Casper's Ramblings

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

Why does Bellringer post Casper's nonsense even though none of it EVER becomes true?

Because that's his job?

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----

From: WK

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:41 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Casper has not really known what is going on for years. Why do you keep printing his ramblings? It is like NESARA. You read it, it makes sense. You believe it and you count on it. You tell all of your friends about it. Then nothing happens and you no longer have any friends!

I don't know why I have been reading Fourwinds for the last five or six years. None of this stuff is worth even knowing or talking about. It would be better for the psyche to just sit in your room and make the calls to the Masters for change. The Fourwinds readers cannot make anything happen or they would have already done so. Why don't you close up shop already instead of stringing us all along for years? Whatever happened to the Age of Acquarius, anyway? Where are the streets lined with Gold and all of the other promises for a free and peaceful world? We have had to scrape by since the sixties except those who have ripped us off who live in luxury.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 18, 2009


Dear WK:

Why are you complaining? Haven't you yet learned the basic rules of this game?

1. We live in a freewill world of 3D.
2. Everyone has a freewill to choose.
3. By your choices you choose your daily experiences and your destiny.
4. No one can force you to do anything against your will, not even to read Fourwinds!
5. Whatever happens to you, you have created, either by choice here and now, or by choosing your life's experiences, when you made your soul contract with Creator God prior to entering this lifestream.
6. All that happens to us is for our lessons in soul growth.
7. If we do not learn our lessons now, we will repeat them until we do, either in this life time or in the next.
8. No one skips any lessons. Everyone must learn the same lessons to graduate into 5D (Heaven). No exceptions!
9. Earth Shan is our schoolroom! We choose how long we stay here!

Now, if you do not believe in the NESARA Mission, why do you keep reading "Casper's ramblings" and stress yourself out? If your friends do not believe in the Truth of this evil Darkside Government and the existence of the One World Order, maybe they are not worth having as friends.

If you choose to sit in your room and plead for the Masters to save you, you are no different than the Christian Cult people all over the world, who are waiting for their magical "rapture" out of this very evil world. That, my friend, will never happen. The basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect rules. We reap what we sow! We save ourselves by what we do---by living The Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27).

What have you done to make a difference? Do you expect Casper or Fourwinds or our readers to make your life better? If "none of this stuff is worth even knowing or talking about", how will you know Truth, or your enemy, or who to take action against, if you were willing to get up off your ass to do so.

To sit in your room and pray, expecting someone to bring you prosperity, to bring you freedom and justice---to do it for you is only an activity in futility. That is exactly why so many prayers are never answered. We have been told many times that the Angles, the Masters, Sananda, Germain and Hatonn will never do it for us, but they are ready to help, instantly, when we take action and then ask for their help. We must make the first move, because by the Law of Non-intervention, they cannot usurp our freewill.

Just because you cannot comprehend the Truth presented in the Casper Updates, you think no one else can, and thus Fourwinds should stop posting them and "close up shop". So, if one student is a slow learner, the teacher should quit teaching and chose up the schoolhouse?

Why have you allowed yourself to be "strung along for years" by these "ramblings?" Why have you not gotten off the emotional roller-coaster and gone about living? The enlightened Fourwinds readers have not felt that way at all, for they understand "Heaven's Plan", and that God wins, always.

You will never see the "Age of Aquarius" "a free and peaceful world", or "the streets lined with gold" in third dimension on this planet. That is reserved only for fifth dimension, where no evil is allowed. Without faith, my friend, life is a treadmill! With faith, life becomes a pilgrimage! I trust you will learn the difference before it is too late to change your destiny.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

#1 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: Ti
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:02 PM
Subject: Thank you

Dear Patrick,
What a profound response to WK. Thank you so much for your explanation of FREE WILL and all that you do for us on our mission, this pilgrimage.

Love, Gratitude and Richest Blessings to you and Anne.

#2 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: SA
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:18 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



What a non-sense post!

The person who wrote this is brand new in the fourwinds but he pretends to me a reader of 'five-six' years.

Dear W --Others if not most have 'started seeing results' within the very week, speaking also from my expereince of course.

If I was Patrick I might havent had bothered with your letter but P wants to do his job properly and hope to read along the lines 'propely' to realise that, he also speaks to you as a father.

As for the other Father and the Journals I may have not read them from cover to cover myself, but at least I'm 'bothered' to question them and voila...always 'return back' for more.

#3 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: BJL
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:51 PM
Subject: Thank you Patrick

Hi Patrick,

I wanted to say thank you as the really helped me in my time of need. In reading your words about freewill and lessons we need to learn has really helped me get over a break up with my girlfriend. I realize that I was trying to change a person who does not have the same principles as I have. I believe in good over evil and right over wrong. Unfortunately she believed in taking what ever you can get at any cost. I tried to show her the light but all she did was lie to me and betray. I don't know why I have been so sad when no human being should treat another human being the way she treated me. So given that I have freewill I can choose to be happy that I am no longer subjecting myself to this person. I feel soooo much better. Why was I so sad about losing somebody that I needed to change to like? So thank you Patrick for helping me out in my time of sorrow. Although I am trying not to think vengeful thoughts it does kind of make me feel better to to know that you reap what you so and she will Karma that she put out. I hope that does not make me a bad person, but to know that she will hurt as badly as I did is somehow satisfying. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

#4. (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:56 PM
Subject: CASPER'S RAMBLINGS? (Updated June 18, 2009)

From: WK


Casper has not really known what is going on for years. Why do you keep printing his ramblings? It is like NESARA. You read it, it makes sense. You believe it and you count on it. You tell all of your friends about it. Then nothing happens and you no longer have any friends!

To; WK

Wow... amazing...

All I can say in response to this is, I read Casper's letters every single day he writes, because I really want to know what is going on in the world. He's good, he knows what he's doing, and I value his information 100% over the regular Press, (who lie to us daily). I trust Casper, I understand what he is trying to do, and know he's doing the best he can, every single day!!! Newspapers and the news TV is all Bull*&&^%. I wouldn't spend the quarter on them these days, to get a newspaper. They have no clue how to do their jobs, and they are a disgrace to anyone who values truth, justice and the so-called American way.

We are fighting a WAR here, and it is not pretty. Wars never are, but this one is the worst ever. People have gotten so used to the 'lie' they don't know any different. They have been trained for decades to accept corruption as a way of life, most don't even know they are being lied to!!! They truly believe the food in the grocery stores is good for them. They cannot conceive that our beloved government would hurt us!! The accept that the pharmaceuticals and the AMA are trying to help us, and can't understand that there is a CURE for every disease on the planet. Our public schools are forcing our children to take shots every year, that have killed thousands of them. And they can't get a public education unless they do. Banks are stealing from us on a daily basis, and we are trained to accept this as normal!!!

I could go on and on about the corrupt planet we live on. How many people are even aware that 75% of the people are clones???

So yeah, I need to know the TRUTH, and the only place to get it is on 4 winds!!! I trust Casper and will continue to read his letters until; 1. NESARA gets announced 2. the pole shift happens or 3. we all die trying to get it done!!!

So, if you don't think the truth is the only way to go, fine!! Just allow us, with the brains to think still, to do what we want to do and listen to Casper. YOU DON'T have the right to tell us what to do!!! So back off!

And Casper, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, AND GODSPEED. We depend on you.

"Follow the Money"

Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by ClemIsBack »

Okay, it's time to fess up. I'm a clone. Even a clone knows Casper is a clown.
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Like a true BS artist, this guy is incapable of giving a straight and direct answer to a straight and direct question; instead, he tries to dazzle us with a cloud of mush.

If Casper ever said that it was going to rain today, I'd leave my raincoat at home.
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by texino »

Well here's a bit of sound logic from Maroonville
o yeah, I need to know the TRUTH, and the only place to get it is on 4 winds!!! I trust Casper and will continue to read his letters until; 1. NESARA gets announced 2. the pole shift happens or 3. we all die trying to get it done!!!

So, if you don't think the truth is the only way to go, fine!! Just allow us, with the brains to think still, to do what we want to do and listen to Casper. YOU DON'T have the right to tell us what to do!!! So back off!

And Casper, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, AND GODSPEED. We depend on you.


Well actually sir, we do have the right to tell you what to do and when to take your medicine.
You see, we can't have a bunch of fools trying to tip the earth over or even die trying. So just remember the ladies and gentlemen at the center are here to help. There is Joe and Lucy, Colleen, David, Bob and Tomas. Why are the big African American men called Mr. Hill and Mr. Lacy? Well that's just a mental health tradition; a mark of respect for their special talents you might say.
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

For "rambling" Casper ain't got nothin' on Ashtar! Most people don't know that Ashtar isn't a god, demi-god or ascendant master, but a brand of cigarettes on Sirius! I remember their jingle well, "They've got ash, they've got tar, smoke a pack, and you'll go far - Ashtar!"

Ashtar: Illuminati Illuminated! June 16, 2009
Posted by admin On June - 18 - 2009

Ashtar addressing the June 16, 2009 Teleconference

“Well, Good Evening! Is everyone happy tonight? We have much to discuss. And perhaps we can sum it up; I caused a bit of a joke the Voice was giggling at a moment ago, so we’ll try it out here in our Beloved Family’s, in the audience of our Beloved Family. This is in the form of a confirmation: ‘The Illuminati are finally getting Illuminated!’ They’re getting it. They didn’t think this was going to ever happen.

They were somewhat like in the movie, the Star Wars Movies, you know where the representatives of the dark, most specifically the one called Darth Vader himself thought, because he had been won over to the dark from the Light Path that he started out on, he thought that he could win everyone else over to the dark side, and it didn’t work out that way. He himself returned to the Light, to the Love, and he understood finally that the Force of Love was greater than any dark energy, any fear, any kinds of enslavements that he could possibly devise.

“Well, this is a grand representation, is it not, of what has taken place on Planet Earth? Oh yes, George Lucas knew a lot, and there are others like Spielberg, who have received a great deal of information in the form of inspiration, and they have told stories that are most applicable to Planet Earth.

“Now of course the Illuminati gave themselves that name as a kind of an inside joke, because they really represented the darkest of the dark energies. They have done so on Planet Earth for eons of time, and they didn’t really believe. We’ve told you before we’ve done a lot of visiting, most particularly St. Germain, but I, Ashtar have dropped in a time or two. They will not be surprised to see my name in worldwide headlines. Not that I’m looking for fame, but it’s just because I AM who I AM, and I represent all of the Galactic Federations.

“Anyway, the Illuminati didn’t think that we could possibly bring in so much Light as to overturn their power. After all they had all of these creatures, not the kinds that give you the warm fuzzies, but the kind that would just as soon incinerate you. We have not spoken of these. We have taken the high road. We have spoken of Love and the other elements of the foundation: Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. Why? Well, because there were those who are spreading fear, and we had no desire to give any support to the fears that powering of these beings and their presence on Planet Earth other than just in passing, would give.

“You see we have been coming through this particular Voice for what you call five years plus, and we have been building the energies of Love. It is not that we have been untruthful. We have simply told you time and again that the energy of Love has the empowerment for you to create your lives however you want them to be, and to bring Peace, Abundance, and all of the things that humans are so much in desire of having, not the least of which is Freedom, Freedom to be, and to express, and to do as you choose, so long as you do not bring harm to any others.

“We talk about the oneness of all of us, and the Illuminati have sat back and said, ‘Ha, ha.’ Well guess what, it’s your turn. Beloved Ones! Beloved Ones! You have done it! We could not be here doing these things without you. These clearings that you have been reading about, and we so honor the Beloved Masters who have participated in this, those who walked the Planet in human body, and who have had their share, more than their share perhaps in the eyes of some, of the trials and tribulations of being in human body, in order to have the fullness of the Compassion, and the Forgiveness, and the Gratitude, which of course unconditional Love provides the atmosphere for.

And so although we don’t usually name names, we shall honor those. We honor Mark, Tara and Rama, and Beth, Kauwila, [Terrance] and all of those who have participated in some manner in the clearings that you’ve been reading about, and if you have not been reading about them catch up quickly. What is noted now is the lightness of the Planet. These dark energies, now they know they’re gone. And this is the ultimate Freedom for each and every human to stand tall and be free.

“There are marvelous healers and facilitators of healing all over the Planet who have been working on these things for eons. But there were always those strong ones, who much like Darth Vader, had to go to the very end of the drama before they could finally be convinced in some manner or other to leave the Planet, and thus you beloved humans alone. You will find in here many comments, because you have plateaued. Unless you choose to keep some unhappy dramas and events going in your lives, you don’t have to do that anymore.

“Now we have told you through this Voice and others that there was a date, a time at which we would not allow these energies to continue their dark ways. What we meant when we said there was a date was simply that when the sequence of events had flowed sequentially to coincide with the permissions, with the evolvements, with the attunements and alignments, the gratitudes and forgivenesses that you Beloved Ones have been offering, consciously and unconsciously. That was what you might call the drop-dead date for those who wanted to keep you in the dark.

“What has died here is their ability to have any kind of a hold over you. So walk free, stand tall, sleep well and be encouraged. You will find in the next few days as a matter of fact that you have more energy than you have been feeling recently. The air will smell sweeter, the food will taste tastier, it will nourish and nurture you as never before. You see these energies have been able to permeate everywhere, everywhere in everyone’s energy fields. And everyone has an energy field whether they are human, animal, crystal, plant or whatever.

“So when we say Monsanto is done, we mean it’s done, and not only that, but whatever residues they have lying around are done. Do you see how it works, it’s all energy? So enjoy your lives, Beloved Ones. Continue with your Q-tipping. Yes, everyone here has advanced from general scrubbing, down into Q-tipping. Now that’s a biggee, we shall review.

“We have been suggesting that you cleanse and clear, do dendrite removals or whatever other energetic and spiritual methods you have. Nurture and nourish your physicalities. Put your egos, well not exactly out to pasture, but that’s as good as anything. In other words let your egos know with great Love and affection they’ve done a fabulous job for you, but it’s time for them to take a rest.

“Bring your inner child out to play. Perhaps your inner child can make the ego crack a smile or two or dance a bit or whatever. You see you’re not destroying your ego or leaving it behind, you’re simply allowing it to evolve with you. We have been giving this advice now for some time, along with our discussions about Forgiveness and Gratitude, Compassion and Love, and a little bit here and there to confirm that all of these wondrous things that you’re reading about, well, they’re true, so long as you know who to read, because there are disinformation jobs out there.

“But it is going to be more and more difficult for the disinformation specialists to get anyone to believe them, because you see the need for fear is pretty much over. Now there are those who are starting to develop fears they never had as they recognize that the Light is shining upon them. They have nowhere to hide. They cannot steal your money anymore. They cannot enslave you. They cannot force unhappiness, low-vibe situations upon you. And they’re starting to get it.

“How about those thirteen families, do you think that they’re starting to understand that their day in the darkness is over, and they can come into the sunshine, or they can go someplace else and mull it over for a few centuries or whatever? Exposure hurts these ones. See, it’s all very well and good for them to make gestures and speak in symbols, and have their gatherings, and laugh at how powerful they are, but they’re starting to find out that they’re not powerful, and they’re having to accept this as Truth, and it’s a very hurting situation for them, to have all of this turned on them.

“And they do not have their backups anymore. They don’t have their dragons. They don’t have all of the witch doctor types, and so on and so on, and the evil conjurors and so on. We aren’t going to dwell on that. They just aren’t there to support them anymore. The Annunaki have pulled out a long time ago with a treaty of Peace, a return to the Light. But there were renegades, and there were these other beings that you’re just hearing about now.

“Isn’t it delightful that the first thing you’re hearing about them is they’re gone? That really was brilliant if we do say ourselves. Here we are telling you, all you gotta do is Love, ‘All you need is Love.’ That was a great one wasn’t it, a fabulously, fabulously inspired musical contribution to the World. ‘All you need is Love.’ So it really didn’t make a lot of sense to fill you with fear about all of these beings who still had a little bit of time left to do their thing, but now it’s done. So there’s the great news.

“Confirmation, the World has turned a page, or shall we say had a page turned, and there were many, many more who were in support of these missions, higher dimensional beings as well as Beloved Family beings. Every time that you think, or say ‘Thank you’ to these ones who are on the mission, you are participating, you are supporting and you are contributing to its success. Every time that you beam your Love Light out to the World, the same thing. You’ve been doing that, you’ve been preparing the way, and thus it was able to be accomplished.”

“..Now there’re still a few loose ends to tidy up, but be not concerned, you can put your White Light or Golden Domes or whatever you want to around you, and be assured that you are loved and you are secure. You’ve heard a little bit of a message from that Master of the Language of Light herself. And there was a message from the Paschats, did you all get it? Didn’t they give you the warm fuzzies? Didn’t you just feel fabulous getting hugged by those guys? Well, they’re here, as we like to say, they’re here, they’re there, they’re everywhere.

And if you have a sense of something around the corner that you’re concerned about, don’t be concerned. Just ask the Paschats to pave the way or go in front of you, or whatever you choose. Along with the dark energies themselves has gone a great deal of the technologies that they were trying to unleash. They have done so to a certain extent. So you need to understand that their computers are down.

“Let’s just say ‘big time,’ shall we? That’s a rather interesting thought isn’t it? You can spend some time if you want to doing a little remote viewing or envisioning of how this must seem. Why? To further your Compassion. Nothing is going to finish the job faster than beaming these ones Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.

“If you had not reached the high state of evolvement that you have reached, if you were not so loving, we would not have been able to say, ‘OK we’ve reached the drop-dead date. It’s time for these energies to go and be gone from Planet Earth.’ There were accesses to the planet that the off-planetary dark hats, if you want to call them that, had. The red carpet, so to speak, has been jerked out from underneath them. They no longer have access, so reinforcements are not on the way.

So what is left as we’ve said is a few loose ends. If you want to continue in the housecleaning metaphors, the mop-up will be fast. That’s another aspect to all of this. Isn’t it amazing, you’ve been waiting for years for all of these events to unfold. Well you didn’t perhaps know all about this particular part of the unfoldment, but you do now. If it amazes you how fast this is getting done, it’s been building for eons. Everything has been laid out, the future is now.

“Now we know there are some of you who are wondering how we’re going to restore an old growth forest in a week when we bring the seeds for that, or how this or that is going to happen so fast. We trust that these operations have given you some inkling, a glimpse, shall we say, of how quickly things can happen when there are no limits placed upon the success of the operation, when it is a foregone conclusion - no doubt whatsoever.

“Oh we know some of the participants were a bit in wonderment at times about whether this was all getting done or not, and we want to assure you it was. It was. It is. And so that just gives you an idea of how quickly the biggies can happen. Now you are becoming aware of the fact that there are countries around the world whose newspapers are not stifled like yours are on the topic of our presence in your Earth’s atmosphere. It is not necessary, but if you want to you can go to some of these news publications from the other countries, and you can email an article or two to your group if you want to help them to get ready.

“It would be more helpful though just to beam them messages of: ‘We are one, we are not alone, we are loved, and we are coming together. It’s party time! We’re going to be celebrating.’ Now there are those, particularly the fundamentalists, who have been, shall we say, disempowered by dogmas of religious and political natures, and economic and social and so on and so on. They’re going to have a bit of a hard time. We shall endeavor whenever possible to be sure that we can hover in places where it is unmistakable that it’s really us.

“We shall perhaps devise some appearances and messages which would be easily recognized and accepted in 3D. Won’t that be jolly good fun? Perhaps we shall pass out balloons to the kiddies, and oh, gold coins or something to the adults. We haven’t quite got that figured out yet, but we’re thinking on it, because we want everyone to feel fabulous.

Oh, speaking of which big weekend coming up: Big-Big-Big-Big-Big! For those of you who are joining us at Bushwillows it just gets better and better. We can assure you that those dwellers of what you call the Elemental Kingdoms are very excited! This is red carpet time for them you know. This is ‘Welcome home, Welcome back’ with hugs and Joy - ‘Joy to the World!’

“We’re going to get that Jeremiah. Yes, we’re going to hear from Jeremiah. We’re talking about that fabulous froggie among others, because we would like you who wish to support this, but are just not feeling up to coming for one reason or another, we’d like you to play happy tunes, do some dancing, join us in meditation or whatever you can find to do in your hearts.

“Pan and I shall be conducting the sacred solemn ceremony, and we’ll be participating in the frivolities of the celebrations on the Day of the Sun. We’re just going to tell you this is like no other. Solstice is always an empowering, almost magical time. It has been honored by those who are in such close touch with the Earth and with nature and the atmosphere. It has indeed been incorporated even into worshipping religions, and while we are not suggesting that you worship the Sun at all, that is not what we’re saying, it is simply that we are pointing out how important the Sun has been in everyone’s lives. Think of it. The Sun of course is changing and evolving even as you are, even as Planet Earth is.

“Mother Gaia’s just loving it, and so are all of the Kingdoms. So the red carpet is going to be rolled out in a big way for the changes that are happening, for the adjustments, attunements and alignments that are happening for all of humankind, and all of the Kingdoms below, on and above Planet Earth. And beyond that the rest of the story is the energies that are coming, that are going to make this the biggest, bestest Solstice ever. We have the energies of the cleanup going on, the Q-tipping, the clearings. We have the refreshing energies of an Earth that is not weighed down by gloomy doomy dark energies.

“We have the energies of the Sun coming to warm everyone. Open your hearts and let it just flow in. It’s the Light of Love even more. This is going to be an incredible, except believe it because it’s true, and joyful happening culminating on the day of the Solstice. Not that there won’t be day upon day. It’s getting better and better all the time. Feel the warmth of the Sun, even if the clouds are out that day, just close your eyes, feel the warmth of the Sun and allow it to energize you.

“We mentioned that you’re going to be feeling more energized, because you’ve plateaued. And unless you really, really want to feel the yuckies, and the coldness in your bones and all of that stuff, just open up and let the Sun shine in. Now there’s an oldie but goodie isn’t it. Hah! So enjoy it. Welcome it. The Sun’s going to be around for a long time, and yes there’s going to be another one, and there’s going to be some changes and evolvements, and there already have been.

We’re not going into the science of it here, we’re going into the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy. That’s what it’s about. Open to receive it Beloved Ones, you deserve it, and you didn’t have to do anything except show up to deserve it. Get that! If you’ve got any lingering guilts or intolerances about you or dislikes or whatever, Q-tip them out. Get ready. Just let that Sun sweep through you, and feel fabulous, because that’s who you are, and how you deserve to be, and there’s no question of that. So all in all it’s going to be a very big weekend, made possible by you Beloved Ones, and all that you’ve experienced, and all that you are doing even now by being with each other in the Oneness.

“All righty, so we are just saying you have your invitation, the red carpet is rolled out for you, you in turn can roll it out for the magnificence of the Sun, for the Kingdoms, all of the Fairies, and the Elementals are standing by ready, ready to come forth on that red carpet. So we’re going to issue an invitation, because after all we are co-creators, yes, so we’re going to suggest that if you have any experiences that you’d like to share about this weekend, if you happen to find some Fairies having a picnic and you get invited, or a tea party in your yard, or if a unicorn comes to your door and says, ‘Hello, I’d like to be petted and loved by you,’ or whatever, send them on in. We have a system, we have an address, an internet address. It is called email. So just go ahead and email to Ashtar.

“They have a publication coming out which I have co-created with them, these wondrous ones who do this, all of this Family work. And they will be putting these kinds of sharings into the upcoming publication. In fact it’s not going to come out exactly when the Voice thinks it ought to come out, but she’s reconciled herself to it. She’s sort of a perfectionist you know, and she likes consistency.

“Well anyway, it’s going to come out next month in the marvelous month of July, and it might contain some very interesting news. There used to be a portion of a program on the television set, and it was always so enjoyed, and it is called ‘That Was The Week That Was.’ Well there will be, ‘That Was The Weekend That Was,’ and possibly even more depending upon when it rolls out. We have some events planned, that as it is seen in this moment, because everything is flowing so beautifully, there are going to be some biggies coming up soon, because everything is flowing so smoothly.

“This is getting to be kind of fun isn’t it? Do you want to say it with me? ‘No Dates!’ Nevertheless, you haven’t come this far to have a slow-down. You’re going at warp speed now, and if you have a little trouble recognizing that, remember the events of that was the week that just was, in terms of the amount of time involved or the number of days, or whatever you want to call it.

“That was the week that was, and even though, as you measure time, you see it as in the past, it is also the future, future coming into manifestation in your now. Now you’ll get a lot more of that as you continue your evolvement. So as your DNA opens, and you form new neuronets, as you exchange old unneeded dendrite webs for Love and new thoughts and attitudes and expressions of being, you’re going at warp speed. That’s the plateau you’ve reached. So we’re telling you in one moment you’re going to feel more rested, and in the next moment we’re telling you you’re going to be more energized, ’cause you’re going to need it.

“So there you have it, and that, Beloved Ones, is the ‘State of You Report’ for this evening. Now we have another who would like to come and share with you perhaps a bit of a different perspective. But nevertheless Truth and real. And so we shall move aside. Just asking you to remember the four components of the foundation of what we have been here to share with you these five plus years, as you measure time - Love, the greatest energy in the Universe, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, to extend to all without any differences, without any hesitations, and when you reach that constancy, you will be truly living the 5D lifestyle that you’re so looking forward to.

“And so we congratulate you and we honor you, and we thank you beyond words, Beloved Ones. Just feel the Love and reach out and extend it to each other, hugs all around, and then hug the World. It’s very huggable, totally lovable and it’s yours. And so it is! Salut!”
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by fortinbras »

In just the last week Casper seems to have switched to something stronger for his bong because his fantasies have gotten even less sensible:
(1) We were all assured that the deliveries would be made because a General (unnamed) had made it clear that he would arrest Obama if there were any interference.
(2) The next day, there weren't any deliveries and we were told that Obama had stopped them -- no explanation of what happened with the General.
(3) After another promise of deliveries, a story about how the judges of the World Court had been rousted up and taken somewhere.
(4) Another story about how Obama had arrested (on unspecified charges) a General (also unnamed, not necessarily the same one in the previous posting), but THE VERY NEXT DAY the trial was held and the judge in DC released the General (evidently Obama has less clout with DC judges than with World Court judges).
(5) Trying to correlate Casper's stories with known facts about Obama's whereabouts, the activities of the World Court, etc., is impossible. The one reliable fact: That money is not going to be distributed.
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper ends his June 20 "update" with this PS (or should that be POS?)
Casper the Friendly Liar wrote:p.s. Please be aware that there are ALWAYS those who disagree with what WE write. ALWAYS. WE work hard and report what WE believe to be true otherwise we wouldn't report it. WE are long since past the point of trying to convince anyone of anything. WE report-YOU decide.
Casper reported, reality decided.
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by logicman »

There will always be nonsense, else there would be nothing to write..Casper fulfills this brillaintly with co-author dumbellringer..Btw on previous post regarding 'Ashtar'..Ashtar is from Ashholious Mentelavus, a subburb on the moon which will be discovered by us in 2134..He was the first moonie, and decided why visit earth, as its so f-ed up..Ash was right..He is also still alive and minding his business..He is also upset he can't get cable on the moon, and is forced to see reruns of Neil Armstrong landings from his old RCA B&W TV..I belie he gets reruns of Hody Doody..I'm sure casper is on the case as he will blame him after Obama..Stay tuneless folks..L..
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

Food Fight! This time the packies went out with "Do Not Return" stamped on 'em. That'll do 'er!

casper 6-21-09

The military has been "catching it"-the appropriate amount of grief-from around the world for what they did with OBAMA yesterday.

The money didn't arrive, OBAMA couldn't pay.

The packs stayed in Treasury for only a few hours and went back out late afternoon.
Imagine the number of planes and personnel necessary to yank these packages back and forth from around the country everyday since Wednesday.
WE know the number but will skip this and most other detail for now in the interest of "non-interference" with current plans.

Current plans are delivery today for the "trigger packs" at a minimum, possibly all programs. "Do not return" orders went with the packs this time.

The Banks/Governments financial situation is "Horrific and Intense" beyond your wildest imaginings, but, is another subject best left untouched here for the moment.
It's brass knuckles and knives behind the scenes.

OBAMA and the MILITARY are again at each others throats each blaming the other for the leaks yesterday which destroyed their plans and exposed their corruption.

Its "Animal House-Food Fight,...Food Fight".

So, be alert. This should be it----Again.

Best Wishes to All,

Casper 6-21-09 #1
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"So, be alert. This should be it----Again."

Until the next time that Casper has to make up yet another excuse as to why these packets aren't being delivered....
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

casper 6-22-09 #1

This is for those with a need to know.

There was a conference call last night with the Generals and parties overseas in which deliveries and other matters were discussed. The Generals demanded more than 1 T each to let the deliveries go. There were a dozen or so of them in the room.

After incoming funds, this time from Muslim Countries, were stopped again Sunday and this attempted "shakedown" call by the Generals took place and was rejected deliveries were to occur today.

The packs are still in Treasury as of 10 a.m....

The Generals were told they are the highest paid people in the Military, the shakedown was rejected, then OBAMA promised each of them an even greater sum if they would stop deliveries permanently once again assuring them he will have the money to pay them later today. The Generals current position is that deliveries will be stopped until they get their bribes.

What do you suppose the enlisted personel will think of their superiors when they learn of this?

This update is for certain parties other than recipients.

A full weekend of activity will be explained to the recipients, hopefully later today.

casper 6-22-09 #1

Two comments.

1. $1 Trillion is $55 million per day for 50 years. That's more than $38,000 per minute 24/7 for a lot longer than anyone who's become a general is gonna live, even given cloning, holograms, and ascention. A single person couldn't even keep up with the paperwork to spend this much money, yet Casper is talking about "more" or a "greater sum."

2. Casper said there were "a dozen or so" generals in the room. I suggest that this has to include certain officers, and that we find some way of getting them and Casper into the same room sometime. Perhaps he would like to explain why he accused them of soliciting insanely huge bribes. Or would his defense be the "it's so ridiculous nobody in their right mind would believe it" (much like modern political talk radio).
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

casper 6-22-09 #2

The following was written and ready to go out last night (Sunday). It was held back because the incoming MUSLIM MONEY discussed below was blocked which was to result in deliveries today. WE therefore saw no reason to "kick the hornets nest" the night before expected deliveries. As you will see from the Monday "Add On" Report, also below, it is necessary now to report yesterdays (Sundays) developments before continuing with today's update.

Because WE don't report all we know believing deliveries are imminent WE sometimes must "catch you up" in order to explain current activities apparently stopping deliveries again.

This "catch up" has to do with the 9 domestic banks being sold, foreclosed or whatever they are calling it, as they are bankrupt and unable handle the "off balance sheet" (assets) and comply with banking laws and Basel III at the same time, except BY ACCOUNTING TRICKERY which is ending now. These banks were to close, be taken over, sold or whatever this weekend but existing management has insisted on continuing the appearance of viability with the help of OBAMA, GEITHNER and BERNAKE. They are out of capital having only depositors deposits to work with. They are DESPERATE for new capital as is the CORPORATE GOVERNMENT. Incoming TRILLIONS were frozen Thursday and again Friday then Saturday the outside capital coming in was, WE hear, "shortstopped" before arriving in the U.S.. With this extremely intense and overwhelmingly important weekend activity as a backdrop, now understand please that the Banks, the Corporate Government, the Treasury and the Fed Res are all working in unison to obtain the capital necessary to continue their Fraudulent Financial Playpen and their Ponzi Banking Schemes rather than allow the "new" to come into the U.S. that being the Global metals backed banking system resulting in the demise of Fractional Banking, the FED, and canceling the Emergency Rule allowing a return to constitutional law. So what's new you ask? The fact that it was ALL coming to a head this weekend, Deliveries, Banks go under, Corporate Got totally and completely out of money, Announcements, etc etc etc.....

OBAMA is the leader of this effort. He is not "working for" BUSH or CLINTON. WE will explain below what he is doing which poses a brand new question, "Who is he working for"?

Most of the recent attempts to bring in new capital to save the "old system" have originated in Germany which, according to the teachings of STORY, is the stronghold and operational base for the DVD (NAZIS), BUSH, MERKLE, etc.. Those attempted incoming transfers have all been blocked. Today's news says OBAMA has made a deal with the MUSLIM COUNTRIES for TRILLIONS IN NEW CAPITAL TO BE PROVIDED BY THEM. The routing is from their SWISS BANK ACCOUNTS through GERMANY into CHASE BANK which will distribute the funds for OBAMA.

WE were already in receipt of news that the Banks had turned down the opportunity to declare Bankruptcy this weekend and to reopen Monday under new management not married to the Fraudulent Financial Playpen. Existing management said no, they would rather fight to the finish which is obviously a reflection of decisions previously made by OBAMA, GEITHNER and BERNAKE and whoever pulls their strings.

Meanwhile packages, having been returned to Treasury yesterday were again out from there late afternoon yesterday and accompanying orders were said to read "do not return" no matter where the order comes from. This was to result in deliveries this afternoon which kicks off the announcements and the falling dominoes. It is late afternoon Sunday and "it ain't happening". WE don't yet know why or to what extent this is related to the incoming TRILLIONS from Muslim Nations exposed above.

All incoming wire transfers to the old system are supposedly blocked, have been blocked, leaving open how OBAMA and the GENERALS expected the money to come through yesterday or how OBAMA & CHASE expects to get today's attempted transfers through. No doubt Geithner and Bernake and CHASE have devised some scheme. It didn't work out for them Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or Saturday and now WE await news about today's attempt.

All of this, all that you hear each day, is for the purpose of trying to save the old, the Fed Rees and the CORPORATION of which OBAMA is the President and the Congress are Employees. This fight has been underway for a very long time as you well know, eight years of BUSH and CLINTON before that. The Pentagon and all other Departments and Agencies of Government have also been Incorporated.

Until now WE saw no need to mention that OBAMA quoted the QURAN seven times during his recent speech in EGYPT or that much of his financing from the very beginning of his candidacy came from the Muslim world. What WE are reporting here could be very serious. If Muslim Countries are trying to save OBAMA, the FED RES, the Banks and their Fraudulent Financial Playpen it could be nothing less than a takeover of America by ISLAM.

If you have a different interpretation lets hear it?

Anything more said right now would be pure speculation and if WE did not have the above from more than one source we would consider this to be speculation as well.

Under the circumstances, with National Security possibly at stake, WE think WE would be remiss not to report.

More when possible,

Casper 6-21-09 #2
Monday late afternoon. 6-22-09 #2

This mornings update dealing with the Generals "shakedown" attempt has resulted in The World Court taking the packs out of Treasury mid day offering hope for prompt delivery since we are no longer dependent upon Military Generals demanding massive bribes for themselves because "they wanted to go out rich". Does this statement hint that they may soon be gone down the D.C. toilet along with many others?

STORY says his Parliament is the most corrupt and stinkingest body politic on earth. I beg to disagree, D.C. is the most corrupt on earth and the stench from the Beltway exceeds Whitehall by a wide margin as any high quality stench-o-meter would confirm.

The funds, many Trillions, from the Muslim Countries were blocked leaving OBAMA high and dry again. Calls to these Countries revealed they had no knowledge of OBAMA's play to repay them with funds eventually stolen from Program Participants when he accomplished what he has not been able to accomplish before now, i.e. steal our funds. They were enlightened shall we say in many ways. WE hear they called OBAMA and he continued to claim PERSONAL OWNERSHIP of our funds. "Do you have a contract" they asked? "Did you invest in these programs" they asked? "WHEN"? No matter what they asked he kept repeating that he PERSONALLY owns these funds and went on to say, WE hear, that since the Muslim Countries had promised him this absolutely enormous sum due in Sunday but blocked, that those funds now belong to him also and he intends to get them one way or another. Sound familiar? The Muslim Countries said they will have no further dealings with him. Whether they said this because they desire to have honest dealings with the world or because they were already aware their incoming funds had been blocked WE have no way of knowing. "Then it gets worse" as Heneghan would say.

Today WE are advised that Blood Relatives of OBAMA spent the night trying to break into the accounts of the Muslim Countries who had backed out of their deals with him hours earlier. How do WE know this? Because the attempts were traced back to his relatives computers who believe they are computer experts.

I wonder how much BUSH and CLINTON paid these same GENERALS before their latest "mark" OBAMA showed up?

WE have no way of knowing what OBAMA will do or attempt to do overnight. It is no exaggeration to say, given his desperation to retain himself in power and to save his handlers Fraudulent Financial Playpen, he will do ANYTHING, ANYTHING at all.

casper 6-22-09 #1

p.s. This just in. OBAMA has tried, today, to trade funds in Treasury belonging to the American people. The "good guys" were expecting it, "laying in wait" so to speak, and blocked the attempt. The funds are now back in Treasury and blocked from further attempts by him.

p.p.s. Is the President of the US crazy???????????????????
Has he been thru the Cheney MK Ultra Program?????????????
His words " This money belongs to Me" are the exact same words Bush used for years.
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Casper, via deep Knight: "If you have a different interpretation lets hear it?"

Notice that he says "let's hear it", but says nothing about listening to it or giving it any serious consideration. Surprise, surprise....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by ClemIsBack »

casper 6-23-09 #13

Truth or lie this is for those with a need to know.

There was a confrontation on the White House lawn at dawn this morning between Obama and Bo. Bo, after hearing about the General's demands, demanded more than 2 T to let the deliveries go. Obama said "you can't be serious .. I give you a home and this is how you repay me ?" Bo laughs and then pins Obama against the tree and barks at him that he will pee on him if he didn't agree to have the money delivered to the White House Dog House in 32,000 brown paper bags by 10pm tonight. Obama agrees.

I'll have more when the voices return this evening.

casper 6-23-09 #13

Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by logicman »

Excellent post. Bo saves the day..First family caught escaping the White House and is moving in with friend Bill Ayers in Chicago..Country is now safe as White House is controlled by Bo and friends..Bo is having a wild party , all canines welcome..Champagne and treats will be served..Packs will be delivered by Rin TinTin, and KIng's great grandies...Stay tuned..It may take a year to deliver as canines need time to pee and doodoo..Not sure of the value in packies by then..Maybe gold system in place,so we get golden doodoo...Cool..
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

logicman wrote:Maybe gold system in place,so we get golden doodoo...Cool..
You've already got it, Casper has been shoveling it out for years. I'm not sure I would call the color "gold," but it's brown and that's closer than violet or indigo.
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by logicman »

Figures gold plated..
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper once again blames our military leaders for his lies not coming true. "The shame and disgrace are beyond words."

casper 6-27-09

After Monday mornings update exposing the activities of the Generals and Monday nights update reviewing what had been happening over the weekend, "Friends" far away requested WE holster our guns, uh pens, er keyboard, for a short while to assist in getting things done. That was Tuesday. WE did our part but they have not been able to get a leash on OBAMA and JAG, which was to arrest and prosecute the Generals for trying to extract Trillion Dollar Bribes and which has now "thrown in" with OBAMA and the Generals having now been promised massive bribes themselves.

The news Tuesday said the Generals were offered prosecution or resignation. After three "4 Star's" were supposedly arrested by JAG the remainder realized things were serious and resigned WE were told, as was the rest of the world, including CHINA and the IMF Countries.. If true at the time it lasted only until OBAMA could bribe them. By then several tens of thousands of faxes and e-mails had been received by JAG complaining of the CRIMINAL ACTS of the GENERALS which had been tape recorded. Perhaps after reading this update you too will finally find your voice before the Ayatollah OBAMA makes that impossible.

JAG has been in touch with the "world" in conference calls all week assuring them and us they had posession of the "trigger packages" and would get them delivered momentarily, these daily lies leading up to today, Saturday, when the IMF nations, the families in CHINA and the entire world was "guaranteed" deliveries would begin by 9 a.m. this morning. It was all lies, the packages had been hidden inside Treasury for several days and were located there this morning. GEITHNER has advised all TREASURY personel that if the packages leave there again ALL TREASURY PERSONEL WILL BE PROSECUTED. Meanwhile WE were receiving similar assurances throughout the week culminating in calls last night guaranteeing delivery today if WE would maintain silence last night. Our sources, like everyone else in the world, were being lied to by JAG which claimed posession and guaranteed Saturday delivery.

Throughout this week OBAMA has continued to try to bring in new capital most recently Thursday afternoon which was from the more radical MUSLIM FACTIONS. This happens every day as does his ongoing attempts to trade anything he can lay hands on, even attempting to use accounts around the world as collateral for trades. All have been blocked, all incoming funds have been blocked.

WE continue to hear that OBAMA has stripped the country of all precious metals including Gold, Silver and Platinum Certificates. And lest we forget, the stolen metals of other countries stored here. WE now hear much of this stolen loot has found its way to MUSLIM ACCOUNTS abroad. Are you not curious why OBAMA could not bring himself to stand up for the Freedom Protesters in IRAN until it was too late? Can't cross another Ayatollah you understand. Now those people are being savagely tortured "without mercy" instructs Khomeini while OBAMA sucks his thumb for eight long days after others such as Brown and Sarkozy came out screaming against this travesty. Not only the metals but Trillions of Dollars moving in and out to MUSLIM's from America. The "in" portion of this has been blocked since WE described last weekends activity in this regard.

OBAMA says he won't go, he will declare Martial Law first. He says our funds are his, he says all deposits of the people of the UNITED STATES belong to him. One source quotes him as saying "I am KING, I am GOD". WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!

On Thursday the OBAMA/MERKLE meetings were not as sold publicly, she was here to participate in OBAMAS plans to obtain TRILLIONS which he was to share with her to save a desparate Deutsche Bank, a key component of their worldwide Fradulent Financial Playpen. (Tough luck Madamn, get in line with the Generals and JAG).

Today confirmation of the BRIBERY of JAG is coming in from around the world including from Bankers in Holland and Switzerland who describe OBAMA's promises to them as enormous for JAG to throw in with the Generals and block deliveries permanently and to stop their arrest and prosecution of the Generals.

OBAMA has not been sucessful in bringing the money in to pay these bribes and to save the banks as he promiss' all of them everyday. Thursday after the Markets closed a news blurp said the Banks had gone to the Fed Discount Window for 50B that very day throwing the talking heads into a tizzy. It lasted about 30 minutes, no further mention Thursday night or Friday. The Banks are BANKRUPT. They are sitting on hundreds of Trillions of garbage "assets" (derivatives, etc.) and can't account for it under Basel III as it proves publicly they are upside down with no hope of recovery. They are living off deposits and are without operating capital and still they refuse, like OBAMA, to allow the "new". Like OBAMA and everyone else associated with the CORPORATION, TREASURY and the FED they are playing "Lets Pretend". Lets pretend, for the Bank Stress Test, that employment will not exceed 8% (now acknowledged as 10% but actually 16%). Lets pretend the missing nine Trillion, according to the FED'S own Inspector General, does not exist. Lets pretend we will never have to reserve for the hundreds of Trillions in off balance sheet assets under Basel III and we can hide it from the public forever. Lets pretend that tens of Billions of the Stimulus funds didn't find their way into the Bankers personal accounts and just refuse to disclose these distributions forever and ignore all the FOI demands. Lets pretend we were not aware OBAMA was born in KENYA. Lets pretend 95% of Americans will get a tax cut while taxing them in every conceivable way then tax them some more for the U.N... Lets pretend and promise the corrupt Military that we will eventually be able to steal the program funds.

WE hear the man is insufferable, far worse than BUSH ever dreamed of being. That he actually believes he is an Ayatollah, King or God. That he is the ruler of the world not just the U.S.. These words flow from his own mouth and are quoted to us over and over again over a period of many months just as WE have reported a dozen times before.

WE hear the deal with JAG includes "no prosecution of the Generals" who's guilt can't be questioned as all of it was tape recorded.

As WE have explained time and time again its all about protecting the status quo, the corrupt Banks and their Fradulent Financial Playpen. All of D.C. is in on it as the alternative is exposure and perhaps hanging. ACORN is in the White House, the Freedom Protesters have been clubbed and shot into submission while the leader of the free world remained silent, the North Korean Missile ship goes on its merry way while our Community Organizer sucks his thumb and decide's how to try again to steal OPIUM (other peoples money).

Now that the Military and the legal watchdog of the Military known as JAG (Judge Advocate General) have thrown in with OBAMA, GEITHNER and BERNAKE, and the ILLUMINATI they represent, WE don't know what to expect next. This criminal gang is scamming the entire world day in and day out. They are like cut-throat pirates on a ship together saying "we will do anything, anything imaginable" to continue our Criminal Enterprise masquerading as the Government of The United States.

WE, WE THE PEOPLE, are the sons and daughters, the fathers and mothers, the sisters and brothers of the men and women who have taken an oath to the Constitution and placed themselves in harms way to protect us and our way of life. It is essential, it is imperative, that every member of the Armed Forces be appraised of the conduct of their leaders, of JAG and of OBAMA. Write to them, call them, take them to dinner, send an e-mail and explain to them what is happening in D.C. and the PENTAGON, that the world is aware and it is time for each of them to become aware as well. These Military are selling their souls to the same buyers who have long since purchased the POLITICIANS. They are fighting the return to the Constitution. They are trading their oaths their honor and their dignity for vast sums of promised wealth OBAMA can't deliver. They are protecting the CORPORATION and the continuation of Emergency Rule in the United States and are willingly perpetuating the fraud that the UNITED STATES is the United States. These Military leaders know exactly what they are doing. They are choosing to support a Criminal Enterprise rather than the Constitutional Republic and a privately owned fraudulent fiat banking cartel rather than a Sovereign currency and Treasury Department. The shame and disgrace are beyond words.

casper 6-27-09
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Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Friendly Ghost reminds me of a little boy who learns a Big Word, and then for days afterwards goes around using it, often incorrectly. His latest Big Word, or Big Acronym, seems to be "JAG"; and he seems to have learned that the Judge Advocate General has something to do with the legal side of military life. Of course, he overlooks the fact that no one from JAG arrests anyone -- they may prosecute or defend, but never arrest. It's like taking Alan Dershowitz (or a conservative counterpart of your choice) and sending him out on the street to arrest people.

Oh, how easy life is when your thoughts don't have to be encumbered with facts....
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Casper's Ramblings

Post by logicman »

100% right Pott..That's why this is more further proof of what a loon this creep is...That whole website is chief loon site..I take it casper never watched the old tv show J.A.G.