New Casper Thread

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

... not to mention that the Prosperity Pushers give us a never-ending litany of excuses why the "deliveries", allegedly already underway, always seem to get stopped by some nefarious evildoer(s). In a world where almost no secret is safe from some media outlet (especially those which are ethically challenged), I find it a wee bit difficult to believe that not one of them has come up with an exclusive story on the deliveries, especially since a Pulitzer Prize would be a slam-dunk on a story like this.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

RE: E-mail from the Trustee

The supposed e-mail “from the trustee” posted above berates NESARA believers themselves for not getting their deliveries delivered. It seems they’re not envisioning hard enough.

Imagine NESARA believers', who think banks are run by demons in disguise, outrage if they got a letter from the bank telling them the same thing…

E-mail from the Bank Guy:

I would like to take a few moments to address some questions and comments that you have recently been sending us and nailing to our front door. I know these have been anonymous, but we have our ways.

As I understand it, you opened a savings account with us and put all your money into it. Later, when you tried to withdraw it, we got ready to mail the packet to you but various government and Illuminati officials interfered with it. Even thought these officials answer to us, we’re not responsible and quite frankly are a bit put out at your abusive language, especially after your car was repossessed in our parking lot.

One of your complaints is your inability to verify the reasons for the delay of your funds. For example, you complained endlessly when we told you the money was in the mail and later clarified this to include that our vice president’s dog chewed on it so it couldn’t be delivered. How do you expect to verify this information? Do you have the wherewithal to confirm that our vice president doesn’t have a dog simply because “no pets” is posted at his apartment building? I think not. Of course we have other evidence that might convince you but may not convince a 1000 others demanding proof. So, what is a banker to do? Would you feel better if he/she/they spent weeks or months attempting to convince the masses that his information is valid? By then, will it matter? It certainly won’t matter to us because by then we’ll be fleecing another sheep!

The problem today is that everyone wants indisputable evidence and guarantees that we haven’t spent your money on high-priced call girls. You must find this evidence for yourself for you create your own future. You create your own dreams and you cannot, with any amount of effort, divert your responsibility for your own future, your own dreams upon the shoulders of others.

Creation and/or co-creation of anything takes action, movement, intent and faith, in yourself and in your god, whomever that may be. Oh yes, you cannot accept the I AM of yourself, for you still can’t accept that you, the I AM, can co-create anything. If you believed and accepted who you are you would know that co-creation is done with effort, expenditure of energy, from BOTH parties of the co-creation. Your god cannot create that money you left here for you if you refuse to play the game. So, get off of the couch and get moving. Find your own truth. Take the excuses for non-delivery for what they are, the insights and perceptions of some outsourced guy working nights writing these in India.

It is generally those readers who have placed their lives on hold, thereby effectively sabotaging their own lives, that spew out negativity and fear and/ or exert extensive energy in attacking these ‘messengers’, burning bread on our efforts, rather than using the magic of positive energy to re-create/ co-create a wonderful new future for yourself.

We all know that if 3 people witness an event and then relay what they witnessed, we are going to get at least 2 and most likely 3 different versions of the event. Why? Because of perspective. You know, is the glass ½ full or ½ empty? Every ones perspective is tainted by our belief system and our point of view. You say we won’t give you your money, we say your money doesn’t want to be given back to you!

The truth be known, what we are witnessing is a simple matter of the pendulum of life has crested its mighty swing, having completed its natural cycle and now, as nature would have it, it has reversed its direction of swing and is now crashing back upon the path whence it came destroying all in its path and making room for the new. This is the reason none of us has one of those grandfather clocks.

From where does your prospective come?

For me, the events of the day are extremely encouraging for I see, feel and smell freedom and a loving, compassionate and prosperous future for all of us, in spite of all of your negativity and fear.

Let us all work together in this co-creation process. If it seems there is nothing you can do to help, then simply send positive and loving energy to those bankers who are out there doing it to you, for there is no more powerful thing you can do to help.

Blessings from the Bank Guy.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by texino »

When the situation arises about a glass being half full or half empty, the solution is to simply get a smaller glass. That, in turn, should show those waiting for a big payout that there is no possibility of same.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by logicman »

New casper update 7/24..Can anyone break the code? Must be dead people from M.Knight Shmayalan's classic.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

logicman wrote:New casper update 7/24..Can anyone break the code? Must be dead people from M.Knight Shmayalan's classic.

casper 7-24-09 #1

A 'Targeted Message' of some importance;

six she set
seven she sprung
from the dead the living comes

the dead have not been very truthful on things


casper 7-24-09

By "the dead" Casper is talking about his own "packie" and how certain functions aren't working, even after near-fatal doses of Viagra. He also thinks with this part of his anatomy, hence the statement about not being very truthful. SHAME. The earlier part of the poem refers to his dream of finding a woman who can reverse his physical ailment and have his love child, no doubt Wendy, but obviously this hasn't happened yet. No wonder he's so obsessed with his packie.

But don't listen to me, Casper clears it up in his next, that is to say yesterday's, message.

casper 7-25-09

After last weekends disclosure that the World Court was once again set to screw us and their Representative had accepted a bribe of 2 B from OBAMA silence prevailed, unless you consider the daily ABC Hell Storm news?

WE knew something was not right as the blackout extended worldwide with emphasis on CHINA. Not only were our calls blocked more intensely than ever before but even calls among CASPER TEAMMATES were being blocked. In a single day 27 calls between us were blocked, 15 outgoing and 12 incoming. Recall that the bribe was paid in advance and its disclosure caused quite a ruckus WE hear.

By Thursday WE were hearing that some FREEDOM packs had been delivered and accessed. WE were able to confirm a couple of them leading to further investigation which exposed some 40 FREEDOM deliveries over the past four weeks. ALL were to major supporters of OBAMA WE learned.

WE have subsequently learned certain MING who are also CHINESE MAFIA, have been funding OBAMA personally since long before he became President. While OBAMA was at the G-8 their leader, the dead one, was at the U.S. Treasury. Over the years this Wing of the MING has given or loaned OBAMA and the U.S. so much money they are now near the end of their financial rope. "THE DEAD ONE", as WE now refer to him, representing the MING, the CHINESE MAFIA and Dr. LI, along with the CHICAGO MAFIA, have been funding OBAMA all along with the primary motive being, from the MING perspective, to convert the U.S. to COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM/CENTRAL CONTROL over America. From where else could this news have come except from the "insiders" in CHINA itself?

Eventually one of the forty ran his mouth confirming that aspect of these disclosures. They are, as a general statement, the largest participants in Freedom.Those receiving these packages were/are also on board with OBAMA'S takeover of America. Access to these packages which was occurring as they were received over the last four weeks was made possible by the combined efforts of OBAMA, Dr. LI, and "The Dead One" which also brought the Ming and the Chinese Mafia into it as that is who they are. AND Treasury, the OBAMA/GEITHNER TREASURY. WE have many of these names and are working to acquire the rest at which time all of them will be released at once. This same group, leading several others, has also been propping up OBAMA via their ongoing acquisition of new issue Treasury Debt Instruments. Over the last ten years these MING have squandered assets accumulated over more than 100 years. OBAMA was to "re-supply" their lost funds from the theft of our program funds, but again, the primary objective was to support OBAMA'S conversion of America to COMMUNISM.

Remember the expected "JULY 4TH SURPRISE"? Because the FREEDOM CONTRACT calls for announcements and the unveiling of "The Suitcase" upon delivery of a single Freedom Pack, and because deliveries to the 40 were taking place, the "surprise" was to be all deliveries, the announcements, disclosure and exposure. All was blocked because only OBAMA'S henchmen got secret deliveries which no one knew about till now.

The above disbursements DID NOT COME FROM THE PROGRAM FUNDS. They were provided by MING, LI and "THE DEAD ONE".

WE hear the WORLD COURT has been or is in the process of being "disbanded" due to ongoing corruption. This news also comes to us from overseas.

In spite of the above WE hear deliveries are again due at any moment which means the good guys are aware of and are cleaning up the mess reported above. WE hear Announcements and The Suitcase will follow immediately as previously scheduled.

Any decent Journalist could write a very big book about OBAMA corruption which has already occurred during his first six months in office. ACORN for example, has been indicted for voter fraud in nine states, has already been given 50 million plus by OBAMA, is scheduled to receive BILLIONS more from the "stimulus money" and has been "punished" by being moved into the White House". There are a dozen other such scandals underway simultaneously all being hidden from the people by the bought and paid for Main Street Media.

Unless the American people wake up now, right now, you can kiss this Country, its historical values and its Founding Documents good bye. Every kool-aide drinker out there must force some black coffee down their own throats or be willing to accept responsibility for the destruction of our beloved Country.

casper 7-25-09
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by texino »

I thought the art of "Double Talk" ended with the radio days when performers like trumpeter Ish Kabibble of the Kay Kaiser band retired. Maybe Casper never heard the old double talk routines, but given the medium is described as babble, blather, blatherskite, gabble, gibberish, jabber, jabberwocky, jargon, nonsense, prate, prattle and twaddle, he certainly is on the right road to be the new master of the genre.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper gets a message directly from President Obama? Wow! He must really be who he says he is, huh?

casper 7-26-09 evening

Another "Targeted Message", this time FROM PRESIDENT OBAMA TO CASPER.

"You are a big blow hard and you are full of chit. We will see to it that you are published no more".

Message received Mr. President.

Are you now taking over the Internet? WE are aware of your Party's proposed legislation to shut down conservative talk radio, will you honor us with a Bill of our own or must WE ride the coat tails of your other destructions of the First Amendment?

The funds remaining in the accounts of THE FORTY have been frozen. They were shills for OBAMA, "pass through" if you will providing him funds for Stock Market manipulation and Lord knows what else.

OBAMA continues to say, SCREAM is a better word, that we will not see these packages as long as he is President which will be "for another 12 or 18 years or whatever I decide because I am the RULER". The packs WE watch were still in D.C. Sunday afternoon.

WE have kept you abreast of the interference with OUR communications over recent months, this update should test their willingness and their ability to apply their NAZI TACTICS WE have been warning you about.

Mr. OBAMA, are you really President of the U.S.? Or just President of the CORPORATION OF THE U.S.?

Why do you refuse to produce your birth certificate? Are you in office illegally?

Why do you stand in the way of OUR funding and the re-funding of the world? Could it be that tax receipts on our funding go to the Constitutional Treasury which you can't access and are therefore of no use to you and your NWO/ILLUMINATI allies?

Is personal power so precious to you that you would destroy a Nation and millions of its people?

WE THE PEOPLE did not vote for the CHANGE you bring. You have NO MANDATE from anyone with half a brain or the slightest amount of Patriotism in their veins. You are a USURPER Sir. While your core constituency, because they are ignorant, have no idea what you are doing, the rest of us SEE AND UNDERSTAND all too well. Do you think you are fooling the Veterans of Foreign Wars? Or anyone else with the age, experience and maturity to recognize you? Why do you think dealers can't keep guns or ammo on the shelves? Do you think it a secret that your assent to power was financed by huge money from MUSLIM COUNTRIES disguised as small contributions? And now WE learn about the CHINESE and CHICAGO MAFIA? Why are you saying, today, the funds from the 40 accounts now belong to you and you are going to trade those funds tonight? By now you must know that too has been blocked.

Mr. OBAMA, PRESIDENT of the CORPORATION OBAMA, our nation is desperate for honest leadership and long overdue for a "minority" President. We voted for you to get rid of BUSH'S arrogance and unnecessary wars. We voted for him to get rid of the corruption of CLINTON and we were none too happy with SENIOR either, as he was a liar (read my lips) and leader of the organization you now represent.

We do not want your Socialist/Communist/Fascist policies of TRILLIONS to the Banks on the backs of generations of taxpayers or the other ridiculous policies being crammed down our throats. You Sir, are surrounded by IDIOTS disguised as Liberals/Progressives/ETC.. They are EXTREMIST. The American people had no idea what they were voting for when they voted for you.

Won't you please do yourself, the American people and mankind a great favor and resign? Right now? And if you are feeling especially generous tonight won't you please take Nancy Pelosi with you?

Would you like to explain to the people why you are blocking our deliveries and holding the people under your thumb unnecessarily? Why you are holding the Constitution and the announcements hostage? I thought not.

The people SEE, Mr. President, and this little wave will become a tsunami before you know it.

casper 7-26-09
"Follow the Money"

Re: New Casper Thread

Post by ClemIsBack »

Another "Targeted Message", this time FROM PRESIDENT OBAMA TO CASPER.
"You are a big blow hard and you are full of chit. We will see to it that you are published no more".
Message received Mr. President.
The voices that haunt Casper are now sending him emails and they can't spell simple 4 letter words .. but obviously they do know him well.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

ClemIsBack wrote:
Another "Targeted Message", this time FROM PRESIDENT OBAMA TO CASPER.
"You are a big blow hard and you are full of chit. We will see to it that you are published no more".
Message received Mr. President.
The voices that haunt Casper are now sending him emails and they can't spell simple 4 letter words .. but obviously they do know him well.
No, it's not misspelled. Just to show I'm not full of chit here are some chitty definitions from some little chit.

chit- 7 dictionary results

chit –noun
1. a signed note for money owed for food, drink, etc.
2. any receipt, voucher, or similar document, esp. of an informal nature.
3. Chiefly British. a note; short memorandum.
1775–85; short for chitty < Hindi

chit –noun
a child or young person, esp. a pert girl.
1350–1400; for sense of “the young of an animal”; 1615–25 for current sense; ME; perh. akin to kitten or kid

chit3 –noun
Hinduism. pure consciousness.
Compare Sat-cit-ananda.
< Skt

chit n.
A statement of an amount owed for food and drink; a check.
A short letter; a note.
A Brownie point: earned vital chits with his party by making fundraising speeches.

chit n.
A child.
A saucy girl or young woman.
[Middle English, young animal.]

"note," 1776, from Mahrati (Hindi) chitthi "letter, note," from Skt. chitra-s "distinctively marked."

"small child," c.1624, originally "young of a beast" (1382); unrelated to chit (1), perhaps connected to kitten.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

Another chitty update from Sasper.

casper 7-27-09

The packs WE watch are still in D.C..

OBAMA did try to trade the funds in the 40 accounts last night as he said he would, only to find the accounts blocked. He is claiming personal ownership of these funds.

A couple of you have questioned whether OBAMA would make the statement attributed to him in last nights update so let us clarify that now; The words were from OBAMA'S OWN MOUTH, not second hand 'hand me downs' and THERE WERE MULTIPLE "WITNESSES".

TODAY OBAMA is again saying we will never receive deliveries so long as he is President. WE have reported these words of his till WE are blue in the face. As this is the position he takes every day with people all over the world how is it that your "informed source" does not know this?

He is shouting it from the roof tops and has been for months, ever since the decisions were taken months ago to preserve the status quo and block the new at any cost.
His public actions, such as his proposed vast increase in power for the Fed Res, should show any thinking individual the truth of the matter with no need to rely on any messengers interpretation of anything.

For goodness sake people won't you please WAKE UP?
If and when, our packages arrive it will be in spite of him not with his help.
What he has done to block deliveries has been reported here diligently over a period of many months in very great detail.

Frankly speaking I don't know what more WE could have done.
You have been made privy to dozens of acts of sabotage by him.

From OUR perspective WE have no choice but to accept the fact that a large percentage of the population of this country would continue to WORSHIP OBAMA if he shot dead his own kids on national television.
That's how it appears from here I am very sorry to say.

casper 7-27-09
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by texino »

From Casper

For goodness sake people won't you please WAKE UP?
I believe that most of us are awake for 2/3 of each day and since we, for the most part, don't live in tin tents we have a good chance to see the world as it is and make our own decisions based on that input. It would seem that even though times are hard, there are indicators that the economy will recover. Part of a wake up call might include the realization that any zany high yield investments made during the recent economic troubles have likely foundered and collapsed.
Hopefully no one risked more that a few hundred dollars in these programs and anyone who risked large amounts did so with the knowledge that there is no such thing as a sure deal in an investment scheme. The fact that people such as Casper and Bellringer keep shaking a tree that bears no fruit in any season should mark them well as ones to avoid or ignore.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:From Casper

For goodness sake people won't you please WAKE UP?
I believe that most of us are awake for 2/3 of each day and since we, for the most part, don't live in tin tents we have a good chance to see the world as it is and make our own decisions based on that input. It would seem that even though times are hard, there are indicators that the economy will recover. Part of a wake up call might include the realization that any zany high yield investments made during the recent economic troubles have likely foundered and collapsed.
Hopefully no one risked more that a few hundred dollars in these programs and anyone who risked large amounts did so with the knowledge that there is no such thing as a sure deal in an investment scheme. The fact that people such as Casper and Bellringer keep shaking a tree that bears no fruit in any season should mark them well as ones to avoid or ignore.

Your statement shows your bias, for some reason you have an intolerence for nonsense. And, as you know, we ascendant types ain't got no intolerance, except for that against Jews, reptilians, the government, the UN, and people who call us liars when we lie. It's the disbelief of people like you that's blocking our getting $trillions in the mail, money Americans could really use to not only heal the world but partake of the decadent lifestyle so useful to a lightworker. Why do you hate Americans so much?

I also take offense at your statement that shaking a tree that bears no fruit is useless. It's the highest form of spiritual wisdom to demand the impossible. All you have to do is envision the tree as having fruit and using your inner god and/or goddess co-create it! Just this morning I got a bushel of peaches from a pine tree! Now, if I could only block the negative energies that keep changing them into pine cones every time I try to eat one...
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

casper 7-30-09

Again deliveries were scheduled and expected. The trigger packs left D.C. early afternoon yesterday but were pulled back overnight. Again the blockage comes from OBAMA this time aided and abetted by CLINTON, LI, YING (the dead one) and certain MING elements.

YING and LI must pay out TRILLIONS when the programs fund which will break them which explains their ongoing co-operation with OBAMA in blocking deliveries.

The actual backstabbing owners of the 40 accounts who attempted to turn the accounts over to OBAMA have had all funds frozen and confiscated and lost their funding permanently. The plan was for OBAMA to use those account codes and access instructions for back door entry into all FREEDOM accounts to steal all of those funds. Again, this has been discovered and foiled.

Mr. YING, our long lost and supposedly dead ex-friend, your friends here in the U.S. want to have a talk with you face to face. Why do you keep canceling your trips, last week and again today? Could it be that your friends have learned the orders for their elimination came from you? You lied to them, they found out. Zebra's don't change their stripes do they Mr. YING. They request you bring your black suit with you and say they will see you soon.

Once again, for reasons WE won't go into, OBAMA thought he had the funds to preserve his Fraudulent Financial Playpen only to find "his funds" gone. This is a reference to something different than the 40 accounts.

The battle to overcome OBAMA now rages hourly not just daily. Do not falter in your faith my friends, GOD WINS not brother OBAMA. Continue to look for and expect deliveries literally at any moment. He does not hold the biggest stick.

casper 7-30-09

I don't mean to brag, but my stick is much, much bigger than Caspers, and prettier too. Just gave it a new coat of paint last week. As for Zerbra's changing their stripes, paint is good for that too. Unfortunately, Casper never freshens up his stick or stripes, and gives us the same tired claims that always turn out to be false day after day.
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I think that I'm going to go home, sit on my front steps, and wait for my package. After all, Casper promises that it's on its way. :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

FROM RumorMIllNews:


Posted By: hobie

Date: Thursday, 30-Jul-2009 20:34:25

Hi, Folks -

This is from , which reportedly (see the email that's _below_ this brief update) came under attack earlier in the day:


casper 7-30-09 #2

Today, Homeland Security confiscated the packs WE watch, from the Couriers.

The packs are back in D.C.......

casper 7-30-09 #2


E-mail received from Casper's friend "Wendy":



We have been notified by that their servers for the website has been getting Hit 500,000 times PER MINUTE with Viruses and Hacker Hits.

Recently, Casper's Report on Obama has 'ramped up the hits' and the attacks.

Their Email servers here stateside have taken a hit and are currently shutdown.

The Bellringer's are using offshore servers now.

Obviously, the Government would like to see this type of Information Source Shut Down..PERMANENTLY.

I was asked by Casper to send you the "Current News" regarding packet delivery and the info regarding Fourwinds and the attacks.

The nasty ones doing the hacking.....WILL NOT WIN. GOOD WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL OVER EVIL.

Below you will find Casper Report # 2 from Today.

Best Regards,

Casper's Friend "Wendy"

Today, Homeland Security confiscated the packs WE watch, from the Couriers.

The packs are back in D.C.......

casper 7-30-09 #2


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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

casper #3


casper #3
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by ClemIsBack »

We have been notified by that their servers for the website has been getting Hit 500,000 times PER MINUTE with Viruses and Hacker Hits.
They actually believe people are that interested in what they have to say ? :roll:

Is there any server that can take 500,000 hits in just one minute ?
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Given the other foolishness that the fourflushers believe, why shouldn't they believe something like this?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Given the other foolishness that the fourflushers believe, why shouldn't they believe something like this?
I remember Gabby Hayes using the term "fourflusher" as well as "dag nab it" to clean up his language for old western movies (he was the second banana for a few western stars, including John Wayne and Roy Rogers - I believe his best was in the Wayne movie "Tall in the Saddle"). Refers to someone who tries to hide a 5th non-conforming poker card and declare that they had a flush, you know, a con artist.


Not to be confused with the all-chimp western, "Tail in the Saddle."
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Re: New Casper Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:CASPER UPDATE #3: JULY 30, 2009
casper #3


casper #3
Well then, Friendly Ghost, if "WE" have the packs, then "WE" are just the people to produce them and show the rest of the world how wrong we have been about the prosperity movement.

I'm waiting....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools