Equinox Ascension

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

If you’ve been following the “Deliveries Yesterday” thread you know that we’re said to have undergone ascension and first contact last week during the equinox. Videos and pictures were taken, but unfortunately the area was so remote it will take years to get them to civilization, or something like that. Yeah, sure. Anyway, what Mark H. and Beth have been posting (I would say “for Lord Rama and Lady Tara” but it appears there are some schisms in their group) instead follows.

Beth and Mark visited the Mars Council.

Subject: Visit to Mars

We jump to a shuttle craft driven by Ashtar and in the jump seat is KOS. They take us into an inner tunnel at Mars. We see in the distance a domed city, a very, very tall, dome on the interior core of Mars. A door on the side of the dome opens and we are allowed access. The architecture in the City here is minimalist and futuristic.
There are floating oasis' with water and green plants. The structures they float on are artificial but the living things are natural. Sunlight is tunneled in from the surface and the dome city is full with sunlight. We enter a building which has no outer distinguishable characteristics.
Inside is a meeting room with large monitor screens surrounding the table and chairs on all walls. These monitors are connected to the Ships. There is a Galactic Federation Symbol on the wall of the room.
There we meet Commander Korton and Commander Mon-Ka, the Mars Council, Ashtar and KOS.

Commander Mon-ka speaks~
Dear Friends,
You have been expanding your understanding of higher dimensions. You know a little about parallel Planets and you have been exploring stair-stepping the dimensions and also Higher Octaves.
In exploring these ideas, minds have expanded to a place where we may talk to you about how things really are. In preparation for First Contact, one must expand and mature their thoughts regarding how things work. When your Hubble Telescope views and photographs Mars, it is sending back 3D photos of a burned up shell of a Planet.

Long ago there was a 'change point' at which time the people and the Planet of Mars evolved into a Higher Dimension.
When you link with us OOB, as now, you are linking with us in a parallel dimension, a Higher Dimension.
As Earth ascends-- as do the individuals on Earth--all who choose to ascend, will travel through the 'change point' on Earth.
You are traveling through this now, it is a process. Everything you have been discussing of late regarding Earth changes, individual ascension, as well as politics, world peace, end of pollution, eradication of disease, and the end of financial slavery and bringing justice to all, lead up to moving through the 'change point' for Earth.
When NESARA is announced it is a beginning of change, not an end of the old regime. It is a beginning of living on the parallel Earth, the Higher Dimensional Earth. It is what you have been calling the Master Plan or the New Plan.

The Face on Mars is an implosion of our Gateway Temple, it is the face of Creator. Earth going through this 'change point' means... it is moving to a Higher Octave.
Earth will remain the same, only it will be perceived from a Higher Frequency.

Those not ascending will not join Terra Nova. They will instead go to a Planet in a parallel dimension of a different frequency. Nothing is lost.
*** *** ***

Now-- here in this meeting point-- in this room, we are not speaking to you from the old shell of the 3D Mars perceived by your current technology, no.
You are seeing us in a meeting place which is on the parallel Mars, in a Higher Frequency.

We greet you with cheers of celebration. We are very pleased you are able to perceive us this way now. A large number of you are asking for change and able to understand how things truly exist in this Cosmos.

We on Mars continue to work and evolve in our underground domed city. We, along with 10 other Planets-- in various phases of ascension-- along with the 12 Planets which make up your local system, are participating in the plan for terraforming Mars back to its Pristine condition.

We Planets have a long history of telepathic communication. We also traveled in spacecraft to Earth and stars and the 12 Planets in our local system. There were times after Earth became inhabited with dense form humans that our relations were not always civil. We are evolving past that time now. I work with the Galactic Federation as a protector of Earth. I work on the Saturian Council and work closely with the Ashtar Command in furthering Earth's Master Plan for Ascension. All of the Planets in our 'time space realm' are firing up our crystalline cores and preparing for the Great Shift back to love. Everything you are experiencing on Earth, we too are experiencing in our own way. Everything you do effects us. If you are successful, so are we, we cannot abide a failure. There is a joint effort from the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds to see to it that nothing stands in the way of Earth Ascension. This is a very exciting time, and we all celebrate with you.

I am working with Sanat Kumara from Shamballa using their Hall of Records. It is here that we have digital records of every human on Earth. We work with Commander Soltec who heads up all Intergalactic Communication. We join our work with the Silent Watcher on the 172 Dimension with their communication system. Ashtar links into them with Hatonn and the Protection Forces. ALl of these share Intel with KOS and Korton, Commanders of the Protective Forces of Earth. They work with the Cosmic Secret Service. You have heard of Project Blue Beam and FOBOS, the artificial satellite as well as secret satellite stations and on and on. Ashtar and his Protective Forces have dismantled or neutralized all of the mentioned negative nanite technology and systems put into place as a subversive measure to Earth Ascension. These negative influences have been removed and the final tipping point are arrests. We require all negative influences, all those involved in deception, greed, genocide, injustice, to be removed as they are not able to ascend into the parallel frequency with Earth. In the words of KOS "It is happening now".
Bless You All! We rejoice in your Knowing!

Beth and Mark visited the Moon with Korton and Metatron explained mo

Beth and Mark visited the Moon with Korton and Metatron explained more about Earth Moon, Luna.

From Metatron~ 9/27, updated on 9/29/09:

The Earth Moon, called Luna, is an artificial space satellite. It is not a celestial body.
It was brought here by the Orions' as a piece of artificial intelligence.

The moon now holds several Army bases and recreation sites for ET visitors.

The Zeta Reticulans have also had habitations on the moon.

There are domed structures built on the dark side of the Moon. There have been photographs taken of these.

There have been both actual and also fake landings on the Moon.

At the time of the first space landings, negative ETs felt it was a bad idea to have man join them on the Moon.
These ETs have been working for eons of time with the dark hats of Earth to control the population in different ways. The dark ETs on the Moon worked with their partners on Earth to control all science and technology on Earth, to help keep humans in slavery. They have worked with the Secret Government to have mind control in many forms over Earth inhabitants. This is all coming to an end. Ashtar is seeing to it, along with many working in partnership with the Galactic Federation.

There will be a New Moon added to our Moon, Luna. This will be a celestial body made up of particles from the astroid belt, through galactic Terra-forming technologies.

The old moon will remain as it is... with a few adjustments. All of the negative ETs will be removed form the Moon Surface and their outposts will be dismantled.

* Mark:
Much of this is complete now.

There is currently a negative ET Programing pulsing out from Moon which is responsible for lunar cycles. This effects the sea tides, and the menstrual cycles.

When the final ETs are removed, this negative programming will be abolished. With the new, terraformed, second Moon, there will be a balance of phasing, and the menses will no longer be necessary for any women.

The new additional Moon will come to Terra Nova to balance out the growth cycles, the magnetic poles and a constant worldwide temperature will be a result. Other positive changes will be the end of reproductive ovulation and cycle timing. This is a condition that was held in the 3rd dimensional body. When the Anunnaki placed implants into the fallen human race, the goal was to block all connections to Source and co-creation.

They attempted to create slaves who had as little connection to Source as possible, without completely destroying them. These implants were not included on the level of the 2nd Chakra. This left the sexual drive in place and the ability to experience bliss through orgasm. In addition to this, an artificial pulsing went out from the Moon creating a 28 day cycle. The goal was to have humans desiring as much 2nd chakra contact as possible for the purpose of procreation.

The Church reinforced the necessity to marry and have many children. Attempting to limit offspring was forbidden as a sin against God. All of this was the dream come true, the way to bliss through marriage and compliance with producing more servants to the Anunnaki. This is what was programmed into the Earth human. We have worked hard to dissolve the old programming and awaken as many as possible to higher beliefs.

The New Moon will balance growth cycles, create a peaceful temperate environment across the planet, and completely abolish the need to bear and have children, as those in the animal kingdom do. The possibility of having a child born into the physical from the realm of light will now be the norm.

This means that... couples of all ages... will be able to bring children into the world. All children will be wanted prior to coming to Earth. This will be an avenue for the Highest Light Beings to take on a human form and enter Terra Nova for the purpose of bringing Higher Gifts to Earth and advancing her even further, in a short period of time.
This is possible today, we are on Terra Nova. The Crystalline Body coherently supports this light co-creation.

We know that many other Planets have more than one moon and now Earth will also. This is what makes all the other necessary changes possible. Having only one Moon is an imbalance which must be corrected to have harmony on Earth.

Once set into the Universal Grid, it will effect a balanced change on everything within your local solar system.
These changes are underway now and... will be in place within the next few years.

Venus and Ceres are also here, Lady Venus speaks:

This information has to come to light so that woman come into the knowing that the moon phase has been there to keep them in economic slavery and this has been used far too long by the darkness to keep woman away from their Divine Birthright of co-creation. There has been a worldwide climate of responsibility of offspring falling on woman ill equipped to be responsible for this. Naturally this leads to under educated children, perpetuating slavery in menial work. This is what has allowed the apparent riches of the world to go to a small few.

All of the inner turmoil of this has created sexual diseases that are deadly. Not only that, but perpetuation of AIDS has made children, orphans, as their parents died off, and has turned the Mother's breast milk into a killer toxin. We mention these things to bring them to the surface for clearing and blessing.

We acknowledge them, we give thanks for the lesson's learned, we bless them as they are dissolved forever. This process brings a balance of the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine. We send all the issues surrounding this love and only love as we evolve past the old imbalance of masculine/feminine co-creative balance.
~Lady Master Venus.

Now, those reports were a whole lot better than photographic or video evidence, weren't they? Proof positive! Makes you feel like you're in front along the 50 yard line of ascension, huh?
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Wow -- the brown acid must be especially potent, these days.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

Mark Huber - Mother Sekhmet Telecall - Oct 1/09 Complete

Audio: 6 parts, including Mark's, Beth's, Kau'ila's reports and the live King of Swords channeling. Go to
Thank you, Kauila!


KATHY/PA: We’ve all been talking about this space syrup and it went through a lot of us here on the call and I started using that and I wanted to learn if anybody else is having any success with it or any thoughts about it. I just made another batch today and even though it has things like cayenne pepper in it and asafetida which has a pretty bad smell actually, I think it tastes pretty good and I’m taking it every day, a tablespoon, so I just thought I would say that because when we start sharing some of these products, I would like to hear after the fact what the experiences are out there with it. So just putting it out there for anybody that wants to share their experience with that.

MARIETTA: Well Kathy, did you say you’re taking a tablespoon? The recipe I have says take a teaspoon a day.

KATHY/PA: I am taking a tablespoon..

MARIETTA: Okay. All right, you’re going to be 3 times as healthy as everybody else. Anybody else want to speak about the space syrup?

JACKIE: I haven’t used the syrup, but I thought the asafetida was optional so I guess my question is what is the benefit of the asafetida? If anybody knows the answer to that question.

KATHY/PA: It definitely is optional, Jackie, but I can’t say what the benefits are, but if someone says put it in and its optional, it means it probably belonged in there. But it has a pretty rank odor and it’s really rank actually so you want to make sure it is tightly closed; but since it’s optional you don’t have to use it, but I do.

BIGWILL: I would like to add to that, Jackie. It is also very, very expensive and that’s why it is optional.

ANGELSUE: It can help stabilize your mental health. It has been used for centuries to calm the nerves and reduce anxiety. In fact, in the 1800s, it was the most commonly prescribed herb for this type of problem, and with the advent with modern medicine, many herbal remedies were tossed by the wayside. If you are battling high cholesterol, it can help reduce that to a healthy number. It is the main ingredient in Worcestershire Sauce so you might want to consider adding that to your plate when you are having a fatty meal. It can help relieve problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. It reduces the gas in your digestive system. It is also a reliable method for killing off intestinal parasites such as worms, and a natural way to relieve the body of parasites without the painful side effects. Now that is a valuable tool. Also it can be used to treat insect bites and repel the insects that are doing the biting. You just need to use an ointment or cream that contains some of the asafetida to treat your skin, and as Kathy said, I think somebody awhile back said it’s like stinky feet so it keeps the bugs at bay and maybe people you don’t want around you too. It’s also a helpful remedy to relieve coughing problems like bronchitis or whooping cough. It relieves the spasms in the airway that cause the coughing in the first place, but it shouldn’t be taken by women who are pregnant. It could cause a miscarriage. It can affect your hormonal cycle so it may not be the best choice if you’re having problems, but for most people this is a great solution for many, many symptoms that we do not want to manifest, so [that's the] end of what I researched on the Internet.

FEMALE CALLER: I found it [asafetida] very cheap on the Internet.

MARIETTA: How much?

FEMALE CALLER: $5 for about a pound of it.

MARIETTA: I hope it is pure.

MALE CALLER: If you buy it at an Indian grocery store it will be much cheaper than regular stores.

MARIETTA: That’s a good suggestion because that is where it came from to begin with.

MALE CALLER: Right. It tastes like eggs. We use it to cook with. In a lot of recipes it will give it more of an eggy flavor. Higher [inaudible] medicine uses it also.

BIGWILL: I would like to give the recipe for the space syrup and for those who want it, they can write it down.

Space Syrup Recipe
2 teaspoons of diced fresh garlic
3 tablespoons of olive oil
5 tablespoons of pure clover honey
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
¼ teaspoon asafetida (optional)
1/4 cup of strong green tea (freshly made)

FEMALE CALLER: Did you put the cayenne pepper in there Big Will?

BIGWILL: Yes, I put the cayenne pepper in mine, yes.

ANGELSUE: I might suggest, if you have any Michael King’s pyro clay or Dr. Colla’s monatomic, put a little of that in there also and that’s going to enhance and multiply the frequency big time. I have found, as a testimonial, if I have an achy place, then I just rub a little essential oil over it, (a tiny drop or so) of the space syrup. These are high frequency tools if you add that in whether you have a little bit of structured water or whatever with your tea, it is going to amp the energy up and I found extra benefit from it.

MARIETTA: I suggest using nano water when making the tea, that might be helpful.

FEMALE CALLER: I just wanted to say that asafetida is a Tibetan spice. It comes from Tibet. That has to do with the high energies. It’s for meditation, I don’t know how to put it. It’s used by Tibetan Monks to make the pathway clear for raising your vibration. [inaudible]


RAMA: Greetings everyone. The events are unraveling as usual in a most magical way on this first day of the Crystal Year of 2010 according to the KOS. The [inaudible] station and games that are being played that are still out there, where the 160 note holders have still not been paid, and it all has to do with the games that are still going on. The KOS said St. Germain is calling the shots and the way it’s being put to me is all of the hoopla is about the fact that there is a black man in the White House and people do not like that one bit.

TARA: Well, I think if they would look at their humor and think about the last white man in the Black House, they would be very appreciative of the change.

RAMA: Correct. The way the KOS put it to me today is the ships continue to show up, unprecedented, uncloaked all over the planet and this is just non-stop. The energies are lifting higher and higher and higher with the frequencies. People are becoming more and more aware. Even Joe the Plumber is starting to question his reality because he is getting a wakeup call in the fact that maybe he doesn’t want to do plumbing anymore. Maybe he would like to be an engineer on the Engineering Deck.

TARA: On the New Jerusalem you mean?

RAMA: Could be.

TARA: That’s nice, but I don’t know.

RAMA: What is unfolding on a most incredible journey is the fact that all of this has come full circle and it has to do with the fact that the Sirian Commander [President Barack Obama] is doing the job that he has to do [and was assigned to] over a thousand years ago. To get this country, to get this planet, back on track. The way it is being put on all levels, the fact of the matter is that we are ever closer to First Contact anytime, anywhere. The race is on in the sense, going to open their yaps and start talking about First Contact. Who's first? Is it going to be China, is it going to be France, is it going to be US? My bets are on Obama. Dr. Greer said it on 9/10, the day before 9/11 this year, all we have to do is stand down with all the weapons of mass deception, [and] invite our galactic friends to the table so we can discuss the next step. Free energy, free awareness of being you and me without the veil, and things will go at light speed.

TARA: Well, also the KOS left another text message today and encouraged us to get back home. That’s good. That means that the actions now of this day represent a change towards our blessings coming and our freedom being really revealed to us as being free of the controllers.

We just left the area of Blue Mountain Lake which is where the pyramid is, in Arkansas, inside the lake, right in the middle at the bottom. This whole area around, this area and farther south where Mount Ida, Arkansas, is, is truly where the story 6,000 years ago took place. It actually took place in the United States.

RAMA: That’s right.

TARA: Well, at least in Mount Ida, Arkansas and the outlying area we just passed through. The pyramid has been left since it was put there 6,000 years ago. So maybe Mother will talk to us a little bit more about this because they just made it up that it all happened over there. What we thought was the Land of Sumaria when it actually happened over here. So that will be some delving into that we might do in the next several days.


MARIETTA: Shirley, I know that you always have a report from the fellow in Japan [Benjamin Fulford]. Have you read the current one for that?

SHIRLEY: I did. Have you read it?

MARIETTA: Yes. I thought you might want to highlight what was happening there.

SHIRLEY: Well, in the one yesterday, he was saying that "the Feds are not going to go quietly into the night, but they are going to go down. The world’s financial boycott of the Federal Reserve Board is starting to kick into high gear with a lot of messy stuff that lies ahead, because the Feds are not going to go quietly into the night. A maritime blockade of the US is beginning as a part of this campaign. He says members.... and Rama see what you think about this. He says the members of the global elite including the Bildebergers are attempting to turn the global pyramid of power upside down putting the poorest and weakest creatures of the planet on the top instead of the strongest and the cruelest. So needless to say, the ruthless Nazis are fighting tooth and nail to prevent this from happening. The new financial system has been designed with the help of the good people inside the elite to make sure this planet never again experiences poverty or environment destruction. The new pyramid of global power will be completely transparent and fair so that anybody can climb to the top if they are good enough. There will be no one world government and no one world currency. All the humans are to be freed from centralized control under the new system. [Inaudible] about a new order and a one world currency is coming from the Feds who have already been running a secret new world regime complete with a one world currency falsely labeled as the US dollar. So please don’t believe the propaganda they are putting out. We are fighting to free humanity from thousands of years of horrific debt slavery. The sources in MI6 continue to say the deadline is September 30th and that there will be signs of the end of the Feds on October 7th and October 27th followed by a chaotic November. The Feds could even manage to cling on for a few months after that event as the remnants of evil on this planet try to keep in power. We must be vigilant, stock up on food, prepare for the worst, but expect the best to win the final battle. Good will prevail over evil and we must not let our guard down even for one second."

So that was yesterday's, but he now has a brand new one right now. It just came on and it’s shorter so I’ll read that.

"Suddenly Obama tried to say he is fighting the Federal Reserve Board. It appears the Obama Administration’s response to the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board is to suddenly claim he is fighting against the Feds and the right to make money should revert to the Treasury Department. This is the sort of thing pathological liars always do. (So I guess Ben isn’t real happy with Obama right now). Here we have an administration in Congress that was bought and paid for with a few exceptions by the Feds suddenly saying they need to take control away from the Feds. That is the Feds saying they should take control away from the Feds. You are not fooling anybody, you sick liars. You have lied so much, maybe you even believe your own lies, but nobody else does. The USA needs to put an interim government in place until you can have a real election with real freedom of the press and get yourselves a real president. No more acting presidents should be put in front of the teleprompters in order to fool the people. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is going ahead and begin to implement the new free technologies. The Israelis are preparing to setup a free energy desalination plant on Mount Siad in order to turn the deserts green. The Arabs are doing the same thing starting in Mecca. The Australians are also doing it. The Genie is out of the bottle." So that is what he just wrote actually in the last hour.

MARIETTA: Thank you Shirley. Now, just know we take all of this and we use our own discernment. He has a right to his own opinion and we allow that. We take what feels right and leave the rest.


MARIETTA: I just got another email in concerning asafetida, really questioning some of the sources of asafetida. That you really need to be careful because some of it is not very pure. So just use your own discernment again and ask if this is a good source because some of it is not something we might want to use.


TARA: I just want to say that Benjamin Fulford is connected to the Rockefellers and the 3rd Family. His reporting without saying anything about the double agency of Barack Obama, and instead inserting energies that I can only say come from the dark side, doesn’t mean he’s not aware of the double agency, it just says that what his report is does not include the White Knight part of it. And the White Knight part of it does not conform to Barack Obama representing this double backing on itself because he represents the KOS. That makes a whole different aspect to this report.


Special Guest Michael King


MARK: I would like to invite people to look at what we shared on last Tuesday and Thursday nights, on the subject of the equinox changes that took place on the 22nd of September, [and] followed up again on our last call. We detailed information on Mars and on the Moon from the Commander of the Andromedan Mothership that supervised, or was over-lighting, anyway you want to call it, the nine commanders of the Kumara fleet that were entered into Peru. The Andromedan ship went on down to the crystal core of the Earth, and at that point it changed, recoded and delivered the new codes for the new Original Lemurian Timeline to what amounts to the new solar disk. The new solar disk is that one which keys all of us to Terra Nova which is what we are on now. We are in the early stage of that. We have an overlap period here that includes the old timeline which is being phased out now, and the new codes [interference]. Okay, we were in an overlap area here where people are still aligned with the old timeline and they have a real short window here to migrate over because the whole planet is moving in critical mass to crystalline structure. At the beginning of that, it was 51%. It now goes up every single day. More and more and more. And the Lightworkers, many of them are in the 80% and even higher. A smaller number has actually received a 100% switchover already. So this is progressing very rapidly.

The newest report that was shared just a couple of days ago was from Commander Ariana, the Andromedan Commander. She was talking about ionic electromagnetic grid changes, which are changing the magnetics from the crystal core of the Earth, or at the level of the crystal core of the Earth. That is being disseminated to all of us and all the planetary structures through all the grid lines. So the Andromedans are masters of grids and they are the ones who originally helped set up the grids of this planet with us and many here were part of that. So what we wanted to do is to continue to update this while still bringing people along who don’t know anything about what’s been happening. We are on Terra Nova. Everyone who comes here now must be 5th dimensional or higher, and this will continue to progress exponentially over the next few years until everything and everyone has fully up shifted to crystalline or Christed structure which is the method of the expression in all the higher dimensions. Right now, the moon has come up again and we delivered a special report on that last time. Right now, there is a NASA flight scheduled to reach the moon on October 9th and there is a lot of disinformation and misinformation out on the Internet, and in two areas: one of them has to do with the moon and who is there and what they are doing and what that is all about, [and] the second thing is about NASA itself. Now we only learned recently ourselves, it is part of this switchover to positive orientation that the top personnel in charge of these missions has now joined the light in a positive process and is part of the Galactic Federation. That has not been put out to my knowledge anywhere until now so we want to share that with you tonight because that has to do with stories that are circulating out on the Internet. Metatron was asked to comment on this and he said:

"There is currently a negative ET programming pulsing out from the Moon which is responsible for lunar cycles. This affects the sea tides and women’s menstrual cycles. When the final ETs are removed, this negative programming will be abolished."

We also asked Commander Ariana to discuss this with us. Beth, do you want to tell us what she said?

BETH: Yes. This is from Ariana:

"There will be a coordinated team effort to cleanup your current Moon, Luna. There will be a Galactic Federation team made up of Andromedans, Pleiadians, Arcturians, and others. They will remove renegade stations, dissemble negative coding and make other adjustments to the Moon. This will be done around the time of October 4th, 2009 full moon. The changes will be phased in. These changes will again affect the seas and there may be more flooding, serious, as significant earth changes in the seabed floors are made. The shifting of the Earth axis is then able to be reprogrammed. We can expect with the firmament changes will come melting of the pole ice. There will be a redistribution of fresh water on Earth so the desert areas will have adequate water. There will be a temperate climate on all areas of Earth. These changes will be phased in, in the next 2-3 years."

MARK: These changes will have a positive effect on the human body that will be noticeable and undeniable. Everything is raising in vibration as the electromagnetic ionic changes come into effect on Earth. No longer with the effects of war be allowed to remain on Earth. Everyone will have access to clean water, abundant food and so much more as we move into mass landings. All of the Children of the Sun will know peace, joy and love. The next Earth changes will happen in a planned effort. All of the ancient portals of Earth will be reopened and this will affect Inner Earth as well as the surface. We nine commanders head up this part of Earth Ascension. We thank you all for joining in that mediation and meditation. When you focus positive energy to Earth, as she changes, the effects go smoothly with the least disruption needed. There will NOT be any Earth changes that are catastrophic. Earth Ascension has been completed in a peaceful manner. The necessary readjustments to the tectonic plates, the ocean floor, mountain tops, earth grid and her electromagnetic ionic field will occur with minimal disruption to everyday life on Earth.

BETH: After this, there was an email brought to the attention of me and Mark, and we had received a message from someone who had taken this information, a portion of this information, and sent it on as a message except for every statement in it was a negative statement. It was made into something that was meant to be feared and so we ____ went this that was passed onto us and it didn’t feel right to us, so we decided to ask Ashtar to clarify it further. Ashtar said to us:

"The NASA probe in passing the Moon is run by our guys. We are dismantling establishments on the Moon. We are gearing up for changes that will affect the Earth. This is an operation with many, many phases over the next several months (18-30). These changes are done in cooperation with the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds because it affects more than just the Moon and the Earth. The Earth grid aligning with the new timeline, new Original Lemurian Timeline, has everything to do with tectonic plate shifting. This happened after the opening of the gateway of Ancient Mu. This has nothing to do with anything taking place on the Moon. The changes that will happen on the Moon through the workers of the Galactic Federation who are loving, benevolent Christed ETs, will affect the electromagnetic ionic fields of Earth, the climate and the axial alignment. This will not cause major catastrophes. It will restore Earth to its original pristine beauty and balance, after the second Moon comes into Earth’s orbit." ~Ashtar

MARK: Well, other things that are in here that we wanted to talk about was the bases. These are the renegade bases if you want to call them that. There are 3 renegade Zeta Reticuli bases and there are also 2 much, much larger and older transmitter bases that are there on the dark side of the Moon and have been photographed, and those photographs are out on the Internet that actually deal with transmissions. Now this is what we want to make very clear here is that these structures are being dismantled by the Galactic Federation with the help of NASA. This is a joint Galactic Federation NASA operation that is scheduled to take place on October 9th. NASA is not looking for water on the Moon, and they are not working solely at the Moon polar icecaps which is what the information out there has been saying. They are talking about [this] in those information releases, that may be discussed by sincere people, but they are getting disinformation, so they are unfortunately passing it on. This NASA probe is not there to harm the Moon or Earth and that information is out there on purpose designed to instill fear. Now who would possibly want to do that? People who are there on the Moon using these technologies there for many different things which are not to your benefit, and we will just move on without going into too elaborate detail about that. The changes that are going on to the Moon will start on October 4th and these involve…. There are operations that we will be involved in, that Commander Ariana was talking about, that involve taking down a transmission station on the dark side of the Moon originally built by the Orions. After this, we will dismantle the science station of the Zetas. This lab was a place where hybrids were created, that is, human Zeta hybrids were cloned in glass containers. Ashtar showed us pictures of that. By the full moon of November 2nd which is the first full moon following October 4th full moon, the taking down of that transmitter will no longer contain the program pulsing out now which affects ALL of our emotions as well as our tides. Events of the 4th could preempt some of the actions now out there being discussed or make them impotent. We wanted to know about this. Do we need to do anything else to neutralize them? And the King said, when the work is done on the 4th and the signal no longer goes out, changes will not be felt right away. Groups may join together with an intention, but if the intention is false, it goes nowhere. Meaning if people’s intentions are to take out the positive bases there or the positive NASA people like [on] the shuttlecraft, that will not work. That will go nowhere, because it is, you might say, the nanites involved in these things will not comply. So be very aware that your attention and your energy are being tempted to be used here, but you need not be in any fear because as long as your intention is pure, it isn’t going to do any harm. But all the NASA flights now are for the Galactic Federation and part of the Ascension programming and that is very good news to know. The Cabal renegade ET alliance is crumbling and all of the current and future joint Ashtar, Andromedan, Arcturian, Pleiadian operations are positive breakups of the dark renegades’ control over this planet and all of us. I’ll just repeat, the operations on the 4th of October by Ashtar and the A-Team will realign tectonic plates here in the oceans on the Earth to restore connectivity to the planetary grids, and continue the new magnetic coding and the further extending of the ionic electromagnetic electricity changes in support of our full crystalline up-shift onto the new Original Lemurian Timeline and upliftment to Terra Nova’s 5D unfoldment. This is a series of steps that will take place. First, we are taking out the transmitter on the dark side of the Moon which is affecting our emotions, and there are other things like ending the Zeta human hybrid creation program which has to be taken down and completely eliminated along with all of those involved in it. That has to be removed. This will be done over a 2½ -3 year period. At the end of that time, there are combinations of new magnetics that are being put into the new crystalline core here, as well as several steps in the 2½ year cycle [which] include terra-forming of asteroid debris, if you want to call it that, in the asteroid belt, in making a true celestial body, a moon, a second moon here to join this one. Then when all of these other changes on the old or present Moon are made, the axial tilt of the Earth with the new magnetics will allow 72 degrees year-round temperatures with the excess pole melt waters being redistributed to the desert areas to restore the full beauty of this original blueprint.

So there are two separate things here, actually three. Terra-forming of all the planets is underway, and [in] the 2½ period year ahead of us, not only will negative influences from the Moon which have controlled women’s periods and all the tides be dissembled, but the axial tilt will be corrected and it requires a second moon to do that so that we can have year-round temperatures the same. And all that, for any of you who’ve heard that pole melting is causing all this disaster, it is not so, because with the new technologies, that water which is very much needed will be routed to the desert areas so that they can be restored to full beauty as in their original blueprint as everything on the Earth will. Stable emotions, and magnetic balance of tides and emotions, and women will no longer have cycling periods or physical childbirth. The awakened couples on Terra Nova will communicate with a higher dimensional soul, and it will be birthed or precipitated from a three-way divine heart birthing by mutual desire of the child and the two desiring members/couple. In other words, it won’t be a physical childbirth. They will create it through the heart connection which is a divine process, which was not possible in 3D. So there will be no more unwanted children as currently is the case, or children coming in unloved. All ones will be loved before and after entering and will bring great gifts to the planet to accelerate our continued expansions into the higher dimensional realms.

These changes that will happen on the Moon [and with] the workers of the Galactic Federation, who are all loving benevolent Christed ETs, will affect the electromagnetic ionic field of birth, climate, and the axial alignment. This will not cause any major catastrophes. It will restore the Earth to its original beauty and balance after the second moon comes into Earth’s orbit and is fully operational in 2½-3 years. Beth, we did talk to the KOS late this afternoon, do you want to discuss what he said?

BETH: Well, I was looking at all that and it looks to me like you just covered the entire, everything he said.

MARK: Okay, sorry about that. There was a little confusion in some of the reports there in that second part, but that is the main thing we wanted to communicate with all of you. Do not be concerned about any catastrophe predictions out there on the Internet. They may be very sincere, but unfortunately they are either uninformed or misinformed or disinformed. This can happen to anyone. We are not blaming anyone. We are just trying to get the truth out there.

The second thing is, this Sunday, this very next coming Sunday, there will be tectonic plate realignments. Right now, it’s like having 2 wires that don’t quite reach each other and you can’t make a full connection, so these have to be realigned, and this will be done in a very carefully orchestrated manner so that no catastrophes will come from this. There will be some storms and some surges and things of that sort, but everyone involved in this is a volunteer. So this is not a catastrophe, and it won’t even reach those proportions no matter what the media tries to say about it. When you look at a simple storm that would hit the coast of California or the Gulf of Mexico, you’ll see how many people are homeless and everything. This is not happening in this case. I think there were something like 14 deaths actually reported in the Philippines and the American Samoa due to these changes. That is very minimal compared to any other way that this could have been done. So we have to reconnect the plates in such a way that we can restore the whole planet, but this is….. Anyone who is in those areas who are not coded for that will be, shall we say, guided to go visit someone or be elsewhere. These will be very modest changes.

BETH: I just wanted to quickly add that when I read that message, it had interesting information in it, but as I read through it, I noticed that each paragraph made me feel afraid. It made me [feel] it was all negative, and that was a tip off to me to use my discernment and really look deeper into what it was saying, and I would love to ask Mother Sekhmet if the numbers are being reported are true numbers or not. Really, what happened there, because I believe these ones are being protected as these Earth changes happen, and I would love to have more information about that.

MARK: So with that, unless Kauila has a statement to make.

KAUILA: Just a short one. Aloha everyone, and I am speaking from the parking area of the beautiful place where I’m staying for a few more days before I leave on quite a major operation. There are several craft that are present right now, and I also realize that I’m standing in front of a palpable kind of a landing/gathering area that is pure. I wanted to say, to reiterate to people, when you start to hear these fearful, I don’t even want to call them fearful, but ones that [say] there is always something about this is going to happen and something is going to fall over. You know, all of this is being handled by the Galactics in the most gentlest way possible. Really, we are all learning to tune in, I believe, to all of our, you know, higher senses. So once we start to really feel these things behind someone’s supposed good comments about you, or it’s very much cloud show and it’s not real..... So we are in the new timeline. There’s none of that going on. There’s none of that happening, and those who try and promote this are just not going to be successful. It really helps to be aware of that. Pele sends her love and her new creations [which are] happening right now, and she is calling me to a small alcove. A small light operation here on the Big Island before leaving for the Mainland next week Wednesday. So that is all we have to report from here, and thanks to all of you for being here tonight. Aloha.

MARK: Well that’s it, Marietta, from us. We would be very interested in hearing what Mother Sekhmet may have to say about any of this.

MARIETTA: Well, we thank you, Mark, Beth and Kauila and we are grateful for all that you are doing. We are really looking forward to see what is going to be happening in the next week or 10 days. It sounds like it’s pretty exciting times we are in.


[Invocation of Mother Sekhmet]

TARA: We ask at this time for the teaching of seeing goodness in everything that comes our way. Of seeing where what was just presented for the highest good of all concerned can be viewed and define the path through which we can walk in beauty. As we do, make so the accountability that is necessary at this time, so that the greater understanding and deeper and wider views of truth will be able to be received by the masses. By the greater whole through the eyes of love, and I am so grateful, Mother, for your eyes of love that come and give us the vision that you see for our feeling of our planet and our sweet Earth Titalacouria.

MS: Greetings wondrous beings of light and love, peace and joy. Indeed that is what is unfolding. New Lemurian Timeline and all of what you have been feeling has everything to do with the healings of this beloved planet on which you reside. Cohabitation is imperative if you wish to continue, eh? [Laughter] We would just say, it is a symbiotic relationship. All of the fishes going on out there that has anything to do with anything that is not of the Office of the Christ has no place here.

Now is the time for peace and we would say that what has occurred is a most unique opportunity for all concerned. As you are witnessing your own particles melding at the speed of light or faster. It is happening each day, moving faster, each second. [Interference] What we can say is the energies are quite wild with what is going on in the chaos of what has to come about here in terms of the mission. Out of chaos comes order which is an interesting interplay. Interesting dance, if you will.

Looking at Galactic coordinates as we talk to all of you so to speak. Quite an interesting dance.. What we have in our midst here is that chaos, and out of that chaos comes order. It is [inaudible] the frequencies of your Mayan Calendar [inaudible], if you will, and whose to say whether 2012 is in 3 years or is it now? Maybe we should start at the beginning of the story with what occurred on our own world, Niburu, where quite an interesting interplay occurred where many [inaudible] out of their time space continuum with the [inaudible] of the veil if you will. [Inaudible] were destroyed along with the continued abuse towards your negativity of what occurred with various [inaudible]. And what we would just say, that continued into this timeline where we will cut to the chase as your friend the bush doctor said. The genetic and genital mutilations will cease. It’s already in the sense what you heard from Mr. Fulford, we will get the arrests here in a bit with the stories cause they only [inaudible]. You are in the new timeline, new Lemurian timeline. All the old games will not fly anymore, and manipulation and sexual, physical, psychic abuse will not be tolerated any longer. And we have to just say to that sliver of Vader, we will show up where you least expect us to show up. It always happens when you lose your focus [and focus] on something else. It is interesting how the game is played.

TARA: Mother is driving

[Tara gives travel instructions to Mother]

MARIETTA: This is truly multitasking. Driving and bringing Mother through and doing all of this is quite interesting.

MS: It’s just another day in the universe. What we have been speaking about, reminding self, rental unit, temple here, the story that occurred long ago where a faction of our own people [inaudible] of power .....and caused quite a rift in the time space continuum, and took out a 20-foot [inaudible] of this sector of the universes from anti-matter, and it ceases here and now. Now is the time for peace and it is happening. As you are witnessing the end of your Mayan Calendar, all of the great unravellings are occurring at all levels. This is bringing up everything that is unlooked for. It is what Pluto, Neptune, Uranus used to bring in these unusual, the magical, that crazy wild place in which nagual medicine is the choice. We would just say, Vader watch yourself. Moments left to grieve. This is why we agree on the level in which we can say, Mr. Fulford is right, you already have your monetary system. It is waiting in the wings to be implemented, so to speak. All the money sitting in the banks. Rainbow money waiting to be used, yet every now and then, rainbow money slips out into the mass media, the general populace, and we hear about it. Yet and then, you go to check it out and say we all know what you are talking about.

TARA: We got to remember also Mother, that the judge here deems that Israel has committed war crimes and I think it’s 4 out of 5 cases of where they went into Palestine. There were no good reasons and the result was dire - the casualties. So there are war crimes which implicates the Mossad both here and abroad as having committed extensive, you might say, assistance economically [in order] for these war crimes to be facilitated. Bulldozers coming from Pittsburgh, etc.

RAMA: Could come from Russia, could come from Pittsburgh. All the 13 families have been put on notice that time is slipping away. Seconds now. Very quickly. We are moving at speed of light. They have nowhere to go except to surrender to the Lavender Lad in loving presence. Take off these dark hats and say I love myself, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you self. Even if dark hats are super-glued to their heads, there is always a little acetone around. No matter what, there is a solution, Soul-ution, and it has to do with the soul frequencies that are coming to pass now. That which has not been spoken about for many eons, now is in our midst here. It has to do with how we are on a new timeline and it is a delicate dance, new timeline. For there is much misinformation/disinformation out there. We would say, trust in the heart place, sacred frequency. Think with you heart, not with the head. Feel with the head.

TARA: You know with the head that….

MS: Higher mind. Comes from the place of the Buddhic flame through Maha Buddha, Maha Shohan, that energy. We will just say that what is unfolding on many levels is the greatest dance you have seen. The greatest dance that we are witnessing has to do with how we all get our awareness in the sense that you are stepping into your Adam Kadmon in the way in which it was designed. Godmen and Godwomen [inaudible]. You are Godmen/Godwomen, and we began this story with diversity with peace rather than war, and it is coming to pass where the weapons of war are being put down and we are picking up the flower shears.

TARA: The thing with Afghanistan, Mother, where there was this toying around with sending in another 40,000 troops, versus Barack Obama slowing the pace down and saying we are going to get it right this time and deal with what we are doing there. Mother, this goes to Al-Qaeda that is the CIA/Black Ops that Bush Sr. orchestrated through the Carlyle Group in 1988. In the beginning it was 1988, and then in 1996 they actually put the Al-Qaeda program down because it played out.

MS: Yes. It is all about this project for the new American century where your Fuhrer thought they had absolute power and they could buy a planet dirt cheap. She is not for sale, boys, take your money elsewhere, and we have to just say, don’t lock the door, it’s on the way out.

TARA: Well Mother, I just want you to offer a little bit of suggestion and possibly counsel because there is such a uprising that doesn’t understand as well.

MS: [Inaudible] as Svami Ji and Sananda put it.

TARA: There you go. We need some uprising to go with the uprising.

MS: Yes.

TARA: Yeah, because there is this sense of violence that needs to be transmuted. People are angry and they want to know who to be angry about.

MS: It is not about the Black man. He is the one who that is working out the last 8 years of absolute war crimes and treason number one.

TARA: The only way that can really be distinctly understood by this group [is ......] because there is racism involved. It’s very subtle.

MS: [Inaudible] and all the lies that are based in keeping you asleep. In the sense of the misinformation that is being put out by Lightworkers as well as Darkworkers.

TARA: And I want to say Hillary as a, you might say, a thought form, is all that’s out there right now with a look-alike clone twice removed, doing the physical maneuvers, yet she is only a mouthpiece now for that which is shouting behind the scenes, a Faction 1 Black Ops. Then Barack Obama seems to take that as a hit, and I just want to know, Mother, that needs to be really distinctly shown now. I just ask that you describe how you see that happening. That’s the problem.

MS: How we see that is that as we already know, Iran already has 12 nukes and it doesn’t matter. They are already neutralized by Ashtar.

TARA: And they don’t and haven’t had a delivery.

MS: No. Still the dance is about the issues in the Middle East that has to do with Iran, Palestine, Israel, Iraq….

TARA: Syria, Lebanon, Libya.

MS: Yes. Colonel Gaddafi was correct in the sense that there is much that needs to be discussed about the misinformation that has gone on throughout all the various circles of how even the UN is compromised. Needs to be a World Congress based on the principles of 12 + 1 where it comes from that place in which the Galactic Councils give the advice to the World Congress. It is not about [a] New World Order, it is getting you to the place in which you can take your place of the 33rd Member of the Confederation of Worlds. How you do that is that you put down the swords or the toys. Missiles are cheap imitations that most of the men have an issue of the first chakra. Stop the Viagra. Stop the skin flicks. Take your minds out of your pants.

TARA: Well, it’s not about that all by itself, Mother.

MS: Yes.

TARA: There’s been food programming, there’s been hot porn programming, there’s been micro chipping, there’s been psychological programming in the sense of advertising on the television.

MS: Every 15 minutes according to your media, they feed you everything from the chemicals of Procter and Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Bentel, Halliburton, Dupont. Oh my, what we can just say, all of the corporations will be dissolved. All have not [inaudible] never will be. All of this goes back to the stories of these renegades who deserted their own world and destroyed it. Moved in on the matter of the universe and took up residence here after occupation and invasion, then occupation. Preemptive strike just like what happened after 9/11 and you did not get NESARA announced.

MARIETTA: Well, Mother, the questions that came in this week all have to do with the forced swine flu vaccines. There was some information passed along that nurses and doctors and other medical health professionals are stocking up on snake bite kits. They say they are planning to use them immediately after receiving a vaccine to suck the toxins out of the body. Military soldiers did this with the Anthrax shots several years ago and it worked, so they are asking that would be one way to think about it. Then there are several comments that Obama said no forced vaccines. Then Massachusetts made a law that says you must take it. Nurses in California are getting fired for refusing to take it. So all the questions are about these vaccines, so would you give us your perspective or your point of view please?

[Lost connection with Mother]

MARIETTA: Mark, do you have anything else that you want to comment about?

MARK: Well, yes we do have a story that I think Beth found today with the help of the KOS. Beth, would you like to talk about the 9th Circuit Decision? The Judge ordering the release of the Cheney interview and information?

BETH: Sure. Mark and I were talking to the KOS today and he had me open a tab to go through and I found a new story on MSNBC and it was buried. I had to do 5 clicks to find it and when I went back to look at it later, I couldn’t find it again. There was a lawsuit that was filed back in 2004 by Joseph Wilson, who used to be an Ambassador, and he worked with George Bush #43 and he also worked with Bill Clinton. He is a Republican and he worked with the CIA. And when he filed a lawsuit against Cheney back in 2004, that lawsuit was what led to the appointment of Patrick Fitzgerald. KOS was showing me this article today because a judgment was handed down last Thursday. Should I go ahead and read it Marietta?

MARIETTA: I have it in front of me here. It says, Thursday the 1st of October, so was it handed down last week and is just being published today or was it currently today?

MARK: That is the AP story today.

MARIETTA: Okay. Well I think it’s very good information so maybe we can highlight the idea that what this really does is allows the videos of all of this to be released to the public and that’s a big thing. All of Cheney’s interviews, so…..

BETH: The decision made by Judge Sullivan was, he said these videos were used in a different lawsuit which was Joseph Wilson’s wife [Valerie Plame Wilson] who [resigned] from the CIA [due to CIA leak] because she had been working undercover. What the original lawsuit was about, and that lawsuit has been settled, so Judge Sullivan said, since those video tapes of ex Vice President Dick Cheney were part of that lawsuit, now they are [in the] public domain so we have to open them up and let everybody see them. So those videos they are talking about when they were twisting the information about weapons of mass destruction, and how they changed information, and that’s what Dick Cheney is talking about on these videotapes, so now the decisions are coming down from the higher court that they are going to allow the videos to be seen by everybody.

MARK: There is one provision though, and that is if there is anything that they can prove to the Judge that would seriously jeopardize national security, they may be able to exclude that part, but they have to show substantial evidence that that would be so. They haven’t yet made any comment on this ruling by the Judge.

MARIETTA: Well, we thank you for bringing that to light because that is quite a significant thing. Kauila, do you want to make any comments before we close?

KAUILA: I just got a note that one of the reasons that Rama and Tara got cut off and Mother got cut off, although Mother is never cut off, was that the KOS had a verbal message for everyone here right now and it is fairly urgent. I have no idea what it is. So with your permission, I would like to channel that if that’s okay with you.

MARIETTA: Go ahead. Let’s see what the KOS has to say.

KAUILA: [Kauila channels KOS Live]:

Subject: [MarkHuber_GRT_Intel] King of Swords, October 1, 2009 message

Welcome, everyone. Eh, huh. We are laughing here because the waves are coming up so high. The waves are not so large but the tide is very high at this moment. We are at the high tide. We are close to the Full Moon.

We thank you for being here at this time. And we encourage all of you to follow your heart, follow your Guidance at every step of the way during these next THREE DAYS. During these next THREE DAYS you will find many events occurring both without your life, on the outer part of your life, and what you can see with your physical eyes, but also within.

We caution you to remain in the High Place, remain in the Glorious Place of the Most High. Those of you who are aware of our healing powers, please, please, call upon us. You may also call upon, in the Spirit, in Thought, any of us who are channeling these messages, or any of us who are on these calls. We do much much work with people in the sleep time, in the quiet times, and many times, just like all of you, we are acting from our Higher Selves, at times we do not even know it.

At this moment, great structures have fallen. At this moment, great buildings have toppled. At this moment, great plains have been made from where mountains used to be. But these are not mountains as you know them. These are mountains of lies. These are mountains of the old. These are mountains of what you think used to be.

We tell you now that you again remind you again that this time this time is the New time. We tell you once again, and just remind you, that this time is the New Line. This time is the New Heart. This time is the New Life. All of you all of you all of you, please please please, and thank you thank you thank you, for following your Higher Self.

Start walking, if you have not, if you feel you have not, start walking that New Time Line, with all of us.

Those who are in the lines of the past will have difficulty when it comes to the rapid ascension which is to follow within the next three days. This time is very very special in that you may progress rapidly by releasing releasing releasing.

As we hear talk of snake oil, we hear talk of swine flu, and as we spoke today with some other spirits about Avian Flu and Chicken Flu and Gecko Flu in Hawaii, there is going to be a flu no matter where you turn. But my recommendation to you is to fly. To fly. And cast aside thoughts of the flu, but rather, fly. If you hear that word, ["flu"], replace the u with a y and fly. Let us fly together.

As you feel so led, take the remedies you feel may help your body. However, we tell you now, you are in the New Time Line. These stories, concocted concoctions, are not a valid line anymore.

With this we say to you, Aloha.

And recall that Pele is always with you. My wonderful daughter Pele, she is with all of you. Any transformation you wish, she will assist you. And any creation you choose as your new, in your New Time Line, she will assist you also with that.

We say Aloha, from the land of Sunshine, where the sun is now coming to set, where the canoe-ers now pass in front of this one’s eyes. We see four, five, canoes, paddling in the natural way.

Aloha, a hui hou, Mahalo.

King of Swords

MARIETTA: Thank you so much for bringing that message through and allowing us to just to reiterate the importance of the next 3 days, so thinking as we have with our hearts, and knowing that we are a part of the divine remembering, that connection is very important at this point in time. We thank all of you for being here.

Transcribed by Shirley Cull and edited by Mary Sherritt
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If I was offered a choice between spending an hour with these people and spending an hour in the dentist's chair, getting a root canal, I'd really have to think about my choice....
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Lambkin »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:If I was offered a choice between spending an hour with these people and spending an hour in the dentist's chair, getting a root canal, I'd really have to think about my choice....
I'd take the root canal in a heartbeat, even if it was a perfectly good tooth. I'm constantly amazed by the regular posters on this forum: their ability to look at this unending stream of diarrhea from people who are clearly insane. It's funny for a minute or two. Then dismay takes over. Finally replaced by boredom.
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

Lambkin wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:If I was offered a choice between spending an hour with these people and spending an hour in the dentist's chair, getting a root canal, I'd really have to think about my choice....
I'd take the root canal in a heartbeat, even if it was a perfectly good tooth. I'm constantly amazed by the regular posters on this forum: their ability to look at this unending stream of diarrhea from people who are clearly insane. It's funny for a minute or two. Then dismay takes over. Finally replaced by boredom.
You mean something like this?

The Rainbow Scribe Message
October 3, 2009

St.Germain: Hold Fast Your Light

Beloved Lightworkers of the World,

I am coming forth this day to bring to your attention the need to hold fast to your Light, to anchor your Light into the central core of Mother Earth. In the next few weeks, there will be much that will be coming forth that will continue to shock the entire World. The revelations that will be coming forth concern the long held repression of the truths of many, many people upon the Earth and each day there will be more and more of these coming forth, until there will no longer be a way to repress these people from bringing forth their truths, for as one or two courageous, brave Souls come forth with their truths, so it enables others to gather their courage and come forth and bring to the World, their truths, and so on, and this will continue to build in intensity and revelation in the coming weeks and months.

The people of the World will feel ungrounded and shocked by that which comes forth, and this is why we ask you, the Beloved Lightworkers of the World to hold fast to your vision of the New World reality, to hold fast for your visions of peace and harmony to manifest upon your World. Hold your Light, Dear Ones, it now becomes much, much needed! We ask you to hold together, to band together in Unity and become a powerful Force of Light, daily performing your disciplines, daily calling forth the Violet Transmuting Flame to do its work upon all facets, all actions and doings upon this World, for the Violet Transmuting Flame is working actively to bring forth the truths that have long been hidden, to bring forth that which has been repressed for millennia from Humanity.

Daily invoke the Violet Transmuting Flame to work within your own lives and within all World events. Daily invoke the assistance of the Highest planes of existence and your Teachers and your Guides and the Angelic Realms. Daily invoke their assistance, for this is a task that is needed and required on a daily basis. Be not discouraged by recent events. Hold fast to your truths and your Light and work your Light each day. Many there are who rely on your Light to stabilize the Earth in the days ahead. Many there are who look to you to hold fast. We advise each of you each day to remind yourselves of who and what you are, we remind each of you to hold firmly to your Light. We ask each of you to ground the Cosmic Light energies into the crystalline core of the Earth as you have been doing. We ask you to continue to work with us each and every day. Know that the Light will prevail, know that the Light IS prevailing and that the outcome is already victorious, that the outcome is that the Light forces incarnate upon the Earth have achieved their tasks and their goals. It only remains for you to hold that Light now, Beloved Ones. Keep on keeping on!

I AM St.Germain

Keep on keeping on! I AIN'T St.Germain
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
I AM St.Germain

Keep on keeping on! I AIN'T St.Germain
Let us all bow our heads in fervent thanks....
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by texino »

Lambkin writes
I'm constantly amazed by the regular posters on this forum: their ability to look at this unending stream of diarrhea from people who are clearly insane. It's funny for a minute or two. Then dismay takes over. Finally replaced by boredom.
Well, the fact that Bellringer's "Rukhan International site- fourwinds10.com holds place as the 35,058th most visited site on the net (compared to Quatloos at 48518) Boring it may be, but placed to provide a dangerous platform of racism and anti-semitic hatred it truly is and if I can dilute it's message with satire and divert it's hate by posting the patently absurd drivel, I'll do it until it crumbles under the weight of it's lies.
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Lambkin »

texino wrote:Lambkin writes
I'm constantly amazed by the regular posters on this forum: their ability to look at this unending stream of diarrhea from people who are clearly insane. It's funny for a minute or two. Then dismay takes over. Finally replaced by boredom.
Well, the fact that Bellringer's "Rukhan International site- fourwinds10.com holds place as the 35,058th most visited site on the net (compared to Quatloos at 48518) Boring it may be, but placed to provide a dangerous platform of racism and anti-semitic hatred it truly is and if I can dilute it's message with satire and divert it's hate by posting the patently absurd drivel, I'll do it until it crumbles under the weight of it's lies.
Quite right. Chapeau, mon ami.
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

Mark Huber's Latest

Mark/Beth's OOB Experiences During Full Moon 10/3 & Peru Op on 10/4/

We've been filing individual reports connected with the multiple Ops. These last ones were really interesting as it also is connected with the changes we are going through as we are becoming fully crystalline(Christed) beings.

First of all, starting around Midnight on Oct 3rd, Mark had done a cleansing hot bath with baking soda and sea salt and then went to bed as he was being called Out of Body to join with Beth for the Full Moon Op. For those who don't know the logistics of different locations, I will point out that Beth lives in the Central TimeZone while Mark lives in the Mountain Time Zone and we coordinate by cell phone connections before and mostly during Ops. We link together and go into meditation. Beth has learned how to type on her laptop keyboard, taking notes so we have as close as possible exact quotes of who is speaking or involved. This has made a tremendous difference in our joint work.
After the Ops, Beth will send Mark her rough notes and we then smooth out the messages and descriptions. If we did more than a single OOB, we will then try to consolidate and identify by name, the questions we ask them and their answers.
We want you to know some of the mechanics of our joint work so you can better evaluate and understand that this involves many, many hours--not minutes--of work that will stretch your inner senses beautifully.

On the Moon Op night of the 3rd, both Mark and Beth worked separately to link with our TwinFlames which is necessary to do the Ops and prepare for Ascension's challenges.

Mark, while dreaming just before wake up, lucidly experienced being blended with his TF...and NOT wanting that to end. This involved no errant thinking, he was awake, aware, and centered in wonder!
When you experience this you will appreciate how Mark was still immersed after 1.5Hrs.

Then, to have THAT one, standing before you blooming the finest colors you've ever enjoyed . That is magical. That happened again during the 4:44PM Sun Meditation we did as part of the Peru attunement Op.
That happened two consecutive nights in a row, lasting through Sunset and then, continued hiking down from the summit of a local mountain and persisted as Mark was driving home with her beaming her colors at him in trains that did not stop. I could feel my own colors blooming and beaming back at her. That warmed his heart, and felt brushed over my face across a rainbow spectrum. He could see it outside and feel it inside. There was nothing to do or say, just enjoy. Mark

Beth: In connecting with her TF, imagined a conduit of energy running through the center of her crystalline body, from crown to perineum, connecting with all the energy centers. She pictured the energies starting at her base chakra. She thought of all the areas in her life causing blocks and releasing them, moving up the conduit, breathing and reflecting to any blocks in any of the chakras, up to the crown.
She looked at issues or imbalances in basic needs, ways to accept and express emotions; strength to conquer her dreams and goals; extending kindness to others, carefully considering the effects of words spoken; seeking guidance and having learned the importance of Self-Love. At this time, all of her energy centers were open and white crystalline light was flowing through her conduit. She then connected fully with her TF and was prepared for the Moon Op.

We connected by telephone and in meditation, we proceeded OOB together for our night work on the ships.
Mark and Beth were on a medium size craft with KOS in Earth's Atmosphere. KOS worked as Earth Galactic Supervisor overseeing the Op. Mark and Beth with their Twin Flames, worked with the Eagle Command. There was an Away Team on the Moon disassembling old programs and structures run for a long time by the Zeta Reticulans. The Eagle Command and A-Team were coordinating the dismantling on the Moon, guided by computers from their Ship. There was a coordination between the two Ships to get the physical work on the Moon done. Commander Soltec, Director of Communications, had his Ship and Crew working in Space between Earth and the Moon overseeing communications between the three Ships. Everything about this Op went smoothly, with no interruption of flow during the work. This was a great success, more work will be done, according to schedule.


Mark and I join in meditation. He is on a mountain peak in Sante Fe NM and I am watching the sunset over a midwest prairie in Minnesota.

We go to the Island Qoa, Peru. 6 small ships raise from the water surrounding the island. Ashtar is on one, Commander Ariana from Andromeda is on one. Sanat Kumara is on one. There is a strong presence of Ships around us where we are.
Mark and I are taken up in a blue beam onto her Ship by Ariana.This happened in our higher light bodies and we experienced being dematerialized and reassembled. That felt like freedom, and was very blissful and ecstatic.

Then we all join together, on the New Jerusalem, with Ashtar and his Twin Flame[Athena], St Germain, Metatron, Madame X, Lolo, Kauila, Felix, Mark and Beth.
We talk about how close we are to mass decloakings,even while individual decloakings continue in spurts around the planet.

I then see us in the smaller ships with this group, we enter the Mu portal in Peru and arrive at Oahu,HI.
We open and enter the Oahu portal and travel under the Earth to open the portal under the Giza Pyramid.

Ashtar says that these portals and areas have now been reopened.
This will help realign and connect more of the tectonic plates and bring them into place in support of the New Earth Grid. There will be more Ops to follow in an exact sequence as more portals need to be opened and more realignments will be needed. In this manner the effects will be buffered so that no catastrophes are experienced. We are terraforming the earth back to pristine condition according to the original blueprint. We are excited that this work can now proceed. It has been ages and ages since this was last possible.

This was another successful Op with many galactic commands involved. We are cleaning up blocked energy conduits; correcting inappropriate alignments and each increases the support for Terra Nova's unfolding. The New Solar disc decoding and recoding--primarily accomplished by Madame X,Lolo,Felix,guided by Cdr Ariana & Cdr Dyanna of the Andromedean Command, who are the universal experts on this work involving the pure crystalline light and sound technologies being inserted into the crystalline core of the planet and thence to all crystalline particles throughout the planet including all of us.
This is what makes it possible for all of us to hold, and radiate, more divine light and continue towards our full physical immortality, ascension process over the next 18-30 months.
This has NEVER been done before!!!

Please keep the big picture of how each and all of this is advancing and changing ourselves, our planet, our solar system and whole universe. Everything is divinely decreed, and we are each unique pieces of co-creative and collective experience that has been proceeding towards this destiny goal for billions of years.
Fully awakened, immortal, co-creators will be the result. And, it is all being done with Infinite Love. Our Twin Flames are becoming an increasingly important and critical part of how balance is obtained and sustained.
In some manner or other, we will connect with them, directly, when the mass landings occur. We are very close to Mass Decloakings. That will awaken our connections to our higher inner Self and our TFs and prepare us for the landings which will come within 7-10 days after Arrests and Announcements.

Infinite Love is dissolving and releasing our old attachments to pain, suffering, lack, guilt, judgement and duality, NONE of which is a part of Terra Nova and the the New Original Lemurian Time Line. Those attachments is what we are now experiencing. We need never experience them again. We have succeeded. The New is Now. Fence sitting time is over. That will only ensure removal, to allow more time to awaken on another timeline.
It's very simple:
Accept Love and Peace and Joy Now, or understand that you are choosing more of what we have all experienced that is being removed. There is no judgement either way, as we are all divine beings, heading towards the same reunion with Love, Truth, Self, and Source at our own rates.

Mark/Beth & A-Teams

18-30 months! I thought we were promised ascension immediately after the portals were opened! I guess "immediately" doesn't mean what I think it does.

That's what I like about these folks, after the outrageous promises comes the outrageous damage control. Outrageous!
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

We've been promised photos & videos of first contact and ascension, well Mark H. has finally posted them on Welcome the Light! Not from Hawaii or Island Qoa, but even better, Indiana!

Photos from Portal Opening Today in Indiana
Posted by admin On October - 10 - 2009
Photos from Portal Opening Today in Indiana by Kau’ila & Marietta 10/10/09

This has a role in opening up to the inner earth and in balancing/dampening any stress on the New Madrid Fault Line…in the coming days of energetic ’stretching’ and realignments. MarkH


Photo of Portal Opening today in Indiana. Notice Light ship in below photo including face inside. Mark


What a hideous, alien face it is! Proof positive, um, unless...

Lens flare
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lens flare is the light scattered in lens systems through generally unwanted image formation mechanisms, such as internal reflection and scattering from material inhomogeneities in the lens. These mechanisms differ from the intended image formation mechanism that depends on refraction of the image rays. For good optical systems and most images, flare is a secondary effect that is widely distributed across the image and thus not visible. But when an image includes a very bright light source, flare generated by a bright image region can have enough intensity to become very visible. The light produced by flare mechanisms superimposes broadly across the image, adding light to dark image regions and reducing image contrast.

Lenses with large numbers of elements such as zooms tend to exhibit greater lens flare, as they contain multiple surfaces at which unwanted internal scattering occurs.

The spatial distribution of the lens flare typically manifests as several starbursts, rings, or circles in a row across the image or view. Lens flare patterns typically spread widely across the scene and change location with the camera's movement relative to light sources, tracking with the light position and fading as the camera points away from the bright light until it causes no flare at all. The specific spatial distribution of the flare depends on the shape of the aperture of the image formation elements. For example, if the lens has a 6-bladed aperture, the flare may have a hexagonal pattern.

Such internal scattering is also present in the human eye, and manifests in an unwanted veiling glare most obvious when viewing very bright lights or highly reflective (e.g. specular) surfaces. In some situations, eyelashes can also create flare-like irregularities, although these are technically diffraction artifacts.

When a bright light source is shining on the lens but not in its field of view, lens flare appears as a haze that washes out the image and reduces contrast. This can be avoided by shading the lens (the purpose for which lens hoods are designed). In a studio, a gobo or set of barn doors can be attached to the lighting to keep it from shining on the camera. Modern lenses use lens coatings to reduce the amount of reflection and minimize flare.

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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight has found yet another starship photo, this one of the alien craft trying to abduct an obviously terrified earth-woman! Alien scum!


And, to add insult to injury, the picture was taken by an alien from Jupiter! I understand they're gassy giants, which is just what we need right now (with Lord Rama's flatulance problems Earth already has enough methane).
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by texino »

From the A-Team
St Germain, Metatron, Madame X, Lolo, Kauila, Felix, Mark and Beth.
Other than "Mark and Beth" those names could easily belong to kitty cats. Also didn't the action in "Felix The Cat" comics take place in an alien-type landscape? Hmmm-I have a vision of all these folks being like "Cat" on the TV series "Red Dwarf" and standing by a food replicator and saying "I think I'll have--Fish!" (I sure hope someone else has seen that show)
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

It's been 4 weeks since "first contact" took place near Lake Titicaca and still none of the promised pictures. All we get from Lord Rama and Lady Tara are lame pictures and stories like these.

BREAKING NEWS: KOS Message - October 15, 2009
Posted by admin On October - 18 - 2009


Lance Cpl. Seth Ramsey, of Springfield, Mo., keeps watch from a tower during a night shift at a combat outpost near the village of Now Zad in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan.

Beth, please open msnbc.com so I may bring a news story for tonight.

I am shown a picture of an army corporal keeping watch at night. There is a StarGate located in Afghanistan in the picture, behind him.

Above the StarGate are approximately 60 StarShips.

KOS comments on the picture:

You have said, Beth, that EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING, and KEEP LOOKING AND YOU WILL SEE the news out there.

I wanted to share with the Group, this photo of the real reason there is war in Afghanistan. In the Mountains, just behind the head of the corporal is one of the Many StarGates in the region. These Ships fly by this StarGate, and others, just about every night. They come out of the StarGate from Inner Earth. They have reached Inner Earth from many places. They come out of the StarGate to bring Peace to the area. They are known to help victims of war, on occasion, it is not their main reason for being there. Our Soldiers see them on a regular basis. The Soldiers from UK, Australia, and Japan have been open with their governments about StarShip sightings over Afghanistan. Our government knows about these as well, but it is forbidden to discuss it in most circles. That is about to change. President Obama has been waiting for the withdrawal of other countries from Afghanistan. He has been waiting for the OK for disclosure. The day is fast coming. Although the gag order was lifted on Lion’s Gate 8/8/09, many are cautious on how to proceed with it. Now here is a blatant photo of the U.S. Army, aware of troops viewing nightly sightings of Ships, buried deep in a slideshow on an off page on msnbc.com.

There will be mass landings, including war zones. The soldiers will be told it is time to go home.

The Time For Peace is Now.

TONY: I can’t seem to see the stargate KOS is talking about in this pic. Is it in the sky?

BETH: It is in the mountain. You must go into the mountain to find the StarGate.

TONY: Are most stargates in mountains/on earth compared to in the sky or do they exist in both areas?

BETH: Mark says StarGates are on the ley lines, and that is the important part. The Dome of the Rock is one of the largest there is on Earth-they built a dome over it.

So, this is a "blatant" photo of a stargate but you can't see it? Am I missing something here?
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

A Special Ceremony for Lord Rama and Lady Tara!

Rumor is that Lord Rama and Lady Tara are returning (or have returned) to the Santa Fe / Albuquerque area. I figure the person or people who funded their summer/fall vacation is waiting, like we are here, for the promised proof. It’s been 4 weeks, they’ve waited enough, and the only question left to be answered is how to get “accountability” (as they are always demanding from the rest of the world, and that leads the GRT-Intel website’s list of standards).

In the good old days, people caught in such a hoax were “run out of town on a rail.” This typically involved tarring and feathering first. The process is actually quite simple.

A “rail” is a long, split (not cut) timber used mostly for fencing. You can still buy fence rails at almost any lumber yard or fencing store (you New Agers might want to keep one handy in your back yard because my experience is that you’ll need to use it frequently). Get one that’s at least 8 feet long because it’s best carried by a couple people in front and back and you’ll need room.

As for tar, it needs to be hot. The best way to get some is to borrow a hot tar wagon from a road paving site. The guys at the site might take offense to your borrowing it, but show them any of Lord Rama’s postings online (or better yet, one of this audio transcripts while he’s channeling Mother Sekhmet) and they’ll be sure to not only lend it to you, but encourage you! As for feathers, you can look for some natural pillows stuffed with them, or better yet look for a Halloween chicken outfit or other feather-covered costume. Many sports teams and top-40 radio stations have chicken mascots, these might be a good source also (with the added advantage that many people will pay you to get rid of them).

Get the tar nice and hot (I use a candy thermometer and let it come up to “hard ball”) and dip the con artist into it. Usually they’ll be flailing around, so take extra care to coat them thoroughly. Then, shake on the feathers (or use an open fan to blow them onto the subject). Next, mount them on the rail so that the bulk of their weight is uncomfortably balanced on the tender part of their anatomy that’s between their legs, and run them out of town with the carriers literally running so that the rail bounces up and down in a most uncomfortable manner. Trust me, if you follow these directions closely you’ll never see them again!

In love and light
Deep Knight
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

Lord Rama and Lady Tara had a great summer vacation, but now they're broke!
Welcome The Light wrote:RAMA: And I want to take my heart in my hands and ask for a serious call for help right now.

TARA: Yeah, nothing from nothing is nothing which is everything.

RAMA: We need to seriously ask for some help right now. Thank you.

TARA: Yes, and we have just one or two more readings to complete which have already, you know, helped us in the past. Anyone who would like to have a reading, maybe that would be a good way to exchange right now as you might need some kind of exchange for assisting us and we love you.
Well, Lord Rama and Lady Tara, I have GREAT news for you! You'll be getting $billions in prosperity deliveries any second now, once NESARA is announced! And, as you know, your opening the various portals a month ago forced first contact and the announcement can't be far behind. In fact, it's probably been announced while you were reading this! Quick, turn on your TV! But, the bottom line here is that nobody out there needs to send you money, because you are milliseconds away from getting yours! Isn't that exciting?
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

At the beginning of their 61 page (61 page!) update, Mark, Lord Rama & Lady Tara say this about dates (as in "you promised it would happen on Sept 21...").

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mark Huber SPECIAL Telecall - October 18, 2009
Posted by admin On October - 21 - 2009


MARK: Welcome. I would like to start right off and say that this is a special conference call and it was called at the request of the KOS and Ashtar. The purpose of this is to emphasize right now to everyone that things are speeding up and don’t look at your calendar. Stay connected inside yourself because things could happen at any time of the day or night. This whole emphasis today is on understanding that you are going home in a way that maybe you haven’t thought much about. I apologize for anyone who has, but most of us have been working on this for so many years, [and it has been so far into the future even though we keep doing every single day, more and more and more. Nonetheless, it is very easy to put it off and think, well, this is something way out there in the future. Well, we are here to say today, everyone is telling this, that the time is NOW.

Kauila, I know you weren’t expecting me to ask you this and I apologize, but I will ask you anyway. You got a message from the KOS and because of the short time you have to be with us because you are headed south to Peru, would it be possible for you to recap the message from the KOS?

KAUILA: Aloha everyone. We are just calling in the spirits of recall. The angels of recall. I get them and sometimes I don’t remember what they were. I listened to it on the way over here. What really stood out in my mind was that the primary point, at least from my perspective was that, he said to be prepared for change in an instant. In other words, individually, be ready. If you are going in one direction, be prepared to go in the exact opposite direction. You may be called to a certain area and all of a sudden you hear a voice saying nope, go over here. The three words I remember most of all at the end were listen, listen, listen. That means listen to within.

The KOS had a very brief message and there is a link to it on the GRT message page, and again basically that’s what he was saying is that we are very close to announcements. Again, I believe, he said no dates, no flukes, no nukes, no quantum jukes. Those were the exact words, but there is very much a lot happening right now and I guess that would be the summary of it, Mark. I know that you and Beth had some, there were some codes in there for you. I know there are codes, in other words, messages maybe specific to each individual, that you will hear what you need to hear. So if you listen to it, you might want to listen to it once or twice, maybe three times. What are the codes for you, what is the message telling you?

MARK: Well thank you, Kauila. Glad you could join us even for a short time and we want to wish you the best of luck on your trip south. We know there’s an important operation that you are gong to be a part of there in Peru at the Lake Titicaca area Co Island [?]. We say Aloha to all of our friends there and know you are going to have a great time. We hope we are all up here having a great time also because no matter where you are, you are in the perfect place. That message from the KOS saying, listen, listen, listen, means don’t look outside. Look inside and just don’t say, well I don’t hear, because this time you just might well hear. The thing is, to think about, as we go forward on this call, think about if I were to hear internally to go to a certain location, am I prepared to do that?

KAUILA: If I may add one thing. There are stages in every process, but sometimes it’s just you are presented with obstacles or shall we say, things that you didn’t expect, but again, it’s the willingness to do whatever you have to do. To go through to get to where you know you are to go. Being in Illinois for myself is quite a change for me, and kind of dealing with weather and stuff like that which is very minor. I mean it is very beautiful, but it’s just not your home territory necessarily, but whatever obstacles come up, all I’ve been doing is just remembering my reasons for being here. The stage for the next stage to go to Peru, which again is just a stage. A stage for operations or whatever will be carried out. But if something were to say the minute I was in the airport getting on a plane, saying no, you get on a plane going to Bolivia. You know, whatever is called for, let us be willing to do what we are asked to do and do it joyfully.

MARK: Okay thank you, Kauila. Tara wanted to say something.

TARA: Yes, I just was asked to look at, and in a nutshell, I can’t say much more, but I’ll put it in her [Barbara Hand Clow] words. The first sentence in the last paragraph.

MARK: Barbara Hand Clow’s New Moon message [dated 10/18/09].

TARA: Libra October 18th, it is the new moon in Libra. The time to balance and harmonize your progress with being “in the now” and all that grounding that you accomplished during the Virgo new moon.

MARK: So we’ll talk a little more about that as soon as Rama comes in and gets us some hard news because we want to make sure that you understand the importance of this day and the changes astrologically that are happening. Do you have something more, Tara?

TARA: Yes. The other paragraph at the end. There will be great pressure to reform, based on fairness and truth, and structures that resist this will fall like dominoes. This is the upper square after the Saturn Pluto conjunctions of 1981 to 1983 and their oppositions in 2001 and 2002. So maybe the truth about 9/11 will be revealed so that the United States can stop fighting everybody else in the world. This is a deep thoughtful new moon which encourages us to go into our hearts and find peace and love. It is the time to work on yourself since the only thing you can change is you. Enjoy the falling leaves.

MARK: So there you have Barbara Hand Clow reiterating this general message that we were about today is, it is time, it is being verified, it is being echoed by astrology, it is being echoed in the news of the day, and speaking of that, Rama would you care to give us a little hard news?

RAMA: Oh my. Well, like it’s being said on all levels, change is the biggest expectation and change is how this comes into a place where we get to meet our galactic brothers and sisters. This is what it is all about. Going home. Today, Jack Rice let it rip on the Jack Rice Show. He laid it all out and it goes back from 1979 on. Roll back the Reagan tax cuts and indict these people from that moment on for economic high treason and genocide all the way to present day 2009. This is where we are at in terms of the exposure of the cabals. He described in detail, Mr. George H. ____ life and Scorzini and the other stories going on out there about the sick puppy attitude that George Bush has about the left side of the aisle. The way Jack Rice put it is, I’ve been in and out of the agencies as it were, and the final lynch pin, cotter pin, fell out and the machine is no more. Make peace with your God as you go about your business.

TARA: Sounds like a pattern. Everyone is aware now that it is happening.

RAMA: He also said that the 10,000 mark with the stock market…..

TARA: False flag.

RAMA: False flag. The folks on Wall Street are about to be turned in on a dime. There are still stories that Mr. Madoff hasn’t talked about yet. That is what Jack Rice said. When Mr. Madoff talks, that is maybe the final piece and he may be calling for last confession in the next few moments. That is what the word on the street is out there. That is going to take down all the 13 families, and he may take a walk into the sunset with the Lavender Lad, because Mr. Madoff has to answer for his crimes against humanity as being the, you know, selling Peter and Paul for a dime, as it were. On a bigger scale, I got to call up Jack Rice and speak to him, and I just said, what do you know about the biggest story that’s not been discussed which is First Contact? He said, I will tell you straight out, it is not about Area 51 or Pine Gap, it is about the true brothers and sisters that we know that connect on those higher levels, and he said, even if they were to try to attempt to play with Project Bluebeam, short circuit. You know, it is going to fizzle out.

MARK: I just want to mention, Rama, that Jack Rice was an insider, a CIA operative for many years. He does know what he is talking about, and when he said his comments about the good brothers and sisters of each of our families that are coming here and are here. There is no delay in arrival. I can assure you of that. They are here and they are here in such massive amounts [numbers], and the reason they are here isn’t what the dark fellows are afraid of. What they are afraid of is the fact that they are here to help us, each and all, awaken and remember that we and they are ONE. Our hearts will very soon tell us that personally from within.

That means when they decloak, this will be a massive decloaking. It won’t be one or two here and there. It will be every country, over every sky, and at that time your heart will open in such a way that there will be no thought of violence on anyone’s part. It will be strictly a matter of coming home. You will feel home within you.

So with that, I thank you Rama, Tara and I think we will now go on and start our program. I wanted to mention that today, Ashtar asked us to go to several planets, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus, and we will be discussing what we saw, what we experienced in each one of these places. The first thing I want to tell you out of the box, we will be talking about different dimensional levels than you are used to. Everyone here is used to, when you say a name, you are thinking about 3rd dimension. 99% isn’t on the 3rd dimension. Actually, just make it 100% because everything starts…..

TARA: This is manifestation here.

MARK: Everything starts in anti-matter and then is reflected into matter. So everything we do and say came from anti-matter first. So when we mention different dimensions of existence, and you are wondering why aren’t they talking about 3D planets, the answer is that is not where it is at. You are existing on all those levels too, so when you get there, you will already be there. So you will just remember that and this is not a rare thing that Beth and Mark or Rama and Tara have been to see. This is something that impacts you directly. Your family is speaking to you from these places and they are so eager for you to be going home. In the sense of remembering who you are, who they are, and that we are one family, and they have been waiting for incredible amounts of time to be able to share this, but they can’t do it until this last piece comes in. So we went there to bring the message back.

No dates, no flukes, no nukes, no quantum jukes.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by ClemIsBack »

That means when they decloak, this will be a massive decloaking.
I want to see this massive decloaking. Is there any chance that Rosamund Pike will decloak ?
Deep Knight
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

For those of you who wonder what Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus are like, from the same 61 page post as above...

So we joined St. Germain and Queen Maab and as usual, we called our Twin Flames in so all the energies would be balanced, and then we traveled out of body to see Pluto. There are very large structures on Pluto. Pluto, was, in ancient Cultures, a far-off Land of Riches. The Egyptians traveled here in craft to trade for Gold, rare minerals, jewels, building needs, stones, food stuffs, herbs, liquids, and raw materials. There are very rare crystals, musical devices and technologies from an incredible array of intergalactic locations. Pluto is an epicenter of wealth and an intergalactic trading post. To get in, a Fleet of Ships can come here for your needs, to bring your best negotiators for trading. It isn’t money that is traded. It is goods, services, it is knowledge and they have it in large abundance. You bring your best people, but you also bring goods and craft for trading.

Neptune’s energy is very green and lush, and verdant. Queen Mab and St Germain are with us. There are purple forests which come right up to the shores of the beach. The skies here are blue and the sun is yellow white. We travel over the Sea in our Craft. It is tropical here, temperate, many trees and wildlife here, swinging in the trees, flying ones and crawling ones, life here is abundant. We are in our craft and dive down into tunnels which are cut out of rock underground. We go a long way through these tunnels. At the end there is sunlight and back up.

Queen Mab has brought us to a meadow, and it has Fairies which are our size walking around and cavorting with Elves with pointed ears. There are species here of the Flower People. I also see the Lady Bug Lady. There is frivolity and magic at play, many are laughing and playing in the meadow. There are giant amethyst and ruby boulders in the grass of the meadow.

In the distance is a crystal orb, as big as we are. It is glowing like a light. We are invited to walk into it. We do and we tumble around and come out of this gateway to a sandy beach which is serene. There is white sand, trees and quiet surf. The sun shines over the water, the water sparkles.

We get into a craft to explore more of Neptune. Neptune is very large compared to Earth and covered in forest. As we fly over, they show me that the magical forests go on and on. Neptune has a series of StarGates. When you enter one, it is hard to know where you will come out. They are short cuts to other parts of the Planet. Earth has the same potential, connecting inner and outer Earth. There are also other portals connecting Hawaii with South America, the Pacific Isles and Europe, as well as the Mediterranean, just to name a few. Neptune and Earth are similar this way.

For those of you who have not read a lot of esoteric history, you may not know that master builders, millions of years ago, visited the Earth from Uranus. When we went there, first of all, who did we take with us? Who did we invite to go with us and to help us talk to the people? It was Lord Maitreya, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, St. Germain and of course our Twin Flames which we call the Sunstar 4. They all accompanied us to Uranus, so we knew it was kind of important when they all volunteered, that we were going to see something a little bit different. As I said, the Uranians were the original Architects of the Solar System and provided the technology and mathematics for cutting stones and for building the pyramids with sound. The Uranians levitate huge masses by neutralizing their mass so anti-gravity is a part of that. Matter and anti-matter are also a part of that. They have not been to the Earth in several million years.

BETH: Hey Mark, may I ask you a question please?

MARK: Okay.

BETH: We were calling these people Uranians because we didn’t have a better word, but I know that name is long. Rama, do you know of another name for these people who live here?

MARK: These are 4 foot tall very deep black-skinned individuals [who] are very bright, they are very jolly, and they are incredible. They are the universe’s most incredible mathematicians and they are the master builders that built the pyramids, but they have another name that just slips my mind.

RAMA: If you saw that movie, Masters of the Universe, there was a being, his name was Guildorff. He developed the Masonic key and it is a musical instrument that opens the dimensional doorways and stargates. They live on Uranus. These beings. They are very similar to the gnomes.

MARK: Well, I will mention the name as soon as I can remember their true name, because they are a group of species that they themselves have been around forever. They are immortal.

TARA: On this planet?

MARK: No, on Uranus. If you will remember, they were contracted by, among others, the Maldecians from Maldek. Prince Marduke, and this was a nasty piece of this visit that they were hoping to turn these people into, you might say, friendly, honest people acting with integrity, but that was during a period where there was a division with the Elohi, and Lucifer was corrupting people right and left with his ideas. Part of that went to Maldek. I mean Maldek was contracting with these people and they didn’t want to cancel their contract, because they thought as long as they were the builders, no mischief would come of it. But when they came here and built all these pyramids all over the Earth, at that time, Prince Marduke and a few members of his inner circle had already plotted and planned at the last minute to go in at a critical point and make certain changes in the master builders’ plan that would turn Giza into a weapon. It actually backfired on them.

Jupiter is a 9D Sun, it was a planet which ascended into being a Sun, no longer a planet. If you went there, you would see that many Galactic visitors travel to Jupiter to explore the Hall of Records kept in our Library here. The histories of this Universe are housed here. [Mark: Not planet, but universe.] If you look at our building structures, you will see futuristic space designs floating in an area where they congregate together. They are not built on the ground, they float in space. [Mark: Remember Jupiter is primarily gas.] [Rama: That’s right, it is ammonia, methane and other gases. Not nice gases for our humanoid life forms as our scientists put it.] [Mark: There are some interesting neat things at this moment because of the transformation that has already taken place on Jupiter and our solar system elsewhere that are not known, and we will be talking about those now. First of all, I want to repeat that the buildings are floating in space.] There are tall structures and round structures and they are all grouped together, like in any other city that is on Earth. You will notice large Mother Ships coming and going from Jupiter, a very busy place. These are places where people come to attend the Great Council Meetings, and Universal issues are discussed at the Solar Tribunal having to do with issues of Universal Law. [Mark: So the whole Universe is not a disorderly frontier. It is actually very orderly. These Councils and meetings we are all talking about are all [with] ascended beings.]

BETH: I want to share with you what we received when we went [on] our visit to Hesperus, Venus.

[Sanat Kumara & Lady Venus took Mark and me, and our Twin Flames, on a tour at 7D, Hesperus, Venus]

When we arrived, Lady Venus and Sanat Kumara walked in front of us, on a foot path next to a lake. Mist came off the lake and filled the early morning air. There were enormous, lush green trees there. The trees dotting the lake were 300 feet tall. They looked happy. It gave a feeling of magic to walk beneath them. They were as sentinels and very welcoming. I could feel them beaming love to us. This area reminded me of pictures of Japan. The path curved and suddenly pink showy flowers would be next to the path on a bush, at face level, to enjoy their color and fragrance. We continued to walk and we came to a small river. We started to fly over the river, all of us, flying just above the water. The narrow river splashes water on my face and it feels like bliss. I realize the water is sentient and is communicating ecstatic joy to me.

I see on the side of the river are two mermaids, a man and woman, they are sitting on the side of the river with their tails splashing in the water. They are nuzzled up together. They notice us and smile. They motion to us to dive down into the freshwater river with them. We dive in and follow them through underwater caves. There are multi-colored fish and other sea creatures. We swim along, greeting the sea coral which is very colorful, luminescent and cheerful. We swim on and come into a lagoon. When we come out of the water, there is seawater.

The [seawater] lagoon is filled with dolphins jumping and twirling in the water. They speak to us telepathically with big smiles inviting us to play in the water there with them. The sun is shining down as we walk out onto the beach. There comes a tiger, who walks up to us, and a brown bear carrying a walking stick. The tiger and bear talk to us in English and welcome us to their beach. The quality of the sun here is different. It is an orange-peach-colored sun and there is nothing harsh about it. It feels gentle and warm, as if it is embracing us. There is nothing harsh or hot about it; it is the perfect temperature. The sky here is more purple than blue, a purple sky and an orange sun, a very pleasant surprise.

We leave the beach and fly over to a mountainside. Dotting the mountainside are little half-round houses. These are all built in the same style. They are all placed on this side of the mountain to capture the best angles of the sun, the greatest part of the day. We then fly over a large wide river which has tiny lights dotted all along both sides of the wide river. This looks like any large city on a river, London-like. There are many people in this large bustling city we see below. There are many who live there. We are told we will visit that area on another trip to Hesperus, Venus.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Equinox Ascension

Post by Deep Knight »

Kau'ila Pele from the GRT-Intel and Welcome the Light forums, has finally posted pictures from Peru. Not from First Contact, but from last Tuesday the 20th. And also not from this cave-lagoon that no one knows where it is either, but from an apartment in Cusco...


Note the lens flare, er, orbs. Lots of orb photos from Kau'ila Pele, it seems every time he points his camera into the sun he gets one. Amazing!


What can I say, I am IN JOY!!! :roll:
"Follow the Money"