOISY for their stealth operations. So, we have had specially-made C-130A Mini-Hercules specially made to conform to their doggy scale, making it easier to slip in under the radar and deliver devastating sneak attacks. Or it used to be. Now that Satan has discovered that they're "real," he's talking about including them in October's draconian budget cuts.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Why hasn't the Illuminati considered extorting the Eastern European governments for protection money to fund the air force?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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BoomerSooner17 wrote:Why hasn't the Illuminati considered extorting the Eastern European governments for protection money to fund the air force?
We extorted 10 billion Zlutniks from a certain Eastern European government which I can't name (OK, it's The Eroslavic Republic, you would have figured it out from the name of the currency), which after banking fees netted us $17.25, enough for a few Lattes at Starbucks. The real money is in American and Western European corporations where ambitious employees are "willing to sell their souls" for advancement. Information is power, but also money, especially when it tells you when to go all in vs. selling short.


The triple-headed eagle from the Eroslavic Republic's new coat of arms (replaced a triple hammer and sickle). The three heads stand for the three parts of the Republic's motto: "Lie, Cheat & Steal."
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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Sometimes the fake news make you sit up, grab your tender bits, and say a little prayer. From the exposure at Snopes.

FBI Seizes Over 3,000 Penises During Raid at Morgue Employee's Home?

Rumors holding that a morgue employee was involved in a salacious organ trafficking operation originated with a fake news article.

CLAIM - The FBI seized over 3,000 penises during a September 2017 raid of a morgue employee's home.
ORIGIN - On 27 September 2017, the “entertainment” web site WorldNewsDailyReport published a false claim that the FBI had seized over 3,000 penises during a raid of a morgue employee’s home:

FBI agents made an astonishing discovery this morning while executing a search warrant at the residence of a Houston mortician: 3,178 embalmed human penises.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation suspected 54-year old Dave Murray, an employee of the Harris County Morgue, of being implicated in an organ trafficking network.
There is no truth to this story. World News Daily Report is a well-known purveyor of fake news that has a long history of publishing misinformation. The web site carries a disclaimer:
World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.
In addition to the dubious source of this rumor, the mugshot featured in this article does not show a 54-year-old named Dave Murray. This image, which has been featured in various “Outrageous Mugshot” galleries, actually shows a man named Eric Batcheller who was arrested in 2011 for violating his parole.

Shame on you, Eric, for letting yourself be seen in public like that. You'll find that in life there really is no "right" or "wrong," only "good" and "bad" taste. And, there's this other picture I get when I search for images associated with your name. It probably has nothing to do with you, but I would still take it seriously.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

Can someone tell me how Eric Batcheller has not successfully sued them for, say, everything they have? Surely his picture is a public document, but the story using it to make some pretty demented accusations that the publisher knew to be false when he printed it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

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Gregg wrote:Can someone tell me how Eric Batcheller has not successfully sued them for, say, everything they have? Surely his picture is a public document, but the story using it to make some pretty demented accusations that the publisher knew to be false when he printed it.
It's only been a couple of days, and I doubt he knows his visage is being misused. Then there's the "you can't get blood from a turnip" rule. If, however, he finds out about this and my little jest. please note that I said it probably wasn't him in any or all of the animal masks, and didn't imply that he deserved prison or worse for that hairstyle. But it was ugly, and he should be ashamed. That's the truth, and no jury in the world would convict me of criminal slander for saying it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, October 14, 2017

They faithfully serve their puppet masters
They show up in more than one location at the same time
They commit treasonous acts against the country they are presumed to be 'serving'
They are NEVER PROSECUTED for their crimes


In 2008, during the American Democratic Party presidential primaries, US Senator Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Someone sees Hillary Clinton at a function across town at, say, 1.30pm. And then, when they compare notes with a Democratic Party co-worker later that day, they learn that Hillary was also seen back at the hotel at 1.30pm, three miles away. And her clothes were different, or her hair was different, or her makeup was different, and the people with her were different. ... And so on.

How many different Hillary Clintons are there?

It is suggested that over half the US Presidential hopefuls in 2008 were human clones. There were several of each of them. Was Hillary Clinton one of these or several of them? And how are the voters to discriminate?
Usually, when a President or major American public figure ceases to be compliant to the demands of the controlling corporate elite, they are quietly killed, cremated and replaced with lookalike, mind-controlled clones. These days, at the Camp David human clone laboratories (Maryland) and elsewhere, it is possible to produce an adult human clone from originator DNA and a lab-double in less than 36 hours.

The history of this covert human cloning technology is now emerging. By the late 1970s, using monochromatic laser light technology, researchers within the Russian security community created a holographic apparatus which could record the entire memory of the living brain of a chosen human individual and store the data content of that brain on stable computer hardware. The Russians used inaudible high-frequency sound waves to create a complete three-dimensional picture of the brain. They discovered that their ultrasonic cerebral hologram process duplicated and stored the entire memory of the person in a coherently recoverable form. The Russians now had what they wanted to create working lab-clones for deployment. The same technique could be used to download someone else's memory into another (different) person, in this case a lab-double, and natural doubles could now be reprogrammed to take on the full memory database of the person being replaced. More background here.

Lab-doubles are generated using DNA infusion. Here the DNA of the person chosen to be duplicated is collected, amplified, processed and prepared for the infusion process into the new host body. The DNA infusion completely overrides the DNA of the living human host, physically transforming the host body into a visual replica of the chosen body. However, the residual host body DNA can still be detected, and identified, within the lab-double using sensitive DNA testing procedures.

Where do the human host bodies come from? Covert kidnap, abduction and fake disappearance programs. Many of the abducted human host bodies are those of children. And, of course, any of these abducted human hosts can be subjected to brain programming manipulation as well as to complete ultrasonic cerebral downloads.
When President George Bush Sr left office in 1993, he was Clone Number 34 in his DNA originator line. Most of his previous 33 clones had been used and terminated at that point. (Ever wonder how this EVIL old fart/traitor is still alive and ruling and reigning behind the scenes?)

When President Bill Clinton left office in 2001, he was Clone Number 21 in his line. When a President is terminated and cloned, it is standard practice to do the same with his close family members. If this is not done, they immediately notice the difference and cause difficulties. (Reported to have happened with President Putin's wife: "This is NOT my husband!)

Human clones are not ensouled and do not, therefore, have access to the higher dimensions through reflection, intuition and spiritual practice. No soul means no God-connection. And no God-connection means that clones have an inherent vulnerability to religious manipulation and deceit (Hillary, Pelosi, Obama, Ryan and others reportedly heavily involved in high level witchcraft, satanism, Illuminati, etc).
Having no soul and no God-connection means that human clones have no spiritual processing power. They cannot function at the level of values, morals, ethics, compassion, honor or decency. Indeed, they have nothing within their intellection which energises or articulates such concepts in their consciousness.

Human clones do, however, have a very powerful survival instinct. Under sustained pressure or threat they become amoral, manipulative fighting machines without spiritual stops or conscience. What you can get away with is what you do. Lying is the core modus operandi (Hillary, Obama). Honesty about facts on the ground is self-injurious weakness. A spectrum of alternative views on an issue is a spectrum of aggressive enemy positions. Unscrupulous elimination of opponents replaces dialogue. Human clones are perfect for politics, banking, the armed forces, religion, schooling and theft. Easily mind-controlled by the hidden negative 'elite', clones are the visible drivers of systemic evil.
But what about Hillary Clinton? Is she really a tribal subset of mind-controlled clones? Follow the DNA. It's there in the lavatories, handkerchiefs, discarded nasal tissues, cosmetics applicators, bedroom dust, cutlery, drinking glasses and coffee cups. And look out for the little black box under the clothes. It's smaller than it used to be in the famous George Bush Jr photographs (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here, plus comments here), but it can still be seen on a windy day.

More information about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. And there is a more recent clone-pertinent update here (27.04.12).

But it is not just politicians, military people, finance professionals and religious leaders who have been cloned. Human clones are found in the show business world, too. And they feature prominently in the mainstream media's presentation of celebrity culture. Consider the much-discussed case of the two Paul McCartneys. Four other Paul McCartney photographic comparisons can be viewed here, here, here and here. Look at McCartney's left ear lobe here (in 1964) and here (in 1964), compared with his left ear lobe here (in 1974) and here (in 1974). The murder and cloning of Beatle Paul McCartney by agents acting for the Tavistock Institute (London) in 1966 is a story which has been revisited again recently. It is sometimes referred to as The Two McCartneys Conundrum.

For many decades people have taken the view that the original pop star Paul McCartney of the Beatles, a Tavistock Institute band, is dead. He died in a car accident in 1966 which was reported by several media outlets before being hushed up. The car accident, like Princess Diana's thirty years later, was an arranged murder or cover for an arranged murder.

After 1966 it was widely noted that Paul McCartney had changed. He was considerably taller, and his physiognomy, voice and mannerisms were different. And evidence is emerging which suggests that the Beatles didn't even write some of the music accredited to them after that date.

On this view, the Beatles were planned by the shadow controllers of the sixties music industry. The purpose of the Beatles was social engineering. The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. It was a carefully crafted plot to introduce, by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large worldwide population group targeted for change against its will.

New words and new phrases prepared by the Tavistock Institute mind-moulders were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of illicit drugs. The subtext beneath this vocabulary arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went. It had only to be "discovered" by teenagers. The word "teenager" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

It was important at that time for the Shadow Government (controlling the USA from Europe) to affirm illicit drug use in the youth culture. This would enrich the drug barons worldwide who paid for the private armies and bribes necessary to maintain hidden power. And now, in 2009, the USA is in Afghanistan to protect the illicit drugs trade. And now, in 2009, most major US banks have only been able to stay afloat by bringing illicit drugs money on to their books by using counterfeit source of funds documentation.

One persistent idea is that in September 1966, Paul McCartney was replaced with a double called William Shepherd or William Campbell. McCartney was terminated and replaced because he refused to go along with the pro-drug agenda of the Beatles' Tavistock controllers. After 1966, the new Paul McCartney started doing frank interviews about his LSD habit. McCartney's murder not only eliminated someone who wouldn't go with the program, it served as a warning to others in the circle not step out of the Tavistock line.

It is more likely, however, that Paul McCartney was cloned before being terminated. Samples of his originator DNA having been obtained, cultured and amplified before his accident. Human clones, such as the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas, are not ensouled. They have no souls - no innate communication with positive influences among the Higher Evolution in the higher dimensions. They are intelligent, mind-controlled meat-machines, programmed by those whose negative agenda they implement. Might Paul McCartney be the same? Clones are not aware that they are clones. Such information is not permitted to occur to them or to enter their mind-programming.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:32:00 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous October 14, 2017 at 3:41 PM
Good article. The clone situation had gotten a lot worse than most people realize. Dig up Donald Marshall's initial reports and interviews from years ago if you want the meat and potatoes (he has since been compromised.) It's been going on for decades and the elites have literally reanimated cloned versions of many historical people throughout history. That's why Obama looks like Akhenaten - Michelle made to look like the pharoh king's mother (incest theme.) Michelle isn't a clone she's Michael Robinson but Obama definitely is one or had them running around. Some of these freaks are reanimated chip-heads of very old people and some are a base-level reptile consciousness from weird animals who lived underground.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

On this view, the Beatles were planned by the shadow controllers of the sixties music industry. The purpose of the Beatles was social engineering. The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. It was a carefully crafted plot to introduce, by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large worldwide population group targeted for change against its will.
SO, does this mean Charles Manson is innocent?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, October 27, 2017
Civilian Property Emblem - In the Case of Martial Law Intensifying

From Anna Von Reitz

Instruction to Safely Identify Your Home and Property in the Case of Martial Law Intensifying.

Take a rigid piece of material-- wood, metal, foam core, etc. and make a sign --- a rectangle 5 inches tall by ten inches wide.

Draw a diagonal line from the top right to the left bottom corner so that there now appear to be two triangles inscribed, one above the other.

Color the top triangle black and the bottom triangle white.

Firmly attach this emblem to your house, your gates, and display in the front and rear windows of your car, boat, etc., to warn the military that you are a civilian "vessel" and that they will be trespassing on civilian property if they enter in upon your land, auto, home, etc. and will be acting against international law.

Field Manual 27-10/1956
Section 4, 45 and 46

Posted by Freewill at 6:43:00 PM

Show this signal flag on your property and you'll be unwittingly inviting looters and loafers in, not to mention the NWO police goon squad. I suggest you pretend to be Illuminati by flying our flag instead. No one in the know will mess with you.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Or you could post this;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by notorial dissent »

:haha: sovcit/footl competence strikes again.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Let's face it, if it comes down to martial law (or for that matter Marshall Law, one of the many Law boys who went into law enforcement), it's much better to know your Illuminati hand signs than have some signal flag in your window. Since you-know-what is almost ready (wink, wink), it might be good to brush up on them while you still have time.


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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:Let's face it, if it comes down to martial law (or for that matter Marshall Law, one of the many Law boys who went into law enforcement), it's much better to know your Illuminati hand signs than have some signal flag in your window. Since you-know-what is almost ready (wink, wink), it might be good to brush up on them while you still have time.


The Boy Scout sign is almost exactly like "Ye Elder sign". So THAT'S where we Scouts and Scouters get our magic powers....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »


It looks the same because it is the same!

Boy Scouts and the Illuminati
By Paradigm - 09 Jan 2009 02:59

There is an all-male secret society which exists among us. They meet in private and conduct secret rituals. They wear special uniforms, use secret handshakes and signs, and swear oaths of allegiance the cause of the organization. I am speaking, of course, about the Boy Scouts. They use secret symbols to convey their sinister purpose. Their emblem includes the fleur-de-lis, a symbol of royalty, indicating their intent to topple our democracy and set up a monarchy of the elite. On top of the fleur-de-lis is an eagle, representing power and force, and a shield with the stars and stripes, indicating their intentions to seize power of the US government. Most members are kept out of the loop, but there is an inner circle of higher initiates called "Eagle Scouts" who are taught the true secrets of the organization. They count many rich and powerful people amongst their ranks, including:

Neil Armstrong
Michael Bloomberg
James Brady
Michael Dukakis
Gerald Ford
Dick Gephardt
L. Ron Hubbard
Richard Lugar
Robert McNamara
Henry Paulson
Donald Rumsfeld
Gordon Smith
Sam Walton
William Westmoreland

All Eagle Scouts, all powerful men of influence. All belonging to a secret organization that plots to take over the world.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, November 3, 2017
CODE RED: Civil War Is Here

November 2, 2017

Extremist left-wingers break windows, hit Trump supporters with wrenches, hurl bricks and police, and have even tried to bomb Confederate monuments – but when it comes to guns, the basement-dwelling Communist LARPers have shown hilarious incompetence in their ability to wage a full-scale shooting war. Be prepared. It’s all about to dramatically change. There’s been an explosive revelation that members of Anti-Fascist Action groups are being trained and coordinated by radical Islamist terrorists.
There are millions of anarchists, Communists, and left-wing lunatics that have taken to the streets. If every single one of them were as murderous, fanatical, and well-armed as an ISIS soldier … the apocalypse that would follow is beyond imagining.
On Nov. 4 – or any day in the near future – a black-clad swarm could suddenly appear, in SUVs and pickup trucks, AK-47s and javelins, and violently attempt to carve out a new Communist nation from the territory of the U.S.

Patriots are laughing at the current state of Antifa – skinny hippies and fat chicks who don’t even know where to point their guns. But with the help of true, radical killers, in a few years their resolve could be steeled, and then we won’t be laughing anymore.

Gun-owning Patriots cannot under estimate Antifa – there is no evil they will not commit, and so we need to stand vigilant against them.


Carl F. Hall ·
If in fact Antifa has joined with ISIS, that means that they are ALL enemy combatants. That makes them all FAIR GAME!! How stupid can they possibly be?

Peter Krzywicki ·
So let me get this straight. The asswipes ANTIFA (Anti-american Nazi Thugs Idiots & F*&KING Assholes) are going to join ISIS and fight about 2 million well armed veterans, a lot of them special forces? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ONE. They may catch us in the beginning by surprise, but after that watch out wienies.
Adam Brier ·
if I see an antifa harm a hair on any citizens head, I will dispatch them with traumatic force.
David Fox
there is no antifa - they are all opertives of kgb that are working together with operatives of kgb in isis...
Ricarrdo Estavans
Birds of a fascist feather stick together. Antifa are the real brown shirt fascists trying to pin their label on conservatives. Anyone coherent can see that. It makes sense that antifa fascists and muslim fascists would become allies. Tell your old fascist hag Margaret to stick her hydreaga's up her sagging azz.

Harold Wayne Sutherland ·

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:19:00 PM


Slaveman November 3, 2017 at 12:59 PM
Quick,... everybody to the 'safe rooms'! Ha Ha Ha.

Olive Oyl November 3, 2017 at 3:05 PM
We appoint YOU to provide the beer and pretzels!

Freewill November 3, 2017 at 1:38 PM
When we are done with these antifa asshats, then we go after the politicians and bankers. If they are pushing for a kulling of the population, then I guess they will get it starting with them.

Anonymous November 3, 2017 at 3:07 PM
AMEN! ENOUGH of these ignorant snowflakes.
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