Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »


Casper 9-27-09 #1
Overnight the World Court tried to interfere with deliveries and demanded "no announcements and no charges against the criminals".

Our side told them to "GO TO HELL".

casper 9-27-09 #1

Our side?

casper 9-27-09 #2

The World Court is trying to destroy documents implicating themselves personally and collectively. There are other copies.

They are trying to bribe "our side" with "if come" money from our accounts. No Dice.

They were told announcements and deliveries will be made.

casper 9-27-09 #2

No dice!

casper 9-27-09 #3
Homeland Security is once again threatening to arrest any carrier/cpurier that touches the packs or any person who receives a pack. The Military is again saying we will never receive our packs and that they will help enforce the HLS threats.
We are up against the entire Federal (Corporate) Government all of whom are following OBAMA'S orders.
This also includes regular law enforcement.

It's a Hell-of-a-Day in America when the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels leading the U.S. Military support a criminal enterprise in keeping American Citizens rightful property away from them.
Every man and woman who ever died for our country must be spinning in their graves.

Our side does not possess military weaponry or illegal orders from an unconstitutional President.

Our side is not backing down.

casper 9-27-09 #3

If a cpurier touched my pack, I would have them arrested too. Darn NWO.

casper 9-27-09 #4
There will be a #5 later this evening.
The "new" Japanese Government led by Yukio Hatoyama (elected last week) says he knew nothing about what "rogue elements" of his Government have been doing to block deliveries and that he will deal with them immediately. And, that he will do whatever it takes and see to it the deliveries occur.

The remaining World Court judges have also stepped forward saying they are demanding OBAMA step aside and they will do whatever is necessary to see that deliveries occur.

casper 9-27-09 #4

Whatever it takes is never enough.

casper 9-27-09 #5

WE must withhold details for security reasons. All details withheld are in our favor.

Delivery tomorrow, announcements tomorrow night.

casper 9-27-09 #5

What a weekend?
"Follow the Money"

Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by logicman »

casper the loon broke his all time record of posts per day..Maybe because Monday him and dumbellriinger r going to temple to pray on this Jewish High Holy Day for the actual delivery from the holy of holies..Oops 4got they r blatant anti-semnites..I guess they will try anything to make this happen..Hopefully that sound of lightning has both of them stricken..Amen and good riddance..

Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by ClemIsBack »

Casper went 0 for 5 yesterday on top of his 0 for 800 and still would receive millions
if he were a major league baseball player.

Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Trippy »

Deep Knight wrote:CASPER UPDATES #1-5: SEPTEMBER 27, 2009
-- snip junk --
OOOOPS. Anyone notice how far down the front page of Fourwinds Casper's updates were moved? (I'm sure DingDonger will say he was simply posting more news .... but Casper's updates have ALWAYS been near the top, no matter what crap he posts on there.)
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »

Only two today?
casper 10-1-09 #1

Since our last update Tuesday night the packs have gone out for delivery and been pulled back several times. They were out last night for example, but back in place this morning. Then they went out again only to be pulled back this afternoon.

As WE reported once before it is not possible to understand each and every tug on the packs back and forth. Sometimes we know the reason sometimes we don't. The reason this time is because a member of the World Court accepted huge "if come" bribes to pull them back to be paid later from our funds when seized.

They have not succeeded in stealing the funds and WE hear the current problem is being dealt with right now.

casper 10-1-09

In-out in-out over and over again? Bribes “if (they) come?” Something tells me that Casper needs to get laid a lot more than he needs a delivery! WE hear the current problem is being dealt with right now by some girl he knows as "Rosey."

casper 10-1-09 #2

WOW......A Federal District Judge in New Jersey has issued a
Preliminary Injunction to stop mandatory Swine Flu
Vaccinations. The Gov't. will likely have a COMPANY
OWNED Appeals Court Judge reverse the ruling
UNLESS we are about to have the announcements
(return to the Constitution).

Did you catch the announcement last week that AIG will likely be unable to repay the 180B++ of taxpayer funds provided them by the Politicians working for the money trust? Recall that AIG in turn passed the funds to Goldman Sachs (15B) and others. Not to worry, you (we) are still the proud owners of 80% of AIG and as such we are participants in the ongoing payments of massive bonuses and "pass-throughs" of taxpayer funds to favored friends of Ben and Tiny Tim.

Poor Ken Lewis, having paid 3.2 Billion taxpayer dollars to Executives of bankrupt Merrill Lynch he now gets thrown under the bus. How much of that stolen taxpayer money do you suppose is waiting for him after he leaves B.ofA. in December?

Six of nine current Supreme Court Judges are Roman Catholic. The Vatican continues to swing a big stick in Washington.

The new Gov't in Japan calls for a regional Asian Currency and tells U.S. Military to prepare to leave. Plans underway to "retreat" to GUAM. Is this new Gov't. a Bilderberg puppet? ( yes). SUMMERS, OBAMA'S chief financial advisor, certainly is.

After the partial payment of "Tax Receipts" had been frozen and recaptured OBAMA continued to tell allies he still had that money. Lying to his own people.

Did you hear about the latest Chicago/Obama/Vallerie Jarrett/Acorn/Olympic Games Scam? It seems Obama's WIFE and Senior Whitehouse Advisor and Assistant to the President Vallerie Jarrett managed to buy up 86M $$ of slumlord land adjacent to the proposed site for the Chicago Olympics. "Just a coincidence" say the kool-aid drinkers. Acorn also involved.

Are you aware that Asian and Middle Eastern Countries have ordered their Gold, at least what remains of it, pulled out of New York and London?

The "Debt Ceiling", as dictated by Congress, has been raised to more than 12T.

The TARP watchdog says this particular 800B stolen from taxpayers "not likely to be repaid".

Obama couldn't bring himself to speak out on behalf of the Freedom Protesters in IRAN who are now in prison, can't find the courage to back his own General or our troops on the ground in Afghanistan, but now talks tough about sanctions on IRAN. They must be laughing their butts off over there. Israel is not laughing.

MOPE says Sinclair, "Management of Perspective Economics". WE have another name for the outright lies and subterfuge flowing daily from the mouths of every Administration Official----BULLS-----.The derivatives and bad loans are held "off books" by fraudulent accounting practices. They have gone no where.

The "recovery", says Analyst David Roche, will not be "L" shaped or "W" shaped but "TOILET SHAPED".

MICHELLE says she has "sacrificed greatly" to go to Denmark to hustle the Olympics in her taxpayer provided 757 aircraft with OPRAH and the kids. It's a tough life with only twenty something assistants.

casper 10-1-09 #2

The "recovery", says Analyst David Roche, will not be "L" shaped or "W" shaped but "TOILET SHAPED" like Casper’s head. As for 6 of 9 Supreme Court Justices being Catholic, this trend is easily explained by power of “The Black Pope.” For more on this read the Dr. Seus book “White Pope, Black Pope, Red Pope, Blue Pope.” Acorn is also involved, on page 23.
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »

For this one you should be sitting down. Please be seated, preferably on a toilet.

casper 10-6-09

For this one you should be sitting down. Please be seated.

First back then forward.

Remember the big money from Lee in China through Russia for Obama -with Russia playing middleman- in return for Obama dropping the missile shield? Recall the funds never made it ? That was done to "set up" Russia.

Obama dropping the missile shield "set up" Obama.

Packs then went to the Japanese Embassy where Japan and China Hackers tried to break into our accounts? That "set up" Japan and Red China.

Then Brussels came in to "get the deliveries done"? Obama told them we recipients had signed all accounts over to him. Actually they were trying to break into the accounts together and Obama had tricked them into believing they could so Brussels was "set up" in the process.

Then the World Court big-wig comes over "to get deliveries out"? He was corrupt.

Then someone much higher was sent from the World Court "to deal with" the first one and "get the packs out"? Both were working for Senior and had been for years. The first one was "caught" a week ago, the second one was "caught" today and is presently ratting out other allies of Senior.

Senior was working with Red China, the Japan and Russian Mafia's to get their hands on the packs and the funds, the others were pawns of these. The pawns have been captured and are being dealt with.

Senior is now "on the run" but first his allies dropped the word in certain places saying he was "no longer with us" expecting us to report same and provide him with cover while he skedaddled. WE didn't fall for it.

We program participants have been used as guinea pigs through all of this as it was necessary for the packs to go out again and again to "smoke 'em out" so to speak and to identify each and every one involved in stopping deliveries over and over again. All have been "caught".

Meanwhile, unknown to OBAMA, the Olympic Committee never had any intention of awarding the games to Chicago, they intended to accept the massive bribe Obama had promised and then to "stiff" him. Now Treasury has demanded the immediate return of all the stolen money used by Obama, Michelle and Valerie Jarrett to tie up Chicago Real Estate. They can't pay, its tied up in slum property adjoining the proposed Olympic Site.

He can't get the Chinese Mafia money in from Russia in return for canceling the Missile Shield;

He can't get the funds from the Auctions for the last three weeks including yesterday as they are blocked;

He can't get the funds from Red China which have been blocked several days in a row.

He is broke. And "Busted". As are all the others.

The packs are moving again now, WE anticipate deliveries tomorrow.

casper 10-6-09

Don't flush yet, there's part 2!

casper 10-6-09 #2

The trigger packs were out for delivery tonight. They were called back to D.C. by the head of the World Court who is from Japan. Upon arrival in D.C. at 10 p.m. they were carried to the Japanese Embassy and OBAMA ordered Homeland Security to meet them there to provide security.

The rest of the World Court are issuing orders tonight for the packs to be released immediately.

casper 10-06-09 #2
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

After all this constant drivel about how the packs are on their way, then are pulled back for some nefarious reason, and then are reissued, etc. etc. etc., I cannot believe that there are people who still actually believe that the packs exist.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:After all this constant drivel about how the packs are on their way, then are pulled back for some nefarious reason, and then are reissued, etc. etc. etc., I cannot believe that there are people who still actually believe that the packs exist.
Believe it.

The NESARA scam is something very much like my little parable below. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent because these folks are anything but.

Imagine learning about a dating “program” named Omega where you would send $100 to this guy named Clyde Hood who has the inside line on connecting you with really hot super models. Exactly when your date would happen isn’t fixed in stone, but it will be in 8 to 9 months (supermodels of this caliber have filled schedules). 9 months go by, and then every few months you get a message from Clyde or one of his assistants telling you that your date has been delayed because of unforeseen complications, but will be very soon, and the supermodel will be extra hot.

This goes on for a couple of years, then you hear that Clyde has been arrested for a phony dating service scam. However, a bunch of people in like situations online (one named “Dove,” another named “Bellringer”) tell you that this arrest is only because the police are jealous of your good fortune. There’s good news, however, because there’s a secret law that says supermodels have to date you! They also tell you that the extra delay is only making the supermodel hotter because she’s been out of circulation due to the delay and is desperate to meet up with you. You figure, “hey, what the hay, what have I got to lose?” and start reading Dove and Bellringer’s assurances on a daily basis.

Finally, Bellringer refers you to Casper, who tells you that the supermodel is on her way to your house. But then she gets stuck in the mud and doesn’t show. Then, she’s on her way to your door but had to return to wash her hair. This goes on, and on, and on at an almost daily basis, with new characters coming and going, but no supermodels.

Did I mention that you sent the $100 dating membership to Clyde 15 years ago? Yet you sit at home, waiting for the doorbell when you could be out meeting people. Your family and friends think you’re a loon, but you know once this secret law is announced they’ll be sorry! In fact, through your online friends you’ve found someone named Lord Rama who assures you they’ll be arrested for mocking your faith. And he should know, after all he’s a lord. Besides, you just got a string of updates from Casper telling you the supermodel was all the way to your driveway before she had to turn around this time – next time for sure!!!
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Thanks! This will give me something to think about as I sit on my front porch waiting for Her. They promised -- super-duper-PROMISED -- that She would arrive TODAY. :roll: :roll: :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by muertos »

Once again, packies go out, packies go back, important-sounding people (the World Court, the Red Chinese, the Queen of England) drift in and out of the story with absolutely no rhyme or reason, and of course OBAMA is behind everything. A usual day's work at the Casper bullsh*t factory.

What the hell does this mean, though?
For this one you should be sitting down. Please be seated.
Is that because the bullsh*t content of the upcoming "update" is so stunning that you would be knocked off your feet if you read it standing up?

Oh, and I love this one today:
Since the Queen continues to refer to us and those in D.C. as her "subjects" it is being suggested to her this morning that all the D.C. Criminals be hung on the walls of the Tower of London where the "tourist dollars" will quickly solve England's Economic problems.
Yes, I'm sure that will do it.

MAN: Where should we go on vacation this year, honey?
WOMAN: I dunno, where do you want to go?
MAN: How about London?
WOMAN: Nah, too expensive.
MAN: But they're hanging the U.S. Treasury Secretary from the walls of the Tower because he won't implement NESARA!
WOMAN: Oh, well that changes everything! *begins packing*
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by fortinbras »

Oh, and I love this one today:
Since the Queen continues to refer to us and those in D.C. as her "subjects" it is being suggested to her this morning that all the D.C. Criminals be hung on the walls of the Tower of London where the "tourist dollars" will quickly solve England's Economic problems.

Casper claimed today that Queen Elizabeth arrived in DC last night and presumably stayed until morning (DC time) or perhaps is still here. Except that British papers reported that she had a luncheon presentation today for a charity in London (which would have been either dawn in DC or during a trans-Atlantic flight that left DC at dawn).
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Lambkin »

fortinbras wrote:
Oh, and I love this one today:
Since the Queen continues to refer to us and those in D.C. as her "subjects" it is being suggested to her this morning that all the D.C. Criminals be hung on the walls of the Tower of London where the "tourist dollars" will quickly solve England's Economic problems.
Casper claimed today that Queen Elizabeth arrived in DC last night and presumably stayed until morning (DC time) or perhaps is still here. Except that British papers reported that she had a luncheon presentation today for a charity in London (which would have been either dawn in DC or during a trans-Atlantic flight that left DC at dawn).
It's simple: those are body doubles. The real QE2 is at my place tonight.
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I love how these lunatics claim to be hot-wired into the REAL meaning of the U.S. Constitution, while they ignore or dismiss every single court case which explains the genuine meaning. I'd love to hear them explain how the U.S. Constitution would permit criminals convicted of crimes and sentenced to death, in the U.S. to be brought to the UK and executed in a place which has not even been used as a prison in years (I believe that Rudolf Hess was the last one).
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by fortinbras »

Yesterday (Thurs., Oct 8th) Casper reported that Obama was becoming completely hysterical and raving mad at meetings all during that day (Oct 8th). Considering that he was told that day that he had gotten the Nobel Peace Prize -- a tidbit that Casper and his sources 38 levels above the President somehow neglected -- this seems Extremely Improbable.
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »

Lambkin wrote: It's simple: those are body doubles. The real QE2 is at my place tonight.
Sorry, Lambkin, but your QE2 is also a clone. The real one had a tryst with me right before she teleported to that luncheon, and I made her feel like a real woman, not a reptilian shape-shifter like she really is. Too bad, because Deep Knight has a soft spot for scaley green octogenarians.
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

You pull the packies in, you send the packies out,
You pull the packies in, and you shake them all about.
You do the Hocus-Pocus,when you hear old Casper shout.
That's what it's all about.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »

----- Original Message -----

From: "Mark Kabacy"
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 12:36 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Casper Indicates that the Queen is here in Washington Dc talking with Obama. But, checking on many news fronts, not one of them indicated they knew this to be true. They all indicated that this would be front page news if she did arrive, even if it were meant to be under cover. I guess Casper is lying in his Fourwinds 10. com 10-08-09 report. Is this a correct statemtent? How is it that casper knows the queen is here and no other news factions knows about this? Is he just BSing the public with his on-again off-again information?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bellringer" <>
To: "Mark Kabacy"
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

FROM: Anne Bellringer

TO: Mark Kabacy

DATE: Oct. 9, 2009


Dear Mark Kabacy:

We forwarded your letter to Casper. Below is his reply to you.


Anne Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: Casper

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 12:56 PM

Subject: For Mark

Mark,,,"WE" know because we were talking to people sitting next to her in D.C. yesterday. She tried to go "on the air" last night only to have the news stations take orders from Obama not to let it happen just as BECK was not allowed to discuss the vast array of material sent to him. The Q returned to England in the night for a public event she could not get out of and will return today or tonight. The most difficult part of our work has become tolerating people like you who know nothing, have never known anything and have nothing to contribute but opinions born of ignorance.

The most difficult part of his work is tolerating people who write to Bellringer?
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »


----- Original Message -----
From: SM
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 1:21 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Casper is fooling you big time - have you not heard of backy-forthy?

The idea that the Queen would refer to Americans, who have been independent for 230+ years, as her "subjects" is so ludicrous as to be childish.

Does not his constant bashing of Obama ring alarm bells with you?

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Oct. 8, 2009

Dear SM:

You are being played for the fool, if you think the Queen of England does not consider us her "subjects".

Both the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service were established in 1913, as twin corporations under The Crown of England. Through the IRS the Queen, for the past 96 years has collected taxes from her U.S. "subjects". For the past 96 years the Queen has been paid interest money collected by the FRB. She has also been paid money by the 13 families that are the FRB stockholders.

What have you been reading all your life? Casper is bashing no one, my friend. You would be wise to read Eustace Mullins books on the Federal Reserve, "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" Volumes 1 and 2.

Creator God Aton of Light has said "He who has his head stuck in the sand is known as 'Butt-in-skies' ".

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

Creator God said that, huh?

I would call Casper's garbage "childish" also, but have too high a regard for children.
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Deep Knight »

casper 10-8-09 #2

OBAMA and #41, #42 and #43 have been under intense investigation for some time. Today reams and reams and piles and piles of documents were shown to him providing irrefutable proof of their corruption on a scale hardly imaginable. It was so bad OBAMA left the room and was spotted walking the Whitehouse grounds.

Mid day reports of 27T missing from Treasury were increased to 38T late in the day. Obama is said to have gone stark raving mad in meetings which are continuing tonight. He has threatened each of us with "elimination" if we access a package. He says this is his country, we and the packs belong to him and he will run things as he sees fit and ordered all present to get out of his country. He says these packages will never be delivered as long as he is alive. Late in the day we were hearing the "Suitcase" was being opened at that time apparently in the meetings. WE sometimes say "things couldn't get more intense" only to be surprised by what happens next. Things have never been more intense than they are right this minute. WE are holding back, not telling everything regarding the unbelievable threats he is making up there tonight. It would make your skin crawl. WE have known about this man's craziness for a long time and we have not been bashful about reporting what you may have viewed as political commentary or exaggeration. WE were not exaggerating then and it is far worse than we have ever reported before. A rabid dog has been cornered.

As you already know the media has been bribed, threatened and ordered by Obama not to report any part of what is really going on. There are ways to bring pressure upon them and that is being done. WE hear it is possible there might be a media surprise even tonight.

Our side is not backing down. He has been told the deliveries will occur and the announcements and exposures will also occur.

Finally, the world appears to have had enough of the corruption coming from the Corporate Criminals in D.C.. A fight of enormous proportions and import is ongoing as we speak. Keep your eyes and ears wide open.
casper 10-8-09 #2

Well, they threatened Obama and he didn't give in, so now they've struck. Let him try to explain away getting a Nobel Prize! That'll show him!
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Re: Casper Has a 5 Update Day

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

----- Original Message -----

From: "Mark Kabacy"
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 12:36 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Casper Indicates that the Queen is here in Washington Dc talking with Obama. But, checking on many news fronts, not one of them indicated they knew this to be true. They all indicated that this would be front page news if she did arrive, even if it were meant to be under cover. I guess Casper is lying in his Fourwinds 10. com 10-08-09 report. Is this a correct statemtent? How is it that casper knows the queen is here and no other news factions knows about this? Is he just BSing the public with his on-again off-again information?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bellringer" <>
To: "Mark Kabacy"
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

FROM: Anne Bellringer

TO: Mark Kabacy

DATE: Oct. 9, 2009


Dear Mark Kabacy:

We forwarded your letter to Casper. Below is his reply to you.


Anne Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: Casper

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 12:56 PM

Subject: For Mark

Mark,,,"WE" know because we were talking to people sitting next to her in D.C. yesterday. She tried to go "on the air" last night only to have the news stations take orders from Obama not to let it happen just as BECK was not allowed to discuss the vast array of material sent to him. The Q returned to England in the night for a public event she could not get out of and will return today or tonight. The most difficult part of our work has become tolerating people like you who know nothing, have never known anything and have nothing to contribute but opinions born of ignorance.

The most difficult part of his work is tolerating people who write to Bellringer?
It is to laugh. If it were constitutionally possible for a U.S. President to order a radio station not to allow anyone on the air, there would be a LOT of out-of-work right-wingnuts today (and there would have been corresponding unemployment of left-wingnuts during the previous administration.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools