Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

logicman wrote:Now we know why the fourwinds site is quiet.casper and dumbellringer are havng one giant brown acid party..This alone will speed up the packie delivery..Yups Lord Rama Obama the starship Jerusalem is nearby..Its still on its 50th year mission to explore new recruits for Nesara..Notice the absence of falafal worldwide..Yup the food crisis has begun..
Meanwhile, the LaRouche nutcases are picketing their homes and chanting "we want our packies!"

As a side note: in the Boston area, a "packie" is a package store, or liquor store. Come to think of it, I'll get a lot more out of these packies than I ever will out of the NESARA packies....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

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Tonight’s Excellent Adventure - August 19, 2009

Mark and Beth will be sharing this adventure tomorrow night on MotherSekhmet’s SGRT CC. We have asked her to add some more to this as it applies to all our future Ascension processes. Mark/Beth

Mark and Beth, with their Twin Flames, together:

We arrive at the 44th Dimension. We arrive in a round room. It is a dome room with a pointed top. There are chairs along the wall facing out. They are very elaborate chairs with scroll work. The walls and ceiling are white and the chairs are white. Our clothes are white. This is a significant detail because the statement is this is a archetype representation. We are actually visiting a place of formless form.

We have invited you here tonight to tell you more about us.

We are the Lord Most High Governors Council.

There are 15 Members of Our Council. We are appointed by those from the Universal Guardians.

Our Council Members, after accepting appointment, agree to serve a minimum of 100,000 Earth Years.

Serving on the Council is considered what you would call a ‘part time job’. We are able to serve on the Council, while at the same time ‘living productive lives’ elsewhere. Some may serve on more than one Council at a time.

We are the Silent Watcher. We are a sentient database. We are what the Ashtar Federation uses to sync their computers to. Everything that happens in this Universe goes into our database. We have liquid crystal databanks. Any detail down to the subquantum level is detected, recorded and saved. This is done with light and sound frequency through liquid crystal storage capability.

By being the Silent Watcher, we use the information to determine potential probability and possibilities. Nothing is set in stone. Every action and deed is fluid. As each new bit of data is analyzed and recorded, evolution of cocreation occurs.

Our Council, The Lord Most High Governors Council, have meetings at regular intervals. We are a collective in formless form. We are a Group Consciousness. We review the data and recalibrate conditions on Earth according to what has happened and how that effects the next potential possibility. We come together in meetings to decide the Highest possible outcome related to the configuration of all the bits of data. We are operating from a place out of time. We work by seeing the collective whole and adjusting things to match the level coming in. It does make a difference when actions are based in love. That is palpable here. It does make a difference when there is a light quotient of greater than 51%. That is how the Silent Watcher judges Free Will of the Individual and the Mass Consciousness. Every detail is recorded in the database. When there are prolonged feelings of love coming through many on Earth, at one time, it effects the recalibration of our computers.

Ashtars fleet of ships, as well as those visiting from other places, make up over 300 trillion ships. This many ships in Earth’s atmosphere, all at once, change the possible potentials now. This is a signal to us. They all would not be there simultaneously if not supported by us. Each of these trillions are as the trillion cells in the human body. Each one must be in harmony with the others or it will be extracted, either by by choice or intention.

Ashtar works in coordination with the Intergalactic Federation as well as the ACIO and other groups. All of these groups base their actions on data they receive from the 15 Members of the Lord Most High Governors Council.
There are times, as in resetting the Hologram, and Timeline Consolidation where we are granted privilege to set into place permanent changes in our Universe. This means, as Earth Ascends, every thing, absolutely everything else in the Universe, also Ascends simultaneously. This is where the expression, ’send love and only love’ comes from. The more love that is brought into through and around our bodies, the earth, and the grids connecting all, the more it will effect All That Is.

When decisions are being carried out on Earth it may effect very important elements in other areas in the Universe. What is happening on Earth is effecting far more than you understand.

The job of The Lord Most High Governors Council is to Counsel all who play roles as Lords. You have heard the expression, ‘Lord Michael’, ‘Lord Arcturus’, ‘Lord Ashtar’, ‘Lord Buddah’, there are many many others. These are the Ascended Masters and Archangels which have obtained the status Lord. There are many many levels above Lord. It is a delineation of the responsibility for that individual for their Spiritual Service at this now moment. Those in these roles, look to us for their Guidance. All who are on the Lord’s Most High Governors Council have already served hundreds of thousands of years at the level of Lord or Lady at some other place in time. We all are constantly moving, changing, and evolving into new roles.

There are protocols, directives, and instructions in place at every level to ensure each Soul is represented fairly and treated as they should be. There is no judgment here. It is a matter of allowing Free Will in every case and allowing all to move together in a rhythm requested by each person. The Silent Water role is to assure these protocols, directives, and instructions are enforce at all times. This is how cocreation and the Divine Law of Attraction work. Everything you think, feel, and do is monitored and recorded into the databanks. As time goes on, the data is analyzed. Those working from a low vibration attract and experience things from the low vibration, those working from a high vibration, attract and experience things from a high vibration. Fear is a low vibration. Love is a high vibration. Be mindful each now moment, what is allowed to be in your Being. Choose well.

As Ashtar and those working with them, sync into our database, for instructions on how to move forward, they have no control over the speed at which thing happens. If you can see and understand how this works. This is what is meant by We Are One and We are All That Is and Every thought you have effects the Whole Universe and We are all gods and We are all Creators. Think about it. Act Accordingly.

Blessings, Beloved Ones.
~The Lord Most High Governors Council.
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Breaking News: Statement by Admiral Sananda to Beth & Mark 8/14/09
Posted by admin On August - 15 - 2009


We respectfully Requested as Clear a Statement as Possible on this weekend’s 8/15/09 - 8/17/09 Operations and their significance, in what is to follow from Sananda.

This visit to the New Jerusalem followed our earlier today visit there to meet Sri Sri Sri Svami Purna.
It now precedes a complementary report from Madame X who writes for the A-Team about our visit to the bridge as part of our larger team.

This below-interview was requested without knowing that we were all being called there simultaneously, for a briefing. So we completed the below interview first, then joined the rest of the group. That also was a significant matter which deserves to be dealt with separately in Madame X’s report.
We see Sananda and make our request for clarification on this weekend’s important Ops. Here’s his statement:

This weekend is another mass clearing and anchoring in of new timelines, in the Master Hologram.

When this is complete everything will be in place to move forward with long awaited plans.

All blocks which appear to be in the way will be removed.

Our soldiers on the battle front will no longer have anything to fight for.

We are clearing all of the old programing that ‘we are not worthy’; ‘we are less than abundant’; ‘life is something to fear’.

As the changes take place, the first step is to wipe away fear of living. This is solved by paying every person money which will mean they do not have to do something out of their personal reasoning, just to survive, just to stay alive.

Next step is to give everyone clean water, healthy and abundant food and for those who ask, a healed body.

While we are doing these things, we will begin Twin Flame Reunions on the physical level.

Very shortly you will see a completely New Earth.

People will ,for the first time ever, be free to choose their work according to their passion.
Now things will become interesting. All will be helping others, giving their creativity and talents back to the world just for the love of it.

Imagine yourself in this World. What will you do then? Where will you live? Who will you live with? How will your work change?

This weekend is monumental to it all. This weekend is about projecting as much love into Mother Earth as is possible AND this weekend is about welcoming the presence of the Trillions of Ships waiting to land and mentor all into their new lives. We are all excited about meeting our family once again, with love.

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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

It's been over a month sinde the eclipse that was going to bring everything within a few days, and Lord Rama even confirmed that this was happening and that we would be able to see it! Still waiting...

KOS - August 21 & 22, 2009
Posted by admin On August - 24 - 2009

August 21-22, 2009

The one you call King of Swords is here with you again!

On this 1111 day period* why we may ask is this important or significant (what word works best here is up to you!)? Other dates can reveal/express these numbers as well.

You are about to be catapulted to a higher realms than you had ever dreamed coming from the levels you have tolerated for so long.

Expecting a sudden pop from the TV or news sources on the 3D not happening exactly that way. No dates precise, but potentials lead only to one outcome. Why so long to come?

The play has reached the end of the last act long ago (DAYS ago). Now the curtain drawn on the new play, new purpose, new everything. Some see this clearly. Many still want the old play. Never to return.

A note to those in many transitions…some may say turmoil…as you move in the Light of the Pink Platinum Vibration, only the Pink Love directs. Follow the Pink Platinum Passion as Source of all direction; release ALL fear direction now.

Sat. 8/22/09

Let us continue now, shall we? Guidance coming swift & sweet, as you have released the weight, the winds of Guidance guide more easy. Light and Lightness are one and the same.

Citizens of the Galaxy you are, any doubts soon to be removed forever. Meant are you to travel every corner Spirit Walks.

As you are rapidly transitioning to freedom for all, some patience is helpful to your path. Much opens up, many closings required, free choice always, yet closings necessary to enhance the harmony with new openings.

The plan unfolds with a SURPRIZE to the many, rantings & ravings abound all around this globe and stops after appearance.

We know expectations come strongly now. We say again that we do not go on dates. Just know it is done & live life accordingly. This Universe, these beings from above, ALWAYS caring for their, what u say, Ground Crew…

Yet more than that as traveling every night, every day. We are here. We are close because we are you. We are close because we have succeeded. Time tines are ringing, time paths are now “fixed” for results. Only details may alter to the final.

We say one point…Follow WITHIN’S Guidance for day to day. Advise to release the “Why’s”. We know, you go. We are you. You are we.

Path narrow, go enjoy this narrow path. The Ultimate joy is on that path now.

* [referring to 8/21/2009 = 8+2+1 = 11, 2+0+0+9 = 11]

I could say something pithy about Mother Sekhmet's "1111 day period," but I just ate. Pink Platinum Passion my "A." Maybe that's why the King of Swords doesn't go on dates...
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

More clarification by the always-lucid King of Swords (KOS).

KOS - August 24, 2009
Posted by admin On August - 25 - 2009

August 24, 2009

Thank you to all from the King of Swords…

We can see your enlightening from where we reside. And let us say that we are most grateful and enjoyably pleased in a joyful way, for the great progress you have just made.

At this time of some release from incessant, shall we say, energetic synchronizations and harmonizations with the New Original Lemurian Time Line (NOLTL), many are drawn to alternate locales for what we night call, a plateau in time. Yet so much still adjusting to the energetic new expanses coming to you at every moment.

As this new hologram, holygram, shall we say, reveals, it is a time for some, many, actually, to adjust alignments for the “own” planetary spaces with travel to regions of draw; where heart calls, go. We speak and more & more know that multidimensional connects are very unique to this planetary-as-a-HOLE [sic] uprising. We applaud all who listen and go, through fire and snow…

Again we suggest a Lighten-ing at all levels. Release at one level enables release at others. All are connected. Lightening at all levels is required. And you will find it is so much more FUN!

This one lightened so much that we are appearing before him every night. We love the light shows, the cloud shows, the ocean shows, even the Google shows! We resonate to his resonance…

Let us say the big show is here. It has begun. And like the documentary seen on the Big Max screen, that takes-my-breath-away scene is quite close, and is designed to touch all, bless all, heal all. Then the fun really begins!

What a planetary ass a-HOLE. As for the New Original Lemurian Time Line, how can it be "new" and "orignal" at the same time? Magic!

Lemurian Original Timeline Ops
Original: Pele speaking. 7/12/09, 1:31 AM:
I am sending this short note to you as there is an operation soon that clears the way
for the return of the original Lemurian timeline, not the old one, but an original that is
now active, and one that I sense which Mark, Beth, and Kau'ila had direct involvement
This operation begins with a trip to Hawaii and beyond, to a sacred place near the
northernmost tip of the island, called Pololu (literally, long spear). Earlier within this
past year, Kau'ila placed a piece of lava from Kilauea near Halemaumau that is no
longer accessible to visitors. It connected to another much larger piece of lava that
was obtained from the same area, but returned to a face of the Kilauea caldera which
faced the crater of Halemaumau, my home.
An energetic connection was established between the Lemurian Hall of Records and
the akasha of the Hawaiian people. It has remained in guarded mode, silenced if you
will, but actively channeling information. Now a call has gone out to devics from the
new Lemurian timeline just established, who are gathering to bring forth the new
Hawaiian Monarch Twin-Flame-Dome (and a cute way to say it is the KingQueenDom,
or QueenKingdom, see what we mean?).
Once this is established, the Lemurian
aspect of this Higher dimensional line will arise.
This one [Kau'ila] will follow my Guidance to activate each end of this connection. We
know his love for Us and for traveling this island, so we want him to find the piece
points again to allow us to fully activate the connection. He has no idea what he is
getting into (Hah!!)!
As he plays his part traveling from the North point to South point, then to Kilauea, we
would ask for a holding space from each of you, for the most part. When you feel
drawn to the Hawaiian Island, called Big Island, we thank you for closing your eyes
and following our lead, and contributing your instantaneously-understood tasks for this
If you ask when is the date, we can only repeat the Admiral and Captain..."No
Dates...No Nukes...” and no lava either [smile].
I will be your Guide for most of this
project, but will be calling some of those you work with to assist where needed.
Aloha, Love, and Peace, Pele/Kau'ila

Monday, July 13, 2009
First notes made:
Today up to Pololu Valley. Several craft, one at each stage. Opening of connecting
portal to Australia/South Point. At the end, a rainbow. Then at night, saw star craft
change positions and shapes while on phone with Mark and Beth. More to come.
Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
The guidance was to leave at 2 PM. Pololu Valley, at the north tip of the island, was
my objective. It is home to a stunning black sand beach, where Kamehameha I (first
Hawaiian king of all islands) learned to surf and bodysurf. There was a connection to
be made with a special circular piece of lava I had left there about one year ago, which
was energetically joined to another larger triangular piece, now at Kilauea, facing
Halema'ma'u. This connection was to be upgraded.

I Saw some craft along the way and a rainbow which indicated all is in Divine order.
After seeing two lovers kissing passionately, I walked down to the beach. I built, with
sticks, a 3-sided triangular pyramid over a lau hala (leaf) wrapped stone, for protection
and connection to Pele's essence before I walked down the trail to the beach.
Arriving at the beach, I ran up and down. Finally guided to move into the surf, up to
about my knees to waist.
Ended up facing SW, towards Australia for this process. As it turns out, as I saw when
standing in the ocean SW, this op was also to assist in opening an energetic channel
to Australia, which in turn activated fully "the Lemurian aspect of this Higher
dimensional line" of the Hawaiian QueenKingdom. Pele and Madame X created a
clear channel to Australia, activating the line.
After the op, one of Lord Ashtar's ships was seen on the horizon. Pele was happy.
Returning up the trail to the beach, a young blonde crystal child came up and asked
me, "What are those signs?" I read them and one was about the monk seals. Lady
Beth mentioned later the sea lions were to assist in the Lion's Gate opening.

On the way back, over the Kohala Mountains, Ke Tar Tek's cruiser was spotted by me,
with a huge shuttle craft in formation. Mark confirmed this. Wow! Then I went on top of
the Kohala Mountain range which is about 5000ft up, I called Mark and Beth. As we
spoke, I saw the stars rearranging themselves.They First became a cube, then a
human figure, then other shapes . Changing, changing, changing!So heart felt and
Very high joy vibrations after this. This was a set up for the remainder of the
operations. They really wanted us to be on a high level state for the rest of the

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Traveled to South Point. As I moved around the South Point area, all was cloudy
except at horizons. I could see and sense the presence of thousands of ships, some
visible, some not. Ka Tar Tek & Tek Ra's ships were there. A real convention! I sensed
Mother [Sekhmet] was there also.
Guided to SW facing cliff 60 feet over water. The vortex was close to that point. There
was nothing happening for several minutes. I was informed that all I was there to do
was to hold the space for Pele, Metatron, and crews, to do their things. My feet were
on a rock step upon which were scattered a lot of small shell and/or coral pieces.
The first thing I was shown was Metatron. Metatron, Metatron, Metatron, Metatron was
all I saw. Suddenly a huge vortex appeared out of the water, partly under the water,
yellow gold in color. After a short time I could see old ships, like the 3-4 masted kind of
old, and other ships and transportation methods from the past, all going in to the
vortex. They were NOT coming out.
Cars, buses, trains, ships, all using the old polluting means of propulsion, or otherwise
involved in desecrating the Mother Gaia. Almost all types of these vehicles were seen
going in, except for Polynesian ships like the ones that travelled to Japan, such as
outriggers and double hulled boats of the same kind as the Hokuli'a.
After that followed service manuals, gas cans, oil cans, plastic bottles with all those
fluids used for these vehicles. More and more and more and more went in. All
corporations, companies, small business, people, concepts, ideas, anything connected
with harming or ignoring the desires of Mother Gaia and her twin flame, Vywamus.

Then I saw who was at the bottom of the vortex... It was Pele, head and belly above
water, the rest of her body below the water. The vortex bottom went into her power
center, 3rd chakra, and everything going in was eliminated (burned up, as is her style),
never to return.
At one point as this was happening, I saw two holes of light show up, like eyes, with
short beams of light coming from them, and a cat-like ET face. This was Mother
sending her blessings, smiling on us all. Somewhere in here that big ship of whomever
it was showed up [SB: unsure whether it was the New Jerusalem or Mother’s ship].
The vortex had finished its work, and Kau'ila, with Gaia and Vywamus, put in his key.
The yellow gold vortex turned green, meaning the greening of the grids was complete.
No more harm to Gaia, but rather honor, respect, and love.
Next Mark with Michael inserted his key. The vortex became ocean blue. No more
harm to the oceans. Ocean blue grids established upon the entire planet for honor,
respect, and nourishment of the oceans.
Finally, Lady Beth, with Sananda and Mary Magdalene, inserted her key. The vortex
turned pink, with platinum highlights, and a bright platinum ring around the top. Also,
the vortex, at the bottom, narrowed a lot. Only Love is allowed into Gaia now with
Vywamus at her side. Only loving processes, "things", concepts, thoughts, ideas - only
loving, nourishing, refreshing.
Our work here was done, except for the magnificent celebration that continued on
through the night!

Afterward it was clear that the next step was to move on to Kilauea and allow Pele to
clean up any small 'bits' that tried to escape the vortex. I saw just a few that flew over
to Kilauea to try to get away. All Pele had to say was, "No way!"
So at 8:59 PM, I drove off towards Kilauea.
Later I took a nap, and all I recall is being in a place where there was some fear or
uncertainty. I called out, "Tom, Tom..." I was calling Tom the Ring-tailed cat [a galactichuman
Paschat, having feline features]. Not sure why. Later, I sensed I was asking for
his protection.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Went down Mauna Loa road at about midnight. I was directed to get out of my car at
the small rest camp that is there, and look at the sky. Sky was completely clear and
the Milky Way spanned it. One bright star shone. As I watched, it grew sprites, or
spikes, of light. No other star appeared that way.
I saw the Sirian presence, and the presence of the one whom some call, "the Sirian
Commander.” Twinkling he was, twinkling at all of us. Along side was Lady Beth.
At around midnight or 1 AM, I went to sleep in my car. We had designated ops time to
be 3 AM HST, but I woke up at 4:04 AM. I did not remember anything, except I knew I/
we had been "opping.” I knew I needed to go to Kilauea, to the Jaggar Observatory,
where Halema'uma'u can be viewed. Stayed in my car all night, until 6 AM. When I
woke up, I saw the outline of Ka Tar Tek's ship.
Honestly, at the time, I did not know if I did anything at all there. But then I
remembered that this was Pele's op, and she was doing almost all the clearing. Beth
and Mark were assisting more than I, I sensed,as well as Madam X. I was there to
hold the space, sleep the body, prepare for a wonderful buffet breakfast at the Volcano
House, and write this up.

After, I went to Hilo for some coffee and to upload some videos. When I came back
around the top of the island, I stopped at Hapuna Beach, ostensibly to get in the ocean
and rest and cleanse from the ops. To my (non)surprise, as I was running, walking on
the beach, I saw two large cruisers appear. One I sensed was again Ka Tar Tek's ship;
the other, Mother's. Mother's was on top with a face just like that of a loving mother. I
was flooded with emotion, of thanks and gratitude at their recognition of the success of
our ops.
Later I saw another ship join them.

All objectives of the op were achieved.
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

KOS really needs to lay off the brown acid.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:KOS really needs to lay off the brown acid.
And other "brown" things too, such as the content of brown paper bags




And steaming brown piles

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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

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KOS Message for August 27, 2009
Posted by admin On August - 27 - 2009

August 27, 2009

[First are notes from a personal communication given to a member on 8/26...KOS asked for it to be included here]

“Now as you have understood, this coming period of revelation and consolidation of our multi-species, is allways available for alteration. We are now much more certain about times and dates and ever changing cooperations among all of us.

“…We say that each one has particular draws for their work. Most critical for you, and all of those in the group, to move at guided moment-by-moment speed and precise following of inner guidance. We suggest setting aside schedules of ANY kind. Your own situation should be honored and respected…

“We say “niceties” of old are completely gone, and restrict all aspects of growth and progress to the full awakening. Put “nice” aside and go, be, do, what and where you are guided RIGHT NOW. If some are upset, so it is. Upsets are often conducive to growth.”

[note: this first part was written in purple ink]

This is a much easier journey than many make of it. A balloon filled with the light gas, when released, simply ascends. In your case, so it is same. We are assisting in many ways the “releasings” you need so ascension, that most natural of journeys, may occur.

As a mass, shall we say, the very last holding strings are removing, and we say, be joyfully in awe of what is to pass. Yet many are upward spiraling already, many more beyond to the higher realms. We have some that must be there first to be illustration for those to come. We all are illustrators AND illustrations. We all are painters AND the painting. The homebuilders and the home. [The snakecharmer and the snake]

More & more find the living in higher realms is more that they wish for. And many are there more & more often. Today this one was in or at the place of golden star carpets, and golden shawl of stars, cascading over shoulders, magical-looking, and magical angelic sounding. Such is yours now.

Remember this is a planetary, yea, Universal process. This one place called Gaia/Vywamus this one piece is the Keystone of the new timeline. Remember this ascending is within. This ascending as you call it, calls upon change from outer to inner focus. Outer Events reflect inner change, inner being.

Those who desire change, see it. Those who desire the higher realms, are there now. Those who desire our help & assistance, see that now. This one has seen the Star-light craft appearing all over his home ocean and in the “stars” (you do not believe these are all REALLY stars, do you? Hah!!) They move and sparkle and beam their lights that reflect the sparkling in his being.

Waking up is fun to do.

[note: this next part was written in ocean blue ink]

Now some “practicalities”, shall we say!

How many of you we know operate, shall we say, “poorly” in this 3D world. How many find revulsion to the $, euro, yen calculations & manipulation and so on. And go here go there borrow here, finagle there. No resonance with ANY of these that some see as “being a citizen of this world”. You almost cannot function in it as you have tried b4. To those we say…WONDERFULLNESS!!

You are NOT here any more in that 3D type of sense. You follow the Pink Platinum Heart Guidance. You go to the “places” sometimes in body, mostly in higher dimensions that those who only see the 3D will not understand.

We remind you now…you are NOT “normal”. Continue to BE in the not-normal way.

The double & triple & more multi-hat-wearing days are OVER. Go DO/be/feel as you are…Beings of the Higher.

Go and “waste” your time in the woods with the faeries; go “waste” your time by the rivers & the oceans with the devas and the dolphins; go “waste” your days on the ships and calling & watching the star craft and star beings to your side. And we say, such is no “waste” of anything. Your WAIST is a place for the lei of new creations, of the New Lemuria, of the New Timeline…the only time Line.

Dear ones, be in your joy, be in your Passion (however “useless” others view it) (Hah!!), be in your HEART with CAPITAL “H” [KOS here drew a picture of a heart]!

Blessings, Namaste, and ALOha to all!

King of Swords
"Follow the Money"