Clark Rockefeller

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Clark Rockefeller

Post by Deep Knight »

A few years back (well, about 5 or 6) a frequent poster from Australia named “Starry” jerked Jennifer Lee’s chain by claiming to want to give her $thousands of dollars. Jennifer Lee was a NESARA player who’s dropped off the radar screen recently (“she” was actually 3 people, we believed 2 women and 1 man, who ran scams out of California) but was associated with A&A (now more frequently called Rama and Tara, but they have many names). Jennifer was thrilled at the prospect of getting money and got the rest of the NESARA crew in on the act (each one claiming they should be given the bulk of the money). After “she” realized it wasn’t real, Jennifer countered with “we’re getting money from a rich aristocrat from Europe, a Rockefeller and Battenburg.” About a week later, Dove and A&A picked up the same theme. At the time we didn’t think anything about it except “sour grapes.”

Yesterday I read the following article. More in the next posting.

Lawyer: 'Rockefeller' thought girl was telepathic

The Associated Press

BOSTON - A man who calls himself Clark Rockefeller believed he was communicating telepathically with his daughter and she was telling him she needed to be rescued, a defense attorney told jurors Thursday to begin his kidnapping trial.

Attorney Jeffrey Denner set up an insanity defense by telling the jury during opening statements that the defendant, whose real name is Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, suffered from two mental illnesses and didn't know it was wrong to snatch his 7-year-old daughter off the streets of Boston during a supervised visit last July.

Gerhartsreiter was "pushed over the edge" when he lost custody of his daughter in 2007, Denner said.

"He believed that on a moral level ... he had to do this to save his daughter," Denner said.

Gerhartsreiter is accused of shoving a social worker to the ground during the supervised visit, then hustling his daughter into a waiting car and fleeing. They were both found in Baltimore six days later, the girl unharmed.

Prosecutors opened the trial by portraying Gerhartsreiter as a con man who thinks the rules do not apply to him. They allege that he spent months meticulously planning the kidnapping.

Prosecutor David Deakin described how Gerhartsreiter romanced he ex-wife and "dazzled" her with "his personality, his charisma, his likability," but remained vague about his past.

He told her he worked restructuring debt for developing nations and explained his lack of money by saying he didn't have the heart to charge for his services, Deakin said. He also claimed his parents had died in a car crash when he was a teenager and said he had attended a program for gifted children at Yale University when he was 14.

His ex-wife, Sandra Boss, was not in court Thursday, but her father, William Boss, did attend openings.

Authorities say Gerhartsreiter is a German man who has used multiple aliases since moving to the U.S. in 1978.
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by Deep Knight »

If this guy wasn't involved with Dove & Co. he should have been!

Clark Rockefeller
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Born Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter
21 February 1961 (1961-02-21) (age 48)
Siegsdorf, Bavaria, Germany
Spouse(s) Sandra Boss

Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter (born 21 February 1961) is a German citizen who used the alias Clark Rockefeller to allegedly kidnapped his daughter, Reigh Storrow Mills Boss, on July 27, 2008. He was apprehended on August 2, 2008. Through fingerprint analysis, the FBI has confirmed that he is Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter of Bergen, Upper Bavaria in Germany. Alexander Gerhartsreiter, who lives in Bergen, identified Rockefeller as his brother, stating that they are the sons of a painter and homemaker.

Reportedly Gerhartsreiter came to the United States as a West German foreign exchange student in 1979. Although his family states that Christian Gerhartsreiter was born 21 February 1961, he maintains that he was born 29 February 1960. Rockefeller also told Boston police that his mother is Ann Carter, an American child actress of the 1940s, which Carter has denied.

On August 15, 2008 the FBI, the Massachusetts State Police, the Boston Police Department, and the Suffolk County District Attorney announced confirmation of the true identity of the individual who has used the aliases Clark Rockefeller, Chris C. Crowe, Chris Chichester, Charles Smith, and Chip Smith, among others. According to their report individual's true name is Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter. Gerhartsreiter was conclusively identified by means of forensic examinations conducted by the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia.

When Gerhartsreiter, using the name Clark Rockefeller, was arrested, his fingerprint impressions were taken by FBI agents in Baltimore and by Boston Police when he was returned to Massachusetts. Those fingerprints were compared to latent fingerprints lifted from a variety of sources. They match a latent print lifted from a wine glass in Boston collected at the time of the search for "Rockefeller" and his daughter earlier in the month. Those fingerprints also match a latent print developed from a document in Gerhartsreiter's immigration file from the early 1980s.

Although there were no fingerprint cards or inked impressions in the immigration file, an FBI laboratory was able to develop latent print impressions from a document in that file, which had been provided by the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Gerhartsreiter went to great lengths to conceal his true identity from his wife Sandra Boss. He repeatedly told her she should file her tax return as a single person and later in their marriage, when his wife's firm required that a certified public accountant do her taxes, found an accountant for her. After their divorce, Boss learned that he had told their accountant he was her brother so that the accountant would continue filing single tax returns for her.

Charges of custodial kidnapping

In 2007, Rockefeller lost custody of his daughter, Reigh, by Sandra Boss, whom he married in a Quaker ceremony that had no legal status. The child was born as Reigh Storrow Mills Rockefeller, but her mother had the child's surname changed after her reported divorce from Rockefeller, in part because he refused to provide proof of his identity. During the case, Boss, a high-earning McKinsey senior executive who had graduated from Stanford University and Harvard Business School, accused him of lying about being a member of the famous Rockefeller family. Members of the Rockefeller family have also denied any relation to Clark Rockefeller. Prior to the divorce, Rockefeller had lived in Cornish, New Hampshire with Boss and their child where he used his supposed family ties to bolster his reputation, telling friends and neighbors that he was a wealthy Yale graduate who owned a business in Canada.

Clark Rockefeller was listed as a director of Boston's Algonquin Club until April 2008.

Alleged abduction and search
Authorities allege that on July 27, 2008 Rockefeller abducted his daughter at about 12:45 p.m. in a black sport utility vehicle. Boston police searched the area of the incident without success, and Massachusetts State Police issued an Amber Alert just before 5 p.m. Later that night police issued a warrant for the Rockefeller's arrest. He currently faces charges of custodial kidnapping, assault and battery, and assault with a deadly weapon - the sport utility vehicle.

Boston police said the father, daughter, and a social worker were in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood at the intersection of Marlborough and Arlington streets, traveling on foot from the Four Seasons Hotel Boston to the Boston Common when the sport utility vehicle drove up. Rockefeller allegedly grabbed Reigh, pushed the social worker aside, and jumped into the vehicle, which then sped off. The social worker, who police said works for an independent agency, grabbed onto the vehicle and was dragged a short distance before letting go. He was treated for minor injuries at Massachusetts General Hospital and released. The sport utility vehicle was believed to be driven by a friend of Rockefeller's.

Police searched the immediate area and Logan International Airport that day. The same day police received calls reporting sightings of Reigh in Dedham, Hyde Park, and even New York's Grand Central Station. Police reported they followed up on all leads, but had nothing solid by the end of the day.

On August 3, 2008 Clark Rockefeller was arrested in Baltimore, Maryland on charges of kidnapping and assault and battery after a week-long search. He had recently purchased an apartment there for about $450,000 under the name Charles "Chip" Smith.

With the help of the owner of a local marina where Rockefeller had apparently kept a catamaran for the past nine years, FBI agents were able to lure him out of the apartment with a telephone call telling him the boat was taking on water. He was arrested as he left the apartment briefly before Reigh was safely recovered by authorities from inside.

Held without bail
On October 2, 2008, at a hearing requested by defense attorney Stephen Hrones, bail was revoked. Hrones had requested the hearing in order to seek a reduction from the $50 million cash bail under which the defendant had previously been held. Instead, the judge ordered the defendant to be held without bail.

On February 13, 2009, Rockefeller's attorneys filed notice that they will use an insanity defense when he goes on trial.

Possible multiple identities
At an August 15, 2008, news conference, FBI officials in Boston announced that fingerprints from 'Clark Rockefeller' match 3 latent fingerprints from a U.S. immigration form submitted by Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, who was born in 1961 in what was then West Germany.

Rockefeller is believed to have used multiple aliases in several locations over the years, including Connecticut, Wisconsin, California, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maryland. Some of the aliases he is alleged to have used include Christian Gerhart-Reiter, Christopher Chichester, Christopher Crowe, Michael Brown, J. P. Clark Rockefeller, James Fredrick, Clark Mill Rockefeller, Charles "Chip" Smith, and Clark Rock. At times, he has claimed to be a descendant of European royal lineages, including the Battenberg family of Germany and the Mountbatten family of England. When he was a bond trader living in Connecticut in the 1980s, he told colleagues he was the former head of the Battenberg-Crowe-von-Wettin Family Foundation.

Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter

On August 8, 2008, a man named Alexander Gerhartsreiter of Bergen, Germany, claimed that Rockefeller is indeed his older brother, Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, when shown a photograph. "It seems you found my brother. It is really a shock." said Alexander. He said Christian left home as a teenager and cut ties with the family about 20 years ago.

He asserts that Christian grew up with him in Bergen/Chiemgau, Germany, in the house that his grandfather built in 1926 and where the family still lives today. He lived there until 1978 when he moved to Connecticut as a student.

According to Alexander, at first Christian stayed in contact with the family but then lost touch and has not called his parents since 1985. "I think Bavaria was too small for him," Alexander stated in a newspaper interview. "He wanted to live in the big country and maybe get famous. Now that I see all this, he's really famous."

Thomas Seidel, the principal of the school in Traunstein, Germany, that Gerhartsreiter reportedly attended, confirmed Christian Gerhartsreiter was a student there. Germany's BKA reported that they have no criminal record associated with anyone by that name and referred questions about his nationality to local authorities.

On August 11, 2008, Massachusetts prosecutors positively identified him as Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter. Christian was born on Feb. 21, 1961 at 11:10 a.m. in the hospital of Siegsdorf, a small village near Traunstein in upper Bavaria of Germany, to Simon and Irmengard Gerhartsreiter.

In August 1978, Gwen Savio, a retired librarian in Berlin, Connecticut, answered a newspaper classified advertisement for a German student seeking room and board and agreed to take in the seventeen year old calling himself Christian Gehrharts Reiter. After making arrangements with her over the telephone Reiter showed up at her house a short time later, having apparently walked several miles to her house.

She said that the teen, who enrolled at Berlin High School, went to school with her eldest son, the screenwriter and author, Edward Savio, who has been interviewed on DatelineNBC and in Vanity Fair about the subject. Edward Savio's interviews have corrected dates given by other family members. Gwen Savio has said, their guest refused to eat her family's Italian cooking and once locked her daughter out of the house in the winter.[19] "I didn't get a creepy feeling; I just thought that he was a spoiled brat," said Savio. "He wanted what he wanted, when he wanted it."

In the Winter of 1978, Savio evicted Gerhartsreiter from her house, after he declared "that we were peasants and his father had told him not to talk to peasants." She believes he moved in with another family in Berlin.

On August 7, 2008, Gwen Savio's youngest son, Steve Savio of Berlin, said he is "100 percent certain" that Rockefeller is the same person who stayed with his family in 1978-79 under the name Christian Gerharts Reiter. "The first pictures I saw of him when he didn't have any glasses on, didn't look anything like him," Savio stated in an Associated Press interview. "But the pictures after he was apprehended, with the glasses, those look just like him."

Savio claimed Greenwich, Connecticut, police interviewed his family in 1988 about a possible connection between the man he knew as Reiter and the disappearance of Jonathan and Linda Sohus. According to Savio the FBI and German authorities interviewed them the week of August 4, 2008 about the possible connection between Reiter and Rockefeller.

After leaving the Savio residence, Gerhartsreiter moved west to Elm Grove, Wisconsin, where he met and, on February 20, 1981, married a United States citizen named Amy Jersild (now Duhnke), aged 22, in a civil ceremony at the Dane County courthouse in Madison, after which he obtained a green card, granting him legal residency in the United States.

According to Beth Litza, Amy's older sister, Gerhartsreiter lived in a "tiny brick cottage with flowing drapes, china, candles, and a fancy rug". "He had a kind of a rich-person, kind of distance thing going on," Litza said. As quickly as Gerhartsreiter appeared in Amy's life, he disappeared, she said, but she could not remember when and how they divorced. "They met, they married, and then he was gone,” Litza said.[19]

Amy Jersild told investigators that she had only met Gerhartsreiter on two occasions before their marriage, and she married him because he promised her money that was never paid.

Christopher Chichester

In about 1983, a young man calling himself Christopher Chichester showed up in San Marino, California where he rented a converted garage from a young couple named John and Linda Sohus. Within a short time, he had joined an Episcopal church, the Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and claimed he was the descendant of royalty. Residents recall being initially intrigued and later put off by Chichester's pretensions.

In 1985, Chichester's landlords, the Sohuses, were reported missing. Authorities wanted to question Chichester about the disappearance, but he had apparently left town and could not be located. Friends told police they had seen a large freshly dug hole while visiting Chichester, and Chichester told them there had been plumbing problems.

In May 1994, workers digging a swimming pool for the new owners of the Sohus home in San Marino discovered human remains wrapped in three plastic bags and buried in the backyard. Police presumed but never definitively identified them as those of John Sohus. In 1994 detectives sought to question "Christopher Crowe Mountbatten Chichester" about the disappearances, but said he was not a suspect. As of August, 2008, DNA tests are being conducted on those remains. Neither Linda Sohus nor her remains have been located. San Marino Police Lieutenant Steve Johnson said investigators have plans to conduct a search of the former Sohus property in an effort to determine whether any additional human remains are buried on the property.

It was reported on August 5, 2008 that Clark Rockefeller was wanted for questioning by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department about the disappearances of John and Linda Sohus of San Marino, California. Two L.A. County Sheriff's detectives were sent to Boston to interview him but were prevented from meeting him by his attorney.[25]

A 2008 story by Frank C. Girardot and co-writer Nathan McIntire linked the 23-year-old missing persons case and the 1994 discovery of bones in a San Marino, Calif., backyard to Clark Rockefeller. The two later broke the news that most of the bones had been cremated by the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner.

Christopher Crowe

About the same time as Christopher Chichester left California, a man named Christopher Chichester Crowe began mingling with members at the exclusive Indian Harbor Yacht Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. Apparently using contacts from the club, he was hired as a sales representative at a local brokerage house, S.N. Phelps and Co. Former employees of the firm said they remember Crowe as a strange young man who claimed he had graduated from the University of Southern California and had worked as a producer for the television show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". "He's a chameleon; he can fit in," said one of the employees, "He can be funny at times, witty, laughs at your jokes. He walked into the yacht club, pretending like he owned the place."

One of the employees said he saw Crowe's apartment, a converted garage on a large estate in Greenwich that was beautiful, but empty, except for a cot and some magazines. "He might have been a little embarrassed about it," the employee said. "He claimed he'd ordered some furniture that hadn't arrived yet." The employees say Crowe quit for reasons they cannot recall.

New York
In 1987, Crowe was hired at Nikko Securities International in Manhattan as vice president of the corporate bond department, after professing to be former head of the apparently bogus Battenberg-Crowe-von-Wettin Family Foundation, with a collection of Rolls-Royce automobiles and Italian sports cars. He told tales of owning castles in Europe, and his hiring was covered in the July, 1987 edition of the trade publication The Bond Buyer, which quoted Crowe's market analysis: "Customers like industrials. They've been oversaturated with banks and finance."

Crowe's former colleagues recalled that he was not what he professed to be. He drove a beat-up 1965 Chevy, grew angry easily with others in the office, and made very few sales. They said that he was terminated sometime around 1989. "He was a sales manager and never made a sale, so eventually he was fired. He just didn't do anything." Another former colleague recalled Crowe telling a customer who accidentally sat at his desk, "If anybody touches my stuff, I'll bring my German Luger." "It started to become very apparent that whatever he said was a story; it was made up," another former colleague said. "At most places, but especially Wall Street, your word is your bond. And whenever you get someone like this, you're sitting on a liability, and so it was that, more than anything, that prompted the firm to decide that we'd be better off without him."

Just before he was fired in 1988, Crowe attracted the attention of police back in Greenwich when he tried to sell a pick-up truck belonging to John Sohus of San Marino, California, to a minister's son who alerted police after Crowe lacked the proper paperwork.

Around 1989, Crowe was hired at Kidder, Peabody & Co. in Manhattan, but according to former colleagues he quit abruptly, telling them his parents had been kidnapped abroad. The next day, Connecticut state troopers showed up at Crowe's office, asking about the Sohus truck, but Crowe was gone.

Clark Rockefeller
Rockefeller claims that his name was given to him by his godfather Harry Copeland, who was from New York, and passed away in the late 1990s.

New Hampshire
Rockefeller and his wife, Sandra L. Boss maintained a large home named Doveridge in Cornish, New Hampshire.

Rockefeller was often seen around Boston's Beacon Hill neighborhood, both with his daughter and alone. He frequented parties and functions around the city, many at exclusive social clubs, and was a member and director at the Algonquin Club. The Boston Herald reported that prior to the events leading to his arrest, Rockefeller had been falsely claiming to be a widower, and adjusting to the death of his wife.

Charles Smith

Using the name Charles 'Chip' Smith, Rockefeller purchased a home on Baltimore's Ploy Street where he hid from authorities with his daughter. He was eventually found though, by authorities who lured him out of his house by saying that his boat was sinking.

Claims compiled by Boston Globe & acquaintances
- Christian Gerhart Reiter - Chris Kenneth Gerhart - Christopher Chichester - Christopher Crowe - Christopher Mountbatten Crowe - Clark Mill Rockefeller - James Frederick - Michael Brown - Charles "Chip" Smith

- Choate Hall - Harvard - Yale -- accepted at age 14, graduated at age 17 - MIT - University of Southern California, film school

Childhood Memories
- mute for 10 years. ("I had nothing to say. It was the Johnson administration.") - picked strawberries in Oregon. - went to Mount Rushmore in the back of a '68 Ford. - father was an industrialist in Bavaria. - parents were killed in a car accident when he was 16. - has never had cheese.

Family Ties
- Christopher Chichester XIII, that is, 13th baronet. - descendant of Sir Francis Chichester, who sailed around the world in his ketch Gipsy Moth IV in the 1960s. - descendant of Lord Mountbatten, the British naval officer. - mother is the child star Ann Carter, known for her starring role opposite Humphrey Bogart in The Two Mrs. Carrolls.

Work Experience
- LA-based producer of Alfred Hitchcock remakes - Head of the Battenberg-Crowe-von-Wettin Foundation - Sales manager of corporate bonds - Solving Third World debt - Working for the US Defense Department on projects he's not allowed to discuss - Head of a jet-propulsion company that made engines for rockets - Traveled with rocket in tow to Russia for launch only to be denied fuel by Russian government - Former head of a jet-propulsion company sold to Boeing for a billion dollars - Ship's captain from Chile, now retired

Excuses for Skipping Town
- parents are missing in Afghanistan and he must find them. - family member has died in England and he has to go back and take care of the estate.

- Paying for art with a blank check and asking banker never to tell him the amount - The movie Double Indemnity - Krugerrands

- Italian food - People asking questions about where he gets his money - Paintings with green in them

Pickup Lines and Text Flirts
- "I'm on my way to China for my work as a nuclear physicist and I've just come from giving my daughter's class a one-hour tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art." - "In a submarine. Crowded. Strange. Thought of you a minute ago." - "Just gazed at Saturn for the last 10 minutes. Viewing excellent tonight in Brookline. Wish you could see this. Wish I could see you." - "Would you like to see my collection of Mark Rothko paintings?"

In His Pocket
- The key to Rockefeller Center

What He Likes to Collect
- Rolls-Royces - Italian sports cars - Abstract expressionism art - Rockefeller memorabilia, including pennants, neckties, and campaign bumper stickers

Favorite Foods
- Cucumber-and-watercress tea sandwiches, but only on Pepperidge Farm bread with the crusts removed - Haggis - Lamb sausage - Cereal, which he takes with him to London "because the food is so dreadful there" - Starbucks Apple Fritters

Preferred Transport
- Learjet - yacht - catamaran

Special Skills
- can speak five, six, or seven languages

Most Ambitious Pledge
- donating a planetarium to Southfield School in Brookline, which his daughter attended.

- Quaker. - Episcopalian, member of Saint Thomas Church on Fifth Avenue in New York.

- Britney Spears - Former German chancellor Helmut Kohl - Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking - Henry Kissinger. Met him and his dog, Amelia, while walking his dog. - Jennifer Aniston, who was allegedly dating

Celebrities Most Resemble
- Thurston Howell III, the millionaire on TV's Gilligan's Island - Dr. Niles Crane on Frasier - Professor Plum from the game Clue

Current Projects
- A sitcom, - A novel about the creation of the modern state of Israel

List from “1 Man, 3,629 Lies,” Boston Globe, March 15, 2009
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by Deep Knight »

From the Boston Globe article, “Rockefeller defense begins with psychologist” by Jonathan Saltzman, Andrew Ryan & Globe Staff

A forensic psychologist for the defense testified today that the man who calls himself Clark Rockefeller suffers from extraordinary narcissism and delusions caused by acute mental illness that impaired "his ability to recognize the wrongfulness of his actions."

Catherine T.J. Howe told the jury that Rockefeller underlying illness is narcissistic personality disorder, a condition diagnosed when a person displays five out of nine criteria, which include having a grandiose sense of self importance and being preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success and power.

"What's fascinating about Mr. Rockefeller is that not only does he meet five or more, he meets all nine of the criteria," Howe said. "What is also interesting is that not only does he meet all nine, he meets it to such a significant extent. If there is a continuum of narcissistic personality disorder, he is on the far end of the continuum."

Rockefeller's narcissism was reinforced when people "believed any of his fantastical stories," Howe said, and the disease got worse and led to delusions.

"At some point his grandiosity, his narcissism … became so intense that his world, his reality, was not the reality that everybody else would have seen," Howe said. "But people believed him, and he believed it, and therefore it became a delusion."

Sound familiar?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder


The essential feature of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of situations and environments.

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

Requires excessive admiration

Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Of course, this doesn’t apply when Deep Knight shows a grandiose sense of self-importance, both because it’s well deserved (my name has been written on toilet walls from Hollywood to The Hamptons) and because he’s a fictitious character.
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by Deep Knight »

Well "Clark" has been convicted, the jury deciding he was more a con man than crazy. See ... wD98PA8680

To try and conform to what AP consideres "fair use" I'm only quoting portions of the article here.

Denise Lavoie in an AP article wrote:The jurors, who began deliberating Monday, rejected the theory put forth by Gerhartsreiter's lawyers: that he was suffering from a delusional disorder and was legally insane. Prosecutors called the diagnosis "preposterous" and said he planned the kidnapping for months because he was angry that his wife had divorced him and gained custody of their daughter, Reigh.
Denise Lavoie in an AP article wrote:Two mental health experts testified that they diagnosed Gerhartsreiter with a delusional disorder and narcissistic personality disorder — illnesses they said made him unable to understand right from wrong.

Assistant District Attorney David Deakin said Gerhartsreiter had become accustomed to a lavish lifestyle, funded by Boss, and was angry about the divorce and loss of custody.

"This is not a case about madness," Deakin said. "It's a case about manipulation."
Do Dove or Rama or Casper have to kidnap someone to get their scams looked into too?
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by wserra »

Somebody complained to Google about this old thread. We received the following from Google itself:
Due to a request under data protection law in Europe, Google can no longer show one or more pages from your site in Google Search results. This only affects responses to some search queries for names or other personal identifiers that might appear on your pages. Only results on European versions of Google are affected. No action is required from you.

What we’d like you to know:

These pages haven’t been blocked entirely from our search results

They’ve only been blocked on certain searches for names on European versions of Google Search. These pages will continue to appear for other searches.

We aren’t disclosing which queries have been affected.

In many cases, affected queries don’t relate to the name of any person mentioned prominently on the page.

For example, the name might only appear in a comment section.

You can notify us of concerns

If you have additional information regarding the content of a page that you believe warrants a reversal, you can notify Google. Please note that while we read all requests, we do not always respond. Only the registered siteowner can access this form.

Notify Google
Here are the affected URL(s):

That's this thread.

In the extremely unlikely event that anyone cares enough to try to convince Google to reverse this, write it up and I'll submit it.
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by The Observer »

It's trivial, at best, to respond to this. But it is raising the question in my mind as to whether it is time for another search engine to be created that can compete with Google and not give in to those complainers who did something stupid and now want it covered up.
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by Burnaby49 »

This isn't a Google problem, it's a European problem. Their 'right to be forgotten' laws allow individuals to denand that public information about them, even if entirely true, be removed from public access.
As of May 2014, Google has removed 1,390,838 URLs.[34] From a gathering of which websites had the most amount of links removed, Facebook won with a total of 11,973 URLs removed. YouTube had 5,999 removed, Google Groups had 7,246 removed, and Twitter had 4,588 removed.[34] Though Facebook had the largest number of deleted URLs, there were other received requests that were not granted deletion. While Google does evaluate millions of URLs that have been requested to be removed, the ultimate decision must be made by a human "because the variables, including public interest claims, needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis".[34] However, it is to be kept in mind that internet users can still find removed information somewhat easily, just not through European Google search engines.

In July 2015, Google accidentally revealed data on delinkings that "shows 95% of Google privacy requests are from citizens out to protect personal and private information – not criminals, politicians and public figures."[35]

This data leak caused serious social consequences for Google as the public expressed their outrage and fear over the information that was recently made public. Though only 5% of requests were made by criminals, politicians, and public figures, the content removed was what sparked the most fear.[36] In particular, one request for data removal was from a British doctor requesting to have 50 links removed on past botched medical procedures. Google agreed to remove three search results containing his personal information.[36] The public voiced their outrage stating that removing such information can be used for manipulation and could lead to innocent people making uninformed decisions. Google responded to the public outrage by saying that when removing content they consider both the right of the individual and public interest.[36]

The European Union has been pushing for the delinkings requested by EU citizens to be implemented by Google not just in European versions of Google (as in,, etc.), but on and other international subdomains. Regulators want delinkings to be implemented so that the law cannot be circumvented in any way. Google has refused the French Data Protection Agency's demand to apply the right internationally.[37] Due in part to their refusal to comply with the recommendation of the privacy regulating board Google has become the subject of a four-year-long antitrust investigation by the European Commission.[38] In September 2015, the French Data Protection Agency dismissed Google's appeal.[39]
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by NYGman »

I thought you can migrate the content to another URL and it would reindex or create a new topic with a link to this, and continue from there.
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by Burnaby49 »

NYGman wrote:I thought you can migrate the content to another URL and it would reindex or create a new topic with a link to this, and continue from there.
What's to continue? It's eight years since the last posting on it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:
NYGman wrote:I thought you can migrate the content to another URL and it would reindex or create a new topic with a link to this, and continue from there.
What's to continue? It's eight years since the last posting on it.
True enough, just putting it out there
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
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Re: Clark Rockefeller

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I think it is possible most people are aware that they can make the default if they want to. Mentions on UK pages of results that 'some results may have been excluded....' should open people's eyes to the fact they are not excluded elsewhere. ... -redirect/

I have no idea how Britain withdrawing from the EU will effect a purely EU rule and