Changes After NESARA

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Changes After NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

Put up with all due haste because, as you know, NESARA is going to be announced any second now (which begs the question, why are you reading this instead of glued to your TV waiting?). This also commemorates the "Sunrise of the Solar Disk" website that hadn't been updated in 6 1/2 months and finally got taken down - from Rama and Tara's (aka A&A) new website, by their "scribe" Mark Huber.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mark Huber

Mark on Changes After NESARA
Posted by admin On May - 11 - 2009

[The question for Mark was. What will happen to existing buildings, including our homes? Will they be demolished and everyone relocated to the circular cities? What will happen to theme parks like Disney World, Cedar Point, and other such entertainment venues? Will they be demolished since they are not really necessities, and maybe people will not want to work there any more since they don't need the money? Many of us like to cruise the Caribbean islands, Alaska, the Mediterranean, etc. Will cruising for pleasure be discontinued also? How about museums and the performing arts, or will cultural venues be treated differently, as long as people are willing to staff them? We would just like to know what to be prepared for so that we can get used to the idea of what some of the major changes will be in our lifestyles.]


I would suggest not spending too much energy on the outer changes. The most important and most valuable ones are the DNA upgrades and activations that are re-connecting us to our expanded self and our expanded knowledge databases.

I can not begin to explain the magnitude of this sudden lifting of what will seem like a fog from our inner perceptual abilities. That will certainly fascinate us more than amusements of only linear interest.

We are all multi-dimensional beings from the stars!

We have a vast number of aspects on many worlds that are us!

Getting into communications with many of these and integrating all that knowledge into our holographic memory systems is the biggest, most joyous feeling of waking up to the grandeur of a universe that knows you. As you begin to remember your true spiritual families of origin it will be quite an emotional reunion. The coming decloakings and this very weekend’s new activations are all about multi-dimensionality hookups.

Much of what you speak of will change as most of these contribute little, in their present format, to your advancement and preparation for Ascension.

With our Announcement and decloakings all of our lives will be changed and not one aspect will be left untouched and that is the GOOD news! All will be enhanced, deepened, enriched and expanded beyond our current ability to conceive anything but linear time-limited sequences.

I can tell you that your new experiences are going to knock your socks off and you will be like a person crawling across a desert in the dark and suddenly, the lights come on and the desert begins to bloom and add new dimensions of perception to your expanded senses. You will quickly throw off almost terminal fatigue and struggle to being a part of the grandest cosmic drama of all times just as it’s finale is signaling a curtain call of the whole unseen cast.

The new technologies are going, during the first 12 months, to eliminate most of the drudgery and maximize the opportunities to learn who YOU are and what you came in here to contribute. During that same 12 months much of the old ‘plant and equipment’ will be dematerialized as toxic and polluting and we will only want fresh air, clean water, food that is truly vitalized with all that our new structures are going to require to function optimally.

Transportation now is all polluting and petroleum based. ZeroPoint devices and energies will be non-polluting, inexpensive and complementary to our development. Most factories and power plants and highways will no longer be appropriate. We will be using anti-gravity lifting devices of many types that require no such support systems.

Since every particle of matter and spirit is upgrading, even our present homes will upgrade with us until we are ready and desiring to move to the crystal cities and restore the old areas to pristine natural areas. Replicators and organic gardens are the two most important aspects of our new living arrangements.

We will want everything in our homes and everything we eat and wear to be non-toxic to us and others. I can tell you that the ships replicators can make anything you can imagine exactly the way you most desire it to look and taste and yet be completely healthy and supportive of our new crystalline structures.

New ways to communicate in many modes will replace our current commercial systems.

I could go on and on but that would ruin many of the surprises. Our ignorance of our true history and true being has dulled our senses and conditioned us to expect almost nothing.

One of the first things that will happen is to correct our history and our knowledge of ourselves and our truly grand purpose in being here in this moment.

I will end by saying that the beauty of the planet and the ways to enjoy and perceive that will expand and our health and vitality will soon reach a new level of delight.

Teleportation and many other options will quickly make everything else seem dull and unsatisfying.

All creative pursuits will be enhanced and expanded far beyond the current offerings. Accelerated learning techniques and more leisure will explode the interest in and attraction to all artistic, musical and related pursuits.

As we see the pristine air, water, soil and vibrancy of life increase and the toxic factories and polluting and noisy transportation methods replaced travel will take on a refreshing quality like never before. Many will choose to travel to other places aboard the ships and to other planets and the inner earth cities.

Use your imaginations to imagine what the replacements might be and how the immediate improvements will affect these.

Mark Huber
"Follow the Money"
Brother Dave

Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by Brother Dave »

Sweet! What's the going rate for apotheosis these days?
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Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by fortinbras »

Today on FourWinds10, Wendy announces that she has been asked (she doesn't say who asked her) to send out this announcement to all members of the "Freedom Plan" -- telling them to expect a phone call in the near future telling each of them to go to the nearest airport to pick up their packets.
And while they are at the airport waiting for this packet, their homes will be burglarized.
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Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I will be more than happy to accept all "old" currency, after NESARA is announced and the new Wonder Currency is issued.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

I've never met Wendy, but understand that she's "hot and juicy."


----- Original Message -----
From: Wendy
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 4:30 PM
Subject: Script for Notifications/Freedom






You are a Member of “The Freedom Program”, and I have been asked to share some information with you regarding this program.


You will be receiving a phone call from an Official for Freedom, giving you instructions.

This is not a “Prank Call”.

Please follow the instructions you will be given.

This phone call will tell you Where you will need to go to PICK UP your Freedom Package. This PICK UP will be at your local airport. You will be told where to go and when to be there. Please follow ALL directions you will be given…and then follow all directions that are contained in the package.

WE have finally arrived at the time that we believe this CAN and WILL BE COMPLETED.

Please do not call me back for more information as I don’t have any more at this time, and I am not authorized to speak further on this program.

I do not have further information on the other Humanitarian Programs that are also in this funding window.

THEY will continue to update you with phone calls …IF NECESSARY.

Again. DO NOT CALL ME. You will be notified by phone, by an official with Freedom with more information .

"Follow the Money"

Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by ClemIsBack »

This reminds of a sting operation where the police send notices to a bunch of wanted criminals telling them they won airline tickets and Super Bowl tickets. They handcuff all of them and take them away.

In this case they are all fitted with very special coats with long arms that tie in the back. They are given a free ride in a bus to a building that has rooms with padded walls. Casper is already on the bus. He can't wait to go home.
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Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

I have the following picture of Wendy and the details of her investment program.

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Deep Knight
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Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

Wendy 05-15-09

We are watching History unfold!

Most people, currently, are NOT aware of how complex the problems are in our Financial World.

We have been controlled financially in the US since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, when it was started.
The Fed Reserve is no more Federal than is Fed Ex.
There certainly are NO RESERVES.

The Gangster Bankers have stolen the money over and over.
They created ways to be able to steal it, right out from under the noses of the people!
Recently, they gave Bail Out packages to themselves, so they had yet another avenue to steal more money.

WE need to pay attention to EVERY move THEY make, as the ONLY moves they make are moves IN THEIR FAVOR.
THEY never wanted these programs to fund.
THEY never anticipated that they would ever fund.
THEY have stopped, delayed, and stalled every step of the way.
Every time we believe we are close, there is yet another delay.
THEY don't want the funding to take place, for when the people are funded, the power will shift.

Those with MONEY have Power!
The program members, once funding takes place, will become those with the Money and the Power.
Those, that lose their power ( and their STOLEN money), will be exposed.

ALL of the dirty laundry since 1913 will be exposed.

The people of the U.S. will KNOW what has been done to them.

I, for one, am APPALLED at what they have done to each and every one of us!
I am a 57 year old Professional female in the Financial World.
I am not in the Military. I am not part of the Alphabet Soup Gang.
I am a disgusted citizen of a wonderful country that I am watching being ripped apart by the GANGSTERS.
Thirty Nine (39) years ago, I made a commitment to "Do Something" to help.
I was arrested, .as I had handcuffed myself to the Mayor's Desk.
I was 18 years old, on a mission to protect a 200 year old tree.

Today I still maintain my same mission statement.
Although my participation is small compared to other people, I am doing SOMETHING to help.

Are you doing anything to help?

Regarding Casper, "WE", Poof, Chris Story and other Journalists, Patrick and Anne Bellringer, who post the information on the FOURWINDS website: we ALL have to be thankful for what these BRAVE SOULS have done for each and every one of us.

These Journalists are Warriors, along side the White Knights and Legal Defense Teams that have been fighting the BAD GUYS for the past decade. ALL need to be given respect from each of us.

Had it not been for these BRAVE people that have put their very LIVES ON THE LINE to get this done, we would not be this far.

These same brave people go to work on this project every day, for HOURS, fighting for you, for me, and for the 300,000+ people that are members of the programs.

Had we NOT HAD these people to fight this fight and keep the focus on the programs, WE NEVER WOULD HAVE GOTTEN ANYTHING, EVER!

The warriors that search and find information daily, and expose the crap, are to be thanked.
These people are working ENDLESSLY! They never quit! They are working for you, for me, for all of us.

These same people, that work DAILY on this FAVORITE AGGRAVATION, are on YOUR SIDE.

They work on this project EVERY DAY WITHOUT BEING PAID. MOST ARE WORKING FOR FREE to get us, you and me, to a point where we WILL BE FUNDED.

Without them, we would NEVER have gotten THIS FAR!

Without them, the GANGSTERS would have buried these programs years ago.
The programs would have been dead!
Out of mind!

BUT those people fighting every day have kept the programs alive, kept the promise alive. and kept hope aliv, for EACH OF US. We should be Thankful!

The Info and Intel they deliver may not be exactly what we want to hear.

I would rather be told TRUTH. then be told sugary sweet info that everything is fine, and it's just a small glitch, and not to worry!

OBVIOUSLY, everything isn't fine!
One only has to read the front page of the newspaper, or listen to 10 minutes of the Media controlled news to KNOW, it's NOT FINE!
With 1,100 auto dealerships going down, foreclosures at an ALL TIME high, credit card debt out of control, and usury interest rates at EXTREME levels, with people BROKE, unable to pay for medication, food, gas, housing, insurance, kids educations, or to have money to just get by. OBVIOUSLY, everything ISN'T FINE!
I know it's hard to hear the daily story of "it's Coming", then, "No it's not".

I know that we all get really excited, when we believe that it's being delivered, or it's on the trucks, or it's heading to the airports.

Then, we get angry, when the plan changes, and we are told "NO, it's not coming".

Don't blame the Messengers! Place the blame where blame is due!

Place the blame on those creating the delays, the GANGSTERS!

These GANGSTERS reside in the World Court, the Congress, the Banks, and on Pennsylvania Avenue.

We all suffer the elation. and then the let-downs.
This is a Roller Coaster Ride from Hell for each of us.
No one is on this roller coaster alone. We are all on it together.
We are all suffering the same emotional ups and downs. That is the nature of THIS BEAST.

It does no one any good to complain about it. Complaints accomplish nothing.

If you are one of those people complaining, then DO SOMETHING TO HELP!
Get up off your tail feathers and DO SOMETHING!

If you don't know what to do, THEN DO HOMEWORK!
Read the "S" documents on FOURWINDS.
Those documents contain a MOUNTAIN of INFORMATION, that will TURN YOUR STOMACH!

When you get educated regarding the financial conditions of our country. WHO caused this distress and what is being done AGAINST us, you will get angry.
You will want to tell others! You will want to scream it from the roof tops!
You will want EVERYONE you know to also know that information.

The more informed we become, as a group of people, the more impact we will have on THEM.

We have to Stick Together and stop fighting with each other. Stop throwing rocks at each other!
Stop telling Rumor without facts to back up the information.
Everything ISN'T FINE!
This is an all out WAR!
It's Dirty, Nasty and Ugly!
However, we do have WARRIORS that are fighting the fight!

Stop accusing those WARRIORS, that are TRYING to help, of being on the Wrong Side.
Casper, Bellringer, Poof, myself, and "WE", .and the other people, who wish to remain in the background, are on YOUR side!

Stop with this absolute stupidity!
That is what "THEY" want us to do, fight among ourselves.
THEY KNOW that there is strength in numbers. If they can rip us all apart,there is no strength.



I will be doing my small part to help.

Are you going to sit there and complain more, or are you going to do something to help?
Had we NOT HAD these people to fight this fight and keep the focus on the programs, WE NEVER WOULD HAVE GOTTEN ANYTHING, EVER!
But, the people in these "programs" haven't gotten anything, ever!
"Follow the Money"

Re: Changes After NESARA

Post by logicman »

We didnt get money but the pep talk is worth more..More pep means 8 more years..Then they will blame President Palin..