Illuminati PR

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News posted the "video" for this (still picture and droning voice), but I found this transcript. As you know, Satan is interested in the Illuminati getting more publicity, so I copied it here. Strange they didn't say it was over 2 years old...

Thursday, March 9, 2017
Now I am telling all ..........

Now I am telling all
I was in the Illuminati
Obama, Space flights, Denver, Aliens

February 24, 2015

This post will be about how the Illuminati recruited me and what exactly I had to go through.

When I was nineteen years old, I fell into some money through some connections with friends and some successful investments of some money that I had made throughout my childhood. I got involved in some backroom deals and saw my money begin to grow. As I attended college at Harvard in 1964, I begin to become increasingly rich, and my influence on campus grew as well through my participation in various clubs, and organizations. Some friends and I began to serve as quasi-stock brokers while still at Harvard. I made tons of cash during that year, and was very powerful and influential on campus.

One night as I was walking back to my dorm shortly after midnight, I was approached by two men in black suits. I initially assumed that they were going to investigate my business activity because some of it was not exactly legal. They asked me to come with them and I followed them into the basement of a two story house a couple streets over from my dorm room. They sat me down at a table and asked me if I was willing to make a deal. They would not tell me what deal I would be making, but just continually asked if I would be willing to make a deal. I half-assed agreed that I would, and that is when the biggest man that I have ever seen walked through some closet doors and sat down First of all, if you do not believe me then I am sorry. I am here to tell the truth, and nothing that is written by me is false exaggeration nor science fiction. This information is real, it is true, it is reality, and it is time for it to be told.

I was a member of the Illuminati for 47 years. I was recruited when I was 19 years old. I have posted here off and on over the past year. (Some of the posts are mine, others are my brothers, mainly they are his) The information that I am about to unfold is very revealing and very dangerous. I am one of seven people in the history of the Illuminati that have performed the “Departure” Ritual. I knew that I needed to get out when I had something revealed to me at a meeting in June of 2010. For years I was in line with the beliefs, motives, and actions of the Illuminati, but it recently became too much for me to bear, and I had to extinguish my sacred contract.

My reason for coming here is to reveal EVERYTHING about the Illuminati. How you become a member, what the organization is about, what the organization does, and the future plans that we have.

I will be back to make my first post when I can see that this thread has enough attention for me continue. Any time in the near future when I begin to reveal the secrets of the Illuminati, I need to ensure that there are enough people paying attention so that my efforts do not go to waste. Once I see that this thread has a substantial amount of views and replies, I will make my first post.

Here is a preview of some of the things that I will reveal:
Barack Obama is not a member of the Illuminati, he is something much, much worse.

The new “space flights” which are planes that can briefly enter orbit are not as fun as they seem, they are an Illuminati tool.

Denver, Colorado is an evil place

Aliens are a little different than what mainstream teaches us

The information I have is essential!

The first topic to discuss will be these underground bunkers that I have mentioned. Currently, there are 57 underground bases and bunkers around the United States that are in use for various purposes. There are 439 bunkers in the entire world. ALL of these bunkers and bases are controlled and maintained by the Illuminati. The largest underground bunker is in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This bunker has the capability of holding up to 5,000 people for a period of up to ten years. I have personally been in this bunker, and it is much larger than one that anyone can possible even imagine. This bunker is secured mainly for the events of the end times. 5,000 of the world’s richest, brightest, and most powerful individuals will secure shelter in this bunker in the event of a global thermonuclear war, natural disaster, or any other form of global catastrophe. Don’t be confused. Several other bunkers have the ability of housing large numbers of people for extended periods of time, but no other bunkers is as large and capable as this one. In the event of World War 3, all of the world’s leaders will take shelter here, and the governments of the world will be theoretical proxy governments. The world’s richest people will be here as well. People such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the oil tycoons ( however, these oil tycoons will be murdered while they are in the bunker so that the takeover of the Middle East will be much easier for the New World Order). I do not know the exact number, but of the 439 bunkers in the world, I would say that around 275 of them are constructed mainly for shelter and extended stays. I myself stayed in one of these bunkers while in China in the nineties. They are very nice, very luxurious. It is practically like you are staying in a 5 star hotel.

Some people that have stayed in these bunkers:

Leon Trotsky: After Stalin defeated Trotsky and secured power in the Soviet Union following Lenin’s death, Trotsky was moved to an underground bunker just inside Switzerland. Stalin originally did not know about this because if he did not follow the orders of the Illuminati, then Trotsky was going to be reinstated as the leader of the Soviet Union. It was important to have Trotsky placed in this bunker because Stalin was going to kill him otherwise. Stalin eventually fell in line with the Illuminati’s plans, and Trotsky was executed because he was no longer needed.

Abraham Lincoln: Lincoln was NOT murdered by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was placed in the office of presidency as a pawn. The Illuminati knew that if he was elected then the South would secede. The Civil War made the North very, very rich. That was the only reason the Civil War was allowed to happen. If the Illuminati had not seen the opportunity to become rich off of the war, then slavery would still be an American institution. Lincoln was placed in office just to start the war. He made a deal that once the war was over, that he would be removed from office. This was taken care of through a fake assassination, and he spent the rest of his days in a bunker in Mexico.

Saddam Hussein: Hussein was in power in Iraq merely to raise justification for invasion by the United States and other nations. Many of you are already familiar with what I have said about the plans to entirely take over the Middle East and to secure the oil that is currently untapped. The Hussein that was “hung” was a dummy, and the cell phone video that was release was meant to be released as “proof.” Saddam is currently in a bunker somewhere in Argentina. I do not know of any future plans with him.

The rest of the bunkers in the world are used for storage of things that cannot be stored on top of the ground. Nuclear stockpiles are being held in these underground bunkers . In the event that a nation veers off the course that is planned, then they will be eliminated. Either through assassination of their leaders or by nuclear destruction. Thankfully, nuclear action has not had to be taken yet; however, do not put it past these people to bring about such destruction.

You all know about the HAARP machine conspiracy. It is real. I can assure you. The machine is housed entirely in a bunker that is underwater in the Pacific Ocean. This machine was developed back in the 1980’s, and was first used in the late nineties. This machine has capability of creating any natural disaster that the Illuminati wish to create. Hurricane Katrina was a product of the HAARP machine. The Hurricane was used as a diversion. While the area was in chaos, and attention was diverted everywhere, engineers were sent down to prepare for the gulf oil spill. I can assure you that the Illuminati is capable of releasing more oil into the gulf. The oil that has already been pumped into the gulf is only a small amount compared to what could possibly be done. I already mentioned that the oil spill was used as an agent to implant microbodies into the brains of the children in the area. These children that have been affected are now subject to government control whenever these microbodies are activated. The Illuminati also used the opportunity that Katrina presented to build a bunker that is directly beneath the French Quarter. Why else do you think that FEMA was slow to provide adequate assistance? The engineers needed time.

The HAARP machine is not controlled by any one single country; it is collectively controlled and used. The earthquake in Haiti, the ones that happened over the past couple days, all are products of the HAARP. Not all of the events are relevant or important, some are just tests, some are even mistakes. Rest assured however that once there is need for a natural disaster, the disaster can be generated, engineered, and directed and have whatever effect is necessary.

Another thing that is housed in these bunkers are drugs. There are massive amounts of cocaine, marijuana, heroine, and all kinds of other drugs being stored. The drug trade and war on drugs are essential to the Illuminati. As more and more drugs are traded and cartels become more powerful, the Illuminati becomes richer and more powerful. One of the major contributors and benefactors to the drug trade is Warren Buffett. Buffett has been running the drug trade in the Western Hemisphere for the past twenty years. The drug cartels of Mexico are under his power. It is important that the Illuminati control the majority of the drugs in North America. This is because it gives them yet another vehicle to transport technology that allows them to take control of the consumers. The Illuminati is constantly searching for ways to implant themselves in the minds of the general public, and naturally, control of the drug trade was the perfect way to do so. Buffett secured control of the drug trade when he approached multiple drug cartels and presented them with contracts. He has been in control ever since, and Ben Bernanke is assisting him with the day to day operations.
noun: heroine; plural noun: heroines
- a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
- the chief female character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize.
Multiple bunkers are also equipped to serve as crematories. Much in the same way that the Nazis burned their victims, the Illuminati plans to burn victims that are killed off. Many have speculated that FEMA has constructed stockpiles of coffins to be used for mass burials, but this is not true. Mass burials would take a massive amount of time and effort. Therefore, when the time comes to begin mass killings and executions, the bodies will be shipped to “burn yard” where they will be dropped in these bunkers and reduced to ashes. FEMA, which is an Illuminati run organization, decided that this would be the most effective way to dispose of a mass amount of bodies.

Yet more of these bunkers contain robots that are designed and ready to infiltrate the workplace in the case of a labor shortage.
The scenario in which these robots will most likely be used is when the mind control aspect of the Illuminati’s plan goes into effect. Robots will be sent in to perform the jobs that these people were doing, and these people will be used for other events, such as war, propaganda, and violence. These robots will also be used once population control goes into effect.

Alex Jones is not who he says he is. For years he has been working to uncover the secrets of the Illuminati and the New World Order, but yet he is a member of the former, and will be in power in the latter. Jones has been placed in the world of conspiracy theories to feed false information, to throw trackers off the trail. Do not believe anything that the man tells you. All of the information that he presents is fabricated by the Illuminati, for the Illuminati. Think of Joseph Goebbels. Alex Jones is the perfect Joseph Goebbels. STOP LISTENING TO HIM IF YOU ARE. You are being lied to by a man that receives his instructions straight from the Illuminati.

The moon landing in 1969 was real, but there was a moon landing seven years earlier that was the first real landing. In truth, the Russians were the first ones to land on the moon; however, they did not publicize the mission nor the results. It was decided that America was going to win the space race in order to secure a feeling of capitalism over communism. Russia launched their own rocket ship toward the moon as a test run to ensure that the American trial would be successful seven years later. Everything went perfect with the Russian moon landing, and the same technology was then applied to the American moon mission. While on the moon, the American astronauts began the first construction of nuclear missile sites on the moon. These nuclear missile sites have been added onto over the years by way of subsequent moon missions and work by remote control robots. The purpose of these missile sites is the ability to launch nuclear missiles without the risk of tracing the missiles back to a particular country. The scenario in which these missiles would be used is to attack a nation that is not cooperating with the Illuminati. The Illuminati would order missiles launched at the nation, but without the afflicted nation being able to track where exactly the missiles came from, they would not be able to show evidence that they should declare war on a specific country. In my opinion, these missiles will never be used because there are many other ways that the Illuminati can bring down an entire government other than nuking them. However, to my knowledge, the moon currently has 2 fully equipped nuclear missile sites that can be operated from Earth.

Sticking with space….

Scientists working for the Illuminati have found a way that they can “shut” off the sun. A weapon has been created that shoot a beam of high density radiation right into the heart of a planet or star. This beam of radiation penetrates through the planet creating a very large cylinder in the exact middle of it. The radiation that is left behind begins to eat at the star or planet and the effects spread like wildfire. This technology has been tested on various stars in our immediate solar system and is very effective. The first thing that occurs to the star is that the radiation eats a perfect cylinder through the middle of the star, the radiation left behind begins working its way outward degenerating anything in its path. The radiation continues to build and spread. Some stars hung on until they were totally deteriorated from the radiation; however, some stars became so unstable that they combusted at a certain point.

Scientists are certain that this technology can be used on the sun, but also on other planets. One estimate that I overheard was that from the initial shot of radiation, it would take approximately nine years for the entire sun to be entirely consumed. We would begin seeing the effects of the radiation in approximately 3 and a half years however. The first signs would be shorter days and a decreased amount of sunlight during those days. The sun would start becoming unstable at about the seven year point, and we will begin seeing massive solar flares. Once the nine years is up, all life on earth will be dead.

Since my departure, I am completely unsure who the top, head leaders of the Illuminati are at this point, but I will give my best guess. The Illuminati is structured so that there are one to three major leaders in each major region of the world; however, some regions are left out because of a lack of a suitable leader; therefore, a leader is installed there.

In North America:
Warren Buffett is most likely the head of all Illuminati operations. Followed by Ben Bernanke, followed by Lloyd Blankfein who is CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Goldman Sachs is a key player in the North American Illuminati sector. Recently, Goldman Sachs invested almost $500 million dollars in Facebook. Usually this means that Facebook will fall under Illuminati control soon, just as Myspace and Twitter have.
Other key players in North America are Alex Jones, Bill Clinton, Rahm Emmanuel, of course Obama, and Timothy Geithner

South America is void of any real Illuminati leaders. Hugo Chavez has been difficult to work with in the past. He seems to be in line with the Illuminati agenda; however, he does not like being told what to do. Most of the North American leaders control South America as well.

In Europe:
Nicolas Sarkozy is the main guy. He controls the majority of the operations in Europe and Africa. Gordon Brown was very influential in the Illuminati until he decided to begin playing his way; this is why he was removed from office. My opinion is that he is still a key player, just not as key as he once was. There are several African arms dealer that have recently gained some power; however, I am unaware of their identities.

The Middle East is controlled largely by Benjamin Netanyahu which should not come as much of a surprise. Netanyahu does not have as much control as you would think however. As I have stated before, Israel is the grand puppet state of the Illuminati.They will do absolutely anything that the Illuminati wants them to do, and they will do it to the best of their ability without even thinking twice. Israel has been given the permission to fire upon Iran whenever it wishes to do so. Control of the Middle East is hard because there are so many rebel groups. Palestine should not even be worried about. Although they are not controlled by the Illuminati, they are not able to do anything. Iran is borderline at time, and completely in opposition at others. This is why Israel will destroy Iran to start WWIII.

Asia is controlled entirely by Vladimir Putin and his cronies. Putin is a very powerful, very smart man.
He will regain popular control of Russia very soon, but you can be assured that everything that is happening in Russia right now is going through him. China has chosen to give up a little power to the Illuminati. They cooperate; just do not care to become too involved. In my opinion, it is because they feel that they will be able to defeat the Illuminati in the end. They are sadly mistaken. Eventually they will come to terms and will join in the great skit that will be called World War 3.

The Spanish flu of 1918, SARS, and the H1N1 scare all have one thing in common: they all were engineered by the Illuminati. While nothing has been instituted on a global scale, the Illuminati has been testing these viruses for years and they are finally unlocking the keys to creating a virus that will spread across the globe very, very fast killing select people. My advice: do not receive the vaccines. You will become a part of a test group that the Illuminati is using to experiment. The H1N1 virus started to become widespread when animals escaped from a farm in Brazil where the virus was being tested. Several of these animals mingled with citizens of surrounding towns, and many of the animals were consumed. The population of the surround towns were quarantined, and the ones that died were covered up; however, somehow, a traveler had carried the flu virus all the way up into northern Mexico, where the virus was first reported. The Illuminati soon found out that the virus was much, much less ineffective than they thought. They are currently pursuing research on a virus that will wipe out a country within a matter of days.

I hope this data dump has been informational for you and has contributed to my credibility in some way. I have much, much more information. It just takes me time to sit down and father my thoughts long enough to format them in an easily readable and comprehensive manner. This is definitely not my last post, as I have more information that needs to be told. It has been a long, tiring past couple of days, and I hope this is enough information to give me a good rest for awhile.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 2:31:00 PM

No comments at NESARA News (yet), but some of the originals are priceless.

Uros Pocajt
TO EVERYONE READING THIS - please be aware of your co-creative abilities while reading posts like this one - most of you will unconsciously inject your emotions into the events mentioned here and thus send your energy towards them - I urge you to read this information without any emotional response/charge, take it lightly and create your own reality. Many sources are posting and publishing such information with a single purpose - to gain access to people's subconscious (which is nothing new) and thus to their creative abilities. At first it may seem that they are disclosing the truth, but what they really do is they open their path to your source of creation and plant a seed, especially to those of you who do not yet handle the emotional/energetic flow very well. The most imporant thing we all can do right now is to bring the focus within and create the world/reality we wish to experience as a collective.
Remember - together we co-create/(re)programm the reality/matrix, so the more you are focused on the "external" the more of the same you will create...

Mavin Robert
1. A Cash Reward of one million dollars
2.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice and a car
3.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
4.A total Lifestyle change
5.Monthly payment of $500,000.00 USD into your bank account every month as a member
If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood Illuminati riches satanic hand symbol contact us Email-

Matthew Maguire · Evangelist at Jesus Christ
yep this guy is full of it. Nowhere did he talk about the fake news. He did not tell anyone that Obama played Osama and news flash he is also Reptilian Bob Marley. He did not tell you that The person playing Bill Clinton is the same lizard who played Elvis. He did not tell you about Jimmy Carter who is aka JFK. Oh the real deal is pretty deep, and the News is all fake. I got this though so dont worry. Welcome to the New World where this kind of stuff will not be happening. Oh yeah Alex Jones is aka Bill Hicks. they are all reptilian Blood sucking vampire lizards and Humans are their food. No need to be scared we are getting to the transformation that will affect many worlds and dimensions

Ly Brad
There are no other stars in our solar system. The writer here says they have technology to black out a whole star, and they tested 'other stars in our solar system." Come on, no real Illuminati elite is that stupid to make such a blatant typo...well, no one high enough with appreciable insight and information that isn't already easily obtainable. This seems like a paid agent giving misdirection.

Ben Netherland
Haha what an idiot!! I'm pretty sure a Harvard guy would know we only have one Sun in our Solar System.. So his claims that the illuminati eat the other Suns in our solar system by shooting then with a gamma ray... Haha... I give him points for being creative... But he's an idiot

Heather Donegan · Pet Stylist at Cobble Hill Bed & Biscuit Inc
He said they tested it on other stars genius.

Aryan Sabtargoj
Heather Donegan -the nearest star from our solar system in 4 light years away...which is billions of kilometres away... While others are thousands of light years away... If they shoot any star with a gamma ray, it must travel for 1000's of the speed of light... So even if they have shot a gamma ray to any of the stars they would still be travelling... Also we can't deny the fact that beams of gamma rays will deteriorate with the distance it when it reaches the target, I highly doubt that it will eat the star up because it's strength will be less than 10%. It's utter nonsense.
Moreover to think it practically, building a machine that can generate a gamma death ray (^o^) that can blow up the star is practically impossible.... Because generating such high energy bursts will itself annihilate the machine... And all its surrounding areas...

Aviad Mianaby Mataraso
ur f***ing retarded

Rita Burley
Well its really hard to know who's telling the truth anymore. I'm not saying he's not telling the truth but he knows to much info and could probably be killed for telling. We know that there is much evil in Denver Colorado airport and something is up with that. But whatever and however things are going, making sure our hearts are right with the Lord by repenting and right living and spreading the gospel and keeping our eyes focused on Jesus because the devil wants our eyes to be on other matters to keep us away from God.

Tim Igo · Sales Manager at Macy's
A lot of people are saying this man will be killed for revealing illuminati secrets. If you think about it though, they will let him live. This man had just possibly revealed a ton of their secrets and if he were to die tomorrow then that will help solidify his claims. If they let him live, however, most people will see him as another crazy person looking for likes on social media.

Rosa A. Lopes · End time messenger at God the Father
Do not disclaim this guy so fast.A lot of what he said we have known about for a long time in fact I know about Obama since 2006. And I found it all in the Holy Bible' Oh yes he is there .Everything in fact that he does is mentioned in Revelation .I believe that he is Co- Host of the Anti-Christ .Besides we have the Messages from God that explains everything that will happen 2 sometimes 3 years ahead so we are aware of the final deception.One thing that he does not know is that the bankers will not save the Illuminati in fact God will find them and will bury them alive everyone of them.Further we do not have 9 years .We are in the Big tribulation the Anti- Christ will soon appear as Christ to deceive the world and deceive many he will.That it is to take place right after the illumination of Conscious Soon upon on us .And the deceiver(Anti-Christ will declare himself to the world as the Messiah .Caution though .Jesus Christ will never ever walk the earth again.When He comes will be through the sky and everyone everywhere will see Him riding his Cherubim as the King of Glory followed by 144 Thousand saints who are virgin and did not had contact with women while on earth and His Angels .St Michael will also accompany Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .So remember that the reign of the Ant-Christ is 3 1/2 years and only after that (not known how long) will Jesus come to the world but not as a man but as a Spirit and everyone in our planet will see Him.

Julie Stearns · Registered nurse at Riverview Manor Nursing Home
I too believe him I know they have incinerators and was told about one such one in the area I live in in Illinois the Quad city area Rock Island Arsenal. I also know of incinerating caskets seen accidentally in Savannah Illinois I also know redondo base is the location which has a underwater region connected with the military Nasa and other entities private corporations like John Deere which by the way Bill Gates is associated with yes people this man is the real deal I believe.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

"Mavin Robert's" comment should be taken with a grain of salt, very few Illuminati are paid at this level. In fact, most of them make less than minimum wage (illegal, but who ya gonna complain to?), and a good vs. bad month often depends on tips. And trust me, people you just debased and enslaved are lousy tippers.

Also, as most of you realize, "Mavin" is an Illuminati title, not a first name, meaning "an expert or connoisseur." If you knew the "Robert" this was referring to ("Bob" in Accounting), you would know that claim is even more ludicrous than his salary estimates. For example, he still drinks wine coolers. He put his stupid recruitment comment on a bunch of websites (I use Zip Recruiter), including this post by a couple of dykes that had a whole bunch of similar come-ons attached to it.

6 Goals of the Illuminati Documented in 1924 Newspaper Article
Aaron Dykes Melissa Dykes
February 17, 2016


Now fast forward to today and take a look around. Notice anything…?

Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton Dykes created as an outlet to examine the news, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free…

ramos lucy
join the brotherhood you will be be given 0ne Million dollars instantly and you will be earning $500,000,00. every 2weeks.. join today and become richer and famous in life till death, I am one of the agents sent by the grand master to bring as many of those who are interested in becoming a member of the Illuminati to the great Illuminati temple, I was ones like you I could not even feed my family what kind of life was that I lived in poverty until I saw an opportunity to be a member of the great Illuminati brotherhood and I took my chances and I have been a member for close to ten years now and now this is your chances to also be a member all you need to do now is to send me a massage in order to get more information and you can also email us at

Charri Nobert
Hello!!! Do you want to be a member of the great illuminati and start receiving 50,000,000,00USD monthly and be popular among others and have riches and fame,,this is the only chance of being of the illuminati..I was sent by the freemason high chief to bring 52 members into the illuminati,I have gotten 32,so we looking for 20,,so try and be among the tweenty people to be rich and famous, Email us on ; so we can begin the joining process!!!

Illuminati Kingdom
PROCEDURE OF JOINING GREAT ILLUMINATI TEMPLE Of MONEY AND POWER, JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL XXX or mail ( Are you a business man or woman, political, musician, student, the you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 40 thousand dollars in a week, and a free home. any where you choose to live in this world and also get 40,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary…
BENEFITS ARE GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOINS ILLUMINATI. make a choice that you will not regret in your life today,If you are interested call the agent now XXXXX for information on how to join the great illuminati temple or you can also email us for immediate online initiation.

Are you a Business man or an Artist,Politicians or Pastor and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice, or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the church of illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. we also help out our member in protection of drugs pushing, once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, illuminati make there member happy so i will want you all to also be a member of the illuminati. Thanks.

Dr Upesa
If you're lucky enough to read this, be rest assured that your life is in for a major upgrade and turn around that will leave your peers, colleagues, and family members astounded and amazed by your incredible success story. Ladies and gents, I present to you the genuine ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD. If you're fed up with the current situation in your life and are prepared to take a major leap of faith with us I assure you that you will not be disappointed. Kindly email: or call XXXXX for more info on how to join discreetly and easily with no hassles. Remember the greatest risk in life is to never take a risk.

Pope John

Pope John
INSTRUCTIONS!; If you do not want to join the Illuminati do not read this message. Rules * You must be serious * You must have full access to the internet. * You must not discuss the secret of the Illuminati to another man. Kindly contact Mr Frank Illu the illuminati online registrations officer in USA/NIGERIA having interest on How to Join Illuminati in UK How to Join Illuminati in Kenya How to Join Illuminati in USA How to Join Illuminati in South Africa How to Join Illuminati in Canada through their email now: and you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the satan and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eridicate poverty away from your life now. So contact Mr James Hebrew the online registrar at:

steve simth
2016-07-16 06:12 THE ILLUMINATI MEMBERSHIP FORM, IS OUT NOW!!! ***THE NEW WORLD ORDER***The Illuminati is a group of massive successful entrepreneurs, musicians, actors, politicians and other high-ranking social place holders make up the Illuminati. We are taking over the world in the near future Imagine being able to alter your world in the areas of Love, Money, Career, Sexual Intimacy, Bad Karma,HIV cure, and Will Power! Imagine being able to bring back lost lovers, make someone sexually attracted to you, bring good luck to others, lose weight, stop smoking, get a promotion or raise, or simply come into big money...Are you a BUSINESS MAN and WOMAN, POLITICIAN, ARTIST OR ACTRESS, STUDENT, TRADER, WORKER, WHOSOEVER YOU MAY BE and you desire WEALTH, INFLUENCE, FAME, POWER, PROTECTION AND CONNECTION and lot more join the great Illuminati today and become a full Multi billionaires by joining the Great Illuminati world to benefits $100,000 weekly and $500,000 monthly as membership blessing for becoming a member of the great Illuminati. with this all your dreams and your heart desire can be fully accomplish .for more information on how to become a member add me up or inbox me we are looking forward to you................

"Follow the Money"
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:Also, as most of you realize, "Mavin" is an Illuminati title, not a first name, meaning "an expert or connoisseur." If you knew the "Robert" this was referring to ("Bob" in Accounting), you would know that claim is even more ludicrous than his salary estimates. For example, he still drinks wine coolers. He put his stupid recruitment comment on a bunch of websites (I use Zip Recruiter), including this post by a couple of dykes that had a whole bunch of similar come-ons attached to it.
Well, in the higher Illuminati circles, he is known as "Momzer Robert".
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- David Hume
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

steve simth
2016-07-16 06:12 THE ILLUMINATI MEMBERSHIP FORM, IS OUT NOW!!! ***THE NEW WORLD ORDER***The Illuminati is a group of massive successful entrepreneurs, musicians, actors, politicians and other high-ranking social place holders make up the Illuminati. We are taking over the world in the near future Imagine being able to alter your world in the areas of Love, Money, Career, Sexual Intimacy, Bad Karma,HIV cure, and Will Power! Imagine being able to bring back lost lovers, make someone sexually attracted to you, bring good luck to others, lose weight, stop smoking, get a promotion or raise, or simply come into big money...Are you a BUSINESS MAN and WOMAN, POLITICIAN, ARTIST OR ACTRESS, STUDENT, TRADER, WORKER, WHOSOEVER YOU MAY BE and you desire WEALTH, INFLUENCE, FAME, POWER, PROTECTION AND CONNECTION and lot more join the great Illuminati today and become a full Multi billionaires by joining the Great Illuminati world to benefits $100,000 weekly and $500,000 monthly as membership blessing for becoming a member of the great Illuminati. with this all your dreams and your heart desire can be fully accomplish .for more information on how to become a member add me up or inbox me we are looking forward to you................

This makes me laugh. Of course, this is but one of many phony Illuminatis set up to distract the gullible from the actions of the genuine Illuminati. All I can say is that Illuminati membership cannot be sought out -- indeed, if you seek it out, you are almost always likely to be rejected (and lucky to be sent away with only a rejection letter). If you are worthy, the Illuminati will find YOU.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

From the Hebrew (ממזר), a momzer is a person born of a forbidden relationship (incest, extra-marital affair, etc.).
All accountants here were born as a result of forbidden relationships, it goes with the job. As for Illuminati recruiting, who the @#$! signed up this loser back in 2015. He can't even decide on his own first name. No wonder evil has gone downhill!

Oliver Thomas August 14, 2015 at 3:54 AM

My name is Alan 52 yrs old from USA.I have been living in abject poverty for the past years now and my wife, my friends and family abandoned me,I almost lost my senses due to thinking. I have searched everywhere, do all manners of work but no one could give me the amount of money needed to give me good life. I wanted to join robbing, the day I was to be initiated unfortunately! the gangs where caught by the cops. Hard life goes on I keep on struggling no friends, no money,no family to encourage me, I was totally frustrated. I saw different things online things like'' Illuminati''I apply to several but find it to be fake and on this faithful Tuesday, I snatched a wallet from this cool dude, on my way running something like ice fell on me which made me stopped and immediately my attitude changed before I knew it, I found myself in a big house which belongs to the person I snatched the wallet from and I begged and explain what prompt me to do so the woman was a woman of kind heated and she promised to help me, the other day she took me to some strange and familiar people they urge me to join them. first I disagree,why?I thought joining them will involve killing my love ones...later,I realize that it was not so then I agreed to become a member,they made the necessary procedure but behold,now I own more than one house, I have the best cars,and my loving wife who ran away from me previously returned back... without using anyone for sacrifice now I will be forever happy why is it that good and riches don't come to people easily? if I had know about this,I would have be a wealthy and successful man long ago.. long live Illuminati world temple you can be like me if only you are determined and made up your mind to join the hood.... Contact the temple on: OR CALL:XXXXX TEMPLE ORDER: Join now and acquire your wealth, power, fame, good health, prosperity, control etc. what so ever you desire from the great master so will it be. Are you doing business and you want breakthrough? you are a politician and you want to win election? Are you a student, actor, actress, music artist and you want to excel look no further as we will take you there.... Or you pastor a church and you need abundant members leave that for us. no human sacrifice needed, no dirty game.strictly for 20 years and above.ensure you made up your mind before applying.For application reply....

The cool dude was a woman? Are we Illuminati clever or what?!



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Re: Illuminati PR

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by AndyK »

It seems that the Department of Disinformation is doing a fairly good job.

I strongly recommend that their thumbscrews be loosened three notches.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Oliver Thomas August 14, 2015 at 3:54 AM

My name is Alan 52 yrs old from USA.I have been living in abject poverty for the past years now and my wife, my friends and family abandoned me,I almost lost my senses due to thinking. ...
That explains a lot.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

The Illuminati want you to know about these "16 Mind-Blowing Facts" we don't want you to know about! From one of those stupid "keep clicking on 'next'" websites that come up as ads I just happened across on a non-associated website.

16 Mind-Blowing Facts The Illuminati Don't Want You To Know

The All-Seeing Eye is always watching...


Everyone has seen it - the so-called "All-Seeing Eye", following the world's population around, controlling it, not allowing people to live their lives in peace. This beady eye is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful - and it is allegedly the symbol of an influential secret society known as the Illuminati.

People may have heard of the concept of the Illuminati, but they cannot be sure whether or not it is the stuff of myth, legend and superstition, or whether this organisation really has infiltrated every aspect of society and controls the population of the world.

Conspiracy theorists would have you believe that the Illuminati is still at large, controlling the world on a global scale due to its presence inside worldwide financial institutions, national governments and even multi-national organisations.

But, if this secret society is as powerful as some people believe, how did it come to gain such a strong and far-reaching influence? Where did the Illuminati originate from and, if it is a secret organisation, how do people actually know about it? Also, what symbols other than the All-Seeing Eye are associated with this secret organisation?

Well, here are 16 mind-blowing facts about the Illuminati that the supposedly secret organisation doesn't want you to know about...

16. Illuminati Means "The Enlightened Ones"... A Group Who Know More Than The Rest Of Society

Illuminati - from the Latin "Lit Up Persons"

The Illuminati likes to keep itself hidden off as a secret group which any outsider cannot infiltrate - and the meaning of the organisation's name reflects this.

"Illuminati" literally means "enlightened" in Latin - and supposedly contains members who are better informed and more knowledgeable than those are not in the organisation.

Hopefully that information makes you more enlightened, anyway...

[How true. Let's face it, most non-initiates wouldn't have a clue as to the proper procedures during a human sacrifice to Satan, now would they? Then again, this is hardly "mind blowing."]

15. They Are Actually A Non-Religious Sect... So Claims They Carry Out Christian Deeds Are False

In popular culture - including in the film and book "Angels and Demons" - the Illuminati are often portrayed as a religious order, sometimes even with links to the papacy and the Catholic Church.

However, the Illuminati was actually set up as a secular, non-religious sect who wanted to dismiss religious influence over public life and state power.

Unlikely that the Pope is going to be a member, don't you think?

[True once again, if you're the wrong kind of religious, you can't be in the sect. As for it being "unlikely that the Pope is going to be a member," I'll let him know your opinion at the next NWO stockholder's meeting.]

14. The Illuminati Was Actually Formed In Opposition To Superstition... Yet It Has Become The Stuff Of Legend

Another one of the founding principles of the Illuminati that is misunderstood is that it was against superstition and "obscurantism" - which is when facts are deliberately withheld from the public.

Ironically, the Illuminati has become one of the most mysterious and unusual groups in the world - almost the stuff of legend - and so is almost in opposition to its own founding principles.

[What the @#$!? The only reason the Illuminati wouldn't want outsiders to know these things are because they're so lame!]

13. The Illuminati Has Not Officially Existed Since 1785... But Many Groups Claim To Be Off-Shoots

First established in Bavaria in May 1776, the Illuminati in its original form lasted just nine years before it was outlawed in 1785.

With the Roman Catholic Church and the Bavarian government worried about the impact the Illuminati could have, an Edict was released by German ruler Karl Theodor in 1785 that outlawed the organisation.

Due to the fact the Illuminati had arisen out of the Enlightenment, any conservative politicians at the time feared the organisation - so Theodor banned all secret societies. Theodor then demanded that all of the Illuminati's secret documents were confiscated and published, so this forced the movement even further underground - with groups such as the Ordo Templi Orientis claiming to be an organisation directly descended from the original Illuminati.

If the Illuminati does still exist, then it really is an underground movement.

[If they don't exist, then how can they not want you to know these things?]

12. There Are Three Classes In The Order Of The Illuminati

In January 1782, the Illuminati in its original form published a three-tiered system of grades for the order.

This three-tiered system established a hierarchy within the organisation, and the classes were:
Class I - "The Nursery" (containing the Noviciate, the Minerval and Illuminatus minor). Class II - "The Masonic Grades" (this involved three "blue-lodge" sub-grades of Apprentice, Companion and Master). Class III - "The Mysteries" (lesser mysteries included Priest and Prince, while the greater mysteries included Mage and King).

Due to the fact there were sub-categories even within the individual classes of the organisation this meant that there was a clear hierarchy for the Illuminati. It begs the question, does such a hierarchy still remain in place to this day?


11. Allegedly Members Of The Illuminati Have Already Infiltrated Every Level Of Worldwide Society

The Illuminati as we "know" it today, or as we like to think we "know" it, has supposedly infiltrated every level of worldwide society.

In fact, the US government, the Vatican City, NATO, the UN, Hollywood and global media outlets are just some of the prominent and powerful groups who have supposedly been infiltrated - or even initially established - by the Illuminati.

Allegedly, because this group controls the government and all forms of media, that is the reason why this conspiracy is able to be kept under wraps and people just go about their everyday lives without realising the Illuminati is running a global empire.


10. The Illuminati Allegedly Control The Banks And Big Business... And That's How The Conspiracy Is Financed

You're thinking: "How could the Illuminati possibly have the resources to run a conspiracy on a global scale?" Well, because they allegedly control most of the money too.

The biggest banks in the world and the leading global businesses supposedly have connections dating back to the formation of the original Illuminati in Bavaria - and allegedly finance the conspiracy's activities accordingly.

No reason has ever been given as to why such a conspiracy is needed if they already own the money-making businesses, but those are the allegations...

9. Alleged Members Include Miley Cyrus, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga... And The Pope


Although theorists have claimed for centuries that the Illuminati have infiltrated national governments and international organisations, an interesting phenomena of the 21st Century have been the allegations levelled at the popular culture industry.

Musicians, actors and literary figures have been seen covering their eyes, creating the Illuminati's supposed triangle symbol with their hands, and in many other ways supposedly "proving" their links to the organisation.

Rappers in particular - including Jay-Z, Snoop Dog and Kanye West - have been accused of being members, as have Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Emma Watson, Celine Dion, Rihanna and Bradley Cooper.

Interestingly, the Pope is another alleged member - despite the fact the organisation is anti-religion by nature - as is Barack Obama.

It would be great to witness a secret meeting of the Illuminati just to see Jay-Z greet the Pope, wouldn't it?

[Duh, and make up your mind about the Pope! Sheesh!]

8. The Illuminati Have Been Blamed For Such Historic Events As The Assassination Of JFK, The Battle Of Waterloo And The French Revolution

One of the many accusations levelled at the Illuminati is that they have been the masterminds behind some of most-important events in history.

Famously, some conspiracy theorists claimed the Illuminati orchestrated the 9/11 terror attacks and that it was not actually Al Qaeda. Others have claimed that President George W Bush was a member of the Illuminati and that he deliberately orchestrated the attacks for his own political means.

Other historic events that the Illuminati have supposedly been responsible for include the assassination of President John F Kennedy in 1963 (given extra credence due to the fact there remains evidence a second shooter was present), Emperor Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, as well as the French Revolution itself - with the anti-religious nature of this important event drawing parallels with the ideals of the original Bavarian organisation.


7. The "New World Order" Theory Was Originally Anti-Jewish Propaganda... And Has No Basis Of Truth At All

The Illuminati and the so-called "New World Order" are now two concepts that are often portrayed as inseparable entities - but they are actually mutually exclusive.

Whereas the Illuminati have existed in some capacity since the 1770s, the New World Order theory only arose early in the 20th Century when anti-Semitic propagandists such as Nesta Webster and Edith Miller alleged Jews were propping up both finance capitalism and Soviet Communism in order to divide and rule the entire planet.

Supposedly a secretive Jewish power elite with a globalist agenda have conspired to rule the world via an authoritarian global government - but, even if such a thing as the "New World Order" conspiracy theory does exist, it is not the same as the Illuminati.

[ :whistle: ]

6. Theories That The Illuminati Run The US Government Originate From The Fact The Declaration Of Independence was Signed Just Months After The Organisation Was Formed

The Illuminati secret society was founded in Bavaria on May 1, 1776 - and, just two months later, on July 4, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by a Continental Congress to establish the original thirteen states of the USA.

Due to the fact the Declaration of Independence came just two months after the formation of the Illuminati, many conspiracy theorists have suggested that some members of the secret organisation were involved in the original establishment of the United States of America.

These theorists then claim that members of the Illuminati have remained as prominent government figures in the USA - in both the Democratic and Republican parties - ever since, and that they are therefore pushing their own secret agenda on to a worldwide scale.

5. The Freemasons And The Illuminati Are Not The Same Organisation

Another common misconception - that some people think the Illuminati want you to believe - is that the Freemasons and the Illuminati are one and the same. In fact, the Freemasonry is a separate organisation altogether, although it does share many common principles with the Illuminati.

A fraternal organisation that can be traced back until at least the 14th Century, the Freemasons are one of the world's oldest and largest non-religious groups. Alongside its dismissal of religion, the Freemasonry also shares a hierarchical system similar to that of the Illuminati. Yet the Freemasonry's existence is acknowledged, despite the fact it is exclusive to its own members, whereas the Illuminati has not been proven to still be around.

Interestingly though, despite the fact the Freemasonry has been accused by some as being another branch of the Illuminati, it has actually suffered suppression from both the extreme right (including in Nazi Germany) and from the extreme left (most notably in the USSR).


4. Illuminati Mythology Does Not Actually Feature Satanism... Or Blood Sacrifice

Anyone who has watched "Angels and Demons" or any other film which depicts the Illuminati as some sort of satanic cult sacrificing humans to Beelzebub would be forgiven for thinking this is exactly what the organisation is - but this is simply untrue.

The original Bavarian Illuminati did not go about making blood sacrifices to Lucifer or repeating bizarre satanic chants for no apparent reason.

Yes, the Illuminati were an anti-religious group but that did not make them Satanic. There is no evidence to suggest that the Illuminati did - or ever has - sacrificed members, or enemies, to the Devil. So all those theories about Whitney Houston's death are more than likely a load of rubbish, it seems...

[ :whistle: :whistle: ]

3. The Original Illuminati Symbol Was Not The "All-Seeing Eye" Or A Pyramid... But An Owl

The symbols that have come to be associated with the Illuminati are the "All-Seeing Eye" and a spooky pyramid - but they were not the first emblem adopted by the group.

Popular culture seems to have made the association between the "All-Seeing Eye" - or "Eye of Providence" - and the Illuminati, but it was actually an owl that was first used by the organisation.

The "Owl of Minerva" or "Owl of Athena" is a symbol of knowledge, first featured in Roman mythology - and it was chosen as the Illuminati's image due to the fact it highlights wisdom and perspicacity, something the organisation claimed to have.


2. The "All-Seeing Eye" Features On US Bank Notes... Which Is Why Some Believe The Federal Reserve Is Under Illuminati Control

As has already been mentioned, the "All-Seeing Eye" was never originally a symbol of the Illuminati but has come to be linked with the organisation through popular culture.

Despite this, due to the fact that both the All-Seeing Eye and the unfinished pyramid feature on the US one-dollar bank notes, this has led to some people claiming that the American government is actually controlled by the Illuminati.

Seen on the reverse of the note just above the unfinished pyramid, the All-Seeing Eye features on all one-dollar bills in the USA. Is the US government - AKA (allegedly) the Illuminati - really keeping tabs on the whole population?

[ :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: ]

1. The Illuminati Supposedly Create Their Own False Conspiracy Theories So That People Fail To Learn Of Their Existence

Critics of Illuminati conspiracy theorists often say that the idea is ridiculous, and that far too many supposed theories exist for it to possibly be true.

However, believers of the conspiracy say that this merely proves the existence of the Illuminati - and that the organisation themselves are responsible for throwing people off the real scent.

It is alleged that Illuminati members invent false conspiracy theories in order to discredit the real global plot that they are involved in - and to confuse those who are getting close to discovering the truth.

That's a whole lot of conspiracy theories of conspiracy theories about conspiracy theories right there (if that makes any sort of sense at all)...

[They didn't mention even one of the nastier things we've done, like putting that stuff in the water that turned the frogs gay. Maybe Satan is right (don't fall over, even a broke clock ...), and we need some new PR guys.]

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Stryker, of The Last Line of DooDoo, who broke the "they dug up Vince Foster but then lost him" story, has blabbed and really pissed off The Big Guy. Imagine the New World Order not killing anyone for 25 years? What kind of lame evil organization do they think we are? You can see how deep of an insult this is, and why He Who Must Not Be Named is ready to unleash a little hellfire on his behind.

LEAKED: Globalist ‘New World Order’ Marks Someone For Death For The 1st Time In 25 Years


The New World order, a not-so-secret organization made up of rich families and powerful government operatives from across the globe has been pushing the world towards a single globalist regime for decades. By manipulating the United Nations and installing puppets like Paul Ryan, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and others to high ranking positions in America, they have come very close to achieving their goals.

Until President Trump that it.

Now that there is someone who cares more about his country than the rest of the world and more about our economy than a few endangered animals, President Trump has become a liability and an enemy of the globalist regime. A source deep inside the organization said that Obama and his Deep State shadow government are entrenched in the battle to bring America to the world stage Trump has promised to keep us from.

That operative, who remains anonymous, is working for our president. He told Reuters:

“For the first time since the 1990s, the people running the show behind the scenes have determined that a head of state is too powerful and too popular with the people. They murdered Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin and now they’ve put out the word that Donald Trump is next. A plan is being put in place to blame ‘right-wing extremists’ so the liberal agenda of world domination can take a step forward”

Secret Service has acknowledged the threat and will be stepping up security. Please share this post and help us pray for the life of our beloved president. He may be the only thing standing between us and a socialist world government.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by The Observer »

Well, of course "The Big Guy" hasn't killed anyone for 25 years, but that is because he was laid off when the shape-shifting Lizards from Regula IX leveraged a hostile takeover of the Illuminati. He got an attractive severance package and a nice office (but inconveniently situated 666 floors below the UN parking garage).
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Gregg »

I dunno about the head office, I'm just in charge of the Air Force, but the 699th Airborne Assault Dachshund Regiment kills a few people every week just in training as live target practice. You dont6even need a reason.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

The Reptilians never actually took over the Illuminati, and in fact gave the voting proxies for their block of stock to Satan as part of that deal Velna and I worked out for all of Earth's Ammonia. The oppressive dark overlords on the Reptilian home planet don't seem to care, as long has they can have a few cocktails when they get home from a hard day enslaving the galaxy they're happy. I understand that a favorite is the "Reptilian Old Fashioned"

Crush a small lump of sugar in a cocktail glass containing a little water,
add a lump of ice,
two dashes of Angostura bitters,
a small piece of lemon peel,
one jigger of liquid Ammonia.
Mix with small bar spoon.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

A famous third century Roman arch, along with other archeological treasures, in Palyra was blown up by ISIS/ISIL/Daesh a couple of years ago. This shocked much of the world, and resulted in an initiative to recreate it from a huge database of photos that had been taken to digitally record our cultural history. This replica arch was shown in London and New York, and was set up in Florence last month to coincide with the G7 meeting March 30 & 31. Most saw this as an act of defiance in the face of the actual arch's destruction, but not everyone...

Monday, April 10, 2017
EXPOSED! Illuminati "Arch of Baal" unveiled at 'Elite' Party



Illuminati "Arch of Baal" (Syria) unveiled at Global Elite Summit Exposed G7 (2017)
Published on Apr 8, 2017

[Video, basically saying: 1) Archway came from temple of Baal; 2) There from March 27 to April 27; 3) 27 guys met at the Vatican not long ago; 4) The got a chimera statue there too, which represents genetic hybrid humans; 5) Why are they celebrating the religion of ancient Babylon? Cause that's what the Illuminati do; 6) They G7 had a party nearby, which proves they are Luciferian NWO types; 7) The Catholic Church is in on it too, you can tell because of where it's located; 8) You can see Neptune's statue through the arch, which has something to do with "the days of Sodom" and a fertility ritual; 9) The video ends in a prayer to negate the bad juju that follows even pictures of this thing around.]

It's especially interesting timing considering what is also currently going on with Syria. The Arch of Palmyra will stand here through Easter/Passover from 27th March to 27th April 2017. But despite their false inverted religious rituals, we know that the one true God is in control and that we are safe in His hands. Jesus Christ is the good shepherd.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:19:00 AM

The arch was not part of any temple, it was over a street. The "Temple of Bel," is nearby, but Bel was not Baal, and the temple actually for Palmyra's 3 gods Bel, Aglibol and Yarhibol. But that doesn't matter, what does is the bad publicity that will result if this goes viral! Normally I wouldn't be concerned, the production value of the video leaves a LOT to be desired, but with Satan so concerned about our "brand" recently you can't be too careful.

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Sheesh, could the guys at NESARA News get a story any more wrong?

Saturday, April 22, 2017
Russia's missile that can take out Texas


Dan Seitz
Oct 26th 2016 2:13PM

Russia has been in the news lately largely thanks to its attempts to relaunch the Cold War on the internet and its unquestioning support of the Assad regime in Syria. And now it's grabbed attention for another reason: They've debuted the sequel no one wanted to its "Satan" nuclear missile.​​​

The Satan 2, officially known as the RS-28 Sarmat, has been an open secret for a while now as Russia has more or less engaged in the geopolitical equivalent of a marketing campaign. And this is no different as the first specs were declassified by the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau.

On paper the missile is state of the art, able to evade radar defenses and travel far enough to hit the East or West Coast of the US with a payload that could destroy an area the size of Texas.

[photos of rockets and troops]

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:45:00 PM


Anonymous April 22, 2017 at 1:40 PM
Funny how those 'Russian' troops in the top photo have AR15 rifles with Canadian Elcan scopes on them. Hmmmmmm.

Olive Oyl April 22, 2017 at 4:48 PM
Hey AR pro - why don't you go to Google and find an appropriate picture that meets with your approval and email to us? We will remove the pic that you don't agree with and replace with your choice. Pics are included from time to time simply to make a post more attractive or interesting - not always are pics sent to us that would meet your standards. So, since you know so much - go find a pic with the correct guns and send it. We will consider posting. In the meantime, if you aren't going to he helpful, then keep your mouth shut or be removed.

The missile is named "Satan" due to a licensing agreement between the big guy downstairs and Vladimir Putin. Part of his effort to make money from the Illuminati "brand," he's pleased as punch that he gets his named plastered over the side of an ICBM, even though the money involved is modest and only paid once they are launched, presumably at the start of the destruction of life as we know it. As for it taking out Texas, this is simply a side benefit. Asked why, Putin supposedly answered, "Have you ever been to Texas?" You gotta admit, he has a point.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

As seen at NESARA News:

Monday, May 1, 2017
2016 Election Mystery Solved, “Hidden Hand” Reveals Itself

Staged U.S. Presidential Selection of 2016:
Who did it and why?

The concealed back story that the conservative Right will refuse to believe,
and the Alt Right will begrudgingly acknowledge

State of the Nation
There has never been, and there will never be, another campaign season like the 2016 presidential election cycle.
That factoid alone ought to give many people good reason to pause and ask: Why, really, did the American people recently experience the wildest and wackiest election in U.S. history?
World Shadow Government decided in favor of a Trump presidency

But why?
Simply put, this kind of profound and pervasive political destruction doesn’t take place except by purposeful design. How could any candidate ever acquire such a high and sustained media platform unless it is deliberately provided by the “hidden hand” of global governance (i.e. World Shadow Government). After all, TPTB own and operate the entire MSM. Nothing makes it onto the evening news or front pages of the newspapers unless it was “planned that way”.
... As the preceding article makes quite clear, son-in-law Jared Kushner (frontman for the NWO globalists) is really running the whole show ...


Divide and Rule

There is, however, something much bigger that occurred during the 2015/2016 campaign season. TPTB who control the whole “divide and rule” election process quite purposefully and craftily fielded the two most hated presidential candidates in U.S. history. In fact, the single most important reason why citizens (and non-citizens) voted on Election Day 2016 was to ensure that the opposing candidate lost. The unprecedented animosity on both sides was so intense that the post-election after-effects continue to occur with great consequence to this very day, as they will continue to.

Why, exactly, did TPTB do this?

Because they are methodically setting up the nation for war, and lots of it–both civil and foreign. They are also preparing the USA for another real estate collapse and stock market crash like those that occurred in 2007 and 2008 respectively, as well as a pension breakdown. In the aggregate, these fastidiously engineered events will lead to such widespread financial hardship that a global economic depression will ensue. This is just the setup, however, for a more crucial part of the NWO scheme being executed toward a One World Government.
Political Bipolar Syndrome

How did they do it? How did they pull off another election scam on the American people?
TPTB simply took advantage of what they easily exploit every campaign season; they appealed to the primal desires and base emotions of the electorate. ...

We're finally getting the credit we deserve.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:We're finally getting the credit we deserve.
And appropriately that it is occurring today, May 1st:

1776 – The secret society known as the Order of the Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt and Adolph von Knigge in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:We're finally getting the credit we deserve.
And appropriately that it is occurring today, May 1st:

1776 – The secret society known as the Order of the Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt and Adolph von Knigge in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany.
An Illuminati holiday, or would be if I wasn't behind in my evil and had to make up time. The stresses of modern life. BTW, my Illuminati bloodline comes from Freiherr Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig "Baron von" Knigge ("Knight" is how it got "translated" into English at Ellis Island), which his how I get my service to Lucifer, feeling that I'm "better" than the ordinary scum out there, and good manners.
In Germany, Knigge is best remembered for his book Über den Umgang mit Menschen (On Human Relations), a treatise on the fundamental principles of human relations that has the reputation of being the authoritative guide to behaviour, politeness, and etiquette. The work is more of a sociological and philosophical treatise on the basis of human relations than a how-to guide on etiquette, but the German word “Knigge” has come to mean “good manners” or books on etiquette.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:BTW, my Illuminati bloodline comes from Freiherr Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig "Baron von" Knigge...
Just as long as you don't start telling us about your grandmother who was a child prodigy and movie actress at 11 years old, who attended 15 military academies, who studied with 8 of the greatest economic minds in the world, who invented a wonderful recipe for tortillas that was endorsed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as the one food that could stop hunger throughout the galaxy, and who was known as the Michaelangela Brangelina of Albanian military intelligence. Frankly, we have all heard this story ad nauseum at those mind-numbing after-hour sessions you host (and which most of the attendees mockingly refer to them as "DK's oral lobotomy hour"). What you just don't seem to get that its simply not enough to impress people with your connection to a Illuminati founder from a long time ago; they would actually like to see you putting some time on the clock with actual accomplishments.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote: What you just don't seem to get that its simply not enough to impress people with your connection to a Illuminati founder from a long time ago; they would actually like to see you putting some time on the clock with actual accomplishments.
First of all, we ALL have to come from Illuminati bloodlines. If you somehow slipped through without the "right" genes, I suggest a testicle transplant immediately (there are actually quite a few Bundy balls on the market), before the big guy downstairs finds out.
13 Illuminati Bloodlines
Warning: If you don’t believe in a literal Satan actively intervening in human affairs, much of what Fritz reveals will be pretty hard to swallow.
When a member of an Illuminati bloodline reaches the age of 3, he or she is taken to meet an Illuminati Grande Mother, a high-level Satanic priestess. These meetings are held twice a year and are attended by all Illuminati families and their Mothers of Darkness.

The Grande Mother examines and evaluates seven Illuminati children. If the child is worthy of entry into the Illuminati, he or she is assigned to one of the Illuminati bloodlines. For each approved child, another is sacrificed and his or her blood is used to write the name of the newly-approved Illuminati child.
Satan himself blessed the twelve bloodlines of the Illuminati in mockery of God’s own Twelve Tribes of Israel.

The 13th bloodline of the Illuminati was infused with Satan’s own seed and passed down through the Satanic House of David and the French Merovingian bloodline – Fritz own twist on Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Messianic Legacy. The Anti-Christ will be born from this 13th Satanic bloodline.

According to Fritz, the number 13 is extremely important to the Illuminati. Bermuda was denied entry into the Union because it was very important for the Illuminati to have 13 colonies.

The Thirteen Illuminati bloodlines are the Astor bloodline, the Bundy bloodline, the Collins bloodline, the DuPont bloodline, the Freeman bloodline, the Kennedy bloodline, the Li bloodline (李), the Onassis bloodline, the Rockefeller bloodline, the Rothschild bloodline, the Russell bloodline, the Van Duyn bloodline and the previously mentioned Merovingian bloodline.
The House of Rothschild is in charge of the Illuminati’s finance. The family always sets a place at the dinner table in case Satan decides to show up. (He wears a black tuxedo and only his cloven hooves are visible.)
The family also has a habit of spreading its bloodline outside the family by impregnating as many women as possible.

Both Abraham Lincoln and Adolph Hitler were part of a Rothschild secret breeding program.
Hitler’s occult power was preserved by an Illuminati insider who plunged a knife in Hitler’s heart and swallowed his last breath as Adolph died.

As you can see from the description and my "MO," the Knight/Knigge/Schwarzenegger family is a branch of the Rothschilds that took the "impregnating as many women as possible" family trait to an extreme. Look at how much trouble it got Arnold into. As for my accomplishments, I'd like to see you thwart prosperity every day like I do and still have time it takes to be #1 in the breeding program. I'll let my thwarting list speak for itself.

NESARA announced? No.
RV? No.
GRC? No.
Prosperity deliveries? No.
Free energy? No.
Unicorns that pee Champagne? Not since 2014.
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