Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Happy Birthday Lord Rama

If we are to believe Lord Rama (aka Ram Berkowitz, aka Rahm Berkowitz, aka Lord Ari, aka Mr. “A”) today is his birthday, and either the 56th, 55th, 54th, 50th or 48th, depending on which story he’s told! It all makes sense in 5D. Lord Rama is Lord Ashtar’s son and part of the bridge crew of the starship New Jerusalem, which is 3000 miles in diameter and hovering above the earth but cloaked so we can’t see it. Lord Rama goes OOB (Out O’ Body) and visits there frequently while Mother Sekhmet takes over his body and tells us that NESARA is about to be announced. He/She has been doing this for years, which makes one wonder about the definition of “about,” but you gotta admire their persistence.

Lord Rama works to get NESARA announced 24/7 by doing things like cruising around in his car waiting to be contacted. He knows when it’s to be announced, but “no dates, no nukes” so he can’t tell us the date. I guess we should be grateful for him protecting us from nuclear war by not telling us (for some reason “nukes” and “dates” are inextricably linked) but it makes advance planning a chore (for example, if I don’t pay my credit card bill and instead send Lord Rama the money like he asks, will it be announced before the collection agency finds me?). Regular work is, of course, out of the question, so he needs our funds. Besides, being a “lord,” work is far beneath him. He deserves this money because if he hadn’t been working so hard we wouldn’t be as close as we are, which according to Lord Rama is “very, very, extremely, only-seconds-away close!”

In gratitude we should get him a gift. What do you get for the Lord who has everything? I suggest we send him to jail! Not only would this allow him to prove his cosmic connections (after all, Lord Ashtar isn’t about to let his son be put away), it would also give him another group of people to inform about the benefits of NESARA (many hardened criminals would welcome the debt forgiveness part, being as they have a multi-year debt to society)! So far Lord Rama has been able to “keep under the radar” by only contacting certifiable kooks and flakes who inherently avoid contact with the police, but we can give him some change he can believe in by filling that gap!

Lightworkers, please visualize this primary visualization as envisioned by my Higher Self.

Lord Rama is being frog marched into a police van by jackbooted thugs who are beating him with nightsticks to keep him moving and just for fun. He’s wearing an orange jumpsuit, handcuffs, and shackles. A golden broom is sweeping the negative energies in front of him into his face while guardian angels are celebrating and laughing in abundant joy! Envision him being locked into a 6 foot by 3 foot damp, squalid cell housing 3 others and the key being thrown into a black pit over 3000 miles deep! Namaste!

In love and light
Deep Knight
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Deep Knight
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

A psychologist friend suggests we 1) find an actual address for Lord Rama, 2) join one of their calls, and 3) based on his comments in the call have him picked up for 72 hours observation as being in danger of suicide, based on his comments about leaving the 3D earth and going to 5D. Altermative birthday present?

I have way too much respect for the law and mental health system to do this (not to mention a lack of time to chase #1 down), but the thought of a psychologist talking to Rama and evaluating him based on his nonsense gave me a great big grin which I wanted to share with all of you. Besides, I already sent him 10 pounds of manure in a 5 pound bag for his birthday (in fact, he should be picking it up about now...).
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by texino »

Yeah, you might get Rama on a "Baker Act" but a doctor or a Psychologist or a cop are the only one's who can pull that string. Actually, I think a person with an MSW can do it as well, but ambulance paramedics can't, so it's usually the cops who get stuck doing the paper and it wouldn't be wright as they have better to do; however, if the cops were to encounter Lord Rama or PHB while they were spreading their trash, they might be only too happy to run them in to the bin. Also, don't Rama and his maroon squad live in Arizona? And isn't that the place where that wacko sheriff is, the one who makes the prisoners were pink and black prison attire? Oh the wild west!
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El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
Deep Knight
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Yeah, you might get Rama on a "Baker Act" but a doctor or a Psychologist or a cop are the only one's who can pull that string.
That's what I thought too, but apparently (in Ill.) now-a-days anyone who believes someone might harm themselves can get them a visit from the police, who put them in for 72 hours observation if they think any behavior is "strange." And with Lord Rama we're talking STRANGE. Then again he might be a smooth con man ("might be" only referring to "smooth") who can turn it on and off at will. Or maybe my friend is a smooth con man who wants me to get in trouble with the police so he can psychoanalyze me for fun and profit (sorry Martin, see what reading these paranoid conspiracy theories can do to you?)
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Deep Knight
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Dove doesn't post very often anymore (strange, since she's been saying this is happening in a few days for the last 8 years), but when she does it's always a gem of insight and information. I believe that "The Commander" is Lord Rama (who always is greeted with "Welcome Commander" by those channeled ascended guys and gals) and I have to agree with her, Lord Rama is lying down on the job (apparently he gets contacted while napping). Or perhaps just lying. Anyway, hear the wisdom of Dove of Doo and get annointed by her droppings.

[doveofo] MULTI’S: Earth and NESARA Need Your Help

July 17, 2009 6:45 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights:

There are huge problems for which we need help immediately. A few of
you have the right connections
to spread the word and ask for help.
Most people do not have these connections, however, using the Dove
Report I need to reach out to those who do have connections.


I have not been able to contact you for a year. However, I know you
are still there and want to help accomplish the mission to help Earth.

The Commander, who has been ordered to carry out the orders to help
Earth, is REFUSING to carry out his orders.
The Commander does NOT
have any authority or right to refuse to carry out the orders he has
been given to help Earth.

Multi’s, please IMMEDIATELY request to the hierarchy that the current
Commander be replaced in the next week by a new Commander and a new
crew to carry out the authorized orders to help Earth!

Multi’s, the current Commander expects to tell the leadership
hierarchy that “I”, Dove, have refused to do the mission. He plans to
blame me for the mission failing. I cannot work with the current
Commander because he lies and fails to keep his word.
I have never
quit working on the mission and will not stop working on the mission.

The current Commander has abused his authority for several years,
Multi’s, as you know. Multi’s, you need to act to ensure this
Commander is removed immediately and a new, sincere Commander and crew
be assigned to carry out this mission

Multi’s, as you know, the Illuminati plan to cause more economic chaos
starting up again in August or September. We need to have the new
Commander put in place SOON to stop the Illuminati from causing these

To anyone who has direct contact with friendly forces outside Earth,
please ask them to check with their hierarchy to find out about the
currently secret, approved mission to help Earth.
The highest
leadership hierarchy authorized this mission which includes
eliminating the Illuminati, fixing other problems, and stopping the
earth changes which have been plaguing Earth every 24,000 to 26,000
years. Earth is currently projected to have the earth changes begin
next May, 2010, not 2012.

This high priority mission to help Earth was authorized by the
universe’s highest leadership hierarchy and also includes the
requirement that planet Earth keep rotating and be pushed back on its
proper orbit which will keep it from having the destructive “wobble”
happen every 24,000 to 26,000 years.

The idea that this wobble should continue to be allowed is wrong. The
Earth is supposed to be fixed by this approved mission
in which I am

However, the current Commander has had brainwashing which has made him
refuse to carry out the approved mission.

MULTI’S and OTHERS: YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW to have the current
Commander replaced by a good Commander and crew!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams

Dove uses a pen-name for security and privacy reasons. The term "White
Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big
business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is "rescued from
a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person.
Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the
benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and
banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. Our http://WWW.NESARA.US
website has had over 69 MILLION visits since October 2003.

This was also posted by "Hobie" on RMN (RumorMillNews), who also posted these responses.

In Response To: (hmm) DOVE of O: MULTI'S - EARTH AND NESARA NEED YOUR HELP (hobie) (Thanks, LR :)

(FWIW, Dove has been saying for the past several years that _money_ is needed if NESARA is to happen. She's asked for deep-pocket investors to participate in 'trades', with a portion of the return from those trades to go toward NESARA. That's a very different storyline from any of the others.)

Reader LR opines:


Re: (hmm) DOVE of O: MULTI'S - EARTH AND NESAR....

Seems to me like Dove has turned into the "light worker"/ et channel version of Poof, Caspar and Story. Let's see how long until she starts saying "x" is blocking the mission because "y" was bribed by by "z".

And this was posted by "unplugged" who sounds like he/she/it needs to get plugged badly, if you know what I mean.

"SOUNDS LIKE DOVE HAS BECOME THE 'LIGHT WORKER' VERSION -- Possibly, Potentially, Probably -- Not!

Posted By: unplugged
Date: Saturday, 18-Jul-2009 00:24:35


Actually, she already started. It's the Commander (off-world Obama?) who's not following orders.


And then this again by "Hobie."


Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 18-Jul-2009 12:55:57

In Response To: (hmm) DOVE of O: MULTI'S - EARTH AND NESARA NEED YOUR HELP (hobie) (Thanks, A. and HPS. :)

Reader A. tersely writes:


Re: (hmm) DOVE of O: MULTI'S - EARTH AND NESAR....



...while Reader HPS more generously writes:


Re: (hmm) DOVE of O: MULTI'S - EARTH AND NESAR....

Well, the "Commander" probably finally groks that that particular SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY PSYOP has been purposefully rolled up by TPTB.

Top-down solutions aren't going to work in the new economy, anyway. My own top-down connection acknowledged this specifically last autumn:

"The days of top down control are over."

He is the closest thing to an Illuminati I've ever known: Royal, a 30 year fixture at the IMF/UN, and a tireless advocate for a gold backed world currency. Last summer he started purchasing gold and silver mines. Think he knows which way the wind is blowing?

There will be no saviors from on high. WE are who we've all been waiting for. We're in for a world of pain as we cope with the end of the US dollar but we WILL muddle through.

"Follow the Money"

Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by ClemIsBack »

I'm going to send the Dovester $5,000,000 this one last time. I know I said
the same thing those 4 other times but this time there had better be some
results. I don't want to hear that she purchased 5 more truck loads of Twinkies
or invested in some Nigerian sure thing. I want no less than $5,000,000,000
back and she has 2 weeks or she won't be posting again.
Deep Knight
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Lord Rama and Lady Tara have scammed their way to Hawaii (no wonder Dove is jealous, she came up with this scam and they're cashing in more than she). No doubt they convinced some chump that by going they would open the seal or channel or whatever that would allow First Contact and $trillions in prosperity deliveries...

Posted by admin On July - 27 - 2009

Note: comments in brackets, [ ], are inserts by Kau’ila. LSD = Lemurian Solar Disc, OLTL = Original Lemurian Time Line, PPP = Pink Platinum Pyramid.

The precise punctuation and “grammar” of this message are as received, and may contain underlying messages. The punctuation and spelling and writing and grammar are NOT to be altered in any way shape or form.

Comments added, other than additions from Mark and Beth, need the approval of King of Swords.

090727, Monday

King of Swords message… [for the entire GRT community]

We welcome you again into the bosom of Pink Platinum Love vibration.

This messenger has seen many pink signals, like yesterday in the pink sunrise in the clouds, today, one of the doves with a pink glow on her breast. We will leave the explanation to the technical commanders. Do know this, you have come this far so far so high, that as you all have ascended in conscious awareness of who you are, and released ideas what you are not, only because of this was the pink platinum vibration able & willing, if you will, to enter. Much Mahalos, as the Hawaiian pidgins say!*

Leaps & bounds, jumps & spurts, are worlds you enter now, and many are in. Release a lot (hold onto it NOT), rapid forward/upward movement.

Each moment what sufficed in the previous one is eligible for release.

Again we say, Live THIS moment. Love THIS moment. Release THIS moment.

Need we say more? Imperative, I say, at this moment!

A note that as K-man arrived at Java Rocks, a craft appeared that thrilled, a craft with wings, angel wings, perhaps, but smaller.**



More like the Mercury man’s hat, you know the fast one… Rapid, rapid, rapid is the word for VISIBLE change change change. Hold on to your hats, no?

Yet we say rapid movement encourages rapid release, and brings you always greater freedom.

There is nothing in what you see today that holds for tomorrow. Enjoy, release, enjoy, release, enjoy, release. En-joy…be in joy.


Now this dear one you know as Ashtar comes…



Many blessings to you of many hue man kinds. Your colors are that much brighter and radiant from these past 7 days of transformation, transmutation; so much so that we have complete (we do not lightly use that word) I repeat complete permission, if you will, to visit each and every Hue-man & Hue-woman on this planet.

Let me say this to you one more time:

We have complete permission to visit each and every one of YOU, Hue-man, Hue-woman, Hue-boy, Hue-girl.

This was not available to us only 1 week ago. You have made this possible.

Now we say to you, as the King has encouraged, release, release, release, any and all ideas what we “should” look like. We appear to each in many forms, and as our craft are sentient, you will “feel” us as a thrill in your being…like your young ones sometimes say, “OMG, OMG, OMG”! ***

We will say this…we are awaiting only a few small details to resolve, after which all will know, in a “big” way, “ready” or not, “steady” or not, “aware” or not, that we are here, with you, for you, loving you, NOW!


KOS [King of Swords]

So we leave you with this; We love the efforts of each and every one of you this day. Stay attuned to the PPP which keeps to the color of this planet.

So it is, so it is, so it is.


*Local language for, “Many Thank yous”.
**See photo in Photos, Kauila’s photos of interest
***Texting for, “Oh, My God, Oh, My God, Oh, My God”
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Deep Knight
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Ashtar addressing the July 14, 2009 teleconference (part 1):

Yesterday's "Ashtar on the Road teleconference.


http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/ashtarte ... rence.html
Ashtar addressing the July 14, 2009 teleconference (part 1):

"Well, Good Evening Everyone! You caught the high vibes; you're
ready. Well done! There was some lifting up that occurred there. By
now you should all be feeling it, this union, we actually call it
communion, meaning union with, if you want to get 'techie' about it.
It simply is the Joy of coming together. It is more than just
communication, certainly more than just connecting. Now this is just
a small representation of what you're going to be feeling soon. No

"Now we had some momentous announcements, just oh, a few minutes ago
in your time on this call, so we're going to talk a little more about
that, with great appreciation to those* who brought us the
announcements. But first we're going to have a mini Q&A. How about
that? Now don't worry about 'star sixing' your phones, because I am
going to take care of both sides of it. I am empowered to do that,
you know.

"Because when we come together in this communion, Beloved Beings, you
give permission for the closeness that enables the sharing of the
thoughts and the emotions by being here, by showing up, by answering
the call so to speak, as Family. And if you are new to this
conference call, be not concerned. Here's a little secret. While we
are perfectly able to read anything that might be of a lower
vibration, for the purpose of this call we just look at the highs.
That's right.

"And we want to assure each and every one of you, that you are
absolutely glowing and overflowing with Love beams, radiant, bright,
sparkling Lights you all are. So as we say, if you're new to this
call, and have some concerns about your privacy being invaded, be
assured that your Higher Selves have all agreed to be here,
and are
delighted to share the wondrous Love that you are, and that's exactly
what is happening right now.

"So as we said we're going to start out the festivities this evening
with a little mini Q&A. Now, you are probably all familiar with a
game show where the answer is given, and then the question is
So this is how we like to play mini Q&A. So here we are.
Here we go. Get ready. You can take notes if you want to. Here's
the answer - YES!!!

"We're having a lot of fun this evening.

"Now what is the question? The question is, in everyone's minds and
hearts: Is everything really taking place at warp speed? Are we
really in the fifth dimension now if we will but acknowledge it? Are
we really post-NESARA? Is NESARA really going to get announced? Are
'You' really going to show up, with 'You' being the Galactics? And is
everything flowing well?
Now we'll give you the reason for the
question in a moment, but we just gave you the answer. So take a
breath if you want to and take it all in. Everything is on track and
more, more than even you've dreamed of.

"So start enlarging your visions. Start answering the invitations
which are numerous and they're all engraved with your names that say:
What do you want? Who do you want to be? And leave the want out of
it by the way, and just start creating your lifestyle the way you want
it. Having a little financial trouble? Perhaps you're getting some
telephone calls from beings of a low vibrational sort who want to get
some money from you? Send them love, 'ho'ponopono's if you wish, and
do whatever you can do, and then be joyful about it.

"You know you might find this a rather interesting thing to say, but
we're going to say it anyway. First of all, it's not all that bad to
be out of money, because it has a tremendous upside
, if you'll but see
it. Does it not enable you to see the importance of what's really
important? Does it not enable you to perhaps rearrange your closet of
priorities a bit? Does it not enable you to get on with your own
personal housecleaning and Q-tipping?
And you don't have to spend a
lot of money to do that.

"In fact you don't have to spend any if you call upon the great God/
Goddess I AM that you each are. Now we've been telling you for some
time that you're your own best healers. There is not any being, any
potion, any procedure on Planet Earth or any place else that can do a
better job of healing you than you. Does this mean that you should
not ever consult, or seek support and assistance? Of course not. But
it needs to start with you and your intent.

"And if you're not getting results the way you want the results to be,
go back and review the information in 'The Course in Miracles' book.
We often recommend that when we do what The Voice calls the private
sessions wherein I, Ashtar, get to have a discussion one-on-one.
Because if you will read the information there about miracles, you'll
see that the healing always takes place when you call it forth.

"It may not be in exactly the form that you want it to be in, because
it may be that there is a part of you that is your wisdom part, your
Higher Self part, and your subconscious, and all of those parts of you
that you may not be in touch with all the time, but nevertheless are
there loving you and saying, 'But Beloved One, you need a little more
of this experience, because you haven't quite graduated in learning
all the lessons yet.'

"So if you will stop and find out what the wisdom is for any and all
experiences, conversations and thoughts that you have, you'll find
it's a lot easier to get that housecleaning done. We cannot emphasize
enough, Beloved Ones, you're all here in mission and you all have
purposeful missions, it does not matter whether you have as your age
10 or 100, or anything in between in years.

"Well let's not leave anybody out. Whether you are at zero, because
you haven't been born yet, but you're nevertheless listening in here,
or whether you have a hundred as your age in physical body years, it
does not matter. It does not matter if you are in tippy-top muscular
condition, and able to leap tall buildings in single bounds, or
whether you have some form of disablement, it does not matter.

"You are all Gods and Goddesses. You are all Divine and you are all
loved beyond words.
And it is for you to get in touch with you. It's
the most important mission you have, Beloved Ones. It's to start
recognizing how powerful you are, how Divine you are. Now we might
suggest an exercise to you. This is not an original, and this is more
of a physical activity. It was originally, well, one of the ways
that it was done was in connection with putting nails into a fence or
a board, but we don't need to have you do that.

"We're not here to suggest that you destroy property, unless its your
own fence, and of course you can do that if you want. But we would
suggest that you keep a tablet, or some kind of writing materials
handy, a chalkboard works wondrously well, and just make a mark on
it. You know how to make those, they call them chicken scratches,
you know those little lines, and then you draw the diagonal line
through it, and you've got 5. Interesting is it not? Well you can do
that, or you can write numbers, or do whatever you want.

"Go through the course of the day when you are able to do this writing
freely, you could take it to the job with you. Pick out something
that you want to have clean and then Q-tip.
Perhaps it is a
judgment. You have a tendency, you're still being more in judgment
than you are in Love, and so every time you make a judgment put a mark
on the paper, and pretty soon that paper is going to be full of marks,
and then call upon the great God/Goddess you are for the next day, and
say, 'All right, my goal today is one less mark. My intent is to
make one less mark on the paper' and so on.

"This might sound like its going to take a long time but guess what,
you can take a short cut if you wish, and call upon your team to be in
assistance with you, and before you know it, you won't be making marks
on the paper. Now there's an even better short cut, not better, but
another short cut you can use, and that is, any time that you start to
have a judgment, mark it down, but finish it off with a 'Ho'ponopono',
and you can cancel it, and send the kind of energy that you really
want to be sending.

"Now why is this important, Beloved Ones? Well it's because the world
needs you to be in mission, to stand tall, and direct loving thoughts,
free from the kind of low vibrational judgment that is only natural
and human to put forth, as these news stories keep tumbling out. How
do you feel about Mr. Dick now that you know he has an assassination
squad, for instance?
What kind of a feeling does that evoke? Boy,
if its anything below level four in your chakras, there's a mark. Do
you see what we're saying?

"We are asking you to be in mission on behalf of the entire Planet
here. And for those of you who are a little surprised at that, guess
what, you've been in mission on behalf of the entire Planet ever since
you got here in your human body. That's the mission of the Ashtar
Command at this moment. Nobody needs to be rescued. Nobody needs to
be removed from a Planet that's about to blow itself up, or you know,
have everybody leave their bodies, because of some contrived illness,
or you call it epidemic, or anything like that, but what does need to
happen is Peace on Earth. What does need to happen is rising into
the higher vibrations of Love.

"You can't take judgment into 5D. It doesn't work. And we've also
mentioned a time or two, and we'll bring it up again that we have
asked you to come since you volunteered; you may not have known
exactly what it was you were volunteering for, but this is part of the
deal. We've asked you to be number one monkeys, so that the world can
literally absorb by the thoughts, and most of all, the loving vibes
that you put out.

"How else is the world going to transform itself into Ascension
readiness? Now, there's plenty of help, and you know that. All of
these wondrous, wondrous energies that are coming to help and to lift
and move into the oneness that we're talking about. But there are
still needed what you might call human leaders, examples if you will,
shall we say exemplary human bodies, which contain more than humans,
such as yours, Beloved Ones, such as yours, and you are doing a
magnificent job.

"But we ask that you give compassionate understanding to those who
perhaps are still stuck in their boxes of 3D which involves judgment
and all kinds of other things, that are of 3D vibrations, and that you
go about by thought, word, and deed showing the world a 5D being, and
sharing that with the world. It's not just about great news of the
Planets ascending instead of destructing. It's about the processes of
Ascension. Now we know, we know, there's been a lot of Ascensionitis,
and we know that that's still going on to some degree or other for
everyone here.

"But we are asking you to keep track of your thoughts and your words,
not so much your deeds, because you catch yourselves. You see first
there's the thought, then there might be a word, well you usually
catch yourself at the word level now. And it's not that you're doing
judgmental things or anything like that. It's simply that sometimes
you do say a word, and more often than that you have a thought. Now
that's not judging you; that's simply saying to you, 'Well here's your
check up, and this is your progress report', and we're simply telling
you to get on with it.

"It takes commitment of the 110 % kind to do this. But you know,
Beloved Ones, you know what that feels like, even if you're not 110%
all of the time, all you have to do is read about the adventures of
the A-Team*. Now there's an example of commitment, is there not?
you too have important things to do, because you're the bringers of
Peace, the makers of Peace and the keepers of Peace for the Planet.
You're the ones to touch your neighbors, your friends and the stranger
down the block with Compassion and Kindness, and most of all Love.."

© Susan Leland 2009. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to
all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all
accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar
teleconference Tuesday, July 28th. The call begins with sign-ons at
6:15 PDT and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with 5 minutes of
late-breaking news from Tara & Rama,* then a preview by Meg Hoopes**
of her July 29th teleconference, followed by Ashtar and the Masters.

Please register here:
http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/ ... 108034.htm or
click on 'Conference Calls' here: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/productsservices.html
All information about the call including the pin number will be sent
to you after you register.

We've had a couple of reports of problems accessing our website or our
registration link. If you have had a problem, please email
ashtarontheroad@... and let us know. You can always email us to
let us know you are snail-mailing a check to Ashtar On The Road, PO
Box 13082, Olympia WA 98508-3082

*You can get the latest updates from Tara, Rama and Mark Huber by
joining the group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GRT-News/ . You
must join the group to read the messages. And check out Mark's new
website: http://www.grt-intel.com/
**Meg's website: http://www.spiritedclearings.com

We look forward to our continuing co-creations with you.

Namaste, Susan, Fran & Elise

They are correct, if you read Lord Rama and Lady Tara ("A&A," the "A Team") 110% of the time, you should be committed! And concerning this "Q-tipping," is that anything like cow-tipping?
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You can always email us to let us know you are snail-mailing a check to Ashtar On The Road, PO
Box 13082, Olympia WA 98508-3082

I'll send them one; and as a special favor I'll convert it into Quatloos first.
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Mark on a Question RE: Next Moves?
Posted by admin On July - 27 - 2009


Let me lay out my understanding of where we are as of 7/24/09:

* The Inner Earth is now clear in its energetic pathways, and the Giza capstone is now replaced to enable activation and operation of the stargates and portals. The operations of the past month or so have cleared the supporting cast and dark energies that propped up the remaining Cabal. Therefore, they are operating solely on their own merit and with no external assistance.

* The required environment for First Contact, and all the changes of government and policies such as NESARA, are now in place. There is nothing left to do in regards to preparation.

* Teleportation and telepathy are now possible to anyone that asks for training and implementation.

If all of this is accurate, what do you see happening next? My thought is that we should see the arrests imminently as the stage is now set for the true actions to manifest.

I would very much like to hear as much information as you care to provide, as i am at a point in which I feel I have a good understanding of where things stand, but need to know where we go from here to offer up my energies to it.

I continue to patiently wait for my chance to engage this operation. I feel like i’m watching a saga unfold that sounds great, but I can’t be part of it in the way I want in the conscious world we currently reside.



Well, we have a few items to allow to come to completion. Arrests are first, and the New Jersey ‘44′ of yesterday gave that a big nudge forward. Tomorrow is “a day out of time” before we celebrate the Galactic New Year on Sunday the 26th.

There are things in motion tomorrow as the “sealing of the planet” by ROSE light takes place.

Look up in the sky and you may see this Platinum Pink or Rose color tomorrow around dawn and sunset.

Then things can move forward on the 1st day of the Galactic New year. We have been working pretty hard today and tonight more will be done.

We will report more when we are cleared to do so.

No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes, per KOS.

Mark, Beth, Madame X, Kau’ila

Wow, a pink or rose color at dawn or dusk PROVES this is happening. After all, the sky has never been this color before!
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by texino »

DK Says
Wow, a pink or rose color at dawn or dusk PROVES this is happening. After all, the sky has never been this color before
Yes, when I wake up there is a yellow Sun and a blue sky and when I sleep it is black outside.
Seeing any sort of pastel pink or rose color would certainly be proof of something!
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Well, the “A&A Team” are still in Hawaii, no doubt this scam gave them the money to float this trip, but so far I haven’t seen any of the “signs” we would see while entering this new phase of ascension (e.g. the ability to fly and see in the dark). I guess we’ll have to wait until August 5-7 or August 8th, depending on who’s being channeled, but I suggest no one hold their breath on these…

KOS message - August 1, 2009
Posted by admin On August - 2 - 2009

Mark Huber from Kauilapele - King of Swords message from August 1
[For those unfamiliar with the islands, L#257;na'i below is the island of Lanai.]

The precise punctuation and “grammar” of this message are as received, and may contain underlying messages. The punctuation and spelling and writing and grammar are NOT to be altered in any way shape or form. Comments added, other than additions from Mark and Beth, need the approval of King of Swords.

August 1, 2009, Mark and Beth

[The following is partly a written recall of what the King of Swords told Kau'ila while on the telephone with Mark and Beth at Brewalalai]

Next op point in Hawaii is at Kílauea/Halema’uma’u on 8/8, at 8:08 AM HST. Kau’ila to receive pieces for 2 islands. At this point Kau’ila saw picture of menehunes dancing in a figure 8 over O’ahu.

Then a realization that this was an infinity representation. The crossover point was currently over O’ahu, and has been that way for many years. The upper portion of the 8 (infinity) was smaller, and encompassed Ni’ihau and Kauai. The lower portion of the 8 encompassed Moloka’i, L&#257;na’i, Maui, Kaho’olawe, and the Big Island, plus Loihi (underwater volcano island, not yet erupted to surface. Rather unbalanced appearance, big ‘&#333;kole (means “butt”), lower part “fatter”.

After the shift (date?), perhaps on 8/8, the shift of the crossover point will complete, and center in the region of L&#257;na’i. This gives upper portion of Ni’ihau, Kauai, O’ahu, and Moloka’i, lower portion of Maui, Kaho’olawe, Big Island, and Loihi, Four in each portion. Balanced, even geospatially, as never before.

090801 9:47 PM

L&#257;na’i now becomes the focal point, central gathering place (O’ahu has previously been called “the gathering place”) for the New Original Lemurians. Energetically cleaner, blank slate, if you will, for the OLTL 44 million.

The adjusted arrangement enables a coverage of the planet in pink platinum energy in a complete way, not possible with O’ahu corporate at the crossover of the infinity. Never was right, and in this OLTL, absolutely un-right. “So we feex ‘um!”, say the Menehune.

This new coverage, and this is in concert with the move in the US Congress toward Universal Health Care, is called the Planetary Coverage Plan, PCP. No accident it is called this, eh? “PCP”, known as “Angel Dust”, is exactly this. Angels, Angelics, if you will, have dusted this planet with crystalline pink platinum sparkly dust, invisible to many, but breathed in and regenerated health of mind spirit body occur much more rapidly than ever before. Visible changes in all beings, of all types, of all species, accelerated greatly. “OMG, OMG, OMG,” cry the many, who never believed this before. Many are converted, if you will, to new understanding.

Another operation, later, after 8/8, will “seal the deal”. Involves three islands, timelines meld to a Unified Agreement Accord (that Honda is a popular one in Hawaii!). Dates and schedules will be provided closer to the date of operation.

What can we say, what can we say! The devas and faeries will enjoy the berries and will seed the fields with angelic wheels of fortune! Follow the Heart, swallow the tart, enjoy the dart, keep playing your part.

That is all, King of Swords!

090801 2235

Well, not quite all. There was one thing Kau’ila forgot, and that was about the PCP. After the balancing of the Hawaiian Island energetics, with new crossover point new gather place, this activates fully the connection between the Islands and Giza pyramid. Lana’i is the “pyramid” island of the Hawaii chain, and the through-Earth channel to Giza is completed, with iridescent silver blue energetic bullets travel to Giza, capston alights with beams of silver blue light all over that hemisphere, also the channel to twin pyramids at Galveston, Texas (Yeehah, thanks to Big Will), and capstone there beams silver blue light all over that hemisphere. This gives the PCP spoken of above.

We noted that Texas will be “lit up” as never before. Prepare ye for major revelations in that glorious state, soon to achieve its true glory as the Western beacon of Light.

Angel dust? Lord Rama’s drug of choice? That explains a lot!!!
Wikipedia wrote:PCP - Phencyclidine, a recreational drug known by a number of street names including angel dust, sherm, and embalming fluid.

Behavioural effects can vary by dosage. Small doses produce a numbness in the extremities and intoxication, characterized by staggering, unsteady gait, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, and loss of balance. Moderate doses (5-10 mg intranasal, or 0.01-0.02 mg/kg intramuscular or intravenous) will produce analgesia and anesthesia. High doses may lead to convulsions.

Psychological effects include severe changes in body image, loss of ego boundaries, and depersonalization. Hallucinations and euphoria are reported infrequently.

The drug has been known to alter mood states in an unpredictable fashion, causing some individuals to become detached, and others to become animated. Intoxicated individuals may act in an unpredictable fashion, driven by their delusions and hallucinations.

Included in the portfolio of behavioral disturbances are acts of self-injury including suicide, and attacks on others or destruction of property. The analgesic properties of the drug can cause users to feel less pain, and persist in violent or injurious acts as a result. Recreational doses of the drug can also induce a psychotic state that resembles schizophrenic episodes which can last for months at a time with toxic doses. Users generally report an "out-of-body" experience where they feel detached from reality, or one's consciousness seems somewhat disconnected from consensus reality.

Symptoms are summarized by the mnemonic device RED DANES: rage, erythema (redness of skin), dilated pupils, delusions, amnesia, nystagmus (oscillation of the eyeball when moving laterally), excitation, and skin dryness.

Horror stories
The American rapper Big Lurch murdered an acquaintance and ate her lungs while on PCP. In The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, a similarly gruesome murder is described. In April 2009, a man in Bakersfield bit out his 4-year-old son's eye, and severely damaged the other, before attempting to chop off his own legs with an axe while under the influence of PCP.
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Down from the PCP, Mark, Beth and the A Team give us an update and tell us why those things that were certain to manifest haven't. At least not yet, but give it 48 to 72 hours...

Review and Progression of Events (8/9/09): Next 48-72hrs
Posted by admin On August - 9 - 2009

8/8 Lion’s Gate PreOp Summary from Beth:

The time is now.
Back around the middle of June, the A-Team started working together with the Ashtar Command to work in field Operations on the multi-dimensional and an inter-dimensional environment, far more complex, far more rich, than anyone has any idea. We have not heard from our current 3D scientists, they do not understand, about the operation of portals and vortexes - how inter-dimensional portals work.

Today they are so panicked and freaked out that they will go to any expense, right now, to try to prevent the public from knowing about star gates even, star gates anywhere, much less portals. That is why they are going to so much trouble to provide disinformation. The A-Team continued their work and joined with workers from other parts of the World. This was lead by Madame X and her Andromedean Team. The Group she is affiliated with works from the Mothership from Andromeda in conjunction with Ashtar.

This Ship is now here and prepared for First Contact. Through all these Ops in June and early July, we were aided by nanites, communication, and computer technology from the Ships. The Ops were Guided by Ashtar. We had a World Healing on the Summer Soltice, and worked with the Lemurian and Atlantean Solar Discs.

We placed a boulder sized multiple faceted pink diamond, brought here by Sanat Kumara from Venus so long ago, when he left his Twin Flame, into the area of Crete known as the Pangea Islands in the waters of the Aegean sea. This large pink diamond is violet on the edges and pulses pink from the central core and has flickers of rainbow colors throughout. It will float there. It is a collector and a transmitter of energies and it opens the invitation to the children to revisit Inner Earth for training now. We had brought with us a similar, smaller, diamond as a gift to Inner Earth which will remain here connecting the circuit for the one floating on the Surface of the Aegean Sea.

This was after Ashtar turned the ZeroPointModule generators, located beneath the stepped pyramids in the Mideast, up to 100% power. In early July we had a healing for all of the Divine Mother issues affecting the World. On July 7th, Mark, I and our friend Leela anchored in the 7th Dimensional energies on top of Mt Shasta in communication with Lord Adama in Telos, located below us in the inner earth there. Leela is a master etheric grid worker and that was a highly successful operation. We would have loved to enter, physically, and were told that the 7D anchoring was a higher priority opportunity that our triad provided.

July 14th, after healing the Divine Masculine issues effecting the World, we met at South Point, Hawaii, to anchor in the Twin Flame Heart for Mother Gaia and Vywamus, as well as all those living on Earth. That was completed on the July 21st eclipse, with the anchoring of the Divine Feminine.

July 26th brought the Galactic New Year and Kau’ila visited O’ahu and joined with Pele in clearing out the old polluting ways from the Island. The A-Team also worked together to clear out the area from the volcano on O’ahu, through the Earth to the Great Pyramid in Giza. This conduit is one Ships travel through inner and multidimensionally. During this time we assisted with deleting/healing old Time Lines and resetting the New Original Lumerian Timeline. This is what was necessary to remove all old programming and pave a way for our Twin Flames to return.

In doing this, we are now able, in female/male balanced bodies, to attract our true(TF) love, each one of us. It is at this time we begin the work of integrating; we cleared and cleansed, and reset into the Master Hologram, the Plant Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, the Devas and the Nature Kingdoms and the Magical Kingdoms. Every aspect of these is reintegrated, after being healed of all separation, lifted up to the 100th Dimension and brought back whole and reset into the Master Hologram.

July 30th we worked with Soul Integration for every person on the Planet. This affected all those in our Planet and Galaxy, as well as our Universe and the Super Universes beyond. Everything is being restored to unity within our Selves, from our Monad, through our lineage, considering each soul creation, made whole again, and upgraded with the pink platinum light of all inclusive love. As this occurs, we join together to raise the heart light and purposefully extending our light out to each soul extension, meeting that soul again, filling it with love and light, remembering it in reverence, loving it, and moving on to the next one. We do this for each one, bringing each one back to Love included within ourselves. There is full joy knowing that every soul, ever in existence, along our DNA lines, is purified and empowered back to love.

We did this work with all people, all Kingdoms, knowing that everything less than love can no longer survive the 5D energies of Earth. We invite All in Creation into 5D Higher Energies now.

August 3rd we started to work with the Golden Crystal with greater intensity, using this energy to clear more and more of the inner conduits, portals, stargates, located in and around Earth. We worked on setting into place the New Plan and updating the Earth Matrix Grids along with the crystalline infrastructure which makes up the interior of Gaia.

August 5th we coordinated efforts, in night work, with the Ashtar Command to guard the Golden Crystal as it ascended for three days out of the chamber below the left paw of the Sphinx. When it reached its Zenith on August 8th– the peak opening of the Lion’s Gate– we met together to work with our counterpart Andromedean Team and the galactic ships.

The work we do is what Mark and I and the A-Team have been sharing–much of, with our GRT family. I will only say that we are working almost 24/7 on outer and inner planes. You are neither required to accept or deny. Suspension of disbelief of who and what each and all of us truly are is the best way to open to the wonder of who each and all of us are. Get ready! You’re gonna get a mind-blowing experience each day hereafter.

In answering questions, we have said, that as Planet Earth rises to the 5th Dimension, nothing that is not love will be able to survive the upgraded high vibrational frequency of the 5th Dimension. Any “stuck” or repressed energy that is being held in the emotional, physical or mental fields have been brought up with the surge of Light energy from the Golden Crystal through our energetic system.

This has meant that many of us have had to deal with emotional issues that have been repressed or only partially processed. Please do not feel discouraged if you feel sad, depressed or angry. This is a process of deep clearing or purging that is aligning the sexual or creative energies with the Heart. The return of the Twin Flame Heart to Earth spearheads this merging of mind and heart.

As the energies are uplifted, and a new balance level is integrated, this will make way for clearer feelings of intense Joy and Peace on a deep level, as well as an increased sense of wholeness and well being as you enter the space of the New Earth. In this way, Body and Soul are integrated into a balanced Twin Flame Heart and reset into the Master Matrix Hologram, in full unity, with the Cosmic Christ(crystal) Consciousness which finds expression on the Earth through those of you who have opened yourself to this process.

As the GRT family weighs in on the massive upheavals of late, take into your own discernment what TRUTH is for you. Healthy conversations help us clear out old beliefs and replace these with actions based in love and forgiveness. Relieving the emotional field of vibrations not able to survive 5D is necessarily hard work. In doing this you prepare yourself for upgrades in your Mission. As we continue to explore our own Inner Truth; as we each continue with our Inner Planes work; we will approach our fellow GRT family members only with love and appreciation. Many of us are already experiencing these intense feelings of Bliss and Joy as the lower chakras are cleared, and aligned with the Heart and the higher chakras that are the pathways of the Soul, and healed and set as a New Hologram. In doing this work, you have prepared well for the coming new Infinite Love energies now emanating from the Central Sun directly to us through the Source gifted Golden Crystal. Ashtar will, on the next conference call with Susan Leland, speak to all of us more in honing our own discernment. This is a very exciting time for the GRT family to grow in tolerance of other’s beliefs as well as continuing to behave as balanced, loving Examples of Peace, at this challenging time of change.

Mark’s A-Team report from 8/8 Peak Lions Gate:

I see we were all on the Ship, the A-Team along with the Andromedan Team and others from the Ashtar Command. Everyone was checking the work on a Galactic Level. We kept refreshing our light rectangles and synchronized and harmonized any distortions. This is such a quantum celestial movement, constant checks must be done by super light computers. Talking to Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet and thanking everyone participating, sharing in linking our energies to the perfection of the plan.

As we get green lights on every level, we even check the galactic levels. The tweakings that took place were very subtle and when they started turning solid green, super computers were doing super fine adjustments until all was “GO”. Metatron then came and set into place the final movement of the Golden Crystal into its permanent position. When that was done it is essentially irreversible.

This Golden Crystal is connected to Source. There is no going back. There is no way polarity will last. People will experience immediate feedback when reverting into duality reactions, and we will instantaneously correct. The same people, who would have written a skewed message, will now find that increasingly more difficult over the next 3 days.

There are Crystal Seed Packets gifted yesterday to all of us, and each one has had their soul record scrutinized and scanned. The particular seed activations they experience will be the best possible. Instant manifestation will become possible. It will not be imbalanced as we have to join in a regular consensus reality of unity.

Not everyone is aligned yet with Cosmic purposes. They will be assisting others to manifest for those who are ready now. Manifestation will be noticeably improving. The linkage of visioning, feeling clarity, unity; these will have to keep feeding into the new matrix now that the Golden Crystal has been activated by the Galactics with super light from the Great Central Sun, with a frequency so smooth, that those prepared will start experiencing night travels, day travels and a very few will begin teleportation through virtual reality visioning.

Some of this stuff is so abstract; one must put your hand in front of your face and feel what is real. The more we do that we will attract to us our Highest Possibility. There are our Twin Flames and also the joy of reunion with our Families, whom we have worked with for eons of time for this.

Because we are no longer centered only on Earth, it is a homecoming for Brotherhood and Sisterhood of our Cosmic Family communing with still Higher Realms. We do not yet have names to put on it. It is a vast Collective of Cosmic Groups we connect with.

It is a convenience to appear as a singlarity, but truly there are Collective Consciousness expressions we will be able to feel with our restored sensors which we cannot yet define. Some of these expressions are our own higher aspects. They could not do this for us. They had to wait until we demonstrated our readiness to do this. They presence Infinite Love and do not strut around like ego-personalities; they work in partnership with us, from the ships and beyond.

That is not what people see. They see your energies, your desire bodies and what we are thinking and feeling is revealed in our auric color bands. Whether you speak of the 1st 2nd or 3rd Harmonic, many are not yet ready for this, but are available in the higher Harmonics. As we reach new levels of preparedness, through the emanations of the Golden Crystal which has now begun pouring in infusions and diffusions of love to the planet. Things must happen rapidly. How rapidly? That is a linear question which cannot be answered. Metatron said last night that changes will appear within 72 hours. The earth’s coming of age is at hand.

Beth’s A-Team report from 8/8 Peak Lions Gate:

I asked Metatron to please explain the significance of the Lions Gate and the Golden Crystal:


Opening the Lions Gate means the energy transmitted to Earth from the Great Central Sun will be transmitted directly into the Golden Crystal which is now firmly anchored by Metatron into the Earth Grid. The Golden Crystal is at the Apex of the Earth Grid.

It is able to receive and transmit energy. As the energies come from the Great Central Sun and move into the Golden Crystal, they are amplified and pulsed out through the Earth Grid network all over the World. This pure energy of Infinite Love is then absorbed by our bodies which have been changed to a higher vibrational frequency.

The new crystalline bodies, with your upgraded DNA, has opened the Christed Seed Packets in each just above our hearts. [These are seen as a golden droplet of light over the heart and can be sensed with inner vision] These Seed Packets have been placed there long ago and are not functional until today when this high level of vibratory Infinite Love was anchored into and around the Earth and directed into our seed packet, allowing it to begin pulsing.

All Ones who have prepared for Ascension have these Seed Packets pulsing inside them, in harmony with their heart, with the Earth, and with Divine Mother and Divine Father as balanced female/male Blueprints. There are several types of Seed Packets, Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Multiversal and Cosmic. Depending on the preparation you have done before today, will determine the Seed Packet you are working with. It matters not which one you are working with, no one on this Earth, who asks and receives will be left behind. Everyone is working at their own rate and all is in Divine Order. All is Love and We Are All One.

What does this mean? We are all Starseeds we are Galactic-Humans. Each one of us has incarnated from somewhere outside Earth. We come from one of the over 200,000,000 species variations here on Earth, at this time.

With the True Lion’s Gate Opening, we have returned to Immortal Bodies.

Long long ago we left the Antimatter Universe and incarnated here on Earth. “Original Sin” was simply forgetting we are Christed Light Beings.

Earth stopped being a Divine place of Creation for all to enjoy abundance and turned into to a place where humankind forgot they could lay down their human clothes and had Free Will to experience anything their Life Stream dreamed in the Creation of All that Is. This is called the fall. There was a division in heaven between the Elohi and Eloheim. As the descent into matter continued the fallen ones identified with their physical suits too much, their Earthly clothes, their physical form. [Adam and Eve put on "skin" to cover their Light Bodies].We fell into the matter Universe. We have now evolved back to antimatter.

Today we are immortal. We no longer need to identify with disease and complete healing is now possible. We no longer have to use up the physical body in order to leave. We are able to be Ascended without having to lay down outer physical ‘garments’.

We have entered the Golden Age where we have Free Will to come and go as we please. When we are complete with one experience, we may lay down our ‘physical garment’ and move on to another experience without death. We may travel multidimensionally, simply by stepping out of our body. We may do this in the sleep state as well as in an out of body experience.

Now is the time we remember we are connected to Source Energy, to All That Is and abundance without limitation is restored. We no longer need to depend on labor to provide our abundance. We are in the Golden Age where one may do their Creative Projects and share their Highest Gifts with the rest of the World, to Co-create a consensus reality where everyone contributes their Heart’s higher visions; shares in abundance, equally, and shares truth with others freely.

Gone is the time of fear from lack. Carried along by Source Energy, anything is now possible, as we put our heart into it, and devote our energy to it in significant amounts.

Now that we are all re-connected to Source Energy, absorbing tremendous amounts of Infinite Love into our bodies, this magnifies Like attracts Like.

Now is the time for Twin Flames to find each other, live and work together and Co-create in our shared work together. We have completed the work and need not wait anymore. We have entered the Golden Age where one likewise attracts our family members.

New Children will now be able to incarnate on Earth to partner in Co-creating the new realities on every level. As we clear and bless, transform our lives, dream new dreams, invest in larger and larger visions for what is possible for this New World, we enter into the New Plan on a wave of Infinite Love which will carry us into the Golden Age of Ascension of Planet Earth and All Beings on her. We Are All One!

We are immortal Galactic Humans in Christed Light Bodies, fully connected to each other by means of the energy of pure christed love. With each breath, with each beating heart, we join together, enveloped in the New Earth Grid Co-creating Abundant Peace and Love for All That Is.

Blessed Be, Beloved Ones.

Note from Mark: We will be posting an additional post-lion’s gate report shortly. Tune in to your own growing experiences and revelations and share them with each other and us.
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by texino »

I'm calling bull shit
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

King of Swords - August 10, 2009
Posted by admin On August - 11 - 2009

Note from Mark:
Below is most of this afternoon’s message from KOS, except for some A-team personal information. For those who are unfamiliar with KOS’ style, this takes a bit of chewing before digesting.

Direct information can impact the new timeline we are embarking upon, and therefore, information must be somewhat obliquely indicated. The more serious the matter, the lighter the tone with which it can be conveyed.

This does NOT indicate either a lack of reverence, nor a lack of understanding; quite the contrary. There is strong information included here, always. For those whose codes are activating, this is a ‘4 alarm clock’ ticking out a message that you are embarking on a very fast train that is about to go supersonic, then hypersonic…in a relative sense.

We are sharing this with you because of who and what you are and why you are here. Your mission upgrades are activating and only final small refinements are now possible. Be assured that you have chosen well and all possible higher ones are eager to join you as equals and partners in the new Original Time Line activations. The Golden Christed Seed Packets, emplaced as a liquid golden drop just above your physical hearts, by Ashtar on 8/8, is a pearl of great price, without which no one attains full ascension capacities and freedom. The Golden Crystal illuminating the earth grids and all ones here, is henceforth receiving Direct Source connectivity and development…from the Great Central Sun.

P.S. Ashtar will provide more tomorrow night on Ashtar on the Road CC. We are eager to hear what he has to share.1-712-432-0075, http://www.Ashtarontheroad.com Susan, Fran and Elise
KOS msg 8/10/09
We caution one thing that as one more 24 hour time period alterations somewhat possible, but at this point the complete gate opening and readying processing note rejuvenating as it is from this new timeline. So only small number alternatives are in the offing, just options in case needed.

We say you all have manifested your missions, followed Guidance and move when called to action in either the 7th or physical realm.

As we say often our messages make n0 sense until finished and read with openness later.

Ultimate timings we speak of here. This appears to me to be a lull time as it were, so much entered in through the Lions Gate and with this A-team’s movements in inner realms, whoo baby, that was a big time. We are resting. Go have a smoke…why say that? Many feel as such, as, “Well, what has happened here? Cannot see like before…all smoky and cloudy…Where’s the joy?”

All of you or some of you are yet in your next homes…discomfort all over but comfort is not necessary. We tell you this again, all is in preparation and actually most in some cases senses all is ready. Timings are Divine, as some say, coordinated for the proper outworkings in the Highest interests of all, for Ascension preparedness.

Did you expect a different message? We do not go to exact specifics now, but telling you this, the time is very near. Again, we say, no times, no dates, no flukes, no spooks… Can we again suggest to all others who will see these words, the Casper is not the “spook” you wish to read, much waving of hands and why is all this happening what is going on we will not be one to dishonor this or that…

Each finds their zone for now, again we say, Sword has fallen, after effects scurrying is not yours.

Thank you for your patience with your process. Remember choices too are more limited at this moment. You get what you have chosen. That is all for now…Blessings…

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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by texino »

Please excuse a man who has grown old during this time of fools, but I though the KOS was some white knight in the US Congress who fed The DOO straight dope on the NESARA situation.
Can't tell the players without a program. A Roster is in order.
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Please excuse a man who has grown old during this time of fools, but I though the KOS was some white knight in the US Congress who fed The DOO straight dope on the NESARA situation.
Can't tell the players without a program. A Roster is in order.
Get yer peanuts, fresh hot peanuts! Peanuts and programs! You can't the the players without a program! Get yer peanuts, fresh hot peanuts!

NESARA UPDATE: May 7, 2003
By Patrick H. Bellringer
We are living in very exciting and, yet, very challenging times. I am reminded of the words of a song. "The world, my dears, is waiting for the sunrise". Indeed! The world is waiting for the sunrise of NESARA! Again we are totally frustrated at the slowness of the process of the implementation of NESARA, the one thing that has the possibilities of finally changing our world for the better.

The Dove Report for May 5, 2003 has again raised the questions for many of "Who's in charge?" and "What Plan are we really on - A or B?" I assure you that St. Germain is totally in charge, and that we are on Plan B! The White Knights as a group "blew" their chances of Plan A on April 15, 2003 by refusing to honor the World Court's deadline for the announcement of NESARA. At that point St. Germain exercised his option of Plan B and has continued forward with Plan B ever since. He had been given the authority by the World Court more than a year ago to take charge of NESARA using the Faction Three White Knights, should the White Knights as a group fail their task of announcing NESARA.

I shall explain again the various "Factions" of White Knights and their loyalties.

Faction One White Knights are key people in the U.S. government and military who work for and are totally loyal to G.W. Bush and Co.

Faction Two White Knights are key people in various areas of government, business, education, military etc., who have divided loyalties. Some work for the Rockefeller Family. Some work for G.W. Bush and Co. Some work for big business. Some work for the Pentagon. Many of these White Knights are sincerely working for the good of the people of the United States and of the world Many of the White Knights of Faction Two are obviously double agents and have proven themselves to be so.

Faction Three White Knights are top Delta Force people who are of high integrity and are totally dedicated to the recovery of our nation and our world from the darkside. They fully support NESARA, and are working hard to bring it to fruition. These are the White Knights who are presently working with St. Germain to accomplish Plan B.

The repeated failure of the White Knights of the world to announce NESARA is the direct result of two main conditions. First, they have operated almost entirely within the realm of third dimension (3D). They have used 3D thinking, action and technology to attempt to win against a fourth dimensional foe. Secondly, their ranks are filled with many disloyal White Knights, whose only motive is to sabotage the NESARA process. These are double agents of Faction One and Faction Two who work for the darkside. Because of their deceit, most of these "gray Knights" are now gone from planet Earth.

With the authority for NESARA transferred on April 15, 2003 to St. Germain and Faction Three, NESARA could now move forward in all seriousness. At his request on April 21, 2003 St. Germain was given full authority by the World Court to use the Forces of Light to assist in accomplishing his mission. With all the help that Heaven allows, and that's a lot, NESARA is now being accomplished and is only days away from its full worldwide implementation. I will explain in greater detail what is now occurring, but first I wish to answer some questions concerning terminology.

Various terms and names have been used in the Jennifer Lee and Dove Reports and by myself which need further explanation. The Forces of Light are various beings of 5D and high dimensions who have come to planet Earth from the Lighted Realms to assist our Earth and her people at this time. They have been sent by Creator God at our request. Earth humans often refer to them as angels or good aliens. They have various tasks and capabilities as indicated by their names, e.g., warriors/soldiers of Light, Ascended Masters, Archangels, healing angels, etc. These Lighted Beings graduated into higher dimensions of existence after completing their lessons in soul growth in third dimension.

"A" and "A" of the Jennifer Reports are husband and wife of eleven years, middle aged, and living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The father of "A" (husband) is Commander Ashtar of the Mothership The New Jerusalem, a starship of 5,000 miles in diameter, which is orbiting planet Earth at this time. "A" was given the choice of ascension to 5D earlier in life but chose to remain in 3D with the option to occasionally go into 5D in the physical. "A" has full memory of past lifestreams and speaks in person with his father, Ashtar, St. Germain, St. Michael, Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, KOS and others when he goes aboard The New Jerusalem. "A" communicates directly by phone or in person with KOS, the King of Swords or the King.

Sananda (Esu Jesus Immanuel) as Admiral Sananda is in complete charge of our planet Earth Shan's present transition into fifth dimension. St. Germain is working under Admiral Sananda and is in charge of the World Trust which backs the funding of the Farm Claims and prosperity programs. St. Germain has full responsibility for the recovery of the United States of America to a Constitutional Republic again, and now holds full authority for the announcing and implementation of NESARA.

KOS, the King of Swords or the King, is a Vietnam veteran of high Delta Force standing. He commands the White Knights of the world as well as Faction Three, who are also Delta Force. KOS works directly under the authority of St. Germain and has given much assistance to Mother Sekhmet in the removal of the darkside from planet Earth at this time. The King of Swords' top two Delta Force commanders are called the Alien Hunter and Terry the Terrible. KOE stands for King of Egypt. KOE is not in actuality the King of Egypt but a very wealthy and powerful good White Knight Arab from Arabia. The "Nameless Ones" are two very famous and good White Knights who presently reside as a husband and wife team in Tibet. Lady Nada is the twin flame of Sananda, is in charge of actual funding of the prosperity programs and Farm Claims and resides currently in Lebanon. Mr. X is an ex-policeman from Idaho who heads the U.S. Militia of the fifty states. He is next in command under the King of Swords.

The Dove of Oneness lives in the Olympia, Washington area. She is a middle aged lady "walk-in" of eleven years and a Wingmaker from 750 years into the future. Having returned from the future, the Dove knows that we accomplished NESARA and the Age of Peace and Enlightenment. She communicates directly with St. Germain, key White Knights of Faction Two, and with many entities of the higher dimensions. It should be noted that in the Dove Report of May 5, 2003 the reference to "The White Knights have a schedule for doing NESARA which does not include any day this week" refers to Faction Two White Knights.

Finally, Jennifer Lee is a young housewife with a five year old son living in Los Angeles, California. She volunteered to assist "A" and "A" with their daily presentation of the progress of NESARA, thus, the Jennifer Lee Reports. This discussion reads like a science fiction novel, because in our world of lies, the Truth is in fact stranger to us than fiction.

Let us now turn to the Truth behind the lies of the media. On Sunday, May 4, 2003 G.W. Bush made a highly media advertised "address to the nation" from aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier, The Abraham Lincoln, off the coast of California. He told the world that the U.S. Military combat phase of the war with Iraq was over. What G.W. Bush did not tell the world was that he had ordered the U.S. military to immediately do a full force military attack on Afghanistan in an attempt to start World War III. What is not reported by the media but in reality looks like a Star Wars movie has been occurring in Afghanistan this week. The U.S. and British Militaries have been battling the Star Fleets of the Forces of Light for world control. Guess who is winning?

Meanwhile the deliberate killings go on in Baghdad and all over Iraq and Palestine. The occupying forces under the guise of liberation are securing their control to assure that puppet governments will be established who are subservient to the Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik (KZB) government of the U.S./Israel. The U.S. and British military are scouring Iraq in an attempt to find the alien technology left by the ancient Sumerian Empire which once covered the area today of Iran and Iraq Some the this technology is held under the protection of the Kurds of northern Iraq. As a side note, the Israeli Mossad covertly obtained one of these alien devices held by the Kurds and helped G.W. Bush and Co. to use it for time travel in the 9/11 fiasco. The World Trade Towers were moved in time, emptied of most people and contents and returned prior to their collapse. That is why office furniture, computers, generators for each floor, the original flag pole, etc., were missing in the rubble. With the aid of the Forces of Light this time travel machine was returned to the Kurds. There will never be peace on earth and NESARA until the evil KZB are dashed to bits. This is now happening.

On Monday morning, May 5, 2003 people all over the world were reported missing. Their beds were empty. They did not come to breakfast. They did not show up for work. Why? Some of these missing persons were removed by the darkside in a last attempt to stop NESARA. They were good White Knights in top positions of business, government and military in countries around the world who held key positions in the progress of NESARA. They are being held in a secret location by the darkside, but the Forces of Light are protecting them and are watching every move of the darkside.

Most of those missing persons on Monday were taken by Mother Sekhmet, St. Michael, St. Germain and the King of Swords because of their evil deeds. They have worked hard to win world control and still have the naïve notion that they can win against the Forces of Light. Not so! The Spiritual Battle of Armageddon was fought on planet Earth over the past few months and won by the Forces of Light. The alien beings of higher dimension such as the Reptilian/Draconian/Serpent people and the 25 foot high white dragon people who lived inside our earth have been removed and sent back to their home planets for prosecution. We are now fighting the Physical 3D Battle of Armageddon which involves the 3D earth humans, who were the minions of the Serpent People. They are the 3D world controllers who comprise a major portion of the darkside at this time. These prominent U.S. military, world leaders and military from other countries are the ones presently being removed from Shan by the Forces of Light. Their claim to fame is over! The final phase of the great Battle of Armageddon to remove all darkness from Earth Shan is nearly over. This is what is occurring while you wait for NESARA to be announced.

There is a massive worldwide effort by the darkside at this time to win. In the U.S. the Homeland Security Office is working overtime to arrest, punish and incarcerate people secretly. At this very moment terrible things are happening to unsuspecting American citizens by the U.S. Gestapo law-enforcement agencies in the name of "terrorism" to purge the darkside's opposition in a final attempt to stop NESARA and the coming of the Kingdom of God on Earth. This purging is happening worldwide. For some, this is cause for great fear. For others it is a challenge to take action.

On May 6 as reported by the Dove, a group of 45 influential people petitioned the World Court to immediately lift the gag orders on NESARA. Another group is making the same demands of the U.S. Supreme Court. The leader of Japan has gone on public record with his statement to the world that "We, the people of the world, are at war with the Bush people!" This is not the time to complain, "Where is NESARA?" or "Where is my money?" We are at war, people! We are in the final episode of Armageddon. The worldwide removal of the darkside must be accomplished within these next few days for NESARA to be announced.

Our task is to move to a neutral place within and hold no anger, no guilt, no hatred, no fear. From that place of neutrality we must hold the Light of Truth. We must send out the energies of forgiveness and mercy and compassion to all. Those of the darkside are on their own pathway of lessons in soul growth, as are we. They agreed to follow their dark pathways to provide us with those opportunities needed for us to learn our lessons as well. So, in compassion we send them Love and Light. Even G.W. Bush? Yes, most importantly G.W. Bush! We are all fellow travelers on the road to Life. WE are all connected, and one day we will all be reunited into the "whole" of Creator Source again.

Make very sure that any anger you may have is that of righteous anger. I have such anger. I am angry about the Homeland Security Office arrests, the beatings, the incarcerations. I am angry about AIDS, anthrax vaccinations, chem trails, SARS. I am angry about starvation, abuse, the abuse and neglect of children, and I am angry about the killing, the bullets, the bombs, the land mines and the killing?especially the killing of our children.

Will you stand with me and demand, "no more"? We will take no more! We have had it. This is the end! We demand the darkside gone - now! We order them gone now, forever from our planet. Through our God-Spirit within we so order. We have had enough! We take back our power and we demand peace! Together we stand and together we say, "There shall be Light!" And there is Light - total Light!

The curtain of darkness is lifting on a grand new day. The sunrise of Truth, of freedom, of justice, of peace - of NESARA, for which we have waited eons of time is now breaking over the horizon of our Mother Earth Shan. The darkness is fading before our very eyes. Through our creative thought-power we are creating our new Age of Peace and Enlightenment. Let us rejoice in this Light of our New Day! Aho!

That's right, Bellringer is an A-Ho!

From the NESARA Glossary, see
http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum ... 9029/pg721

KOS – King of Swords, code name for the head of Faction 3, working at 38 levels of secrecy above the President; appointed by the World Court in 1999; has martial law authority to ensure NESARA Announcement and Implementation. KOS was given his authority in 1999 by the World Court and Lady Master Nada. (Oct. 7, 2008.)

F3 … is coordinated on the earth by an insider whom we refer to as KOS {the King of Swords} who, with St Germaine, was appointed by the ICJ {Int'l Ct of Justice in the Hague} in 1999 as head of the 4 Million man, worldwide militia, and pro-forma president of the US. KOS is an enhanced galactic-human with a 3d job, wife and history who speaks 23 languages. He and those who work with him and the galactics are at 38 levels above the President of the US. (May 27, 2008.)
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'm beginning to wonder if the people who wrote this stuff got ahold of some tabs of the "brown acid" that an aging hippie brought back from Woodstock as a souvenir. That, as well as anything else, explains why everything sounds as whacked as it does.
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Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'm beginning to wonder if the people who wrote this stuff got ahold of some tabs of the "brown acid" that an aging hippie brought back from Woodstock as a souvenir. That, as well as anything else, explains why everything sounds as whacked as it does.

The original quote from the Woodstock album.

"To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn't too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it's your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?"

From Glenn Weiser’s Internet page on Woodstock

Problems arose. The announcer on the stage (at first it was Hog Farmer Hugh Romney, a.k.a. Wavy Gravy, then some other guy) kept telling everyone to avoid the brown acid-it was supposedly giving people bad trips. The Hog Farm's tent was getting flooded with acid freakout cases, and there were few facilities to deal with the medical emergencies of a spontaneously formed city of 500,000. And as I understand, the police were not arresting anyone for any reason, because a riot would have been impossible to control (however, other sources state there were some drug busts).

Urban Dictionary

Brown Acid
1. A reference to the Woodstock Festival in 1969, when stage announcements were made by legendary radio disc jockey Wavy Gravy, telling people that some of the brown-colored blotter acid (LSD) circulating the crowd was giving people negative hallucinations, causing freakouts.
2. A bad drug experience
3. Something that was supposed to be pleasurable but turned out nightmarish.
1. I thought this job was going to be fun, but it turned out to be, like, "Dude, don't take the brown acid."
2. That chick is the brown acid, but hey, it's up to you.

NESARA is the brown acid of the New Age.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Happy Birthday Lord Rama

Post by logicman »

Now we know why the fourwinds site is quiet.casper and dumbellringer are havng one giant brown acid party..This alone will speed up the packie delivery..Yups Lord Rama Obama the starship Jerusalem is nearby..Its still on its 50th year mission to explore new recruits for Nesara..Notice the absence of falafal worldwide..Yup the food crisis has begun..