
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

Call me psychic (or should that be psychotic?) but I figured some NESARA type would make a fuss about today being 9/9/09. You might figure they had gotten burned by their unfulfilled predictions about 4/4/04. 5/5/05. 6/6/06, 7/7/07 and 8/8/08 but you would be wrong!

From Bellringer's site

9 9 9 Urgent Call to the Tribe of Gaia! Pleiadian-Sirian Transmission Aug 2009 SOLARA AN-RA
Sept. 8, 2009

NOTE: Many people are doing the CONNECTION WITH GAIA'S ASCENSION GRIDS meditation (free to download on http://www.solara.org.uk) starting at 9 pm GMT, so that we are all doing it together at 9.09 on the 9.09.09 :)

It's time for the tribe to unite! Come together on the 9-9-9 to celebrate the activation of the 2nd,3rd, 4th and 5th Master Atlantean crystals!

A written version of this message is on my site.


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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Deep Knight »

From "Above Top Secret"

September 9, 2009 999 the devils day?

So the Devil is a deciever so why not make 999 the day of devilry.
Does anyone know of any predictions of prophecy relating to September 9, 2009. 999 upsidedown is 666. Is Australia or somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere the home of the anti-christ?
Are these days warm up to 12/12/12?

I get it, the antichrist must be from Australia because it's upside down there, it's 9/9/09, and "999" looks like "666!" Amazing insight!

Then there's this from "Truthbringer" after nothing (well, not what they were saying at least) happened on 6/6/06.

September 9th, 2009 - 9-9-9 - Significant Or Not?

I was once told that June 6th, 2006 - 06-06-06 - was not a real date we should concern ourselves with, because it was not the correct number for the Beast. I was told that the 6's are actually upside down and that the real numbers/date to watch out for is September 9th, 2009 - 9-9-9 -. Not saying that this is a reality, but.....I am gonna keep my eyes peeled for that date to see if anything actually happens on it.
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I have a book at home with a picture of some geniuses on one of the Great Pyramids in Egypt, welcoming the Harmonic Convergence back in the 80s (I think). My favorite people are the bearded man, dressed in a dorky costume, hands in the air and uttering a Profound Incantation, while behind him a woman sits, right hand on her heart, absolutely enraptured. I'd love to have been sitting there as they came back down off of the pyramid, saying something like, "we came all the way to Egypt for THAT?!?!?!?!?!?"
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I have a book at home with a picture of some geniuses on one of the Great Pyramids in Egypt, welcoming the Harmonic Convergence back in the 80s (I think).
August 16 or 17 1987 (depending on who was spinning this). There was a big gathering at Chaco Canyon where a group of aspiring scam artists tried to charge people there for the event, one of the scam artists called himself "Rama" and I've always wondered if this was Lord Rama of "A&A."

More on this date from the NESARA-friendly PagPawnt Forum and Bellringer's friend Cap'n May.

9/9/09 Devil's Date for Sears Tower 60606

By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast

"There's a lot of symbolism involved when terrorists choose their targets and the dates of their attacks," said Jack Cloonan, a former FBI agent on the bin Laden squad who now works as an ABC News consultant. The 11th has now been chosen as a tack date in New York, Madrid and Mumbai. Last year's attack in London was on 7/7.

New York, 9/ll; Madrid, 3/11; Mumbai, 7/ll, ABC News, 7/11/06, http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/200 ... ll_ma.html.

HOUSTON, 9/9/09 -- The future of Chicago's Sears Tower, or Willis Tower as it was recently renamed, became more dubious than ever Friday morning, as two towers were sabotage in Washington State and another one in Pennsylvania.

WAEB radio tower toppled in Whitehall, FBI investigates, The Morning Call, 9/5/09, http://www.mcall.com/news/all-a8_5tower ... 9214.story.

Even the FBI admits that it has never heard of radio tower demolition as a terror act, and now they seem hard-pressed to explain why three towers have come down in one night. They are blaming the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), but it sure seems like a terror attack warm-up story with ELF as the patsy and the FBI as the perp.

Just because the FBI is crooked doesn't mean they're stupid, however much they would like to pretend that they are when it suits their purposes. If they say that the demolition of three towers a week before 9/11 doesn't remind them of something, it's very likely that they're playing dumb -- just as they did before 9/11 eight years ago.

Is the third tower that came down in a different state (Pennsylvania) representative of the third tower that the Establishment has been claiming was an Al Qaeda target since 9/11: Sears Tower, in Chicago, Illinois? As even the ABC/FBI propagandists admit, (false flag) terrorism is very keen on codes, and Sears Tower is chock-full of them.

For one thing, its ZIP code is 60606, which decodes to 666. Will "the next 9/11" -- or "9/11-2B" as intelligence researchers have come to call it -- have a diabolical code of 9/666? That bit of numerology may well be in play already: On Friday, which started with the "three towers" terror, the Dow Jones closed up by 96.66. Take out the dot and add a slash, and you have a fine candidate for a Sears Tower false flag go code.

Cities with Holocaust Museums have very bad luck when it comes to false flag terror attacks. New York City dedicated its Jewish Heritage Museum, highlighting the Holocaust, on 9/11 -- in 1997, four years before the attacks that so well served the purposes of Israel and its fanatical U.S. Lobby. That factoid is carefully guarded. Just two days before 9/11, worldwide Jewry celebrated the 9/9 dedication of its Berlin Holocaust Museum. In short, the Jewish nation and its international adherents were supercharged with Holocaust victimhood while their Zionists and Mossad were eagerly joining the U.S. Establishment in the greatest mass murder and false flag terror attack of our nation's history.

Leading false flag researchers, seasoned veterans like me, believe that Sears Tower came very near to being blown up on 4/19/04. We find it most curious that Chicago's Jewish community chose 4/19 of this year to dedicate their newly constructed Holocaust Museum. The date code 4/19 may be familiar to many readers as the anniversary of the Waco Holocaust and the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma bombing. The Jewish community points out that 4/19/09 is also the 66th anniversary of the 1943 German assault on the Warsaw ghetto. That being so, 66 goes well with 666. Without a doubt, U.S. Jews took amazingly light losses during the 9/11 attacks, perhaps due to the advanced warning documented by an Israeli mainstream newspaper:

Odigo says workers were warned of attack, Ha'aretz, 9/26/01, http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShAr ... emNo=77744.

To give the reader ample evidence that there are occult parties who are fascinated by 11-based numbers, 111-based numbers, and that number is 666 in particular, I should mention that:

Between the 4/19/04 Sears Tower terror attempt and 6/6/06 there were 777 days.
Between the London 7/7 bombings in 2005 and 6/6/06 there were 333 days.
Between the USS Cole attack on 10/12/2000 and 9/11 there were 333 days.
Between 9/11 and the 3/20/2003 invasion of Iraq there were 555 days.
Between 9/11 and the 3/11/04 Madrid bombings there were 911 days.
Between 6/6/06 and 9/9/09 there are 1190 days, which is 911 days backwards.

9/9/09 would be well-nigh irresistible to anyone plotting the destruction of the Sears Tower, with its 60606 zip code, since that date code can be "flipped" to create a 666. Caveat Chicago. Your number may be up.

For Further Reading: Chicago's Nuclear Obama -- False Flag Unfurled, The Lone Star Iconoclast, 4/19/09, http://tinyurl.com/dyhnle.

* * * * * * * * *

Captain May, a disabled veteran, spent five years conducting Opposing Forces (OPFOR) exercises. His Army qualifications include military intelligence; public affairs; and nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. He has been an NBC editorialist, and his essays have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine. To learn more about him and his unit, Ghost Troop Cyber Militia (or to join up), refer to the unit website: http://www.spiritone.com/~ghosttroop/Ca ... H_May.html.
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Deep Knight »

From Mark Huber writing for Lord Rama site "Welcome the Light" where the AN-RA message that starts this thread is also posted.
Visit with Melchizedek & 9:9:9 Crystalline Upshift 8/29/09
Posted by admin On August - 30 - 2009

As Beth/Mark & Twin Flames Thor/Kai Sheena, joined in meditation–in our respective locations–two bright beings presented themselves in Mark’s living room. They were: Lady Master Venus and Ceres/Demeter. We suspected that Sanat Kumara was involved as LMVenus is his Twin Flame. That turned out to be correct as they escorted us, OOB, to one of his starships…positioned over Arabia.

For all who do not recall, Sanat Kumara left his home planet of Venus and his TF, to come to earth to oversee the return of Earth to the spiritual planes…2.5Million years ago…or some say, many billions of years ago. It has been his job to see the New Plan put into place. He has also been known as “The Ancient of Days” and the Bringer of the 3-Fold Flame from Venus, a tiny fragment of which was placed into the heart of each of the 10 Billion lifestreams belonging to Earth’s evolutions–in or out of embodiment–thus saving Earth. He returned to Venus in 1956 and reunited with LMVenus. Lord Buddha replaced him as Lord of the World. http://www.geocities.com/ascendedmaster/Shamballa.html

Ceres/Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture and more, will be working with LMVenus in mentoring the 78 planetary programs for earth renewal, soon to go into full application. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demeter#De ... d_Poseidon

A grand and sweet reunion took place as we came aboard SK’s Starship.

We had been brought to the Starship to speak with Lord Melchidezek. (http://www.theascendedmasters.com/pries ... h_book.htm). We asked him if he could share news or information about the grand upshift and crystal activations of 9/9/9[see the msg from Metatron through Tyberonn explaining this Ascension-like happening]

Melchizedek Speaks:
“Those Ones on Earth now, who are sensitive definitely feel a change in the local climate, regarding numbers of Visitors from Other Planets in the local area. There is so much love surrounding the Planet, there has been no gathering this large, of this many, in Earth history. Naturally, many wonder about mass decloakings. There indeed will be decloakings of Motherships, seen in this hemisphere. This will be witnessed by too many to deny the fact. This will be seen in a populated area. There is clearance for this Op now. It is not if, but when. When these motherships reveal themselves, it will bring a wave of LOVE to those witnessing it, that it will be absolutely contagious. Those who never give UFOs a second thought, will be met at home, by their previous nonbelieving spouse, or family member. The witness to decloakings will express the First Contact in such loving and compassionate terms, the family members too will be effected by the onslaught of pure love. They will not, after seeing their eyes, and feeling the love in their heart, be able to deny, their loved one saw something very real. It is this way, when this happens in waves, it gets the whole lot of them ready, and eagerly anticipating, more and more decloakings; mass decloakings.

9/9/09 will bring us to 75% power in the crystalline grid structure of Earth. With the crystals pulsating their energy out to the pyramids, portals, and star gates, located inside Earth, we will have optimum power to operate our technology on Earth. This goes hand in hand with mass decloakings. After arrests, after Announcements, then we may bring free energy and replicators, as well as healing machines out for use all over the World. The crystalline grid is what these machines link into, these sentient computers, draw their power and downloads from these crystals.

This completion/completion/completion, is not only for individuals, but also for Earth. Now Gaia may cocreate the New Earth she wants. She will cocreate the dissolution of current transportation. There will be a dissolution of manufacturing, ships, trains, airliners, and all things causing pollution and driven by greed markets. There simply will be no need for these things and they will not be missed. The technology which is coming, which is sentient, will bring so much convenience to us, we will not say no to doing without, with simply dissolving back to particles, these old polluters. There will be such a profound effect on our bodies and our lands, we will not need anyone to explain to us why it is a good idea. There will be instant gratification when it comes to cleaning up our act. Gaia and Vywamus will have so much stronger capabilities for healing, people living here today will be mystified by how good it can be, with such little effort.

Currently the banks are literally dissolving. The infrastructure and processes inside banking systems, will no longer be utilized. New banking infrastructure will be put into place. This new infrastructure will be kindler, gentler, and most appreciated by all. The simplicity and fairness of it will be striking. There will be more than enough joy joy joy to go around. With economic easement, we will look around at what can be accomplished first for the good of all. This is when new healing technologies will be revealed. Healing with light technology will be so effective, hospitals will slowly, slowly, empty of their patients. People will walk bewildered out of their hospital beds to go home to a new life. This will cause great shifts in how people spend their time each day. They will be amazed how different life can be when they are no longer burdened with chronic illness. Imagine!

People will start to get the idea that their personal relationships will change. Any arrangement based on greed, or less than love, will be mutually dissolved. There will be a propensity to gravitate to love. It will be easy to feel and easy to find. No one will any longer be able to tolerate accepting less than love and only love. People will recognize they no longer desire mundane lives, but instead insist life is fulfilling and fun.

All of the plans, programs, and infrastructure changes, needed immediately, are already in place and currently being reviewed for compatibility with the current conditions. Beside this, there are continued changes in the firmament of Earth, bodies of water and continents shifting. All of the power centers of Earth are reawakening to their energy. The Earth’s crystalline grids being activated by the 9/9/09 portal opening will effect every land mass, on Earth, and under the Sea. All of these changes will be positive. All of these changes are necessary to power up the new technologies.

The veil has dropped to the point of no longer feeling/perceiving anything that is in contrast to truth as real. There is a large group of awakened Ones[> 51% positive soul records], already operating in the new consensus reality. The time for Peace is now.”

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Re: 9-9-9

Post by texino »

I have been working on the final chapter of my new story "Deep Knight and The Tin-Smith's Daughter, but I had to pop up and call BS on this Melchizedek person. OK? Fine. Also, are Rama Lama Ding Dong and Mrs. A still in Hawaii?
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:I have been working on the final chapter of my new story "Deep Knight and The Tin-Smith's Daughter"
I've never known a tin-smith's daughter, I didn't burnish her sheet metal "down there," and besides she asked me to do it, honest. Perhaps you're thinking of the tin-foil hatter...
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Number Six »

In numerology, "9" is traditionally the number of women, as "6" is the number of man.

36 + 35 + 34...is 666. So, to some, "36" is a magic number.

Solomon had income of 666 talents of gold in 1Kings 10:14. The infamous number required in Revelation 13:17 for any commercial transaction, is the ultimate violation of civil liberties and natural rights.

I have spent time with "patriot" church types who have the most convoluted theology, in which every number of every Bible verse has numerological significance. This sort of irrational, paranoid thinking probably necessitates psychotherapy for former member trying to get their "thetans" back. IMHO such paranoid theologies with accompanying uncivil disobedience antagonizes the government and necessitates, when critical mass is reached, a draconian response.
Last edited by Number Six on Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

'Choose loss rather than shameful gains.' (Chilon Fr. 10. Diels)

Re: 9-9-9

Post by Brandybuck »

Number Six wrote:36! (factorial) is 666.
Uh, no. 36! = 3.7199332678990122e+41

36! means you multiply the numbers 1 through 36, not add them.
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Number Six »

Thanks Brandybuck, I stand corrected!
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

'Choose loss rather than shameful gains.' (Chilon Fr. 10. Diels)
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Deep Knight »

Number Six wrote:In numerology, "9" is traditionally the number of women, as "6" is the number of man..
Only because of the way they look as Arabic numerals "6" and "9" having that "yin/yang 69" thing going for them. In traditional (Roman) numerals (which were used on all legal documents in the US when I was a kid, but have been on the wane for hundreds of years) "VI" and "IX" (or "VIIII") don't have the same symbolism.
Number Six wrote:36 + 35 + 34...is 666. So, to some, "36" is a magic number.

Solomon had income of 666 talents of gold in 1Kings 10:14. The infamous number required in Revelation 13:17 for any commercial transaction, is the ultimate violation of civil liberties and natural rights.
While I would rebel at the idea "that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name," I hardly think it's the ultimate violation of civil liberties. Now, if they said people would be forced to sleep with Dove or Lady Tara...
Number Six wrote:I have spent time with "patriot" church types who have the most convoluted theology, in which every number of every Bible verse has numerological significance. This sort of irrational, paranoid thinking probably necessitates psychotherapy for former member trying to get their "thetans" back. IMHO such paranoid theologies with accompanying uncivil disobedience antagonizes the government and necessitates, when critical mass is reached, a draconian response.
Just as a side note, the promoters of the NESARA scam also promote the idea that shape-shifting reptilian aliens are among us and extremely evil. Some call them "The Draconians."
Extraterrestrial Reptilians
The Draconians are an extraterrestrial race of reptile which come from the Alpha Draconis star system. In general the draconians are intergalactic invaders, seeking out and infiltrating into the societies of other life forms. They prefer to manipulate society from behind the scenes and will openly invade and conquer only when they become threatened by the technological advancement of their prey. It is highly likely that some of the Draconians work alongside of the Interdimensional Reptilians as allies. Both types of alien entities are able to utilize the psychic energies emitted from the brains of humans during intensely emotional experiences. The reptilians of both this dimension and the 4th dimension feed off of fear and panic from humans. They also possess the ability to confuse humans by projecting a mental image, making themselves appear human (as Men In Black) or clouding the memory of any who encounter them.

When the Draconians predict that the civilization they have infiltrated is approaching the state of evolution where their technological ability makes the reptiles' covert operations subject to compromise, they launch an overt invasion fleet in the form of a Planetoid/Asteroids base station or mother ship. (Note: Some people theorize that the reptilian mother ship locates and follows closely behind comets heading in the same general direction, using the gravitational field to pull the planetoid along through space. The comet's body also acts as a stellar debris impact shield and prevents any approaching civilization from observing their mother ship's advance. The Heaven's Gate cult misinterpreted channeled alien propoganda and believed that the comet Hale Bopp was this invasion fleet. For more details see Jesus of Borg)

In between invasions, the majority of the reptilian population on the mother ship live in a state of hibernation. A contingency of reptilians manage the daily operations of the craft and maintain hibernation chambers while awaiting the invasion order. The reptilians on the planet's surface ensure the continued secrecy of their presence, carry out abductions of various life forms on the surface of the planet, and monitor the technological advances of the surface inhabitants. They also introduce their reptilian genetic code into whatever species displays traits they want to manipulate, and initiates a program of genetic crossbreeding. Some of the species of Greysand humanoid Nordics have been invaded and assimilated in this manner.

From their underground bases, they set the stage for the mother's ship invasion by establishing a network of human-reptilian crossbred infiltrates within various levels of the surface culture's military industrial complexes, government bodies, religions, UFO/paranormal groups, and fraternal (priest) orders, etc. These crossbreeds, some unaware of their reptilian genetic "mind-control" instructions, act out their subversive roles as "reptilian agents", setting the stage for an reptilian led alien invasion. Just prior to planetary approach, the large reptilian population aboard the planetoid awakens from their hibernation and prepares for battle. When the invasion takes place, it is from above and below the planets surface. Strange craft, piloted by reptilians, greys and human-reptilian agents, descend from the clouds while others ascend to the skies from the underworld of caverns and sub-cities, overwhelming the surface cultures in a totally unsuspecting manner.

The reptilian species, like other races which share a collective consciousness, communicate telepathically. Their advanced telepathic ability allows them to be able to utilitze energies emitted by the brains of other species.

At least one of the Draconian races possess leathery wings which have been mistaken for hoods or cloaks by abductees. This race stands around 8 feet tall, dwells underground and comes out at night. They have been labeled "mothmen," and is the source for mythologies concerning angels, demons, vampires, gargoyles, valkyries and other winged beings.

Different extraterrestrial reptilian species have different agendas but the majority of them focus on domination and exploitation of alien races and their planetary resources. Their viscious hostility and blatant disregard for the individual rights of others makes them a mortal enemy to mankind.
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Brandybuck »

I wouldn't say that the Mark of the Beast is the ultimate violation of civil liberties. That's an interpretation that religious money cranks promote. The traditional interpretation is that the mark signifies allegiance to the Beast, and it is that allegiance to that man that is the sin.

Biblical prophecy must be understood in relation to the current events of the writer's period. At the time Revelations was written, Christians were being sent to gladiatorial arenas for not professing allegiance to Caesar.
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Deep Knight »

Brandybuck wrote:Biblical prophecy must be understood in relation to the current events of the writer's period. At the time Revelations was written, Christians were being sent to gladiatorial arenas for not professing allegiance to Caesar.
And that Caesar was Nero. Many scholars have noted that "666" may refer to him (however, in numerology so many things correlate that it's hardly proof, just a tantalizing possibility) and then-current events. Then again, it may be the bar code embedded in the microchip they put in everyone's behinds in the 1990's so the New World Order can track our every movement unless we wear aluminum-foil underwear.
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by Deep Knight »

Masters 999 Update Sept 5/09
The Six Logoi- Preparations for 09/09/09 Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 31/08/09

Greetings and blessings to all at this most sacred and special time, we extend our love to you now and ask you to open your hearts to us as we endeavour to assist you in preparing to anchor the new energy wave anchoring onto the Earth. This is a time to be open and receptive, to be trusting and confident as it will ensure that you anchor the most appropriate level of light into your being for your reality and soul’s mission on the Earth, otherwise blockages may occur that can hinder your growth and acceptance of the love of the Creator.

The Earth will begin to receive an upgrade in its energy from the 3rd September 2009; this is an upgrade of love, in truth a higher vibration of love will anchor onto the Earth. When you allow yourself to be open to this upgrade of love it is almost like the wave of love pours into your life, washes over you and lifts you up higher into the levels of the Creator’s universe to accept a new vibration of light and a deeper connection with the Creator. The love of the Creator is essential for life, existence and advancement. Love exists within the oxygen that you breathe into your body, allowing your physical body which encapsulates your soul to survive on the Earth. The air that you breathe has the ability of holding vast quantities of light, love and consciousness, allowing your breathing to be sacred and a divine tool that assists spiritual development and a unique integration process with the Creator’s soul.

During this communication we wish offer you guidance and techniques that can help you in the transition period before 09/09/09 and the gradually anchoring of the energy of love from 03/09/09 to the climax at 09/09/09.

We are the combined energy of the Creator’s Logoi; we are the Planetary Logos Lord Buddha, the Solar Logos Helios and Vesta, the Galactic Logos Melchior, the Universal Logos Melchizedek, the Multi- Universal Logos and the Cosmic Logos Mahatma. We have gathered our energy as one on the inner planes to create a great source of light that is supportive, powerful and loving. As overseers of the many levels of the Creator’s universe we are each playing a crucial role in anchoring the new energy wave into the Earth.

The energy wave extends from the Creator’s mighty soul as a source or beam of light holding intentions, thoughts patterns and qualities from the mind of the Creator and energy patterns of love from the heart of the Creator. As the beam of light seeps into the cosmic level it is examined and comprehended by the Cosmic Logos Mahatma, who then shares this information and understanding of the energy with all at a cosmic level before allowing the light to continue its journey. The light moves through the Creator’s universe and levels allowing each Logos to gain understanding from the energy, it is akin to accepting their instructions of what their level must achieve to ensure that all aspects of the Creator integrate with and accept the energy of the Creator.

Each level will gain a slightly different comprehension of the energy as they hold a varied vibration of light. As the light anchors into the planetary level much focus is placed on aligning the Earth with the energy coming forth from the Creator’s soul. Many light beings working upon the planetary level devote their energy and concentration to ensuring that all receptive souls of humanity anchor the most appropriate vibration of light into their being, receiving the qualities of the new energy wave that most suit their needs and requirements for their mission and purpose on the Earth. The light and qualities of the new energy wave are anchored into the air that humanity breathes. The air that you breathe already holds vibrations of love from the previous energy wave in 08/08/08; now as we approach the new energy wave the air of the Earth will become luminous especially after 09/09/09.

It is therefore important to focus on your breathing and to understand that even when you focus on meditating within the light of the energy wave it is your breathing that will act as a tool of alignment and a process of anchoring new vibrations into your physical body to support the expansion and development of your soul. It is essential that from the date of anchoring and even beyond the date of climax of the energy integrating with the Earth that you take time each day with the intention of breathing in the energy, vibration, light and consciousness of the new energy wave. Allow your breathing to be deep and expansive and imagine that the light of the energy wave is flowing naturally and easily into your being. This will assist you immensely.

Much focus is dedicated to the integration of the new energy wave as every soul on the inner planes understands that this is a wonderful and unique opportunity to accept a deeper bond with the Creator and a new perspective of the Creator. The 09/09/09 energy wave allows all upon the Earth and within the Creator’s universe to accept a new upgrade of energy together as one. This is very powerful as it is a definite step forward for all up the spiritual ladder to aid ascension. As souls throughout the Creator’s universe accept the energy of love they create a powerful source of light which will awaken others souls to the love of the Creator and assist in a new shift in energy, which is most needed.

As we gather on the inner planes, the six Logoi of the six levels of the Creator’s universe, we are deciphering the energy into wisdom and vibrations for each level to accept but we are also creating a powerful soul of light for all to draw upon. We wish to assist in the alignment of the new energy wave with the Earth, because we realise that when humanity’s energy vibration rise, this influences and accelerates the growth of the Creator’s universe and soul aspects.

The new energy wave is known as the ‘Energy Wave of Acceptance,’ it is an upgrade in the energy of love from the 08/08/08 Energy Wave of Abundance. The new energy wave of love holds the qualities of acceptance, unconditional love and balance. It is these qualities that the Creator wishes all to anchor into their being and reality over the year to come, while also existing as these sacred qualities in manifestation on the Earth. The energy of abundance has anchored and will continue to anchor through the new energy wave but the lessons that the new energy wave brings forth are of loving yourself and others unconditionally, existing harmoniously within your energy even if chaos occurs around you and understanding that detachment must be practiced to allow old energies, unneeded patterns or habits to drift away.

The energy wave also holds a high vibration of acceptance which is to encourage all to open their hearts, souls and minds to the Creator in order to receive new experiences of integration, new energies and enlightenment as a constant flow free from blockages. The energy of love wishes to create a greater freedom in the energies of humanity but this is combined with a new level of discipline and mastery.

The 09/09/09 energy is extremely powerful, its teachings are simple but will anchor into your life new challenges to allow you to anchor a new level of unconditional love and an understanding of how to act and exist as unconditional love. It will assist you in receiving challenges that increase your confidence and courage in accepting guidance, energy and consciousness, thus awakening you further, but it will also activate a powerful healing process. This healing process will allow you to accept cleansing energies but will predominantly place you in control of your own healing and rejuvenation process as you will have to identify the energies in your life that are no longer needed, holding the attention of releasing them eternally, free from regret doubt or fear. In truth through this teaching you will access a new level of mastery from within your being.

It is essential to understanding the lessons and teachings that the new energy wave may bring forth to you but it is important to realise that because each person is achieving different goals and holds varied vibrations of light while in existence on the Earth, every person will experience the energy and quality of the Energy Wave of Acceptance in diverse ways and forms. It is important for you to ask your soul what the new energy wave means to you and how it may influence your reality as this will help you to prepare for the new energies of love that will be anchored into all aspects of your being and reality on the Earth.

As the energy begins to anchor into the Earth on 3rd September 2009 in preparation for the climax of energy on 9th September 2009, we wish to offer you two practices that you can complete to ensure your alignment with this energy and to guarantee that you receive the support that you need.

First we wish for you to invoke the body of love from the six logoi to anchor into your being,

‘Overseen by my guides and my soul I ask to form an alignment with the Creator’s six loving Logoi of the Creator’s universe. Please channel your supportive energy and love into my entire being to prepare me for anchoring the New Energy Wave of Acceptance. I ask that you anchor into my being and soul your body of love to boost my love, light and consciousness quotient. I am open and receptive to your love and ask you to act as a guiding light in my life assisting me with every step of my path to greater integration with the Creator’s soul. I am ready for my love upgrade. Let it be.’

Simply allow yourself time to connect with our energy, allowing it to flow into your being. If the energy becomes too intense for you ask for the vibration of light that you are receiving to be lowered to the most appropriate level. Achieving this each day will assist you greatly even after the climax of energy on 09/09/09.

The second practice that we wish to share with you is to begin a gradual process of anchoring of the New Energy Wave of Acceptance; this can be completed from 03/09/09 until 09/09/09. You may wish to use the invocation below to assist you in achieving this practice.

‘I invoke the energy and support of the six sacred Logoi of the Creator’s universe. Please begin my alignment with the New Energy Wave of Acceptance. Anchor into my being a small amount of the loving energy and qualities, gradually building the intensity each day so that the new energy may anchor into my being slowly and steadily over a period of time, to ensure that a new sense of balance is accepted and gained within my being. Allow me to begin to feel the new energy of love while embark on comprehending its meaning within my reality. I am open and receptive to a gradual integration with the Energy Wave of Acceptance. Let it be.’

Sit peacefully within meditation and allow yourself to feel the energy vibrations, qualities or loving light of the new energy wave. Your experiences with the energy should build each day as you draw closer to 09/09/09.

We hope that you will accept our wisdom and guidance, understanding that we are here to assist you at all times, you may call on our energy and help whenever you wish to, we are a constant source of support and reassurance for all.With an abundance of love,

The Six Logoi, Planetary Logos Lord Buddha, the Solar Logos Helios and Vesta, the Galactic Logos Melchior, the Universal Logos Melchizedek, the Multi- Universal Logos and the Cosmic Logos Mahatma

Best wishes and blessings, Natalie More information concerning the New Energy Wave for Acceptance has been channelled from Lady Pallas Athena and can be download from The Sacred School of Om Na, please visit http://www.omna.org/Monthly_Enlightenment_Page1.html

Last Few Places remain! For the New Wave for Ascension Channelled Workshop, 5th September 2009, book now at- http://www.wisdomofthelight.com Sacred School of Om Na-Channelled downloads written and mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity. Visit http://www.omna.org For the latest news visit my website http://www.natalieglasson.com For pasted messages please go to http://www.wisdomofthelight.com/Message_Archive.html

http://www.wisdomofthelight.com http://www.omna.org http://www.natalieglasson.com http://www.cosmic-order.com http://www.pendants-of-power.com "From the divine within me I honour the Master, I honour the Soul and Love of my being" A gift to all from Master Joshua David Stone, Chohan of the Second Ray of Light
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Re: 9-9-9

Post by texino »

Deep Knight claims
I've never known a tin-smith's daughter, I didn't burnish her sheet metal "down there," and besides she asked me to do it, honest. Perhaps you're thinking of the tin-foil hatter..
Well of course you haven't "known" her since her father has you spot welded in a rather rude position in his "Smithy" quite near a trip-hammer. Don't worry, I'll write you out of trouble because this tale takes place in the antipodes and the main purpose of the story is the chance to use the line "G'day Good Knight"

An aside to your story about The DOO and 9/11 I find her attachment to Greenspan a tad ironic as he was FED Chairman for c. 100 years &c. Go Figure
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El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina