Prince Leopold

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Prince Leopold

Post by texino »

I'm wondering if you have every heard about "The world's #1 psychic and founder of Spiritual Analysis. Maybe I should let the humble Prince speak for himself:

One day, many years ago, King Albert I of Belgium watched a pregnant woman die. However, there was something special about her child who would not die. The King ordered that the woman be opened to remove the child, and the strong male infant was placed upon a table. The King desired to keep the boy, and decided that he would hide it from his son, Prince Leopold III. For the next four years, the infant Prince Leopold IV was always in danger from his half-brother.

After the tiny prince's half-brother learned of his existence, King Albert made arrangements to exile the 5-year-old for his protection. The exiled prince was sent to Boston, Massachussetts in America with his nanny and her husband. Not too long afterward, before the prince's sixth birthday, his guardians were shot and killed. Again, Prince Leopold IV would not die. Instead, he began the long journey back to Belgium.

At age eight, the young prince arrived at the Royal Palace in Brussels. The King and Queen were in shock when they saw him. They decided to talk to the Cardinal, and told him: "This boy just won't die." The Cardinal advised them to exile the prince to France, and to put him in the custody of the Catholic Church. During the night the prince was taken to a school on an island just off the coast of Northern France, where the medieval monastery called St. Michael's was located. There the young child would be trained to enter the clergy, with the hope that he would become pope.

Every time a boat would come from the mainland, Prince Leopold IV was locked in a subterranean dungeon so that he wouldn't try to escape. The young prince had secretly trained himself to become a spiritual expert and learned to communicate with spirits and animals, especially the dolphins who used to visit when he called them. When he was 17, the prince succeeded in making his escape. For seven days, the whole monastery staff searched the premises and the waters around the island, but could not find him. They assumed that he had drowned.

Later, at the Royal Palace, Prince Leopold IV appeared in his military uniform while he was training to help defend his country during WWII. The prince did not stop there, and today, at age 87, he is a spiritual healer and the founder of spiritual analysis. Only recently has he removed all the lineage curses and spiritual encumbrances that were placed on him through his affiliation with the Royal Family.

Pretty cool huh? Today this fellow goes by Leo Jean and you can have him do some fairly extensive new age stuff to you by checking out Leo, wh has been 87 for quite a few years once threatened to kill me with a curse because I tricked him with some BS about "The Light". I did not die, but I did feel kinf of sick for awhile. If you can navigate far enough through Leo Jean's nonsense you will find how he advised Hitler and other cool WW II stuff, This guy is amazing!
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by fortinbras »

The Sobieski-Stuarts had a more convincing backstory!

Just to add a few factual details:

Albert "I" of Belgium (there was never an Albert II) was born in 1875, reigned from 1909 till his death in 1934.
His (eldest) son, Leopold III, born 1901, reigned from 1934 until his abdication (in favor of his son, Baudouin, born 1930) in 1951.

This "Leopold IV" (who also calls himself Leopold Jean or Leo Jean) says (in a brochure on his website, which may now be more than a year old) he is 87 y.o., which would have him born circa 1922, when Leopold III was already 21 years old and Albert I would be about 47 y.o.

I think it improbable that Albert would name both his sons Leopold, especially if he were trying to conceal one from the other. Sending a kid to Boston circa 1927 was not quite the same as sending him to 17th century Botany Bay in terms of hiding him from the world. Ditto for sending him from Belgium to France. And I think even monasteries in France circa 1934 did not resemble the prison of the Count of Monte Cristo. Considering that Leopold III was born first, and in wedlock, and 21 years ahead of this guy, his throne was never in danger from "Leopold IV", even if as claimed, even if in Belgium. Etc.
Last edited by fortinbras on Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Deep Knight »

This guy is amazing! He not only can clear your karmic debt (all he needs is your signature and $400) he survived life in Boston!

Karma Debt Removal

Everyone is affected by the memory and spiritual impact of past life events that their spirits has brought with them into this existence. There may be adverse effects on health, finances, relationships, happiness and many other problems that a person may attribute to 'bad luck' or 'loser status'.

Due to the tremendous amount of spiritual opposition that exists when you have a heavy karma debt, it's common for you to go through life with huge groups of spirits that hang around you. Whenever someone tries to take you back into any past life experience or to remove some physical effects, the opposing spirits activate an invulnerable blockade that prevents any success. Since I have acquired advanced knowledge and spiritual power, I can remove the opposing spirits that would otherwise interfere with a reading.

When I transmit the information to my assistant, Gloria, she writes down the number of and vibrational origins of the spirits, so that I can pick up the right spirits and their negative protection. The reading will include the curse of spiritual malice that has been placed on you, and will outline some of the details of the events that occurred during the past life that affects you now.

When I take the reading from your signature, I will determine the exact time and place when and where the karma debt was placed on you, so that I can remove it. Along with the reading, you'll receive instructions on how to properly refuse the influence.



1. You will receive a written reading (in English) by email from Leo Jean that outlines the past life influences that will be removed.
2. You will be sent 2 electronic documents in .pdf format: a copy of our book entitled: "To Know Yourself is To Know Your Spirit!" and instructions on how to refuse the influences of the karma debt.


1. You must email your signature to Leo Jean, so that he can take a reading from the vibration of your signature. Send as an attachment to:

2. Each long distance karma debt removal is performed by one email reading.
3. Leo requires that you refuse all the negativity in the reading as per the instructions that will be sent to you via email.
4. Once Leo receives both your signature and your payment, he will begin the process of removing the groups of spirits that are involved in your karma debt.
5. The fee is $400.00 Canadian and is non-refundable. The only acceptable method of payment is through PayPal, since your PayPal account is based on an instant payment through a credit card or bank account. Leo Jean does not extend credit nor use a payment plan.

If you agree to the above terms, then please email your signature to: and click on the button below: "SEND PAYMENT BY PAYPAL"
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

[quote="Deep Knight"]This guy is amazing! He not only can clear your karmic debt (all he needs is your signature and $400) he survived life in Boston!

Imagine that!
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by fortinbras »

5. The fee is $400.00 Canadian and is non-refundable. The only acceptable method of payment is through PayPal, since your PayPal account is based on an instant payment through a credit card or bank account. Leo Jean does not extend credit nor use a payment plan.
And why not??? Seems to me that if he's truly psychic then he knows who's a good credit risk.

His website shows he does not accept walk-in clients without appointments; seems to me that a psychic would know when you are coming. (By the way, he lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada -- about as far as you can get in Canada from a French-speaking population. You'd think a Belgian schooled in France -- especially one with aristocratic connections -- would be more comfortable in Quebec.)

You'll notice he's using the name Leo Jean - not Leopold IV. If his middle name is Jean then his name is not the fourth in any Belgian series of kings. Of course, some countries have no sense of humor when it comes to people pretending to be related to royal families.

Not only is his story less convincing than that of the Sobieski-Stuarts, it's less convincing than the "Lost Dauphin" of Huckleberry Finn.
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Another Pretending buffoon

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

For another story about a Royal Prince pretender, check out this story about this Belgian who claims that he is the heir to the House of Stuart, and the rightful King of Scotland. He calls himself HRH Prince Michael of Albany.

If you can come across a copy of his book, "The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland", you will see what has to be dorkiest and least well-executed allegorical painting, showing King Michael granting a constitution to his subjects, as his Royal predecessors look on.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by fortinbras »

A page about this Prince Michael of Albany .... ... stuart.htm
the story that Bonnie Prince Charlie had a child was a myth also relied on by the Sobieski-Stuarts, who were much more interesting (apparently Sir Walter Scott took them seriously). The Sobieski-Stuarts, although now almost completely forgotten, did succeed in one lasting result -- although the brother's claim to the throne is now forgotten, they conned everyone into believing the stories about "family tartans". Solid historical evidence, such as old paintings, indicate that the plaid patterns were not consistent with most (perhaps all) families but merely a chance result of the family's annual weaving project. The Sobieski brothers, evidently using an old catalog issued about a quarter century earlier by one of the first woolen goods factories in Scotland, declared that (as proof of their claim and authority) they could tell each of the aristocratic Scottish families (apparently each family that paid them something) what their "family tartan" was - apparently working their way through the catalog.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by texino »

Before Leo and Gloriosky went to Canada, they were holed up in NE Florida where The Prince was trying to build a new age "Disney world" sort of thing along I-95. The land ended up as the World Golf Village and Hall of Fame instead. Now a Jesus theme park might have gone over, as golfing and tacky Christianity are both religions in Florida, but Leo was aiming for the Wisdom Paradise crowd and that's a whole other thing. Leo knows a lot of Aliens too; they may be found in the Little Leo stories. I'll have to check.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Thule »

texino wrote: During the night the prince was taken to a school on an island just off the coast of Northern France, where the medieval monastery called St. Michael's was located. There the young child would be trained to enter the clergy, with the hope that he would become pope.

Every time a boat would come from the mainland, Prince Leopold IV was locked in a subterranean dungeon so that he wouldn't try to escape.
Lets see here, Fortinbras has already made a time-line for the events. The monastary on Mount Saint Michel fell into disuse during the late 1700s. The island was used as a prison after the French revolution. Now, a prison would surely fit into the story. However, the prison was closed down i 1836. The island was declared a national monument in 1874. So during the 30's the island was not a secluded monastary. It was a tourist attraction. Not a good place to hide young Leo...

Locking him into the dungeon whenever a boat arrives, that makes sense. After all, he might be spotted or even escape. Of course, he might just wait until low tide, stroll down to the beach and walk to land. Or he could use the causeway (completed 1879).

If you want to hide someone in true Monte Cristo style, Mount Saint Michel seems like a really bad place...
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.

Re: Prince Leopold

Post by bmielke »

400 Dollars for a Canadian Karmic Bankruptcy seems like a rip off. :wink:

Buy American People :roll:

We have crazies out of work here too :shock:
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Deep Knight »

Thule wrote: Lets see here, Fortinbras has already made a time-line for the events. The monastary on Mount Saint Michel fell into disuse during the late 1700s. The island was used as a prison after the French revolution. Now, a prison would surely fit into the story. However, the prison was closed down i 1836. The island was declared a national monument in 1874. So during the 30's the island was not a secluded monastary. It was a tourist attraction. Not a good place to hide young Leo...

Locking him into the dungeon whenever a boat arrives, that makes sense. After all, he might be spotted or even escape. Of course, he might just wait until low tide, stroll down to the beach and walk to land. Or he could use the causeway (completed 1879).

If you want to hide someone in true Monte Cristo style, Mount Saint Michel seems like a really bad place...
Yes, but they seem to be changing this (see quote below, from Wikipedia). Hmm, done by 2012. If I were Prince Leopold, I wouldn't go back to France around that time...
Mont-Saint-Michel was previously connected to the mainland via a thin natural land bridge, which before modernization was covered at high tide and revealed at low tide. This has been compromised by several developments. Over the centuries, the coastal flats have been polderised to create pasture. Thus the distance between the shore and the south coast of Mont-Saint-Michel has decreased. The Couesnon River has been canalised, reducing the flow of water and thereby encouraging a silting-up of the bay. In 1879, the land bridge was fortified into a true causeway. This prevented the tide from scouring the silt round the mount.

On 16 June 2006, the French prime minister and regional authorities announced a €164 million project (Projet Mont-Saint-Michel) to build a hydraulic dam using the waters of the river Couesnon and of tides that will help remove the accumulated silt deposited by the uprising tides, and to make Mont-Saint-Michel an island again. It is expected to be completed by 2012.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Deep Knight »

A personal story

The person who’s Deep Knight in real life is married (happily, for almost 20 years) to a member of the House of Orange. My wife is the 4th cousin, once removed, of Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands. The story goes like this, a young prince was broke and a rich heiress was attracted to the idea of a royal title, so they got married. One child later they got divorced, and her family lost their money in the Crash of ’29 (with my wife’s grandfather running off and working for a traveling carnival where he met my wife’s grandmother). My wife grew up fairly middle class and this was just a story her mother would tell from time-to-time. In the 70’s her aunt visited Holland and contacted the royal family. They welcomed her with open arms, and my wife has an open invitation to visit someday.

I have met my wife’s entire family on that side (well, at least including first cousins and their kids) and nobody puts on any airs about being the true king/queen or any nonsense like that. In fact, I knew more about the House of Orange than any of them I talked to about this (the one time it came up).

Looking at a “fantasy royalty” website I found through one of the links on this thread I see that many people would like to be my wife (actually, that didn’t come out quite right, although Deep Knight has always been a chick magnet). In fact, looking through the new agey sites one does while chasing the NESARA rabbit, one frequently finds people who claim to be either the lost king or empress of something or other (often other planets or planes of existence, e.g. Lord Rama who’s actually Lord Ashtar’s son). Big Daddy used to try and convince us the New Agers and NESARAites were all liberal socialist communists, but I think many may actually be monarchists.

P.S. Plans are in the works to regain my wife’s birthright as we speak. Once the throne is back in her hands, we’ll have more tulips, wooden shoes, and windmills than we know what to do with. Unfortunately, the soonest the revolution can come is December 22, 2012, so if the New Agers are right, this is one day too late. Story of my life.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bmielke wrote:400 Dollars for a Canadian Karmic Bankruptcy seems like a rip off. :wink:

Buy American People :roll:

We have crazies out of work here too :shock:
Now THERE'S an advertising slogan waiting to be written -- something like, "if you're going to get scammed -- at least get scammed by an American! We promise to spend every penny of our ill-gotten gains on items produced within the United States!"
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by texino »

Boy howdy, I sure like to read a good tale about outer space and our Prince L has written a few for us kids starring "Little Leo of The Light" and his pal "Glo" (a girl) Seems that the platforms of light are being darkened by pesky "Dark Slavers" and it turns out that Little L is really one of the universes Supreme Beings who look like big white gorillas while the dark slavers are dark apes.
Thing is, Little Leo has been put into the body of a bald kid in a tight golden suit and kicks the daylights out of dark monkeys till their eyes look like Xs. Leo has some help because a gold gorilla from the future shows up and tells him how he is not really a bald kid but the most important supreme being and being from the future this space monkey can tell Leo what he needs to do. OK? Fine.

I'll just add that this Leo Jean (the writer) was born into the House of Belgium and was educated in France where he worked for the OSS during the war. If you haven't studied the Leo for kids stuff
it's telling. Also the Leo world of art with it's $1,000,000 Pegasus (on reserve) is a must see for those who enjoy nice bright primary colors.

It would be one thing if Leo was just your everyday woo woo scammer, but this deal with the "Children" gives me the creeps. You need to dig a bit but Leo's passion for the youngsters is there. I'm a creepy old guy and I don't even like kids, so when I see another creepy old guy who does like them a lot, I get nervous.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Deep Knight »

A prince is only a prince, but a ruler is 12 inches.

Speaking of kings and such, it seems that one of Bellringer's posts PROVE that President Obama is really the cloned son of the sister of Cleopatra and the Rockefeller who got eaten by New Guinea cannibals back in the 60's (he was very tasty with mustard).

Obama's Parentage and Nationality
Ken Adachi
Dec, 3, 2009

Obama's Parentage and Nationality (Oct. 11, 2009)
Subject: Obama
From: Gary
Date: Sun, October 11, 2009
To: Editor

Hi Ken,

I read the article about the Obama photograph fixes.

What have I missed about his not having been sired by a Kenyan? Got to know if you have any available information on who that might be.

Any information? Was there an article I missed--but of course. Which?

Thanks, you're doing great.



Hi Gary,

It was completely transparent from the beginning that the Barack Obama candidacy for U.S. president was as contrived and unreal as it can possibly get. NO ONE goes from 'community activist' to 6 year Illinois state senator to 2 year JUNIOR FRESHMAN United States Senator to the U. S. presidency in one unimpeded leap; NO ONE. That's the first thing that entered my mind when this man first announced that he was running. It was obvious that he was selected and would have all the money and publicity machinery needed to sell him to the gullible, liberal, "progressives" in this country, who will buy into ANYTHING just as long as that "anything" is endorsed by Oprah Winfrey. .

It also became quickly evident when he kicked off his primary run that he could not PROVE that he was born in the USA by producing a birth certificate. The same sort of birth certificate which you or I have to produce to obtain a passport or driver's licence. The type of CERTIFIED document that includes your parents' names, the hospital where you were born, the attending physician who delivered you, your footprint, your weight, and be SIGNED by said physician and have the hospital's SEAL on the document. And not this absolutely worthless nonsense we get from the state of Hawaii in which someone can walk into their health department office, and simply CLAIM they are a relative or the parent of baby "x" , and be given a "certificate" that claims to represent the legal equivalent of a traditional birth certificate as described above! That's outrageous and an OPEN INVITATION to commit fraud. The citizens of Hawaii need to remove their lying, NWO sell-out governor and those cowardly bureaucrats in the health department playing deaf and dumb about Obama's birth "records" - which DON'T exist.

Don Nicoloff has done the best research to date on Obama's background and has ventilated this issue in his The Three Stooges Go to Washington series of articles. Here are some major points;

1. Barack Obama Sr of Kenya was not Obama's biological father, and Stanley Ann Dunham was not Obama's biological mother. Stanley Ann, her mother Madeline, and her so-called father, Stanley Armor Dunham, were ALL Rockefeller-controlled covert agents working for the CIA. It should be obvious to anyone with a brain that Barack Obama Sr and Barack Obama Jr BEAR NO PHYSICAL RESEMBLENCE to each other. The photos posted to the internet during the year leading up to the election showing young Barack in school in Hawaii, with his white grandparents in Central Park, with his black "relatives" in Kenya, etc., etc., were FAKED using Photoshop or a similar photo editing program. These are the photos you are referring to as being 'fixed'. Don Nicoloff has pointed out in his Three Stooges series that the many anomalies, incongruities, and botched artifacts seen in these photos, PROVE they are forgeries that were assembled from separate photographs. .

2. Barack Obama Jr, or more accurately, Barry Soetoro, was born in Indonesia; specifically on the island of Bali, Indonesia in the city of Denpasar. Don Nicoloff psychically picked up that Obama was born in Indonesia-and said so- from early 2007 forward. I have it on tape. It was confirmed by General Jeremiah that Obama was born in Denpasar, Bali when he called into Don Nicoloff's radio show on July 28, 2009. Don Nicoloff also said in early 2007 that Obama's lip color and skin tone were more characteristic of the Melucan race, which is a person of mixed blood, but of Turkish genetic origin, and NOT African genetic origin. Obama's SCHOOL RECORDS from indonesia state that he's an Indonesian citizen and he had an Indonesian passport when he went to Pakistan in 1981. Imposter Obama is an Indonesian national whose only LEGAL name -to date- is Barry Soetoro.

3. Don Nicoloff has put forward a THEORY that Michael Rockefeller, son of Nelson Rockefeller, may be the genetic father of Imposter Obama. I'm more than willing to accept the idea that Michael's "death" in 1961 was faked, as there is plenty of evidence which points in that direction. Whether's he's the genetic father of Obama, I don't know, but it's worth examining more closely. If the father was white, then who is the dark skinned mother? No one knows for sure, but it's a possibility that Imposter Obama is not a result of normal reproductive processes. He might be a test tube "assembly" zygote that was inserted into the womb of a woman to complete the gestation and fetus growth process. If we open up this possibility, then it's entirely possible that Don's SECOND theory, that Imposter Obama's genetic makeup MAY include the DNA of the SISTER of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, Arsinoe, may be on target. I really don't know, but the Imposter's recent visit to Egypt and newspapers allusions to the "pharaoh" look-alike appearance should not be dismissed out of hand. The Illuminati LOVE to put the truth of what they are doing out in plain sight and STILL have the 'goyim' succumb to their misdirection and propaganda. It thrills them to no END to think that they are TELLING US exactly what they are doing to us, yet we are too STUPID to see it and continue accept their media spin as reality.

Sincerely, Ken Adachi
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:


Hi Gary,

It also became quickly evident when he kicked off his primary run that he could not PROVE that he was born in the USA by producing a birth certificate. The same sort of birth certificate which you or I have to produce to obtain a passport or driver's licence. The type of CERTIFIED document that includes your parents' names, the hospital where you were born, the attending physician who delivered you, your footprint, your weight, and be SIGNED by said physician and have the hospital's SEAL on the document.
Funny -- I've seen my official birth record in the Massachusetts Registry of Vital Statistics, and it has no footprint on it. I've also gotten three U.S. passports over the years, and none of them has all of the information on my RVS record.

2. Barack Obama Jr, or more accurately, Barry Soetoro, was born in Indonesia; specifically on the island of Bali, Indonesia in the city of Denpasar. Don Nicoloff psychically picked up that Obama was born in Indonesia-and said so- from early 2007 forward.

Is that "psychically", or "psychotically?"
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by fortinbras »

texino wrote: it turns out that Little L is really one of the universes Supreme Beings who look like big white gorillas while the dark slavers are dark apes.
Thing is, Little Leo has been put into the body of a bald kid in a tight golden suit and kicks the daylights out of dark monkeys till their eyes look like Xs. Leo has some help because a gold gorilla from the future shows up and tells him how he is not really a bald kid but the most important supreme being and being from the future.
So being Leo IV, secret (and presumably rightful) king of the Belgians, isn't enough. He's also one of the flying saucer people, and, to top it off, a diety.

Nice work if you can get it.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Funny -- I've seen my official birth record in the Massachusetts Registry of Vital Statistics, and it has no footprint on it. I've also gotten three U.S. passports over the years, and none of them has all of the information on my RVS record.
I still have my original birth certificate copy from 1953, it's white-on-black and has a footprint. It was lost (or should I say hard-to-find, we moved a lot early on) in the 60's so my mother ordered another copy from the State of North Dakota for passport purposes. These were typed-in green safety-paper forms with no footprint, doctors' names or signature. Just place and time of birth, father, mother, sex, race, weight, length, and name of course. It was called a "birth certificate." in the 80's I needed to get another copy, not knowing where the first two were, and got a computer-generated one on a tear-off form, with the bare minimum of information (name, sex, city, date, mother, father). If I use this last one, does this mean I was born in Kenya? Or worse, am the mixed zygote of Rasputin, Henry the VIII, Lucrezia Borgia and Shirley Temple, implanted in Jackie Kennedy in a desperate ploy by the Illuminati to thwart NESARA through an Internet forum? You gotta admit, it makes you think, or would if you were totally divorced from reality.

P.S. Has anyone demanded to see Prince Leopold's birth certificate? I suggest that we float the rumor that he can't be king because he was really born on Alpha Centari. And you know how them Belgies hate them Alpha Centarians.
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by texino »

It is funny the way records were kept in the Old Days. I got a driver's license in 1962 and it was a
photo negative meaning the paper was black and the writing was white. When I say writing, I mean the hand writing of the lady at the DL agency. No picture of me, just a basic description I gave them as to my height and weight, hair and eye color. Now the license has holographic security and a magnetic strip containing God knows what about you. Plus, should you be stopped driving without one, it's off to jail with you. Yes ID has gotten very important. I miss the black and white days
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Re: Prince Leopold

Post by fortinbras »

I worked in the US Passport Office in the early 1970s (in NYC) and saw tons of birth certificates and also driver's licenses from a lot of different states.

Back in the early 1970s, photos on DLs were not done in NY, but were already in use in other states. I imagine by the mid-1970s NY upgraded its DLs to include photos. Now the various states not only have photos, but have to include those laser-whatevers to prove authenticity.

While we are at it, early birth certificates -- including those issued to the early 1970s -- contained, very openly, a lot of very personal, none-of-your-business, type information about the parents, especially the mother. Such details as how long (or whether) the parents had been married at the time of birth, whether the mother had been tested for VD and with what result, did the mother have a job while pregnant, the address of the mother (and maybe a note if the father didn't live at the same address) - even if the family would shortly move to a larger place with a room for the baby, and sometimes even the birthdates of the parents.

More recent legislation made a good deal of that data confidential, which is why birth certificates issued now -- including recent replacements for people born in the bad old days -- show a great deal less information (as in the Obama birth certificate). For the Passport Office, and probably the DMV and Social Security, the crucial questions were the date of birth, place of birth (viz., in the US and which state -- not the specific hospital), and sometimes the names of the parents, and the other stuff is covered by confidentiality laws and isn't required for any lawful purpose.