Balloon Boy

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Balloon Boy

Post by Deep Knight »

I’ve been waiting for “Balloon Boy” to hit the NESARA cultist radar, and it finally has. Up to this point it’s either been whining about it getting press (posted at Bellringer’s site)
The saga over the release of secret state documents continues to rage out of public sight, even as the corporate media "reports" for endless hours on the (media manufactured) tale of the Colorado "balloon boy."
Or just mentioned in passing in comments (for example, on the GodLikeProductions Forum there were comments saying “if NESARA had been announced the Balloon Boy saga would have never happened,” and calling the President “Barack O’Balloon Boy”) . But, to my great relief, Lord Rama finally took the bait. From a Mother Sekhmet & Friends channeling dated 10/22/2009.

RAMA: The way it is being described in the circles that I’ve been speaking with, and I spoke with the KOS today and he just said, all is moving forward as it should be and it has everything to do with Full Disclosure like Dr. Greer has talked about for so long. We can sit down with Ashtar and Sananda if those be the representatives that are sent to Earth. It could be Valvalarian again. I’ve heard rumors of that and the KOS didn’t tell me that. These people don’t age, they just shift forms, and take on a new form when they are tired of the old one. You know, just for a change of day, you know, change of clothes. Thom Hartmann was laying it out in lavender about universal healthcare and how people who are losing their homes are also going homeless out there. The crazy stories that are going on that are just beyond compare in the sense where they are making fun of these folks up there in Colorado. Balloon boy and such, and there are some pieces to the story that haven’t been told.

TARA: A lot of pieces.

RAMA: I have heard stories of the father of “balloon boy” and he was a serious researcher connected with CSETI. The people, James Gillian and company.

TARA: What’s that?

RAMA: Our friend Quan Yin goes up there. It’s in….

TARA: Oregon? James Gillian’s place? Elise went there too with all the folks.

RAMA: Right.

RAMA: What is being said, is that these folks are crackpots and that is not necessarily the case. You know how the media twists stories. It is in a sense, deeper than that, because this entire week they are bringing up on almost every show on the radio, different little slices about Galactic First Contact. This is so imminent, I don’t even know where to go.

TARA: Wait, wait, wait….

RAMA: Go ahead Tara.

TARA: Yeah, because [of] Barack Obama. This is important enough to just read this. This came out at 12:27 am October 21st yesterday from the Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner which means it is actually 3:27 am Pacific, 6:27 am [not evening] in New York time so it came out last night.

[Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner Article dated 10/21/09]:
"An official announcement by the Obama administration disclosing the reality of extraterrestrial life is imminent. For several months, senior administration officials have been quietly deliberating behind closed doors how much to disclose to the world about extraterrestrial life. Dissatisfaction among powerful institutions such as the U.S. Navy over the decades-long secrecy policy has given a boost to efforts to disclose the reality of extraterrestrial life and technology.

"The impending disclosure announcement follows upon the secret implementation of a year-long openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Over the period February 12-14, 2008, the United Nations held closed doors discussions where approximately 30 nations secretly agreed on a new openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in 2009. The openness policy was implemented but never publicly announced due to threats against UN diplomats not to disclose details of the secret agreement. The secret UN agreement was based on two conditions. First, UFOs would continue to appear around the world; and second, the openness policy would not lead to social unrest in liberal democracies. Both conditions have been satisfied, making it possible for the next stage to begin – official disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

"Obama’s September 24, 2009 chairing of the UN Security Council meeting on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament signaled his emerging leadership role in tackling major global issues such as nuclear weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize was an important step in giving global legitimacy to President Obama in making an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. Obama is therefore poised to play a prominent role in the increased global governance that will be necessary after an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. The timing would most likely coincide sometime soon after his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech on December 10, 2009 in Oslo, Norway.

There have been various sources that have revealed deliberations are underway to make an announcement concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life by the end of 2009. These include Dr. Pete Peterson, a whistleblower who has recently emerged, revealing high level discussions have taken place concerning announcing the existence of extraterrestrial life. In a Project Camelot interview, Dr. Peterson revealed that “Obama is planning to disclose the reality of ET contact by the end of the year; and that most, but not all, of the ET visitors are friendly.”

[Tara: Do you know something about him?]

[Rama: He was at the Awake and Aware Conference or maybe he was going to show up and something happened.]

[Tara: He came on after awhile I think. Yes he did. He came on after.]

Another source is David Wilcock, a prominent researcher of emerging scientific paradigms. Wilcock has been told by additional independent sources that extraterrestrial disclosure will take place by the end of 2009. He furthermore claimed in a Coast to Coast AM radio interview that “a 2-hour international TV special has already been booked that will introduce an alien species, similar to humans, to the world.”

[Tara: We already know that. These Setonians are the big ones.]

[Rama: And they are the refugees from the planet Maldek which is now the asteroid belt.]

[Tara: They were the ones that contacted Hitler and Hitler got to know how to clone a way, way, long time ago even before 1933. FDR declared bankruptcy of the United States as the Constitution for which it stands and representing the people. Then [he] placed the Nazi fascist regime called Corporate Fascist State, and then brought all these 100,000 Nazis after World War II, after dropping two nukes, when Japan was already flagging that they had surrendered before they did it [bombs]. Then designed the blueprints for 9/11 in 1946 with Nicolas Tesla’s information (stolen patents). Then we go on from there. All of that is in that Disclosure you know. This is ET disclosure time.]

In addition, popular NASA and space researcher, Richard Hoagland, has publicly come forward to reveal that the October 9, LCROSS ‘bombing’ mission of the moon discovered an ancient base at the moon’s South Pole. Reviewing the scientific data achieved by NASA’s LCROSS mission, Hoagland concluded, also on the popular late night Coast to Coast AM radio show, that “LCROSS is part of a carefully constructed campaign to prepare the populace for imminent disclosure. The President of the United States will soon announce that scientists have discovered ruins on the moon, he added. Nobody saw the LCROSS debris plume because the probes struck a building which swallowed the effects of the explosion.”

Finally, two independent and confidential sources have revealed to me that face-to-face meetings have recently occurred between U.S. military officials with one or more groups of extraterrestrial visitors. This has allegedly led to confidence being built for future cooperation with the extraterrestrials that will be formally announced to the world public either at the end of 2009, or early 2010.

In conclusion, a diverse number of sources and events point to some form of extraterrestrial disclosure being made by the end of 2009, or early 2010. Official disclosure will most likely emerge in either of two scenarios. One is that President Obama will announce the existence of extraterrestrial visitors, and describe one or more of these to the world. This scenario is supported by Peterson, Wilcock, and my own confidential sources. The second scenario is that an announcement will be made concerning the discovery of artificial structures at the moon’s South Pole, as revealed by the LCROSS mission. This scenario is supported by Hoagland.

Which ever of the above scenarios [Tara: or a combination of all] is used for announcing the existence of extraterrestrial life or technology, President Obama will figure prominently. Behind the scenes, powerful institutions are ensuring that nothing derails the planned disclosure announcement. [Tara: Called the White Knights Military, the U.S. Military including at the 38th level, the Ashtar Command, everybody.] The disclosure will follow upon a year of greater government openness on UFOs in accord with a policy secretly developed at the United Nations. [Tara: being disclosed] If extraterrestrial disclosure does occur at the end of 2009 or early 2010, President Obama will lead an unprecedented effort to promote global governance through the United Nations. The Obama administration and its supporters are poised to take a bold step forward in helping our planet [Tara: now listen carefully] become an interplanetary [Tara: galactic] culture that openly deals with the challenges posed by extraterrestrial life. [Tara: to be developed at hand].

RAMA: I just want to say, if that would occur, as this is occurring, the Captain or the Admiral or the Lavender Lad have not told me who is going to be the spokesperson for the Ashtar Command or who may be the representatives. I’m going out on a limb here, but the neighboring folks across this solar system, across this galaxy, I would say the Venusians, could be the Uranians, could be the Jupiterians, could even be the Vulcans. This is no joke. These are real races out there. Gene Roddenberry just wasn’t pulling things out of thin air. He used to come to Giant Rock and listen to George Van Castle and many of the other early channellers. Gene Roddenberry and his wife who played Diane Troy’s mother, all have had UFO experiences or Galactic First Contact. That’s how this story in the '60s began to change the ideas of how people thought about different races or cultures. If you notice in the first series, all the different races [were] represented, and I don’t mean to use that word, I mean the different cultures, that might be a better word. It moved on to even alien races or cultures. As we learn how to interact with each other with mutual respect, peace and understanding, we become the 33rd member of the Confederation of Worlds.

TARA: I wanted to say that also right now this is being dovetailed. Remember on October 12th, Barack Obama gave a talk? Oh no, it was a Friday event on October 9th….. [interruption]. Let me just say, look out for financial interests of ordinary Americans, he spoke on Friday about this and to be able to, and this is very important, enforce these new rules across the board. That’s why the Galactics are coming because they are going to be the peace officers that will see to it that the enforcement of everything that needs to be done is done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It’s called the sovereign militia forces, 16 million strong Galactics and 4 million White Knights on the ground.

It seems that Lord Rama and Lady Tara have found a kindred spirit in Richard Heene.
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Re: Balloon Boy

Post by bmielke »

Is there anything these people won't tie in with their huge conspiracy?
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Re: Balloon Boy

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bmielke wrote:Is there anything these people won't tie in with their huge conspiracy?
Yeah. It's called "truth".
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Re: Balloon Boy

Post by texino »

First lets take this speech by Tara
[Tara: They were the ones that contacted Hitler and Hitler got to know how to clone a way, way, long time ago even before 1933. FDR declared bankruptcy of the United States as the Constitution for which it stands and representing the people. Then [he] placed the Nazi fascist regime called Corporate Fascist State, and then brought all these 100,000 Nazis after World War II, after dropping two nukes, when Japan was already flagging that they had surrendered before they did it [bombs]. Then designed the blueprints for 9/11 in 1946 with Nicolas Tesla’s information (stolen patents). Then we go on from there. All of that is in that Disclosure you know. This is ET disclosure time.]
Now does any of that make sense, or is she just parroting bits and pieces?

Next, she tells us that Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the ultra realistic Star Trek TV show was not "just pulling things out of thin air". To that, I refer you to an interview I did with the gentleman back when he wasn't dead:
Texino, "As to the different races and characters you used on Star Trek, where did you get the ideas for them?"

GR: "Well of course there is no proof that any other life forms exist, so I just made things up as I went along, plus I stole from previous Sci Fi stories." "It's a common practice in the genre."

Texino: "Tell me sir, do you believe in animal magnetism?

GR: "Not really, otherwise, the human-type characters would have killed Spock years ago."
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Re: Balloon Boy

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote: Next, she tells us that Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the ultra realistic Star Trek TV show was not "just pulling things out of thin air". To that, I refer you to an interview I did with the gentleman back when he wasn't dead:
Texino, "As to the different races and characters you used on Star Trek, where did you get the ideas for them?"

GR: "Well of course there is no proof that any other life forms exist, so I just made things up as I went along, plus I stole from previous Sci Fi stories." "It's a common practice in the genre."

Texino: "Tell me sir, do you believe in animal magnetism?

GR: "Not really, otherwise, the human-type characters would have killed Spock years ago."

They DID kill Spock years ago, the one we saw on the TV show was a clone!
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