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Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:31 pm
by Deep Knight
From the PagPawnt forum:

Today's Attention on ~ Lightworker Report for August 14

Each time we put our attention here in growing #numbers#
we are assisting in shifting Reality & sustaining & re-newing it
as we chisel away athe hardark dream of illusion in a Vision of Light.
Lightworkers of the World & Beyond United in the Glowing Love Divine.
A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace

Lightworker Report for August 14

Hello Dear Lightworkers:

Progress toward the Golden Age continues!

My Higher Self I-Ching reading today shows Enthusiasm, sureness and Freedom from hesitation. This enthusiasm is openly received by all concerned! This tells me that the former Illuminati are getting more comfortable with their role and the curtain will soon go up on the Announcement.

The Higher Self Tarot shows rainbows and celebration among the people intermingled with Judgment, the card of awakening people to a Higher Truth.

All in all, the future is looking very bright at this moment in time.

What a wonderful time to be alive in the body! And what better way to appreciate this wonderful day that to choose to be the greatest blessing to all life on Earth we can be!

Bless Gaia and Humanity by flowing the Golden Light of Pure Unconditional Love from your Higher Self to them, and telling them We are All One. I Love You!
Bless the Earth even more by sweeping the Tropical Atlantic and HAARP with the Magic Golden Broom, moving all potential disturbances into the Golden Vortexes to become Pure Unconditional Love worldwide.
Bless the key Illuminati with Higher Self Perfect Love, awakening them from their nightmare of fear and separation.
Bless yourself with the joy of imagining the blessings of the announcement are here and now!
Bless the Weather Angels, Herald Angels, Tree Angels, and Higher Selves of Humanity for their assistance.

Yes, dear Lightworkers, we came to this planet to be a blessing and to increase the ascension or harvest of this magical time. What a joy it is to fulfill our destinies as Lights of this world!

Visit Lightworker Central for complete details on our visualizations and to leave feedback to inspire others.

One very great incentive for Blessing all life on Earth, dear Lightworkers (not that you need one) is that whatever we sincerely bless, cannot harm us. That means all True Lightworkers are totally safe in this world.

If you are a blessing to all of life on Earth, all of Life becomes a blessing to you in turn! And, yes, you do deserve it!

Keep up the good work friends!

We are All One, I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Truth
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Perfect Love ripples through the Ocean that is our World
We Are All One, Love One Another!

I had never heard of this site before, so I visited it. Below is my favorite part, financial fraud!!!

Your Path to the Abundant Life

Dear friend, we are not only Spiritual Beings having a human experience, but, as humans, we also have material needs!

Opening to the Infinite Abundance of the Universe, which is our birthright as expressions of Infinite Spirit, can satisfy our desire to live and experience the beautiful life.

It can also help us to contribute to the good of all Life on Earth through funding charitable projects to heal the Earth, plants, animals, humanity and all Life on Earth!

Together, friends, we can create the prosperous life. The Spiritual Family that works together in faith and trust, prospers together.

We are constantly searching, with the aid of Higher Self Guidance for new businesses in harmony with Golden Age principles. Businesses that can bring Financial Freedom to all Lightworkers with minimal effort.

The Aloha Success Club is our premier offering.The Club has been investing offshore and is due to pay before the end of this year.The rate of return is 50 to 1.

I, Wisdom Paradise, Am the Club Manager. My Higher Self guarantees our success!

The Club accepts loans from time to time to cover current expenses. Expenses for August are covered. But you can reserve your place for the next Loan program.

To reserve your loan, go to The Aloha Success Club.

Remember, dear Lightworkers, you are magnificent and totally unique expressions of the One Great Light. Let your Light shine to bless all Life!

And, what is the Aloha Success Club (except a means of saying "Aloha" to your bank acount)? Stop me if you've hear this somewhere before...

The Aloha Success Club is a small part of a large Investment Group that has been doing international investments for the past few years.

The return for the Aloha Success Club Members will be 50:1. Funding will occur this year, 2008 without question!

My Higher Self founded the ASC and this, in itself, guarantees our success! The Higher Self is totally trustworthy.

As the need dictates, we offer you the opportunity to share in our funding by loaning us funds to meet current expenses between now and funding. You can pledge a loan for the next open loan program. The minimum pledge is $500 and the maximum is $10,000.

A $500 loan will return $25,000 and a $10,000 loan will return $500,000.

Payment options include:

Mailing a check
direct deposit to Bank of America
Western Union.
To pledge your loan, email Aloha Success Club stating

The amount you wish to loan
method of payment.
You will receive confirmation of your pledge by return email. As of August 14, there is no one on the list for the next open program. A perfect time to make your pledge!

Powerful non-disclosure agreements prevent any discussion of the investment details. You would not be making an investment as the investment is already made. You would be making a personal loan to me, Wisdom Paradise, Club Manager, and receive my personal promise to pay you 50:1 at funding not later than December 31, 2008.

What's that you are thinking? A 50:1 return in under six months is too Good to be True?

First of all, remember that the club has been active for the past several years and you are getting in at the tail end of the journey. Secondly, remember that The One Benevolent Source of All is everywhere present. Therefore nothing is too Good to be True!

Take a leap of Faith and act on your Intuitive Knowing as a Lightworker!

I suggest you consult your own Higher Self to determine the validity of this as a step toward your financial freedom.

I am a firm believer in Karma and would not invite you to partake of this blessing if I were not 100% certain you will be paid.

I can also recommend another Private Investment Club with a good success record of paying on 60% for a 30 day term and 160% for a 60 day term. They do not permit advertising but you can Contact me for details.

Need funds to loan or invest? The Easy Credit Card Company may be able to assist you. Choose from a wide selection of deals. In just a few weeks to a few months you can pay it off!

You deserve to live the abundant life and I want to help you reach a higher level of Joy in Living!

We are All One. I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Manager, The Aloha Success Club Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Email: Aloha Success Club
Phone: 954-523-4814

Deep Knight has tried the "My higher self tells me to ... and my higher self is never wrong," approach, but all it gained me were slaps in the face from outraged young lovelies.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:28 pm
by texino
Say this "higher self" kind of reminds me of "My own good self" which was the title used by another astute money manager. I wonder what PBR ,the idiot not the beer, thinks about this fellow light (fingered) worker? I better ask.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:22 pm
by Deep Knight
About Us

Welcome friends!

My name is Wisdom Paradise. I am a Teacher of Universal Law and a Higher Self Guide. I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have an M.ed Degree from the University of Florida in Counseling and I am a certified Alchemical Hypnotherapist( CHT) specializing in Higher Self Contact.

I am vegan out of a desire to create well being and not suffering in this world.

Through meditation, many years ago, I connected with my Higher Self. I enjoy ever increasing Unity with my Higher Self with each passing day. I presently live under the Law of Grace, an exaulted state attained by those in Unity Consciousness who are committed to create only well being for self and all life.

One of the benefits of a fully Open Higher Self Channel is Eternal Youth. I have received the gift of physical immortality, which means my body will continue to express radiant, youthful health for as long as I need to be in physical form. This body has been alive 67 years and , as you can see in my recent photograph, it is much younger!


You too can experience a fully open Higher Self Channel. The Emporium offers you multiple tools for enhancing and opening your own Higher Self Channel including a state of the art hypnotherapy CD to open your Higher Self Channel, a Higher Self Tarot Reading by email and a Higher Self I-Ching reading by email These tools can be found in the Spiritual Help Section.

Understanding Universal Law will also connect you more fully with your Higher Self.

As soon as funds become available, my Higher Self has guided me to create a new, state of the art website, The Personal Sovereignty Fellowship, to help you create the reality you prefer through understanding Universal Law and becoming a clear and open channel for Higher Self Guidance. Go to Personal Sovereignty Fellowship to explore the draft site.

In addition, we offer an amazing e-book, Understanding Universal Law.

If you are a Lightworker, you may want to visit The Lightworker Project. We are flowing Pure Unconditional Love to mass consciousness and Gaia, accelerating the Golden Age.

In addition, we offer a beautiful bumper sticker which will transform your car into a Lighthouse broadcasting the Supreme Truth We are All One. Love One Another! Click on the banner below for details:

If you want to attain Financial Freedom, please visit the Financial Help Section. We seek out opportunities which are in harmony with Golden Age principles and which can bring financial freedom to all Lightworkers with minimal effort. Visit the Financial Help Section. for details.

I might also mention that I am open to finding my True Mate for this last phase of my life. I have seen her in dreams but not yet in life. I know she is tall, probably around 5' 10", slim, graceful and committed to creating only well being for herself and all life. If you are that sweet woman in my dreams, please email: Soul Mate and let's get acquainted.

If you are interested in the highest quality health supplements, such as probiotics, multiple vitamins, colon aids and digestive enzymes, for your body temple, visit R-Garden Health Supplements. The majority of their supplements are totally vegan.

I invite you to join the Heavenly Light Emporium mailing list. Just send an email to Mailing List

If you are moved, out of the kindness of your Heart, to make a donation toward upkeep of this website, you can do so through paypal:

If you are interested in the highest quality health supplements for your body temple, 99% of which are totally Vegan, visit the company I buy from, R-Garden Health Supplements. Products to bloom the Garden within you.

Remember, friends, your every thought, feeling, word and action is a choice to create either suffering or well being for yourself and others.

Ask your Higher Self to always guide you , and you can be assured of always making the right choice and that is to Love yourself and all life unconditionally at all times.

Wisdom Paradise
email: Heavenly Light Emporium
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Teacher of Universal Law and Higher Self Awakener

Let your Light shine, dear friend.
The world needs your Love and Light.
Give your Perfect Gift to the world!

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:47 pm
by Deep Knight
Unknown to me until I knew it, I have run across this Wisdom Pardise scammer before, in one of Bellringer's "Humanitarian Project" post! Funny thing, if this guy is 100% sure of getting $billions from his 50:1-in-half-a-year investments, what does he need funds from Bellringer for???

----- Original Message -----
From: Heavenly Light Emporium
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: Environmental and Humanitarian Project

Dear Patrick:
The EarthStar Cafe Project. This project will educate people experientially about the benefits of a plant based diet to save the environment and to reduce human and animal suffering. It will encourage choice of diet based on compassion rather than habit.
I will be hiring key personnel to manage the project subject to my overview. We will create a prototype and then franchise it worldwide. It will serve delicious meat substitute fast food.
For details, go to :
We Are All One. I Love You,
Wisdom Paradise
Personal Sovereignty Master Guide
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:50 pm
by Deep Knight
Reference to an earlier version of this scam (2006, but it's paying off this year FOR SURE, honest!). From the Godlike Productions forum.

User ID: 111411
7/1/2006 10:24 AM
Report abusive post Understanding Universal Law Class

Hello Friends:

I am a Teacher of Universal Law and a certified Alchemical Hypnotherapist specializing in Higher Self contact.

My Higher Self has suggested I offer an on line class explaining Unversal Law.

There are NO accidents. All things, without exception, happen through Universal Law.

When we create something we desire, we call it "good luck". When we create something we do not like, we call it "bad luck".

In Truth, there is NO luck. What we call luck is simply using Universal Law by default.

You are using Universal Law right now either deliberately or by default to create everything in your life.

This class can help you move from default creation of what you do not want to deliberate creation of what you want.

The class will be interactive. That is , I will ask a question and you will answer. This is the way learning occurs, the deep mind must try to answer a question before it is open to receive the answer.

When teaching this same information off line , I ask $50 per person.

This on line class will be offered on a donation basis. If you feel you gained something worthwhile from the class, you can make a donation at the end.

How many of you would like to participate with me in this this on line class?

Blessings & Love Eternal

Wisdom Paradise
You are a wonderful Person
Deserving the Best Life has to offer.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 97470
7/6/2006 9:10 PM Re: Understanding Universal Law Class Quote

What is this Aloha Success Club on your web site... sounds like a Pyramid Scam... Please Explain...---------------------------------------
From your web site.

An amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity to make 25:1 on your money with an investment of as little as $500!

User ID: 97470
7/6/2006 9:36 PM Re: Understanding Universal Law Class Quote

What is United TSI

This amazing program provides a way to move from a one time $50 product deposit to infinite wealth with no sponsoring! A totally new pay it forward system replaces the need to sponsor.

You know I always saw EXACTLY what I mean, as I read your Web Site with these types of money games... it reminds me of the many pyramid scams in the 90's the Air Plane Game.

One of my BIGGEST Bittches about many of the New Age Organization is their need to SCAM Money from people in the name of Spiritual Development.

I appologize if I am a bit FRANK but your web site appears to have several SCEAMS to make money.

I do hope these programs have Intregrity.... for the Crown Chakra, throught which the Human Soul becomes Illuminated in Chirst Consciousness lives from a point of view of Surrender to the Divine... that also means the scams the human ego loves to play is gone.

You can not serve TWO LORDS... you either totally surrender yourself to the Higher power of your Divinity or you get caught up here in the human ego games of money..... manipulating and using other people.

Your web site smells like a person who is preying on others to create your wealth... that is a way.... but it is a very human way.

I bring this to your attention, knowing that the ego can come up with very good REASONS to use your friends.

It is afct, that money is not free.... the only way you can take $500.00 and turn it 20X.... that is a game and someone along the way will get hurt... or lose their money.

Plus, these types of scams are illegal.

User ID: 97470
7/6/2006 9:50 PM Re: Understanding Universal Law Class Quote

Your Web Site says...
There is only a one time $50 product deposit to get started!

And I saved the best part for last. The United TSI Coop will give you a Free Entry and help you move through the amazing pay plan like a rocket!

Free Entry...
Move Through the A M A Z I N G Pay Plan Like a Rocket...

This smells like a money game....

Exactly what is it....

In Prymid plans, very few make money...
You do not go into ANY DETAILS... before you ask for the $50.00 Payment.


User ID: 113933
7/7/2006 2:06 PM Re: Understanding Universal Law Class Quote

Hello Friends:

Ari, regarding your question about United TSI. It is a new form of network marketing company , totally legal. It is designed to prosper everyone and costs just $50 total out of pocket which is a downpayment on a wonderful product to help children worldwide.

Abundance is our natural state. It is only fear programming that has equated poverty with spirituality.

But this thread is to make people aware of my upcoming class in Understanding Universal Law, not to promote United TSI.

This class is on a donation basis. If you think, at the end, you have gained nothing, donate nothing.

The class will start tomorrow, Saturday.

You can subscribe by visiting the link below:

[link to]

Become the Creator of your life, not the victim of it.

Blessings and Love

Wisdom Paradise
You are a wonderful Person
Deserving the Best Life has to offer.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:45 pm
by fortinbras
I kinda wish his Higher Self had advised him to check his spelling.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:47 pm
by Deep Knight
Lightworker Report for August 25

Hello Dear Lightworkers of the World:
Heaven is blessing our work today!

For the second day in a row, my Higher Self I-Ching reading is The Creative, Heaven on Earth! The Creative is the very first oracle in the I-Ching, from which all other oracles flow. To have it come up 2 days in a row means something very special is in the wind for the very near future!

And The World has come forth to bless us again in my Higher Self Tarot layout for the next few days! The World symbolizes supreme success!

Clearly, something wonderful is about to happen!

You know, friends, it is such an honor to be an active Lightworker during these pivotal times! We are so blessed to be awake enough to be of service to Humanity and Gaia!

And we are blessed to have the assistance of higher dimensional beings, the Guardian Angels and Higher Selves of humanity!

You are not alone in doing your visualizations. You have the help of Heaven. All you have to do is focus the energy through your visualization and ask the Higher Dimensional Helpers to do the rest. All you have to do is ask for help as an enlightened member of Humanity and it is given by Heaven!

Start the blessing of Gaia, the Human Couple and the Illuminati Couple. Then ask the Higher Selves and Guardian Angels of Humanity to take over and continue to embrace them in a Golden Hug of Pure Unconditional Love even after you are off doing something else.

Start the Golden broom sweeping of the tropical Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and HAARP and ask the Weather Angels to continue sweeping all potentially destructive energies into the vortexes to become Pure Unconditional Love.

Start the Golden broom sweeping of the Whole Earth, the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere. Then ask the Guardian Angels and Higher Selves of Humanity and the Tree Angels to continue sweeping all fear based energies into the Pacific Vortex and Indian Ocean Vortex to be transformed into Pure Unconditional Love.

Your job, dear Lightworkers, as representatives of awakened Humanity, is simply to focus the attention and get things started. Heaven will do the rest. Being an active Lightworker is meant to be a joy, not a burden friends!

Lightworker Central is open 24 hours a day for your convenience:

Lightworker Central

There is a Piece of Heaven wherever you go today, dear Lightworkers. And you are that Piece of Heaven!

Thank you so much for everything you are and do!

We are All One, I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Truth
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Perfect Love ripples through the Ocean that is our World
We Are All One, Love One Another!

Seems like the "golden broom" didn't work quite as well as advertised on Tropical Storm Fay, but of course that is 3D thinking.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:46 am
by texino
Alchemical Hypnotherapist. A person who makes people think things are turning into gold or their money is multiplying at a high rate?

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:33 pm
by Deep Knight
More Wisdom Paradise (if that really is his name) on Bellringers fowlwinds10 site.

Lightworker Weather Altert!

----- Original Message -----
From: Light Workers
To: Lightworker Update
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: Lightworker Weather Alert!

Good Morning Dear Lightworkers:

Hurricane Gustav has just appeared in the western caribbean south of Haiti. The media spin has already started, so the sooner we act on this, the more Graceful the process! It is expected to hit Cuba tomorrow.

Let's get those Golden Brooms sweeping, dear Lightworkers, and sweep Gustav into the Gulf of Mexico higher dimensional Golden Vortex to become Pure Unconditional Love a blessing to all life rather than a source of fear.

Please remember to ask the assistance of the Weather Angels. Give them the focus, and they will continue to sweep for you 24 hours a day. You can just check in periodically to assure the Angels you are still focused on transmuting this fear based energy into Pure Unconditional Love.

Visit Lightworker Central at your convenience, dear Lightworkers:

Lightworker Central

This is yet another chance to transmute fear into Love. Humanity has had enough fear and now is in need of nurturing Love!

We Are All One. I Love You,
Wisdom Paradise
Personal Sovereignty Master Guide
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Lightworker Central
Our Love ripples through the Ocean of Consciousness which is our world.
Let your Light Shine!

OK folks, it's Huricane Gustav watch time. Will the golden broom lightworkers be as successful as they were with Tropical Storm Fay? Will Mr. Paradise admit he was wrong if this becomes a BA storm like they expect? Stay Tuned!!!

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:53 pm
by Deep Knight
Today's Forecast

Gustav is expected to become a Category 2 hurricane as it moves between Cuba and Jamaica, then head toward the U.S. Gulf Coast as a dangerous Category 3 hurricane next week after passing over warm waters.

But forecasters warned that the average error in five-day forecasts is about 500 kilometres in either direction, meaning the storm could hit anywhere from south Texas to the Florida panhandle.

Any bets as to whether Wisdom Paradise and his Lightworker Brigades can sweep this out into the Atlantic instead of having it land somewhere from Texas to Florida?

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:03 pm
by Deep Knight
A more complete "report" on sweeping away Gustav from the Yahoo universalhealing forum.

Lightworker Report for August 27
Hello Dear Lightworkers:

The Forces of Light are gathering together, getting ready to bring
all dark secrets to Light!

My Higher Self I-Ching reading today is Gathering Together. The
time of the long anticipated announcement is drawing very close, dear

On another note, the media spin on the fear based storm Gustav is
intensifying. They are projecting landfall as a major hurricane
sometime over Labor Day Weekend in the Gulf.

However, we have different plans for Gustav, dear Lightworkers. We
actually have 2 different methods to transform this fear based storm
into Pure Unconditional Love.

1. The Gulf of Mexico Visualization. Together with the Weather
Angels, we can use the Golden Brooms to lovingly sweep Gustav toward
the Gulf of Mexico Golden Vortex, encouraging the storm energies to
become Pure Unconditional Love and a blessing for all life on Earth
rather than an expression of fear.

2. The Whole Earth Visualization. Rise up and view the Whole
Earth. Together with the Guardian Angels and Higher Selves of
Humanity, use the Giant Golden Broom to lovingly sweep the western
hemisphere, which includes the Gulf of Mexico, moving all fear based
energies of whatever origin into the Giant Golden Vortex in the
Pacific Ocean

Between these two visualizations, the storm called Gustav will be
neutralized as a destructive force and either dissipate altogether or
become a benevolent source of needed rainfall.

It is very important, dear Lightworkers, that our sweeping be done
with Sincere Love for the energy units making up the fear based
storm. Remember, the very same energy that now appears as an
expression of fear can be transmuted to express Pure Unconditional
Love. Energy does not die, it merely changes form!

Of course, once we harmonize the western hemisphere, North and South
America, we will want to focus our attention on sweeping all fear
based energies from the eastern hemisphere of the Earth, Africa,
Europe, Asia and Australia, into the Indian Ocean Golden Vortex,
thereby adding to the Love worldwide.

And let us not forget to sweep the Tropical Atlantic and HAARP,
together with the Weather Angels.

In addition to focusing on any emergencies, it is good every day to
reaffirm your Focus in all of our areas:

A. The Blessing of Gaia, the human couple and the illuminati couple.
B. The Golden broom sweeping of the Whole Earth, western and eastern
C. The Golden broom sweeping of HAARP, Tropical Atlantic and Gulf of

Remember, once you reaffirm your Focus, the Higher Dimensional
Helpers will continue it on your behalf. You have a lot of help,
dear Lightworkers. Be the Divine Focalizer once a day to keep the
ball rolling! Your Helpers need to know you are still focused on
the goal!

Lightworker Central is open 24 hours a day:

Lightworker Central

Heaven appreciates and loves you dear Lightworkers. Keep your Light
Shining. You are literally the Light of the World for as long as you
are in the World.

We Are All One. I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Personal Sovereignty Master Guide
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Love ripples through the Ocean of Consciousness which is our world.
Let your Light Shine!

Two different golden vortexes to sweep it into? No wonder lightworkers are a confused bunch.

It gathered this response:

Re: Lightworker Report for August 27

I know you can disperse Gustav and I thank you for putting your
attention to it. Everything has its own life force, thus everything
can be communicated with.




Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:29 pm
by Deep Knight
I have a suggestion for Lightworkers (and any one else) living near the Gulf coast - keep informed and ready to evacuate. Fun is fun, but this is looking serious.

Hurricane Gustav Nears Cuba With 195 kph Winds
By VOA News
30 August 2008

U.S. forecasters say Hurricane Gustav has become a very dangerous storm and could grow even more powerful before striking western Cuba Saturday.

At last report, Gustav's winds had increased to 195 kilometers an hour, making it a Category 3 storm on a scale that measures hurricane intensity.

Forecaster say Gustav may strengthen even more Saturday and could produce more than a half-meter of rain in some areas of western Cuba.

The U.S National Hurricane Center in Miami predicts Gustav will move into the southern Gulf of Mexico early Sunday and then into the central Gulf by early Monday. It could gather still more power over the warm waters off the U.S. Gulf coast.

Forecasters say the storm may strike the southern U.S. anywhere from western Florida to Texas.

Gustav is being blamed for at least 80 deaths in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

Authorities in the U.S. Gulf coast states, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, began evacuating some residents Friday. Thousands of workers have been evacuated from oil installations in the Gulf of Mexico.

U.S. President George Bush declared a federal state of emergency in the state of Louisiana, a likely target for the storm. Its path may include the city of New Orleans, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina three years ago.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:38 pm
by Deep Knight
Lightworker Report for August 30

Hello Dear Lightworkers:

Things are literally getting brighter!

My Higher Self I Ching reading today is Brightness! The dark clings to the Light, enhancing it's brightness. This leads to nourishment of all life on Earth!

The former dark members who have joined the Light are now enhancing the Light through their intimate knowledge of the ways of the remaining dark. And this is speeding up the nourishment of all life on Earth through the announcement!

My Higher Self Tarot nows shows Judgment among the cards for the near future. Judgment, you will recall, is a herald angel awakening the dead to new life. What better symbol for the announcement?

All things come to those who wait with joyful expectation.

The more fear we can transmute into Love, the faster the announcement can happen.

The fear based storm, Gustav, is now a major hurricane headed for the Gulf. Let's lovingly invite this energy to enter the Gulf of Mexico vortex and become Pure Unconditional Love to bless rather than terrify all life on Earth. Remember, the Weather Angels can assist you and continue to work with this storm 24/7 if you ask them to.

The fear based storm Hanna is in a good position now to start heading for our mid Atlantic vortex. The media spin is that this tropical storm will become a hurricane and hit the Bahamas. Let's invite Hanna to a more benevolent destiny!

Let's lovingly invite this energy to enter the Atlantic vortex and become Pure Unconditional Love. As with Gustav, the Weather Angels are just waiting for you to ask for their help in sweeping Hanna into the vortex.

Last, but not least, let's transmute the fear in Gaia, the mass consciousness couple and the illuminati couple by giving them hugs of Pure Unconditional Love and telling them We are All One. I Love You. The Guardian Angels and Higher Selves of Humanity can assist you and continue to bless Gaia and the 2 couples 24/, if you ask them to.

Remember, friends, you are the Focalizer. Set the energy and ask the Higher Dimensional Helpers to keep the energy going. They are happy to help if you ask for their help.

The Lightworkers' guide to optimal expression:

Lightworker Central

Dear Lightworkers. We are becoming master alchemists.

By sweeping the western and eastern hemispheres of Earth with our Golden Brooms into the Pacific and Indian Ocean vortexes, we are changing the lead all fear based energies worldwide into the Gold of Pure Unconditional Love.

By embracing Gaia and the 2 couples representing Humanity in Pure Unconditional Love, we are changing the lead of fear into the Gold of Love.

By envisioning the future we choose to create out of love for ourselves and others, we are changing the fear based movies of the dark cabal into the Golden Age!

What a joy it is to work with our Higher Dimensional Helpers as master alchemists to bring forth the Golden Age!

Thank you, dear Lightworkers, for participating with me in the Lightworker Project!

We Are All One. I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Personal Sovereignty Master Guide
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Love ripples through the Ocean of Consciousness which is our world.
Let your Light Shine!

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:26 pm
by Deep Knight
I don't know what's sicker, claiming success with Huricane Katrina or thinking that "good thoughts" are a substitute for deeds, especially during a national emergency.

What cha wanna bet that a mere $6-$10 billion in damage from Gustav will be considered "success" by these scamsters?

From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 5:58 AM


Remember how well we did when we worked on Katrina. Now we all need to combine forces and throw all the light that we can at this monster storm to dissipate it!!! Pray while you are doing it for help from Michael's legions! We need all the help we can get on this one!!! Do it every 15 minutes until there is the desired result!

Thank you all and God Bless you!!!


Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:04 pm
by Deep Knight
Lightworker Weather Update for 9-1
Good Morning Dear Lightworkers:

The relative responsiveness of Gustav and Hanna show clearly the difference between a HAARP controlled storm and a natural storm.

Gustav, although briefly weakened by our sweeping, has continued to track precisely into the major gulf oil fields. I am quite certain Gustav is Russian HAARP directed.

Hanna, on the other hand, has been very responsive to our sweeping. It remains a disorganized storm and even the media spin has changed to show it turning NW toward our mid Atlantic Vortex, rather than SW toward the Bahamas.

I invite you to visit the Lightworker Weather Page where there are pictures of both the Alaska and Russian HAARP facilities that may help you to visualize sweeping these areas.

Lightworker Weather Page

Let's continue to enfold Gustav and Hanna in Pure Unconditional Love and continue to sweep Hanna lovingly toward the mid Atlantic Vortex.

In addition, it is imperative that we continue to sweep the HAARP facilities, especially the Russian HAARP. You can do this best from the Whole Earth perspective, sweeping the Alaskan HAARP into the Pacific Ocean Vortex and the Russian HAARP into the Indian Ocean Vortex.

Let's continue to transmute all fear based energies on Earth into Pure Unconditional Love!

We are All One, I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Truth
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Perfect Love ripples through the Ocean that is our World
We Are All One, Love One Another!

Lightworker Update for 9-1

Hello Dear Lightworkers:

Rolling right along toward the announcement!

Progress toward Deliverance is the Higher Self I-Ching prognosis for today! This refers to the last stages of a major undertaking that is just about to happen!

We are literally at Heaven's Door, dear friends!

I am requesting that all Lightworkers focus as never before these final days before the announcement, to insure we have a fertile ground of Pure Unconditional Love for the seeds of Truth to fall upon!

1. Sweep the Whole Earth, western and eastern hemispheres, with the giant Golden Broom. Give special attention to Alaska and Russia where haarp facilities are located and to the middle east where hostilities run rampant. Lovingly sweep all fear based energies into the Pacific Vortex or the Indian Ocean vortex to become Pure Unconditional Love.

2. Focus on Sweeping the Tropical Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Lovingly direct Hanna to the mid Atlantic vortex to become Pure Unconditional Love and send Love to Gustav that it may become more loving in expression and less fear based. Gustav has recently dropped to a category 2.

3. Focus on embracing Gaia, the mass consciousness couple and the illuminati couple in a Golden Hug of Pure Unconditional Love, transmuting their fear.

Enlist the help of our Higher Dimensional Helpers, the Weather Angels, Tree Angels, Guardian Angels and Higher Selves of Humanity. Focalize the work to be done and ask their help in keeping the work going 24/7.

Keep up on the latest visuallizations:

Lightworker Central

You are doing great work, dear Lightworkers. Now, as we approach the finish line, let's pick up the pace and bring the Golden Age here and now!

We are All One, I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Truth
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Perfect Love ripples through the Ocean that is our World
We Are All One, Love One Another!

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:17 pm
by texino
Remember how well we did when we worked on Katrina.
Er, no. How well did you do? By my recollection Katrina pretty much destroyed a great city; people died whole areas were wiped out. Doing well would be dissipating the storm at sea. Doing well would be donating billions of your Aloha Club fortune to the displaced and under insured. Somehow I can just hear a bunch on nonsense being spread for what ever happens and spinning it so it makes them look good.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:29 pm
by Deep Knight
texino wrote:
Remember how well we did when we worked on Katrina.
Er, no. How well did you do? By my recollection Katrina pretty much destroyed a great city; people died whole areas were wiped out. Doing well would be dissipating the storm at sea. Doing well would be donating billions of your Aloha Club fortune to the displaced and under insured. Somehow I can just hear a bunch on nonsense being spread for what ever happens and spinning it so it makes them look good.
One of Wisdom Paradise's stated beliefs is that we are gods and goddesses in human form who all make our own reality. What others would call "denial" is simply proof of his god-like powers. In his reality Kartina turned into a flight of songbirds who's voices lulled the frightened citizens of New Orleans into a blissful state.

Either that or it's what the novel "1984" called "blackwhite" (in the future's modified English language "Newspeak"). Orwell described it as "...loyal willingness to say black is white when party discipline demands this. It also means the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know black is white, and forget that one has ever believed the contrary.

By-the-by, "Wisdom Paradise?" I refuse to believe his parents named him this because it violates one of his own "Natural Laws" (I believe it's #47b) "You can't write it down if you're laughing too hard to have control of your bodily functions."

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:56 am
by texino
Well DK, you are right as per usual. At least Bellringer and D.O.O. are not complete non sequiturs. Old Wisdom P seems to have been named by tossing darts at the dictionary. In fact, that name is so bothersome I had to visit the secret code book and bring out a couple of substitutes using the same letters, like "Diapers Do Swim" and "Is Adored Wimp" . This fellow is within range the Texino mobile command vehicle and I may have investigate further.

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:11 pm
by Deep Knight
~ so close now, it is tangible!~ Lightworker Update for 9-2 ~

We Are Making It Happen. Remember we builthis Place.
Now it's time for the refurbishing to be Launched.
A Champagne Christening & Cruise is at Hand.
A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace
'JaTa Khan a' The Creator's Soul Essence

Lightworker Update for 9-2

Hello Dear Lightworkers:

Our wagon train continues to roll on at a gallop toward the announcement and the Golden Age!

My Higher Self I-Ching reading for today is Duration, self renewing forward movement based in Unity, with Arousing shock & thunder!

The Higher Self prognosis for upcoming days includes The Star of Inspired Action and The Wheel of Fortune, or upcoming good fortune!

On the Tropical Weather front, good work team! Our perpetual sweeping and that of the Weather Angels has caused Hanna to be downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm. Whenever you see the term shearing winds, as a weakening factor, that is a sign our sweeping is working! However, the media spin is for it to again become a hurricane and impact NE Florida, Georgia, N. Carolina or S. Carolina.

In addition, there are 2 other tropical storms that are expected to soon become hurricanes in the eastern Tropical Atlantic heading west.

As these storms generate a lot of fear in the collective consciousness of humanity, we need to focus on our Golden Broom sweeping of the tropical Atlantic, lovingly moving these storms into the mid Atlantic vortex to become Pure Unconditional Love.

When meditating today for Higher Self guidance on how we could become better alchemists in relation to these fear generating storms, I received a new visualization for the tropical Atlantic. Hurricanes need very warm water to develop. A visualization of the water being cooled could nip these storms in the bud so to speak.

What I saw was a giant hose spraying ice water into the ocean surrounding each storm. Please experiment with this and see how it feels to you.

Let's lovingly sweep these storms into the vortex but also lovingly spray the freezing ice water on the storms. Think of the storm as having a fever and you are lovingly reducing the fever.

Of course, we still will want to visit Gaia, and Humanity at the center of the Earth and give them a sincere loving Golden Hug and we still need to sweep the Whole Earth, western and eastern hemispheres with special attention to the HAARP locations in Alaska and Russia, transmuting all fear based energies to Pure Unconditional Love.

Lightworker Central is open for your convenience 24/7 dear lightworkers. Your testimonials are welcome as to your experience with our visualizations.

Lightworker Central

I am expecting great things this month of September, dear Lightworkers. The announcement feels so close now, it is tangible! It is a busy time for Lightworkers entrusted with alchemically transmuting fear into Love, but a joyful time as well.

We are All One, I Love You,

Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Truth
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Lightworker Central
Our Perfect Love ripples through the Ocean that is our World
We Are All One, Love One Another!

Re: Financial Fraud at Lightworker Central

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:14 pm
by Deep Knight
Hanna caused severe flooding in Haiti's port city of Gonaives, and rescue efforts have been hampered because of flooded bridges and roads, some of which Hurricane Gustav washed out last week, a local official said.

Authorities said the storm killed 23 people in Haiti, the AP reported.

Two university students were swept away by flowing water in Puerto Rico, and at least one of them was killed, according to the AP.