The Q

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

Tired of blaming the Jews? Blame the Queen of England!

casper 10-12-09 #1

How many times over the years have WE said that we know the Q better than most, better than STORY for example? WE go way back with her and updates from years ago describe her as the worlds most unreliable "flip-flopper", that she blows in the wind like a willow tree siding with which ever side appears to be "winning" at the moment. You might find it enlightening to review some of those old updates archived at

Our update last Thursday reports her arrival here to "help get deliveries done" after which she made a quick trip back to England for a scheduled event then returned to the U.S. to again "help to get deliveries done". In keeping with her history of betrayal and subterfuge WE learned late last night that, like "Dragon Lady" and Ying, she has actually been trying to sabotage deliveries and announcements and especially the disclosures, exposures and the SUITCASE. The reason is because she occupies a prominent place in the Suitcase and contends its exposure will "destroy her and her family". She has been assisting BUSH, OBAMA, Dragon Lady, etc. She is claiming this morning that she can block any disclosures of a nature detrimental to the Throne from entering England. There are historical "OATHS" some how involved in this. OATHS involving the QUEEN and BUSH. Recall that when the allies arrived in FRANCE in WWII every major edifice had been wired with explosives but the German Generals had refused HITLER'S orders to destroy the city as they retreated. Why do you suppose BUCKINGHAM, WINDSOR, etc. were not destroyed as LONDON was leveled around them? OATHS taken then are somehow involved in today's betrayals by the QUEEN. She is refusing to proceed with deliveries as scheduled this morning. How she and/or Dragon Lady have such "power over deliveries" is beyond our understanding. Pretending to be on "our side" she has had possession of the Trigger Packs in preparation for delivery today. The World Court has ordered her to hand them over immediately. Her response is that she "will burn them before she will hand them over" as their delivery (announcements??) would result in the destruction of the Monarchy. The OATHS involved are historical and ancestral in nature and she claims they can not be violated no matter what. Recall that BUSH SENIORS grandfather was NAZI and attempted a coup against ROOSEVELT. WE hear this OATH is known as the "NASI" oath, likely meaning the NAZI OATH, but we are unsure of the spelling. This is a job for STORY.

The Security Personel did arrive over night and were not brought here by Q. Possession must be obtained for them to perform their function. More confrontation is now underway between the "sides", i.e. "factions" with BUSH and the QUEEN being the primary and current opposition. Obama is his puppet. SENIOR was with CLINTON (Bill) on the West Coast this past week and will be with OBAMA in Texas this week. He is the puppeteer.

WE now await further developments and will report again when possible.

casper 10-12-09 #1

P.S. Word just arrived saying the Queen is no longer in possession of the packs. WE hear "she had no choice".

P.P.S. GUESSWORK FOLLOWS: Somehow the Queen, WE hear, is related to the Rothschild's (as is Barbara Bush) AND, going back to the early 30's, the "CHURCH" (and therefore the QUEEN??) was sympathetic to the NAZI'S, which also involved the MONARCHY. WE also hear the VATICAN had somehow obtained control of the MONARCHY hundreds of years prior. This stuff is above OUR heads and is mentioned here as a "tip" to those such as "S" and/or STORY and/or WHISTLEBLOWER who may or may not wish to comment and/or educate us ignorant "subjects".

Word just arrived saying Casper is no longer in possession of his gonads. WE hear "he had no choice".

casper 10-12-09 #2

Using World Court orders the packs have been retrieved from the QUEEN.

Her Lady Ship has now left for England saying she has "worn out her welcome here".

She says she will block the exposures from entering England.

casper 10-12-09 #2

Exposures? I prefer 1/60th of a second at f8.

CASPER UPDATE #3: OCTOBER 12, 2009 (Updated Oct. 13 with Comment)
casper 10-12-09 #3

WE hear the Q is plenty upset with todays updates, that the OATH business as discussed is true with that particular disclosure really pis-ing her off, and that she has already ordered her "boy" to attack us and to even deny she was here.

No telling what "story-line" they are cooking up right now.

Heads up for tomorrow.

casper 10-12-09 #3


----- Original Message -----
From: RDH
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 1:25 AM
Subject: hello central re;: the latest casper reports

Dear Bellringer, Casper, Poof ,

I have followed these reports for 3 years now about the evil in high places it is my opinion that a few ultra rich have been playing a game . They are the bank the corperations and governments are the players and the world is the game board.
The game they play is a mixture of risk, monopoly and annihilation. their moto is there can be only us.
The problem is the world has grown tired of being the pawns. The world court orders the changes, the evil jerks play musical chairs with the payouts and keep the game going.. I think that 41, 42,43 and 44 are just pawns as are the other high ranked crime bosses.
The enforcement forces have to identify the puppet masters of the game, arrest them , redistribute their stolen wealth.
If the golden age is going forward laws must be enforced worldwide to stop hoarding supplies in order to artificially increase prices while the artificial shortages cause injury and death to untold thousands..The man in the US that tells all presidents that are sworn in is the highest rank master mason above the 33rd degree who is known as the Governor of the United States. He answers to the Black Pope. and is a member of the Jesuit High Counsel
Keep up the good work of exposing the wickedness and bringing the works of darkness into the light to be judged by all..`

peace and divine protection keep all of you until the inevitable victory is achieved.

sincerly RDH

RDH = Registered Delusional Halfwit.
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

----- Original Message -----
From: EW
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 3:07 PM


The #7 response to this article appears to be a 'damage control goon' for the Vatican.

The denial commentary is without proof or substantative commentary.

The King George III in the preamble to the Peace of Paris 1783 stating that he was 'prince elector and treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire' is totally significant to the conclusions made by Mr. Ames regarding Papal control over the former British colonies in America.

I have seen this same 'damage control' babble posted many times by a fellow who used to be with the State of Kentucky Education Dept., and who uses an Israeli computer program called Megaphone to be alerted to 'the Vatican's Veil' damaging commentary or information that is posted on the internet.

The 'judge' whom the posting party referred to also acted as a dis-information agent (ignorantly or with purpose) to divert attention away from the Vatican, and to the English Monarchy. The Treaty of 1213 between King John and Pope Innocent III, where king John pledged England FOREVER, as a vassal State of the Holy Roman Empire set the stage for the Pope of AD 1297 and King Edward I to incorporate a body politic to govern England, rather than a reliance on the Monarch directly. That was the 'Crown' of England, and later, Great Britain. It was a sub-corporation of the body politic of the City of London, which was/is also called 'The Crown'. Thus, the judge saying that 'he takes his orders from England' really means the City of London, an independent city/state within England that is wholly wned by the super corporation, the Holy Roman Empire, whose CEO is the Pontiff of Rome.


----- Original Message -----
From: A&S
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 3:03 PM
Subject: Casper's update 12 oktober 2009

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bellringer,


P.P.S. GUESSWORK FOLLOWS: Somehow the Queen, WE hear, is related to the Rothschild's (as is Barbara Bush) AND, going back to the early 30's, the "CHURCH" (and therefore the QUEEN??) was sympathetic to the NAZI'S, which also involved the MONARCHY. WE also hear the VATICAN had somehow obtained control of the MONARCHY hundreds of years prior. This stuff is above OUR heads and is mentioned here as a "tip" to those such as "S" and/or STORY and/or WHISTLEBLOWER who may or may not wish to comment and/or educate us ignorant "subjects".

May we in the first place thank you for your tremendous efforts to bring the world to a better understanding of the truth.

The sentence in Casper's last update "WE also hear the VATICAN had somehow obtained control of the MONARCHY hundreds of years prior" may be easily

explained by a short story of Dutch history, which you - nor Casper - may not know, but which we are glad to share with you.

At about 1685 - 1687 there was a certain balance between the powers of France (the catholic King Louis XIV), England (the catholic King James II from the House of Stuart), and the Seven United Provinces, better known as The Dutch Republic. The Dutch Republic was ruled by The States General and the army's and fleet's leader at that time was the prince William III of Orange, such with the title of Stadholder. Something of the same as the lord Denethor of Gondor, such in the absence of a king. However, the real power of the prince of Orange was a little less, as the Dutch people did not like to have an usurper.

Prince William III, far from catholic, was an ambitious man, who had married the princess Mary, daughter of King James II of England.

In 1688 the political balance was changed, and war was about to begin, and in autumn a large fleet of 500 vessels sailed to the South coast of England.

Aboard was a fully equipped invasion army of at about 21.000 seasoned troops. After the landing, the absolute power of James II was easily broken and he fled to France. In February 1689 the Stadholder William became joint sovereign of England together with his wife. William ruled England till 1702.

Now, the point was that the enormous costs of this operation were not paid by the Dutch States General, nor by the rich Dutch regents and merchants, but... in the deepest of deepest secrecy by the Pope of Rome, Innocentius Xl. This fact was even by Dutch historians not largely known till some years ago.

This loan (partly a gift) was paid by the powerful Odescalchi Family to which this Pope belonged. It is not without reasoning to think that the Pope will have had "his price" to the English monarchy.

With best regards,

In love & light,


The Netherlands

Our meditations and prayers are with you both.

Keep up the good work!

----- Original Message -----
From: AB
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 5:14 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Elizabeth Windsor's oaths of allegiance; a glimpse into the retarding frictions of lite criminality

Alcuin Bramerton

Casper is accurate in his view that historical oaths are presenting a retarding friction in getting Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) to unblock her opposition to the delivery of the prosperity fund trigger packs.

The Queen regards herself as a sworn guardian of the historical treasure of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar are now better known as the Jesuits. The treasure of the Templars is not a particular stash of gold or sequestered riches. The treasure of the Knights Templar is the total financial control of the planet.

In the 1950s, as a young women, and recently enthroned as Queen, Elizabeth Windsor, was compelled by her mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, to take the Jesuit Blood Oath. This is sometimes referred to as the Jesuit Extreme Oath and Induction. The text of this Satanic rite was placed on the US Congressional record on the 15th February 1913. The page was torn out by a vandal at a later date. The full text of the Jesuit Blood Oath can be read here: ... uction.htm

When the Queen, as quoted by Casper, talks about burning \"them\" she was probably talking (or thinking) about burning her own entrails with sulphur should she betray the Jesuit Blood Oath and allow financial control of the planet to slip away to an uncontrollable Other.

Elizabeth Windsor took the Jesuit Blood Oath in secret, one August, at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. A related curio, perhaps relevant to that remote location in Aberdeenshire, is that the Jesuits wrote the first 25 degrees of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry in 1754. More background about this can be found here: ... ontrol.htm

And Benjamin Fulford has commented on the Satanic goings-on which are conducted under the radar at Balmoral here: ... 81%A6.html

Elizabeth Windsor, as the English Monarch, is officially the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. This is a sensational blind. The English Reformation Church is an heretical construct in the Roman Catholic and Jesuit worldview. To have a sworn Jesuit in charge of the Church of England for the purposes of covert subversion is very Illuminati and very Jesuit. The Illuminati modus operandi has always been to say one thing in public and to prosecute the exact opposite in private. And Ignatius Loyola, the founder and first Superior General of the Jesuits, in the Thirteenth Rule (365) in his Spiritual Exercises says: \"To be right in everything, we ought always to hold that the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it ...."

In the early 1990s, for genuine spiritual reasons connected with the influence of one of her (Anglican) chaplains, Elizabeth Windsor began to get jumpy about her Jesuit connection. Foolishly, she confided her worries to her mother. Shortly afterwards, on the orders of the then Superior General of the Jesuits, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, she was terminated and cloned. The details of this unremarked regicide may shortly emerge.

But Casper is also right to stress the Nazi nature of the oaths which Elizabeth Windsor feels she is constrained by. The House of Windsor has impeccable Nazi roots, as does the US Bush family.

It is said that one of the Pandora\'s suitcase documents involving the Queen has to do with the manner in which her family was actively in touch with leading Nazis throughout the Second World War.

The Duke of Windsor, for example, had been in close collaboration with the Nazis in Spain and Portugal to foment a revolution in wartime Britain, which would topple the Churchill government, depose his brother King George VI, and allow him to regain the throne, with Queen Wallis (Simpson, the American divorcée, for whom he abdicated the throne) at his side. Explicit correspondence germane to this plot was lodged at Kronberg Castle.

In June 1945, King George VI, dispatched the former MI5 officer turned "Surveyor of the King's Pictures", Anthony Blunt, to gather up the incriminating correspondence. These papers are now thought to be held at Stonyhurst College in Lancashire, the Jesuit\'s English HQ.

Later on in 1978 and 1979, when the UK Thatcher government was fitting up Anthony Blunt as the \"fourth man\" in the Cambridge spy ring, Queen Elizabeth II insisted that there should be no interrogation of Blunt about his secret trip to Kronberg Castle.

More here: ... of-windsor

----- Original Message -----
From: DE
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 8:25 PM


The "Holy Roman Empire" to which EW refers is alternately known as the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation": it's not actually Roman! (Nor is it "Holy".)

King George III, against whose forces the American revolutionaries fought in the late-1700s, held a title of "Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire". "British" royalty has for several centuries been essentially German (Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; rebranded "Windsor" in 1917 to sound more English). Queen Anne was the last monarch of the (Scottish) House of Stuart; when she died in 1714, the throne she had occupied in London passed to George I of the House of Hanover (HolyRoman Empire/modern-day Germany).

Germany, you will note, is also the birthplace of the Rothschild dynasty -- more specifically Frankfurt, Germany whose coat of arms is here (notice the red shield):

And what nationality is the current pope again?

"British Freemasonry's Control of the Roman Catholic Church": ... 1240852983
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Re: The Q

Post by fortinbras »

From Casper's Oct 13th message:
WE hear the Q and Dragon Lady are still doing everything possible to stop deliveries which leads to the Suitcase and their exposure. WE hear the Q has ordered some of precious jewelry sold as she is in desperate need of funds. Not to worry, spies tell us the basement of Buckingham is full of the stuff. Friends inform us her last name was changed from Windsor's to Windsor in the early 1900's as part of the cover up that SHE IS GERMAN, FROM THE HOUSE OF HANOVER. Other sources reveal that her family took the Satanic Jesuit Blood OATH in addition to the OATH WE reported yesterday. Also recall STORY'S reporting that BUSH'S true name is/was SCHERFF, German also.
Not from "Windsor's to Windsor", but from Battenburg to Montbatten, during WW1, and it's hardly a secret. And it's also hardly a secret that she is of Hanoverian descent.

This guy needs "spies" to tell him what's in the Information Please Almanac!
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

casper 10-13-09 #1

The "TREASURY EMBEZZLEMENT NUMBERS" first quoted at 27T then raised to 38T have now been found to be in excess of 50T. This is money stolen from the American People much of which was paid out in bribes. WE hear it was always known that bribery was prevalent in D.C. involving Senators, Congressmen and the Judiciary but no one knew how bad it actually is.

WE hear the Congress and the Judiciary have been advised to "stand by-the bomb is coming". WE presume that to be a reference to the Suitcase. There is great anxiety on "The Hill" right now.

WE hear the Q and Dragon Lady are still doing everything possible to stop deliveries which leads to the Suitcase and their exposure. WE hear the Q has ordered some of precious jewelry sold as she is in desperate need of funds. Not to worry, spies tell us the basement of Buckingham is full of the stuff. Friends inform us her last name was changed from Windsor's to Windsor in the early 1900's as part of the cover up that SHE IS GERMAN, FROM THE HOUSE OF HANOVER. Other sources reveal that her family took the Satanic Jesuit Blood OATH in addition to the OATH WE reported yesterday. Also recall STORY'S reporting that BUSH'S true name is/was SCHERFF, German also.

WE hear the "QUEEN BEE" (Beatrix) is somehow involved in this mess also. Recall FULFORD'S report last week that she and Prince Charles were on their way to "an obscure town" in Ontario, Canada which WE hear was across the lake from Detroit. So much intrigue. Where is Inspector Clouseau when we need him?

Last night the head of the Security Group charged with delivering the trigger packs today was arrested by Homeland Security and thrown in the slammer.

This morning the World Court "sprung" him and arrested the HLS folks responsible.

The packs are again moving.

Notice that the Darkside Establishments fight for survival is a Worldwide not just a U.S. Phenomena.

In England today the Press is being stopped from reporting whatever is going on in Parliament.

casper 10-13-09 #1

casper 10-13-09 #2

Deliveries have been delayed in 24 hour increments for several days in a row as BUSH, CLINTON, OBAMA, THE QUEEN AND THE MING have tried desperately to locate and ELIMINATE The Man with The Suitcase.

The loss of Fiat and Fractional is one thing, announcements of the Constitution and even resignations are one thing, the opening of Pandora's Suitcase, stopping the opening of the Pandora's Suitcase, is a matter of life or death for all of them. Think for a moment what will happen to these "world leaders" when the unthinkable is made public worldwide.

Today, using "if come" money, OBAMA again managed to bribe the Leaders of the Security Group hired to deliver the trigger packs buying all of the criminals another 24 hours.

Twenty four hours, no matter what it took. They are DESPERATELY trying to get to The Man and retrieve the Suitcase.

Casper 10-13-09 #2

casper 10-13-09 #3

Just Arrived:

The (Good) Chinese Gov't. has just told OBAMA if he, the Q, or anyone else harms The Man with the suitcase, the reprisals will be swift and immediate.

OBAMA told them to "Go to Hell".

casper 10-13-09 #3

I know EXACTLY how much money was embezzled, it was $27 trillion, no wait, it was exactly $38 trillion, that is to say $50 trillion to the very penny (wait, how much money is there in the world? I may have to get back to you on this...)!
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Re: The Q

Post by fortinbras »

Casper is now babbling about "the Man with the suitcase" -- every government is trying to find him. Not much information on what's in the suitcase. James Bond used to get by with microfilm, and Ellery Queen once hid a microdot in his pipe.

Re: The Q

Post by muertos »

I've been following this too, or trying to. It's so fricken convoluted that no one can make sense of it.

The story changes every day. Who's really in charge? The Queen? The Illuminati? The Pope? The Holy Roman Empire? David Icke's reptiliods? The tinfoil hat crowd can't seem to decide who to blame.

Re: The Q

Post by logicman »

Yes we are back at square one the 'Q', Her majesty herself Queenie sr..When casper gets tired of one character, go to the ole fave here..Next should be Kissinger, then Rothschilds,and back to the former Presidents..This is the cycle..All in all no funds and never was any..Its a story that they are trying to sell Hollywood to make a movie..They are probably thinking of hiring Michael Moore to do this..Maybe Michael wanted more money for his anti capitalism..
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

All of us have been worried about Casper lately, what with him going on and on about the Queen and not President Obama. Swine flu that settled in his brain? Well, he's all better now.

casper 10-14-09

Have WE mentioned lately that it is OBAMA who has been blocking deliveries? And that he has been aptly assisted lately by BUSH SENIOR and both CLINTONS? And those from abroad we have recently mentioned?

Anyone not clued in to this simple and spectacularly obvious truth at this late hour is desperately ignorant or intentionally misleading you. Such a person must have been brainwashed to such an extent they can no longer function rationally. It is not necessary anyone agree with our observations, only that they open their eyes even if they must use a crowbar.

Our country is being ripped from under us daily on national television. Unless this man and his Czars and his radical colleagues who now control every aspect of Government are stopped you may as well move to Venezuela. The announcement of a return to the Constitution and the demise of the Octopus/Corporation is at least as important as our funding. Especially if you have children.

The destruction of America by a "New World Order" is well down the road just as ratification of the Lisbon Treaty by Ireland last week sealed the fate of the Sovereign Nations of Europe. Are we going to allow our country, what is to be left of it, to be merged into this New World Order for which OBAMA has been appointed as "First Messiah" and from which there will never be escape?

Obama supporters must wake up to the fact that OBAMA'S plans for "hope and change" are basically the opposite of what you perceive them to be and our funding is not a part of his plans. That would cause he and his to "lose control" and he would no longer be "RULER", a word he has used often while ordering the world around and around.

OBAMA and BUSH SENIOR are joined at the hip much like the more visible joining of BUSH and CLINTON at the hip. Hold on if you must to the idea that he is being blackmailed, or that he "accidentally" allowed himself to be led by others into his current dilemmas, no matter, what counts now is the FACT that he blocks deliveries week after week.

Wake up friends, the "Messiah" is not on our side. He never was.

casper 10-14-09
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

Rama and Tara weigh in on Fullford's Queen postings, from Mark Huber's Welcome Teh Light (intentional typo) site.

MARK: Well anyway, all of this is a way of saying, you are witnessing history right now. This very day, we saw several things. We saw Benjamin Fulford today come out with a blog, and in that blog, remember he is in the high level Japanese government and he has a Japanese family so he is very, very vulnerable. He is a counselor, consultant, policy level of that government and what he said today, in case you didn’t hear it: “You know, it’s time to call the Emperor to task.” He said since the beginning, the Emperor has been a shill, a puppet for guess who?

RAMA: The Queen of England.

MARK: Yes.

RAMA: The fake Queen who never was sworn in or coronated on the regal Stone of Scone.

MARK: So this is what he is talking about today and he went on. I am not going to delay this any further with that. You can look it up yourself and we will have it on our website, that particular thing. The point is, it happened today. These things are happening today. Last night, the big multi Council meeting, today the actions and the KOS told us today that this event that happened in Joe Lieberman’s office and did make it on CNN, did make it on Thom Hartmann. It was reported. This is not the first.

TARA: It is not going to go away and Joe Lieberman did write 9/11, [Rudy] Juliani, Hillary Clinton and all of the rest of them.

MARK: So pay attention now. The truth is starting to get on the news and of course MSNBC is one of the places. NPR with Amy Goodman and some of the alternative radio stations. Air America is printing and speaking of truth, so if you have to, look around to see if something is true, see what they are talking about.

RAMA: Montel Williams. Montel across America, he tells it like it is like Rachel [Maddows].

TARA: Oh good.

So what's this about stoners eating scones? The Stone of Scone was used for Scott's coronations until captured by Edward I in 1296, when it was transported to England. It has been used since for English/British coronations, including Elizabeth II. However, there's a conspiracy theory involving the stone (surprise, surprise!) that says it's not the real one, which is somehow hidden. If so, nobody could be coronated while sitting on it (it fits into a special chair below the seat), shape shifting reptilian or not. See
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Re: The Q

Post by Brandybuck »

Sometimes I suspect this is all one large masterfully executed piece of performance art.
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

Brandybuck wrote:Sometimes I suspect this is all one large masterfully executed piece of performance art.
Very true, except: 1) performance art would be more interesting, and 2) it wouldn't go on as long, as part of it is the revelation that it's performance art. An example (see )

"Carlos" hoax

"We like to be deceived." - Blaise Pascal

"Carlos" was the name of a 2,000-year-old spirit allegedly channeled by José Alvarez when he toured Australia in 1988. Channeling was all the rage in Australia and an Australian television program contacted James Randi about finding someone who might show Australians that channeling was something doubtful. Randi approached Alvarez, a performance artist and friend who had long toyed with the idea of creating such a character. The rest, as they say, is history. Alvarez looked at videotapes of other people speaking in strange voices, pretending to be in touch with other worlds, and he picked it up right away. Eventually he went to Australia, took the performance into the Sydney Opera House before a rapt audience there, all handling crystals and beads and whatnot, and with charmed looks on their faces, attracted and enthralled by this man onstage, José Alvarez, doing the Spirit of Carlos that was claimed to be 2,000 years old. His performance was very convincing, and actually better than the "real" chanellers!

However, all of the material that he produced was spurious. In the press releases he invented magazines and newspapers, he invented towns and cities and radio stations and TV channels and whatnot, that didn't even exist. He prepared videos of radio interviews and theater appearances that never happened. And just one phone call by the media back to the United States would have revealed the whole thing as a hoax. Even after it was all revealed on the Australian Sixty Minutes TV show, a week after the Opera House appearance, many continued to believe in "Carlos" and his uninspired messages. (Randi, personal correspondence.)

For Alvarez, the creation of the character "Carlos" was a performance/experiment to see how far he could take his creation, but his purpose was not to make people look foolish. He hoped to liberate them from a false belief. However, the result of the performance seemed to demonstrate how easy it is to create a cult from scratch and how, even when the truth is revealed to them, some still refuse to accept it. The "Carlos" hoax also demonstrated how gullible and uncritical the mass media are when covering paranormal or supernatural topics. Rather than having an interest in exposing the truth, the members of the media were obsessed with "Carlos" the phenomenon and transformed his character from a hoax to a myth. The character Alvarez had so arduously created was transmogrified by the press. The media didn't even need to do any research to have determined that "Carlos" was not genuine. The biggest clue was handed to them on a silver platter: "Carlos" performed for free. He offered crystals from Atlantis for sale, but took orders rather than cash. Every journalist should know that the first sign of an authentic fake guru is greed.

José Alvarez had hoaxed an entire continent with his art. But he had created something that the media and his audiences would take from him and recreate to suit their own needs. One lesson here has to be the magician's refrain: deception requires cooperation. Another lesson might be that the need to believe in something like a "Carlos" is so great in some people that we must despair of them ever being liberated.

Alvarez continues to travel the world performing "Carlos" in a malleable manifestation of his initial "incarnation." He appears on global network TV, and performs before large live audiences, engaging them in discussions regarding gurus and the dangers of passive acceptance of unquestioned belief. His goal? To bring people real enlightenment.

His ongoing exploration of the nature of belief, charisma, and power, and how they intersect, was featured at the 2002 Biennial Exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City.
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Re: The Q

Post by texino »

I have eaten scones and they taste sort of like rocks. Be that as it may, it seems that this stone was given back to the Scots to hold until the Brits need another coronation. I always thought that "Bonnie" Prince Charlie was going to be king but he seems to have be deselected for marrying a woman with a horse's face after having his princess killed in France. Now all this seems pretty normal royal behavior to me, but I guess his Mum The Queen has achieved super reptilian age status and doesn't plan on kicking off for several hundred years or so. Long live the Queen and all that. As a point of interest, this stone was swiped by some college students in 1950 and it came to pieces en route. It was eventually returned but who is to say it's the real deal? Maybe the Queen's dogs might sniff it. Well Queen or not Liz has been doing the job right and proper since I was a kid so I say she's the one and Caspar is risking his neck by saying otherwise since English common law provides for the chopping of heads for quite a few offenses and dissing the Queen is surely one.
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

Lord Rama and Lady Tara talkin’ ‘bout The Q.

UNKNOWN: Yeah. There is actually, Benjamin Fulford has a 3-line thing on his blog today about Queen Elizabeth advocating the throne. He said the parliament has a closed session [closed to the public] for the first time since 1688.

RAMA: Praise Jah.

TARA: Wow, that’s huge.

RAMA: The real Queen will come back.

UNKNOWN: Nostradamus talked about that. In the end time, there would be no more royal family in England.

TARA: That is correct. Actually, we have not had a royal family in England running the show since Queen Elizabeth stepped up to the throne because she is not British. She is a Rothchild. Hathberg/Rothchild.

RAMA: She is German.

UNKNOWN: Actually in his blog, he says her name, the family name was Battenberg.

TARA: What?

UNKNOWN: He says that the Windsors are actually German and changed their name from Battenberg a century ago in order to appear more English.

RAMA: I believe you are correct, Lady Master.

TARA: Spell that last name.

UNKNOWN: Battenberg.

SHIRLEY: Why don’t you read the last sentence? I want her to read the whole thing because there is more to the little story. In fact, that is what I was going to bring up to Rama. It is just one paragraph, so could you read the whole thing please?

UNKNOWN: Sure. It says, Queen Elizabeth may soon advocate her throne. A [inaudible] in the UK royal family says the parliamentary debate is closed to the public for the first time since 1688 because they are debating removing the House of Windsor from the throne of England. The Windsors are actually German and changed their name from Battenberg a century ago in order to appear more English. The Earl of Wales is the leading contender to be the new King of England, however, the debate is still underway and nothing has been finally decided.

I actually saw an article at Rumor Mills News where somebody said that he had been Googling the Earl of Wales and he couldn’t find the name anywhere. This guy actually sent a letter to Fulford and Fulford said that all he knew was, it was someone. He didn’t know anything also about this Earl of Wales, but he knew that it was somebody who was more English.

TARA: Whoa.

MARIETTA: Shirley, did you have more to say about the Benjamin Fulford information?

SHIRLEY: I just wanted Tara and Rama’s opinion on the fact that whether they would truly remove her, because that probably wouldn’t happen unless there is a NESARA announcement that brings down all the [cabal] people. The fact that there is somebody else they are considering doing it, so maybe Mother will have some insight on that too. I thought it was kind of……

TARA: I’m sorry Shirley. I can say a little bit about this. We already know that the Queen has been dead since last March or something. That means something. Every single one of these ones that you are hearing, these reports that Benjamin is giving from, they are all dead. They are still pushing agenda to cover this whole story up and try to find a way to deceive the public again into believing this is reasonable. There is nothing reasonable about it as you could see on the bigger story; they have an intention to create a thousand-year race for power. It is all not happening. All of that is now in the hands of the Galactics, Inter-Galactic and the White Knight realms of Earth.

RAMA: No more furors ever again.

TARA: Never, never, never again and by the time we get to October 28, 2011, no one that still is around here with these ideas in mind can withstand the love. That is the way it is. Out of mercifulness, it has already begun. Those that are not ready, remember they made their own judgment about when people would be ready. That was the first thing and even at that, it’s true on a certain level. You can see amongst everybody right now. The more the truth comes forward, the more that those that don’t want to look at the truth, resist. Right now, we are at the point of lunacy. At the point that people are saying, do these people have 2 screws? What is with this? And now there is a break through because these people do have something to hide. Yeah. Like these people just made another killing to the point of now $2.1 trillion and the American people are not buying it.

Remember how I said in the first post that if you were tired of blaming the Jews you could blame the Queen? It turns out you can do both at once! One stop hate shopping!

TARA: Well Mother, do you know more about the Battenberg family name instead of the Hathberg family name? I mean obviously they are both Jewish names, but…..

MS: Battenberg: German Jews, wealthy class, merchants, upper Meneche connections of what was taking place with Mr. Rothschild ages ago.

TARA: Well what about the Hathberg that’s being said for so long and now all of a sudden, now the name has changed.

MS: It has to do with the cover-up and the….

TARA: Hathbergs are Rothschild, Battenberg are Rothschild. They are both are in the same family tree, just slightly moved over maybe.

MARK: Maybe alias.

MS: Alias upon alias, alias upon alias.

TARA: Oh, so you think the Hathberg was an alias for the Battenberg now?
Oh okay.

MS: Alias for sure and then they changed it to Bush. Maybe it is the fact that the genocide that goes so high in the sky behind the name. How you live with that? How you sleep at night? How you get up and look at yourself in the mirror? Without feeding yourself the biomedical, military, medical complex with enough pills and injections so you don’t think about the murder you are going to commit within the next 30 minutes. That is how these people live and we would not wish that on any soul. Yet, at the same time, they made a conscious choice to wear that dark hat to do this and create the story in which we share now. Where you get to wake up and say, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. And yet, you must go to where you must be dealt with according to your crimes against the universe, and we wish you well on your journey. Good day. What can we say? It is at that place, [inaudible].

Someone has to teach these people how to use Google and Wikipedia…
The Battenberg family was a cadet branch of the House of Hesse-Darmstadt, rulers of the Grand Duchy of Hesse in Germany. The first member was Countess Julia Hauke whose brother-in-law, Grand Duke Louis III of Hesse, created her Countess of Battenberg at her morganatic marriage to his brother, Prince Alexander of Hesse, in 1851 and Princess of Battenberg in 1858. The name Battenberg was last used by her youngest son, Prince Francis Joseph of Battenberg, who died childless in 1924. Most members of the family, residing in the United Kingdom, had renounced their German titles in 1917, due to rising anti-German sentiment among the British public during World War I, and changed their name to Mountbatten, an anglicised version of Battenberg.
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Re: The Q

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

My favorite line is the one telling us that the Queen will soon "advocate" her throne.

That's what comes from trying to use ten-dollar words with only two cents in your mental pocket....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:My favorite line is the one telling us that the Queen will soon "advocate" her throne.

That's what comes from trying to use ten-dollar words with only two cents in your mental pocket....
Bellringer posted this today from a new 2-cent voice in his wilderness, the Rev. Ladell Patterson.

Physical Power vs Spiritual Power
Rev. Ladell Patterson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rev. Ladell Patterson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Dear ones on fourwinds10,

You said today in your update that the ONLY thing that can stop this planned OVERTHROW of U.S. Sovereignty is our funding. It blows their TREASON sky high, and I fully agree with you except in reality or spirituality you know that is not true. I am sure you know there is a force the these poor, diluted people have never reckoned with and that is Almighty God, YEHWEH ELOHEIM. YEHWEH can at any time bring them to a sudden halt as HE see fit. Our greatest and most powerful history book has in it many accounts where diluted and depraved ignoramuses ruled the country and thought they had total control of the land. They thought they could do anything without being brought into account. BUT THEY WERE WRONG JUST LIKE THIS DEPRAVED DECEIVER IN THE WHITE HOUSE. The prophet Elijah gave a Word from God to the ruler of the land and this ruler Ahab found out that there is a God that will not take the evil forever and the scenario that took place was long remembered in Israel.


Please call upon the true people of God (I am aware that most of Christianity has backslidden) to pray against this evil plot that is taking place. Daily I am praying against these evil doers and asking God to fulfill HIS own desires and plans for this country. We may not need a return to the foolish and greedy practices that so many of us have practiced. We may need some hard time to turn our attention and remind us that God's ways are not our ways and ours are not His. Please call upon the people of this country to take their authority in Yashua Ha Mashia and call upon God to take him and his evil rulers out of the picture and put in those HE would rather have. I am humbling myself before the mighty hand of God and making sure that my life and footsteps are those aright. Where ever I can, I sound off and ask people to wake up, but thus far all I am accomplishing is losing more and more friends.

I am a former pastor in the central portion of conservative Christianity, truly orthodox in our teaching, but see a great flaw in our land among those called Christian and pray that God will awaken us to His true ways and bring us back to the Constitution and the Gold Standard. I have a few around me that are in agreement and who also pray for this country.

I have awakened, but possibly too late, but I will never give up and will take my stand against all evil no matter what it cost and no matter who it is I stand against.

Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift that He has give you to keep us alert and aware of the daily happenings of our world. Please, don't fall from your position of keeping us aware and awake. I pray for you also although we differ greatly in some things. God is using you and a few others, but they are few. God Bless you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

Rev. Ladell Patterson

Diluted - (in this case) the adjective form of "dilute."

di·lute (d-lt, d-)
tr.v. di·lut·ed, di·lut·ing, di·lutes
1. To make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water.
2. To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture.
3. To decrease the value of (shares of stock) by increasing the total number of shares.

Weakened; diluted.

What a deluded and depraved ignoramus. Someone should make him thinner and less concentrated by adding a liquid, such as water, preferably in a flushing manner.
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Re: The Q

Post by Deep Knight »


イギリスのエドワード元王子の娘からの情報によると、エリザベス女王の父はヒトラーの腹違いの弟である。この事実を封印するためヒトラーとジョージ6世(エリザベスの父)の父であるジョージ五世は、ロシアのアレクサンダー王を殺害し、またヒトラーの育ちの親であったドイツのカイザーウィルヘムを監禁した。 結局第二次世界大戦というのは大量殺戮のためのインチキ戦争であった。

このカラクリが明るみになると、エリザベス女王とウィンザー一族が辞任に追われるのは時間の問題である。またエリザベスの別の従兄弟によると、ダイアナ姫の次男ハリーの実の父はダイアナ姫のボディーガードで愛人であったジェームズ・ヒューイット(Jamese Hewitt)だ。確かに写真で見る限りよく似ている。

James Hewitt:

.Prince Harry


Queen Elizabeth is Hitler’s Niece says King Edward’s daughter

(corrected and expanded)

Queen Elizabeth’s father, King George VI, was also Adolph Hitler’s half-brother (not father as initially reported) according to Emily Elizabeth Catherine Josephine Mary Windsor-Cragg, [illegitimate] daughter of Edward VIII Duke of Windsor.

“Hitler was born in 1889 five years before Edward VIII, when "Georgie" (Victoria's favorite) was 23, long before his marriage to May Teck. He was brought up and abused as the eldest son in Bavaria, and Kaiser Wilhelm, the idealist, was in touch with him. The Duke of Windsor met his older half-brother for the first time in Germany in 1937; however, I have a document that shows Hitler was an intel agent for the British in the 1920's, so he probably KNEW Wallis,” she says.

“Edward VIII Duke of Windsor was routed out, scapegoated, bankrupted, exiled and labeled as Not-See because his wife, unbeknownst to him on his wedding day, was an MI-5 agent of his Father, the King George V,” she says.

“Edward VIII [my dad] was never allowed to marry anybody he liked; only ditsie royal women were permitted to him. So, of course, a black intel ops woman was very attractive, if only because he was so isolated from marriageable women,” she continues.

“The whole story is held at Windsor Library in the Royal diary archives near where my father made his home before he was kicked out of England,” she adds.

Kaiser Wilhelm was exiled and Czar Nicholas was slaughtered by the Cocaine addicted bully George V because they knew the secret about Hitler’s parentage, says Lady Windsor-Cragg.

This information about Hitler contradicts the results of an Austrian Parliamentary investigation and other testimony by close Hitler aides that his father was the Baron Rothschild. Hopefully authorities in the UK will act promptly to check the Royal diary archives to confirm Lady Widnsor-Cragg’s assertions before the evidence is hidden.

A cousin of Queen Elizabeth says it is “the privilege of kings” to have “dalliances” with various women and have the resulting children sent or “remitted” to South Africa. “There is a place called George in the Outwanicque Mountains in South Africa where in the Knaizna forest you will find the Rex family, the hillbillies of South Africa,” he says. This family has some of the most royal blood in the world and are sent to “finely polished colleges,” he says.

This source also had a bombshell of his own that he would like put out on the net for confirmation or denial on the part of other informed parties: “Look at Di’s (Princess Diana’s) children. The second one’s father is Diana’s horse trainer and lover. Look at his features, they are identical to those of the horse trainer.”

See for yourself: James Hewitt:

.Prince Harry

Well Elizabeth, what is your response to all this?

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Re: The Q

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I hope the Queen answers really soon -- I can't hold my breath forever.... :wink:
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Re: The Q

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Am I the only one who wonders (for a few seconds a week, maybe) that this hoax would have dried up long ago if the audience quit tuning in? :roll:
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Re: The Q

Post by bmielke »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Am I the only one who wonders (for a few seconds a week, maybe) that this hoax would have dried up long ago if the audience quit tuning in? :roll:
If it did there would have been something else. Besides from what little I have read these people are crazy, but it is entertaining crazy.
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Re: The Q

Post by fortinbras »

Emily "Windsor-Cragg" is one serious nut, a pretender to a non-existent throne, whose history gets more convoluted with each retelling. Unlike Anna Anderson (alias the Grand Duchess Anastasia) no genuine blue blood supports her claim. Unlike the Sobieski-Stewarts, she doesn't even have pretended documents inherited from royalty. Unlike Mike Romanoff, she doesn't seem capable of accomplishing much on her own merits. She has about as much persuasive evidence as the Duke and Dauphin in Huckleberry Finn. She is vaguely able to persuade a small coterie of losers who all imagine that they will be dubbed dukes and duchesses if/when she ascends her rightful throne.

Unlike some of those others who were knowing cons, she seems to have internalized this to a pathological extent, the closest analogy that comes to mind is Richard Savage, a close acquaintance of Dr Samuel Johnson in his younger days (ca 1740), who was fixated on the notion that he was the illegitimate and unacknowledged son of an earl, already deceased, who had been abandoned immediately after his birth by his mother, herself a countess (widow of another earl), and he took to stalking that poor lady (then about 70 y.o.) and writing blatantly libelous essays and poems about her. In Cragg's world, she was born in 1944, the result of a one-nighter between the Duke and some chippy; her claims and her being tossed out of a forum devoted to reviving the Tsars is found at: ... .msg397747 . The business about "Lady" and such seem to be her own inventions. She is also affiliated with (perhaps the sole member of) The Church of the Galaxy, so you can tell that she's entirely rational.

As for her interpretation of history, nothing she says about Hitler or his supposed influence on the Royals and others as far back as the 1920s and earlier makes any sense, or fits known history, and since Windsor-Cragg herself admits that she never received any communications from any of the royals, how did she learn these "secrets".