Civil War in America

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Re: Civil War in America

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:You people are just too skeptical. The writer provided all the proof that a reasonable man could need;
I believe it was done intentionally, with explosives but have no proof other than common sense.
Case closed as far as I'm concerned.
Shows a lot of common sense. My favorite part:
"Made In America" does not fail at 28 percent capacity, "made in America" fails at 300 percent capacity
IMHO this should replace E Pluribus Unum as the national motto and be put on all the money. Of course it won't change the Canadian one, "A Mari usque ad Mare" or literally in English, "From sea to female horse."

BTW, Gassy Rassy used to talk about starting back up the war, winning an easy victory over the North, and then the Canadian provinces begging to be admitted as new Confederate States.
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Re: Civil War in America

Post by noblepa »

Gregg wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:You left out my all-time low, the bewilderingly popular Hogan's Heroes which ran longer than America's participation in the war. Even a talking horse seemed like Masterpiece Theatre compared to that.
I LOVED hogan's Heros, all the more so when I learned some of the arcane trivia about it.
FIrst, the basic plot line, POWs working as a military intelligence unit behind enemy lines...was true in several cases, and sometimes nearly as much as the show portrayed.

Second, the guy who played Colonel Klink was a German jew who's family fled to avoid the Holocaust, and he purposely made the character plug stupid as a way of mocking the Nazis (no word on if his grandson is interested in playing an American President in an upcoming series)

And finally, although really stretching it, the show also has a lot of connections to two GREAT movies, Stalag XIII with WIlliam Holden, and The Great Escape with too many awesome people to list, including Donald Pleasence, who was a real life WWII POW.

Actually, ALL of the regular cast of German characters were Jewish.

Werner Klemper - Col. Wilhelm Klink
Leon Askin - Gen. Burkhalter
John Banner - Sgt. Schultz
Howard Caine - Maj. Hochstedter, Gestapo

Minor correction: William Holden was in Stalag 17, not 13.

Another bit of Hogan trivia. AFAIK, the only regular cast member still alive is Robert Clary (Louis LeBeau).
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Re: Civil War in America

Post by Deep Knight »

noblepa wrote:Another bit of Hogan trivia. AFAIK, the only regular cast member still alive is Robert Clary (Louis LeBeau).
My conspiracy-themed Robert Clary story.

One conspiracy theory about the Kennedy assassination was that there was a meeting of the usual suspects (Illuminati, Mafia, Freemasons, creepy clowns) LBJ, J Edgar Hoover and Nixon in Dallas the night before to plan the dirty deed. Nixon's law firm represented Pepsi, and he actually was there for the annual meeting of the American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages at Market Hall. So, this meeting became a cover for the conspiracy. Dick and Pat Nixon had flown down on the company plane with Joan Crawford, widow of the late Pepsi chairman Alfred Steele, and that night she convinced the Nixons and a couple others to skip out of the meeting. This is when Dick supposedly was at the "Murchison party" the conspiracy spinners dreamed up.

LBJ Night Before JFK Assassination: "Those SOB's Will Never Embarrass Me Again"
Outside the debate of magic bullets, multiple shooters and grassy knoll theories - an astounding deposition of a deliberately planned criminal conspiracy straight from the horse's mouth
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Aug. 30, 2006

The night before the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins - emerging from the conference to tell his mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown that "those SOB's" would never embarrass him again. It's a jaw-dropping deposition and it's the biggest JFK smoking gun there is - despite the fact that it has received little media attention.
The group met for a party in Dallas hosted by Clint Murchison, another business tycoon with close links to the Genovese mafia, on November 21st 1963, the night before the assassination. Those present at the event included J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy, Jack Ruby, George Brown (of Brown and Root), numerous mafia kingpins, several newspaper and TV reporters, and Richard Nixon.

The party began to wind down at around 11 o' clock when the attendees were shocked to witness the arrival of Lyndon Johnson who had traveled from Houston. Clint Murchison immediately called a meeting.
The Dallas Times Herald - Friday, November 22, 1963 - Page A25
Show Biz by Don Safran

THERE'S NO escaping politics this Nov. 22. Note the above and then note that the elfin French boulevardier Robert Clary opened a three-week engagement at the Empire Room of the Statler Hilton last night with Richard Nixon ringsiding. He was with a group from Pepsi Cola that also included the chic and glamorous as ever Joan Crawford, but more about that later. If you remember M. Clary from "New Faces of 1952," you know the bombast and ruffled elegance of this totally captivating performer.

Robert has that marvelous character face and moves like a marionette on ice skates. He is the complete performer in that when he sings, there is more than a song; when he moves, it's the right eccentric steps. He sings his "New Faces" medley, a poignant "When the World Was Young," a staggering "West Side Story's" "Officer Krupke" and one of the most joyful and inventive "76 Trombones" ever put to stage. With it all, the Don Ragon Orchestra easily cuts through one of its toughest shows. The Empire Room has had phenomenal luck its last three bookings, and with Robert it has one of those rare striking talents that give supper clubs a reason for being.

BACK TO THE politicos again - when Richard Nixon walked into the Empire Room last night the Don Ragon Band was playing "April in Portugal." Mrs. Nixon's favorite song, said the former vice president . . . Nixon was introduced by Clary as, "either you like him or you don't." which broke up Nixon . . .

The former VP got a big chuckle out of Clary's line "I sent Lady Bird to Greece to bring back a few dance steps for me." . . .

And speaking of dancing. La Crawford, looking every inch the movie star with a white fur hat, was first on the dance floor and requested twists all evening . . . On to other things.
I once saw a picture of Nixon dancing the twist with Joan that evening (from where I first read this story), but can't find it online now. Darn people who assert their legal ownership. Anyway, rubbing this in the face of the people behind the conspiracy didn't phase 'em, one looked up Robert Clary on the theory that the newspaper articles (there's a shorter one in another paper) were a hoax. But Clary remembered the incident vividly, and sent the man packing when he insisted he was lying about that.

BTW, I've seen West Side Story and have a hard time associating "staggering" with the song, "Officer Krupke."

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