Caspers 5/22 Update

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Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by logicman »

What kind of f-in update this is..Its the most ridiculous one to date..
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

If you'll notice, the update is not an "update" but a "notice." BIG difference.

casper 5-22-09

Will Jims friend, the one with the locks, please call Jims wife if possible.

casper 5-22-09
That Jim, always loosing the key during his bondage sessions. I understand they finally had to get a big chain cutter, which also trimmed a bit of Jim's bush, if you know what I mean. Still it's better than the time they used a cutting torch...
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

To aid in your reading pleasure, big pieces removed and comments in [blue].

CASPER UDATE #1 - MAY 23, 2009
casper 5-23-09 #1

EITHER the lack of deliveries Friday represents the most successful worldwide disinfo campaign ever, OR, OBAMA has reacted to the World Courts denial of Immunity for himself and the other D.C. Criminals by again blocking deliveries. [Or the fact that there will never be any deliveries because the "prosperity programs" were all scams and the money went into and quickly out of the criminals pockets]

There were no dissenting voices anywhere in the world this time and all had variations of the same story, deliveries by 6p.m. Friday or OBAMA and others are arrested and Banks can't open next Tuesday (Basel non compliance) and three dozen Felony indictments against OBAMA including TREASON would proceed forward.

And yet, here WE sit typing instead of opening a package. [BIG surprise]

Certain packages had moved recently which supported the anticipated outcome, WE don't know where they might be right now since they did not arrive as expected. By mid morning Friday WE knew the carriers did not have the packages and by early afternoon WE were beginning to hear that OBAMA may have stopped things again in response to the Immunity denials. [Something tells me when he uses the word "knew" he doesn't mean what most people do, perhaps it's in the biblical sense...]

If this was orchestrated disinfo, this time it has been underway since Wednesday with "add-ons" each day since and would represent a successful subterfuge by the ABC groups implemented on a world scale, an ominous development.

Now, Saturday morning, news is arriving in support of previous Intel bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. Can you imagine what would have happened to these people had the kidnapping effort been successful? Simultaneously we are informed that the PROVOST is refusing to serve approximately three dozen indictments against OBAMA one of which is reportedly for TREASON. The Military says they are aware he is in office illegally but they will not take action against him.

The ABC boys were again intercepting our overseas calls yesterday again pretending to be the person WE were calling.

The so far successful efforts to preserve the existing fraudulent fiat/fractional Banking and Monetary systems bla-bla the Beast/Swamp Creature/Corporation/D.C-Fed Res-Treasury-Illuminati privately owned conglomerate bla-bla-bla Monetary and Central Banking Fiat Systems bla-bla-bla CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES bla-bla posted on the Fourwinds web site explaining in detailed layman's language bla-bla-bla-bla the foremost expert in the United States on this subject bla-bla this presentation of the facts bla-bla-bla a monstrous Criminal Enterprise and Crime Syndicate is ruling our country bla-bla the leadership of our Military disregards their oaths bla-bla both Cowards AND Traitors who continue to follow OBAMAS orders not to deliver our packages. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET and its all intentional, every damn bit of it.

Some say deliveries today, other the middle of next week. NONE of those know about the Intel contained herein without which they are just guessing and frankly, WE don't know what to expect next either. [I do, no deliveries today, none tomorrow, and none for the next million years]

Happy Holiday. Please observe the importance of this particular Holiday.

casper 5-23-09 #1

Yeah, but what about Jims friend, the one with the locks? Was it possible for him to call Jim's wife, and if so, what did they talk about? Did they meet for coffee, conversation, and cheap degrading animal rutting afterwards? And did any of this involve the use of the locks, either removing or applying them? And who the @%&*! cares?
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

CASPER UPDATE #1 - MAY 26, 2009
casper 5-26-09 #1

As usual WE continue to receive Intel which disagrees with all others.

Today WE hear that the World Court Judges, having had their personal accounts confiscated due to Intel released here, are now doing nothing at all to assist our receiving.

Second, WE hear that OBAMA et al have made an additional seven attempts to access, without success, our accounts in addition to four additional attempts last Thursday and Friday.

And finally, WE hear that OBAMA is now saying that he has "released" deliveries while simultaneously stating that he has done so only to assist in the theft of our funds, that he must have our funds and that he will get them one way or another. To clarify, WE hear he "released" for delivery but is still blocking deliveries.

In the past he demanded 58% of our accounts, now he is demanding 100%.

There is other information "out there" but WE think WE would be remiss if WE failed to report the above to you as a stand alone item.

casper 5-26-09 #1
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by fortinbras »

I'm not at all clear about this business with the World Court. For one thing, there are at least tribunals in the Hague, one for nation v. nation disputes and the other for war crimes prosecutions, both unofficially known as the World Court, but I cannot figure out which would be handling NESARA. Further, both courts have a substantial number of judges, and I would guess that all or most are very successful (and therefore reasonably prosperous) lawyers in their home countries, so I cannot see how they would bend so quickly to pressure on their World Court paychecks.

What happens when the saucer people (or whoever is distributing it) hands out a million or more to everyone in America? Will gasoline suddenly go to a thousand dollars a gallon? Will Herhsey bars suddenly gazump to more than $10? Will my thoughts ever be worth more than a penny?
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:I'm not at all clear about this business with the World Court. For one thing, there are at least (2) tribunals in the Hague, one for nation v. nation disputes and the other for war crimes prosecutions, both unofficially known as the World Court, but I cannot figure out which would be handling NESARA.
That's easy, the third one, the "secret law announcement snafu tribunal."
fortinbras wrote:Further, both courts have a substantial number of judges, and I would guess that all or most are very successful (and therefore reasonably prosperous) lawyers in their home countries, so I cannot see how they would bend so quickly to pressure on their World Court paychecks.
Dove used to talk about "trillion dollar bribes." Sure, they might be rich now, but with that kind of cash they could really do some conspicuous consumption.
fortinbras wrote:What happens when the saucer people (or whoever is distributing it) hands out a million or more to everyone in America? Will gasoline suddenly go to a thousand dollars a gallon? Will Herhsey bars suddenly gazump to more than $10? Will my thoughts ever be worth more than a penny?
The good news, everybody becomes a millionaire. The bad news, a million bucks won't even buy you a cup of coffee. Still, the "millionaire bragging rights" have gotta be worth something...
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

CASPER UPDATE #1: MAY 27, 2009
casper 5-27-09 #1

Are you ready? Ready for a DOUBLING of your utility bills? $4000./annually per family?
Welcome to the world according to GORE, OBAMA, PELOSI and the Democratic Liberal Elites. And Government mandated auto production to match, "Hugo" type cars, Obama-mobiles, dictated by 70% Government ownership of General Motors.
Be careful which bumper sticker you place upon your new ride as HLS and OBAMA are using them to identify most of us as domestic terrorist.

Yes, Higgins term as President of the World Court ended in February. That did not change her role as the QUEENS GOPHER or as "BAGLADY" for the bribes to World Court Judges.

No, program funding does not come from the Collateral Accounts of The Global Debt Facility.

Have you read the lengthy article "A HISTORY OF BANKING" posted by FULFORD on Fourwinds? Very very educational.

Buckley/Treasury Gate, is not related to the other programs. WE were there when Buckley made his original presentations to the public in front of six video-cams he brought with him. All present got copies of his "documents". He was not "in bed with" CH or GILMORE.

WE were also there when the many GILMORE programs were introduced each in turn PRIOR TO OMEGA. After each had failed over a period of years and by now "O" has burst upon the scene and Gilmore was "on the run" leaving the U.S. for Europe with the law close behind, WE were told that Gilmore's remaining funds were given to CH and participants in his many programs became limited participants in "O". If memory serves this info came from CH who WE were on the phone with daily and sometimes in person.

Another "stand alone" was/is BBC which was actually BB with C becoming associated in name only as he was involved in money raising activities. Someone recently posted that he has talked to one of the "B's", a neat trick as the big "B" passed many many years ago and the second "B" has been in a nursing home for many many years. This is another example of "not from the same pot".

Regarding F.C., also not "from the same pot", it didn't begin with the Baskerville/Foster case which moved up through the Denver Appellate District to the Supreme Court after which Swasinger/Hildebrand/Metlick introduced and opened it to public participation which eventually resulted in the arrest of all three. WE were present at Roys trial in Lubbock and also his subsequent sentencing in Dallas. The ORIGINAL CASE with only a dozen or so of the original Plaintiffs still alive originated in the mid '70's. The thrust of these cases was Bank Fraud perpetrated against the American people by the Fed Res System. The people won, the Government lost. As with CH and Gilmore and Buckley, all involved in this endeavor including S.,H.,&M. and every similar endeavor were grabbed and prosecuted and jailed for reasons only tangentially related to the actual issues. As someone recently pointed out on the net, the Government's M.O. (method of operation) is to grab and jail anyone attempting to expose the fraud using "charges" which do not address or expose the actual issues.

When WE refer to the long suffering of program participants I wonder if you realize how many have lost their freedom and how many have actually lost their lives. When WE speak of this, and of murder and assassination and so forth over the years WE are not exaggerating. The beast/octopus/swamp creature is the very definition of EVIL and has been killing people to protect its control of the issuance of money for a very long time (Lincoln & JFK for example). The beast is privately owned and it owns that which we call "Government". In the U.S. it IS the Government, the Politicians are just pawns, silly putty in the hands of criminals INCLUDING SUCCESSIVE PRESIDENTS.

Regarding the many many reports of arrest of bankers over recent weeks, as previously reported WE have not been able to confirm any such arrest. WE are not without Banking contacts including big money center banks. WE can't testify that it has not happened, WE can testify that WE can't find any of them after several weeks of looking looking looking.

Meetings are now behind closed doors. The doors are nailed shut and the shades drawn tight. They are no doubt trying to prevent further disclosures. WE don't have much intell of importance right now and what WE do have disagrees with everyone else. Day after day, week after week all WE get is OBAMA stopped it again. Obama ordered the Police Commissioner, OBAMA ordered the Provost, OBAMA ordered the Military, OBAMA ordered the Carriers, etc etc.. WE have always believed he works for the ILLUMINATI and does as instructed by them, no different than BUSH or CLINTON. It's his turn to be DICTATOR of the Western World using the Emergency Powers which make U.S. Presidents virtually untouchable and he has, in our judgment, no intention of giving up his opportunity to "remake the U.S." according to his mental vision which by now you can surely see is Socialism at a bare minimum.

Tax collections are down 40%. Corporate collections are down 67%. The Gov't must sell 101B of Bonds NEXT WEEK, one trillion by September. This flood of Gov't borrowing will leave nothing for the private sector exacerbating the crash. The result is Gov't, Gov't and more Gov't for the liberals and debt debt and more debt for the people. This entire scam, the purpose of which is to save their fraudulent finance playpen, is being run by the same operatives who caused the crash in the first place, Summers, Rubin, Paulson, Geithner, Greenspan, Bernake, Goldman Sachs, Gramm, Dodd, Frank, etc.. Unemployment will go through the roof, rising interest rates will further destroy the private sector and consumers, and the dollar will be debased. These things collectively spell DEPRESSION on a grand scale as Gov't continues to throw trillions of dollars (gasoline) on the fire to save their fraudulent banker buddies rather than allow free markets to work as intended which would result in the bankruptcy of the crooks. Politicians and Presidents work for the crooks and that's why nothing is allowed to work as it should.

"We are out of money" OBAMA says on c-span. Don't get excited friends, that is a technically correct statement HOWEVER "they" own the printing presses and credit creation process so there is no such thing as running out of money until such time as the world refuses to buy any more U.S. debt and the whole thing blows up. We didn't have any money last year or last decade either, technically, that's why we have an acknowledged national debt in excess of 50T..

Of course WE are aware that neither Whistleblower or Story believe the programs will pay, Story believing they are Ponzi's and still yakking about such as "the prudent man rule". WE addressed that subject long ago if you care to look it up. If the programs don't pay it won't be because they are not real but because OBAMA defeats us, the Countries and the World by precluding deliveries in order to save the existing corrupt banking/monetary system's as instructed by his Illuminati Handlers. There are many things WE can't report publicly without compromising sources. WE have known for many many years the reality of the programs, why else would WE have devoted so much time to this endeavor. Our research was thorough in the beginning and in the years since WE have revalidated our knowledge in many many ways. WE could not be paid under the Fed Res System as it is owned by EVIL. Therefore our funding goes hand in hand with the new which in our judgment includes our return to the Constitution and exposure of the criminals. Try not to let comments by the "new kids on the block" upset you to much. They are no doubt well intentioned, especially Whistleblower. They obviously have much knowledge about many things, then there are some things they just as obviously don't know. WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING EITHER, but the reality of the programs is not one of those things.

OUR news remains that OBAMA continues to block deliveries. Do you think it unreasonable to say that if he was born in Kenya that he is guilty of Treason? Why would he suffer multitudes of lawsuits, billboards springing up all over America and cost himself millions of dollars when all he has to do is produce his birth certificate? Having decided somewhere along the way that this could be covered up, suppressed, do you not agree that Soros and his other "in the know" backers were and also are, themselves, guilty of Treason? OBAMA is another Hitler. A left wing radical Fascist with legislation "in the hopper" such as "preventative detention" (concentration camps), elimination of talk radio and complete control of internet speech and content. The WTC buildings were imploded using Thermite/Thermate say the Scientists and Demolition Experts. Can you even comprehend the extent to which these people will go to retain CONTROL of the world? OBAMA works for these people. He may do so because of threats to himself and his family, that is unknowable, but one need not be politically or economically astute to observe what he doing.

What is involved here is so very much greater than our funding. It is truly something, which we pray is good, vs EVIL.

TODAY the IMF tried to access their funds. They had been told we were funded yesterday. No one has actually been "funded" in a spendable way. Boy are they p__sed which is good for us. Even the World Court is once again making noises that they are going to have to do something, lord knows what.

The Bilderhamburgers talked about crashing the dollar (right away), hyperflation, gas at $4.00 by the end of the year, $6.00 to $8.00 Gal. next year, probably a result of the preplanned hyperinflation. Naturally they intend to be Johnny on the Spot with a new world currency of their own to fix the problems (worldwide economic crash) they themselves created.

If "they" win this epic battle which has no historical precedent, we all better have several years of food and water stored (we can't eat gold). If the good guys win (thats us) things will be difficult for a while maybe, but the world will be working together toward recovery rather than the wholesale destruction planned by the evil ones.

Two additional attempts, unsuccessful, were made overnight to access our accounts. Is it BUSH? CLINTON? OBAMA? It is all the above. Just as Hitler was a puppet of Nazism so too are our leaders puppets of the Illuminati Controllers (Bankers).

Does anyone know why Air Force One was in Omaha yesterday? That's what WE hear from one who says he saw with own eyes, hmmmm....

Hang in there friends. The world wants its money and they can't get theirs till we receive first, thank goodness. The pressure is such that deliveries could literally show up at any time.

casper 5-27-09 #1

Hitler was a puppet of Nazism?

Heck, that's no more backasswards than the rest of Casper's logic. As for driving a "Hugo," Casper must have been thinking of those lousy cars made in Venezuela by Yugo Chavez.
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by texino »

What is Casper's position in this whole mess? Well, it would seem that his mission is to take the results of a Ponzi Scheme which failed due to there being no such thing as HYIP trading; a scam where the principals were tried, convicted and locked up in jail after confessing that the whole thing was a fraud and after all that, try to convince someone that there is real money coming down the pike regardless of mountains of evidence to the contrary. Hell, the guy would do better trying to prove the existence of the tooth fairy.
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:What is Casper's position in this whole mess? Well, it would seem that his mission is to take the results of a Ponzi Scheme which failed due to there being no such thing as HYIP trading; a scam where the principals were tried, convicted and locked up in jail after confessing that the whole thing was a fraud and after all that, try to convince someone that there is real money coming down the pike regardless of mountains of evidence to the contrary. Hell, the guy would do better trying to prove the existence of the tooth fairy.
I have incontravertable proof there IS a tooth fairy. For one thing, there's this dime. If the tooth fairy didn't put it under my pillow when I was 8 years old, who did?
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper is nuts, very, very crazy. That’s “nuts” plural and two “veries.”

CASPER UPDATE #1: MAY 30, 2009
casper 5-30-09 #1

Overnight our Intell has changed.

Early morning calls from far away say final warnings (non-interference) have been given and WE therefore suggest everyone be very very alert right now.

That's "Call"s, plural, and two "Very's".

casper 5-30-09

Sorry, I forgot to give you the “OOOOOOO” update. As in “OOOOOOO, that Casper is very, very crazy.”

CASPER UPDATE #2: MAY 30, 2009
casper 5-30-09 #2

This morning I forgot to give you the "OO" update.

That's the OBAMA OUTRAGE of the day.

On election day in Philadelphia, mind you, The Black Panthers, armed with NIGHTSTICKS, intimidated and stopped those who were not on the ACORN approved list from voting.

You remember the Black Panthers don't you? In the seventies they tied a man to a chair, doused him with gasoline and set him on fire. And who was their defense attorney? Hillary Clinton of course.

Lawsuits were filed in the above matter. Yesterday OBAMA's head of The "Justice" Department refused to prosecute the Blk Panthers saying it was not a big enough deal for them to pursue it. Welcome to Politics African style, if you intend to vote for me, no problem. If not let me introduce you to my little friend the NIGHTSTICK (Billy Club). The Panthers didn't even show up for the hearing allowing a default judgment in favor of the intimidated voters. Still HOLDER/OBAMA refused to prosecute these exceptionally clear violations of the Voting Rights Act.

As WE were advised from the very beginning by "connected" Washington Sources, "Bush was nothing compared to this man".

The last time OBAMA visited with the MUSLIMS he bowed and declared "the United States is not a Christian country". What do you suppose he will say next week in Egypt?

Do the American people get the Government they deserve? This is what we voted for, this is what we got.

It was not until several years later that the German people awoke to what they had voted for.

casper 5-30-09 #2
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Re: Casper's June 5th Update

Post by fortinbras »

On FourWinds10 on Friday, June 5th, Casper posted an Urgent message that began:

"We sincerely believe that the time has come to say goodbye, again."

Apparently Casper is going to disappear, at least for a while.

I believe this translates into English as "The feds are wondering what I've been doing with your donations, and why I've been trying to incite you against the new President."
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Re: Casper's June 5th Update

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:On FourWinds10 on Friday, June 5th, Casper posted an Urgent message that began:

"We sincerely believe that the time has come to say goodbye, again."

Apparently Casper is going to disappear, at least for a while.

I believe this translates into English as "The feds are wondering what I've been doing with your donations, and why I've been trying to incite you against the new President."
The whole nine yards
casper 6-5-09

WE sincerely believe the time has come to say goodbye-again.

Remember to help others and to give thanks to all the people and forces for good who helped make success possible.

It has been a long and difficult road. Lets always remember those lost along the way.

Let us also be aware that there were those who did not want this change to happen and did everything humanly possible to stop it from happening and who continue to make threats even at this late hour.

"WE" are of course one of the targets of these threats.

WE are a large group of people here and abroad who have often acted as a communications outlet for those around the world working around the clock to get our deal done. WE have seldom been the "source" of such communications written for the benefit of program participants primarily but also for those needing rapid communications among themselves. This has involved many of "The Countries" and powerful groups working for us in places far away. These communications which you have come to know as "the Casper updates" have come to you from your "best friends" around the world who now send their blessings and best wishes for a happy life filled with love for your fellow man.

They will remain your friends-and ours-even after the fact.

Follow the directions.

Casper 6-5-09
Be aware that I and thousands, nay millions, of my evil friends are still doing everything possible to block this. You'll know we've succeeded if you don't get a packie in the mail. Wish us luck!
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

casper 6-5-09

"WE sincerely believe the time has come to say goodbye-again."

Or, in plain English: "WE have finally caught on that we have played you all for suckers for as long as we could manage, but we have run out of excuses (plausible or implausible) as to why no money has ever come, or ever will come, from any "prosperity program", be it NESARA or anything else."
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by fortinbras »

Notwithstanding his June 5th message, Casper was back the next day with a June 6th message, rather lengthy, a virtual carbon copy - maybe he ought to get a rubber stamp for this - that all his "intell" was "air tight" for money distribution and then last minute "unexpected" delays that can be blamed on the usual suspects.

Don't you just hate it when a crank you thought was leaving changes his mind and decides to hang around?!
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

Aho! Deep Knight and his minions were successful yet again in thwarting the packie deliveries! Actually, I deserve all the credit even though it was easy, after all these guys are have a lot of practice at failing to deliver. In fact, I just sat back and watched them shoot themselves in the foot (and several more sensitive areas).

For those of you keeping score, Nesara 0, Dark Agenda 17,293.

Crank It Up Casper!

casper 6-6-09

Once again, the Intel behind yesterdays update was "air tight" meaning all sources around the planet "On Go" for deliveries beginning late Friday and continuing Saturday.
Certain packs WE watch carefully had moved supporting this conclusion.

Several hours after that was posted a series of three calls came in saying there is to be an unexpected delay till Saturday said some, till Monday said others. Each of these widely divergent sources had a different reason for the delay. Now, Saturday evening, WE can report than none of the three excuses were accurate.

The real reason we have again been delayed was that several World Court Judges, following the directions of OBAMA, BUSH and CLINTON, were again attempting a weekend trade. Which "pot" was being used for collateral is unclear at this time and not important anyway. TREASURY is involved in these attempts.

WE were then informed Saturday morning by some of the "Countries", that the attempt had been blocked and that some of the Judges would be arrested. WE have since been told that "papers" have been served on some of them. The Judges involved were those from GERMANY, ITALY, FRANCE, ENGLAND, JAPAN and CHINA. JAPAN and CHINA have "recalled" their Judges, the others are to be "dealt with" in the Hague. WE were advised that all Countries are now cooperating in over coming the on going shenanigans and deliveries will still occur beginning late Saturday afternoon.

Now, early Saturday evening, WE have just been informed that the packages which were "on site" and ready for delivery have been ordered back to D.C. by OBAMA, BUSH and CLINTON.

Once again OBAMA has stated "as long as I am President you will never get these packages" and that he must have the money. Once again he was told "you will never get this money, it belongs to the people not to you".

When the 4T was stolen by OBAMA/BUSH early last week and used to bribe CHINA the funds were recovered promptly. Nevertheless many Countries immediately sent Representatives to CHINA to supposedly take some action against them for their willingness to accept the bribe. WE have not been able to determine the reason for all that travel in view of the fact the funds had already been confiscated. Now this attempted failed weekend trade with the cooperation of World Court Judges. The corruption of the Corporation continues.

Again and again all is in readiness even to the point of positioning the packages. Again and again OBAMA/BUSH/CLINTON sabotage deliveries.

WE read into these happenings desperation on the part of OBAMA and Allies and also the apparent fact that there is a force powerful enough to overcome this sabotage.

WE don't know what happens next so there is no sense in speculating. The "World" was already furious at OBAMA so it is likely the intensity is being turned up still another notch, if that is possible, given that he is still amongst 'em so to speak.

More when possible unless things get turned around and we get delivered the first of the week.

casper 6-6-09
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

casper 6-9-09

Dog gone that Global Warming. Another 10 inches of snow in the high plains. In June. [Um, Casper, this is called "weather," global warming has to do with "climate." If you think North Dakota has never gotten snow in June before, you haven't lived in North Dakota, where there's No Dak like So Dak]

Now lets see, where did WE leave off on Saturday? [As I remember, you were going to stop posting] Oh yes, I remember, deliveries scheduled Friday and Saturday had been stopped by OBAMA. So much has happened since then, lets summarize it as follows.

Packs out again, OBAMA pulls them back again. Packs out again, OBAMA pulls them back again and finally, packs out again, Obama pulls them back again. There you have it folks. Oh, I forgot, packs are now out again.

Regarding STORY'S intell [the same "intel" that told us Wanta had $trillions?] Sunday night that Bank accounts have been zeroed out, its not just BUSH Senior, POTUS lost his too. One account contained many Billions. Now where do you suppose POTUS got that kind of money? The evidence is such that even the most devout Messiah Worshipers will soon be choking on their kool-aid. There is a great deal of intell about this and related subjects which WE will avoid for now so as not to steal someone else's thunder. Watch for announcements after delivery.

Intell has been coming out from several directions , from several messengers. Read all of it with an open mind and connect the dots in your mind. A helpful hint for you, the arrested Military personnel mentioned by STORY are free and reinstated.

In summary, bad guys are being dealt with and at this time we are back on go.

casper 6-9-09

[Thunderbirds are GO!!!]

casper 6-9-09 #2

WE don't generate the news folks, good or bad.
WE just report the news to the best of our ability.

The Military had retrieved the packs from Treasury to where OBAMA continuously has had them returned.
Having done so they were again scheduled for delivery today.

Overnight OBAMA has somehow managed to grab the packs again and has had some of the top level Military arrested.
He has said again, for the twenty seventh time, "you will never see these packages as long as I am President". [Because they don't exist?]

WE await further news and will report when possible.

Casper 6-9-09 #2

[Thunderbirds are not quite GO!!!]

casper 6-9-09 #3

This is in "real time" folks so keep up with the flow. [Is that flow yellow and warm?]

Secretary of Defense Gates has ordered the packs back out immediately and to be delivered today even if it is necessary for them to work all night.

He has ordered the immediate release of Military personnel and has warned OBAMA that if he interferes again he will be immediately arrested. He is working hand in hand with all the Countries.

casper 6-09-09 #3

[Hand me that bottle of Thunderbird, I gotta GO!!!]

Thunderbirds reference - also the source of much of the style used in Team America
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The motto of these people must be "thank you, Sir! May I have another?"
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

casper 6-11-09 #1

The packs did come back out late yesterday.
They arrived at the appropriate destinations and were then ordered back to D.C. again, by GATES.

The Pentagon tried all night long to access our accounts. WE knew last night they were using "banks" (multiple) computers in the attempts. This morning WE learn the attempts were coming from many different sections of the Pentagon, first one then another.
The attempts were blocked, the Countries were notified.

At the Bilderberg meetings in Greece the OBAMA Administration was excessively represented not only by such as Kissinger, Geitner, Summers, etc from the monetary/finance arena as would be expected, but several reporters commented on the heavy U.S. Military contingent. This is the Illuminati which tells the likes of OBAMA and GATES where to sit and what to say.

Prior to becoming Sec. of Defense Gates was head of the See Aye A. Those Pentagon computers would not be doing what they were doing without his knowledge and approval. Add to this the on again off again arrest of various Military personel and what we have is a witches brew being served to the world with Gates/Obama/Hillary/Pelosi and various Generals doing the serving.

Early this morning WE were already hearing of further problems, further delays. Below WE will explain things as WE understand them. There is conflicting intell. There is always conflicting Intell. WE have always reported our own intell and will continue to do so now.

WE hear the packages were back in place last night for delivery this morning. Overnight GATES ordered them back to D.C.. GATES has several GENERALS assisting him. This morning the Junior Military is in full revolt against GATES and the COUNTRIES-ALL- the COUNTRIES notified GATES that they are aware of his overnight activities and unless he reverses himself immediately he will be immediately arrested. After verbal fisticuffs GATES reversed his orders. Packs on the East Coast, having already arrived back in D.C. were turned around and are out again. Planes enroute to D.C. from the West Coast were turned around in the air and are headed back to the West Coast. As a result of all this WE expect deliveries to be today, likely a late afternoon start.

From the above WE can observe a split in the Military ranks with the good guys winning what appears to be the final battle. The COUNTRIES have been instrumental in overcoming overnight a last ditch effort by OBAMA/GATES and certain Generals in the Pentagon to steal the funds which included, by the way, the accounts belonging to the Countries.

WE expect deliveries.
WE expect announcements to follow soon after.
WE expect the SUITCASE to be opened and OBAMA to have a prominent place therein.
WE expect arrests.
WE expect a return to the Constitution. In short,
WE expect all the things WE have been reporting for years to now come to fruition.

casper 6-11-09

Well, WE expect Casper to be put in jail, but it never seems to happen. I guess WE all have to learn to live with disappointment.

By the way, if the Pentigon can get money from the accounts using computers, why the emphasis on physical deliveries? Yeah, I know that none of this makes any sense from the word "go" it's just that I would expect the "believers" to ask simple questions like this (silly me).
"Follow the Money"

Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by ClemIsBack »

The only reason deliveries are going forward now is that the Official White House Gardener threatened to plant POTUS in his garden if he didn't let the packies go. And then he was going to arrest him. This rock-solid info comes directly from Casper.
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Re: Caspers 5/22 Update

Post by Deep Knight »

ClemIsBack wrote:The only reason deliveries are going forward now is that the Official White House Gardener threatened to plant POTUS in his garden if he didn't let the packies go. And then he was going to arrest him. This rock-solid info comes directly from Casper.
I tried planting POTUS in my garden but the soil wasn't loose enough (rock solid) and they died. No, wait, that was DIANTHUS and Casper's head, POTUS has been doing just fine since January. Never mind.
"Follow the Money"