Wanta Update

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Deep Knight
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Wanta Update

Post by Deep Knight »

Want a Wanta update? Christopher Story has done a 180 on “Ambassador” Wanta since he didn’t pay back his $35,000 loan. He raves on about it and other stuff (which he must believe is linked, but…) for 45 pages, which you can see at the link below (this and an “update” are also linked to by Bellringer, which is how I found it).

http://www.worldreports.org/news/232_wa ... rom_within

Leo/Lee Emil Wanta is a long-range German penetration agent. It is neither here nor there whether he is sitting in a suite in the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City, in a safe house in Wisconsin, or else in a safe house in California. His primary contacts are German or Austrian: Herr Gerald Salchert , who collected him from jail shortly after 9/11; Mr Steven Goodwin, his Attorney, who was born in Dusseldorf, Germany; Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, born in Austria; and most importantly of all, George H. W. D. V. D. Bush Sr., who is the head of the long-range pan-German strategic deception agency [Abwehr], based in Dachau, Germany, which is bent on 'Building the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States', as confirmed in documents seized by the Allies at the end of the Second World War.

Leo/Lee Wanta answers the telephone in German, spells the word 'Telephone' thus: TELEFON, and masquerades behind a perpetual fog of FAKE AMERICANA, wrapping himself in the flag, drooling over 'Apple Pie Americanism' in his emails and posted communications, and generally overplaying his hand by using words like 'lawful' which should be unnecessary, as everything we do MUST be lawful, there being NO CREDIT for operating within the law.

This report is timed to EXPOSE WANTA as a long-range penetration agent working for Bush Sr., who works for America's secret, determined long-range enemy bent on wreaking revenge for its defeat in two World Wars, Germany; and to remind all concerned that this man is a convicted felon who steals money and has stolen funds (such as this Editor's $35,000 fund which purchased his freedom from probation) despite his unresolved status as a felon.

He is 100% untrustworthy, lies through his teeth, changes his mind every five minutes, enters into financial obligations that he cannot at the time of making them fulfil (FRAUD IN THE INDUCEMENT) and has deceived everybody, including this Editor.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should Wanta be paid a single red cent.

Story's Third Law prescribes that 'Sooner or later, all covers and operations are blown'. We hereby BLOW WANTA'S COVER AND DEMAND THAT THE U.S. AUTHORITIES STOP SHELTERING THIS TRAITOR. Wanta doesn't work for the United States.

It follows that all the above, and all elements of the US structures that have continued the 9/11 cover-up, are co-conspirators in mass murder and have blood on their hands. If CIA-‘President’ Obama-Soetoro were genuine, and not a controlled operative-puppet of the criminalized, money-chasing and murderous Intelligence Power (with apologies to its ‘white hats’ if such phenomena exist these days, which we doubt), he would have dropped everything on assuming power and his first job would have been to demand, even at the risk of his own life, a proper, public accounting of the 9/11 mass murder, orchestrated at the behest of George, H. W. D. V. D. Bush Sr.. But he didn’t. He’s done nothing but connive in the cover-up, like his predecessor who presided over it.

Given this explosive state of affairs, the pressure which will cause this abomination to ‘blow’ continues to accumulate, and sooner or later will result in the ‘take-down’ of all the perpetrators and those media whores, such as Rupert Murdoch and his like, who are parties to the cover-up. We know of one US broadcasting organisation which accepted a ‘funny money’ bribe of $1.68 billion to bury everything that we ourselves have published on this subject: and likewise with others.

Like plutonium, public lies have a half-life, and decay over a period of time. In our long experience, the average half-life of a public lie is about seven years. It is eight years since 9/11, so the time is ripe for wholesale exposure: which is why the recycling of this CIA LIE is so important.

• What does this tell you? Work it out for yourself! Mr Wanta KNEW ABOUT 9/11 IN ADVANCE of the event, and they had to make sure that he didn't spill the beans because of his dissatisfaction at the way he had been treated. SO THEY HAVE EXPLOITED THE DATE OF THE EDITOR'S LOAN PAYMENT, WHICH OBTAINED WANTA'S EXIT FROM PROBATION (gaining him five years and two weeks, to be precise, as his scheduled probation end-date had been 28th November 2010), TO COVER UP THE FACT, EXPOSED BY THIS LIE, THAT THE C.I.A. AND THE U.S. GOVERNMENT KNEW ALL ABOUT 9/11 BEFORE IT HAPPENED. Because as Leo/Lee Wanta, who worked for the Government and the Bush Crime Syndicate, knew about 9/11 BEFORE the event, SO DID THE U.S. GOVERNMENT and the CIA. If you think this is DYNAMITE, you are 100% ACCURATE. (1)

When elements of the Dark Forces get caught out, THEY BECOME NERVOUS AND RATTLED. We can advise you that this is what occurred after we posted the above Update. To assert that certain parties were ‘furious’ would be a mild description of their reaction. One can understand that, given the Misprision of Felony Statute [see below], there are good reasons for their anger. How DARE some nasty, British investigative reporter find them out!

As indicated, Wanta has failed to repay the Editor’s $35,000 plus interest and has taken NO STEPS to rectify this omission. He has not written to the Editor to explain his default. In June 2006, he left a couple of angry messages on our voicemail (both of which we have recorded and made hard copies of), in one of which he said that ‘the reason you haven’t been repaid IN FULL is that…’. But the Editor hasn’t been repaid AT ALL!

• The man is absolutely unreliable, twists facts to suit his own preferences, routinely engages in gratuitous deception, changes his mind all the time, and makes things up as he goes along.

Nor is this the first time that Wanta has stolen comparatively small sums of money. The Editor has on file a communication from another party who complained that he lent Mr Wanta $25,000, which Wanta stole. When the party who lent the money phoned Wanta to demand his repayment, Wanta feigned that he could not continue the conversation because his communications were bugged, and abruptly terminated the call.

When Mr Szymanski reiterated this LIE having been asked by the Editor to make the necessary correction, the Editor exposed his uncooperative and aberrant behaviour on this website. It so happened that the Editor’s report in question was finalised and posted on a Sunday. Within about 45 minutes, Szymanski revealed his true nature – dispatching an angry email to the Editor along the following lines: ‘How DARE you libel me! I have my lawyers working 24/7 to take you to court!’

• However lawyers’ offices tend to be closed on Sundays.

What can be observed (the small thefts being proven ‘wildcard’ exceptions that simply illustrate that Wanta is a criminal, untrustworthy thief who cannot be trusted even with small amounts) is that Wanta, who indeed ‘works for’ George H. W. D. V. D. Bush Sr., FACILITATES the stealing of funds by the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate, of which, it transpires, Wanta is and has always been, an active component – as well as being treated, from time to time, like dirt by Godfather Bush Sr. and his associates (which is typical of these amoral and ruthless intelligence rats).

The Editor recalls an occasion in 2005 when, visiting Wanta in Wisconsin, Wanta arrived very late for his appointment at the hotel. When entering the Editor’s hotel room, he immediately proffered a tattered ‘devotion sheet’ to the Editor containing prayers to the Virgin Mary. His excuse for being late was that he had been detained by his ‘devotions’.

However by that time, the Editor had sent him a copy of The New Underworld Order wherein, in the extensive chapter headed ‘Angels of Light’, he had completely debunked and demolished the false religion of Rome, based on the Editor’s detailed knowledge of Scripture given that he is now in his eleventh year of reading the complete King James version of the Bible every year.

If Wanta were genuine, and had done his homework, he would have been aware that presenting the Editor with a tattered sheet of prayers by rote to the Virgin Mary would not impress. One might as well address one’s prayers to a lamp post. There is only one intercessor for all of us, namely Jesus Christ. Obviously, the CIA profile of the Editor as someone who is impressed by religiosity, urgently needs revision. As for Leo/Lee Wanta’s excuse for being late on that occasion, he could have postponed his ‘devotions’ until after the meeting.

In the view of VERY senior US intelligence sources who understand the gravity of this crisis, Wanta is a grievous ‘enemy within’ – a Financial Terrorist who, while falsely purporting to epitomise the image of a diehard American patriot, is in fact criminally engaged in facilitating, aiding and abetting the destruction of America by endlessly conspiring to divert, block and manipulate the Settlements.
His trail of empty email rhetoric, draping himself in the American flag and waffling about ‘Our Great Nation’, publicising Memorial Day or whatever, and issuing sentimental tracts on naïve ‘Americana’, is a ruse and a deception to mask the reality that this man is in fact a vicious enemy of the United States, bent on its total destruction in collaboration with America’s most dangerous enemy of all: George H. W. D. V. D. Bush.

Lenin and Trotsky duplicated everything – in exactly the same way that has developed in the United States and Britain. We have not yet explained this revolutionary methodology in detail. The underlying purpose of superfluous revolutionary duplication is to ensure that the ‘actives’ and criminal operatives stay permanently in control. In Lenin’s hideous Party/State, the structures of the Party and the State were replicated. Therefore, decisions taken by the State structures could be denied or neutralised by contrary decisions taken by Party structures, and vice versa.

• This principle was applied to overt ‘Socialist legality’, so that a ‘freedom’ identified in one clause of a given Article is contradicted in another – exactly the same principle as is routinely applied in the endless stream of sterile Rules and Regulations spewed out by the European Commission for rubber-stamping by the satrap Parliaments of the ‘Member States’.

• Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story's ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. Just press Make a Donation, which is live, and it takes you straight to our ultra-safe ordering system, which accepts Visa and MasterCard. Or press the live Donate link at the top right-hand corner of this page. See also the ADVERTISEMENT below.

• The Editor's $35,000 Wanta bail-out LOAN money plus interest has been stolen. This has not been denied for all the time that this true statement has been posted at this location! Wunderbar!
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Wanta Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'll donate 500,000 Quatloos!
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Wanta Update

Post by Trippy »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'll donate 500,000 Quatloos!
Do you think 1,000,000 copper Libbies would work, too?

Re: Wanta Update

Post by ClemIsBack »

I heard that he stole $30,000 from Roxanne's mom too.

Hey, where's my wallet ?
Deep Knight
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Re: Wanta Update

Post by Deep Knight »

Wanta Responds! Story Raves! Wanta Raves! Thomas E. Henry Raves! A Snake Prince with a Coat on a Hill has Fake Arms!

Don't cha love it when the loons turn on each other?

Sunday 20 September 2009 16:00

• ANNOUNCEMENTS, LEGAL NOTES AND INFORMATION ABOUT INTERNET SECURITY SOLUTION, ETC ARE POSTED AT THE FOOT OF THIS REPORT. A 'Donate' facility has been appended at the TOP RIGHT. See the serials and books catalogues on the Home Page.

The Editor has received the following threatening communication from Thomas E. Henry, on behalf of Mr Wanta, who is the subject of the exposure report below, published by this British Editor and publishing house on this London-based website on 16th September 2009. We have now amended the date of this exposure report to Sunday 20th September 2009.

[We append this information ABOVE the exposure report. Readers who have not yet read the exposure report should read that first, otherwise the relevance of what follows immediately below may not be clear to them at first].

In the exposure report, Mr Wanta is exposed inter alia as a thief and a deceiver who has stolen the monies specified below, including the Editor’s LOAN funds of $35,000 plus interest, and who used the Editor’s platform to wage his campaign for 18 months in 2006-07, issuing instructions to the Editor by facsimile, together with numerous verbal demands, to maximise the potential of publicity available from our platform. This continued until the Editor and others realised they had been used.

We publish herewith verbatim the letter received in its entirety. Non-Wanta information has been cleared from the top of this exposure, and may, as appropriate, be reincorporated in a future report.

• SPECIAL ATTENTION should be paid to the Editor’s response appended immediately following the threatening letter. The content of the Wanta exposure itelf remains unaltered.

Thomas E. Henry
Attorney at Law

September 18, 2009

Christopher Story FRSA,
Editor and Publisher.
International Currency Review,
World Reports Limited,
London and New York.
Via Facsimile: 212-679 1094 and 44 (0)20-7222 3836

Re: Christopher Story publications including but not limited to recent article entitled “WANTA: A FINANCIAL TERRORIST WORKING FROM WITHIN – DEVIOUS FINANCIAL CROOK EXPOSED BY THE MAN WHO BOUGHT HIS FREEDOM” dated Wednesday 16 September 2009 with amendments September 17 & 18, 2009. (Note: Wrongdoing asserted against the editor in this communication should not be considered all inclusive of claims that Lee/Leo Wanta The Principality of Snake Hill and/or any of their respective associates, affiliates, or fiduciary relationships may have against the editor individually or corporately whether in law or in equity).

Dear Mr Story

Please be advised that I have been directed by Lee/Leo Wanta and representatives from The Principality of Snake Hill to demand you immediately and forthwith cease and desist from the publication of false and damaging information regarding either stated party that is clearly and blatantly inaccurate and not substantiated by fact. Your September 16, 17 & 18, 2009 publications make reference to organization affiliation, events and individual associations(s) that constitute libel, slander and exemplifies your negligent and obvious disregard for accuracy and truth. It is the directive and intention of my client(s) to hold you responsible for any and all direct and indirect consequences arising from your total disregard for the truth. Your mention of times, dates, places, location of parties, association of parties and suggestive inferences are fraught with error that cannot possibly be supported by credible evidentiary fact.

As a purported investigative journalist you are congnizant there must be a reasonable and plausible “connect the dots” premise that permits an alleged fact to be used to make another conclusion. Since there is no publication of the substantive basis for any of your purported statements of fact it is suggested and proffered that your misrepresentations and negligent disregard for the truth are derived from misdirected anger and malicious intent to bring harm to innocent third parties.

In your published articles you demonstrate a total and complete disregard for the truth and accuracy of statements, claims and accusations made in your publication. Irrespective of your source of information, a co-conspirator's negligence does not excuse you from exercising reasonable due diligence prior to committing libel, slander, and defamation of character.

In your 16, 17 & 18 September 2009 published articles you ignore seasoned reporter ethical standards and/or you fail to exercise even a smitten degree of professionalism. Your negligent publishing standard succumbs to the antics of tabloid journalism and “yellow journalism”.

You are requested to immediately and forthwith publish a retraction of all references that your claims and representation regarding Lee/Leo Wanta and/or The Principality of Snake Hill are based on evidentiary fact. It is further requested that you make available to myself and/or any reader of your articles all documents and sources of information that you have relied on in authoring the referenced publications.

In your retraction you must identify what is your opinion as apposed [sic] to an alleged evidentiary fact and simultaneously the source, credibility and veracity of the evidentiary alleged fact. I must further advise that irrespective of any published retraction damage has already been realized and will continue and be ongoing.

The accuracy and extent of your retraction may be considered by my clients as an attempt at mitigation. If an acceptable apology for your misguided, inappropriate, negligent and malicious activity is properly and clearly enunciated in any retraction such apology may draw an end to further contact and instruction from my clients,

Time is of the essence. Your immediate attention to the demands and requests made in this letter are expected.

If you decide to ignore my request I would appreciate your consideration in providing me with contact information regarding your legal counsel (representative barrister) to enable further proceedings to be initiated.


Thomas E. Henry

C.c. The Principality of Snake Hill
Ambassador Lee (Leo) E. Wanta

1125 South 79th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124
Tele: 402-614 2057
Cell: 402-680 0509
Fax: 800-418 5873
Colo. Atty. #4504
NE Atty. #11819

Since ‘time is of the essence’, immediate attention has been paid to this letter, which was received on Sunday 20th September 2009, and the Editor responds to this threat as follows:

(1): The writer of the above letter is requested to furnish the Editor of this service promptly with a Notarised copy of Mr Lee/Leo Wanta’s necessary Letter of Accreditation or appropriate document confirming Mr Lee/Leo Wanta’s status as Ambassador of ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’ [a.k.a. ‘The Principality of New Wales’] signed by the present US Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton, whose husband, when President of the United States, had Mr Wanta thrown into jail.

• As he will be aware, Ambassadorships must be confirmed or denied by each successive US Administration.

• As he will also be aware, diplomats protected by the relevant Vienna Conventions are so protected and can neither sue nor be sued.

(2): Absent the necessary prompt disclosure of the above requested Notarised current official US evidence of Mr Wanta’s ‘Ambassadorial’ status, Mr Wanta will necessarily be further self-exposed as an impostor and a deceiver.

(3): Mr Thomas Eugene Henry is NOT an independent Attorney, but on the contrary is an interested party and a possible co-conspirator with Mr Wanta, given that we hold the following evidentiary documents which are reproduced herewith verbatim.

Both documents bear facsimile data referencing the fact that they were faxed ‘From Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta’ on 2008-02-03 [3rd February 2008] from fax # 12023305116:

• Appointment of Mr Thomas Eugene Henry by ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’
as ‘Consul to the People’s Republic of China’:

[Fake ‘Principality of Snake Hill’ ‘coat of arms’]

The Principality of Snake Hill
Certificate of Appointment:

This is to certify that
Thomas Eugene Henry, Esq.
Became the Consul to
The People’s Republic of China
For the Principality of Snake Hill
Today, 28th January, 2008.

[Signed: Paul]
His Royal Highness
Prince Paul
[FACT: The signature of ‘Prince Paul’ appended thereto bears an extraordinarily close resemblance to the handwriting of Mr Lee/Leo Emil Wanta].

• Appointment of Mr Thomas Eugene Henry’s wife by ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’
as Vice Consul General to the People’s Republic of China:

[Fake ‘Principality of Snake Hill’ ‘coat of arms’]

The Principality of Snake Hill
Certificate of Appointment:

This is to certify that
Chong Van (Aileen) Henry
Became the Vice Consul General to
The People’s Republic of China
For the Principality of Snake Hill
Today, 28th January, 2008.

[Signed: Paul]
His Royal Highness
Prince Paul
[FACT: The signature of ‘Prince Paul’ appended thereto bears an extraordinarily close resemblance to the handwriting of Mr Lee/Leo Emil Wanta].

(4): Separately, appointment of Mr Lee Emil Wanta
as ‘Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China’ for ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’:

[Fake ‘Principality of Snake Hill’ ‘coat of arms’]

The Principality of Snake Hill
Certificate of Appointment

This is to certify that
Lee Emil Wanta
Became the Ambassador to
The People’s Republic of China for
The Principality of Snake Hill
Today, 12th November 2007.

[Signed: Paul]
His Royal Highness
Prince Paul
[FACT: The signature of ‘Prince Paul’ appended thereto bears an extraordinarily close resemblance to the handwriting of Mr Lee/Leo Emil Wanta].

The writer of the above letter is requested to furnish the Editor of this service promptly with a Notarised copy of Mr Wanta’s necessary Letter of Accreditation or appropriate official Chinese Government document confirming Mr Wanta’s status as Ambassador of ‘The Principality of Snake Hill’ [a.k.a. ‘The Principality of New Wales’] to the People's Republic of China, and signed by the appropriate Representative of the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

The following issues identified in (1) and (2) above apply in this context:

(a): As he will also be aware, diplomats protected by the relevant Vienna Conventions are so protected and can neither sue nor be sued.

(b): Absent the necessary prompt disclosure of the above requested Notarised current official Chinese Government evidence of Mr Wanta’s ‘Ambassadorial’ status, Mr Wanta will necessarily be further self-exposed as an impostor and a deceiver.

Finally, certain STC regulations preclude the use of FAX MACHINES to perpetrate fraud.

• ANOTHER EMAIL FROM WANTA: In the report below, the Editor lists all the superfluous emails received by him from Wanta between early August and 12th September 2009, stating that the last one received was dated the 12th, which was then true. However a further email surfaced later. Ostensibly provenanced from the fake, virtual 'Principality of Snake Hill Central Bank: Office of the Chairman', with the Baulkham Hills, NSW, Australia, pseudo-address, 'TELEFON' spelt in German and sporting a Washington, DC (202) phone number when in fact Wanta is located in California at the moment, this email engages, as usual, in 'flag-wrapping' [see below], only with very sinister, 'Black', overtones. Specifically, the email celebrates the new US Navy warship USS New York, BUILT FROM 24 TONS OF SCRAP STEEL FROM THE WORLD TRADE CENTER.

The scrap steel from the buildings in which 3000 PEOPLE WERE MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD by these criminals, and used for this new weapon of war (= DEATH), was reportedly melted down at a foundry in Amite, Louisiana. Wanta's email to the Editor celebrates this 'achievement' as something to be immensely proud of, highlighting the USS New York's motto 'Never Forget', and rewriting a Beatitude for good measure: 'Blessed are those who have one hand held by God and the other held by a friend'. One wonders why he doesn't use all this DEAD time to rewrite the Bible, which very clearly he has never read. Anyway, as you will see below, this email kills two Wanta deception cover birds with one stone: (1) The story line entails a 'wrapped in the American flag' dimension; and (2) It embraces the usual element of 'Godbothering', with a Beatitude authored by Leo Wanta.

Memorandum to this inveterate deceiver: Your lies and cover deceptions have been exposed. You need to get yourself some 'replacement cover'. As for your cynical praise for this newest weapon of war constructed out of the scrap steel from the US buildings that were destroyed on 9/11, which you knew about IN ADVANCE, your cynical celebration of DEATH by this means lets everyone know on whose side you operate. When the DVD connection becomes even more common knowledge than is the case already, this celebration of DVDEATH will be seen for the despicable message it is.

Well, that sure cleared things up!
"Follow the Money"