Looking for Proof

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Looking for Proof

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Patrick H. Bellringer

December 5, 2009

Efforts are being made by certain unauthorized individuals to collect documents and data pertaining to the various Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims for ill intent. For some time Whistleblower has demanded that documentation by released to him, as proof that these programs exist, and to investigate whether the money involved is stolen money from the Global Family Collateral Accounts. He claims these programs are fraud based on his false assumptions.

Candace Frieze of Abundanthope.com writes: “Please dear readers, who have invested in the programs sold as NESARA, we NEED paper copy. There can be no investigation without it. I am asking those of you invested in any of these to send copy of such to my postal address listed under Contact US. K, in particular, I wish to hear from you. Take care, Candace”

Why does Candace need paper copy of your personal records and documents pertaining to these Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims? She and Whistleblower know nothing about these programs and have never been involved in any of them. This is absolutely none of their business, and they should have no interest in such. One wonders, if they are collecting names to identify those, who will have received funds. If so, for what purpose?

A former Farms Claims writer, David Gardemann, of Mankato, Minnesota went to prison for fraud. While in prison he was cloned by the U.S. Government, and upon his release he has been demanding that claimants re-file their Farm Claims. We ask, “For what reason?” Was not the initial filing correct? Is he wanting to add the banking fraud to the claim since the initial filing? If so, this is foolishness based on greed. By court action the initial claim cannot be altered. If it is altered, it is fraud, and the claim will not be paid. Maybe, he too, is attempting to make a list of names of Farm Claim recipients to use once funding occurs.

I encourage you to be wise and offer no information about your personal business to anyone. Greed is greater than ever in our world today. You can clearly project what will happen to people, who know you, when they find out that you have great wealth. Stay low profile and be wise stewards of that which Creator God has entrusted to you.

Be encouraged that we are very near the end of this most fantastic NESARA Mission.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

See the "An Offer They Can't Refuse" thread here for more about whistleblower.
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Patrick H. Bellringer

December 5, 2009

Efforts are being made by certain unauthorized individuals to collect documents and data pertaining to the various Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims for ill intent. For some time Whistleblower has demanded that documentation by released to him, as proof that these programs exist, and to investigate whether the money involved is stolen money from the Global Family Collateral Accounts. He claims these programs are fraud based on his false assumptions.

Candace Frieze of Abundanthope.com writes: “Please dear readers, who have invested in the programs sold as NESARA, we NEED paper copy. There can be no investigation without it. I am asking those of you invested in any of these to send copy of such to my postal address listed under Contact US. K, in particular, I wish to hear from you. Take care, Candace”

Why does Candace need paper copy of your personal records and documents pertaining to these Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims? She and Whistleblower know nothing about these programs and have never been involved in any of them. This is absolutely none of their business, and they should have no interest in such. One wonders, if they are collecting names to identify those, who will have received funds. If so, for what purpose?

A former Farms Claims writer, David Gardemann, of Mankato, Minnesota went to prison for fraud. While in prison he was cloned by the U.S. Government, and upon his release he has been demanding that claimants re-file their Farm Claims. We ask, “For what reason?” Was not the initial filing correct? Is he wanting to add the banking fraud to the claim since the initial filing? If so, this is foolishness based on greed. By court action the initial claim cannot be altered. If it is altered, it is fraud, and the claim will not be paid. Maybe, he too, is attempting to make a list of names of Farm Claim recipients to use once funding occurs.

I encourage you to be wise and offer no information about your personal business to anyone. Greed is greater than ever in our world today. You can clearly project what will happen to people, who know you, when they find out that you have great wealth. Stay low profile and be wise stewards of that which Creator God has entrusted to you.

Be encouraged that we are very near the end of this most fantastic NESARA Mission.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

See the "An Offer They Can't Refuse" thread here for more about whistleblower.
The only "proof" that this clown will ever be able to produce is listed on the labels of his alcoholic beverages of his choice....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Deep Knight »

WB details Mail he has received
Nov 25, 2009, 09:33

WB details Mail he has received.

Dear Hobie,

In a “Follow Up” article, I would now like to clarify and inform the
readers of RMN of information that I referred to in my previous post /
response to the following article:-

Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Saturday, 14-Nov-2009 20:11:49

But more so to the following section of my previous article:-

Anyhow, I am pleased to say that the 37 email communications were
encouraging. Four (4) were of an “Official” nature which I will be
following up during the course of this coming week. Seventeen (17)
were from people who claim to have documentary information regarding
these “programs” and were prepared to send it to me, to which I have
agreed, so I expect some of that information during the course of the
coming week and the following week, allowing time for those persons to
scan such documents and then send same to me. Nine (9) were from
people (Participants) who offered their fullest assistance, in
whatever way necessary, if it was needed. To those persons, Thank You,
I will be in touch with you all. The balance, Seven (7) persons
offered their Thanks and appreciation, which I very much appreciate.
Thank you all kindly, I will respond to all of you in the course of
the coming week.

As stated above, Casper’s rejection doesn’t make much difference, as
the initial information from the Seventeen (17) people has actually
confirmed several pieces of the puzzle and in some cases have actually
added some important pieces to the puzzle. The very interesting ones
are the Four (4) “Official” communications which throw a lot more
light on this issue, for which I will be following up on these issues
during the course of this coming week and seeking all relevant
verifications, both of the persons and the detailed information given.


I have now received Five (5) sets of documents regarding some of the
programs. Although these were not complete, there is sufficient for me
to make my legal opinions. One (1) of these was referred to us via
another Web site (http://www.abundanthope.net ) for which I express my thanks.
Four (4) of the sets of documents were all in respect of the “Omega
Program” operated by “Clyde Hood”. They do all appear to be all
related to the same program and not a variation, or later program.

These Four (4) are not Investment Contracts / Agreements. They are in
fact Non-Recourse Private Loan Arrangements whereby the name of the
Trust, being the claimed recipient of funds contributed by various
participants, is not revealed. There are many faults with these
agreements which actually make them very much one sided in favour of
Clyde Hood and his cronies. The Non-Recourse factor ensures that each
participant has absolutely no recourse in law against the perpetrators
of this crime. The only recourse is through the “Criminal Courts”
which is in fact what happened. Clyde Hood was convicted of Fraud and
imprisoned. He is still in prison.

Based upon the conviction, the participants would have totally lost
their contributions and can therefore “write off” any possibility of
regaining their contributions, and certainly “write off” receiving any

I did respond more fully to the person who routed through
http://www.abundanthope.net , whereby if readers would care to refer to that
site for my fuller answer, they can then see the various points raised
and some legal explanations.

Another salient point on these is that within the agreement it refers
to Trust Foundation Firm. This is a contradictory term as a Trust is a
Trust, a Foundation is a Foundation, and a Firm is legally considered
as a Corporate entity of Limited Partnership. Legally these three
separate terms cannot be the same.

The Fifth (5th) set of documents is a little bit of an enigma. These
were sent to me by a Reader, whereby the names and various details had
been “Blacked Out”, so I am unable to determine which program this one
relates to. However I was able to establish that the name of the
Program was either a Seven (7) word with exclamation marks at the
beginning and end of the word, or, it was a Nine (9) letter word. That
could leave it open for such names as “Destiny”, “Freedom”.

Referring to the actual agreement. Again, this was not an Investment
Agreement as claimed. Neither was it a Private Loan Agreement. It was
in fact a Private Agreement, again non-recourse, to be part of a
collective of people for the purpose of Investment, whereby the
details of the Investment were vaguely mentioned or referred to.
It had similar characteristics to the aforementioned Clyde Hood
Agreements whereby payments were directed in specific terms and
methods, not by what would be considered normal like Bank Transfers to
an account of the Trust involved, but to individuals acting as agents
of the Trust.

The Agreement was totally unspecific in its terms and wide open to a
fraudulent transaction whichever Program it actually referred to, and
as stated, was NOT an investment agreement executed by a registered,
authorized, and regulated investment company, trust, or other entity.

The quality of this agreement was far from what would be expected of a
legitimate Investment Company. At the same time, even if such details
had been “Blacked Out” there would be evidence of extensive “Blacking
Out” below the area of the name, and certainly at the base of the
Agreement, which was not present within the documents reviewed.
My opinion on this is it was another Fraudulent operation, that may,
or may not have been connected at all to Clyde Hood.

The terminology used within the Agreement is different to the
terminology of Clyde Hood’s Agreements so I would determine that this
one is not at all related to Clyde Hood, but related to another
unknown operation / program.

Referring now to the Four (4) communications of an official nature, of
which Two (2) turned out to be complete “Spoofs”. The names referred
to were not employees of any Government authority, and the claimed
title of the Government authority did not even exist in reality.
Therefore these have been discarded. There are always those who like

to make themselves look important even if it is to purposely distract others.

The other Two (2) communications have so far revealed more information
which I am unable to publish. However, such information is leading me
down a particular path which reflects what I have already previous
stated about illegal use of assets of the Collateral Accounts.
At this stage though I will not pre-judge the situation, as there is
still more information to gather and analyze.

I will keep readers updated.

In the meantime, many more communications have been received during
the last Ten (10) days for which I anticipate more documents relative
to the “Programs” being sent to me for my analysis and opinions.

My thanks go out to all those who have provided documentation or
further information as all information, in whatever form, is valuable.
Thank you.


Candace: Dear readers, Please continue to send anything of this sort on to Whistleblower, which can be done via the contact form on http://www.unoitc.org Just say attn: Whistleblower and it will be forwarded to him. Being he is also a lawyer, he is better able to discern than am I.

Now, of interest to all of you, one of the folks on AHS http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AHSupport, started a thread on GLP about the OITC and Whistleblower has decided to take part on that thread as he sees benefit to do so. I am grateful for this. I considered starting it myself, but because of my experiences there, it was better started by somebody else!

There is already one post there by him. The link is http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum ... 927544/pg1 We have been attempting to keep the thread alive to draw readers. You may of course post and ask questions there, and are encouraged to do so. GLP is a much larger forum than RMN and I am known there, for better or worse as the case may be with certain folks. There are some savvy folks who post there that should find this thread exciting and we hope it will grow, and grow and grow and the material be passed elsewhere. It is, in my humble opinion, perhaps a better place to grow and spread the good news! I will occasionally pull of the questions for WB that he answers and place them here, so we have as complete a collection as possible.

We move forward in this Holy Work. Take care, Candace

Whistleblower and OITC Last Updated: Nov 25th, 2009 - 09:54:12


WB discusses the Private Party Loan Agreement per Clyde Hood
By Candace and WhistleBlower
Nov 22, 2009, 20:32

Dear Readers, people get conned all the time into supporting projects that are less than moral or legal. In response to my requests for papers on anything people "invested" in with NESARA I received several replies. Below is the Private Party Loan Agreement, that Clyde Hood used.

I sent this to Whistleblower, who is also a lawyer, remember? He replied back to me, from that perspective. I am posting copy here, and placing in MY section, simply because I want this separate from his regular work, as this is general, and might serve as a lesson to all, when you are approached to invest in anything. Even churches will collect special monies for various projects, some legit and worth your donations, and some NOT. Always verify, please. Study his comments in red, and perhaps learn something of value that might save you some of your hard earned "dough." Transaction numbers are necessary to trace investments, and so far I have NONE from any of you, only receipts and some letters which have material that is NOT traceable.

OK, my letter and comments to Whistleblower are in black. His are in red. The Private Party Loan Agreement is in black italic bold that I typed up for him.

Private Party Loan Agreement per Clyde Hood

Dear Whistleblower,

There are no transaction numbers on anything I was sent. That is number 1 problem. I have typewritten this for you, from the Private Party Loan Agreement Clyde Hood used. There is number 2 problem. People made "loans" to Clyde. These "loans" which were not called investments That is number 3 problem. or similar terms, were for per this paper, and which I have typed out for you "operational purposes for the project in the interest of the overseas Trust & Foundation firm. These were obviously not investments as claimed, but loans as stated. This basically, and before I even continue my reading, is a Private Loan Agreement between two or more Parties, and should not even be considered as an investment. There is a very big difference in law between the two named descriptions. The Private Loan is a civil matter but could be a criminal matter if there was criminal intent to deceive and procure money from a person on false pretences. The Investment, is a contractual arrangement between a person or persons, with an Investment Company that is legally registered, authorized, and regulated by the applicable Government Investment Authority.

It is understood that these funds will be transferred to the overseas Trust and Foundation firm's project, whereby the loan plus profit will be repaid to the lender in the amount of not less than fifty (50) times the amount loaned. Expected time of repayment is calculated to be on or around two hundred and seventy-five (275) days from the date of lending. Both parties understand that financial matters involve risk and no warranties or guarantees are expressed for an exact date of 275 days. It should be understood, negotiable agreement is for a reasonable frame of time thereof. Once money is transferred to an entity outside the jurisdiction of the Government Authority of the country in which it was actually lent to someone, that money comes under the jurisdiction of the Government authority within the receiving country. This particular clause is very vague legally. The Term “No warranties or Guarantees are expressed” is one of the giveaways here. In other words this is “High Risk and your money is not guaranteed to be returned either in capital or Interest, or both”. The term “It should be understood, negotiable agreement is for a reasonable frame of time thereof”. The word “Reasonable, is the key word here. In other words if we have not repaid you your Loan and Interest within the 275 days or a reasonable period thereafter, then it isn’t going to be repaid …… Sorry” Legally, any period extending past a period of 365 days following the date as specified within the agreement, would be totally unreasonable in law.

Whenever funds are disbursed, funds will be in the form as designated by the lender. Lender will assume responsibility for any and all fees, and/or taxes on these funds.

It is understood by lender that he/she has no access or privy to specific details of operations and no hand in management of proposed operations.
Wow, this clause surely violates people’s rights, but even that depends on how this is agreement is interpreted. As it is a Loan Agreement it would be up to the Lender to ensure, within the contract terms, the loan is secured againt something of value held in title by the overseas Trust and Foundation. That would mean naming the overseas Trust and Foundation which they haven’t do, which is another salient point.

This is a non-recourse agreement Problem number 4. This means that if everything goes “belly up” the lender has no recourse whatsoever against the initiators / perpetrators of this project / scam. between private parties. There is problem number 5. They admit it is an agreement between Private Parties and therefore a simple agreement under Civil Law. Receipt and/or signing of this document by the recipient constitutes acceptance of the terms of this agreement. The first Private Party Loan Agreement submitted by each individual or entity is subject to acceptance by the Agent or the overseas Trust and Foundation firm, without recourse. Problem number 6. A “Cover Up clause which is basically stating that it is the decision of the Agent or the Trust and Foundation Firm’s decision as to whether they accept your signed agreement and funds or not. We all know they will accept your signed agreement because they will receive your money with no responsibility on them at all. Another point here is the wording “Trust and Foundation Firm”. Legally a Trust and / or Foundation is not a firm. In law a “Firm is a “Body Corporate” subject to normal commercial laws and Taxes applicable within its domicile. A Trust and / or Foundation (It can not be both) is an entity structured for acceptable tax avoidance based upon its objectives as defined within its own Trust and / or Foundation Articles. It is a Legal Body that is controlled by Trustees / Foundation Members – Governors

The overseas Trust & Foundation firm, cannot cancel this loan agreement, once accepted, only the lender has the right to withdraw from this agreement after 275 days. A full refund will be made upon receipt of a written request at the Wauconda. IL address below. Legally, that statement is ineffective and void. All Official Notices, which a cancellation or withdrawal notice would be, must be delivered to the Head Office of the Trust / Foundation. Notices delivered to any other address shall be deemed legally as non-delivered.

Receiver state that he/she does have promise of financial assets in an amount sufficient to sustain obligatory indebtedness. The word “promise” is exactly what it says …. A promise. It is not a guarantee or a legally confirmed pledge, or a legal undertaking by anyone …… it is just a PROMISE, which would not stand up in a Court of Law.

An acknowledgment will be mailed to you upon receipt of your loan at our offices. Unauthorized changes to this document will void the entire agreement. Again, the word “Acknowledgement” is used to deceive. This should read “An Official and Legally Binding Receipt of Funds will be issued by the Trust / Foundation duly executed by an authorized Trustee or Manager.

Make your Money Order or Cashier's Check payable to "CLYDE D. HOOD" and ship to: Bill A. Wilson, 6260 E. Riverside Blve, #355 Rockford IL 61111. Money Order’s and Cashiers Check ????????????? Payable to Clyde D. Hood. That should have been a big RED LIGHT to anyone. Payments should have been made by Bank Transfer to the account of the Trust / Foundation, as they were the actual recipients of these Loan Funds.

Then the form has place for the "lenders" name, signature, address and phone at the bottom.

I have a phone number provided by XXXXXX for Clyde Hood. I truly do not know if he is out of jail or not. It was posted by Casper I think, some time ago to 4Winds, that he was out or getting out, but research on the net, says he isn't supposed to be out until 2012. The number is 217-235-2084. It is not currently in service. I tried it, and a reverse search shows it belonged to Innovative Staff Solutions of Mattoon IL, which is Clyde's home town, but not his original address that he has on the papers. I personally would like to contact this man just because I like to snoop. If you contact him he would probably not even tell you the truth about it.

The wiki piece on Omega states he gets out of jail in November, 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_Trust

XXXXXX does not remember for sure when this person joined Omega. The first letter from Clyde Hood sent me doesn't have a date, Problem number 7. But I assume it is before the others due to it's nature. Her other letters from him start in 1997. Wiki says Omega stopped accepting new applications in 1995, The only number is her account ID number.

This is the first portion of that letter, which has "HALLELUJAH!!" on top is this:
Dear Lender: WE are finally finished with the "Transaction phase." This letter is your official notification that the Debit Cards or Cashier's Checks are being prepared now and will be sent to you as quickly as the bank can process them.

I will not disclose how it is to be sent to you nor by whom it is being sent. This card or Check will be valued at fifty(50) times your approved loans plus the return of the approved amount you have loaned. Our existing records indicate you have loaned $300.00 to OMEGA TRUST & TRADING, lTD.
This sort of statement is typical of a Fraud. It has been used so many times in the past, that I am surprised someone hasn’t prepared a different statement by now. Lawyers and Bankers would bin this immediately if they saw it.

When you receive your debit card, it will contain instructions on how to activate the card. When you make the call, the operator will ask you certain questions that you must answer before the card can be activated. At the time of the call, you should ask the operator the amount placed into your account. Unbelieveable.

Then the rest of that tells what to do if there is a discrepancy and the like, and how this must not be shared amongst other "lenders." Problem number 8. Exemption for your rights in law Now, if Omega closed in 1995, as wiki states, then XXXXX must have joined before then. The rest of the papers sent, is letters starting in 1997 about failure problems. These included an option signed of stay with it or get a refund. This person chose the stay with it option, and this is the wording: "I XXXXXXX" am satisfied with OMEGA and definitely DO NOT want a refund. Problem number 9. definitely do not want a refund. That statement alone exonerates Clyde Hood and all others from any liability to refund the money at any time. By executing this document in it's entirety, including the witnessed section, you have vote of confidence and you should continue the fight with the authorities through completion as quickly as possible."

Candace: I am researching some other organizations I was sent some information on that solicited funds, but I have no papers, just name Some of these are interesting indeed. I will report more when I am finished.

All writings by members of AbundantHope
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Deep Knight »

The original request.

AH Member Writings : Candace Last Updated: Nov 14th, 2009 - 15:54:02


To Anton Miller, Bellringer, Casper, S, Christopher Story, Poofness and Readers of AbundantHope and Other Interested Parties.
By Candace
Nov 14, 2009, 10:54

Candace: I wrote this letter BEFORE Patrick posted his Open Letter to Candace Frieze on November 9. 2009 I had seen “Anton Miller's” letter supposedly from AA Gabriel to Whistleblower which was posted first, and decided to write this piece. I did not finish it. I lost my focus after I read the attack against me. It proceeds here unchanged:

To Anton Miller, Bellringer, Casper, S, Christopher Story, Poofness and Readers of AbundantHope and Other Interested Parties.

First, before I address other topics I am requesting at ALL readers of AbundantHope who invested in ANY of the Prosperity programs to please forward copies of your paperwork to my postal address which is listed under Contact Us, here on http://www.abundanthope.net/pages. I am engaged in finding truth to the very best of my ability to do so. Several of you wrote to me in the early years, sometimes giving some detail to me via email. Ken, I would particularly like to hear from you in this matter. As WHISTLEBLOWER has pointed out, they have not knowingly received any paperwork that proves existence of certain programs. It is time to forward that paperwork that existed back then.

As to C. Hood, I have never had contact with the man, and thus do not personally know his motives. It was rumored that this man was getting out of jail, on http://www.fourwinds10.com a few years ago. If any of you know this person, please ask him to contact me personally either by postal mail, or email using our contact form for Candace under Contact Us, here again, on http://www.abundanthope.net

I do know that there were genuinely concerned people who attempted to build monies for the idea of NESARA, and who were railroaded, and who had every thing stolen. The cartels of this world always get involved in keeping their powers intact. And the cartels always set up counter programs causing confusion as OITC has experienced in the manner of “false agents” and the like.

Now as to this IDEA of NESARA, which was assisted by the work of Dove, this was a magnificent IDEA, but it never passed legally in Corp USA, or the united States of America. Dove was as misinformed as everyone else on the topic. And she obviously didn’t have a knowledge of the OITC, as near as I can discern from her writings. And NESARA was never intended to allow people to live lazily and party the rest of their lives either, which is what many Americans who have heard of it expected to do.

Some, in fact quite a few went out and bought all sorts of stuff, houses, cars, ran up their credit cards, and the like, in hopes of NESARA paying for it all. And many lost it all right back again and that was a deserved lesson. It is true, very true that our methods of finance and taxation are deceitful, and I myself would have loved to see people reimbursed for those reak losses, but in fact, beloveds, it was not passed and there continues to be trainload of fraud and confusion. The thugs got themselves involved in it.

Those in the higher realms provided support of the idea. But it must be man of earth to make it so. Also, the idea of NESARA was for the US of A, and yet there was one in Canada who created a whole Canada NESARA website. Then at some point Dove attempted to raise some money via trading to buy the NESARA gold necessary for the US of A to fund the idea. Well, that didn’t work out either. And another proof that she doesn’t fully understand the nature of finance of this world.

Now, for those of you who read here and at http://www.fourwinds10.com, and who invested in Omega or any other funds, did you get anything for your money? What was that money backed by? Were the founders of these programs talking about trading fiat money for more fiat money to fund something of great import? Were any of those programs invested in, backed by anything of worth? I sort of doubt it myself. Fact is, the OITC is the organization that does have what is worth something in the world, for the people of this world. Fiat money doesn’t cut it, it’s just a method of exchange and it seems, due to the various ways inflation occurs, and is manipulated, that it takes more and more of that fiat money to acquire what is needed in life.

This world is in terrible condition. NESARA by itself would not have solved the world’s problems. The world is too infested by thugs, and ignorance. Also the world is populated by a lot of subnormal people, who do not see beyond their immediate needs. The population is growing at inconceivable rates. One Billion people were added during the previous 9 years, and actually, that figure is already a couple years old. It will take considerably less time to add another 1 billion.

The world’s problems must be solved by the people and the people remain completely ignorant of the world’s problems. Great civilizations are built by great people which is why the New World Order is evil, because it is not created by the people, for the people. The united States was done in long ago, sadly, and was not long the republic it was created to be. And please do not consider republic and democracy as interchangeable, because they are NOT.

Now we can let the world descend into total chaos, while it chases after monopoly money for it’s survival, or we can do something else, and that something else has been covered.

Now, as to Anton Miller, who claims to have a message from AA Gabriel, which was posted to Fourwinds, I doubt this person exists. I could be wrong of course, but the message sounds more like it was written by Patrick Bellringer. I contacted Mr. Miller some time ago after a post to Fourwinds, and I found MY letter posted nearly immediately to Fourwinds and thus made a logical assumption at that time, that Anton Miller was an alias of Patrick Bellringer.

Patrick Bellringer is an alias of the real person also. He revealed his real name to me, and also Anne’s real name in 2005 after he began to carry my material. My Name, is CANDACE. But as I have explained, Frieze is my grandmother’s maiden name that I intend to make my last name at some point in her honor. His real name was also revealed once on http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com in their famous hall of shame, which I don’t know if it exists anymore either, their Hall of Shame, on which I also found my name, and that of Monjoronson.

The link to the message posted as being from Gabriel today is http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1257780922 There is that little phrase, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, must be a duck….. This feels like Patrick as do the messages accredited to Anne, by Patrick. You see Patrick, I used to correspond to Anne, and these just don’t ring of her, but perhaps we have a case of ducklings. My apologies to you Anton, if you are indeed real. You are entitled to your belief system, but what you have placed in Gabriel’s name is not fact. If Gabriel wishes to defend himself thru me, I will provide that opportunity, but I don’t see the point of a “channel” war right now.

AA Gabriel is NOT assigned to Earth at this time, and is often confused with Gabriel, the First Created Son of Christ Michael and Nebadonia and who is the Chief Executive of Nebadon and who is personally involved in this planet, since it is also the bestowal planet of the Creator Son of Nebadon. However, Gabriel does understand that folks on earth label all Created beings as angels, and higher created beings as archangels and thus knows that anything addressed to AA Gabriel is meant for him.

Anton Miller, and others, yes we do need a clean currency backed by real wealth, and it should ideally be global in nature, to stop using money to play war games. And that money needs to be backed by basically a single source of wealth which is contained within the many Foundation Divine Trusts under the OITC. You can review this a bit on my site, if you wish at http://abundanthope.net/pages/article_3635.shtml NOTICE the words FOUNDATION DIVINE in that chart Bellringer aka Anton Miller, under which lies the Germain Trusts under the World Trusts. Get the facts straight.

The current “NESARA” put forth by Casper, and others, is apparently based on the Leo Wanta monies, which are about as dirty as money can get. Is this game money obtained by destroying the Ruple and thus the economy of the Soviet Union, and which caused GREAT hardship on the people living there, backed by anything of value? Or was it all fiat digital credits and paper bills? This sort of money cannot back anything of value and is NOT of God.

Thus, the NESARA monies, no matter their original source, by private investors, or run illegally/immorally, are also thus dirty money. Figure it out. The people of the United States at this time, are unaware enough to carry forth any of the original lofty goals that were behind NESARA. They failed the 911 test as we have put out. I do not believe at this time, that the people of this country can take on the world and manifest anything of what we are now labeling GESARA, at this time. I have spent a couple years now in heavy posting about the Internet, and working locally and find that even people beginning to see, are still just memorizing what they read on the net and they are NOT seeing much of what besets us in the future.

Now it remains, that NESARA was NOT legally instituted, no matter how grand the idea was. Any funds were illegally stolen and/or illegally traded. It remains that few politicians in this country have any spine and little knowledge. It remains we have a very divided military, CIA and FBI organizations within the boundaries of the United States, with good guys and bad guys. That is just the facts, and this country cannot at this time instigate those lofty ideas.

And they were lofty indeed Mr. “S.” I have made quite a sufficient study myself of the conditions of this world and this country. I have read many of your materials and many of them I had already read, as I began my serious study of this world in 2000 when my time became freed up regards family obligations. That was the year I also got on the Internet. In actuality however, my serious study began when I was quite a young child, in what was available to me in the small town I grew up in, my grandmothers complete collection of National Geographics, were a better magazine than they have been for years since.

I followed what I could of the world by radio, sitting behind my step father’s chair when I was in early grade school as the issues of Israel were being covered. One of my earliest memories of my radio education, was the coverage of the Sinai War in 1956, when I was the ripe old age of 8. We did not have TV. I am not uniformed. I made a long study of the issue of the missing 13th amendment. I have on my computer the research of others, pretty much proving that CORP USA remains a part of the British Empire. And that the British Empire pretty much remains under the Vatican and the Khazars.

I would love to see the real US of A put back into place as originally hoped by those behind the scenes so long ago now. But in fact we haven’t really even been out from under control of the Brits, and of course, anything worthy of being called NESARA must do that.

The fact is, the OITC has to work where it finds itself too. And WB and others have been working to clarify that. Fact is, that is where the real wealth of this world is held, in all those repositories as stated. Real wealth in terms of precious metals and artifacts. Real Wealth to actually back real currencies. And that is God’s plan. And we are going to manifest that in due time, and we are calling that GESARA, which again, is not a passed law, but a worthy idea, which takes on this world, as it is now, and as a team of sovereign incarnates is going to make it so following the pole reversal. It will not be done with fiat currencies, and it won’t be done until we have a literate world of citizens who are God Conscious.

The Fact IS, the OITC is a Nebadon backed organization for the people of this world. Fact is, it does have true wealth and it does have true people of God working within it. Fact is, it is the protectorate of the Foundation Divine.

Your piece Anton no matter who you are, is wasted. Mr. Whistleblower is not in anyway out of line and Gabriel of Nebadon would never put out that piece to him in that manner.

Patrick Bellringer, this is a link to your comments from over a year ago on your site about OITC.

http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1204826049 Below is copy of what you wrote, which was followed by the long and ugly piece from Wikipedia, which you should know by now is not always reliable and is used intentionally to debunk the truth.

----- Original Message -----
From: M
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 4:27 AM
Subject: re WANTA FRAUD

who's behind this?

[web site from Cambodia]


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: March 6, 2008

Dear Mediacreat:

OITC (Office of International Treasury Control) claims to have been chartered by the United Nations under a secret protocol, though I find no documentation to that effect. Dr. Keith F. Scott is the OITC, Chief of Cabinet. David A. Sale is also an executive of OITC.

UK, Ecuador and Fiji officials claim fraud against these men and their organization in their dealings with them. The Fiji Islands Trade and Investment Board found that "OITC neither has any fixed address or office, nor are there any reliable contact addresses." Apparently, OITC is using International Assets illegally to make loans to third world countries primarily using their land and resources as collateral.

This appears to be the same old scam as done by the World Bank and IMF over these past many years to by fraud, own other nations.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

Patrick, You are in great error. You made some incredibly false assumptions in your writing above. If you perhaps made an apology later, please post it, but none showed up in my researching. You of all people should know by now, that any organization worthy in this world is attacked by our thugs of this world and false scenarios created. Such as the many YOU yourself have created against ME and AbundantHope and I am tired of your games personally, but so be it, they are your games to play and for you to answer for.

May I ask who you truly work for? I continue to commend you for getting the Phoenix Journals up online so many years ago. But there is something here in your work, that also is lacking, by your fruits. Whose side are you truly on? OITC was not created to own this world and it does not behave as you wrongly suggest. It was created to help this world. It was created as WB has so bravely covered, to get the world out of it’s massive previous financial control and errors by the elite.

Casper, there is no way, the Wanta monies or any other monies of that nature that can back this world in any way. They are funny monies. They are NOT NESARA. They are not of God. And who is the WE, that thinks they are entitled to whatever of these monies, after the IMF, the SMPM of the Catholic church, and 130 countries get the money before the “we” and “our” does?

Are any of these monies you think you and others are entitled to, after the thugs are paid off, backed by anything of true value? How will funny money heal this world? Where are the people that will carry it out? Even the best of the best of the higher ups of the benevolent US of A military have not been able to remove the thugs from CORP USA. Because they are sheltered under CORP USA. And because the people will not assist, even if these higher ones were able to honor the vows to the REAL constitution, but you know, they took an oath too as do all to the CORP USA constitution.

And Poofness, you are always claiming these monies are accessed off shore and I think you have too Casper, and that some of you will need to move to Europe or offshore anyway? To do what, party the rest of your lives with them. I don’t even see much about what these monies are to be used for by Poofness or you Casper either for that matter. I wrote you a few times too Poofness and got some pretty unsatisfactory answers, but I also freely admit I may not have copy of those letters to prove it. Stuff has disappeared off my computer before I got it saved to other media. I don’t remember if I saved the ones of our conversations even. I do remember some pretty poor understanding of who and where Germain now is…………… You blew your cover on that one, very nicely thank you.

OK back to S. I love your research and your work. You are to be commended for it and I have published some of it, and lists of links on my site. Readers can certainly travel to http://www.fourwinds10.com for the entire works that have been posted there.

OK, this is where I ended the piece. I chose to not post it at the time, after seeing the other vicious attacks posted to http://www.fourwinds10.com that day. I have decided to go ahead and post it today, November 14th, unchanged from what I wrote on November, except to add this links today.

http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1257789830 link to open letter to Candace Frieze.

http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_stat ... rwinds.php link to comment that Aton is not CM by that awful NON channeling by Patrick Bellringer to me, contained in the Open Letter to Candace Frieze. Below is what Patrick has on his website and he has long supported that Aton and Christ Michael are one and the same, since in fact, April 25th of 2005, when Aton/Hatonn identified himself as Christ Michael.

--Creator God - the Creator of our Nebadon Universe aka Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton/Christ Michael.
--Hatonn - Creator God, who has taken the position of Pleiadian Starfleet Commander in order to better communicate with us yet living in 3D.

This is the link to that piece long ago now mentioned above where Hatonn gave his real ID. http://abundanthope.net/pages/article_39.shtml

http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data ... 1257780922 piece by Anton Miller supposedly from Gabriel to Whistleblower. Also Whistleblower was emailed a false channeling by “God Aton” from this Anton Miller.

Now Patrick, AbundantHope, whether or NOT you like of it, is partnered with Christ Michael/Aton/Hatonn, as the Second Coming Organization for earth/Shan/Urantia. And the Abundanthope member telepaths are the only source of accurate information and related to that this 2nd Coming process. Understand, that I am NOT putting down the Phoenix Journals here. But that project became infested and was terminated in 1999 as you are aware.

Quite a few of the unplublished journals near the end had NOTHING new in them. But the others are mostly valid, although the infestation caused some errors later into the project for which Ed Young was called to help bring the infestation under control. He courageously started up the Spectrum which failed due to internal problems in 2003. AbundantHope picked up at that point, and was commissioned in 2003, as the new project, even though I did not become public until January 2005. I remain blessed that you gave me that internet start, but you also began to destroy that starting within weeks by back handed methods, just as you destroyed the work with WB and Dove. And the world remains blessed that you in your earlier days, brought them forth on the web. It took a lot of time to copy the books on copy machine and then scan into the computer. You were dedicated then, but something changed didn’t it at some point?

Yea are NOT a light worker dear one, which you proved to me finally about November 1, of 2005. Surely you remember that date? I need say no more. Take care, Candace

PS. I have experience of which you can only dream of Patrick. I am NOT a Mormon, I am NOT under the Mormon church, or any other mind control system. I have shared enough of my pearls, regards that already in some of my published material. I need not repeat them here or offer new ones which can be abused by you. And the Urantia Book was NOT given to or written by any Mormons. It was given through a sleeping prophet in 1934 and 1935 similar to how the Edgar Cayce materials were given. That person will never be identified. God did appoint a group of real christians to get the material together, study it, and get it published, which occurred in 1955, one year after the return. You again report lies you have read on the Internet, regards the origin of the book.
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Re: Looking for Proof

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The "Hall of Shame" Ms. Freize was talking about above. http://phoenixmaterials.org/html/warning.html
Global Alliance Investment Association is in no way associated with the following entities or concepts, each and every one of which has impeded our progress in developing the Global Alliance.

The Hall of Shame includes (but is not limited to):

Ronald W. Kirzinger, former officer of GAIA
VK Durham, NESRA, Omega Program, Farm Land Claims
Dove of Oneness, Shaini Goodwin, NESARA, prosperity programs
Patrick Bellringer (Emil Mulhausen family), Fourwinds, NESARA
Candace Frieze, Abundant Hope
Spectrum news, Phoenix Archives, Wisdom Books & Press, Ed Young
Rayelan Russbacher, Rumor Mill News, Barbara Hartwell, Patriotlad
Professor Afrikadzata Deku, Afrikalion
Joseph Eugene Kennedy, Joe Kennedy, General Moroni
Rollover, HIYIP and trading programs
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Re: Looking for Proof

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Posted By: Rayelan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 6-Dec-2009 19:11:06

In Response To: Patrick H. Bellringer: PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL PROSPERITY PROGRAM AND FARM CLAIM RECIPIENTS (Rayelan) December 6, 2009

Subject: Article in fourwinds10.com entitled Public Notice to All Prosperity Program and Farm Claim Recipients.

To Whom it May Concern:

On December 5th Patrick Bellringer published the subject article on his website in which he made several statements and claims.

The first part of the subject document was addressed to Whistleblower and his associated activities relating to the prosperity programs. Since I do not know Whistleblower or what his purposes may be I will have no comment relating to those activities. However the second part of the article related to the Farm Claims and to me and based on a number of calls I received last night and again today, I wish to respond to some of the statements made that is causing this response.

For those of you reading this that may have a farm claim and do not have detailed knowledge of how they were handled and what the rules were regarding their care, some history will help you understand how this was done.

First, before I get into the claims procedures I want to give you a little of my history.

I never intended to get as involved in the claims program as much as I did. All I intended to do is a few claims meetings to explain to people how the program worked and more importantly the reason for its existence. That developed to a point that I wound up being responsible for one of the claims offices and assisting in claim meetings in 41 states.

This all happened during late 1993 and all of 1994. One of the people I worked with was Emil Muhlhausen. We combined to do a large number of meetings together. Emil is now known as Patrick Bellringer. So I know that Emil knows the claims program first hand. From the beginning we always emphasized that it was important that the claims accurately reflect the claimant’s financial data and that if a mistake was made it should be corrected by amending the claim. The office that had the claims had several people who did nothing other than correct claims and update them based on the claimant requesting the changes.

What Emil said regarding re-filing is incorrect. In fact I could not re-file them as I have no place to send them. What I have recommended to a number of people who have claims is that they get their latest financial information together to be used to amend the claim when the time comes to obtain payment. I have been told that all claims will have to be updated prior to payment by the receiver. Keep in mind that these claims are now around 15 years old and many people have a number of financial transactions that are not on the old claim. This is not re-filing, but updating and amending.

I want to make this as clear as I can, “I DO NOT WANT YOUR CLAIM NOR DO I WANT TO UPDATE THEM FOR YOU.” However I do believe that you should gather all your latest information together, so that your claim can be paid sooner when that time comes. I also do not know when that time will be. But I have been told that it will be as soon as possible after the banks have been changed into lawful currency, (gold and silver backed currency).

Finally I want to address the fraud charge. That is true I was charged by the IRS on 31 individual fraud charges, 1 count of money laundering and 1 count of conspiracy. Even though it was the IRS that did this it did not have anything to do with taxes, but totally based on the claims process. Most of the fraud charges were based on empty envelopes that had been sent by me to the receiver or visa versa. I was incarcerated for 6 and a half years and was released on December 7, 2001. I did not at the time I was charged and found guilty or today believe that I did anything wrong. It is during this incarceration that according to Emil I was cloned. I am uncertain how he could know this as I have no recollection of it. If a clone exists out there I would like to meet him. I am certain of one thing, I am not the clone.


David I. Gardemann

Emil C Muhlhausen & Patricia A Muhlhausen of Rapid City?
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Re: Looking for Proof

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Posted By: hobie <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 7-Dec-2009 00:58:42

In Response To: Patrick H. Bellringer: PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL PROSPERITY PROGRAM AND FARM CLAIM RECIPIENTS (Rayelan) Email from Whistleblower:


Dear Readers,

I refer to Patrick Bellringer’s article below, dated 5th December, published on his own Web Site ( http://www.fourwinds10.com ) as well as RMN, whereby I respond to such a preposterous stream of written diarrhoea by said person, in the interests of all readers, especially those who are participants / contributors to the following:-

I have highlighted various parts of this preposterous stream of written diarrhoea (Black Print Type) and inserted my own comments between the relevant sections / words, phrases, etc (Blue Print Type).


Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 6-Dec-2009 19:05:14


Efforts are being made by certain unauthorized individuals Unauthorized Individuals. So now I am unauthorized am I. What utter nonsense. Please disclose to everyone what makes you authorized, and others not authorized.

Every Participant / Contributor is entitled to Legal Advice if they so desire to seek such advice. Many Participants / Contributors can not afford to go to a Lawyer, so I have offered my services Free of Charge to those who wish to take advantage of this offer, so that they can obtain at least some legal advice regarding their agreements / documentation relative to the Prosperity Programs.

As for the Farm Claims, I am aware this issue is totally different issue from the Prosperity Programs, and is relevant to past Legal Actions regarding repossessions of Farms that were adjudicated to be illegal. The adjudication was made many years ago, whereby it is not for me to become involved in same, as this issue is now a matter of process following the Court adjudications.

to collect documents and data pertaining to the various Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims for ill intent. For ill-intent. Again, what utter nonsense. I have no ill-intent whatsoever on this issue. My offer was to assist persons who have waited for years, some 20 years, and who are now at the end of their tether not knowing what the hell to believe, not knowing if they are ever going to receive anything from these Prosperity programs, not knowing if this is legal or illegal, not having any money available to allow them to seek Legal Advice, and continually of the downward spiral of sufferance because all they hear and see is speculation and suppositions, as no one can give them any real answers. Week, after week, after week, over many years they hear the same old story from the same old sources and nothing ever happens. Mentally, these people must be either at breaking point or near breaking point, yet the same old stories from the same old sources are spewed out to give hope, where there may, or may not be any hope at all.

If my offer, which was genuine and at no cost to the individuals involved, to assist these unfortunate people, is referred to as ill-intent by some bigoted, and dogmatic, persons, then so be it. I prefer to refer to it as an act carrying moral and social responsibility, which is obviously not practiced by the thousands of American Lawyers who really have more responsibility on this matter than I do.

For some time Whistleblower has demanded Demanded. Bellringer needs to refresh his memory and check upon the interpretation of the word “Demanded”. I have offered my services, at no cost, to the Participants / Contributors of these Prosperity Programs, who may wish to take advantage of this offer. Nothing more, nothing less, but of course, people like Bellringer (God Anton) doesn’t, surprisingly, believe that other Human Beings can have a “Samaritan” character about them.

that documentation by released to him, as proof that these programs exist, Whether these Prosperity Programs exist or not has yet to be seen. Bellringer has never offered any proof at all, only supposition and speculation. From the many documents that I have received and been able to review I can clearly state that the money the Participants / Contributors actually contributed was NOT attributed to any investment or any Prosperity Program. The Agreements I have seen were Private Loan Agreements, or, in some cases Collective Donation Agreements for an unknown, unstated Project by an unknown, and unstated Corporation / Trust holding an Off Shore domicile status. Some were undoubtedly related to the Clyde Hood Fraud.

and to investigate whether the money involved is stolen money from the Global Family Collateral Accounts. It is not the Global Family Collateral Accounts, as claimed, it is the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. He claims these programs are fraud based on his false assumptions. I have never claimed that the Programs are Fraud. What I have stated is that IF any of these Prosperity Programs are, or were based, upon the illegal use of assets of the Collateral Accounts, then it would be Fraud and no payments would ever be received by anyone involved.

I do have absolute knowledge that quite a few Programs, and I am not referring specifically to Prosperity of Freedom Programs here because the lack of documentation evidence has never allowed me to make a categorisation as to Fraud or otherwise; were in fact initiated with the illegal use of assets of the Collateral Accounts. What I have tried to do is ascertain as to whether these Prosperity Programs were part of any Fraud relative to the Collateral Accounts. However, until I receive documentation on same, which Bellringer seems to be determined to prevent at all costs, with his preposterous accusations, I would not surmise that Fraud exists, neither is it my position to make any suppositions or speculations on same.

Candace Frieze of Abundanthope.com writes: “Please dear readers, who have invested in the programs sold as NESARA, we NEED paper copy. There can be no investigation without it. I am asking those of you invested in any of these to send copy of such to my postal address listed under Contact US. K, in particular, I wish to hear from you. Take care, Candace”

Why does Candace need paper copy of your personal records and documents pertaining to these Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims? She and Whistleblower know nothing about these programs Bellringer knows nothing about what I know and again this is his own supposition and speculation, which I believe is being made to deter people from actually establishing the truth, or as much truth as practically possible. When people feel that the revelation of Truth will hurt them, as Bellringer strongly portrays, they do all sorts of stupid things to prevent the Truth from being revealed / exposed, even to the point of putting “Fear” into people’s minds. The extent that Bellringer appears to be going to prevent people from exercising their legal rights and establishing the Truth, or, to obtain a legal opinion, is extra-ordinary and one that defies logical reason. and have never been involved in any of them.

This is absolutely none of their business, It is my business when any Participant / Contributor seeks a legal opinion from me. The fact that some have already exercised their legal rights and sought Legal Opinion is no business of Bellringer or anyone else. That is the Confidentiality factor of Lawyer / Client relationships and certainly nothing to do with Bellringer. If any of those clients give permission for me to publish certain details of this relationship / my opinions, I will, because it is in the interest of all Participants / Contributors and may assist to prevent others from losing money in Fraudulent Schemes.

I really do have to question the motives of Bellringer with his diarrhoea of written accusations, suppositions, speculations, bigoted and dogmatic attitudes to the subject matter. Is he really afraid of the Truth being exposed, or does he really believe that he is God. and they should have no interest in such.

One wonders, if they are collecting names to identify those, who will have received funds. If so, for what purpose? No one is trying to collect names for any reason, whether for dubious purpose, as appears to be claimed by Bellringer, or any other legitimate reason. I am trying to assist all those Participants / Contributors who have suffered, are suffering, or will suffer at some time, for which these very people have for some Twenty (20) years heard nothing but suppositions and speculation about what is happening to their hard earned money they contributed which most believed at the time was to assist the less fortunate in the world. Is God Anton (Bellringer) so blind to “Samaritan” mannerisms.

To cap it all, Bellringer ends his preposterous stream of written diarrhoea with the following statement:-

Be encouraged that we are very near the end of this most fantastic NESARA Mission.

Wow, Bellringer, you have certainly let the cat out of the bag here haven’t you. NESARA ??????? Are you saying that these Prosperity programs are actually related to NESARA ?????? A proposal that W. Clinton approved but was never enacted into law because Clinton’s gang of Thieves were attempting to illegally use assets of the Collateral Accounts within a Trading program to finance NESARA, but was caught before it could get started.

You will be claiming next that, NO, these Prosperity Programs were part of the “Reagan-Mitterand Protocols” and the “Wanta” Funds, or some other plausible, but inaccurate, story that actually holds no foundation whatsoever.

It will be interesting to see what plausible excuses you come up with next.

My advice to you ……..”Cut the Crap” and stop trying to blame others all the time for your own inadequacies and misconceptions, and stop believing you know it all, because you don’t. If my OFFER has rattled your cage that much, you must really have something to hide.

By the way, I am connected to the Office of International Treasury Control ( http://www.unoitc.org ), whereby to work with the OITC one must have a proven Integrity, Honesty, Perseverance, Tenacity, Loyalty, Dedication, and Trust, among other things.

Surprisingly, considering your personal attacks and contrary allegations, you have the OITC Videos included within your own Web Site (For some months I add), which you agreed to and commended the objectives and integrity of the OITC in written form at the time. Very Strange that on the one hand you support the OITC yet on the other you attempt to discredit it with your preposterous stream of written diarrhoea, even supporting claims of others related to my being “Uninformed”.

We actually do know a hell of a lot more than you think we do. We are also fully aware of what the Chinese crooks have been up to for many years, and you even support them, believing them to be genuine.

Sounds like “Confucius” has reappeared and God Anton doesn’t know his arse from his Elbow.

I will not answer for Candace of http://www.abundanthope.net as it is not my position to do so. Candace is perfectly capable of responding to Bellringer in her own way, as she has needed to do many times in the past in respect of Bellringer’s unnecessary aggressiveness and deliberate agitation.

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Re: Looking for Proof

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Posted By: Rayelan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 7-Dec-2009 06:34:35

In Response To: REPLY TO PATRICK BELLRINGER (aka Emil Muhlhausen) FROM DAVID GARDEMANN (Rayelan) Raye,

If your friend David knew him as Emil Muhlhausen, why is he now Patrick Bellringer?

I remember Bellringer was part of EJ and Doris's operation in Tehachapi. At least I think I remember seeing his name is some of the Contact newspapers that I used to receive.

When Doris and EJ left the country to stay out of jail, I think Patrick carried on their newspaper or maybe he was associated with the new one. I can't be sure of this because I stopped reading the Contact years before.

David says he was Emil in 1994. I think he was writing under the name Patrick Bellringer for the contact in 1994. I may be wrong about this. Too much has happened and too many rabbit holes. After you go down a few hundred of them hoping to find answers, you just don't know what to believe anymore.

Does David know why Emil now calls himself Patrick? What is his real name? Is he Emil or is he Patrick?

This is very unsettling to me. You know that I have money in the prosperity programs... the big One. I'm one of the people who has been waiting patiently, but while I wait I keep on learning. By the time the programs pay, I will have learned exactly how to use my money for the uplifting up humanity.

If I had received the money in 2000 when I first expected it, I would have bought a large house, paid off my mother's house, paid the tuition at my son's college so he wouldn't have to work so hard, helped my daughter and her husband and their six kids. And then I would go out and try to find charitable causes to give the money to.

In the ten years that I have been waiting, my son finished college and went to work for a large corporation making more money than I can imagine. His college loans are all paid off and he is so proud that he did it all himself. He is strong and confident. I wonder if he would have turned out like this if I had given him money for everything he needed.

My daughter went back to college and is now teaching. Her children are all in school and between her husband's salary and her teaching job, they are doing very well. Even in these difficult times, both of them have kept their jobs.

If I had gotten involved, and showered them with money, would my daughter have returned to college to finish her teaching credential? I don't know. If she hadn't needed the money because I gave her enough, would she be teaching right now?

As for me. I now realize that most of the charities we know about are run by the new world order. I will never give a dime to the name brand charities. I have begun looking around and I have found the people that I will help with my share of the Prosperity programs.

They aren't famous people, but they have wonderful things that they have discovered or created and their whole purpose on earth is to help mankind.

If the big O had paid on time, I would never have learned about these people.

I have changed so much in these last ten years. I now realize that all I wanted the money for was so I could stop working. That would have defeated the purpose of the programs. The money is for all of us to use to clean up the mess the elite have made of our home planet. And doing this will take more time than I ever devoted to work.

Right now I am getting myself in shape physically because I know that great things are in store for many of us and we need our physical bodies working in perfect order so we can do what God has in mind for us.

I wonder how many other people have learned as much as I have in the last ten years. I would love to hear from some of them.

S. - Glendale, California
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Re: Looking for Proof

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Just in case Whistleblower sounds sane to you (after all, he's belling the bellringer), visit his UNOITC site http://www.unoitc.org . Yes, that's right, he's only bashing Bellringer 'cause he has a competing scam. I was going to copy a question about Bellringer and the "programs" from this site, but can't cut and paste from this document, so you'll have to do a bit of legwork yourself (link below).

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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Deep Knight »

The "Anton Miller" post Whistleblower refers to. Please note that "Muhlhausen" means "Mill House" and that "Anton" is strangely close to "Aton."

Anton Miller

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anton Miller" <ajcjm2@gmail.com>
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 3:07 PM
Subject: Inner Message To Whistleblower

Inner Message To Whistleblower And To Whom Else It May Concern:

I Am Gabriel, Archangel of the One Holy Light of Creation, Here in the Presence of Creator God Aton, the Creator of this planet and of 3 of the human races that walk here. My messenger is a Sovereign Son of Creator Aton and strives to follow the 18 Laws of Aton and the Laws of The Creation. This message is given for the one who calls himself Whistleblower, the one claiming to be a spokesperson for a human enterprise named UNOITC, and to those of like mindedness. Whom might you be, Sir, and whose laws do you follow? There are many Sovereign Sons and Daughters of Our Creator that walk upon this planet who have strong inner knowing, strong intuition, and strong radar when it comes to Truth. There are many of the ground crew who walk in the Light of Truth, in alliance with Our Creator as Co-Creators of that which is Good and Right in the eyes of Creator God. These ones are about the business of creating a clean currency that will serve humanity, a clean money supply based on precious metals with an equity and parity that is clear and clean. This is what Casper and Company stand for and have been working hard for with the backing of Sovereign Sons and Daughters. What do all of these ones know in Truth that you do not know or claim not to know? It is simply this. All the money used on this planet, with rare exception, is dirty. It is dirty money that comes from three basic sources under the control of the House of the Rothschilds: blood money from the obsessive greed of everything attached to war profits, the dirty money derived from controlled drug trafficking, including, but not limited to opium, heroin, cocaine, and pharmaceuticals, and the fake thin air dirty money of what you call the Federal Reserve. All else concerning money upon your plane revolves or devolves around these 3 sources. Those in Truth do not need alot of word art in order to understand basic economics, that is, dirty money needs to go to a laundry facility to be washed. What are these laundry facilities? Do banks, banking institutions,or wealth facilities that paint your landscape with rosy pictures and such used for negative purpose ring any bells?

Sir, inspite of word art used against messengers and inspite of all efforts to divert or block the movement of Truth, the Sovereign Sons and Daughters of Our Creator will bring about a clean money system upon this planet, which includes the full support of the Heavenly Hosts, such as I AM. You are either with us or you are not. No more. No less. If you are not with us, then stand aside. Light and Truth will prevail upon this plane. If you have any problems with this, take it up with me, not my messenger.

I AM Gabriel, Archangel of the One Holy Light of Creation.

In Love and Light,

Inner Message from Anton Miller
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I wish that Anton Miller would keep his Inner Messages "inner". :P
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Deep Knight »

So, for yet another believer, waiting 10 years for your $billions prosperity packies is a blessing in disguise!

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READER Responds: My Own Experience

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Monday, 7-Dec-2009 18:42:01


I must add my experiences with the prosperity programs as I too have been waiting a very long time. In 99' it was suggested that we write a wish list of all the things we wanted to accomplish. Like many, I wanted to pay off debt, buy laptops for my girls, see them get into good colleges, pay their tuition, help people around me by empowering them and not enabling them, take a trip with my girls across county and my Mom, and lots of other things.

About three years ago, I found my list. And much to my surprise I had accomplished almost every single item on my list. What I also realized was the tremendous amount of knowledge I have gained in learning about how the money world works, how charities work - most don't, how many 'illness' societies work - the money goes into someone's pocket and very little goes into research, and how much I can live without. I learned about other countries, new technologies - free energy, holistic medicine, and how to live a better, more spiritual life. When the programs fund, I will be a much better steward then if it had funded in 2000. Without Poof's guidance and support, and my love of research, I would missed learning all of this. Now I am ready to use the knowledge that 'waiting' has afforded me.

Thank you Poof. Thank you Raye for a great forum.
Miss S

Please do not post my name or email address. Thank you.
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If my brain was as unencumbered by rational thought as that of "Miss S", I wouldn't want my name or e-mail address published, either.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by co-shoot »


In looking for PROOF I have blazed many trails....cutting up most everthing said.

PROSPERITY ....cuts both ways.....but a simple belief that there is humanitarian cause and need lead me into all of this speculation many years ago...yet i still cann't give up on the hope that; yes human humanitarians exist and could do this programs by means of unity united course of action.

If the channelers role, voices from the gods ....the fallen angels...good or bad spirit beings who have nothing better to do....intervening into the affairs of humanity.....turns humanity against itself ...it serves their purpose! Such channelings need no response....nor need to be read ....debated ....yes?.... but propaganda deserves no respect from me..as I am no respector of rebels who have forsaken their proper dwelling place and space in God's arrangment.....
intervention from them coming in many forms and using humans as gods doesn't accomplish anything good..Does it?
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Deep Knight »

http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2009/12/ ... er-as.html

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Chris Story - Patrick Bellringer as the ethnic German, Emil Muhlhausen
Thursday 3 December 2009 03:00
Because of the millennial developments indicated in this report, the Editor of this service has been under systematic evil, base attack for several days.

The attacks have included barbaric threats, rampaging anger at what has materialsed, and an operation by a pseudo-'Christian' charlatan who has deliberately misrepresented us and whose organisation is trying to intimidate us and provoke us into retaliation by the alleged issuance of slanderous and libellous statements on a radio station about the Editor of this service, spiced up with dire pseudo-'Christian' condemnations. These base slanders contain a distortion of the truth which the so-called 'Christian' operative has elaborated.

The attacks represent visceral revenge for what has been achieved, and anyone falling for the lies and slanders being promulgated is a witting or unwitting victim of gross deception for this reason.

The underlying motivation for these attacks on the Editor without a true cause resides in the developments that we report. We cannot go further at this juncture on what we have reported, except to add that three of Herr George H. W. Bush Sr.'s known associates were arrested on 7th December. Obviously we know more than we are reporting, but there are times when reticence is absolutely appropriate. It is interesting that these developments have coincided with the exposure of a person calling himself Patrick Bellringer as the ethnic German, Emil Muhlhausen.

Recall that we have stated that the entire architecture of deception would be pulled down. Here is one element of the deception that is collapsing before your eyes. Those whose funds have been stolen via Ponzi operations in the United States have been systematically fed lies, diversionary claptrap and cruel deceptions FOR MANY YEARS by the DVD: inter alia, to protect the big German banks which have accumulated a colossal mountain of worthless assets that they can't pay out.

• With the full knowledge, of course, the Bush-Cheney-Clinton Crime Syndicate hitherto encouraged and supported by the DVD component of the corrupted US Intelligence Power.

But the worm has turned: which is why 'they' hate this Editor and what has been achieved. That's why he's under heightened attack, and why the incidence of abuse against him has escalated.

• We can provide one further clue as to the current state of affairs: the seven aircraft referenced in this report contained, in addition to the categories specified, qualified banking accountants, who were sworn in with the others at the US Department of Justice. The effect of this swearing-in is that in the event of any deviation from what is required by a banker/expert who has been sworn in, that person will himself (or herself) be arrested on the spot by US Marshals and/or Interpol personnel.

http://worldreports.org/news/250_signs_ ... washington
Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:19 AM
Anonymous said...
a few years ago, I exchanged email with Patrick Bellringer AKA Emil Muhlhausen, I was amazed how little he knew about what has now become " Prosperity Program" even though CASPER was using his site for posting and he even took side against POOF when they had their little "cat fight"

December 8, 2009 10:37 AM
"Follow the Money"

Re: Looking for Proof

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight wrote:It is interesting that these developments have coincided with the exposure of a person calling himself Patrick Bellringer as the ethnic German, Emil Muhlhausen.
Ok I am confused, do Nesara folks hate Germans? :shock:

I cannot stand idly by and watch these loons hate me for my ethnicity. It was fine when they hated me because the voices in their heads told them too but this is taking it too far! :twisted:
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Deep Knight »

bmielke wrote:Ok I am confused, do Nesara folks hate Germans? :shock:

I cannot stand idly by and watch these loons hate me for my ethnicity. It was fine when they hated me because the voices in their heads told them too but this is taking it too far! :twisted:
Nicht nur die NESARA-Gläubigen Deutschen hassen, hassen sie alles was Germanen. Deutsch Kartoffelsalat, Deutsch Schokoladenkuchen, deutsche Ingenieurskunst und deutsche Masern. Dies liegt daran, Deutschen, nicht die englische Königin oder Chinesisch oder Ratzkeller Bowlingspielligamanagement wirklich hinter der Neuen Weltordnung und ihre Nutzung Ihrer Wohlstand Pakete für Yo-Yos, kennen sie nicht.
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Re: Looking for Proof

Post by Deep Knight »

How things open up when you know the right name to search under. From CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT JOURNAL, September 10, 2003. That's right, more than 6 years ago (see what happens when you don't read every loon on the web?). See http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/030910.pdf starting in the middle of page 2.
This total hogwash is more example of the “cheating game”.
Indeed, the idea was a good one whereby innocent people might have been able to regain some of their losses perpetrated on them by the “system”. However, it was NEVER, even as an honorable “bill”, ever endorsed by any LEGISLATIVE BODY. It, therefore, IS NOT ANYTHING. Next comes the obvious: THERE IS NOTHING TO “BACK” SUCH A PLAN AS PRESENTED BY THAT DOVE-OF-ONE-LIEAFTER- ANOTHER—or the Bellringer clan. The “Bellringer” clan, as touted by D of O, is simply: Emil Muhlhausen (clan/family) of Rapid City, South Dakota, 701 East Oakland Street, 57701 (605) 388-9749. This particular Emil, et al., claimed they were the “Pleiades Command Headquarters” and answered their mail and phones in that manner for a very long time, perhaps even yet today.
These people are thieves and liars. They set up “Four winds”, Spectrum, and CONTACT, and through Fourwinds send forth all of Dove’s disinformation. So be it, we certainly allowed this until their subscriptions expired. We welcome all subscribers but this might be a good lesson to you who think the Internet is some kind of authentic place for research documentation. Why would we feel open to run “this” information on a personal basis?
We feel totally comfortable because the Mulhausen’s recently put out an Internet plea for funding donations and in support of Dove who was also petitioning for money for her trips hither and yon on speaking circuits to present the BS program. While, at the same time as acclaiming that since the V.K. material hits on Rumor Mill against Ekkers- Hatonn-GAIA, they had “tens of thousands” of new viewers which might “make up the financial shortage while their site was (supposedly) under attack”, while begging for support so Rayelan could “get a maid, help care for her ailing mother and husband with heart trouble”. Poor Raye was just “exhausted” with her heavy load of having to make a living. Now, aren’t we all?
These people made a more specific plea into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Bellringer to get over $100,000 to run their site. Spectrum is acclaimed by Bellringer to be his “best friends” and since he set up two sites for them (one for CONTACT and another for Spectrum; against our wishes) we have to assume a remarkably close relationship—since information from those sites have been used in Mindanao, Manila and goodness only knows where else the idiots lie in wait. Now that Spectrum has notified subscribers of their shut-down of publication until they get more fund donations from you the “innocent” to support the transition of “staff” to whatever else they can find to do to “enlighten” the ignorant “brain-dead” (their assumption), we caution about all of it—BUT LEAVE US OUT OF IT, FOR WE HAVE NO CONNECTION, WHATSOEVER, WITH ANY OF THEM. If it pleases you, follow-up for self and see what Bellringer responds. V.K. has made a PERSONAL INTERNET CLAIM to be behind the “NESR(A)” program. Those are her claims in two separate writings, perhaps on the same date, on Rumor Mills Reading Forum site some time back. It very likely has been removed from the site listing by now but somewhere around here we have hard copy, and thus so to will many of our readers who captured it in the first place.
Why can’t we let it lay and die its own death?
We do. However, it is not left to us as the dogs keep chewing away, mailing disinformation constantly and writing totally unconscionable disinformation on those websites. Moreover, it is ABOUT US. So, perhaps you might equate their antics to the fox after the little bunny. The fox is running for his supper (own gain); WE ARE LITERALLY RUNNING FOR OUR LIVES.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Looking for Proof

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight wrote:
bmielke wrote:Ok I am confused, do Nesara folks hate Germans? :shock:

I cannot stand idly by and watch these loons hate me for my ethnicity. It was fine when they hated me because the voices in their heads told them too but this is taking it too far! :twisted:
Nicht nur die NESARA-Gläubigen Deutschen hassen, hassen sie alles was Germanen. Deutsch Kartoffelsalat, Deutsch Schokoladenkuchen, deutsche Ingenieurskunst und deutsche Masern. Dies liegt daran, Deutschen, nicht die englische Königin oder Chinesisch oder Ratzkeller Bowlingspielligamanagement wirklich hinter der Neuen Weltordnung und ihre Nutzung Ihrer Wohlstand Pakete für Yo-Yos, kennen sie nicht.
Ok the las Mielke (in my branch of the tree) that spoke German was 4 generations ago. so I'm that German.

Re: Looking for Proof

Post by bmielke »

Used a free translator, I get the drift.