Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

I don't agree that America is "over-run with evil" (except perhaps for the TV programs "Dancing with the Stars" and "American Idol") but Bellringer does. I suggest he start taking care of this "evil" at home, starting with his own lies and antiSemitism.

Patrick H. Bellringer
June 30, 2009


O God Aton of Light, Creator of the human races, King of Wisdom and the One Source of all, we rejoice that your Spirit lives within us.

We forgive ourselves and our fellow men for our complacency in America in allowing this great nation to be over-run with evil. We ask your Spirit within us to forgive us. Many times we have done nothing, while Satan's workers in their attempt to rule the world have taken away the inalienable freedoms you gave to us.

We ask now for the Hosts of Heaven to come and stand against the evil forces. We ask that your Spirit awaken our Earth Shan people to Truth, and that they shall pray for this nation. We ask that all people shall begin right-living according to the Laws of God and Creation. May each individual be empowered to make a strong stand against the "lies" and darkness.

By working with the creative Power of God Aton within us, we believe that America can once against be a shining Light of Truth to all the world. We believe that this nation can be a people of right-living. We believe that this has already begun.

We order now through our God Spirit that all evil forces on Earth Shan be removed and cease to exist forever in Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda's name---that they not hinder any longer our battle for freedom and Truth. We give the Lighted Realms permission to assist us in making this so.

We ask for your protection as we confront evil. We ask for your courage and wisdom as we act, and we ask for your power to accomplish our mission.

May our original Constitution and our Bill of Rights be soon re-established as the supreme law of this land, the Republic of the United States of America. May we again become "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." We walk in faith, believing that this shall be done.

Fill this land and our world with your Spirit of Love, and Hope, and Peace, and Joy. This is our prayer to our God-Spirit within us, to God Aton of Light. We pray this in the name of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda---and in Heaven's sequence. Not our will, O God, but in all things let Your Will be done. So Be It!

Original constitution? Does this mean we get to own slaves?
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

... and John McCain becomes vice president, I guess.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools


Post by Brandybuck »

OMG! The original constitution is in a museum under glass! Congress has been using a COPY of the constitution for over two centuries!!!
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Brandybuck wrote:OMG! The original constitution is in a museum under glass! Congress has been using a COPY of the constitution for over two centuries!!!
Maybe this "Constitution" was actually written by shape-shifting lizards, and the original, no-s*it, honest-to-goodness, gen-yoo-wine Constitution is actually hidden away in a vault in Zurich, controlled by a Bilderberger-CFR-Illuminati cabal, so that we won't be able to know what it says.... :lol:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools


Post by Brandybuck »

I'm waiting for "National Treasure III", when Nicolas Cage steals the original constitution, discovers it's really two pieces of parchment laminated together, and finds the missing 13th Amendment underneath, along with a map to the long lost Illuminati gold.
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Post by texino »

Well at least he did not end it by saying "A Ho!"

That PHB! Boy I would like to pull his soup, mash his potatoes, grate his cheese, stomp his strawberries, salt his coffee and plow his snow! *

* These are all Panamanian euphemisms.
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Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Well at least he did not end it by saying "A Ho!"

That PHB! Boy I would like to pull his soup, mash his potatoes, grate his cheese, stomp his strawberries, salt his coffee and plow his snow! *

* These are all Panamanian euphemisms.
I agree with all of these except "plow his snow," knowing what winters are like in Rapid City.

This is the prayer I'd like to see Bellringer write...


O God Aton of Light, O Wondrous One, Head Cheese, Top Dog, A#1 Big Boss Man, Creator of the human races, especially the White non-Jewish ones, King of Wisdom and the One Source of all, we rejoice that your Spirit lives within us, would really like to plow your cheese, stomp your coffee or mash your weasel, and praise you with great praise. And we praise you again, and yet praise you again, because you are a vane God and like that sort of thing over and over again, O great, noble and handsome one, and have I mentioned that you look great? Have you lost weight?

We forgive ourselves and our fellow men for our complacency in America in allowing this great nation to be over-run with evil ones who won't give us billions of dollars for putting a hundred bucks into a high yield investment scam. We know they really have been being rolled over by some prime bank who pays us more because of some electrician in Matoon Illinois. We ask your Spirit within us to forgive us for letting Satan's workers rule the world and deny us the undeniable freedoms your spirit within us gave to us 'cause it's not our fault, it's theirs.

We ask now for the Hosts of Heaven to come and stand against the evil forces. And soon, because the landlord has been asking for proof or we're out on the street, and you know how mad Anne can get when she has to sleep under bridges. We ask that all people shall begin right-living according to the Laws of God and Creation, especially in their sexual habits. May anyone who does anything I don't do in bed be burned in perdition and then burned real slowly again for all eternity, starting with their naughty parts. Oh yeah, and do it to all the Jews no matter what, and the other groups and people on my list, which as you know is too long to write here without cramping my fingers and boring you, O great God Aton, who we praise by the way, but you know who we mean.

By working with the creative Power of God Aton within us, we believe that America can once against be a shining Light of Truth to all the world. We believe that this nation can be a people of right-living, those who live like me. We believe that this has already begun and the check is in the mail just like Casper has been saying.

We order now through our God Spirit that all evil forces on Earth Shan be removed and cease to exist forever in Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda's name---that they not hinder any longer our battle for freedom and Truth. We give the Lighted Realms permission to assist us in making this so by killing the multitudes of unbelievers in truly hideous ways, long drawn-out painful ways where the victim goes crazy from the pain before finally having their hearts ripped from their chest to stop beating before their fading eyes, and worse.

We ask for your protection as we confront evil. We ask for your courage and wisdom as we act, we ask for your power to accomplish our mission, and we ask for the aforementioned carnage against those who thwart or mock us. Especially that lady across the street who looks at me funny whenever I try to call down the cloudships from my front porch. May she die horribly in love and peace.

May our original Constitution and our Bill of Rights and the original 13th amendment but not the illegal parts that freed the slaves, allowed taxes, or gave women the vote be soon re-established as the supreme law of this land, the Republic of the United States of America. May we again become "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all except those we ethnically cleanse." May the Fourth of July be celebrated on the Second of July, the day that really was the Fourth back in the old days. We walk in faith, believing that this shall be done.

Fill this land and our world with your Spirit of Love, and Hope, and Peace, and Joy, and Bloody Fiery Vengeance. This is our prayer to our God-Spirit within us, to God Aton of Light. We pray this in the name of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda---and in Heaven's sequence. Not our will, O God, but in all things let Your Will be done as long as it's what we want. So Be It! A Ho!
"Follow the Money"


Post by logicman »

Amen DK.. Aton is a combo of dumbellringer and casper.Casper is going thru his scripts now as it takes him 2 days of silence to write the next few days of under development.Casper consults with Poof as Poof is the positive writings, and casper is the king of doom and gloom..Either way we all know there was and never will be a prosperity pack..I do feel bad for the folks who believed in this and lost their lives and livelihoods..This as always shall be continued..One never knows when this will end.Maybe 2010 as we await for the Comet(Ajax's cousin) to cleanse the planet..In the meantime lets pray to the prune gods for relief..


Post by logicman »

Sorry meant 2012..