Another Targeted Message

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Another Targeted Message

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CASPER UPDATE #1: NOVEMBER 1, 2009 [Targeted Message]
casper 11-1-01


Will the Wizard please contact Oz to tell which way the wind is blowing.


The wind is blowing from front to back and right to left.

casper 11-01-09

Behind the more visible blocking of deliveries (Obama, etc.) stands the Communist Chinese Government which, over time, has entered into all kinds of deals with U.S. Presidents including BUSH, CLINTON and OBAMA.

These deals spell enormous cash flow to China above and beyond cash flow from U.S. Debt Service payments.

A return to the Constitution in the U.S. dooms these deals to exposure and cancellation, never mind the consequences to our Domestic Traitors.

Behind various blockage facades stands CHINA which had its representative, Mr Ying, spend half a day recently pouring over Treasury's books inside the Treasury Department.

casper 11-01-09

Mr. Ying?
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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by Deep Knight »

POOF Report: November 1,, 2009
Nov. 1, 2009

Greetings and Salutations;

Ok folks, everything 'they' wanted done before dropping this stuff is done. Every country's money is in place, everybody including the us is compliant and the couple of countries who withdrew at the last moment have been bypassed, heavy hitters called, to be ready to grab up their goodies. I entitled this newsletter what I did because, I want to know, if you who have the power, will you do what Lucy always did to Charlie Brown, when he went to kick the football and she pulled it away?

For God's sake, things will Never be perfect on an imperfect planet, do I need to say that? Do this and the rest will work itself out. If anyone thinks for a sec any of these bad guys are going to suddenly 'get it' and back off, they are drinking the kool aid, too! Lightning bolts hit and that's it...the world moves on, and isn't that what this is all about? Some of us KNOW what to do and it's time we be about it. We aren't interested in keeping the status quo going or aren't interested in getting in anyone's way, as everything else gets worked out.

I'm not learning anything doing this week after week, when it isn't even my job to get this business over, except how humans shoot themselves in the foot and find excuses to avoid what they know very well what has to be done. Bad guys? Hell, even I know who they are so isn't like a big search of extraordinary means is necessary. They are the same folks who broke every agreement made, being done under peaceful measures. They are liars...but I have said that more times than was necessary, my only question is why not just pull the trigger and blow them out of the water? The world suffers, countries suffer, po' folks get poorer, hungrier, and the goldman sachs etc folks don't care. Any time they've been given an inch they take a mile...what's the mystery? Send them to their self created hells and be done with them. You will be thanked for doing what only you have the capacity to do on this planet. If you see yourself as working for Heaven, than act like it and quit messing around with these miscreants. It isn't our job to save anyone, their own thoughts have decided their fate, so be done with it. A big blow up was always going to happen anyway. So be it.

Folks, I have provided some links so anyone who needs to see how long what is clearly obvious has been going on, can read a very tight history of the last 200+ modern history came to be. The public watches the edges but few get the guts of what's been behind it all. This is what must be ended right here and now and there's plenty to make the transition. Only the trepidations in the belly freeze people from doing what they know must be done. Then nature will take over from the lack of action by supposed intelligence and nature is less discriminating.

Personally, I have nothing left to say about any of this business. Somebody needs to grip Lucy by the neck so she doesn't pull the football away at the last moment, that's it. The work's done, kick the ball and be done with this.

Anyone needing any final consultations with me, I am available by emailing this address, and I appreciate the donations that have been sent to me via account

Time to blow this popsicle stand and the 20th century! There's places to go and things to do and we all aren't ignorant and trying to figure out anything. Some folks got 100's of years under their belt as organizations waiting for this time, so what is the pause all about? We know the pure power of Peace, whether the power hungry get that or not.

Love and Kisses;


Great analogy! In almost 57 years of comic strips Lucy has always pulled the football back from Charlie Brown.
Wikipedia wrote:Perhaps Lucy's most famous gimmick in her long existence as a character is the one in which she pulls the football away from Charlie Brown right as he is about to kick it. The first occasion on which she did this was November 16, 1952, taking over for Violet, who had previously (yet unintentionally) subjected Charlie Brown to this trick on November 14, 1951, for fear that Charlie Brown would accidentally kick her instead of the ball. Afterward, Lucy would always intentionally pull the football away from Charlie Brown to trick him.
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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

CASPER UPDATE #1: NOVEMBER 1, 2009 [Targeted Message]
casper 11-1-01


Will the Wizard please contact Oz to tell which way the wind is blowing.


The wind is blowing from front to back and right to left.

... and right in one of Casper's ears, and then out the other.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by Deep Knight »

This "update" is actually a day earlier than the two above, but with the comment I find it hard not to include it here, in all its insanity. Don't cha love it when they turn on each other?

CASPER UPDATE #2: OCTOBER 31, 2009 (Updated Nov. 2, 2009 with Comment)
casper 10-31-09 #2

As WE have reported time and time again, when it comes to "OUR BUSINESS" Christopher STORY does not know his butt from his elbow. This has been true since he first stepped into our affairs a couple of years ago and it should by now be obvious to you that this "full of himself" egotistical jerk still has NO CLUE.

His update today is pure CRAP. Pay no attention whatsoever. WE usually avoid gratuitously attacking other messengers but you need to realize something. WE talk to sources all over this world and have been for a decade. They insist upon telling us they have NO RESPECT FOR HIM WHATSOEVER AND NO LONGER BOTHER TO READ ANYTHING HE HAS TO SAY ABOUT OUR PROGRAMS as it has become so obvious that he knows less than nothing. These remarks come from several European Countries and come constantly from Asia and the reason is quite simple, he has never known about "our business" and his pretense to know has made him a laughing stock.

A blind hog finds an acorn once in awhile. Not this ignorant puffed up clown.

casper 10-31-09 #2

p.s. Struggles of the magnitude we have experienced do not occur over empty packages.

p.p.s. This fellow could have gotten himself a free "education" long ago if he had simply kept up with unfolding events as covered by many messengers on the net. A man unwilling to learn from others is destined to perpetual self indulgent ignorance.



----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 1:43 AM
Subject: Reply To Casper's Report #2/10.31.09

Casper, we share with you this frustration regarding C.Story and thank you for your expression on what appears to be a nuisance factor at this juncture.

C.Story does a thorough job of pointing out Criminality in the government of the U.S. Corporation, but obviously has his blinders on when it comes to the Criminality of his own Queen. The existence of the

packets and the announcements have to be denied by Story on behalf of the Queen for these very tools of change would bring the total collapse of 2 of the Queen's "cash cows", namely the IRS and the FR. In effect, Her Majesty's Royal Colony of America (the corrupt Washington District of Criminals) would forever be changed to the benefit of the people (subjects, peasants) and not to her benefit or the benefit of those she reports to.

My wife suggests, also, that perhaps this persona is merely following the unbending tradition of loyalty to the Royal Family no matter what. He could become his own worst enemy. After all, he is a product of England where "Off With Your Heads" was not a laughing matter.

It is apparent Story has an egotistic penchant toward "he is brave and right" where everyone else is "a coward and wrong". If this persona happens to read this response and chooses to reply, well, his reply will be predictable. He will be defensive, offer another mind trip in the use of long words, and render the claim that he is "brave and right", whereas my wife and myself do not have a clue about what we are saying. This may be part of the reason you got the feedback you did from worldwide sources that reading his stuff is a waste of time. I have noted that the daily visits to C.Story's website are about 7,100 as an estimated average. That does not strike me as a heavy traffic site.

Again, he may be his own worst enemy.

I agree with Fulford's take, that C. Story is the Queen's bulldog. After Story's hit piece on Fulford,Story would not answer Fulford's phone calls. Is that a sign of someone who is "brave and right"?I think not.

Thank you Casper and Company for you dedication and diligence. We petition Creator God Aton that the packets be delivered, the tampering with deliveries be put at bay, the right teams be brought forward for both the announcements and the opening of the "suitcases". We petition for relief, that this be done in an expedient manner, and give the Lighted Realms permission to do so.In the One Light of Creator Source, it is done!

In Love and Light,


Casper must be right, after all he's been at it for over 10 years! Perpetual ignorance.
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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

What a liberating feeling it must be to have a mind unfettered by rationality, facts or conscience.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by fortinbras »

Does Casper really have an audience anymore, or is he just talking to himself and to freak-watchers like us.

Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by ClemIsBack »

Does Casper really have an audience anymore, or is he just talking to himself and to freak-watchers like us.
I don't think anyone is interested in what the voices :twisted: in Casper's head are telling him anymore.

The new funny guy on the block is Fulford. He definitely pulled ahead of Casper with his latest. Did you know that 37,651 bank presidents have been murdered ? By coincidence not one of them had a family or any friends so they won't be missed. That's why you didn't hear anything on the news.
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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ClemIsBack wrote:
Does Casper really have an audience anymore, or is he just talking to himself and to freak-watchers like us.
I don't think anyone is interested in what the voices :twisted: in Casper's head are telling him anymore.

The new funny guy on the block is Fulford. He definitely pulled ahead of Casper with his latest. Did you know that 37,651 bank presidents have been murdered ? By coincidence not one of them had a family or any friends so they won't be missed. That's why you didn't hear anything on the news.
That's because they are all shape-shifting lizards brought in by the Dark Forces in their spaceships to lay the groundwork for the One World Government of the New World Order.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by Deep Knight »

Yet another off-targeted message.

casper 11-4-09



Another Targeted Message:

Will the Wizard AGAIN call OZ please.............

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Re: Another Targeted Message

Post by Deep Knight »

Eyes on bigger than us about as useful as tits on a boar hog

casper 11-4-09

After the Obama blockage Tuesday morning Frau MERKLE, with the help of her German Puppet World Court judge, performed the honors Tuesday afternoon.
Then last night Def. Secretary Gates and Hillary were responsible for stopping the movement of the packages. .

In spite of these saboteurs deliveries were still supposed to be made today as packs were to leave D.C. at 11 a.m..
A Big Shot from China arrived early this morning to see that it was done. Note Story's report of CHINA'S presence at the World Court today which was no doubt their response to what Gates and Hillary had done overnight. A lien against Treasury will be about as useful as the "WRIT" they had obtained months ago, e.g. "about as useful as tits on a boar hog.

Our accounts are ready for our arrival, those "Bigger than us" who have already been into the bank are waiting for our deliveries so they can access.

More of the same folks. Just a matter of finally overcoming BUSH, CLINTON and OBAMA.
WE hear the packs are in D.C. but this time this is not an "eyes on" report.

All WE can do is watch while the big boys gnaw on each others noses.

casper 11-4-09
"Follow the Money"