CRITICAL NOTICE: Sorcha Faal Needs Help!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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CRITICAL NOTICE: Sorcha Faal Needs Help!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sorcha Faal needs help, and no, not the kind that comes with a large dose of Thorazine. That wouldn't help since she doesn't exist. But the scam does...

From Bellringer's "all the news that's fit to be tied" site.

CRITICAL NOTICE: Sorcha Faal Needs Help!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sorcha Faal" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 10:34 AM

Folks, I'm not going to lie to you, it's getting pretty grim over here and we're not sure we're going to be able to survive much longer unless you start to step up and keep us from going under.

If you've ever wondered how come we're able to stay up when so many other sites are continually crashing when they're attacked ( and EVERYONE is being attacked) it is because over the past 5-years we've managed to build one of the most secure, and expensive) networks of its kind.and we did it for you, and you helped pay for it!

And now you're going to let our shared investment collapse and die because you can't afford even 13 US pennies a day??? I don't understand this type of thinking at all!

Not only is the cost of keeping the truth flowing to you expensive, the Sisters "network" of informants, all over the World, who keep us, and then you, apprised of what is happening "behind the curtain" is another expensive mouth to feed, and that, again, YOU help pay for. Do you want this most valuable of resources to be taken away from us, especially NOW when the "end game" is about to begin?

And don't doubt for a second how valuable this "network" is, here's just one example that shows it..

Do you remember the Sorcha Faal's June 12th report titled "Obama Issues "Immediate" Assassination Order For Mexican President Calderon"? [ ]

Well, here's the main headline from Mexico today. "Mexico's federal police force have foiled a plot by the Sinaloa drug cartel to assassinate President Felipe Calderon" [ ... ident.html]

And who, you may ask, is Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel associated with? Here's one "clue". "Two American-registered drug planes [CIA] busted in Mexico carrying four and 5.5 tons of cocaine are just the "tip of the iceberg" in a blockbuster aviation deal which sold 50 American-registered aircraft to the Sinaloa Cartel" [ ]

I could go on and on, giving example, after example, proof after proof, of the TRUTH contained in the Sorcha Faal's reports, but if YOU don't see it then I'm afraid that all is lost anyway.

And we're not going to apologize for telling you the truth, no matter how absurd, farfetched, or any other term you use to describe FACTS that no one else is telling you!

You all have a choice to make and it's a simple one..Do you want the truth or don't you?

If you do then PLEASE dig into your pockets and come up with $50 to keep us alive..and remember, that's just 13 US pennies a day! And if having the truth available to you isn't worth that I don't know what to say.

And, for those of you able to give more to help those who are really hurting, and many people are, then search your hearts and see if there's a little charity in there for them too.

This is not a game we're playing here, this is a war..and not just any war, it's one that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal have fought so many times before they are beyond experts in knowing the enemy that we all face.

So, if you plan on surviving this war (and if you LISTEN and HEED what the Sisters warn you about you will) by ALL MEANS start by choosing which side you're really on!

Go to to give what you can now before it's too late.

Thank you,

Sorcha Faal
"Follow the Money"
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Re: CRITICAL NOTICE: Sorcha Faal Needs Help!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The short translation: "we're running out of suckers to fleece, and we're afraid that we'll have to go get a real job. Send money!"
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Deep Knight
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Re: CRITICAL NOTICE: Sorcha Faal Needs Help!

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:The short translation: "we're running out of suckers to fleece, and we're afraid that we'll have to go get a real job. Send money!"
"Sorcha Faal" uses the "fult tilt crazy" method of fund raising. If you make somewhat crazy assertions, you get somewhat crazy followers who sooner or later figure out your BS is BS. However, if you only attract people for whom "somewhat crazy" would be a vast improvement in sanity, they might be a small population but they're so out there it will take them years to figure out they're being scammed. Dove & Bellringer & Wisdom Paradise & Alex Jones all use the same method.

P.S. Sorcha Faal is alleged to be David Booth by people who are part of the conspiracy-friendly internet community. Sorcha Faal is alleged to be the exotic dancer and stripper "Scorchin' Sorcha" by Deep Knight who knows nothing but has a vivid imagination.

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"Follow the Money"